The Black Flame Vol. 4 No. 1 and No. 2

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Full uncorrected text (3/17/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 4 No. 1 and No. 2.


...acknowledging the basic inequality of humans, certainly rules technology that makes universal diversity a fact that cannot be

out democracy as an ideal form of government. To the Satanist, the masses are fools and not deserving of the right to participate in something as serious as government. A democracy consistent with Satanism is one in which only the educated, productive members of society have a right to "vote" - somewhat akin to the ancient Athenian city-state. Such a Satanic Nation would deal with other nations on a quid pro quo basis - no foreign aid unless there was something to be gotten in return, no unfavorable trade balances to be allowed, and a ruthless use of diplomatic, and if necessary military, force to further this state's interests. Satanism takes a strong stand for law and order, in fact many of us have taken to wearing uniforms to signify our allegiance to this principle as uniforms have long signified authority and stability, opposing the chaos generated by lack of standards. Of course rampant egalitarian anarchists see this as a fascist gesture. In as much as fascism stands for an embracing of the natural order and a rejection of the "anything goes" attitudes that have hindered our society, particularly since the 1960's, then fascist we are. In our present corrupt and ever more swiftly decaying

denied. Despite the inertia towards global homogenization, the true inegalitarian nature of the beast will out.

As Rome burns, we'll toast marshmallows. The natural balance that has been upset by human overpopulation will again be righted as war and plagues decimate the human swarm. Nations will shrink to manageable sizes composed of individuals who share similar goals and cultural aesthetics. As the times necessitate ruthlessness, the luxury of supporting a parasite class will vanish as will the free-loaders themselves, who will decide to contribute or perish. The legacy of the Nazarene has brought our entire globe to the brink of a crisis which will explosively reaffirm the natural laws that have been so assiduously denied for two thousand years. Lex Talionis will require that all be held accountable for their actions or lack thereof. The emerging Satanic society will salvage the treasures of the past and create an environment wherein skills will be fostered for the creation of yet newer marvels on all levels of human endeavor. And these will not be squandered on the masses who will be allowed only what they can handle and comprehend.

∑.. p .0. Box 666 . Wh i t eh a I l' p enna.

p et er H . G i l mor e Priest C/S

Dear Peter,

gl O 5 2

er three years


July 5, XXIX BA

I've watched your

society, most Satanists choose to live on the edge as the "X"

We are all under that ancient Chinese doom of living in

i Since we last_ meht ovThe growth of your personal and

∑ al magicof

class described in Fussell's surgically precise book Class. We

"interesting times." The rotten fruit from the twisted tree of

, continuing triump s. h

1"dence of your mastery

watch the "have nots" clamor for more hand-outs, never

Judeo-Christian philosophy is finally coming to foetid ripeness

t- emp i r e h as


mo r e thanCKeFnL∞uAgME

edves p i t e ou r gen t1

e r ∑i b b i ng'


budging to bestir themselves from self-imposed thralldom. We

that can no longer be tolerated. Mankind has denied his bestial

., Social Realism. THE LA . . , . the Pan-Satanic movement.

see the working classes, bled dry to support the "have nots," as

nature for too long and we are suftering the consequences of

mai. d 1∑ts flagship position in

tanic mandate

they strive to create enclaves of middle class "bliss" far from

such perversions. To paraphrase Boyd Rice, we now require

As you are undoubted I y awa r e'

t h e pass i nIg O f

t he Sa

your prou di

the urban centers to which so many waste hours each day commuting. They spend evenings and weekends in mindless

the services of a brutal and ruthless gardener - to rid the world of the weeds sprouted from the fertilizer of Nazarene manure.

∑ me r e 1 y a f O r ma 1 Y ï l i v e b y1 on to you is h TRIDENT and EMBASAT, and see that you

pursuit of stimulation (designed to anesthetize or merely

Eajoy the show, a whimper on an epic scale to rival

influence on bot" h" the dictum that not ing

5 ucceeds like success."

distract) to make their wage-slave existence more tolerable, while preserving their uniformly-adorned and dearly≠

anything in our historic past. Keep your wits about you and find pleasure with those humans, animals and objects you have

. t our capable han d s, As leadership passes in o y f ∑ 11

, certain that1 m h h

purchased homes in which they raise new generations who will repeat the cycle. We see the higher levels of society clinging to their spoils and desperately claiming their altruism and social concern, while making the worldng classes pay for their lip≠ service concepts of generosity and humanitarianism.

    And we Satanists will continue to survive on the fringes, drawing anything we find worthwhile out of this situation while isolating ourselves as much as possible from involuntary contact. Where our efforts so merit, we'II do our best to assist

∑the reassertion of social Datwinism. We will watch as the coming collapse occurs, when the finally awakening middle classes decide that enough is enough and refuse to participate in the game. The signs are there.

come to treasure. The Satanic legacy that is inherent in nature shall be reasserted as the globe is cleansed. The overture is reaching a cacophonous conclusion while the curtaip. parts to reveal the set stage. Will you be part of the cast, the crew, or the audience?

finally begin to reac t the movement for the chosen ewkwi and I can repair to it wit mass es. My co un t r y r et r ea bec o s ' t he ul t i ma t e ch a I 1 en ge i s the confidence that your victory in assured.

   One superpower has died from economic idiocy, and is it so far fetched to believe that the other will be shattered by social stupidity? While western Europe pursues the pipe-dream of a united community, eastern Europe, having thrown off the canopy of Soviet-fostered union, has reverted to the natural factional strife that has always been part of our species. The

di st ; 1 recip 1 f i 1 e

The authenticity of the above J! nw I n ri i be challenged.. We pay !1∞ ∑ The Black Flame. regardinQ nf ei P !n e' esponsibility of the Items pnnle d may be accepted for reasons of authorsa one an erturbation at the reader's amusement or P


"Popular lies have ever been the most potent enemies of personal liberty. There is only one way to deal with them: Cut them out, to the very core,just as cancers.

semen (there is s_ome debate as to its concentration in saliva)

        c) with respect to point "b," this means that hetero exual (unprotected) sex is just as risky as (unprotected gay_seJt. HOMOSEXUALITY DOES NOT EQUALAJos/

(hetero& eï , ora copu at1on ( etero/homo), anal copular


Even c-ondoms, widely touted as a panacea, have a higher breakage rate in anal sex than in penile-vaginal sex, due to the lack of natural lubrication.

   As for oral sex: saliva will kill HIV in the laboratory, and stomach acids will kill virtually anything under virtually all

Extenninate them or they will us!" The Satanic Bible The Book of Satan, II - 15

. omo) are all equally at RISK. Once again, it is av∑ion It does not discriminate. lllls,

  I agree with Mr. Deboo, there is a Purge in progress. However, with concern to point #2, according to Mother

a key tool of survival in this dangerous world, I fear he has ï. ∑ sconstrued both the thrust of my earlier comments on AIDS ∑ ∑.!and certain aspects of biological reality. { Concerning his first point, I wrote: "the vast majority of

conditions. There are almost no confirmed cases on record of HIV being transmitted this way.

   HIV has been present in the West for thirty years, and has been epidemic among male homosexuals for over ten. If oral

IN THE LAST ISSUE of The Black Flame (Vol. 3, #3& 4)



fN ecessi∑ty Supreme, we are all expendable

....∑the (not "the only") people in the United States infected with

and penile-vaginal sex could transmit it as efficiently as anal

there is an article entitled "Satan's Purge" by one Jeffrey boo. As the creator and Chair of the Lesbian/Gay& Bi exual Association (L.G.B.A.) at Wilkes University (in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania), and as a member of the Church of Satan,I feel it is my responsibility as a future educator to speak to the above mentioned article.

   Beinga Gay man, I have learned to deal with other peoples∑ crap. This means sensitization. When you are

constantly under the gun, you become supersentient of details otheiwise ignored by the complacent and the apathefa:. A1thouI am sure Mr. Deboo meant no offense by his mention of AIDS, he assumes (myopically so) that, 1) the only folks with AIDS are: a) IV drug users, and

Anyo who places himself beyond Lex Satanicus and the∑ m chmations of Nature is deluded. No one in the Jungle (who wishes to survive) masturbates himself to the phantom tunes of Immortalism: this is the error of every teenager.

   In_fuis case, only the smart (read "infonned") havea crack at survrval Mr Debo ï ∑ ∑	ï

. ï . o s msmuation smacks t>f the Seventh Sat m: Sin. AIDS was a "godsend" to the Far-Right, Moral M 1on y/Bible Banger Three-Ring-Circuses. AIDS was their "proof '1 , once and for all time, that homosexuals are, l) the spawn of Satan, and 2) receiving their just punishments at the hand of Jehovalt, for being "unnatural deviants." With th". . d 1 1ms mm , please recall Mr. Deboo∑s comments.

∑ virus acquired it either through anal sex or via the sharing oflV drug needles." This statement is factually accurate, and is thus neither an assumption nor myopic. It also does not even mention homosexuality. Yes, homosexual men engage in anal sex much more than heterosexuals do, and thus suffer disproportionately from AIDS and the other health problems which this practice brings in its wake. But homosexual women, who presumably seldom or never engage in penile-anal

contact, have an even lower HIV infection rate than the general population. A minority of homosexual men do not have anal sex, confining their sexual activity mainly to oral sex; these men have a lower incidence of HIV infection than the homosexual male population as a whole. The issue is not sexual orientation, but rather a specific unhealthy sexual

sex, it would long ago have spread through the heterosexual and lesbian populations just as devastatingly as among homosexual men. This has not happened.

   It is,however, starting to happen in much of the Third World, notably equatorial Africa. Here I come to Mr. Bilardi's second point: that by bringing up certain truths about AIDS, I am supposedly in the same camp as the Christian fanatics who depict it as God's punishment for homosexuals. The facts about Third World AIDS belie this claim.
   Why is AIDS being heterosexually transmitted on a large scale in the Third World, when this has not happened in the West'? As mentioned above, genital sores due to untreated venereal diseases greatly facilitate HIV transmission, by

creating opportunities for semen-to-blood and blood-to-blood


b) homosexuals

2) PWA (People With AIDS) a) deserve it b) are thereby expendable

ThC!re seems to be a silence in the Satanic Venues of its Ga.y,n ".,'.',bi'an/B1'sexual adherents. Almost fifteen years ago, ex- PrieSt Rev. Wayne We t registered a similar complaint. Anyone who allows himself to be victimized deserves it. Anyone who does not speak up to detractors whena wrong is on is just as much to blame as the wrong-doer. Anyone who t sta

-- one in which (as Mr. Bilardi rightly mentions) some heterosexuals also engage.

  Mr. Bilardi also claims that all types of unprotected (that is, condomless) sexual activity present an equal risk of HIV transmission. This is not so. Unlike, say, the syphilis

bacterium, HIV cannot penetrate intact skin; it can be

contact. HIV is spreading in Third-World societies where conventional venereal diseases are already widespread. Part of the reason they are widespread is that poor societies do not have the resources to cure them routinely as a rich society does. The more important reason, however, has to do with the sexual puritanism of many Third World cultures.

. Even though he does not mention us directly, we are


hds-by" and lets Shit Happen has no right to complain

transmitted only by introducing blood or semen from the

In most of Asia the taboo on premarital sex for women is

implie-d	sensitization, remember? The insinuation is that we are one of the "expendable." Why? Because we are" ...playing Russian Roulette with [our] health" and did not know our behavior" ...would turn out to contain such an awesomely lethal bullet." And he goes on to say that "viruses and bacteria"

are the "executioners of Satan's Purge." OK, let's examine

after the fact. Any homosexual Satanist who does not speak up for hi self (even at the risk of being wrong) has no business assummg the lable of Satanist. No one can piss ona Satanist's back anq call it rain.

  I arr1 noat P.C. "sob-sister," and you will find no "Good

Guy" Pir1on my lapels. Howevert, this communique of mine is not mearlt to be Four Siren Soap Box Alarmism. The/acts are

already-infected person into the bloodstream of the uninfected person. There are two main ways this can happen during sexual activity. One is through open sores created by untreated venereal diseases (more about this later); the other is tearing or abrasion of the skin on a microscopic scale due to the sexual activity itself.

so strongly enforced that most women seldom or never indulge before the wedding day. Thus, unmanied men seeking sex generally have no option except to visit prostitutes -- which they do, more often an<l in greater numbers than unmarried men in the West who have a wider range of sexual opportunites. The chain of causality goes: sexual repression,

these two points.

wha. t maek

peopel ∑I-m"ormed (ïi.e., warned) and, of course, only

It is due to the latter that anal sex transmits HIV so

pervasive use of prostitutes, pervasive venereal diseases, easy

    I) the only folks With AIDS are IV dm  users and homosexuals

The facts about AIDS are thus:

a) it is a virus - it does not discriminate

         b) its medium is mostly blood, although it is found in menstrual blood, vaginal secretions, urine, breast milk,

the mfon-ed ∑11 ï

       . ∑m	w1 survive. Remember, Silence=Death. I refuse to be s!le:nt.

If fillyone would care for detailed information on AIDS

ontact: the.Gay Men's Health Crisis. (G.M.H.C.), their hotline is: (212) 807-6655. Or, if you have an opinion/concern/diatribe concerning this article, I may be contacted:

C stopher R. Bilardi, L.G.B.A., P.O. Box 1291, 187 S. Frankhnst., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766.

efficiently. The vagina has been designed by millions of years of evolution to withstand the rigors of sexual intercourse (not to mention childbirth). The skin lining it is made up of tough platelike cells resistant to tearing and abrasion, with its blood vessels deep below the surtace. The skin lining the anus and rectum, by contrast, is relatively thin and delicate, made upof easily-damaged columnar cells, with blood vessels near the surface. Also, the vagina is self-lubricating during sexual arousal, further protecting both partners against skin abrasion.

heterosexual transmission of HIV. The role of premarital-sex taboos in black Africa is less clear, but the pattern of widespread prostitution and venereal disease is well documented there. The taboo against homosexuality is also very strong in black Africa, forcing most homosexuals there into an outwardly heterosexual lifestyle as camouflage (that is, de-facto bisexuality). This facilitates the spread of HIV into the heterosexual population, which is vulnerable not only because of venereal diseases but also due to certain common forms of

ritual genital mutilation which increase the risk of bleeding during sex. Heterosexual anal sex (to avoid conception) is also a factor.

  This is why AIDS in Africa has exploded into a catastrophe utterly dwarfing the U.S. epidemic, and why the same is already beginning to happen in India and Thailand, even though HIV is a relative newcomer in those lands. It is the

A. Mortal's Perspective


ALTHOUGH I AM BUT A SCORE NI? FOUR Y RS . oF AGE,and look forward to accomphshmg a succession rof wondrous achievements, I do not fear death. To me, morta tty ever imminent.Uncautious motorists, .random gunfire,


Dead season darkness torches aflame in the night immense heat

sweat stolen from skin

sexual repressiveness of those societies, not homosexuality, which condemns them to the ghastly fate which greater sexual

killer bees, bolts of lightning, earthquakes, blizzard-s

. 11 of

freedom might have spared them.

   This article has barely scratched the surface of the AIDS issue; a comprehensive discussion would fill volumes. To readers interested in studying the subject in greater depth, I would make a couple of recommendations:
   Michael Fumento, The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS: an analysis of the epidemic and America's reaction to it, showing how the activities of Christian fanatics, homosexual activists, and Political liberals have unwittingly combined to exaggerate the (actually negligible) threat to middle-class heterosexuals and obscure the real facts. Detailed discussion of the issues of
  • prostitution, condom-mania, Africa, etc.
   Randy Shilts, And the Band Played On: a history of the epidemic from its beginnings to 1985 C.E., emphasizing
  • political issues. The author, himself a homosexual, also discusses the serious health problems rampant among male homosexuals before AIDS, due to widespread anal sex, and the fact that some homosexual doctors realized that this practice made their community vulnerable to some future biological catastrophe.
   A final comment on Mr. Bilardi's assertion that I am insinuating that homosexuals deserve AIDS. Here, I suspect, his "sensitization" has led him rather beyond the bounds of reason. Talk of "deserving" would have overtones of moral judgment, and I would refer Mr. Bilardi to my article on Satanic ethics in the Spring/Summer XXVI issue of The Black Flame for assurance that such judgments are foreign to my nature. I state only that certain behavior has specific consequences. If I assert that smoking causes lung cancer, does this imply that smokers "deserve" cancer? Only to a reader whose "sensitization" embraces the attribution to a text of meanings derived not from the text itself, but solely from his own world-view.

Those interested in this topic should also see the article "Fatal Distraction" by Celia Farber in the June 1992 issue of SPIN. This piece examines the fraudulent claim ofburoeonino heterosexual AIDS as well as the role of HIV in this disease.

these are potential threats to the continuation of my existence. yet still - no fear. Why? . " Perhaps it is because I have no sense of guilt, remorse or regret about my life to this point. I have experienced pain and

  • y companionship and loneliness, frustration and success,

JO ' ï d excitement and boredom. I know that I have hve. The horror that AIDS inspires in the masses bothers me little. Certainly, I try not to do anything stupid or unsafe, hut rm not anxious to live without sex, or to live with the perception that sex and death are happy companions i an unholy marriage. Let those people who find latex gerutal armor acceptable live in the shadow of fear - fear of life, perhaps? I'd just as soon stick with my intelligence, wisdom and the wonderful chemicals from Ortho-Novum. As our planet plummets hopelessly and madly towards the Sun's Inferno, the herd is bound to become more and more uptight about the idea of death. Death is increasingly evident in our environment. Overpopulation, pollution, ignorance, disease, starvation, poverty, excess garbage and extinction of animal and plant life are all aspects of the Grim Reaper's visage. As he sweeps his sickle across our globe, the bodies will mount and the casualties of Nature's retribution are bound to provide a fine fertilizer for the earth that remains when all is said and done. The scales have been tipped, and balance can only come with an impersonal reciprocation that will rebound with an equal, but opposite, force. IfI am clever, if I am patient, perhaps I will see the result of this destruction - creation! Decay, entropy, death - ultimately, these are my allies. That is why I am not fearful.

Satanism is properly the worship of life, noat . . hypocritical, white-washed version of li e_, b t life as it really is, concerned with the fullest grauf1cat1on of th_e ego on this plane of existence. The worship of Satan 1s the worship of life, the religi n of the ego's true desires.

dense, thick forest besieges marble pathway

ancient aimals, hidden fierce fur wild, knotted exposing eyes white, blinking reminders of malevolence hisses, howls of outrage; I scan horizon: black rowers red rivers thick, slow lava creeping forth, hypnotizing blood-glow; I reach the palace King, Queen, Princes royal subjects, a race of Gods

doctrine of delight fire, sword "might" the Law;

aged, cracked skulls line stone stairways descending downward to steel door.

"Look in the window"

Oh, silhouette of ecstasy beauty unmatched

-My love awaits... Phantom



' lSatanism: The Necessity of Vital Existence BY PHANTOM . "When Satanists make pioneering discoveries and achievements, objective authorities can't point to Satan as the Father of all that's worthless and detrimental to society. They can't say, 'Gee, I wish we could use this vaccine -- it's too bad you're a Satanist.' On the contrary -- they will be forced to see and acknowledge the quality, productivity and superiority of Satanic thought." pr. Anton Szandor LaVey in the conclusion to The Church of Satan by Blanche Barton

THE SUBJECT OF THIS ESSAY IS NOTHING NEW to the Satanists who have used Satanism to substantially improve the quality of their lives. For those successful and happy in life I (which I imagine all Satanists are or they wouldn't call themselves or actually be Satanists), I don't address you. However, I wouldn't have been so inspired to write this artide if it wasn't for the immense stupidity and mindless bullshit that still clouds the issue of Satanism. After 27 years of intelligent argument, media coverage and the many books espousing our way of life, we are believed by the herded m jority to have nothing better to do than toss babies into bonfires, listen to "speed metal" until our ears bleed or we knife our parents (whichever comes first), amVor worship our "Lord Satan" or that "carnival huckster and buffoon" Anton LaVey (who knows all, sees all, and will hunt us down lest we obey his -J orders, which are usually to murder people - didn't he even write this in his "Satinic Bible"'?). I could go on but, as this train of thought (the Christian idiot frequency) produces a rather nauseating effect upon myself, I shall devote no more space to such nonsense.

writers-of this genre, Raschke allots the most space to psy<.:hotic, drug-saturated imbeciles and throws LaVey's name in every third page to dispel any "myths" that we're the law≠ abiding, respectable Satanists and not in conspiracy with the "true" Satanists who use Christian babies as firewood. I know some Satanists would simply ignore such sentiments. However, I feel that by paying close attention to what our enemies preach, OUR way oflife can be greatly heightened (see "Misanthropia" by Dr. LaVey).

   Fanatical Christian attacks abounding, I've found our most powerful defense against this type of adversity lies in our application of the second Satanic statement: "Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!" (Anton Szandor LaVey, 111e Satanic Bible, 1969). The Satan-bashers argue that we are all either blood-thirsty murderers or, ifwe actually have proof of our superiority through accomplishment, are severely misguided, deluded people following Satanic principles just like Jim Jones∑ cult followed him to Guyana. As Satanists, we are supposed to be superior beings, not by pretention but through ACCOMPLISHMENT. As Dr. LaVey states, "Satanists∑ have always been understated about what

they can do--actions speak louder than words. We must be disciplined and ruthless in our evaluation. It is presumptuous to appoint yourself a master when you can't submit yourself to simple tests and menial tasks. Our standards, Satan's standards, remain consistently high." (The Church of Satan, pgs 110-111).

   I wish to stress that there IS a war on, amidst all our so≠ called "world peace", that <.:an only be fought with intelligence and vital existence. For example, picture the secretive Satanist, a top manager at his firm who is soon to be promoted to Vice President. One day the President of the company stumbles over an issue of The Black Flame or The Satanic Bible while looking for something at his desk. The President, a staunch conservativdChristian, is infuriated at the thought of his

successor being a "Devil-worshipper" and confronts the "evil" manager - evidence in hand. This is where vital existence


It is no secret that for every thruthful or objective book or article about Satanism, there are probably hundreds more denouncing, distorting and fabricating our philosophy (remember the ninth Satanic Statement'?). One recent culprit to be added to all Satanists' shit-list is self-proclaimed "expert" Carl Raschke in his masterpiece of lies, Painted Black. Besides the already mentioned accusations spewed forth, Raschke belongs to the "Church of Satan became extinct in the mid≠

comes into play. When push comes to shove, how expendable are you'? Are you the "only one" to accomplish what only a select few are able to do? Will the manager/friend/wife/ relatives upon "accidentally" finding out you are a Satanist immediately want you out of their life, or will they know be fon.:ed to accept you on YOUR terms as you are a unique, unexpendable asset, who enriches the lives of those around you'? In essence, are you vital'? Do you possess the traits of

l::j '"1 \'.41

seventies after LaVey (our worshipped God) tri<.:ked his followers who then mass defected and were taken over (by a

"vitality" as defined in the second edition of the American . Heritage Dictionary: "necessary to the continuation oflife; life≠

group I refuse to name)" school of prevarication. As with most

sustaining; full of life, animated; having immediate .

I f, \

importance" -- Or more relevant to our societal structure - "th ï popular sou_rce that I was a Devil -worshipper (not to be 4 charTacteristic that distinguishes the living from the n_o1.ï e" confused with a Satanist). My reaction shouldn't be a su .

So the sheeple are a bunch of semi-literates. So What? It behooves (pun intended) the Satanist to be fully literate himself. Hirsch's book can point out areas where one may be

UM fi to most Satanists. Instead of arguing against the -a


missing some valuable information. Great depth isn't even

O paraphrase the opening quote, "If you discover the cure∑

or DS/ e common cold/Leukemia and are found to be a Satarust, will not the tide begin to tum? Will not Satanists

fi ly be seen in a positive light? When people hear someone bemg talked about as a Satanist, will the image of the nconquerable Nietzschean Supennan first come to mind mstead of some sadistic animal torturer?" The point I'm try∑ to make ∑s that ∑it HAS t? take a major event or extraordinarymg acthcomdpirleisïhment by a vital Satanist to get the ball turru∑ teh o er. ct on. Ifwe are the extremists, we must practice extremism m all forms of success.

- ccusations (except to remind persistent questioners that as an Am. CAN d ∑ ï encanI rea , wnte and believe whatever I want), I simply appeW:ed to everyone as they would least expect a "De ∑1- w orsh ipper."If ht ey expected to see a consistently blacVkI 'h..n bloo<l-drinki_ng "I diot, I_wore the nicest clothes I could afforor"d'""' and e phasIZed class m my actions. If they expected a delu 10ned, _fanatical follower, I shot back by becoming President _of my University's Honor Society and F.ditor of th school's hterïi-J>rv magaz∑me, among other honors and awardse. These m y be small accomplishments in the world at Jar b

T DID YOU LEARN IN SCHOOL? Did you find it . eresting? Did you have to pry the knowledge out of the system? Did you learn how to write so you could communicate

well? Did you learn the basic cultural referents used by your parents and grandparents? Or did you spend most of_your ime avoiding the bullies, smoking in the washroom, or discussmg

C wbO was the best lay? Did you learn your social skills from , 'your parents and teachers, or mostly from your "peers" and from the boob tube?

required, unless one's interest is piqued. General knowledge in literature, history, geography, and the sciences can greatly enhance one's enjoyment of the events going on, as well as givea clue as to where these events might be leading. I discovered through retrospect that I ripped my education out of the school system. I was not impressed with the social skills of my "peers", felt left out, and yet I knew that their focus (or lack thereat) was not for me. Now with children of my own,I have at last tom away from this deadening system entirely. BLASPHEMY! I have removed my children from the


In a 1972 issue of The Cloven Hoou", Dr∑ LaVey hammers

acc phshm nts none of my biggest critics came close::ï \it

Like it or not, our western culture is rapidly becoming the

school system!I am teaching them myself! How hard it is to go

 i_s issue home prophetically in a small article entitled "Our Priest Must Be Superior Human Beings." After stating that Sata sts are_now brighter objects of scrutiny whose standards m st mcreasmgly rise with time, he goes on to say that, "The Pri st of Sat must be better read, more self-aware, more ach eved for h_is years, more articulate, and more genuinely

dkendicated to hi.s, chosen faith than are the clergy ofanY re1.1∑g10n own to man (Volume IV, #3). ln other words ifwe are to pres_e t a _fonnidable challenge and eventual con uest of ChriSt.iaruty, we must first establish our reign through sup.enor accomplishment. In this time where people need to be all but throttled to atntdract attention, the name of Satan always makes headrmes, . more P?wer to those who wish to speak out about their belifef∑s. I wish to emphasize that I am neither encour.agmg nor pra icmg martyrdom, but stressing to those open about their

h fs that more than ever perfection, accomplishment, and v1tahty are needed to smash the ignorance which currently surrounds us. It may be asked, "But what if, despite the first endme t, I lose everything I've gained because people think I m a_ vd-worshipper?" Of course, this would most apply in a pos1t10n of public office or other high-profile occupations.

My ans er would be that vitality applies MOST when one's proverbial skeleton is discovered in the closet wearing a Baphom:t. The more necessary and pertinent one is to those arou h1 , th less chance he will have of being "run out of town ifh1s beliefs come to light. Also, the more masterful one appears, the harder it will be for people to believe you' "Dev∑11-worshi.pper" simply because you do not fit the rea stereotypical mold created by the media.

attammg - I did my best at what wa<; available. The attitud fo was, ey, you can believe and go on believing whate the hell you want! I'm busy, I have real, important things i::t world to deal with!" Of course, those hearing the rumor le there er ere forced to acknowledge my accomplishments and discredit the teller of such stories as an immatu . p I

   In short, vital _existence is more potent than any weapon ade by man. At its full potential it can destroy and render

impotent all detractors and adversaries without even the ed f d . ne o a estruct10n ritual. As "Superior Human Beings" we mus\ a ve all else, fit the part. As Satanists, we shall forge ahea,d with o forgiveness or mercy to those who would, without conscience, have us in chains. Let our inspiration be not the blood of ath-loving martyrs, but rather those who love life1 hate stup1d1tïy provoke change, an<l fight tooth and nail agail\s herd mentality. t HAIL VITAL EXISTENCE! HAIL SATAN!


S1∑.00 PER ISSUE/ $2.00 OUTSIDE U.S.


dominant culture on the planet. Over the last fifty years and more, our wonderful school system has been turning ouat higher and higher percentage of culturally illiterate graduates. They don't know that "The War of the Roses" was not simplya recent movie title. They haven't a clue as to exactly whaat political "right" might be, especially in the U.S. They can read, but they don't comprehend. They can look up words in the dictionary all day long, and they will still not get the point of what they are reading. Small wonder it is boring to them. E.D. Hirsch, in his book Cultural Literacy, identifies the core problem with the school system and the dire consequences of rampant ignorance of our Western legacy. Back in the late 1800's, the progressives and the conservatives battled over whether facts or process should be taught. Unfortunately, the progressives won, and "mere facts" have been carefully weeded out of the curriculum. Now, if a student needs to know t something, he can go look it up. Big deal. How is he to know that thisX is important, or even had a precedent? Dr. Hirsch points out that most of our literature contains referents to entire ideas discussed in previous literature, and assumesa certain level of knowledge well beyond what is actually printed. Even newspaper reports assume that the reader knows that there are several hierarchical levels to the judicial system, that somehow the States are subject to the federal government, and the significance of an area being declareda disaster area. We assume a certain level of knowledge in our listeners, and increasingly, one must explain in ever greater detail exactly what one means, until one finds that you've been obliged to rewrite "Hamlet", or explain the significance of Faust, or that Archimedes was noat computer

against the vast tide of conventional opinion. Bad enough to enjoy wearing black, have strange hours, refuse to repeat the altruistic BS platitudes oneself, but to take one's children out of the indoctrination system - that is truly heretical. It does get easier as time goes on. My budding little Satanists are learning whereof they read. They learn the thoughts of friends and foes. They learn their social skills from adults who have rejected soap opera psychology. They are writing, communicating, doing, so that when it is time for flight, they will be in the air with the eagles instead of on the ground with the sheep. Admittedly, there is a certain amount of luck and hard work involved here. First, I have children to remove from the system. If you don∑t have children, you can remove yourself from the system, with just a little guidance from Dr. Hirsch and the vast hotly of general knowletlge out there (check out Isaac Asimov on just about any topic). Secondly, my financial situation allows me to be home with my children rather than being oblige<l to allow someone else to mold their precious minds. I have given some thought to the situation of Satanic parents out there who cannot take their children out of the schools for whatever reason. Private schools are just as bad, they've bought the same "progressive" philosophy ("Facts are not important."), they're horrendously expensive, antl usually religiously oriented. So, the parents are stuck with the more secular and already-paid-for public school system. Toe only thing left other than camping out with right-wing survivalists in Oregon, is to closely monitor your children's work in school, and supplement whatever topic comes along. If ∑they are taught that George Washington was our first president,

   o avoid so nding pretentious, I'll add that I speak from expenence. Havmg had my personal belongings illegally rummaged through, it came to be rumored by a believable and


    P.O. BOX 1413 DECATUR,AL35602 U.S.A.

oar cartoon owl, and Leonardo was not a turtle. We are rapidly acquiringa culture that stretches back to last week's sitcom and Saturday's cartoons.

tell them the story of the cherry tree. It's an important American myth, part of the basic reference system in our

literature. S ow the kids how to look up George in the e cyclopedia, look at his picture, maybe finda lightweight biography for the o der child to read. Dig out mapst h whereG os ow . eorge was, and what the country looked like during hi

books on topics of interest in the librnn, Di +i.- h bo k ∑-Jï guuoug Used

o	stores. Used Cliff Notes are wonderful	.- older children	.	ways to guide

. . through the literature we missed in school '\]'

Satanic Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous

   The thirty-year benchmark from around twenty-nine to thirty-one draws the Satanist from his long-range goals to

time If you av . ∑ Ii s

will.enioy the,m ï,oo. I thoroughly en,.oyed u .,,,b

∑ .1 ou

increasing concern over the reality of his coming death.

be. so me ned, you can ask the teacher what is to covered dunng the next two to four weeks andh ow ∑I , ave your

n	atenas ready. Insist the kids write write writ	d explam wh th	,	'	e, an

y ey must do so. Help them compose Jette .t Gramhma and get the spelling and grammar and handw:inog all oget er. Will you be pushing too hard? You kn . a bout what you are doing ∑ betweeow fi d child reasonable level of pushing. Read to each other. Find fun

a kid and I got even more out of i∑t :., nUC11,,e eny Fm as the help of the Cl"ff N r With otes. My own attitude is so I pushh than maybe I should. Let the kid . , ∑hri ' arcter tw . . see as nk when he's _enty-one.I consider it my responsibility to see thamt children are as well prepared as I know how to make th: fi the world they will have to face. Without tools withoutm or knowledge, they will be doomed to frustration :md . With these things, they can indeed be with the eagl;:potence.

CONDEMNATION OF ELYSITJM h Fa:away and concealed from the clutches of ypocnsy dwells the presence of an age old . Th . existence . e creation it produces has forever lived but never. found. Come close and look into the eyes of Darkn tself, see how clear and untouched lay its truth, freeess from t e stagnant faith of naive story-tellers from centunes ago.

f{OW DO SATANISTS LNE? What do they do to make money? How do they spend their free time? There are probably as many Satanic lifestyles as there are Satanists at any given moment. At the same time, I've observed some general tendencies amongst our kind which are well worth examining. see if you can find yourself or other Satanists you know in the followiµg categories. AGE

  Somewhere around age eighteen to twenty-one, the young Satanist is just striking out on his own, leaving his fonnative home and family environment. The sharp edge of his Satanic philosophy define who he really is as a person. He judges the general failure of most other adults both young and old to live up to his standards of rational self-interest. He sees through the fatuous idealism of his peers with their attention on "saving the earth" instead of defeating their enemies. He tends to notice ands respect the rebels against the nonn and can often barely control his impulse to ridicule stupidity. Knowing that action

Despite everything, the young adult seldom truly understands that HE is mortal and that death will happen to IBM. He may intellectually know this is true, but intil he himself reaches that thirtieth birthday it just isn't that real. At age thirty it starts to become real. Most Satanists at this point enter into a new period of defiance and rebellion. They reject the "shoulds" and "musts" imposed by a mindless society. They revolt against any overt blocks in their paths. The major danger at this stage is that in the midst of this re-evaluation of the meaning of their lives, they will alienate the individuals needed to achieve their larger goals. This is usually a rocky time for Satanists in their romantic relationships. If already married, the marriage will almost certainly be reviewed. If single, the Satanist will often feel a drive to find a compatible partner.

   In their early thirties, Satanists return to the drive to achieve their goals. There is a tendency to "put down roots" and establish their position in the world. If there are children, they become an important focus of attention at the expense of the Satanists∑ previous social life. In almost direct opposition to

It's essence has endured the tests of timea, not yet, nor shall it ever be polluted by Man's adolescent dreams or his idealistic novelties.


produces results, the young Satanist will mimic confidence as he acquires the experience needed to achieve authentic confidence. Consequently, the young Satanist tends to "make a

the introspection at age thirty, from thirty-one to thirty-five the Satanists∑ attentions are almost entirely extroverted on the physical world.

.∑ ..



ï - - ∑1 :

∑... ∑.:∑ - t!4

∑ :.. .'

It stands proud amongst pleasure and prides itself as Indu. lgence. With a wave of It's hand theconcepts of reality are but fleeting moments and reason is destroyed. All but one may be known. Th n at last the final call is bellowed with t thundenn.g conviction' that summons the1 eg1. ons of shadows mto total allegiance. As their multitudes emerge and arise from blackish pits, they respond to the hym set before them. With anticipation they o ce a :1m e from the nectar of life, perceived as gratificat10n m overflowing abundance. They are_ the heirs to the Infernal Empire, co emoratmg the birth of an ending, whilst taking position on the top of sustenance. As the fires of gluttony are fostered and harnessed, they bring forth I the comfort of forbidden secrets to all who are r worthy, who have never belonged but who are alwas welcomed! Y Doug Richards 1

statement" concerning his religion through his appearance (Wearing Baphomet rings and medallions, dressing in all-black) and his outspoken statements ("Satanism is a convenient term to piss people off').

   In his early to late twenties, the young adult Satanist tends to shift his attention from what divides him from the sheep herd masses to what unites him with bringing his personal dreams into reality. Depending upon his personal goals, the Satanist at this age either connects with others who can help him or plunges into the effort of isolated creation. The Satanist who is attempting to promote a better justice sy tem through nc!w laws will need to be far more tolerant toward non-Satanists than the Satanist creating a piece of art or music. The young adult Satanist will incline toward less defiance and revolt in order to achieve his larger designs. As a result of this shift, this age usually sees a deeper examination of Satanism beyond the simple "shock the sheep" level. Also, this age sees a greater attention toward the use of both Greater and Lesser Magic to bend others to the Satanist's will. Commonly, Satanists in their middle- to late-twenties are searching for a "mentor," some other individual historically or in modem times, who has already succeeded in a chosen field of endeavor.

By age thiry-five most Satanists enter into a period of personal growth which is more balanced than any before. There is a shared attention between internal issues and the external world. Whereas at age thirty the CONCEPT of aging and death becomes more real, now the PHYSICAL REALITY of bodily decline begins to be experienced. More and more, the Satanist is presented with the fact that his body is slowly betraying him through aging. Gray hair, decreased joint flexibility, reduced stamina all increasingly focus his awareness on the inevitability of death. The danger here, is that the Satanist will lose perspective and feel pressured to squeeze life in ('Tm running out of time") instead of more intelligently rememberingfto enjoy life while it IS here. Most Satanists accept the reality of their own separateness from other individuals and glory in their uniqueness. There is a very healthy tendency at this stage of life to extend this perspective around age forty to realize on a more practical level how they do not need to ask anyone's pennission to do what they want to. In opposition to this there is also the common discovery of deeper levels of Satanism in that the mid-life Satanist often realizes that he has been still too concerned with pleasing other people instead of himself. Finally, before age forty-five, the

. . t boldly declare his true allegiance


goals, or, frustrated, chooses other directions. The greatest danger in this area comes from refusing to change direction in the face of any totally blocked goal.

   After at forty-five the Satanist comes to a fork in the path, a time of decision. Either there is a tendency toward total rebellion ("No more bullshit!") or there is a renewed committment to the subtle leveraging of the foibles of the

world to serve his purpose -- or both! The older Satanist

deepest personal interests outside the normal ranges of secular society. The late Malcolm Forbes, certainly a de-facto Satanist at the very least, was an excellent example of this category. Throwing extravagant parties for the sheer fun of it, Forbes outraged the Christian poverty-worshippers worldwide. Such Satanists, of course, not only carry on very openly (much like the "starving artist" category) but actually derive additional enjoyment from the frustrated masses who so roundly

∑. , when called upon or as ∑pedal task by the Churc. 1 oud, as Hl]RCH OF SATAN ACTIVE MBER '∑ C . thr category which I have . ï finally, there is y t ano e instances that I feel obligated ed so often and m so many . s obserY . . While there are today many Sataruc gro p to mention it here. & t . nhead of modem Satanism, . . in the world, the1oun ru functiomng d unique position. In every the Church of Satan, c mtml::v: own has remained loyal to . where a Satams . i.llStance ' . . and organization, that Satamst has

Sinister Greetings. .

       .	birth of a new magazine, Announcing the d'Ing the Satanic Word, dedicated to sprea  and the dark side of

the path of the str ng, You are invited to the human yese nd principles through present your I ea send materials and ou pages. lllepa lish original as well as articles, we wt reprints. Thanks in advance.

increasingly treasures the few friends he has come to respect

condemn their Satanic indulgences.

Dr- Lavey s v1s.1o.n d d d dI Those orgamïza1i∑onsa nd

while also carefully hoarding his precious moments of privacy. At this stage, Satanists usually have given up any intentions toward "changing human nature" or other chimeras of the imagination. Instead there is usually found a deep acceptance of and respect for the nature of reality as it is. The older


   The Satanist almost inevitably finds there is a strong drive to find a mate because, just as the most fundamental instinct is that of survival, the preservation of the best of the species runs

a close second. With the exception of those whose sexual

. ed S tame m wor an ee. . reroam a . ted betrayed or abused their status individuals_ hot :: :iwa s seem to slip away into a non- with the ongina . . become superstitious true di ∑ Tuey sometimes Satanic con ti n. . ki d from fundamentalist Christians, . no different m n f behevers, . d' 'ty wi'thout a measure o or simply pmo bonng me men



predator has learned well the laws of survival and while he

lifestyle precludes direct procreation, such as ho osexuals, the

∑rtu to sustain them. Yet every group . rsonal value or v1 e d

may not be as grandiose or theatrical as the rebellious young wolf, the older wolf is far more exacting in his justice. The late forties and beyond also find the Satanist's mate either adjusting to or complementing the deepening darlmess of his attitude. Otherise there comes a parting of the ways as the Satanist finds

drive for superior offspring causes many the single Satanist to feel compelled to risk personal comfort to find a worthy mate.

  Contrary to the impertinent propaganda of the sexually≠ repressed Christians who would suggest that Satanists wish to

have coerced sexual congress with our inferiors, the Satanist is

their pe . d loyalty in thought an<l dee to who has retrune a h . or person ed . their development Satanically.T eir Central has matur m . . wer . . Th ir lives become ncher. Their po affairs prosper. e d universal that it is almost expands. This is so uncanny an so f ture" we ak e 1"eel that "the dark forceo na



other, more suitable romantic companions.

ordinarily very selective in the choice of a mate. Thus

enough to m e on. '

ds those who rema∑inl oya11.


  The "starving artist" Satanist is one who has rejected the time-consuming pursuit of personal wealth in favor of personal freedom. Commonly this category holds Satanists who flaunt their religion through their appearance (black clothing, Satanic jewelry, etc.) and have greater freedom to openly attack the nonsense of the Judeo-Christian culture around them. When

you enter his abode, while it may be in the low-rent district, it

intelligence will vie with the sexual fetishes of the unnamed Satanist in his choice of a suitably superior partner. (For an in≠ depth examination of this issue I refer you to Dr. LaVey's concept of ECI: Erotic Crystallization Inertia.)

   The female Satanist, recognizing her position of power in all this (please read Dr. LaVey∑s The Saranic Witch for an in≠ depth discussion and analysis), and reflecting her role as a

potential mother of superior children, controls the male

have called Satan directly rewar HAIL SATAN!


In the gra.nd tra.dition of BANNER comes THE STAR SPANGLED

will be filled with the sense of a dark palace of perversity. The treasures that this Satanist purchases are few but richly meaningful.

   The "family provider" Satanists, often teamed with a mate, have a primary focus upon the rearing of their superior children to independent adulthood. Consequently, they usually assume a very low profile in the eyes of the community and operate at a middle class economic level. The outside world would be truly astonished to learn how many of their quiet, law-abiding neighbors are dedicated and practising Satanic magicians! The greatest danger to this group comes when there is a conflict between the individual's desires and the needs of the family unit.
  Those Satanists who have enough passive income (from royalties, investments, etc.) to cover their fundamental economic needs are financially independent, by my definition. Whether on the low end of this scale or in possession of

Satanist in many ways. The male warlock who is wise, acknowledges the potent power of the witch and will align himself with her desires. Thus, the lustful desires of the individual Satanist tend to be channeled into monogamous relationships for the purpose of eugenics. The danger, again, is the individual's lust conflicting with the stability of creating a functioning family unit for rearing the next generation. ABOVEGROUNDv UNDERGROUND

  The aboveground Satanist enjoys the power and pleasure of open defiance in most situations. The hidden, or underground Satanist enjoys the satisfaction of holding a secret and subtly manipulating events from behind the scenes. In actuality these two are but the extremes in a constantly changing continuum. The aboveground Satanist will inevitably encounter situations where the prudent move is to slip his Baphomet into his shirt to avoid an unwanted problem of some kind or another. The underground Satanist also encounters

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       .   .  a, deluxe sheet music edition.  .  . ots Ovetsea.s $ 3.00. Now a,va.ila.ble in	d $4 so plus $1.00 shipping &.	t Reuben Radding. lea.dsh.eet fotma.t. To order  hecks and money. orders :payable o

U.S. funds only. ADVERSARY MUSIC 1270 COOPER STATION P.O. BOX y 10276 -127Q USA NEW YORK ï tN. 8 ï weeks for delivery. Allow 6

Photo Portrait of Anton Szandor LaVe;

A! t i idw igahbPe utiftul,f bhlack & white poster of nes O t e Church of Satan. Photographer Nick Bougas hasc t d . moment of Satanic communion A Pa ostlf(ey_ and 1s serpentine friend Boaz ina glossy poster stock, replete with the High Prie size, t 1s 23" x 29" print is on heavy, s name in large type across the bottom.∑ No Satanic lair should be without this handsome item! Carefully packaged in a crush-proof mailin b shipping & handling. (Outside the US $2090 el, th$e10poster !s nly $20.00, plus $5.00 ∑ ∑, ∑ Pus .00 shipping & handling). Make checks, money rde s or bank draughts in U.S. funds out to∑

Existing Within A Multi-Religious Relationship BY AWARE pROCLAIMING YOURSELF A SATANIST and living your life as a Satanist is truly wondrous. As one of the alien elite, walk proudly through your day with head held high above the rabble. This is the life you have chosen for yourself and you were born into.

  As Nemo has suggested, wear your ornamentation as a reminder that you are different and need no one's approval. But what happens when you go home to a non-Satanic mate? And is it possible to live one's life in this way?

In a word, yes and no.

  The answer lies in knowing your partner and your relationship, your mate's limitations and the limitations you each bring to the relationship. For me, the answer was quite easy. By showing you how this all worked within my relationship, perhaps it will assist you and your non-Satank mate in finding common ground.
  The first step is honesty. As Dr. LaVey stated in The Satanic Bible, "In the privacy of your own home and with close friends you must support the religion which has YOUR best	. interests at heart." (Book of Lucifer, pg. 50). We must each be honest-with ourselves and by doing so, be honest with our mates.
   For each of us with non-Satanic mates, we will reach that moment when the decision needs to be made. It is at this moment that it might be of some assistance to ask yourself the following three questions.
   1. Is your mate a hard-boiled, mind-numbing, bible≠ thumping Christian?

2. Is our relationship "dynamic" and open to new ideas?

   3. Does each person have the freedom to "own" their individual activities and return safely to the relationship?
  If you have answered yes" to #1, I suggest you take a step back and look at yourself and the choices you have made in your life.
   If you have answered "yes" to #2 and/or #3, go for it. You apparently have greaty judgement and wisdom in choosing a mate and he/she will be happy you have discovered a religion that works for you.
  The next step is sharing what you have discovered. You may find you both are on the same "path". He/she may just join you and who better to have at your side during ritual than your beloved?

For me, my husband has never seen "the light" or dark if

you pre-fer, and I think I like it best that way. For me, ritual has always been a very personal thing and although I love him and would welcome my husband, the personal work I do within my ritual chamber is best done alone. By his working nights, I have the complete freedom to perform rituals, have gatherings and act freely. When we are together, I feel free to wear ornamentation and black, often use the "S" word, and look down upon the sheeple with him standing proudly next to me. He truly revels in the confidence and ego I have and the fun I have being a Satanist. ∑

  If you have balked at the idea of telling your mate how you feel, answer the questions I have posed and give it a try. Perhaps you are dismissing your mate too easily. He/she may be just the ritual partner you have been looking for.
   Next, a look at dealing with children in a Satanic household...


A,doption vs. Abortion


MkUll4Mtl?t@1•il?#tiH ouJUSTHAVE To WATCH 1984 and Soylent Green to y . dea of what's going to happen if the people keep get an1 u1 . this earth I love children, of course, but the overpop ating ∑ d

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. h'ld Most children grow up to be bloo- is our biggest c 1 ï .

. t leeches gorging on our planet which su ers dearly. tbil'S ose who can not or will not care for their progeny hould under Satanic Law, have an abortion. hans ou!d s , d 'th those couples who want, but are incapa e o lJeplace w1 bearing a child. . Id ∑

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hould not be overturned as this wou agam s . f ∑ t th ∑ght to control women's lives. I it




grant the govemmen e n . ∑ ∑ fascist happens we w∑111 see the groundwork set for a Christian, . ( the film and novel The Handmaid's Tale foar society see . d) Women as well as chilling exploration of this concept.e. . ' . . . men,shouId be free to make such decisions about their hves "thout an one looking over their shoulder. w1 yd b t the Christian Children's Fund. Its whole Awor a ou . If purpose, in prolonging the lives of those horn na herse has decreed to be unfit, results in a state of torture f r- e disease ridden children and cultures for the "s of a_t any

                      ï Chri' f	∑ty thriving off of cost." Just another example of	s iam	.	f
   .	. t N ture Natural law embraces the umono working agains a	∑	B lance both creation and destruction; it gives and takes. a

Factor determines who shall live and who shall_ pensh. Abortion is a terrible thing (and I sym athize) bu no-o e . . h . mfort if abortion is continually demed. If will hve ere mco . f h bearer of an unwanted fetus, consider alol t e

                                   the earth Next destruction that a single person can wreak upon	.	∑11'

imagine millions of these unwante. el M e and more trees w1

Chris Bray, The LO.T., 31, Kings Avenue, Leeds LS61QP, England




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and meet the demands of consumers. Think of the massive pollution ofair, land and water that s ca course_would . . - engender. Become aware of the remammg unspotle<l port1 ns the magnificent forests covenng vast c

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we breathe to live - before it is too late and we find ourselves swallowed by swarms of humans pressed tightly together ona gray concrete landscape, without a single spot of green to be savored. . ï h' Id and Therefore, if you cannot bring a child mtot is wor take full responsibility for its life, DON'T!

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"}IOW CAN YOU CONDEMN PEOPLE for being stupid?"

with an urge to survive which is an innate part of our being. you do not decide you don't want to be killed; the feeling is simply there. However, feelings cannot tell you the most effective way to avoid situation X or achieve situation Y. Consider the case



rve been asked. "It's not like it's really their fault. People can't help it." Oh,really? What do we actually mean by "stupidity"? Stupidity is not the absence of intelligence. One seldom refers toa chimpanzee as "stupid", though it has far less innate intelligence than any nonnal human being. Stupidity is the refusal to use the intel- ligence one is naturally born with. .

  The problem is not that people can't think; the problem 1s that they renounce thinking. By "thinking", I mean the act of performinga set of conscious logical options r courses of ac≠

oaf man facing conscription into the anny to fight ina war whose objectives hold no emotional significance to him. The risk of being killed is quite real, and with no emotional stake in the cause for which he may be sacrificed, he will be unreser≠ v dly repulsed by the prospect. Then the question arises: what to do about the problem? Hide? Feign illness? Leave the country? Take advantage of some loophole or exemption in the conscription law? If so, which one, if there are several? What are the chances of success for each possible strategy? What are the possible side effects of each, including social ostracism and/or legal retribution? How likely are these to actually

tion, deducing their likely consequences, and arriving aat


materialize? Only reason, underpinned by suitably comprehen-

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clusion. Most people very rarely "think" in this sense. Instead, they are bombarded with stimuli by their environment and react to those stimuli in a more or less automatic way, as non-human animals do. By behaving thus, such people throw away the most im- portant tool for survival with which nature has endowed the human animal. As Ayn Rand noted, man comes into the world 0 without fangs or claws or speed; his mind is his only weapon. What would we call a cheetah which refused to run, oar viper which refused to use its venom? "Stupid", perhaps? Why do people do this? Part of the reason is that our mass culture is currently wrestling with a completely false dichotomy between reason and feeling. I call this dichotomy false because it implies that a greater emphasis on reason can come only at the expense of feeling (or vice versa), whereas in fact the two have entirely different functions and cannot be substitutes or alternatives for each other.

   Our feelings -- instincts, emotions, gut reactions, etc. -- are what makea given condition desirable or undesirable to us.

The prospect of being killed, for example, triggersa set of an≠ ticipatory emotional and instinctive feelings which tell us this eventuality is something we should avoid. The possibility of gaininga large windfall of cash, or of deepening one's acquain≠ tance with an attractive person of the opposite gender, triggers aquite different set of feelings. Without these feelings, we could never know what ul-

sive infonnation, can answer such questions.

  To try to achieve happiness by substituting emotion for reason (or vice versa) is like trying to make a cross-country drive go more smoothly by substituting the destination for the car (or vice versa). The very concept verges on being nonsensi≠ cal. Why would anyone postulate such an ahsurd dichotomy in the first place? To create an excuse for not thinking. Thinking is, after all, hard work, especially if one has avoided oppor≠

tunities for becoming experienced at it.

  Indeed, if my experience is to be trusted, the zeal with which the sheeple avoid thinking is second only to the zeal with which they avoid happiness. The herd mentality itself is nothing buat mass yearning to renounce the mental effort in≠ herent ina rational, well-ordered existence and seek out instead some source of guidance which can be followed without ques≠ tion	meaning without critical thought -- with the justification
that everyone else is, after all, doing the same, therefore it must be the right thing to do. This source may be as grandiose as the Holy Bible oar charismatic national dictator, or as mundane as a cult guru or the opinions of one's neighbors. Millions have

followed such oracles into plainly visible disaster -- because the alternative was to think for oneself, which is too much ef≠ fort (and tends to be discouraged in most cultures anyway). So stupidity is a sin, if anything is. We are not only jus≠ tified in feeling contempt when we discern it in others (since it isa voluntary behavior pattern) but also obligated to combat it


timate conditions we wanted to avoid and which we wanted to seek out -- indeed, we could never truly "waQt" anything. It is not reason that tells us life is preferable to death; we are born

in ourselves, since only by rigorously upholding the standard of conscious thought can we avoid sinking back into the swamp

t Sigi1 of Baphomet Pendant f∑ cast out of 100%, solid st _ling ' silver, this handsome sigil isa ∑ï . full 2 inches in diameter and 1/8 inch thick. Polished to a mirror finish both front and back, the sigii itself is raised in high relief with a black jewelry enamel ' obackground baked on. Perfect for rituals, this is trulya first rate medallion that proudly f proclaims your Satanic


l affiliation. \ 1∞ Tue pendant may also be . purchased with a 4mm sohd sterling silver 20 inch curb style chain. PRICES: Medallion - $125 Medallion with chain - $145 ALSO NEW! Light Weight version of the Sigil of Baphomet rung pictured at . left. The size is the same as the medium weight ring, but due toa deep undercut beneath the symbol, it is a far lighter piece of jewelry. Perfect for those Satanic Witches who wish to dazzle their marks, this version presentsa considerable saving over its heavier cousin.






DESPITE THE PREVAILING CULTURAL ILLITERACY, is there anyone out there who hasn't heard the name of the


mighty Beethoven? And who is not familiar with the famous four note motive (three shorts and a long) that begin his


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incomparable Fifth Symphony? (Who still recalls what that


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symbolized in Morse code during World War II?). Yet how many of you have taken the time to explore the works of one of the titans of music, whose compositions combine emotional heights and formal brilliance at a level that few have approached? Beethoven (1770-1827) was the prototype of the maverick composer, who told his patrons what he wanted to do, rather than vice versa (unlike Mozart, who enjoyed his life but was constantly having to do what his patrons wantoo). The youthful 0 Beethoven was hailed by Mozart as one who would makea stir in the world. Beethoven was thus accepted into aristocratic circles and was supported by wealthy music fanciers who

live up to Beethoven's concepts of what a leader should accomplish, so his name was removed from the dedication

S OR!"1 is pleased to exclusively make available all the re . . . . Fnednch Nietzsche's polemical masterpiece 11:JE A rng cop.1es ofa unique and rare limited edition of (GRAPHIC AUTOPSY). Only 500 copies of this beaut"ful d. ST. illustrated by UK artist Trevor Brown leather hardcovers (quarter bound in black leather) 75 ci' th he 100 were printed in 1988. These consisted of 75 papeibound copies. Each boolc is individuall h 'd ob a covers(quarterboundinblackbuckram)and350

tolerated his gruff manner and often unkempt appearance. In 1798 he bacame aware of a progressive loss of hearing and finally became completely deaf by 1819. Despite this tragic

page. This symphony amazed audiences at the time for being about half again as long as any previous work in this genre. But Beethoven needed this enlarged time-scale to explore his

printed on special linen stoclc (for all version;lha\ num. ered, and the hardbound volumes feature text pages EXTREMEyL LIMITED numbers oflhe hardbo: d !::ïons arere roduced on calligraphic parchment). Only menL All unlillable orders will be immediately refunded. ons are ava,Jable- orderprompdy lo avoid disappoint-

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handicap, he continued to produce works that expanded western music to new heights of achievement and he maintaineu his love of existence through all of these, choosing to celebrate the forces of life in the face of his own tragedy. The dark current flowed

concept of the hero, who is carried to the grave in the funeral march of the second movement. Symphony Number Five deals in an amazingly compact way with struggle through to victory, and every movement,

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through his being so strongly, that he could continue despite the

from the driven first through to the soaringly triumphant finale

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extinguishing of his sense to perceive the results of his efforts. The sound world that existed in his imagination went directly down on paper, for perfonners to later recreate so that we can

emerging from a shadowy transition, is based on the opening motto. Symphony Number Six, the Pastorale, revels ina purely pagan appreciation of nature with Beethoven creating


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share Beethoven's musical visions.

  Beethoven turned his efforts to just about every genre of music that was extant in his time, transfonning and expanding each of them, from chamber music and art songs to concerti, large scale vocal works and symphonies. The emotional hallmark to be found in all of these is a heroic sense of struggle and victory, the personal "I" making a direct assault on the

images of brooks, bird-calls, a rainstorm, anda peasant wedding, but really depicting the glorious emotions he felt by reflecting on the beauty of nature culminating in the final movement's hymn to nature. I suggest that you seek out the recordings by Roger Norrington and the London Classical Players, as he uses Beethoven's tempo markings and the ensemble of original

new and un,que music releases limited edition art . l

fu h i.n a company anng enough lo print it!),

universe and bending things to its will. Though Beethoven did

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write works on Christian texts, his Missa Solemnis beinga prime example, he generally seemed to be more attracted to works by Schiller and Goethe for inspiration, a<; well as Greek mythological tales. It is perhaps best to start one's exploration of Beethoven's music with his symphonies. His Third Symphony, subtitled "Eroica" was originally dedicated to Napoleon, who failed to

instruments preserves the proper orchestral balance making the detailed part-writing crystal clear. Start off with the Fifth Symphony and partake of a sound world embodying man the prideful hero. None of that Christian grovelling here. You'll be swept along in a current of upward motion, of evolution, of titanic battle and ultimate triumph. Here the dark force in nature has been given an aural existence. Hail Ludwig!


  ANGRY WOMEN edited by Andrea Juno and V. Vale. (Re/Search, San Francisco, 1991; 228 pages, ISBN 0-940642- 24-7, $18.99, full-size paperback.)

At least part of what kept me reading Angry Women to the last pain-wracked page was the anticipation, nay, the hope that someon with a different voice would eventually speak up. No such luck; as the pages turned, each interviewee's identity began to blur into the next, and this is the problem with the book--we're really hearing only one voice. Tue collective song Angry Women is singing is one of incredible oppression, frustration and pain. Tue voice of the victim rings again and again, with blame being placed everywhere but on the self. Andrea Juno has chosen so carefully among her associates for the right kind of anger from the right kind of women, that one is definitely left with the feeling that something is missing, even from a diatribe as long as this one. On a personal note, I've never felt myself to be a victim, in need of "empowering" or "liberatory experiences" (caution: buzzwords ahead). Asa Satanist and a woman, "never complain and never explain" are wordsI prefer to live by. This collection left a bad taste in my mouth, as words always will when they're spoken for me. There is no room for the non-victim in the world Junos∑ subjects portray; in fact, they don't believe she exists. Some of the problems these women discuss are very real, butI would contend are universal to the human condition and not conventions designed to oppress women to the gain of men. Karen Finley talks about the economic difficulties of the woman artist; does she believe it's easier for male artists? The only privileged class in our country, in the world, are those born into wealth; it's hard as nails for everyone else and that's how it's always been. Andrea Juno, who conducts 99% of the interviews, says: "As women get more in control of themselves and understand themselves better, they find it very difficult to get just basic human considerations from men." What clever arrogance, painting every woman in a satisfactory relationship witha man as someone who is not in control, who does not "understand" herself. Some of the rudest, most oppressive behavior I've witnessed has come from such "liberated" women and been inflicted upon their "unenlightened" sisters,

principles" we would save our planet -- by dispensing with rationality? And what are the female principles? Female animals are often more savage than their mates, especially when protecting their young -- such protection includes territoriality and fights to the death. A lioness doesn't share her cub's food with whoever wanders along. As for men being "anti-emotion," tell it to Beethoven or Shakespeare -- or are these guys too Western to be good examples of artists marrying emotion with imagination and their higher reasoning capabilities?

  The.high points in Angry Women are few and far between; Annie Sprinkle and Susie Bright each have some clever things to say, and seem fairly satisfied with their lives and happy with their sexuality. Susie observes candidly that it doesn't matter how nice or politically correct a nude model is if she∑s not attractive enough to turn anyone on. Annie's "dissection" of the sexy pin-up is cute, and appealing in that even after describing how uncomfortable and phony her get-up is, she admits to feeling turned-on by all the attention she∑s getting. Diamanda Galas' interview is one of the most irritating; she alternates complete bullshit with insightful observations about self≠ protection and the nature of "Satan." One gets the feeling during her discussion that she and Juno are reluctant heterosexuals, and would feel more politically at ease in the more appealing lesbian role. This is what I mean by bullshit.
  While Juno∑s intelligence and wide literary background are abundantly obvious, her interviews are slanted and subjective. Since there's no foreword or introduction here, wic have to rely upon Juno's loaded questions to serve as our "thesis" for Angry Women. It appears as if she were trying to give only the narrowest spectrum of women's contemporary

thought on our condition and that of our planet -- otherwise, I'd have to say I see some gaping holes here. Limiting the interviews only to "artists" was a mistake when angry women are at the forefront of many important political causes, effecting change more diredly than one who stuffsa yam up herself before a live audience. Juno is a gifted interviewer and should have challenged herself with some subjects who may have been virulently opposed to the opinions of the others in this volume. The title is, after all, Ang1)' Women -- not My Ang1)' Women Friends.

CAD edited by Charles Schneider. (Feral House, Los

?∑, ft∑∑.∑.∑ï.'ï∑


∑ f

you. Supremely Satanic in that it celebrates all the vices and raboOs of our present day -- alcohol, tobacco, sexy girls, dirty jokes -- Cad is a collection in the format of one of those old magazines, and editor Schneider has distilled the style and presentation perfectly, right down to the slicked-back hair and knowing smirk in the publisher's own photo. There are those little cartoons of top-hatted men and impossibly cantilevered women, and even an article on preparing "exotic love foods" for lady guests. Russ Meyer gives a lengthy interview, and there's a historical retrospective about burlesque. Nothing deep here, thank goodness,just a successful attempt to save some forgotten lore. Real witches won't feel uncomfortable or "exploited" in Cad's universe; rather, they will be reawakened to the mysterious magnetism between the sexes. Wouldn't you rather be chased by a Cad?

  NIGHTMARE OF ECSTASY: The Life and Art of Edward D. Wood, Jr. by Rudolph Grey. (Feral House, Los Angeles, 1992; 231 pages, ISBN 0-922915-04-0, $14.95, trade paperback.)
  The long-awaited Ed Wood hook is a series of interviews with Wood's closest friends, family members and associates. interspliced where their subject matter crosses, and including many photos of Wood from his youngest to his last days.

∑Regardless of how you may feel about his films, which are usually relegated to "schlock" status due to their low-budget production values, Wood's story is tragic Americana. All he ever wanted to do was tell stories through the medium of film, and when he couldn't do that, he'd write scripts anJ hooks for others. He and his ragtag production team existed on the fringes of Hollywood, stealing, borrowing am) improvising equipment and footage wherever possible. Wood drove to one of his own premieres in a convertible whose top wouldn't go

I up in a driving rain; Vampira would ride the bus in full

I costume to a location shoot, and she and Tor Johnson were I harrassed and threatened hy teenageJ hoodlums after a botched publicity appearance. Wood's transvestism is discussed at

opportunity to share the visions of one very strange man. Compare these films to the homogenized, committee efforts of most Hollywood films, where every rough edge, every bold idea is carefully eliminated. One has to search long and hard these days to find something this real, something that hasn't been watered down by marketing considerations, censorship, committee politics, producers, agents, editors. As the Satanic Age progresses further, however, you'll see a movement away from committee culture, and toward more individual dreams and nightmares.

   THEWATCHER: The New Zealand Voice of the Left≠ Hand Path, issue 11, edited by K.R. Bolton. (Realist Publications, Wellington, NZ, 1992; 12 pages, photocopied, digest-sized.)
   An article by the irrepressible Uncle Setnakt on practicing divinity in your own life, more stuff about the Satanic Hoax, "The Tradition of the Sinister Way" by the Order of the Nine Angles, anJ more clippings re Bolton's campaign against Christian child abuse. One year, four issues, $10.00 surface,

$15.00 air from P.O. Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington, New Zealand.

  THE HERETIC, incorporating The Watcher and The Realist, issue 1 (see above -- their latest).
   Articles include "Self-Overcoming," "The Meaning of Physis," and "Adamite and Cainite, Part I." Reviews, news, poetry. Same ordering and price info as above.
  THE BLACK JACKAL, latest issue?, edited by Chad Ian Miller. (Embassy of Lucifer, Stewart, British Columbia, 1992; 42 pages, photocopied 8.5" x 11", side-stapled.)
   A nuts-and-bolts guide to devil-worshipping. Rituals for renouncing God and Jesus, a phonetic pronunciation key for saying The Lord's Prayer backwards, how to invoke your guardian Demon, cmssing the gates of Hell, opening the nine

locks of the Abyss, etc. Ritual to become a Vampire, Ritual to

I I '1!1 I

I !

length, particularly his obsession with fluffy, mohair sweaters. His sad self-<lestruction by alcohol is also documented. The description of his last days in a ghetto apartment, clinging to his typewriter while the neighborhood lowlifes shoot holes through his front door, is heartrending. Wood's life was the stuff of Tinseltown legend and Hollywood Boulevard pathos. I've always been fascinated hy Wood's work, catching

become a Werewolf, Ritual to become Demonically Possessed, et al. And that's just for Saturday night! Nude centerfold. Then a Satanic Manifesto that advocates, among other things, legalizing rape and child molestation as "perfectly normal." Chad is a spirited tyrant; no price is listed, but six bucks will get you this publication. The address: P.O. Box 998, Stewart, BC V0T lWO, Canada.

my first Wood films not on TV but up at the old Thalia rep I

magazine, $3.50.)

to read, hut let's see what you think: Issue 1 includes "Bab" .

vefY recent developrnent. He places its origin a mere three

true roots of Will are to be found (see The Satanic Bible, p. 45). Jaynes∑s hypothesis is bolstered by the large number of

Thi: issue of the fine Fifth Path features interviews with

. A, re Dirty"' " "BeopI

e Ru.m Everything" and pieces about tw,es

thousand years ago, asserting that even civilized peoples such

apparently unrelated phenomena which can be explained by it.

Boy Rice (many photos, including haby Boyd in diaper) p musical groups Sol Invictus and Blood Axis, Rune ma. gi:cian r ya Aswynn, and articles on Mishima, Carl Orff and skinh ds in F.ast Germany. News, reviews, survival techmques. To order by mail send $5.00 (covers postage) to∑

. diff.erent rap group.s, ""S much, much more. Issue 2 has mterv1ews with Anton LaVey, David Duke, and Al Goldstein d the st overvie of famous mass murderers and serial, fkiller.s I ve ever seen m a magazine∑ Jim and Debb"1e are be)th , e wnters, able to evoke the loneliness and despair of their

as the Sumerians, th Babylonians, and others who lived before that time did not po sess volition or the capacity for conscious thought as modem h.umans do. Instead, he argues, people 1:,efore 1000 B.C.E. possessed a wholly different type of mental structure which he calls the "bicameral mind." One

Among these are the cases of deranged individuals who report hearing voices which they are virtually powerless to disobey -≠ and also the phenomenon of hypnotism, in which the subject's own Will abdicates in favor of automatic obedience to spoken commands from the hypnotist. To Jaynes, such phenomena

The Fifth Path'

p∑ O∑ Box 1632, Car.micr hael, CA 95609-163∑2.

misanthropy and alienation as well as the humor and ven ssue 1 as ayiece of fiction by Jim, "Swallowed by Jers:;: along with his nakedly honest "Twelve Steps to Hell" -- both are em rable. Debbie's "People Ruin Everything" contains the hne, I walk down the street, hoping it's empty...along comes someone to bust my balloonï" I'm WI"th her on that street. - Order both issues NOW; they're $4.50 each (includes first-class postage) from Goad To Hell Enterprises 6520 Selma Ave., Suite 1171, Hollywood, CA 90028_ '


cannot do justice to this concept in a short review, but its essence is that the le:ft hemisphere of the brain performed the "automatic" functious as described above, while the right hemisphere served qs a sort of onboard computer utilizinga vast database of accumulated personal experience and precepts absorbed from the Person's culture. Faced with any challenge or unusual situation, in which modem man would apply conscious thought tt> the problem, the right hemisphere oaf bicameral human's brain would review its database and generate a response which would be communicated to the left hemisphere in the fc:mn of a hallucinated spoken instruction. The bicameral man, "hearing" this hallucinated commanding voice, would obey h at once without question, since he

represent partial reversions to the bicameral mind.

  Theism too he explains as a vestige of bicameralism; references to so-called "gods" in the literature of ancient bicameral cultures were actually reterences to the omnipresent voices which controlled all non-routine human activity. The belief in gods as transcendent entities removed from everyday existence arose around 1000 B.C.E. as newly-conscious humans struggled to understand where the now-silenced controlling voices had gone. Jaynes sees the decline of theism in the modem world as evidence that humanity is finally sloughing off an unknowingly nostalgic legacy of bicameralism and truly embracing the possibilities of

Jaynes. (Houghton Mifflin' $I0.95, paperback)

New York, 1990∑, 491 pages,

possessed no Will \vith which to question or oppose it; the verbal commands from the right hemisphere were his

consciousness. Read this book. However much or little of Jaynes's hypothesis you elect to believe, you will be hard-pressed to

   ANSWER ME! issues 1 and 2, edited by Jim Goad. (Goad to Hell Ents., Los.An eles, 1991/1992; 76 and 100 pages,

$2.50, softc?verfull-size magazine, two-color "neon" covers.)

  I dove mto both issues of ANSWER Me! and stayed u way past y bedtime. Smart, witty, misanthropic aliens Ji: and Debbie Goad (Jim is Debbie.s "owner," but if that's not enough for you, they're also married) have declared war on

∑ evethry∑th∑ ing' particularIY typ.os -- they challenge youot mfi d any

Guest reviewer: Jeffrey Deboo.

  To all ofus in whose philosophy the human Will is central, th re is no more fascinating or intractable problem than that of t e relationship between the conscious mind and the uncons ious material universe (including the physical body and bram) upon which it actïs but from whi"ch ∑it seems so utter! ditlere t. To q ote Janes: "This insubstantial country of the mmd ... this consc10usness that is myself of selves that is everything, yet noth∑mg at all -- what is it? And where' did it come from? And why?"
   _Addressing these existential questions, he opens with a deta.iled and lurid discussion of the nature of con.sc10usness and th mmd, presenting clear and easily-understood insights into this very abstract and difficult subject. These initial chapters al?ne make the book a valuable find for any student of the mmd. Consciousness, the author points out, is not a "thing" but rat er a category of mental operations whicvh the Will must actively petform (bY "Wi'll" here I mean not only volition, but al o the Self' whose defining quality is volition and whose existe ce is -- ircular though it may seem -- possible only through consciousness). The brain can carry out a stunning

substitute for Will.

  To support thi startling thesis, Jayne offers an impressive array of evidence fmm brain anatomy, certain phenomena observed during bf\lin surgery on conscious patients, and analysis of pre-1OOo B.C.E. written documents. In my judgement, he has hot yet met the rigourous standard of absolute proof whit:h such a radical hypothesis must demand, but he has neverthc:Iess made a case which is too strong to be


  Jayne argues that the conscious mind arose when the social environment became too complex for the bicameral mind to function Properly. The bicameral mind was able to build and run large:, literate empires, without possessing volition or consciousness, but it could not cope with the strains imposed by clashes between different civilizations and hy certain natural disqsters and resulting r,nass migrations of people, all ofwhiCh came to a head around 1000 B.C.E. Interestingly, he ai:gues that consciousness first arose asa by≠ product of the phy,sical sensations experienced by human beings under extreme psychological stress, when the overwhelmed righ.t hemisphere was no longer able to generate

finda more thought-provoking work in this field.

THE DAY AMERICA TOLD THE TRUTH by James Patterson and Peter Kim. (Prentice Hail, New York, 1991; 270 pages, $19.95, hardcover). Guest reviewer: Jeffrey Deboo.

  "You are the law in this country. Who says so? You do, pardner .. There is absolutely no moral consensus at all in the 1990's. Everybody is making up their own personal moral codes -- their own Ten Commandments."

Thus do the authors of this book -- the "largest survey of private morals ever undertaken in this country" -- sum up the findings of their study (p. 25). The picture these findings paint makes it powerfully clear that nothing remains of the hypocritical Christian moral and ethical system buat hollow shell which the great majority of Americans disregard in practice, even while continuing to pay it lip service. Only thirteen percent of Americans actually believe in the Ten Commandments (p. 6). Jehovah's noisiest proxies come off even worse; out of seventy-three professions which respondents were asked to rate for "honesty and integrity," "TV


errJam-packed, beautifully-designed magazin. e "Oru . aim o amuse, provoke, and maybe jog your lazy-ass mind out of

array f complex mental functions automatically, without consc10us awareness being involved, while the Will ruminates

an instant resoluti<:>ll to every dilemma. Consciousness, which makes the Will possible, arose from the body rather than from

evangelist" was ranked the third lowest, above only "drug dealer" and "organized crime boss" (p. 143).

the stupor it's been in." Well, the only thing that provoked me about ANSWER Me! was the fact that I d"idn't have mor.e issues

on other matters or simply lies dormant. Jaynes's bold central thesis is that the conscious mind is a

the mind; instead t>f the Christian dichotomy between the spiritual and the carnal, there is only the carnal, in which the

Rejecting external guidance, each individual follows an


Entera brave new world f Social Darwinism, Primal Law, Resurgent Atavism, BloodM sticism, and much mo e. At last ther 1s a newsp per wholly devoted to exploring the darkest aspect of man and nature-with an emphasis on how to integrate them into your life and harvest their power as your own.

THE PREMIER ISSUE FEATURES: NATURE'S ETERNAL FASCISM An inquiry into the relationship between natural law, violence, and inequality. LONG LIVE DEATH! Insightful and inspirational observations extolling the virtues of destructive force. . ABRAXASSPEAKS A stirring introduction to the Abraxas Foundation's weltanschauung. GUSTAVE LEBON: HIS WIT AND WISDOM LeBo is univer ally h iled as t e father of social psychology, but has been virtually disownedb academia due to his decidedly ant1-e alitari n slant. His philosophy is beautifully encapsulated for ur readers m asenes of hard-hitting aphorisms. AND A WHOLE LOT MORE... More anti-humanitarian philosophy and Social Darwinist gnosis from history's most notorious figures-past, present, and future. Her ;s th vital information you need, untainted by liberal humanist (aka Judea-Christian) bias you re ready to take one giant step beyond good+ evil, WAKE is the journal for youI ï $2 ppd per copy/$3 overseas airmail PRE-ORDERS NOW BEING ACCEPTED Also Auailablt: TOTAL WAR (Video) Avideo document of thelast concert of NON's Jap t d ∑ march music, speeches, and songs. a must for y:u :: hve inOsaka. 30 exciting minutes of Social Darwinist $19.69 plus $3 postage/$6 postage for overseas airmail ABRAXAS ON THE AIR (Cassette Tape) Lots of laughs as a Foundation spokesman takes on th h t f f , programs. Two hours of conflict and controversy. e oso oneo the country s most popular chrlstian talk radio $5 ppd / $7 ppd overseas airmail COMING SOON The Abraxas Foundation television transmission. Pre production has already begun on this Abraxas Fou d r abl T ï ï ï ï

internally-generated personal moral sense. "When we want to answer a question of right and wrong, we ask ourselves. What we don't do is ... take counsel and advice from our religious and political authorities ... 93 percent said that they -- and nobody else -- determine what is and what isn't moral in their Jives ... we have made ourselves the authority over church and God" (p. 27).

  For example, contracy to popular belief, the behavioral changes unleashed by the sexual revolution have not been toned dowrr by the religious revivalism and AIDS hysteria of the eighties. Fetishism, casual encounters, non-monagamous relationships, etc., are not so openly advocated as in the sixties, but they are practiced as much or more, and seldom evoke serious guilt or moral condemnation. "Overwhelmingly, the American attitude toward sex (anything except sex with children) has become: Just do it ... We feel far less guilty about sexual matters than we've ever felt before" (p. 83).
  What people lack is not a willingness to generate their own moral code and live by it, but rather a philosophical basis to guide them in doing so and to make them feel comfortable with doing so. Millions who acknowledge that they cannot live by herd morality nevertheless wish that they could, and yearn nostalgically for the lost age of moral conformity (this

nostalgia is slathered on pretty thick by the authors themselves; if you actually read the book, be prepared to slog through a great deal of whining about how awful and alarming this "moral decline" is). But this chicken cannot be squeezed back into the egg. Freedom may be scary to some, but there is no future in trying to revive some universal moral code in which people simply do not and cannot believe anymore. Instead, the nineties look like fertile ground for the spread of the Satanic philosophy and values -- the religion of the individual, for the dawning Age of the Individual.

MIND OF THE NINJA, EXPLORING THE INNER POWER by Kirtland C. Peterson. (Contemporary Books, Inc. 1986; 301 pages, ISBN 0-8092-4951-0, $9.95, trade paperback). Guest reviewer: Peter Gilmore.

  This fascinating book is an exploration of the "what" of Niajutsu, rather than a compilation of "how to" techniques. The

practices; mythology is exloded for the far more exciting and graspable reality.

   Of particular interest to Satanists is the presentation of a philosophy that embraces the "Dark." To quote, "...the ninja accomplish even more than walking into the darkness and using it - they are able to preserve their inner flame..." Also, "Like the wrathful deity Mahakala in Tibetan Buddhism, who was terrifying to enemies of the faith but a protector of the initiated, and like the ninja's grid of nine-slashes which was both a curse upon enemies but a blessing upon allies, the Shadow image of the ninja was terrifying to the samurai, but "comforting" to the ninja. It not only discouraged the samurai fmm attacking, but also put them at the mercy of their own fears in confrontations." And finally, "It is only when we begin to realize that the darkness within us deserves to be listened to - indeed, needs to be nurtured and given appropriate expression - that we can begin to approach wholeness."
  The author is even more explicit in his understanding of the fully Satanic philosophy inherent in Ninpo. In a section exploring the ninja as the Devil he states, "...the Devil is capable of giving us remarkable gifts." The place of magic, Satanic magic, is also discussed as well. If you have any interest in the art and lifo of the ninja, then you'JI find this volume a must. In general, this book captures in a clear and explicit fashion, a non-Western Satanic tradition that has much to fascinate.
  GO TO HELL, a video by John Dewey. (Brimstone Ministries, P.O. Box 660, Marstons Mills, MA 02648, 1992; approximately one hour, VHS, $14.95 - includes postage).

Guest reviewer: Peter Gilmore.

   Well the folks who bmught you Praise the Devil are back again and have definitely put some effort into getting their act together. This tape includes two half-hour installments of a program that was broadcast on public access cable. The focus in both of these pmgrams is on combatting Christianity via the presentation of the free-thought elements that launched this country. For script material, heavy reliance is made on publications released by American Atheists (in one segment, Lucifer Taylor, robed in black, reads a child's story about the origin of dieties from an AA publication), but this is all solid

material that promotes reason and eschews the blight of

submit inquiries regarding how to sponsor this programni/y c; e .dV.hprog am. Ouahf1e ind1v1duals are invited to area an ave 1t broadcast via public access cable.

author is a psychologist as well as a practitioner of this

Christianity and religions in general. Other interesting

Make checks and money orders payable to WAKE SERVICES.Send all communications to: THE ABRAXAS FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 300081

discipline and thus brings a unique perspective to bear in analyzing this oft misunderstood "martial art." How the Ninja is perceived in popular culture and fiction is examined as well as the realities behind the historical as well as contemporary

segments include imagery of swans gracefully sailing past, accompanied by soft guitar music and spoken quotations from Might is Right. The foibles of Catholic Popes are exposed and the anti-Christian sayings of our first four presidents are

J offered up to confirm our contention that the United States

between Wicca and Satanism. Ms. Vera is expected to further delineate her thinking on Satanism in future columns, and next

t,egan aas

Satanic Republic_, only to later degenerate into the

up is scheduled to be her comparison/contrast between the

"humanist" cesspit we now experience. There are readings erom The Satanic Bible, though Dr. LaVey is not mentioned. John vewey (as Daimon Egan - Anti-Christ) clad ina black

Church of Satan and the Temple of Set (Ms. Vera is not associated with either organization). Also of note are some of the photo-collage illustrations by Ganesha Graphix for other

robe witha floppy vampire-type collar - looking jusat little too

articles in the issue.

cheesy-Halloween rather than the magisterial effectI think is


stands at an altar behind which the stars and stripes are

EXEAT (Brekekk,P.O. Box 109,Newport, Gwent,

unfurled and in front of which is the Temple of Set pentagram logo, though no Setian doctrine is espoused verbally. Dewey's delivery has improved here, though there is an overall slowness to the pacing that is the real problem with this production. Shots are held too long, particularly in the first episode, though the fancy video wipes used in the second help to spice up the

Wales, UK, 1992; 19 pages, $3.00 cash). Guest reviewer: Peter Gilmore.

  This is the "Special Heresy Edition" of EXEAT and herein is presented "The Nazarene/Magian Ethos" exploring its poisoning of the Western imperative as well as the emergeance of National-Socialism as a socio-political challenge to its

viewing. There is obviously a great deal of work put in to these


"Mass of Heresy" using Third Reich symbolism

two episodes and the participants are getting better at presentation. It would be delightful to see the reaction of people who unwittingly tune in to this broadcast. With his move away from Setian gobbledygook towards direct Satanic Americanism and freethinking, Dewey is creatinga program which is an interesting effort that should bear following.

  BLOOD AXIS, informational pamphlet (Blood Axis, P.O. Box 18009, Denver, CO 80218; 12 pages, $2∑.00- U.S. $3.00-

foreign, digest size). Guest reviewer: Peter Gilmore

  Here isa visually attractive booklet thay gives you greater insight into Michael Moynihan's musical entity Blood A.xis whose work onLomp of the Invisible Light (Cthulhu Records)

asa means to challenge accepted historical dogmas; poetry- "In Memoriam Berlin 1945," "Satanism, Blasphemy and the Black Mass," "Satanism -The Sinister Shadow, Revealed," anda concluding diatribe: "The Future Belongs To Us" which voices support for Adolph Hitler whose spirit still haunts Europe and America.

  FENRIR. (Thormynd Press, P.O. Box 700, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, 1992; 18 pages, $3.00 cash).

Guest reviewer: Peter Gilmore.

  This is the "Special 'Hostia' Edition" edited by Stephen Brown which presents the concept of Satanism espoused by the Order of Nine Angles. Herein you will find articles that delineate this with great clarity: "Victims -A Sinister Expose," "The Hard

we reviewed last issue. Song lyrics, as well as texts that clarify

Reality of Satanism," "Satanism, Sacrifice and Crim-e


the philosophy behind these efforts are presented along with illustrative imagery. If you enjoyed the music you'll want to

Satanic Truth" (advocating human sacrifice), and alsoa listing of O.N.A. publications that are available. This O.N.A. publication

ad this publication to your collection to enhance your listening

certainly goeas

long way towards giving the Bible-thumpers

.,< CJU.Y.LUT P.O. BOX 1444, COLO. SPGS., co 80901 USA


ABRASAX, Summer Solstice 1992, an occult quarterly edited and published by James M. Martin. (ABRASAX Publications, P.O. Box 1219, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-1219, 1002; 54 pages, full-sized, staple bound, $5.00 payable to James Martin). Guest reviewer: Peter Gilmore. ABRAS AX has now reached its sixteenth issue and continues to be jam-packed with articles exploring contemporary occultism, heavily flavored witha Crowleyan perspective, as well as reviews and advertisements. ln this issue is the debut column "From the Darkside" wherein Diani! Vt!ra presents her perspective on the similarities and differences

printed matter which fulfills the image of the straw man they have been promoting in the media for years.


, k' S lfD f H d are talking about either breaking his lines of communication eth1n 1ng e - e ense an guns with his body by plugging the brain or spinal cord, or stopping the flow of blood TO the brain by hitting the heart or major sur- rounding blood vessels.


$. it " !

M)' RECENT ARTICLE ON NDGUNS entitled "Satanic self-Defense" produced a visit from an old friend and survivor for close to forty years. He had read my article and came to take me to the task. "You really like those big bore guns, don't you Nemo?" I told him I liked the idea of knowing that what I hit would go down hard. "But if you miss the target, nothing happens, right? And what is the number one key to being certain that you hit the tar- get? Target practise!" I agreed and asked him to get to the point.

  "Well, Nemo,just how often do you target shoot with that expensive, high calibre ammo? And how many rounds do you fire each time at 25 to 50 cents a pop?"

And there came the truth.

  I told him that I would spend maybe twenty dollars in ammo each month in practice shooting, but that meant maybe shooting 100 rounds or less (usually less because I like to use the more exotic rounds, like the MagSafe which runs around

two dollars per cartridge!). "Well, sounds to me like you could use a lot more practice to keep a keen eye, don't you think?"

  And I knew what he was going to do next. I knew it be≠ causeI remembered who I was talking to, who he'd worked for over the years and what kinds of incredible situations iny friend

had gotten through alive.

  He reached into his shirt pocket and, instead of drawinga cigarette, he drew a midnight-black Jennings .22 calibe auto-


  "You've gotten too high-tech, Nemo," he told me. "There's only three targets. to hit on a man to stop him. There's the head, the spine, and the heart."

I nodded as I thought back to my first autopsy over twenty years ago with Tenth Med Lab, NATO. We always got the oddball deaths and murders from across Europe. During that first autopsy, the hospital morgue was crowded with military and civilian attorneys and judges so that I could hardly move for all the shoulders and elbows. A young and drunk GI had drawna knife on a civilian taxicab driver the day before. The cabbie had neatly drilled a .22 caliber hole through the left ventricle of the heart, dropping the soldier on the spot. It wasn't the last small caliber killing I'd see during that tour of duty. When you think of stopping a man by shooting him, you

Now the brain is encased in a rounded helmet of annor called the skull. Even very large calibers have been known to glance off this rounded bony shell. My friend emphasized this. "Head shots are for show-offs and show-offs don't live long." The spinal cord is also shielded by the bony spine but, in addition, is a very slender target. It's easier to hit a loose string hanging in the wind you CAN see, than a spinal cord buried deep INSIDE the body where you CAN'T see it. "You just always shoot between the annpits and, ifit's human, it'll drop."

  So saying, my friend snapped off seven rapid fire shots through a paper plate fifteen feet away. The neat little holes spread over the center of the plate, less than four inches apart.

"Now if that plate was some guy's chest, what would we have here?"

  And I knew exactly what we'd have. There would have been between two to four hits directly through the heart itself, perhaps another hit or two through the aorta, and several more long tears through lung tissue. And what would that mean?
  Well, maybe you've seen the splatter films where some≠ one's throat is slashed and the blood sprays out for several feet. That's real. Blood is pumped UNDER PRESSURE to move precious oxygen to your brain, muscles and other tissue in ex≠ actly the same way there is water pressure in a garden hose. It doesn't take a large hole to cause that pressure to drop to noth-

ing. When a man is shot in the heart or any of the primary sur- rounding blood vessels in the chest cavity, consciousness will tade almost immediately as the brain is no longer receiving oxygen. The result is massive shock and rapid loss of motor function. The man drops before he can continue.

  I asked my friend about the exceptions, those on-record cases of drug-crazed maniacs w.ho take direct hits through the heart and keep on coming long enough to still kill you. "Wouldn't a high caliber like a .357, which can physically knock the guy down, make more sense than a .22?"
  My friend pulled a spare magazine from the same shirt pocket (these are SMALL guns!), switched it with the empty and spat seven more rounds into the same target even more tightly than the first time.

"You don't seem to understand, Nemo." He paused and pushed his hat brim up with his thumb and stared at me. "It




only helps IF YOU HIT THE TARGET. What if you MISS on tha.t first sho.t with. that heavy ∑357?∑ How long be1"ore you can re-onent that sight picture and get off a good second shot?" At which point, my friend pulled out yet ANOTHE

acted magazine_from UNDER his hat (amazing what a rubber and can do), switched magazines and zapped yet ANOTHER seven rounds into tthe center of the target.
   "With a little .22 you have almost no recoil and that means you can KEEP ON TARGET faster and easier.11

e held up his hand and spread his thumb out. Th t old scar came from one of your larger caliber a to atics w en the slide bit off some skin. Do you think I d1dn t feel a httle less than anxious to shoot something that HURTS?

.	I knew what he meant. Large bore weapons can sting even bruise the hand with repeated use. I can remember one firi g brange where someone. br.ought a two-shot ∑357 de.mnger. 0 ne

y one eveiyo had a similar experience with going BANG! athnd thenïsweanng while shaking the offended hna .d mp. am as next disbelieving marksman took the weapon and follo ed SUit. A .22 caliber target pistol is fun to shoot. It has no recoil to

o e in the chamber) which I bought for just over $200 a cou I of years ago. Later this year, Taurus should be releasing th _Pe elegant PT-22 double action automatic modeled after the eir legendary Beretta which carries a nine-round magazine. . So what does all this mean? Well, here's a summ . 2 cahber ammuru∑h∑on ∑is cheap, offers virtually no recoilaarny∑d. t2h handguns are highly concealable and cheap as well. This e means you can regularly practice target shooting and get rel' b ly accurate with your weapon. Finally' that means you are ia- much more likely to hit what you need to shoot at if you ever actually have to. . Bigger is not necessarily better. With large-bore handguns bigger does mean one shot stops IF you hit the target. But big-, g r bore also means bigger bucks, bigger recoil, bigger margins of error. In a gunfight, you do not have time for error. I stand corrected...and now carry_a221


rne Thoughts on the Riots

'f}IE WAVE OF VIOLENT TURMOIL which swept Los p.ngeles and other cities at the end of April XXVII served asa grim reminder of the state of incipient warfare simmering between the productive classes of society and the vast parasitic underclass which feeds off of them. The media predictably emphasized the racial angle, and racism clearly played a role (in places the rampage took on the character of an anti-Korean pogrom), but every race was well represented both among the rioting thugs and among the people they robbed and murdered. The real divide wasa cultural one: the city's underworld of gangs, druggies, spongers, and miscellaneous riff-raff (Nietzsche's chandala class) against its self-sufficient and responsible people and the way of life they represent. A couple of points of specific interest: First, the riots would not have happened had not the hooligans been fairly confident that the authorities would make no immediate serious effort to contain them. This confidence proved to be justified. In the aftermath of the Rodney King police-brutality verdict,

how the rioting represents an outburst of understandable rage and frustration from the poor, oppressed underclass, ignoring the fact that the underclass in the United States enjoysa level of material wealth, personal freedom, and access to economic opportunity far superior to that of about three quarters of the worlds∑ population; there has probably never been an impoverished class which had so few factors beyond its own control to which it could point as an excuse for its condition. We have not yet heard from the right, but rest assured that they will find outbreaks of urban chaos as usefual pretext as the drug problem has been, to enact a raft of new laws which will contribute absolutely nothing to solving the problem but which will further erode personal freedom and Constitutional protections and generally increase the power and arrogance of the State at our expense. Watch for out political "leaders" to vomit fortha gusher of new proposals for more handouts of various kinds for the poor downtrodden underprivileged etc etc., to be paid for out of your taxes, of course -- the least you can do for those unfortunate souls is to donate of your substance to keep them well-fed, so that they will have the strength to riot against you more often -≠ combined with calls for stricter gun control laws, which will disarm you, not the thugs (one Berkeley shopowner was briet1y handcuffed by police for brandishing a .38 to drive looters


sitp.eak of. It doe,sn't hurt. you feel COMFORTABLEs


and ina society steeped in the disgusting miasma of Christian

from his store), and broadened police power, which will end up

My friend had pulled a plastic box about the size of a VCR re te control from his back pocket. It contained l 00 CCI M1ru-Mag .22 bullets. The price tag read under $300 "Y .. ou know, Nemo, I just shot 21 times so far for less than

buck. Cheap ammo does spell more practice and more prac≠ tice means more hits in real life. If your doped-up nut attacks me, I can empty this clip in his heart before you can probabl get one shot that will hit him anywhere. Make sense?"	y
.	It certainly was making more and more sense. The chest cavity gets are about five to seven inches deep and the little

.22 e Ily penetrates the bone and cartilage of the frontal thoracic area to enter those organs. The .22 is smaller and the fore requires less energy for penetration than larger calibers. (By the way, .22 hollowpoints are NOT a good idea becau e they tend o mushroom before necessarily achieving su c1 nt penetra on. Hollowpoints also have a bad tendency to Jam_ m automatics. Always stick with solid bullets.)

  Fi lly' most .22 caliber target pistols are substantially less e pensive than larger caliber weapons. The little Jennings my

. frie.nd was shooting retailed for around $75 w1∑th two maga- zmes m:luded._ I already owned a nifty Smith & Wesson model 2 14 w1 an eight-round magazine and a twelve round maga≠ zme (which makes for a 13-round weapon when carried with

tum-the-other-cheek handwringing, immediate use of the large- scale deadly force necessary to protect law-abiding people and their property might have been widely deemed "excessive". In other words, a certain number of people were sacrificed to mob blood-lust because the authorities were frightened of taking more heat in the herd media. (It was courageous civilians who rescued the truck driver we all sa being savaged on TV.) Also, the federal government did not get around to deploying troops to restore order until most of the damage had already been done. So be warned: during the next such outrage (and have no doubt, there will be many more), those who live within striking distance of one of these urban cesspits will be on their own, at least for the first day or two. This seems to me to just about settle the national debate about private gun ownership. Some shopowners in Los Angeles, being armed, were able to drive off the mobs and thus save themselves and their property; disarming them would have robbed them of their ability to protect themselves (and anyone who thinks thaat gun-control law would have kept the riQlcrs. from being armed must have been living on another planet most of his life). Second, the reaction from the political system has been as nauseating as one might have predicted. The left whines about

restricting you far more than it inconveniences them.

  My hope -- and increasingly, my belief -- is that the productive classes of our society have just about had it with this nonsense and are growing really to calal halt.A halt to suffocating paternalistic statism which ends up exacerbating the problems it claims it will solve. A halt to the habit of blaming thugs∑ behavior on poverty, racism, broken homes, brutal toilet training, or absolutely anything except the perverted free will of the thugs themselves.A halt to an authoritarian state philosophy whose answer to every crisis is

to enada Jaw telling you and me that we cannot do something we could formerly do. A halt to a social system in which ever≠ multiplying hordes of parasites enervate the nation as tapeworms enervate their host. Christianity is dying; turning the other cheek has become too obviously dangerous. And an ever-growing percentage of America's most productive people trace their roots not to Europe but to East Asia, a land blessedly free of the Nazarene taint which teaches us to wring our hands and agonize over how unfair life might have been to some thug who is violently attacking us. Note how many of those Korean shopkeepers were armed (and after this lesson, you can bet that many more

will be next time), and detended themselves without qualm. Had every merchant in the affected area followed their example, the riots would have been over very quickly -- it: I indeed, the cowardly savages had dared to start them in the first place. J The future belongs to us. The thugs may have wona battle, but if we show an atom of firmness, they cannot win the war.


   ...The questions asked now by all citizens of Los Angeles are: "Where were our police? Why didn't the police respond in time to quell the riot? What became of civilized society?" As an 18-year veteran of the LAPD, I can only say that, from what

I observed, we were totally out numbered - over-run by forces beyond anyone's control.

   ...This was the most important issue to come out of this riot as far asI was concerned - the right under the Second Amendment to take up arms when the government charged with your protection fails to protect yo. u
   ...To the membership of the NRA I say, the anti-gunners are the biggest threat to our way of life since the rise of communism in 1917. If the Korean- and African-American shop owners in Los Angeles hadn't been armed, the arson and looting would have taken a heavier toll than reported.
    What happened in Los Angeles can and eventuaJJy wiU occur in other parts of the U.S. If the anti-gunners take away your right to protect your lite with a gun in a massive riot, don't expect the boys in blue suits to come to your aid ina timely fashion. There are not enough to go around, and by the time the politicians agree to call up the National Guard, your property and life will be lost. By the time the National Guard arrived in Los Angeles, it was aJJ over - the damage and death had already occurred. You have to have the means available at the ready to be able to defend yourself in the time of civil

unrest. The armed law-abiding citizen becomes the last line of defense in the protection of civil society when civil authority cannot protect. Vote out the politicians who even think of any sort of gun

Witches! Have you been touched by Satan?...

...Or perhaps another supernatural or alien being'? If so, I'd like to hear from you. I'm researching a new book on true womanly power, contemporary sexual mythology, and connections with Satanism and Evil. I'd like to get some frank answers from women who haven't had a chance to voice certain dark thoughts. Anonymity is assured -- names will not be required, but honesty is essential. To

receive a questionnaire, please senda self≠ addressed, stamped envelope to:

   Blanche Barton Post Office Box 210082 San Francisco, CA 94121

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The Leading Magazine

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control. Once they start controlling your right to bear arms, it's

of the Left Hand Path

ï1yï,t ..._, ......1. ..... ....

in the United Kingdom ï ï.. i) "! ï,t ................... ....

onlya matter of time when you will not have this right


Ott tl1e LivittS Cl-dt of tl1e Vttbeab

anymore. Remember, the next riot might be in your own

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The Ritl-fals. tl1e Teacl-1itt55

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Thomas Hobbes, the British political theorist, said,


YY\1 ,.lY'!V\"V\

Settb $;.oo V.S. to

in V ï.' ïi ï..ï. ï1 \' '! V ï1 ï..

"Without the sword, the law is only words." Without an armed citizenry, anarchy stands unchecked.

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V\ïï,.ï'141\ï'l !ïJïtï.. .._, y ï.ï ï.ï. ........y .... ï1, ...

Tem1,lc of tl1e Vampire

"lY'l'l'l'l\11'1'... I \'ï .ï. ï1ï1ï1ï1"!'l'J'}i.., ïï.. \' 'l V V ï1 \' ï,.ï ï...ï ï...

Box 3;s2, lace11, V\IA 9s;D3

Officer R.T. Dorsey, LAPD, Northeast Division.


-- . .

\ï V ï...ï ï1 \.' 'l ï..ï. Y 'l u 'l\l'..'t... \' \"'l'l 'l

SPA S - What's toinu On Out There BY PETER H. GILMORE LAST ISSUE WE SURVEYED several Satanic organizations which proclaim philosophical links with the Church of Satan. We shall continue here with material of a similar nature to keep our readers informed as to the many varied individuals who are making a marlc on the "Satanic Scene". The below mentioned organizations and publications have definitely thrown in their lot with the theories and practices put forward in Dr. La Vey∑s pioneering writings. We wish them well as their en<leavors continue.


   Founded and directed by William Gidney, a Church of Satan Agent who is an honorably discharged U.S. Military veteran holding an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree, this

Advancement within the Grotto is based upon a member's occult knowledge and abilities and faithful dedication to the Grotto.

   "The Infernal Grotto is affiliated with the Church of Satan, but is not a go-between for their membership."
   For information send a $5.00 check or money order (made out to William Gidney) to:

THE INFERNAL GROTTO, 265 S.W. Port St. Lucie Blvd., Suite 133, Port St. Lucie, FL 34984.


MM-a; Hlii - #42. Our readers should well be familiar with the refreshingly militant literature roduced by Doran Ragnarok and his hurch of wAR. These two new efforts

ontinue in that vein. Communique 4! is itled "The Golden and the Garish, The Occult Power of Kitsch" and it is an incisive indictment of the bland practices of Aesthetic Functionalism. Communique

42, "Chimera Obscura," presents a diatribe of separatism of the elite from the peStilent world of the masses. Both pamphlets are inspiring. For further information about recordings, publications and video propaganda concerning this Final Religion promoting Primal Paganism and Fierce Fascism send $6.00 in cash to: Commodity, P.O. Box 15, Altadena, CA 91003, U.S.A.

organization has concentrated on working with local neo≠ pagans (Mr. Gidney's intended is a practicing witch), to establish a high media profile and to focus attention on the rights of practitioners of Satanism as well as Pagan religions. To this end they have offered public lectures regarding the philosophies of Satanism and Wicca and have even protested (replete with placards proclaiming "Warnke is a Fraud!") the credentials of Christian Evangelist/comic Mike Warnke, author of the highly fictional The Satan Seller, when he was proselytizing/performing in their area. They also organized a pro-choice demonstration in the middle of a fundamentalist Christian right-to-life "Life-Chain."

   At present they continue to offer lectures and classes as well as regular rituals for local members. The Satanic Services available include "Unholy Matrimony," "Child Baptism," "Adult Initiation," and even "Satanic Burials." A video is in preparation entitled The War Against God that is intended to give a perspective regarding the practice of contemporary Satanism through interviews with Grotto members and footage of ritual activity. The following is quoted from their informational material:
   "The Infernal Grotto is a Magickal/Political Order based upon the principles of The Satanic Bible along with the theories and practices of the pre-Christian European Pagan cultures.
   "The Grotto meets for weekly Esbats, celebrating the Sabbats and performing ceremonial initiations for selected members of the Grotto.

"The Grotto has five degrees of membership.

\ l I I r l William Gidney ministers to a disciple. I

  • * *

Let us next examine some literature that will he of interest I to Satanists.

   First up, FROM THE PIT, The Newsletter of the Aback/on Grotto. Edited by the discerning Church of Satan member Michael Rose, this quarterly publication which debuted in SummerofXXVI has covered such topics as "Bigotry," "A Real Death Cult," "Taking the Christ out of Christmas," "In Pursuit of Happiness," and "Eugenics Anyone?" As well as

Altar of the Infernal Grotto.

these insightful editorials, you will also find brief news items, reviews of films and publications, and quotable quotes. The first three issues consisted of 8.5 x 11 inch sheets stapled in the upper left comer. The fourth and fifth issues switched to the digest size format. . . . .

  Altogether a fine publication which will certamly satisfy your craving for futher avenues of Satanic thinking. All five back issues are available at $2.00 each in U.S. funds ($3.00 outside of the U.S.), with the next issue available for $1.00 ($2.00 outside of the U.S.). Contact From The Pit, Michael Rose, P.O. Box 1413, Decatur, AL 35602, U.S.A.
  WAKE, volume one issue one. Boyd Rice's Abra.xas Foundation has launched its print propaganda efforts witha slim but powerful premiere issue. Provocatively explori g historical Social Darwinist thinking as well as examining the Fascism inherent in Nature, this graphically attractive publication will sharpen your thinking by laying bare the soul of the beast called Man. This is a must for Satanists

everywhere. To order, send $2.00 in U.S. funds ($3.00 outside the U.S.) to:

  The Abraxas Foundation, P.O. Box 300081, Denver, CO 80203, U.S.A.


THE ODE TO LEVIATHAN Driving down this highway, With the windows and the top rolled down. The hot winter sun makes for hot winter fun≠ But when it sets down...

The cold beach sand, Seats a carnal man, Gazing at the full moon rise.

   My evil stare, Beholds Leviathan's lair...

I hear his roar with the crashing tide. And on this chilly solstice night, I marvel at his size. His awesome, violent dragonïs flesh Glistens, lit by the Bearer of Light. And morning star, exalted star Oh, if you could stay, In this time-untapped space. Forever would 1 gaze.

Eternal Beast, Blessed be. King of the oceans and the seas.

Unholy waters, before I gaze. This chilly solstice night, It's you...and me! William Gidney


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Don't Blame Me

Everyone is influenced by someone I will not be your alibi, If the Devil made you do it Then don't expect "God" to get you out. It's your life, Your private world, So don't blame me!

You can't expect me to save you, After all I have done to help. The world is made of misfits It's time you be destroyed! ' If someone doesn't start a massacre The fools will kill themselves anywa' y... The end of the world has arrived Did you hear my trumpet blow? '

War they scream, war they all scream! Destruction all around, Mother against daughter, father against son, Let the earthquakes roar. The wolves run free, chaos all around, The "Dead Hand" no longer rules! Is this what you expected? Did you think your prayers would really save you?

There is no-one to save you now, The Piper's played his tune.

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The battle drums are silent, Now the dust shall settle down... Natural Law shall rule the land! I spit on the dead defiantly!!! This is what you saints all tear, The Devil told me in my ear.

You were influenced by a deadly seed, The reaper will cut you down. Sickle in hand, black cape in the wind, Death's a loving man. Just be glad there was no savior, Because your hypocritical way's, Would have sent you straight to Hell!!!

Robe11J. Perdew

Jesus Christ, C.E.O. of Christianity, Inc. - manufacturer of human misery, is worried about a hostile takeover by Satanism, which would change the stockholders' dividends from guilt to pride.

The problem with non-elitism and non-stratification is the problem of homogenized milk: the cream doesn't rise to the top pf the bottle.

Richard de Lago (LaVey Dollar Bill by Richard de Lago)


  bol of having achieved womanhood; as a tmy chlld playmg sinymy parents∑ closet, the Mommy shoes were always very d"f

ferent from the big, clunky Daddy shoes. When I'd try them on, Illy little feet would slide down the sharp incline to the toe, and from there I'd clip-clop before the mirror. In the magical high-heels, I was transformed: taller, more graceful, a lady. I could do anything. Even women with downright ugly legs look better in high heels; their flawless design naturally finishes off the curve of a woman∑s leg, makes her feet appear tinier and prettier. If some women want to discard these essyntial tools of witchcraft, there are enough of us ready to take them up with glee.

  Recently I attended a professional conference with some colleagues, a mixed group of men and women. It was a weekend thing, consisting of both business and socialization, and our instructions were to dress casually. Well, as most of you no doubt know, this means different things to different people, but to the average American it means jeans and sneakers. If you don't believe this, take a look around the next time you go to the theater or to a fancy restaurant; only genuine four-star places require ties these days, and you'll see many men without jackets and ladies in running shoes. Anyway, I ar≠ rived at the conference in a casual, comfortable knit dress with a V-neck, and what I consider a pair of casual walking shoes: soft black pumps with 2 1/2" heels. We were required to walk around a large complex to atttend various meetings and get≠ togethers; I was ready. While the men said nothing when I ar≠ rived, the women in my group were aghast. "Honey, they said

casual! What are you doing in those heels? How are you going to walk?"

  I was tempted to put on my best Mae West accent, and swinging my hips, look over my shoulder and say, "Like this.,.. Boom-chicka-boom. Instead I said, "No problem. These are as comfortable as sneakers."
   Well' it worked like a charm. As the "best-dressed" in the group, I was automatically deferred to all day; my heels click-

ing down the hallways of the conference center announced the am.val of someone both important and feminine. Occasionally the group would decide to cut across an expanse of lawn to reach another building more quickly; I would demur and choose the sidewalk to keep my heels clean, but never failed for a male companion to "keep me company." And although I

- was not the le.ide of ur group professionally, other profes- sionals would assume I was until introduced. All this time, the other women kept up a mild exasperation at how much "trouble" I had gone to, at how unnecessarily "dressed-up" I was. I don't think they realized the real source of their ex≠ asperation: I had stolen the limelight right out from under their noses, and they had allowed me to do it! After all, I wasnï t the one who told them to wear their stone-washed jeans, bulky sweaters and Reeboks.

   While I've stressed the essential femininity of wearing heels -- there is no other item of clothing so universally iden≠ tified with femaleness and attraction -- I'd like to point out their effectiveness as a symbol of authority, especially for you more dominant witches. The boss lady wears heels, not brogues; anyone can tell you that. The sound of their approaching tattoo on tile, marble or rain-slicked sidewalk is one of determination and power. And just look at their shape: sexy and slithery, but also spiky, dangerous. "She ground him under her heel" -- does anyone dispute that her heel would be a high heel? In fact, self≠ defense specialists have long counseled women that a quickly≠ doffed high-heeled shoe makes an excellent impromptu weapon.
   Some people say that on today's mean streets a woman in high heels appears weak and defenseless; she can't run away. Still other women moan about the torture and pain of wearing heels. No excuse: more and more shoe companies are coming out with moderately high heels that have all kinds of comfort built in -- just look at the high heeled lovelies playing basket≠ ball in those TV commercials! (We won't go into the kink fac≠ tor on that one.) And if you're the kin<l who's always jumping in and out of her car -- what's your excuse now?
   It's like this: you can sit back and whine in your awkward, chunky running shoes about how heels are the instrument of Woman's subjugation -- or you can go get yourself a nice starter pair in fine black kid, with 3" winestems, and start doing some subjugation yourself. Don't blame men if their heads naturally turn when a pair of heels goes by -- they 're the ones who are helpless!


I like to play in the dark. A streetlamp's reflection on rain-soaked pavement cheers me. The staccato sounds of my footsteps on the sidewalk, damp cool breezes lifting the hem of my skirt My heart beats faster, rain twinkles like diamonds in my hair While the world beds down, battens against the night I rush out into it, street noise singing in my ears. Is it the man I go to meet, who makes me tremble in anticipation, Or the night itself, embracing us both? No matter. We are both of it. He waits in a doorway, fog curling around his black-clad figure. His hat brim lifts to reveal his smile.

Christine Murphy

CHUZHBOG by Timothy Patrick Butler

CHURCH OJF SAT AN FOR INFORMATION: send a self-addressed, stamped envelope or four IRCs to: P.O. Box 210082, San Francisco, CA 94121