The Black Flame Vol. 2 No. 4

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Full uncorrected text (3/17/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 2 No. 4.

The Black Flame Vol. 2 No. 4

Iron Youth by Peter H. Gilmore

Satanists are continually accused by the media and hysterical Christian fanatics of child recruitment. They tell grim tales of slavering Satanists lurking about playgrounds and schoolyards in search of apple-cheeked innocents who are to be kidnapped and then brainwashed into becoming servants of Satan. These feeble folk simply can't catch on to the fact that we find them, as well as the rotten fruit of their loins, to be unredeemably mediocre and not even worth pondering, let alone inviting into the Church of Satan. Such fantasies must stem from wishful, thinking; these drones dearly hope that they will be considered important enough to get our attention. To such I say, "Dream on!"

The youths that interest us are our own children, doubly blessed with fine genetic material as well as receiving the appropriate love, care, discipline and education to become part of the world's elite. As we move into the year XXVI, we find that many try I Satanists are in the process of raising a cherished second generation of Satanists. These young individuals are not forced into Satanism, but are raised to employ an open and questioning approach to all things, particularly religions and philosophies. Children do not take part in Satanic rituals save, should the parents so desire, for a Satanic Baptism Which celebrates the glorious carnality that gave rise to this precious new life.

We don't allow children to participate in ritual ' Workings until they have gained a full understanding of the principles involved and can contribute to the ritual process. Parents may mark the occasion of the young adults' stage of maturity, wherein they first take part in ritual, through a Satanic Confirmation ritual which welcomes the individual as a conscious magician and dedicated Satanist. This ritual should stress the nascent talents that the confirmee will work to develop through the application of Will, to become a true member of the elite.

Satanist parents are acutely aware of the great responsibility in their hands of giving their children the proper guidance to separate the diamonds from the dross in the overwhelming mass of information now available. They are careful to let their children know that they have few, if any, peers amongst the herd through which they must pass with utmost caution. They teach them to study all things, not to worship anything above themselves and those whom they value. They are taught to revel in their animal nature, and to study the nature of the human animal with great care, as Mankind does exist as a society which must be comprehended in order to master the methods of achieving personal desires.

Above all, our children will be encouraged to discover and develop their unique aptitudes, to explore many alternatives and chose that which each loves best. They shall surely inherit the globe as well as the stars, living lives full of success and pleasure.

We Satanists are here to stay and our iron youth, splendidly self-confident and disciplined, are the keys to the gateway into eternity. I have seen the glorious strength through joy radiating from the faces of our next generation and confidently predict that tomorrow, indeed, belongs to us.

Any and all artides, letters, essays or commentary submitted to this publication yet demonstrating an ignorance of the principles and ideas in The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey will be ignored. --

   Freud has today been virtually discarded by man"y individuals on the basis of a few of his

disturb nces, and how they can relate to the !Jestruction rifuals, or_cur es s they are m re unconscious. Compleat Witches will notice how th' , papularly known, are Satanism s biggest box office

accident or sihrply for his own gaih∑. fn words, his actions weren't "personal."

miscalculations and excesses, yet Freud was the pioneer, the daring man who discovered much of

can be utilized in determining things about a per 18 oast. When Karla LaVey appeared last Halloween on that remai hidden. Some examples given are v onI it}le Joan Rivers Show, Joan spe t mos of her time

But then there are those others. If you're lucky, you'll only meet a handful before you're old. I call

what we now consider to be either common knowledge or hidden fact.

    In going back and reading the bulk of Freud's work, I have found there to be quite a few links in thought or practice with Satanism and Satanic philosophy. Let's begin with one of my favorite quotes: "A man should not strive to eliminate his complexes but to get into accord with them: they are legitimately what directs his conduct in this world." ∑ Hey! Doesn't this sound a lot like turning your liabilities into advantages? Or transforming alienation into exclusivity? This is a key point many have missed, not only in Freud's writings but also in Satanic theory and practice, as it seems to go against

obvio_us i_n their re_velati?n whil_e other require mu t [g. rillin.g the Church of Sata 's High Pnestess about exammation (provided) mto therr function. Jhe famous curse that kt_lled Sa Br_ody and,

    Satanists are not entity-worshippers and neith  irnfoi:tunatel ', Jayne Mansf1e!d. Whtie Miss LaVey w s F_reud. Enemies of blind belief in gods or devir  tried ?etermmedly to emph s1ze that h i:..fa her had will fmd much to embrace in Freud's The Future ofï !so erformed a ve,ry effective compass10 ntua for An Illusion. In i_t,_ he endeavors to identify the the heal h of Jayn , s son, Joan kept swervmg thmgs psychology of rehg1on and theology. While there is  pack to 1 that curse.	.

some room for argument here, it's important to me Whe Church Satan representatives ali'pear that I ask myself questions raised in this work. Many anywhere rn the media, both the hosts and aud1e.nce Satanists would likely benefit from similar self. l tnembers repeatedly ask:"Can you put a curse on q estioning. If we are the ones always asking "why?" j some?ne? <:;ould you hurrme, right now?" Becau e of mightn't we also ask ourselves t_he same thing? Jhe emphasis our movement makes on dark over hght,

   Possibly my favorite, out of the works of Freud	$trerfgth over weakness, the herd cowers in our that I've read, is Civilization and Its Dicscontents.	 presence, fearful of attracting attention and provoking

them hungry souls. A hungry soul appears in your life, maybe at your job, in a club, or right in your own family, and he takes an immediate, special interest in you. You have something he wants, and while it∑ might seem to be your job, your reputation, girlfriend, prestige, whatever, what it really is, is your life.force. You're a Satanist; you brim over with animal charisma, effect_iveness, purpose, joy. Most people just perceive'you a's a_good person to have around to _h .lp things get done make ife interesting. B t a hungry soul wants to 'steal this rare and temptmg b/µck flame that's pjlling out of you. He hates you because he's-so))Iii,eraole himself. It's nothing you've done to him; it's yoU: And so he tries to trip you up,

liability becoming advantage, can be something into which many would naturally fall, such as the masochist finding consenting outlets for his/her urges, or the deformed man becoming a renowned circus attraction. More on this later.

    Those of you who have read The Church of Satan, by Blanche Barton, have probably noticed the inclusior: of Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams on the reading list. This is a terrific place for Satanists to begin their exploration of Freud. Magicians have always been dream interpreters. This book was one of Freud's major turning points since one of its primary assertions is that the functioning of dreams provides systematic evidence of the Unconscious. Freud was forced, in this volume, to defend two theories at once. His basic conclusion that "dreams represent the fulfillment of wishes... " is not as simplistic as it sounds. Wish fulfillment in dreams is often so disguised that one is frequently apt to miss its occurrence.  Freud  provides  many  perplexing examples and case studies to illustrate his findings. For Satanists, this does not mean that you will now be equipped to interpret others' dreams, but it will give you splendid ammo and resources to learn from your own dreams about your hidden desires or impulses. After all, isn't the true meaning of the word "occult," that which is hidden?

We've all heard of the "Freudian Slip," right?

another, claim to despise modem civilization. While I A waste of time,∑of course. These people are agree that there is room for drastic improvement, this cursed with themselyes. But if we eve got start d... out and out contempt for the world is something I am I Jiav recently had c ntacJ with S tantsts of dismayed with. Freud investigated this situation and l many different age and experie!')Ce levels. l'ye noticed wh t c vilization is and m ans. This might give you, that among, our you ger constitu nts:, th re is a as1t dtd me, some clues mto your own alienation. (endency to rely heavily on the destruct10n ntual as Then align yourself! As Satanists we are of an proof of magical ability. This is, to an extent, alignment, a way of living in harmony with our understandable. Young adults in American society are∑ personal nature. This is something to have pride in. in a position now where they have almost no control It's not enough for me to take the name of Satanist. If over their own lives or situations, yet have all the I, or we, are truly walking the left hand path, it is vital desires, abilities and intelligence of many their senior. to know what this path touches in you and not let go When threatened, it is extremely tempting for a young of that which brings you joy or achievement. Satanist to solve his problems with a destruction

   Since alienation from the herd is one of the	ritual. He can now strike back, and because of his acknowledged keys of Satanism, I think we shouldj	youthful fervor, his rituals are often extremely

get to know our personal alienated cores. We do this effective nd the results swift. I would say that of the in our rituals. It is one of the primary functions of , atanists I've met, most will tell you that their first ritualization. To borrow from Ayn Rand, to say "I am }\ ntual was a curse, that it worked, and that they were a Satanist" you must first learn to say the "I." Who are thus hqoked n Satanic magic. YOU? But we all grow up. We stop putting curses on I could go on at length regarding psychology and l P o_Ple who cut us off in traffic, on the boss for not Satanism, but the real goal of this discourse, and of giving us a raise, etc. In fact, destruction rituals are my enthusiasm here, is to get you to read Freud for '.ew and far between; I've participated in maybe three yourself. I'd l ke for my fellow children of the nig t tn my fifteen y ars as_a S_at nist. They were placed to seek and discover their own personal rewards 1n t< upon very particular md1v1duals, people who had these a_nd other_volumes. Let's put to rest the idea that \ crossed 1:1Y_Path and bloc ed my way. But_ not just Freud 1s bullshit. How many denouncers of Freud do , 10cked 1t; _m fact, th re will be people durmg your ∑ you know who have never read one of his books? 1fe who will mess thmgs up for you but good, and

froin petty annoyances.,fo character.assaisihation. I've watched one hungry soul his entire life, his money, _career, repl;! atio,n vq._P,,ers_onaJ lJ_appiness to stealing the Satani flame fr9m another man. But it hasn't worked, and wiU never:wo1k, ∑. '-

   This is the person for whom 'you perform a destruction ritual. You can't be his frieqd;yo1,1. can't redirect or rehabilitate him. You can only get rid of him because he will not stop, ever.
    nd a proper destructio,n ritual is n t fun time. You don't call up all your witchy friends for coffee, cake and a DR. You .bring one or two clo e associates together, those who can share and therefore amplify your pain and anger at t is_person. And as you stand before the Sigil of Baphomet, wherever you have chosen to locate it, you re-experience the anguish and frustration all over again, for as long as it takes. If feeling sorry for yourself is an indulgence, then this is where you indulge completely. '.fhen you begin.
   Every religion has, if you go-back ∑in∑ their canon far enough, a destruction ritµal.∑'Fhe Catholics have performed funeral Masses f_or living enemies, and rabbis in Israel have recently revived an ancient Hebrew prayer that calls for the death of an enemy. Retribution is the way of the human animal; we are evolved from predatory beasts who took what they wanted by force and destroyed their enemies to enjoy their booty in peace.

Well, the real name of this phenomenon is Parapraxis, and it is the primary of Freud's book The

Men are not gentle, friendly creatures wishing for love, who simply defend themselves if they are

1. Yet_, when examining the situation from a rational I oint of view, you can see that a curse is not really

So when traveling in open territory, bother no one. But if a hungry soul deliberately blocks your

Psychopathology of Everyday Life. This often quite humorous volume investigates slips of the pen, speech

attacked ...a powerful measure of desire for agression \ What's required. This person might actually be better has to be reckoned as part of their intrinsic instinctual ' at something than you are, or did whaf he did by endowment. Sigmund Freud

path, well, the only Jawis fang and claw! Hail Satan!


ODDITORIUM by Peggy Nadramia

   Apocalypse Culture edited by Adam Parfey.		The Fenris Wolf, Issue Number Two, edited by (Feral House, Los Angeles, 1990; softcover, 362   Carl Abrahamsso_n. (Psychick Release PCP, pages, $12.95).	Stockholm, 1990; softcover with dustjacket, 103

This is the latest, expanded and revised edition, pages,∑no price listed).

and inclu_des eighteen new articles while deleting A soft little grey book, but potent and seeded twelve from the first version. It is therefore well with information and inspiration. For those unfamiliar worth your while, even if you were lucky enough to with Thee Temple∑ov Ps-ychick Youth, they are a , ,purchase the first edition. Joe Coleman's painting still bunch of very nice people concerned with Thelema I graces AC's cover. and personal magical achievement, and with J J.G. Ballard claimed this book "the terminal spreading their ideas through such media as music, documents of the twentieth century;" in his diatribe books and film. Articles in this issue 'include "The against Satanism, Painted Black, Carl Raschke Satan Game," an analysis of the recent Christian claimed that "apocalypse culture emanates from the hysteria, "In Defence of Satanism" by editor Carl conviction that nothing must be denied or shielded Abrahamsson and "The Homs of Dilemma" by Dr. from the light of day." Indeed, the essays here explore Anton LaVey. Lest you think that Satanism is usually necrophilia, castration, eugenics, lycanthropy and the topic, or the only topic, the issue also contains much more. It is an attempt, on one level, to catalog work by Genesis P-Orridge, Ja:ck Stevenson and Tim the ideas and individuals who stand and live in direct O'Neill. I particularly ∑enjoyed Stevenson's opposition. to, as Parfrey says, "the imperium of companion pieces, "15 Voices From God" and "18 overpopulation, capital and stupidity... Apocalypse Fatal Arguments," both compiled from newspaper


ups the ante." accounts in the late Seventies. Inquire of the price,

  • The book is divided this time into two sections: with three IRC's (that's International Reply Coupons, I Apocalypse Theologies and The Invisible War. Anton y'all; they're like gift certificates for stamps at the La.Vey contributes the title essay for the second half, other end -- if the P.O. tells you they don't know what

and the Abraxas Foundation and Boyd Rice are also they are, put the lash to them!) to: Psychick Release -, contributors. PCP. P. 0. Box 26067, S-10041 Stockholm, Sweden. I Don't crawl into the back of an occult shop to


find the spurious Necronomicon; go to a clean, well-lighted bookstore and pick up Apocalypse Culture. It's all the forbidden lore you'll need. To order direct, see Feral House's ad elsewhere f in this issue.

  The Atrocity Exhibition by J.G. Ballard. (Re/Seai;ch, San Francisco, 1990; large-format

1 softcover, 127 pages. $13.99). \ This is a new, revised edition with annotations and commentary by the author, plus four additonal Stories, profusely illustrated and including photos. If You're a Ballard reader, this is something you'll want for your personal library. . Ballard writes of a future gone mad, but his

The Fifth Path, Issue.Number One, edited by Robert Ward. (The Fifth Path, Carmichael, Calif .ï i 991; softcover, 48 pages, $3.50 cover price). ,,

   The Mission Statement here is interesting: "To challenge people to think and question what they know, what they believe. what they're told; To Examine Music, Religion, Politics, Philosophies, Literature, Arts, Etc., From Opposite Ends .of The Spectrum Dealing With Ideas Important, Amusing, Annoying and Offensive." Sounds like they're off to a good start. So what' in here? Mucho reviews of music and books, including Boyd Rice's "Music, Martinis and Misanthropy11 and The Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton. There are also several interviews, including one with Zeena LaVey, in


fictions are merely extrapolations of our present-day , :lities,,of the flaws in our myth and belief systems. . peoples his cracked and dry landscape of America icons like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis and Elizabeth aylor. Artist Phoebe Gloeckner and photographer ?na Barrado evoke the sterility here quite beautifully. , 11∞u may order The Atrocity Exhibition directly from i, ,c/Search, 20 Romolo, #B, San Francisco, CA 1133. Price includes shipping.

which she affirms that she has stepped down from her position as High Priestess and spokeswoman for the Church of Satan to operate the Werewolf.Order, now based in Europe. The Werewolf Order, she states, prohibits its members from affiliation or collaboration with any other groups, including the Church of Satan. I think $5.00 will cover price and postage for The Fifth Path; their address is: P.O. Box 1632, Carmichael, CA 95609-1632.

.. l <

   Extremist Groups in America by Susan Lang. (Franklin Watts, New York, 1990; 155 pages; ISBN 0-531-10901-1). Reviewed by Nemo.
   This book has large print and few pages, but don't be deceived! Within you will find a balanced and richly informative report on the history, present, and probable future of angry bigots in North America as well as a few other Western culture regions. Included is a quick psychological sketch of the causes of bigotry in addition to a brief summary of the universal message of almost all such groups, to wit:
   "You've been cheated. There is a widespread conspiracy against us. The conspirators are sexually corrupt. Doom is just around the corner. Capitalism and Communism both threaten us. We can't trust the foreigners. Our enemies are low animals. There is no middle ground. There must be no polluting of blood (we must remain racially pure). But with disaster around the corner, what can you do? The situation is

too urgent to permit the luxury of thought. Everybody is against me (they're trying to shut me up)."

the book worthwhile as a documentation ofh ., mentality and control in these last years of twentieth century. A good book! e 1 i, Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven by Dt 1 Ranke-Heinemann, translated from the Germanba }1 Peter Heinigg (Doubleday, 1990; hardcover 36b\ pages; $12.95) Reviewed by Wolf. '

    A history of two thousand years of Roma t Catholic teachings about sex, this book is probabnI	ti the most devastating indictment of Christianity evf written by a Christian theologian. It is an excellen 1 source of ammunition for debate against defenders of : Christianity. The author combines a biting wit with a detailed knowledge of her subject; it's a good read.	 ï'
   The	es_sen e of Christian morality is revealed to be a demomzation of sex more extreme and lurid than

most of us could dream up even for a fantasy novel. f At best the vile pleasure was grudgingly tolerated J because of the need to continue the species. Thomas ' Aquinas, the most influential theologian since

( P∑ 287 ..9). The present Pope, John Paul II, has /ec1ared that even a husband with AIDS may not use a. condom with his wife, even after her menopause; if be cannot stomach lifelong abstinence, better to risk infecting her than to avail himself of the forbidden device (p. 298). The author clearly favors a massive reform of Christianity, not its overthrow. However, any such reform would seem to require the repudiation of virtually every major figure in the history of Christian theology, and would still not address the religion's failings in other areas, to which Dr. LaVey and others have calle9 attention. Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven ranked among XXIV's best-sellers in Germany, where it was first published. One can only hope it will find as wide an audience here. It would be difficult for any open≠ minded person to read this book without concluding that the entire Christian belief system is an irredeemable mess and needs to be scrapped.

present Number 2 is replaced, by a new interrogator (played by new actors-in each episode.) The final Number 2 is played by Leo McKern in a wonderful two part finale that explores the reason for the lack of there being a-Number One.

   McKem undertakes the arduous confessor role as he uses psychological techniques pioneered by

Freud, Neitzsche, Jung and Pavlov. Number 6 comes jï close to becoming a Nietzschean superman as he finally .triumphs over his captor's psychodramatic techniques and jailor-imposed herd conformity. His most famous line, a Satanic motto, is "I will not be pushed, filed, indexed, stamped, briefed, debriefed or numbered. I am∑not a number. I am a free man!" This motto outlines the satanic attitude against the crashing waves of herd mentality.

   For people who enjoyed this series and its enigmatic surrealism. and wondered what became of the Prisoner after the final episode, there is now an illustrated authorized sequel entitled The Prisoner -

Shattered Visage published by D.C. Comics Inc., 666

   I would suggest that if you are ever to encounter this approach you should. as a Satanist. realize you are in the presence of someone who wishes you to join his herd and be led to the slaughter. Some elements of this pitch may be (and are!) true. but the issue of abandoning "the luxury of thought" should be the tip-off. In any herd activity the first thing to go is the mind.
   The analysis of the more current changes within the KKK have important lessons for us all. The Klan is finding that by substituting three-piece∑suits for robes, and religion for night-riding. they are making in-roads in acceptance and growth that were denied

Augustine, held masturbation, oral sex, an-dt The Prisoner (television series) Reviewed by homosexuality to be worse than rape, because they l Andre T. Soly. exclude the possibility of conception (p. 197), and If readers of TBF haven't heard of the British penance books often set harsher penalties for oral sex series The Prisoner, they're missing one of the most or contraception than for premeditated murder (p. \ Satanic programs of the twentieth century. 149). A-Christian Roman emperor decreed death by The height of it's popularity was seen in the burning for homosexuality, while a 15th-century I960's while it slowly diminished late into the '70's preacher urged the same punishment for all non- and can be seen today on most public broadcasting reproductive sexual acts, even between husband and channels. If you have not seen the pilot episode of the wife (p. 207). series, here is a brief synopsis of the eponymous The book Js enlivened by many ludicrous quotes character's predicament that serves as an introduction. from medieval pedants. One example, from the 13th The-Prisoner (played by Patrick Mcgoohan who century C.E.: "When a holy man has carnal. ï also produced the series and directed several

,Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10103. It sells for $19.95 (U.S.) and $25.95 (Canada).

   The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard. (Destiny Books, Vermont, 1989; perfect bound paperback. 183 pages with a 13 photograph layout - drawings throughout. $10.95) Reviewed by Andre T. Soly.

This book should be re-titled Occultists Mo Influenced Society. It deals with the Knights Templar, The Rosicrucians, various Hell Fire Clubs, and Freemasonry. Michael Howard beautifully details each of the above groups in their successes and

intentions as a religion called the Identity Movement, Klan members like Thom Robb not only find it easier to present their ideas to people who would never consider the Klan but gain free access to public cable television stations across the country.

   I found this book very useful in uncovering some fairly obscure trivia in its overview of dozens of far right and left extremist groups. Where did the name Posse Comitatus come from? Exactly when did Lyndon LaRouche switch from being a left-wing communist to attempting alliances with neo-nazis, generic white supremacists and the KKK? Why did Tom Metzger, creator of the White Aryan Resistance,

personally contribute $100 to Louis Farrakhan's

him in the course of it in no way pleases him, but Secret Service (spoken of only as the "Agency") a rather is hateful to him, then such commerce ts rol similar to that which he played in the earlier without sin. This, however, seldom happens." (p. 1 ser!es Secret Agent. One day he decides that he will 159). 1 r sign, and it is implied that this-is because he has Throughout history the Church has resorted to fi_nally seen behind the "game" of espionnage and is the most brutal tactics to win its war against human I sï k o his hand in it. After handing in his nature. When the Popes first decided to impose i res!gnation, he is quickly abducted and imprisoned on priestly celibacy in the 11th century C.E., for l an JSla d known only as "The Village" (reminiscent example, they provoked a near-rebellion by outraged fa J?tSneyland form of environme t) whose only priests whose marriages were thereby abrogated,. nhabitants are ex-agents from agencies all over the Ultimately the Church enforced its decree by Wor who know too many dangerous secrets or empowering local authorities to imprison or enslave sensitive_ data. Nobody ca esc_ape this island due to the wives of priests. l an ∞:gamcally created sentmel m the form of a large, That the cited attitudes no longer dominate • roanng sphereoid and everyone's name is deleted and

and the Illuminati are implicated as having plotted and executed their plan for the French revolution while foolishly advocating the religious Reformation of England.

   Howard chronicles the sudden upsurge of occult activities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries which includes such people as Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt. Sifting through hushed-up sordid material he brings to light the P2-Vatican, Mafia scandal and the ever-present "threat" of Masonic dignitaries and spies infiltrating the Papacy.
   Among the photos there is an excellent time-line which basically depicts the highlights of of the book. Howard dives headlong into ,the obscure rumors of

Nation of Islam and in what ways do they share common goals?

modern life and law is due more to the declining I influence of Christianity than to any profound change

replaced by a number. th . Patrick McGoohan ( 6) defies his situation and

occultism during World War II as he traces such activities as Crowley employed. by British

   As Satanists, we always need to see past the hype to get to the truth behind events. A careful reading of this book offers a number of clues to recognizing the controlling hand behind all of America's extremist groups. If nothing more, I found

in its dogma. Indeed, the Church continues to decre be imposed herd conformity as Number 2 attempts to new insanities to keep up with the modern world. or } h:ak ;McGoohan 's will and force hi to confess why example, in 1916, the Vatican commanded that tf a resigned. To squeeze the confession from Number husband tries to have sex with his wife using a \ N seems to be the only priority task assigned to condom, she must resist him "as she would a rapist" Umber 2, and after each unsuccessful attempt the

Intelligence. New Forest witches suppressing the invasion of Britain, psychic wars waged against the Reich, et al. A plethora of goals achieved by occultists are contained within the end-pages of this book and

I 4/

∑r .. I

Howard's bibliographic notes are the most extensive ones I've ever seen regarding a documentary such as this. A must for the history buff.

   SACRED WAR. a CD produced by Cornel Hillmann for'Gymnastic Records, Gym #205, featuring various artists. Available for $20 from Gymnastic Records, BCM Box 3673, London, WClN 3.XX, U.K. Reviewed by Alan Driscoll.
   This omnibus CD originally compiled under the working title "The Demonic Revolution" is a compendium of apocalyptic music with selections

NAOS, A Practical Guide to Modern Magickb,ï mbodying the Goddess." Also included is an article hurs!on West. (Coxland Press, Berkshire, U.K. n the "Sinister Path" as well as a contact sheet which nng bmd r, _248 pages, $59 [$53 to readers of TBF >i , }ists organizations and publications. The price is high quo_te this issue when ordering] + $7 S & H) )J for such a brief publication with minimal production Reviewed by Louis Pierre Garou. ∑ ti values, but they do live up to their intentions,

   This is quite an unusual format for a book  regardless. c mceri:ii g ':∞agical techniques; bound in a 2 rin

bmder 1t 1s hke a manual for computer software. 1 I ∑ 1he Mephisto Blues, a blues rock opera by Scott claims to present for the first time a series of exercises I Stets, Bristol Community College of Fall River, 8 and techniques called the "septenary tradition" that May, 1990. Reviewed by Scott Stets. have long been unavailable to the public. There is also 1. ,. This piece, written, directed, and musically a statement that this material is not for sale to those directed by Scott Stets (BCC Music Club President

Deja Vu Books and The Grimoire Bookshop, 1 CataJog #18. (3I Trafalg r St., Brighton, BNl 4ED, U.K.) Reviewed by Peter H. Gilmore

   We received this fascinating catalog from the Angled Isle which includes rare and out-of-print tomes, as well as recent releases, covering a broad range of inagic'al and occult topics as well as related areas of interest. This is certainly a treasure trove for the collector who is willing to invest in some unique rarities. The listing is also well annotated. Send four

,IRC's for a sample catalog. The Church of War (C.O.W.AN.), Box 15, i

from Death in June, Savage Republic, Yeht Mae, Up/Rotor, Super Heroines, Mephisto Waltz, Sol Invictus, and most interestingly a cut from NON's Japanese ritual performance "Total War" as well as Dr. LaVey performing his own "Hymn Of The

under 18 years of age, no doubt because of the j and Church of Satan member), updates the Faust chapter on sexual magic. Mr. West is a member of the t hegend, leaving out the cliched Christian "guilt-trips" Order of Nine Angles, the U.K. group that practices ï! .ï∑ of earlier versions. what they call "traditional" Satanism. Their approach g ∑ 1he Mephisto Blues begins in the blues∑heaJ1land to magic has two forms: external - controlling r[∑of the Mississippi River Delta, where Randy Owens

∑ Altadena, CA 91003. Recorded Information Hotline: (213) 288-6996. Reviewed by Peter H. Gilmore. ∑ I was quite surprised and delighted to receive a

  • number of communiques from this organization

...l I ..i ,.I

Satanists' music collection. The music here ranges from danceable tunes and Industrial darkness to marching anthems, a sort of soundtrack for your next End of the World party. The graphics are outstanding in the accompanying booklet with ravishing color

concer ed with the devel pment of th practitioner's 1 roads on a moonl_ess night, his guitar playing is t us consciousness. Techmques are discussed in a ],improved. The chmax of the show's battle of society straightforward manner ranging from tpe three stage ';{Christianity) vs. rock & roll (Powers of Darkness) initi tion (involvin?, coitus as well_as _a difficult ( for a.wens' soul is reached n a fi_ery musical duel. He physical goal) to the Star Game1' which 1s an actuarl dies m a plane crash, leavmg his soul to Satan, but

similar to the Church of Satan. Here are some quotations from their literature to whet your interest.

   "We seek to forge a path outside the wasteland of religionism and godism. We do not reject all aspects of religion, however. We feel that ritual,

addresses. Prominently figuring on the cover, as well as the disc itself, is the family seal of Karl Wiligut. An intriguing collection.

magical skills and develop certain higher This play deals not only with religious themes, consciousness levels. The Tarot is also employed as but with the dangers of a rock & roll lifestyle (drugs, well as a system of chanting. All in all it does 'marriage breakups, unscrupulous record company

life are valid even to atheists such as ourselves... We see ritual not as a vehicle for requesting assistance from gods, but as a way to focus our energies, a way


    The Sun at Night by Roger Williamson. (The Vann Press, Minneapolis, MN, 1989; paperback, 123

function as a guide to a wide genre of hermetic .promoters and club owners, etc.). The Faustian myth magic. This book is rather steeply priced. but would 'was chosen to reflect the principles in Dr. LaVey's be of interest to those who are concerned with "Nine∑Satanic Statements."

to look inside." (Communique 29. The Manifesto of Atheist Paganism). ∑ j "There is no immovable set of rules that governs

pages, $6.95 + $1.00 S&H). Reviewed by Louis

alternative esoteric magical systems. Included along This performance was greeted by outstanding

COWAN. We have no dogma, only a process....the .


magician. The magical techniques involved are drawn

only to members, it seems from a publishers note that currently being written by Mr. Stets. Those interested

see life as an ongoing all-out WAR. perhaps these ,J

from the "classical" Golden Dawn school of thought

this is available for $68 per year membership, which in further information on these events may contact

brave few have finally found a home. It is time for


despair to end and tactics to begin." (Communique ï 1'.'t

which here focus eventually on the recognition of includes postage. Both of these publications are Scott Stets at P.O. Box 5 74, Fall River, MA .4

Lucifer as the agent that is present in matter, and inside each individual, which animates and purifies it. We are given an intimate tour of Barry's relationship

available from Coxland Press, The Studio, Chalkpit j 02723-9998. Farm, Englefield RG7 5EE, Berkshire, U.K. I.\ The Heretical Inquisitor, Volume 1, #1 & #2.

35, The Cult of COWAN).

   "While COWAN makes many a foray into Deviant realms, we have little patience for most who

with Vivian, and follow this apprentice as he is prepared for initiation into the Order of the Morning Star by his mentor Randolph Vann. The development of Barry's consciousness, both forwards and backwards, is told with vivid, well sculpted prose. This novel was written while the author listened to

EXEAT(Thormynd Press, P.O. Box 4, Church Stretton, Shropshire, U.K.; 8 pages - stapled at the edge; $7 each, $10 subscription). Reviewed by Louis Pierre Garou. Here is another offering from the O.N.A. group which intends to explore taboo subjects, the Left

Newsletter edited by Damigeryron. (P.O. Box 2042, - Fairview Hts., IL 62208. Six pages, corner stapled) f Send a long Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope for a \ sample copy. Reviewed by Louis Pierre Garou. The purpose of this slim, but pithy, newsletter is o stated to be a forum for the opinions of the editor.

∑ claim to be fellow travelers... Worst of all the armchair deviants are the assorted Occultists... These trendoids latch onto any occultic tangent that offers them a creepy, spooky, haunted house thrill. One day its Voodoo, one week Crowley, one day "Wicca", but most painful of all: Satanism ... These subhuman

specific pieces of music which.are listed should the

Hand Path, and anything tending to disrupt, f This is nb lie, as he takes time to discourse on such

imbeciles, who do NOT (and never will) understand

reader care to have a soundtrack for the book. While not a depiction of Satanism, nevertheless some Satanic concepts are present. Christianity is vilified herein as an abomination and points of Satanic view are revealed to Barry at one of the climaxes of his journey. This novel would 9.ertatnly interest anyone familiar with a broad range of magical practice. A tastefully and well crafted small press effort.

undermine and destroy conventional views, ideas, and morality. This they do with an article which explores incest which finds some elements of it to be acceptible, a curse used against large businesses and political groups which involves sending actual letters informing employees or party members that a curse has been placed upon them, as well as a personal discussion of a sexual relationship with a young girl

t,. topics as politics, racism, chaos magick, music, I humor, education and whatever else happens to strike his fancy. The writing is clear and his perspective on various issues is interesting. He welcomes submissions of articles, as well as letters, but does not guarantee that he'll print them. . . Overall, the directness and honesty of this presentation is refreshing. Check it out. .

even one word of Anton LaVey's philosophy, deserve nothi,ng but abuse and terror." (Communique 36, Beyond Deviance Towards Dignity and Substance).

   These active individualists are even making a sortie into .public access television. Send them $5.00 for some of their elegantly produced communiques. They have recognized a common ground with us and we would do well to reciprocate.






? . By the mystic's terms. or lack thereof. I suppose 1 l could be wrong. but I have heard no good argument disprove my assertion - that everything. or every ,tx:perience that people call "spiritual" is really )ïomething carnal in disguise. First, let's define , ,,.carnal." Random House Dictionary: -\{ "Of the body or flesh." J \ The American Heritage Dictionary: I ti "Relating to the desires of the .flesh; not , , piritual." i ∑:. Andhowdo the same two sources define ∑.,spiritual?" ∑ "The incorporeal part of human beings as a whole or of individuals. as the soul." r, "Of or pertaining to the life-giving principles of human beings." That makes me wonder whether this should be l an argument about the existence of souls. Basically, r I'll have to concede that I don't know if there are souls. How could anyone know? It can more easily be disproved than proved. But even disproving their 1 existence is like trying to disprove that little pink elephants live in another galaxy somewhere. I doubt it, bui I couldn't prove it. ∑

   Okay, obvious question: how do we know what we know? Through the perceptions of our senses and/or minds'. How do we know we're right? The law of identity: A is A, something exists when you can assign it objective characteristics. So, if you say you've had a spiritual (not of the body) experience,

to work pretty hard to convince me that dolphins know what your hangups are. ∑ People will often refer to a particularly emotional experience as a spiritual experience. or sometimes persons will claim to have reached a higher "spiritual plane" than that which they had previously inhabited. Claims such as these are usually made about the emotions they encountered while doing a one-hundred-percent carnal activity such as having sex. getting intoxicated. meditating. or even ritualizing! Why not just admit that whatever it was you were doing, was exciting -- maybe the most exciting thing you've ever encountered? This seems to me to be fallout from the Osmoconsciousness programming of the masses. People these days feel they must make some kind of excuse for not only having carnal desires, but for enjoying them too! .

   Satanists enjoy our animal natures to the fullest and don't try to make excuses or ask for forgiveness. Satanists understand that carnal life is most precious because it is not eternal. Satanists understand that one of the most significant differences between our religion and that of the white-lighters, Moslems and occultniks, is our acknowledgement that our carnality needs no justification. I suggest that those still hazy on this subject tum to page 83 of The Satanic Bible.
   As for the emotional or "spiritual" charge you get when fulfilling your carnal desires -- enjoy it! Emotions are only useful when you use them! Use

them often! Life is too short to withhold pleasure from yourself.

- --.

ehxopwerdieidnceyoitutopdeerfcyetihveeexthisattenecxepoefrsieaindcex?peIrsinen'tcet?o If you experience something with your senses you are 1 using a vital part of your body, your mind.

      Emotions are not tools of cognition. One Ii,	acquaintance of mine says she knows that there is some force or faculty that is unknowable. If it is

Remember the Seventh Satanic Statement:: "Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who. because of his 'divine spiritual and ethical development,' has become the most vicious animal of all!"

I unknowable. how does she know it exists? She feels it ex_ists. This contradicts her previous statement that 1 th s faculty is unknowable. If you can know of its existence then it isn't unknowable. Can your emotions U you whether the phone in your neighbor's house ringing right now? \, In one "new age" magazine that I won't name, I recently read an article on "Dolphin therapy." The ' Woman who wrote the article insisted that when she swam with dolphins they knew what her problems ere, and that they addressed her spiritual "issues." ow I'm not going to tell you that swimming with ,,. lphins isn't pleasurable. Nor would I venture to say , at you can't learn anything from it. But you'll have ïr

t I !/


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∑_:..∑.:_ ∑.. : . :

POPE,!I(Yl13 013 by Richard de Lago

     Popekabob displays the Roman Catholic pontiff "'  skewered on the fin of a 1959 Cadillac, a luxurious i	,,ehicle symbolizing the Satanic virtues of strength, efficacy, indulgence and style, piloted by Dr. LaVey.

The phallic fins impale the head of the herd with derogation for all he represents. Dr. LaVey embodies the efficacious, intellectual individual who, here scornfully surveys the scene before him of the emaciated, impotent Christ dangling limply on a cross. whose foundation is an irrational cube that cannot exist in three-dimensional form. This illusory figure exemplifies the sophistry and deceit of the founding premises of Christian dogma as well as the irrational demands its tenets exert on the gullible victims who succumb to its specious lies. This blockish cube is also a visual metaphor for the mental blockage and self denial caused by the repression of the so-called deadly sins such as pride, greed, lust. and all things passionate and pleasurable.

   Repression is the yoke of religion, a bondage to its demoralizing joylessness, and is here depicted as Diirer's "Praying Hands" are chained to the block. These hands signify the Christian who shackles himself to a repressive, suffocating dogma that subverts and sabotages the integrative function of his

mind. "Sin," the repressed or disowned natural a1;1d

∑... ∑. :∑ . . ... ..

∑.. ∑............ .

.. ∑ .. .

authentic emotion, creates subconscious pain,

. ∑. : ∑. ∑. : :∑..∑.∑

. . ......... ..

- .....

. . _... . . .

t ï

.. . ∑. ∑ ... :∑. . . . . . .∑: .....

thinking impairment and self-alienation.

   The "key" to freeing oneself from that lockup is Satanism, depicted quite literally here, as a symbolic

I . - . . . . . . . .-. . . ...

rlxl\}tYï /ï:_ïï::>? H < ∑.∑..∑ t ïïï.ï ∑..ïï .......

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? ',:

agent of reason and "human wisdom" freeing the thrall from from the yoke of religion. Ironically, this passage from the New Testament (1 Corinthians: 17) has some truth. "For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel - not with words of "human wisdom," lest the cross be emptied of its power." Reason and human wisdom give one the power of intellectual efficacy. To quote Ayn Rand, "To ! experience the efficacy of one's own mind is the most profound pleasure and deepest need of mankind." The dodecahedron surmounting an inverted .I cross refers to the Satanic symbolism inherent in i certain Platonic concepts. r

   Heaven gapes wide, with trumpeting seraphs heralding the fraud of the sobbing milksops Swaggart and Bakker, mocking the vileness, sham, and hypocrisy of televangelism and Christianity in general. A flatulant fanfare resonates throughout the vapid void of the heavenly realm.

My name writ large is the final embodiment of my Satanic pride and egoism. Hail Satan!

  What you can do, or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

DlrliK LlL Y The Reality of the Left Hand Path

The Leading Magazine of the Left Hand Path in the United Kingdom Published Quarterly £1.50 per Issue, £6.00 annual subscription Overseas: £2.00 per Issue, £8.00 subscription ($2.00=£1.00) BCM/Box 3406, London, WClN 3XX, U.K.

SATANISM IN AMERICA How the Devil Got Much More Than His Due by Shawn Carlson & Gerald Larue






THE BLACK FLAME is published quarterly.


I 'Tulpa 333: Choronzon Roznoroch, l)weller In the ltbyss

Copyright" 1990 C.E. by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc.

(Formerly The Warlock Shop)


by I>iabolo Hex _

All rights reserved.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors alone. Single issue: $3.00, plus $.25 sales tax. Fourissue subscription: $12.00. Overseas: $4.00 single, $16.00 subscription. Please send check, bank draught, or money order in U.S. funds only. Address all correspondence to: THE BLACK FLAME P.O. Box499 Radio City Station New York, NY 10101-0499, U.S.A.

We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. Correspondence requiring a reply should be accom anied b an S.A.S.E.

RETAIL-WHOLESALE Free Mail Order Catalog





A NOTICE TO OUR READERS: The Black Flame has, over its two years of existence, striven to release issues at the solstices and equinoxes but we've often been delayed by numerous factors. We've noticed in this last year, that most of the material for each issue has been arriving at the intended release date. We are.therefore acknowledging this by making the equinoxes and solstices the deadlines for submissions for each issue. We will then typeset, print and mail the issue as soon after these dates as possible. We welcome submissions of articles, poetry, reviews, and artwork pertaining to the theory and practice of Satanism as embodied in the writings of Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey. All submissions must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope of sufficient size and postage to return material which we find to be unsuitable. We look forward to many exciting years ahead. Hail Satan!

r:r9-ff£ 1(/CJ{y IC){ :)'f£LLOW byMax

   Around the mid- l 920's, Robert W. Chambers, a writer of hack romance novels published .sev:eral short stories of a rather eerie and surreal nature, with a commo " theme holding them together -;- a mysterious tome, a play known as The King in Yellow. The protagonists of these stories suffered horrible consequences after reading.the ∑play. Seeing "the Yellow sign" preceded madness, sorrow and death. The stories never reached the popularity of Chambers' other works, and even today, the book is available only through used bookstores, and can be so difficult to obtain that

it indeed appears to be cursed. H.P. Lovecraft found, read and was influenced by a copy of the work. ∑ ., .,,

Have you seen the Yellow sign? EMALE CELEBRANT:When it is received, i-t is come for. All is dreaded. The phantom of truth comes forth... who is he? Is he the giver of eternal life or the bringer of fearful death? Life or death? (ALL CELEBRANTS ENTWINE FINGERS)

EMALE CELEBRANT: Between the mirroring cities on the, twin lakes 9f Hali and Dehme, came one night a city on the lakes. The city bore four singularities: It appeared only in the night.


In 1980, Anne Mccaffrey published a collection of short stories titled Alchemy Academe (Del R.ey Press), which included a story called "More Light," by the late . ∑∑∑ï∑

No person couldïtell its exact location or where in this world it existed.

James-Blish. In the.story, Blish attempted to reconstruct the "lost" text of the play, ∑: The King in YeJJow, in dreamlike and sinister work which has inspired the > ,ï following ritual.∑

When the moons appeared the towers of that city appeared

- ∑ behind the moons, not in front of them.


I , ∑EMALE CELEBRANT: All who gaze upon that city shall know its name. .. Carcosa!




CELEBRANT: In a time before the Romans, in a time before the Greeks, there lives a race predating both and yet existing in no time at all. In a place near the lake of Halia -- a place existing in the periphery of our dreams --∑through the mist 1ies the city

FEMALE CELEBRANT: Do you know the Yellow Sign? ALL: The Yellow Sign? It stirs us, it is in our blood. -FEMALE CELEBRANT: For when the King is called, fear him not, for fear will 1 impede you. They who will fear the King and his smothering . and inhuman tattered robes perish into eternal madness. Do you know the Yellow sign? ( i'I\LL: We shall not perish!

of Hastor and its mirror image, Alar, two lands with double suns and equal moons. Which city is real and which is an illusion? A stalemate is in effect. time has ceased. Progress

'r 1., f_. r 1

EMALE CELEBRANT: Some wear the mask of self-deceit to hide from the King. Do you know the Yellow Sign?


has ceased. Destruction has ceased. All has ceased

rALL: We care not to hide!

f 1 '.FEMALE CELEBRANT: Those who would hide mock the King and shall die,.


FEMALE CELEBRANT: All moves forward only through succession. Whowill inherit the black stars? They radiate nothing but the night. Who will take my crown from me? Who will receive the diadem and with it the Yellow Sign?

Do you know the Yellow Sign? ' .ALL: We acknowledge the King. We shall never pepsh! ', f .FEMALE CELEBRANT: The soft and mushy grip of the King, like rotting flesh, is \, upon us. In the distance Carcosa glows as if flarpe. Shall ( ' weflee, for now our wish and dreams are demanded? '




Yhtilll Along the shore the cloud waves break The twin suns sink behind the lake The shadows lengthen... In Carcosa! Strange is the night when the black stars rise, And strange moons circle through the skies, But stranger still is ... Lost Carcosa! Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap the tatters of the King Must die unheard in... Dim Carcosa! Song of my soul, my voice is dead, Diethough unsung, as tears unshed Shall dry and die in... Lost Carcosat

FEMALE CELEBRANT: Lie not to yourself or be doomed to wear the pallid mask.

                           Put not your life in the hands of the living God.	∑ ALL RAISE LEFT HAND IN THE SIGN OF THE HORNS.		t

ALL: Put not your life in the hands of the living God. I PROPER ENOCHIAN KEY IS READ. CEREMONY IS ENDED IN THE STANDARD MANNER. '



By the child of the Scarlet Whore and Crowley's toxic pipe-smoke I command you to appear before me, the frequencies are at fever pitch It is through the fifth plane of the Trapezoid that youtravel, It ts I .the Magus that evokes Leave behind the lunar babe, the moonchild, born unto the Babylon bitch Your silent rituals cap ured.on celluloid, status never higher than underground tabloids Wielding power with your semantic hands, ,unaccountable followers throughout the land

Thesigil of the Templar Knights is that of my working I have opened the door, pass through quickly, smoke spews from the portal It is in the Abbey of Thelema where you will find me, forces all around me "tis in the dark they are lurking ∑ Brach-adool You have arrived! Lend an ear so that

.	you may learn of a plan of your own devising Using my talons to rend my face, it is I, the Beast,

strong and true It is the Magus that is summoned, the Summoned

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Incamatirig the god tethered to your whim, how bold for a non-mortal! ∑

the Magus; It is I that follow, not you The world gasps, the narrow-minded people shout at the sight of Lucifer Rising

Send checks or money orders in U.S. Dollars to: "Prints of Darkness"- P.O. Box 499. Radio City Station. New York. NY 10101-0499, U.S.A. Overseas orders add $8.00 for shipping and handling. per item

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TE l)E S OFT17E FLAME (J>a.-t 1)

The Magician's Dictionary An Apocalyptic Cyclopredia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings


}ï The fall of the Classical World was one of the greatest tragedies witnessed by \" en of knowledge. Its murder at the hands of Christians cast European

respect for knowledge and resultant copying (preservation), that virtually all of the writings of these ancient Greeks survived and became known to us. For this one act alone, must this Arab

and the resultant hangover, during which men were obsessed with "the end of the world and the coming of the kingdom of Christ." This mania peaked around 1000 C.E., which the Christian leaders thought

by E. E. Rehmus Demystifies the linguistic I';.. philo≠ sophic convolutions oi contempo≠ rary occultism. "Surprising and delightful ... I am learning from the book, something I have not said of anything since Cosmic Trigger and Valis."-Fratcr Belarion, Abrasax. $12.95 ISBN: 0922915-01-6 The Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton


Published Quarterly: September, December, March and June


> t )

civilization into a darkness which ruled unchallenged for 1500 years. Even now, the pallor of the dungeon and the catacomb, with which the nascent Christian faith replaced the collective edifice of the Ancient World they had smashed into pieces, has not entirely subsided. But even after such a vile desecration, men still draw nourishment ,:,and inspiration from the ideals and creations of those formidable thinkers, both men and women, who remain largely unidentified. The bits and pieces,

civilization receive the thanks and admiration of all subsequent people who love knowledge for its own sake. In the Europe of the time, such literature was automatically damned by the church and almost completely destroyed. Indeed, the name by which the ancient Greeks called themselves, the Hellenes, came to mean "demon" in Christian phraseology. Had the Arabs not preserved this material then all, rather than about 80%, of these writings would now be lost to us. During the Renaissance

was a good round number upon which the destruction of the world would be most likely. It came and went, but the world survived, so men began to desire to live again. A new hunger awakened, for worldly goods, thus the trade routes expanded, and with this outside contact came new knowledge. Centers of merchants sprang up to handle the trading and also shipbuilding and other industries associated with the mercantile process, the first modern cities. Military

Rare photos and rarer revelations pepper this insider's b10hraphy oi I Anton LaVey, founder oi the Church

Four Issues: Sample Copy:

$20.00 $5.00

the ruins and fragments of their achievements - lovingly gleaned from from the dustbin of history by their students and admirers, lead directly to the

Europeans searching for knowledge discovered what the Arabs had, and promptly translated them into European languages. These works then drove them

technology was stimulated to experiment and conceive new inventions. With all of these innovations came a need for "know how," and wealth, thus leisure. Idleness,

of Satan. Includes LaVcy's how-to on lycanthropic transformation. $19.95 (Cloth) ISBN: 0922915-03-2 The Satanic Witch by Anton Szandor LaVey Rips the lid off the forbidden knowl≠ edge of seduction and manipulation. $9.95 ISBN: 0922915-00-8

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 ï PO Box 861893 ï Los Angeles, CAï 90086-1893

(Add SI.SO per b9ok for shipping. Send S.A.S.E. for The Few/ House Intelligencer newsletter.)

PO Box 1219 Corpus Christi, Texas 78-'03-1219 USA

(Please make checks and money orders pay≠ able to: James r-.t. f\lartin.)

ï £sA..T-H......S..-U."..4...ï.ï" 1ï A ..'. le :: . : ,?,t,u..5,...,l.f,k"l1lt£liOIBL! YIOS:0 UM(.li,..Zoïll!O P'OL.ICS: f"HOTOS MC..,CII:. Sl!A:>"tt JiotAf&-A9 If. TO ,t,,C' 6,D,rS.-,,.._ PV9UC, ......... ... MIMU1 IC Y11E.W '""' 'T" 'f\fl. P04.1U BAtt..:IC.ADliS. -. L6oM .,-Hlll:Ol..t6H f'HE ift!!I OFLO,, ...f,lCKl,.lf.S D1!'.T£C.'T"IV£S" CO ON"st WHO1'1NEl:t,;: PltE"l .,.,..,-,T.,tOt.5"'T" CRIM£ ïw,..ïs/ OW \'f.MJ ...,,LL WITW{S'I TMC ïJt1SL.,.. 'ITfUïïATt-4 OF SA,tUSTIC 'TORTvtr.£, UNSfl'u.te.ABLIJ MUROER.o ...NC, uN1f'\AC:.ftJASLE t1,l!J( CltlMES ïïï ANP Yo\l"LL kE MA:Ttll fiOLL'l'wOOP :STARS TAKIIIJC. ,,_.£IA. F1tJAL O'C'R>lrl( coRDME1t'S lE"NS tN liltdOStVC TABLC'AUS .SUIC.IPE' H'LF A,8'1$1!" ! '\i't4£ CASVAL .,111.Wt:R; ""ILL L.OtlC. B( &INASLE TO ,.,,.._... THliSE (lflll,.,, STA1rTL1N4 n,.,v.c.w ll ftl0,11,\ 'fl1tlls:l:ME"1"0ltV.

l rebirth of science and the creation of the P modern world. How is it that so little could inspire such greatness from so many? Where would we be now, if the knowledge of the Classicists had not been ï destroyed, but - continued? ∑ï Men will ever ponder what might have been; and mourn. But as to how the ancient knowledge managed to survive at all ï∑or rather the memory of it, and in some sense its spirit - that is a much easier question to answer. While it is true that the "bones" of the ancient world have told us much about the "nature of the beast" so to speak, it becomes ever more obvious to those with a heartfelt interest in history, that some of this knowledge ∑ never perished in the first place. Everywhere one looks are glimpses, I evidence of this knowledge having survived. Into whichever historical stage one glances, one notices the battle between the "haves" and the "have-nots." Throughout history, small assemblies of people or single individuals of fame can be seen who "knew too much," when compared to the mindless intellectual squalor of their Christian contemporaries and adversaries. It is to these various and, i, for the sake of survival in a hostile and ignorant Christian society,∑secretive groups to which we shall now tum our attention. But first, what do the history \ books tell us? . Historians know that the Arab t civilization-of the Middle Ages preserved \ Ooa considerable portion of the knowledge of the ancient Hellenes (who shall be the j foClls of our inquiry), as well as that of their imitators and admirers, the Romans. In fact, it is due to their love of and

to new heights, and inspired a quest for truth, a love of knowledge, and a desire for demonstration which is the foundation of our present modern scientific age. And still these works have things to say to us as well. It is equally certain, as I hope to demonstrate, that there were other avenues of preservation by which some of the knowledge of the Classical world managed to survive. While it is true that there are few individuals that can be pointed to as holders or teachers of knowledge, the evidence tends to reflect the situation of the people of Europe both economically and politically. Flowers do not spring from poor soil; neither do miserable men express joy. Following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, a long, dark night descended upon Europe during which the Church ruled with an iron fist. Freedom of thought was impossible. Economically, feudal serfdom was considered to be a great improvement over the condition of people during this period. It is undoubtedly the worst period Europe had ever known. Hellenistic thought and knowledge was virtually absent from the historical record of this time. Only after the return of some fonn of order, and a measure of financial prosperity, do we see any indication that - somehow - the bulb of the Hellenistic knowledge had endured the long, dark winter of the mind that had descended over Europe. About 1200 C.E., this continent began to slowly awaken from the poisonous into ∑ication of Christianity

the Devil's think-tank, was available to certain individuals. All of these things created the need for technical knowledge, as well as leisure time for reflection, conjecture, and speculation. The stage was set for a reappearance of Hellenic/ Pythagorean knowledge. Even the Church, having given up the notion - at least temporarily - that the world was going to end, and having benefitted from the newfound wealth of its parishioners, decided to lavish money on the great stone churches we call cathedrals. They even overcame their fear of the Roman hydraulic organ (now modified, and used in private castles for dancing) to the eternal gratitude of all their later worshippers, and installed these instruments in their new churches. In order to build these magnificent structures, a thorough knowledge of mathematics and structural engineering was required. The Church found such people, and the cathedrals we now enjoy were built at their orders. The Church Fathers are usually credited with these feats, but what is not as well known today is who the builders really were, and from whence did come their highly advanced knowledge of math. Cologne Cathedral, which was started in the I200's in Koln, Germany, could serve as an apt example of the knO\vledge possessed by these ancient stone-masons. Throughout this building there are logical and consequential relationships of width to height reflecting an advanced mathematical technology and a thorough understanding of structural engineering. Modem architects,

," I upon inspecting this structure, have no demons who came in by stealth at night, Such technically inexplicab( crude and superstitious fools. If they age "let their hair down" and ideas and awake from their long sleep; 11i: explanation as to how these supposedly assisting on a project or sometimes even∑ accomplishments have abounded / were, why should they be so obsessed art abounded like spring flowers. A time Michelangelo resuscitates neo-Hellenic jl I ignorant medievals could ever have finishing a difficult job, or doing a history. And so has inspiration from tnh with changing lead into gold, when so of liberation fromthe church-monster it must have been a dynamic, I 1 happened to hit upon the perfect test-piece given to the∑journeyman as a Dark Side, as late as the early 20t rnanY other metals look much more like ï was by all accounts, at least on a personal invigorating, wonderful time to live! combinations. That is because their test for master-craftsmanship. Some Centu_ry, in fact! A fa ous ndian ii( gold, and (in terms of common sense) level. Men of that time stood up, and To list all of the accomplishments estimation of the knowledge of that time claimed demons assisted in the drawing Brahmm mathematical genius, Snnivasa have more in common with it, like lines were drawn. The torchbearers of the of men during this very brief period of is based only upon what is apparent. The up of architectural plans for cathedrals, Ramanujan, was renowned for his almost copper, silver, or beryllium? In all classical world stood and were counted. It history would take volumes of knowledge possessed by the Church is and sometimes even helped in∑the mystical intuitive knowledge of Ill respects except atomic number, gold was not an easy thing for these people to encyclopedias. Allow me to digress for furthermore well known. The only way to construction of these buildings. equations. He told the European \ and lead seem unalike. In fact, they differ do, and was mortally dangerous. Men only a moment here, regarding an aspect shine some new light on this subject is to "Friendly" demons compensated for mathematician, G.H. Hardy, that he got by only three, on the periodic table; thus today praise the Renaissance and rightly of the Hellenes which is not well known, do what we shall now try to do; minutely errors made by forgetful or careless his equations from a daimon or "Dakini" ' Jead is closer to gold than any other so, but what is not understood is this: at and which only one man came close to examine the actual designers and builders builders. Medieval literature is filled with of Durga, and that this entity was kno )i 1oot-alike metal, indeed, closer than any the same time that the Renaissance was in rivaling: Michelangelo. themselves. tales of such assistance, and the famous also to his mother and family. In the East other metal. full swing, the Church persecutions In Hellenic sculpture, figures are

    All the famous structures built	"pact with the Devil" is surely well-	 unlike the West where the Church tried t during this period were designed and	 known by all.	destroy it, the Dark Tradition was carried

ti ' There was also extant during this reached their zenith, with witch trials and rendered in stone with such skill that the , time, a. great deal of pharmaceutical mass executions - untold numbers of folds and pleats of garments accurately

constructed under the strict supervision Some of the most famous buildings on and is still active to this day. Durga is knowledge, as well as exploration. innocent men and women (our people) reflect the effects of (thus an of the trade union. of the time: the in Europe were recipients of such an aspect of the Dark Boundless All, and "Pharmaceutical" is derived from the died horrible deaths at the hands of the understanding of) gravity and Masonic Guilds. Guilds were self- "demoniacal midwifery." The upper represents the same tradition and Hellenic word "Pharmacoeia." The Christians. That the Pythagorean/ aerodynamics; a feat even an Archimedes regulating and self-contained associations chapel (Kaiserkapel/e) of Nuremburg knowledge as that possessed by the knowledge of the ancient druggists Hellenic/Satanic men and women were or a Newton would have been proud to of men of similar trades. Apparently due castle, Deil 's Dykes in England and Pythagoreans. Ramanujan was not some survived, and was further expanded by its able to pull off such a feat as the claim as his own. These sculptors were to economic considera ions, they Scotland, and the wall of the castle ignorant savage either, muttering of adherents in the Middle Ages. Of course, Renaissance in the face of the opposition able to perfectly render curves formed by jealously guarded their trade secrets; this Vizelle are better-known examples of a spirits talking to him. His equations were r if these people ran into trouble with the of the Church, has earned them an eternal hanging objects and garments, which is why what they actually knew has list too Jong to mention in its entirety. In not only factual, but they were more authorities, they were very likely to be place in the Hall of Heros. We should shows that they were familiar with i: I engendered much speculation. Most Germany there are many bridges of that advanced than anything which was labeled a witch, as they "played with never forget how dearly they paid for the complex curved surfaces which ' modem historians do not credit them with time referred to as teufelbriike or Devil's known in Europe at that time. He didn't potions." But despite what was said of freedom they bought for themselves...and mathematicians refer to as catenaries and any sort of advanced understanding of bridges. The prices paid by the recipient claim, finally, that the daimon of Durga them by the Christian authorities, this for us. Without them, this world would parabolas. No other human culture, science, engineering, or mathematics, of assistance, in these demonic pacts, are gave him inspiration; he said the daimon was a very practical science. Today, we probably still be in the death grip of before or since, has come close to the

I attributing their brilliant successes to only hinted at. The Due de Les Diguieres gave him the equations! some sort of guesswork or luck. That sold his soul for demonic help. For his Modern historians thus do not

use many drugs which were originally Medieval Christian Hell-on-Earth. There literal perfection of their statuary, with discovered by such people. Their is no way our debt to them could ever be the exception of Michelangelo.

would seem to be an objective viewer a assistance in the construction of the know how the guilds were able to knowledge of drugs may have even had paid. Thus, the knowledge of Pythagoras rather simplistic explanation. Common bridge of Saint Cloud, near Paris, a accomplish their many feats, but it is their J'dark side." Scopalomine for Much effort has gone into andof the Hellenes was, during the sense would tend one towards the opinion "devil" was promised the soul of the first evident that their achievements would be example, was one of the many attempting to explain just why the Renaissance, to again become a model of that if they did the dance, they must have creature crossing the completed span. no small victories of engineering consciousness-affecting drugs known to "Hellenic Spring" of the Renaissance everything that is considered excellent, known the steps, so to speak. Perhaps the Satan was cheated of his reward, expertise and construction know-how these ancient apothecaries. It is known blew through stagnant, enslaved Europe nay; perfect, even - and which was to Christian bias of most, prominent however, when a black cat was sent (with superior durability, no less...) - today as a mind-bending drug which has just when it did. The suddenness, the inspire generations of men and women as historians inclines them to skip lightly across the bridge upon its completion. even for men in our present time. It is applications in behavior-modification. ubiquitousness of it, has perplexed well as serving for the foundation of the over the knowledge of the guilds; Upon the doors of Notre Dame obvious then that the stone masons of the Such chemicals may have been used by generations of scholars. The standard scientific era we presently inhabit. This especially if there is any reason to Cathedral in Paris were installed iron guilds knew a lot more than anyone has cults for various purposes, but one thing refrain "diffusion of knowledge" just knowledge, on whatever level it is question their moral status. As we shall doors of the most wondrous construction. yet given them credit for. And they is certain: someone with a knowledge of doesn't seem adequate. I propose a grasped, leads one invariably back to the see, there is abundant evidence that the The design was extremely complicated thrived and continued to survive because biochemistry on this level could be a different idea as I have insinuated earlier: Earth, back to the senses, back to the guilds were not only not Christian, but and delicate, resembling lacework they knew the wisdom of silence. fonnidable enemy to those who opposed it was not so much a rebirth of something body, in a literal celebration of being, of anti-.Christian. More on that later. It is than ironmongery. The designs covered With persecutions and ignorance-at him. dead - rather, it was a liberation of which the Hellenes must have been the worthy of noting that the Masonic Guilds four doors, each 22 x 13 feet. There were its height, the Tenders of the Flame The reawakening of commerce and something imprisoned. Europe was "patron saints." It would be impossible

of the middle ages were the ancestors of no seams of any sort in this ironwork. As ∑ gained an unwanted notoriety in the f

trade in the 1200's set into motion a reanimated, and awoke. The seeds were for anything to be more opposed to them,

those mysterious associations we now welding had not yet been invented, the persons of Dr. Faustus, Paracelsus, and gradual resuscitation of science and already there, already all over. In their spirit, and all they stood for, than call Masons, or "Freemasonry." only explanation seems to be that the other so-called "alchemists," who were knowledge in general, which the Church splendid guild halls and in the humblest the "otherworldly" death-cult of Economic considerations were not work.was "finished" by a metal file or rumored to have achieved the J was unable to halt despite all its efforts. cottages, in whispers at a fireside and in Christianity. the only reason the guilds were so files. But that would likely have taken transmutation of lead into gold. Contrary And the guilds were at the forefront of the din of the beerhalls, the knowledge Upon the discovery of new lands in circumspect in regards to their decades. Modem ironworkers who saw to popular modern-day ac ldemic belief, this movement. It was a risky world even had been passed down, passed over, and the West (of which the spirit of discovery knowledge. If the Church, all-seeing and them found them miraculous and Newton and Boyle, discoverers of so, as Galileo would discover several remained, as a seed waits in the cold and hunger for knowledge fired by the ever suspicious, even suspected any non- inexplicable, almost willing to accept the mathematical physics, calculus, the laws hundred years later, even at the height of winter earth for the warmth of a spring Renaissance, had inspired) - it became Christian hanky-panky, then destruction tale about demonic assistance. The work of gasses, etc., thought of themselves as f that grand refutation ofthe Church which sun" to awaken it from sleep, and grow. possible for men and women to leave the could be swift in the coming and utterly of the doors was in fact ascribed to a alchemists. Both of these famous men men now call the Renaissance. As if imitating an orchestra, which Inquisition behind, and find freedom in a devastating. The fate of De Molay and demon named Biscomet, who offered his concealed many of their ideas in The word "renaissance" means constitutes many players who each new land. Such was possible in the lands his order of the Knights Templar is assistance on the iron doors for the soul elaborate codes, to guard them - not from "rebirth." And that is exactly what the possess their own copy of the score with we now call America. And they brought probably well known to readers of The of the craftsman who was making thei:n. being stolen, but rather in fear of Renaissance was; a rebirth of the old which they are familiar, and, on a signal their knowledge with them. Black Flame. And it is readily apparent He agreed to this price, but later escaped expropriation by those who would misuse Pythagorean (and Hellenic) knowledge, from the conductor, begin to play - (Next quarter Part 2, The New IVorld) that the guilds had much to hide. the debt on a technicality. The demon them. Only within the past two years has as men of the time realized, hence the Europe virtually instantaneously became Many craftsmen and engineers of was unable to finish a middle doorway Boyle's personal file code been cracked, 1\ name. Before the Renaissance the a Hellenic workshop: Titian paints; the that time claimed to have been assisted through which the Holy Sacrament in part. A chemical process contained in knowledge was still there, but secretive, old Hellenic pantheon receives a new by demons, especially when they were passed during ritual processions. the code was duplicated anda golden- su1:>terranean out of necessity for survival. lease on life, running riot through the "stuck" on a problem they could not Unfortunately, this ironwork no longer colored metal resulted. Boyle had With the Renaissance, the sun could pages of literature; Monteverdi recouples solve. By demons, the.semen meant the exists. A photograph of it, taken about mistaken this for gold, but this was only l again shine on creations directly inspired song and drama (a Hellenic idea) to classic Hellenic idea of "daimones," who 1860, is in the possession of one Grillot one process among many actually l1 by the ancient world. Indeed, in create- the opera; Doric, Ionic and acted as assistants to mankind, aiding him de Givry and was published in the book retrieved by modem researchers. retrospect, the Renaissance almost seems Corinthian columns spring up all over in his evolution towards "higher things" - Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy (Dover These were highly sophisticated to be some sort of communion between Europe like the proverbial mushrooms that is, as sources of inspiration. Many Publications, New York, 1971), by de chemical procedures. /,I; this shows the Man and his real/inner roots, a massive after a spring rain; philosophy reappears; guild members privately spoke of Givry himself. fallacy in thinking that alchemists were festival in which all the great men of t e empiricism and the scientific method

I, ',

LEX TALIONIS The Fiery Curse

Lips taut exposing fangs of lethal length Stalking the streets. a domain

A prince must possess the nature of both beast and man.

You have reigned from your cross no for two thousand years, \\' You stifled our souls with your ïct∑

concrete and steel are the best


I 10

grounds Limitless time. night or day; I sharpen my claws to tensile strength Hear the wail of the weak and

But I feel your grip weaken and dare , out: Cl) I damn you! I damn you! I damn you!

In the name of the flesh that you taugh

the bloodied in my wake. it I , is here that my victims can be found

Gazing at my reflection, I revere my victories of past Scars of wisdom and blood of lust, tom ear and some broken claws Dressed in black I herd the sheep. walking among them with silent rage, drawing first blood and last Reaping riches. fame and sound

"1l.i ,.

meto hate, In the name of the ego you taught me to crush, In the name of the instincts you taught me were sin, I damn you! I damn you! I damn you!

For my ancestors, brought to your camp by the sword, For witches and sorcerers, burned at the stake, For the millions of lives wasted, quaking at Hell, I damn you! I damn you! I damn you!

mind, it is the spotlight of center stage in which I soak

Living a philosophy instead of believing one Guarding my gain with confidence instead of hope Inheritance of material things other than dreams I will ,i bequeath to my son Lessons he will learn of dignity,

For thinkers tormented for speaking the truth, For Bruno, Copernicus, Darwin Voltaire, For brave Galilei, Hypatia the wise, I damn you! I damn you! I damn you!

I fling down the cross, thrust the Pentagram high! For freedom and honor, for life in the light!

No quarter is offered, no cheek shall be

pride and gaining his dreams as he grows to be like me, a social lycanthrope

Andre T. Soly

PAZUZUby Timothy Patrick Butler

turned! I damn you! I damn you! I damn you!


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