This module is invoked by the {{Dialogue}}
--| Creates dialogue definition lists --- For whatever reason, refuses to make blockquotes --- <nowiki> local Dialogue = {} ---- -- Libraries and Globals ---- -- Parses invocation and template parameters, trims whitespace, and removes blanks. local getArgs = require('Dev:Arguments').getArgs ---- -- Local Functions ---- local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName) return function (frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return Dialogue[funcName](args) end end ---- -- Public Functions ---- --% Formats dialogue between multiple speakers --- Intended to replace {{Dialogue}}. --- Syntax compliant with [[wikipedia:Template:Dialogue]] --- with portability and citation modifications --@ frame (table) Invokes the frame from {{Dialogue}}. See [[Template:Dialogue/doc]]. --: (string) HTML <dl /> Dialogue.main = makeInvokeFunc('dialogue') --% & crafts the Dialogue definition list --@ args (table) Arguments passed from Module function call <code>[.main]</code> or other Lua Modules function Dialogue.dialogue (args) local block = mw.html.create('dl') for i,v in ipairs(args) do local next_param = i + 1 local mood_line = next_param / 2 if i == 1 then if v == 'action' then block:tag('dd') :tag('small'):attr('data-dialogue','action') :tag('u') :wikitext('['..args[next_param]..']') :done():done():done() else local speaker = (args[i] and args[args[i]]) and args[args[i]] or ( type(args[i]) == 'string' and mw.text.trim(args[i]):len() > 0 ) and args[i] or nil speaker = speaker and string.format("'''%s'''", speaker) local mood = args['mood'..mood_line] or nil mood = mood and string.format(" ''(%s)''", mood) if speaker or mood then block:tag('dt') :wikitext( ('%s%s'):format( speaker or '', mood or '') ):done() end if args[next_param] then block:tag('dd'):tag('q') :wikitext(args[next_param]) :done():done() else block:tag('dd'):wikitext('...'):done() end end elseif math.fmod(i, 2) == 1 then if v == 'action' then block:tag('dd') :tag('small') :attr('data-dialogue','action') :tag('u') :wikitext('['..args[next_param]..']') :done():done():done() else local speaker = (args[i] and args[args[i]]) and args[args[i]] or ( type(args[i]) == 'string' and mw.text.trim(args[i]):len() > 0 ) and args[i] or nil speaker = speaker and string.format("'''%s'''", speaker) local mood = args['mood'..mood_line] or nil mood = mood and string.format(" ''(%s)''", mood) if speaker or mood then block:tag('dt') :wikitext( ('%s%s'):format( speaker or '', mood or '') ) :done() end if args[next_param] then block:tag('dd'):tag('q') :wikitext(args[next_param]) :done():done() else block:tag('dd'):wikitext('...'):done() end end end end block:done() if args['cite'] then block:tag('cite'):wikitext(string.format("— %s", args['cite'])):done() end return tostring(block) end ---- -- Output ---- return Dialogue