Podcasts/The Satanists Nextdoor Ep46 Internal Strife and the Path Forward for TST

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Show Notes

In this episode, Tommy and Lilin shift their focus from the planned discussion on abortion laws in Texas to address the recent internal conflicts within The Satanic Temple (TST). Joined by Lucien Greaves, they delve into the controversy surrounding TST leadership and ministerial disputes that have erupted over the past week.

The conversation begins with Lilin recounting her experience of discovering and confronting a group within TST that was sharing derogatory memes and discussing potentially harmful actions against the organization. As the situation escalated, it became clear that this was more than just idle chatter, leading to serious concerns about the intentions of some members.

Lucien provides his perspective on the matter, explaining the gravity of the situation and the steps taken to address it. He highlights the importance of maintaining professionalism and the challenges of managing an organization where internal strife can easily undermine the collective mission. The discussion also touches on the broader implications of these internal issues, especially in the context of the upcoming election year and the ongoing fight for religious and reproductive rights.

Throughout the episode, the hosts emphasize the need for transparency, accountability, and unity within TST. They call on members to engage constructively, uphold the organization's values, and support each other in the face of external and internal challenges. This episode serves as a reminder of the importance of solidarity and the collective effort required to advance TST's mission.

Join Tommy, Lilin, and Lucien as they navigate this complex and contentious topic, urging listeners to stay informed, get involved by contacting info@thesatanictemple.com, and contribute to a stronger, healthier, more cohesive TST community. https://www.satanistsnextdoor.com/ep46-internal-strife-and-the-path-forward-for-tst/
