The Black Flame Vol. 1 No. 3

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Full uncorrected text (3/18/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 1 No. 3.

LEX TALIONIS! by Peter H. Gilmore, ye Editor

Once again that time of year has come animal who has been tricked into a denial of his

' "'

y. wherein we are inundated with the dross of the

nature by most of the world's religions. that we find

ts, Nazarene worshippers. One attitude that is constantly this balance upset. ts shoved down our throats. in addition to the phony For those still affected by Osmo­ {e cheer, is that this is a season for forgiveness and consciousness, let us explore why mercy is an attitude ea mercy. Here stands revealed one of the most to be expunged. Those who deal with their fellows in 1st insidious elements of the Christian creed: advocation a just and rational manner have nothing to fear in x-f of clemency for offenders and thus scorn for the receiving the response their activities have garnered.

Iii victims of criminal activit)'.

It is only those who are criminals or who intend to

he Satanists reject mercy as a vile sham. a slap

perform criminal acts that advocate leniency for their

Lvti in the face to all who live justly. One of our major

past, present, or future deeds. If someone robs your

goals for social change in the coming decade and the new century is the restoration of justice. As the year XXV dawns, we begin this century's final decade which is certain to be a period of turmoil that holds great promise for the advancement of our new order. The end times are here. the final days of the rule of

home, mugs you in the street, assaults your spouse, abuses your offspring. do you want to forgive and forget? NO! The resounding impulse is for retribution. Here is justice, not the present state of affairs wherein criminals may sue their victims, who were trying to defend themselves from unjustified

1' the cross. The world will be swept by a wave of attacks. I suggest that you take a look at our aptly Satanic individuals who will stand forth to claim their named criminal justice system, and witness the 11 birthright as humans, proud of their nature. Let those travesties that unfold daily.

who are slaves grovel on their knees in the mud before the images of non-existent gods. The times dema d the efforts of self-proclaimed Gods. who Worship themselves and can produce results. An elite of the able will move forward towards the true destiny of our species, to master ourselves and the Universe.

    There will be room no longer for the od ling of vipers in our midst. We resurrect the n ient Roman dictum of Lex Talionis. that the

t is ment should fit in kind and degree the crime. is is the law that holds sway in all of Nature's alms. It is only in the sphere ruled by Man. the -=

But these days of infamy are numbered. The time is coming when people will be held responsible for their actions. Nothing less will suffice. And this goes as well for those many individuals who willfully have carried out a campaign to smear our religion. Their falsehoods will be remembered, and they shall be made to pay! As XXV brings us into the ninth decade of this century. raise your cups and honor the re-establishment of Lex Talionis as Lex Saranicus. The creed of the Nazarene. and his ilk, shall be trodden under cloven hooves! Which side shall hold your allegiance?

Any and all articles, letters, essays or commentary submitted to this publication yet demonstrating an ignorance of the principles and ideas in The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey (Avon Books) will be ignored. ---== J

Sl-1EAtl-1AAtfO ASl-1! The Value of l)efiance byNemo

SATAN CLAUS- The Truth about Santa Claus by Wayne Hill and Tani Jantsang

      Satanism is the worship of the ego, your on11 ego. as God. To paraphrase the writings of the sheep. "Thou art God. Thou shalt have no other gods before thee!" There is a rite of initiation to this viewpoint which transforms the individual forever. There is an abyss which. once crossed, forever separates the individual from all others who remain milling about mindlessly on the other side. There is a Gate through which the individual passes which dramatically alters his personal self-assessment and self-image.
      That rite. that abyss. that Gate is the act of declaring yourself to be a Satanist.
      The words and names you accept to define who you are determine far more than the simple impact they may have on others. Our self­ designations define who we are to our own selves.
      We live in a world which condemns Satan as the epitome of Evil. To assume what the world calls "evil" as your personal standard of "good," to call yourself a Satanist, is to set your being in opposition to the entire world.
      This is the one fact that will unite any division between various groups and individuals who call themselves Satanists. Even those individuals who superstitiously worship an external god, and still call themselves Satanists. share this emotional defiance of the common herd-wisdom.
       In discussions with Satanists across the globe I have often been amused at how we recognize the drawbacks of this defiance in terms of public attitude and yet it is the defiance itselfwhich cannot be relinquished by the Satanist! For this defiance reaches inward, to emotional depths not accessible to words or simple thoughts. The throwing down of the glove before the self-righteous hypocrisy of the Judea-Christian culture is not so much for the purpose of doing battle with those absurd. self-defeating precepts as it is to remind oneself, by contrast, of what Satanism stands for.
      This reminder of the truth is necessary. Other pro-ego groups who lack the emotionally-empowered symbols of Satanism are all-too-easily engulfed by the pressure of mediocrity. Identity requires boundaries to separate the object or person from the "other." This is how children learn about human society. through identification, through taking a name and becoming that thing.
      It is also part of the "hard-wiring" of our human nervous system to not perceive what is common in our environment. How long did it take you. for example, to discover that "Satan" ceased to

have a shock effect on your own mind? How long The black cat is out of the bag. to before the Baphomet_ ceased to appear as a lurid transmogrify the popular adage about "Jolly old St. symbol of forbidden evtl? . k II Several radical Christian and Moslem groups I rea11ze t er are some _atamsts o stature} vein recent years alleged that this rampant symbol who hold hat the weanng of Satamc orname tation is h:"Christ Mass" has nothing to do with their faiths. co fes 10 of shallow_ness o_f understandi_ng. Tqe nd is in fact Pagan, anti-Judea-Christian. and 1mphcat10n 1s that wearmg a rmg or medalhon is to h refore -- Satanic. simp1y. impress peop1 eat pa. rties, or some sueh . At the te Their conclusion was reached by. among same time, ther is a valu in receiving the feedback ther things. a simple rearrangement of the first word of those ho will react wit shock or concern or fear i f "Santa Claus" into the word "Satan." Their failure or even disgust to t e Satamc sym ols. to deduce much more than that is based primarily on As Satamsts, we have discovered the value their ignorance and fear of "Paganism." But...they are of defiance as an emotio al to l to divi?e ourselves right! from the herd of humamty which passively moves Now that this little secret of ours has finally toward the sl ughterhouse. We do _not work to_ endure, been exposed, we will share with you some of the real an average hfe of of tortur d gmlt, f:us_tra ion and meanings of "Santa Claus" and the festivities of the bored_om. We defy these anti-human hm1tat10ns and season which we have so artfully fed to an recognize that "eternal vigilance is the price of unsuspecting. benighted Christian populace. freedom." Defiance is the alarm clock which allows Who would suspect. for example. that the us to keep this vigil. nine reindeer correspond to the nine layers of Dante's

      Let me offer a specific example. Earlier this  Inferno, or the nine Angles to which Anton LaVey week I was sitting in a hospital waiting room when a cryptically refers? Rudolf, leader of the reindeer, may gregarious and happy fellow (unusual!) struck up a· have a "very shiny nose" as the song says. but who conversation with me. As I replied and gestured with I would know that this Lord of the Abyss' name means my hand. his eye caught my pentagram ring. It was  "Famo s Wolf?" (and we are ALL wolves!).

amusing to note that for the balance of that brief chat Similar hints are contained in the names of his gaze never left that ring. He noticed it and I knew the other eight reindeer: "Dasher" means to dash. to he noticed it. destroy; "Dancer," he who engages in a custom first What did this do for me? It created a subtle• taught to men in Babylon by Demons or "Djinn;" undercurrent in that interaction which reminded ll)e "Prancer" means to prance or strut as with pride; that (1) I am different. (2) I am not seeking others' "Vixen," a "foxy" person, usually female, who is approval. (3) i.e.• I am a Satanist. He did not ask me seductive and cunning; "Comet" is a portent of evil in about the ring. I had no interest in discussing it. Yeti the sky, sure to bring disaster; "Cupid," the God of benefitted from this reminder of defiance. It caused love and sex; "Donner" and "Blitzen" are both me to remember again what I defy. ' Gem1an for "thunder" and "lightning," respectively. The ceremonies of Satanism are also such sure signs of "divine wrath." reminders. We can too easily become inured to he Santa himself is equally ripe with clear. yet words, the symbols of our religion. They too easily subtle, indications of his real identity. His horns are become commonplace. They lose that sense of co_vered bx a cap. The tail is concealed by a thick defiance. . cnmson jacket. still one of the favorite colors of all The supreme "word" of the anti-Satan, th; Satanists and Demons. And incidentally, brethren, the Judea-Christian God Jehovah, is "Shemhamforash. false beard helps conceal those unseemly facial This is the word supposedly used by Moses to part the peculiarities. Red Sea. This is the word purportedly shouted y He uses stealth to enter a house. and chooses Jesus to cause Lazarus to rise from the dead. This is t e chimney as his mode of entry. reflecting as it does the word which is supposed to be used by their god to his love of fire and his fondness for "home." Bacchus/ cause the end of the world. , Dionysus would be pleased to note that his red No true believer would dare to utter this, the heeks and nose come out of a bottle of "Demon most secret name of God for any reason whatsoever. Um!" This is why we Satanists shout it out in our Asifthatisn't"bad"enough,heleavestoys ceremonies. Defiance! Satanism! Shernhamforash! and other pleasantries for the children. They promptly

abandon all consideration of "sacred spiritual duty" or "salvation of the soul," choosing instead the wild. Dionysian abandon of play. which is known to all Christians (and Moslems) as the sin of fun. And what fun!

      Even his name hints at who he really is. "Nick" is a nickname (if you will pardon the expression) derived from Niccolo Machiavelli for our Dark Lord Himself. Various Judea-Christians have, as mentioned above. deciphered "Satan" from "Santa." But the "Claus" is equally easy to find and interpret, and means "victorious army." Thus we have "Santa Claus" true meaning revealed to be "Satan's victorious army!"
      "Elves. an army?" you might chuckle in disbelief. Do not make such quick judgements. "Elf" in old Teutonic was "Alp," which means "nightmare." The more modern, watered-down meaning would be "Pagan mischief-making spirit." And yes. you guessed it. they are "Legion."
       But we didn't stop there. Oh no. The less noticeable seasonal frills also contain their own Satanic symbolism. The Mistletoe demands that strangers meeting under it kiss. Then there's the "Saturnalian" Holly. Or. depending on your cultural origins, the Wassail Bowl. or the Yule Log, etcetera. The list goes on and on.
      Even the toys that Satan Claus leaves to waylay the children of the "faithful." that they might know Joy. contain their own value as tools in our Spiritual War. Some of these have of late been discovered by our opponents: Smurfs. Barbie and Ken dolls. "Star Wars" stuff, (not to mention "Dungeons and Dragons") are the most noticeable. But these are not by any means the only ones. They too, are Legion!

With all of these hints right under their noses. you'd think they'd have noticed more than they have. Perhaps they are afraid to really face ALL of it, and see to what extent their fantasy-world of "Faith" is ruled by the signs and symbols of our Power.

      What would they say if they knew that their "Christmas Tree" is really Yggdrasill, a Satanic symbol from Norse mythology of All that Is? Part of it reaches to Ginnungagap. the domain of the Frost Giants (Santa's "North Pole"), while the other part stretches to Niflheim, where rules The Serpent.
       The most popular decoration for the Yggdrasill Tree are balls.·which bring bad luck when broken. as the belief has it. And not for nothing is the globe a sign for the Closed Gate of Yog-Sothoth. By

opening the Gate, by breaking the Globe, the true horror of Yog-Sothoth is revealed and unleashed upon the heads of men. Here's to remembrance; that all shall not forget the rea["Reason for the Season." Rejoice, and in so doing, have much fun!

blame. Let's get free of this trap they laid Turn into DALECs, trash the shit that they made Of life, of the world, let's take over! It's time they fell, let's do it well


D.A.L.E.C.s fr-om 1-iell Diabolou Archaios Legeon Egkauchaomai Chaos: (Devil's primal legions glory in Chaos) by Wayne Hill and Tani Jantsang Gets me down and makes me see red.

We're DALECs from Hell: The connection between Satanism and EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! Fascism in Britain is well-known, though not Warriors of the night, defend our right, well-explained. Nor has it been understood why this we're DALECs! >' articular malaise has not, in general, crossed the W'" "'Y:'.'::=S:Z:-c::::::·-····--···"··::it::::i;0:::::.,::::;:.::,;c-,;:;-;,,,,,:::,;-::-·, ;'0:::::c..,2-.c::cz·-:z:-;;111 tlantic. Before attempting to examine the reasons

                                           why British Satanism has for so long been stained by Devilish	Versions of Xmas Songs	this association, it may clarify matters to consider in by Wayne HiII	some detail the major exponents of British Satanism

-. and their political affiliations, past and present.

She eventually became disillusioned and tried to leave. Impeded by her physical disability, she sought help from a Satanist who was not a fascist (possibly the only representative of that rare species in Britain at the time) and he eventually re-started the magazine Dark Lily as the only organ of non-political Satanism in Britain. Ms. Graham remains the typist, sometimes designated the editor, although it is doubtful whether she has executive powers. It appears

Makes me mad, all screwed in the head. Wimps on high just moaning in dread. Got to be just what they said.... They sit upon their high-horse and puke, moan, and cry. Up is down and backwards ahead. A thousand words and nothing is said. Toil for nothing, scum get ahead. Freedom's jail and leaders are led.... They're slaves to their vice-monsters who feed off of us.

I was young, they make me feel old. Every move I had to be told. Every thought they had to unfold. Every sense they crushed in their mold.... They killed all that they were, and now they want us.

Tried to make a cripple of me. Tried to blind, so I could not see. Tried to maim, so I could not be. Freeze my soul, so I can't get free.... They babble freedom of choice, but freedom for who?

Fight a war, they just whimper "no." Stop a crime, they just let it go. Self-defense, they tell us "No, no." Stand and fight, they'd rather lay low.... They'd crawl into the corner like cowards and die. Ran the roost but they got misled. On the top, but don't use their head. Had a life, now they're living-dead. Time for us to move on ahead.... They can no longer speak for us, the future's ours. CHORUS: All we want to do is play our own game, But it can't be done, we're supposed to feel shame. Push us in the corner, try to say we're insane, Then they scream "civil rights" and say we are to

(0 Come All Ye Faithful)

0 come all ye brethren, faithless witch apostates Curse ye, oh curse ye, Bethlehem. Froth, curse, forsake him, call on fallen angels. Oh come let us abhor him, Oh come blaspheme abjure him·, Oh come let us forsake him, say not his name.

(Hark the Herald Angels Sing)

Hark the fallen angels sing, glory to our Evil King! War on Earth destruction wild, Men and Satan reconciled. Groaning Christian nations perish, Fall down to the Evil Seraphs. With diabolic glee proclaim, Satan rules and fools are slain! Hark the fallen angels sing, Lord of Darkness, Hail our King!

(White Christmas)

I'm dreaming of a black solstice, Just like in the days of yore, When the altar glistens and peasants listen To hear chanting in the dark. I'm dreaming of a black solstice, With every body hot and stark. May your orgy be merry and wild, And may all your solstices be dark.

The name Dark Lily is alleged to have been originated by a Satanic group in the first decade of the present century. As far as can be ascertained, there is only hearsay evidence for this, but it seems irrelevant to the present study. The magazine Dark Lily first 1 appeared in duplicated news-sheet format in 1977, allegedly the organ of the Anglian Satanic Church - not to be confused (though it often was) with the Anglo-Saxonic Church, which was Odinist and which will be referred to later.

      The Anglian Satanic Church was run by Father Raoul Belphlegor (yes, that is how he spelled it), real name Thomas Victor Norris, and Mother Lilith, real name Magdalene Graham. It claimed vast resources, numbers of members and magickal powers which would be bestowed on members in return for money and/or (in the case of young female members) sex. Norris had earlier acquired a liking for brothel­ keeping, involving his wife and daughters, aged eleven and thirteen. On his release from a six-year sentence resulting from this, he restored his fortunes with the aid of a rather naive eighteen-year-old (she was not concerned with the Occult activities and has now made a new life for herself, so her name will not be mentioned).
    _	Norris' Occult involvement brought him into contact with Magdalene Graham, who was editing an Occult magazine on broadly LHP lines. Norris persuaded her to take over the production of his agazines, both Occult and political (fascist), lilcluding the occasional news-sheet of his Odinist tngl?-Saxonic Church (another paper organization). esp1te holding similar political views, Ms. Graham "".as, at first, reluctant to be associated with the
}srep tabl: Norris, but was in the vulnerable position d" ha mg_ JUSt been diagnosed as suffering from a Nsa lmg illness and was desperately seeking a cure. T orns p rsuaded her that he had the power to cure. Ghat particular illness is subject to recession and Ms.

p ra am experienced an improvement (presumably c Yc_hologically induced), which, for a time, nv1nced her.

that she is now convinced that Occultism cannot be associated with politics. Certainly Dark Lily, despite its history, has, since coming under new management. shown no sign of political allegiance and has, in fact, warned that to divide one's energies between politics and Occultism means that one will succeed at neither.

       While Dark Lily may have purged itself, the same cannot, unfortunately, be said for a magazine called Fenrir (an Odinist word) produced by a Satanic group called the Order of the Nine Angles. They claim an ancient pedigree, but their writings appear to be an ill-digested mixture of Satanism (on the Black Mass level), fascism (Roman salutes" as part of the ceremony!), sado-masochism (the inevitable scourge). alchemy, ritual magick and a paranoic insistence that they are the only upholders of the Satanic tradition. Although referring to them in the plural,. the effective and long-term membership of the Order of the Nine Angles remains at one: a gentleman who calls himself , Anton (yes, really, Anton!) Long. His aliases include ' Steven Brown, David Myatt and Algar Langton.
      The Order of the Nine Angles first appeared in Leeds in 1975. but its founder was rather more preoccupied with his political attachments (the now-defunct National Socialist (Nazi) Movement and its successors), so the Occult aspect was not prominent.

The magazine Fenrir first appeared in 1988; it will be noted that it is dated in the Nazi tradition YF99 (Year of the Filhrer). Mr. Long's other writings have included pamphlets for Liberty Bell Publications (American readers will presumably not require further explanation of the nature of such literary efforts), a Black Mass to commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Adolph Hitler,. and various rituals. Mr. Long is at present experiencing difficulty with his publisher, who appears somewhat discontented by the content of the rituals. We referred to the former National Socialist Movement and must now introduce another of the Occult luminaries of that organization,. Mr. David Austen. Without digressing too far into the

convoluted history of Fascism in Britain. the National Socialist Movement was founded by Mr. John Colin Campbell Jordan (generally known as Colin Jordan). Following his release from a prison term imposed for sedition, he changed the name of his organization to British Movement. Shortly thereafter. Mr. Jordan was fined for shoplifting a pair of ladies' red knickers from a (Jewish-owned) supermarket, and deposed

such trappings are a masquerade, utilized for the purpose of reinforcing an image when (in his case) 00 real authority exists. Dominance has no connection 1 with threats or violence. One who is in control does not need them; in fact they negate potency. The power comes from within himself and it has no visible show; especially not a form of apparel Which represents an external conferring of jurisdiction, or, in


from leadership of the BM. The new "filhrer," Michael McLaughlin. instituted his own little Night of the Long Knives to remove all whom he considered to be "perverts" from the BM (disregarding the fact that this would leave him with only twenty-eight members) and David Austen was one of those booted out.

      Mr. Austen. whose previous history included several years as a Mormon "missionary." has since joined the U.S. based Temple of Set and was formally ordained to their priesthood in May of 1989.
      There are (unfortunately) other Satanic organizations in Britain. I say unfortunately because none appear to have escaped the political adherence which bedevils (if one may use the word) British Satanism. However, they are too small and ineffectual to be included here (if they start getting ideas above their station, this may be considered only a temporary reprieve).
      Let us now turn to the question of WHY. Yes, the Satanic question. Why is a valid and highly potent way of life so often (on one side of the ocean, at least) soiled by association with an inadequate and life-denying political creed? To Occultists, Fascism

some cases. is the semblance of domination without I A friend and I were contemplating a few any validity or competence. In such circumstances, a beers one afternoon when we strayed onto the topic of uniform is a pretence, in the manner of children Vietnam and my friend's extended stay in that part of playing games. It reveals the psychological the world. I asked him how he kept from being deficiencies of those who resort to fancy dress to petrified with fear every waking hour during those augment their macho appearance. Yet some people years of confusion and carnage. He replied that, are able to direct others and order action without although he was indeed afraid (only a madman or a accoutrement. This is the phenomenon known as the fool would not have been) he used his will to turn his ability to command. You want an example? Look at a fear into absolute animal fury. This attitude, he felt, genuine Satanist. To some of my readers, the was what kept him from becoming another of the direction may be re-phrased: look in a mirror. countless casualties generated by that period.

       Having briefly referred to Odinism, it must ,	I had to chuckle for a moment. With the be said th_at followers f that pa h. in ritain. are,  passing of the Mindless 80's and the sheeple almost w1 h_out _except10n, F sc1st._ This aspect of produced by hat age, I had to wonder how this Occult political mvolvement 1s outside the scope of  positive "Animal Fury" could be put to use by this article. However. the digression on Odinism is Satanists in the oncoming decade. I know that within merely for the sake of completeness. The subject is each practitioner of black magic lies the knowledge of Satanic Fascism and the question is why such·a our animal or lycanthropic side. Whenever the diversion should appeal to those who purport to be common person becomes a victim, his or her higher seeking Occult knowledge. To say that they are' self will fall into an attitude which accepts this fate affected by masochism (which is an extraordinarily, and then recedes into depression and despair. This, if powerful sexual motivation) is certainly the any attitude, has marked the rather depressing state of explanation in many cases. Alternative answers which affairs in this country which has allowed the fool to have been propounded are as follows: (A) that those rule.


hunter, then you know that as long as your victims cast shadows. go to the bathroom and make mistakes,

may be defined as the new "English disease,11 but the condition which has for centuries been so entitled is Masochism, and the two are closely related.

      It has been said that those who hold anyone else to be worthless are really projecting the fact they believe themselves to be worthless; this is demonstrably true. Even a brief acquaintance with a Fascist will reveal that he/she suffers from a severe inferiority complex. The phrase "racial masochism" is well-known. Most right-wing bookshops used to sell (possibly they still stock it, we haven't checked lately) a volume purporting to explain in pseudo-medical jargon why circumcision is for the purpose of increasing virility. On the same theme, the only quotation that anyone can ever remember from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is the contemptuous description of the Aryan race as "hewers of wood and drawers of water."
      One must also survey the poseurs. The High Priest in his dramatic robe or the Nazi in black uniform and jackboots. Where's the difference? The answer is that the Satanist understands the real reasons why he is "dressing up;" the Nazi does not. The Nazi is not intellectually capable of realizing that

who are politically-inspired are looking for something other than Occult power and knowledge and are attracted to the sinister image of Satanism (B) since Fascists naturally expect to be hated, they gravitate to a theology which is hated; (C) the proponents of the politics of fear are subconsciously seeking persecution.

      (To confuse the issue. it has been argued that Satanism has more in common with Judaism, especially in the matter of suffering persecution. Witch-burnings or gas chambers? How man)' millions?)	1
       As	an	afterthought. let us contrast the, foregoing  with  Dr. LaVey's  clear-sighted understanding that the Nazi's were capable of Lesser Magic and mind manipulation but with obvio s limitations. He has the courage not to avoid thtS thorny issue, as shown in The Satanic Bible an.d elsewhere, but makes it plain that the Church of Satan • will never succumb to "the English disease."

If this opposite attitude manifests itself. then the lycanthrope realizes two things: 1) If you view your attacker as prey. then they become the victim or victim-to-be. 2) The animal who makes the most noise is the easiest to hunt.

      Give these two rules a try some time when you are being put upon by a fellow employee who has been practicing the ancient art of back-stabbing. Mildly confront him or her and be absolutely cordial while in your mind envisioning the offender being re t to a bloody and very edible piece of meat by your anunal self. You'11 notice the victim becoming listless and uneasy. He or she will often begin complaining m re loudly about you. (See rule number 2!) At this Point, step up your level of animal intimidation until the victim talks him or herself into a self-made trap. r try making a little visit to your victim in the night Y way of dreams... in werewolf form, of course! I ahv tried both ways, and the results are better than

nstmas. There is a real beauty to this attitude. Not nly does it turn the health-threatening effects of /P ession into pure adrenalin, but the caste of the ictim is unlimited. If you truly view yourself as a

then gods they are not. Prey they are.

      I should note that this is not an invitation to- physical violence (unless warranted) or sociopathic behavior, but a much surer way to deal with greedy business interests. weak-kneed politicians, religious bigots, pugnacious policemen, street punks, telephone solicitors, and all of the other flotsam washed up on the shores of the previous decade. So don't take life lying down. Change it! Get angry and stand up for what you want, even on four paws.




You need not feel guilt about things over bich you have no control, such as other people's

by R. Elizabeth Fox ,• :ehavior, or the exceptional beauty of y ur body ( hould you be so lucky). There may be thmgs over

hich you should feel guilt, s_uch as ?etr_ayal ?f
      We Black Magicians are supposed to have control over our lives and over our environment, right? So, why aren't we all healthy, wealthy,

1! powerful, and happy? Have you noticed that against some emotions you are apparently powerless, and that they have this nasty habit of running your actions upon occasion? Most of us have experienced at least some of

One at a time' select an emotion that causes co.,, ciously. held, ahnd this exammat1,0n wi1ll1 you to act in a self-defeating way. When you feel that assist you m correctrng t ?se errors, as ) ou emotion, stop and ask yourself, "What are it develop control over those thmgs. implications, its underlying assumptions?" s -! So why bother? When you have takena hand For example, let's consider a feeling of in programming your emot!ons, you can trust them. anger at competitive freeway driving. This can cloud Tiley become your s rvants mstead of your masters, _a your judgement and endanger your physical body. source of power hich may e en open more sot nc Why feel anger at being cut off? The underlying modes of percept10n. If othmg else, you will fmd

the following: a real urge to automatically obey authority, becoming embarrassed over yourself or

assumption is, "Others must always be considerate of 1 me," and when this is violated, you feel betrayed

yourself with greater happii:iess and self estee . The Judeo-Chnstian culture, m which most

someone else publically insisting to be treated fairly (the picture in the theatre is dim, the meal is unsatisfactory, the MD has you wait for two hours after your appointment, etc.), overwhelming anger at being cut-off on the freeway, and finding your opinions change with majority opinion. What's going on?

      An emotion is a super-rapid subconscious evaluation of a situation. (This is a definition by Nathaniel Branden which I find useful.) It is a habit pattern learned and made automatic, operating outside of your conscious mind. Emotions, unexamined by a

, rational adult mind, are quite capable of running as well as ruining your life.

      By osmosis, emotions are learned from the home environment and one's greater cultural context. Infants and children are continually rechecking these emotions. Ever play "dum-dum drop" with a baby? Baby drops it and smiling "dum-dum" picks it up. Baby learns that things fall when he lets go, he learns which way is down, and that his parent will pick it up for him. Also perceived is the positive nature of this interchange via the parent's facial expression. Children look at their parents when they have a minor hurt to see what their reaction should be. The brain files these conclusions away, makes them automatically available so that it can get on to bigger and better things. The child's constant search is for more data to absorb and automatize. Adults do not make a fraction of the reality checks that infants do, and they should not, because all their time would be wasted rechecking what has become obvious, like gravity. This early collection of contextually learned emotions is often quite chaotic and becomes the foundation for later more systematically integrated data. It is what I refer to as osmoconsciousness.

There are many Judeo-Christian beliefs which are embedded in our emotions due to osmoconsciousness. These little tyrants can be reprogrammed. It isn't easy, but it can be done. It is an excellent exercise of Will.

hurt, and therefore angry. "That S.O.B. deserves my of us were raised, attempts to program yo_u to_ feel wrath. I'll get even, even if it costs me an accident. shame f r rour nature._ Its _values, ?ften rn duect When that emotion arises while driving, take a deep contradiction to our rnstrnct al impulses, are breath and let it out in an audible sigh (this short impressed on one's psyche unng develo mental circuits the powerful adrenalin effects), and think I years to become an osmoconsciousness. Satamsm was about an assumption that is niore useful for the conceived to restore the accel?tanc of uman nature preservation of your life: "I do not control his as good. Intellectually embracmg this philosophy puts behavior, he's acting insane in a powerful machine'. you back in harmony with your natu e,_ but on t en Stay out of his way!" needs to jettison any of the remarnmg anti-life

      Pick out a painful or self-defeating emotion	 baggage of Judea-Christian values.	.		. when you are calm and relaxed, and examine it for its			There are several books which are useful _m underlying assumptions. Next, carefully choose new	 rooting out osmoconsciousness. Try anr of Nathamel assumptions, which agree with your consciously held' Branden's books on self esteem, especially the lat st philosophy, to replace them. Imagine a situation	 ones. Also usef l is M_ultimjndby Rober Ornstem. wherein this unpleasant emotion would arise and	Some ideas on d1scovenng hidden assumptions can be visualize yourself relaxing, taking a deep breath, and	 found in Harry Browne's How I Found Freedom In repeating the desired new response. This cannot be		An Unfree Wo /d.		.

done successfully until the hidden assumptions are Chasrng down and reprogrammrng y ur discovered. It will take some time of practicing the emotions _can be quite a cha lenge. Down with new response before it replaces the old in your osmoconsciousness! Happy huntmg. • _11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_, Suppose you have difficulty handling i XXV! criticism of your work. You might have a tendency to § by Excelsior Nineangle § become angry, even at your boss, and this will have , § § gotten you in trouble for the loss of your temper. § A Year and a third § There are a number of assumptions here, one of § has been spent § which could be, "To criticize my work is to criticize turning the Mill Wheel - § me." A replacement might be, "This is just a piece of Oh what sparks paper, and it needs fixing." This brings quite a we have cast into the straw! reduction to the emotional kick, and is much more.• § Red embers of awareness § useful for keeping your job and getting it done. Blow brother! Guilt is a great one to work on. The § Blow sister! - Judea-Christian culture really pushes it, especially of The world provides kindling the unearned variety. "The food you throw in the· § and we will bring dead gods garbage subtracts from the food for all those poor § as fuel. starving Ethiopians," or "You are responsible for the • § Melt ice. actions of your great-grandfather, who swindled, § We warm ourselves thousands of innocent Indians out of their land," or,, § and free the cryonically suspended. "Money is the root of all evil," or "All opinions are1 § Our shock troops waken equally good, so you have a closed mind if you don't: to carry on their Wolf Age work. agree with all of them." ·\ nd we eat blis • \,, eated by the fires of Hell. ltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


A Saturnalia Song byNemo Crossbones roasting on an open fire, Jack O'Lanterns burning at your toes, Samhain chants being dirged by a choir. And monks dressed up like escargots; . Everybody knows some whisky and an open fife, Helps to keep the season right; Tiny tots with their mouths overflow'd Will find it hard to sleep tonight! They know that Satan's on his way! He's got lots of special toys to give away! And every baptized child is gonna try. To see if witches and warlocks are afraid to fly! And so, I'm offering this simple phrase, To kids from one to ninety-two, Although it's been said many times, many ways Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan to you! Hail Satan, everybody! l )


If You're So Satanic, How Cum You Ain't Rich? by Peggy Nadramia

I "1v[ 1J'l('£,!Jl!MJ'}[fj O:f .9l_ 'J!1}J-{J'"f£ S.91_'T'l.l'l(:J{.!JLLL52l by Morgain Blake

      When you read The Satanic Bible and decided that "Satanist" was the right label for you, you were telling yourself and the world that you were not interested in pipe dreams, pie-in-the-sky or mystic achievement -- you wanted results from your magic, both lesser and greater, and you'd probably already achieved a measure of success. Wanting the goodies out of life is what being a Satanist is about, so it may seem almost heretical for me to tell you that you don't have to measure your success as a Satanist in dollar signs. There are other ways to measure it. How many masters do you serve?
      Dr. LaVey's pioneering work and the resultant Age of Satan are obviously responsible for what has been dubbed "The Me Generation" of self-oriented and success-oriented people. Aided by the media and the inevitable sheep-nature of the herd, however, what we've got is an artifical, prepackaged version of success, yuppies falling doggedly into lockstep toward what someone else is telling them they should have or be. Just watch, if you can stomach it, an hour's worth of prime-time commercials: "you've worked hard to achieve," they tell you, "you've put in the time, you're number one, don't you deserve the best?" That Puritan "work-ethic" is still there under the Wall Streeter greed, justifying their going into debt to buy these tokens of self-esteem -- BMW's and Burberry raincoats, "prestige" products that do not reflect the individuality of their owners, if said individuality exists at all. Donald Trump, wheeler-dealer and megalomaniac is this generation's hero; they even play a game based on his business deals! Whatever happened to "Get Out of Jail Free?" Trump has certainly achieved the pie-in-the-sky, is smart and maybe quite Satanic in his approach -- but is he enjoying himself? His kids live in Connecticut, his wife in Atlantic City and he's here in New York; he's always working, never seems to relax.

freedom to enjoy what you do have?

       Wealth is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Malcolm Forbes seems to understand this. The guy in the BMW stuck next to you in traffic may have ,I triple your income, but he has to be somewhere in an hour, and his antacid has stopped working. He has to eat lunch (and often a "power" breakfast) with people he may loathe. He gets up early on the weekend to play squash or golf with the right people. He serves , many masters to maintain his vision of success. As a Satanist, you get to define your vision yourself; his was handed to him.
      Most people put off having fun. They think it's something they need to work toward -- those two vacation weeks per year, that Saturday night out. The , Satanists I know have fun all the time. They read books they love, watch great films, chat with interesting people, play pranks and tease the herd, produce their own works and presentations and writings and recreate reality all the time. Many are not "rich." But they serve fewer masters than Mr. Wall Street does. They have the freedom to define their own schedules, keep contact with sheeple to a' minimum. They've learned their own "bottom line11,,, what they need to live and indulge their desires, and work to achieve it, usually quickly and successfully.
      So the next time you wonder whether your financial profile should match that described in MONEY Magazine, think about the riches you've already accrued, and congratulate yourself that as a Satanist, you have the freedom and time to enjoy them.

The man sitting in the sleigh settled the bright robes and animal skins around him and cast a critical eye over the procession. The pretty girls had gone by, as had the ornamented swings. the decorated trees, the piles of presents and the adorable little pets. He sighed. The music was not at its best this year. Some of the musicians concentrated too hard on strutting in fancy formations, and some flirted with the crowds instead of playing with all their hearts. He took his job seriously. My shouldn't they? After all, shouldn't one think of the thrill this was for the children, and perform to che best of one's ability? He took a deep breath and gestured to the men in charge of the sleigh. It was his turn now. Fathers hoisted babies higher in their arms and children scrambled onto walls and fences and pushed their wayin front of the adults. Their faces sparkled with wonder as they called his name over and over. It would be a good holiday season after all!

      I'm ·sure the scene I've described above is familiar to you. After all, you've probably seen something like it repeated a dozen times so far this season in front of Macy's or in local shopping centers where a man in red and white appears on horseback or reindeer sled or descends, smiling, from a helicopter. I was not describing Santa Claus, however. With apologies to Sir Arthur Pickard-Cambridge and other eminent Greek scholars, that was a more or less accurate portrayal of an ancient Greek festival called the "Anthesteria," which took place in Athens every year more than 2500 years ago.
      The parallels are startling. Children were c_rowned with flowers and presented with pet animals. tmy wine jars, toys and other gifts. Their parents took them to public amusements and to temples to be blessed. Ornamented trees were set up in the street and crowds gathered to sing seasonal tunes around them. Wine flowed like water and revelry reigned in the name of the one who came to town in a

      Also among us are sundry other figures in black suits with long faces. More preachers? No. These are the new Puritans of our movement -­ Satanists who would die rather than sing a Christmas carol or exchange a brightly wrapped present. They don't hang holly and put up trees. They don't string lights and linger in front of shop windows to watch children smiling. No! This is all too Christian for them! There are neo-pagans who are almost as bad. They will bring in the Yule log and wave the mistletoe, but don't say the word "Christmas" in front of them or take them too near a Salvation Army bell ringer, or they'll make the sign of Thor's Hammer and reel toward their cars muttering about religious persecution.
      This is all wrong. How can we let a few crosses and manger scenes restrain us in the pursuit of joy? Hey, folks, this shindig was all our idea to begin
       Give me Malcolm Forbes. This is the Satanist's billionaire. He takes his friends on a world cruise in his yacht, with a slew of motorcycles on board; he flits around this city in a priceless silk suit with a black leather jacket thrown over it; he throws a gala party for all his friends in silk-bedecked Arabian tents; his escort is usually Elizabeth Taylor, one of the world's most beautiful (and still sexily fleshy) older women. This man is having fun! And you remember what Nemo told you in TBF #1 about having fun.
     So what about you? You may not have the wealth of these two guys, but do you have the

. ship-shaped sleigh -- Dionysus!

     This holiday season, as in years past, the for es of Christianity are all around us, marshalling their troops to "Keep Christ in Christmas" and Preaching against the natural human tendency to
 ;ocus on presents and parties and the joy on children's t	aces. "Repent!" they demand. "Think of your redemption!" they scream, as though all humanity ere books of Green Stamps waiting to be turned in
or lamps or toasters. "No, honey, Santa Claus isn't real. That's just a wino in a suit. Now come on, let's get ready for church."

with! Saturnalia and the birth of Mithras and innumerable other festivals of light have fought the black dragon of midwinter's short days and miserable weather from immemorial times. The influence of the Judeo-Christian tradition has been too strong for many centuries for us to completely reclaim our holiday from the hands of the enemy. So what can we do?

      The neo-pagans have some of it right. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly! Fa-la-la." Burn the Yule log, sing wassail to the good apple tree, and hang the mistletoe high. Hang  baubles  on the
vergreen and marvel at its fresh and pungent scent. It 1s normal and necessary thing to revere the things which Nature keeps green to remind us that winter will indeed come to an end.

. Indulge your children, for they are fresh light

MY FlR 'T 6RR'TER HELT by Honey LaSalle •


m th darkne_ss. They are born as new light is born at s?lsttce to brmg us warmth and love and joy. Eat and smg and be merry with the fermented blood of the ods :Vho have given their lives for us since humanity frrst discovered the gifts of grape and grain. Don't flinch entirely from the Christian 'I celeb ations of these eternal truths. Though the ,I Sal at1on Army w ll preach a little at those they help, theIT brass bands fill the December air with melodies that _ca 't quite esc p_e from the pagan! The holly and ii the 1v , t_he :Vass 1lmg bowl, and Dionysus in his red-smt d1sgmse will always be there in their songs.

              And what about the bells and manger scenes "	and performances of Handel's Messiah? Messiah is W?nderful usi . You also might recall Dr. LaVey's

I 1tty combination of the "Hallelujah Chorus" with Yes, We Have No Bananas" alternately known as "Hal_lel ?,jah Bananas" or "Yes, We Have N0 ess1ah. You don't have to listen to the words. And 1f rou do, think of Dr. John Dee, that magnificent Elizabethan mage who gave us the Enochian Keys. He thought the air spirits he called to his side were angels (later calle "demons" by the narrow-minded.). It p ts \ hol different construction on heavenly chotrs smgmg 1 Hosannah" to think of them as such.

.	Bells are things of bronze which make joyful noises whether they are rung to call Christians to prayer, pagans to revels, or Satanists to rituals. Manger scenes can be pretty things too. And who a ong us cannot see a young mother with her baby as mITaculous, regardless of her origin? It is the light of t?e ne .su she nurses in her arms, and we who love

hfe rep1ce m her joy.

      So put off your black for a few days and w7ar red and green. Jingle the bells and do as thou wilt, f r  love is the whole of the law. Happy

Saturnalia, Joyous Yule, and Good Dionysia to all and to all a good night. Love, Morgain

. ripped open the plain brown package anda bewtldermg ur y- of snaps and straps tumbled into my lap. My S1gmf1cant Other raised one eyebrow at me from behind his novel. "What's that?" he queried ; "Looks complicated." · . "It's actually very simple," I responded.I wiggled past him toward our bedroom. "Secret lady-stuff." "Ooooh -- from that little orange book?" · "Mmmm-hmmmm." I closed the bedroom I d or a d stripped. I had to get ready for our dinner with His Boss anyway. The nylons were like silky shadows so much nicer than than those crumpled b:own thmgs that came in a plastic egg. The garters mpp d and hel t em taut around my legs -- the . elastic straps bit mto what the Doctor calls the .,.. "luscious flab" around my hips and thighs. Slit skirt a d els and lots of lipstick completed the outfit. My S1gmf1cant Other knocked and I let him in.

      "You look bitable. Where's the weird strappy thing?"

"Where it'll do the most good."

       At first I was shy as we sat at dinner, but two • glasses _of ordeaux loosened me up. Besides, His Boss d1dn t seem too sleazy. So I tried a little napkin-dropping. And retrieving. It worked. His eyes were glued to my thighs. Significant Other didn't seem to notice, ju_st kept pitching his new Project. Then I needed a tnp to the Little Witch's Room and dropped my purse along the way. Yes -- success: The rest of the conversation went very much Significant Other's way, and I finished it off like a pro -- hitching

my arms up to put them in the proferred coatsleeves, His Boss' eyes went glassy from the full effect of "that weird strappy thing," my stocking tops and l marshmallowy bulges. He sealed Significant Other's deal in the taxi, and I got a pat on the fanny after we were dropped off. "That went great, Honey!" "I know." "Was it because of that weird strappy thing?" 1 "Oh no, dear. You were brilliant." "Huh. Leave it on for awhile, okay?"

       Get your garter belt today, witches. Go to ' Sears or Woolworth's for the genuine article -- plain or fl_owered, black, white or beige. You could also try to fmd one of those old-fashioned foundation or· linge e shops, where the little old ladies (or better> yet, little old men) still know how to measure for proper -- and improper -- fit and function. Hotcha!

r"'"-'-·,c :_c _;;;·:,=--::-:·-::--,- f". -:fi; _:.. --c,.;··--<-- ;: _, s:J'

Several months ago here in New Zealand a "skinhead," recently released from jail, went on a shooting spree, killing an innocent bystander before shooting himself. The mass media, ever eager for sensationalism, zeroed in on his brother's statement that the dead youth had been a "Satanist." Substantiation came in the form of his having read "a book on magic," and tattooing 666 on his forehead. That was sufficient "proof" for the mass media of the insidious menace of Satanism on youth. Some media personalities used the episode to express their righteous wrath.

      This type of situation will be even more familiar to readers in the USA and UK.
      Of course, it did not occur to the media to defint;-what Satanism is when they seized upon this added sensationalism of the tragedy. The youth, as a murderer, ex-convict and suicide, fitted nicely into the media stereotype of what a Satanist is supposed to be.
      However, it should be obvious to anyone with an interest in the subject, who has not put his higher reasoning faculties into suspension, that anyone can claim to be a Satanist, or a Christian for that matter. Considering the history of Christianity, and the malicious, vicious spirit of the Judeo-Christian god, one could point to such personalities as Jim Jones as being more truly representative of Christianity, than using an alienated, uneducated youth as an example of a Satanist.

Despite the media indignation over allegedly ·"Satanic" crimes, it is a fact undeniable that many of these crimes (when they've actually occurred) and the stereotypical "Satanists" who perpetrate them, are creations not of The Evil One, but of the mass media tself, including the motion picture and publishing mdustries. It is the mass media which has largely de_fined what a Satanist is supposed to be, and some alienated or unbalanced types have adopted this media-created stereotype. The mass media is therefore largely responsible for the antics of some self-styled Satanists, the progeny of their propaganda. Where pseudo-Satanic crimes and criminals don't exist, the media and other vested interests will invent them, as Arthur Lyons has shown in his book, Satan H1lnts Yc:>u.

      Dr. La Vey declares in the Ninth Satanic Statement: "Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept them in business all these Years."(The Satanic Bible) It could be added that Satan is also a very good friend of hack journalists,

scriptwriters and novelists. It is through him that they have been able to approach and worship at the altar of Mammon, while he has served as the scapegoat for the criminals and psychopaths they have helped to create.

      It is said that the Devil quotes the scriptures to prove his point. In breaking down the media­ created stereotype, let us therefore turn to the Judeo-Christian scriptures themselves and see what Satanic principles can be distilled therefrom, and what can be disposed of as pseudo-Satanic, and even Christian in origin.

Free Will

      The Christians claim that their god gave mankind free will via the Garden-of -Eden-and-apple episode. Not so.
       Satan gave mankind free will, as related in Genesis, when he pointed out that the god-forbidden tree of knowledge would "open the eyes" of man, who was then presumably at the intellectual level of an imbecile and therefore totally subservient to Jehovah. This set man free of the tyrant-god, which caused Jehovah and his Elohim, who had apparently created Earth and mankind as their playthings, to become fearful as the suddenly acquired ability to use the higher intellectual faculties would give mankind the potential to "become as one of us," i.e. god-like.
      Mankind was punished by banishment from Paradise for desiring wisdom, upon which alone sound  judgement, or free will, is based. The Judeo-Christian scriptures are full of examples of the tyrant-god punishing mankind for exercising his free will, when it was used to take a course of action. somehow displeasing to Jehovah. The Christian god's free will is thus a farce and a lie. (Genesis ch. 2-3).

Blood Sacrifice - Satanic Or Jehovic'l

      Ritual murder has been, and still is, a part of some pagan religious practice. Presumably some "Satanists" have indulged in it through the centuries, but it cannot justifiably be claimed as a necessary ingredient or integral part of Satanism. In fact, for today's philosophical Satanist, ritual slaughter whether of humans or of animals is a negation of his life-affirming principles, as formulated by Dr. LaVey in The Satanic Bible.

Whether or not aberrant "Satanists" have inappropriately indulged in ritual killing in the past, it is a fact that blood sacrifice is sanctioned by the Judeo-Christian god. Turning again to Genesis, we find that Jehovah was pleased with Abel's blood sacrifice,


      Since Jehovah is supposed to know all things before they happen, he presumably knew in advance that his rejection of Cain's noble offering would

Watchers were bound, and most of mankind drowned, for having acquired the arts of civilization and breeding superior individuals above the common

by Glenda Green

result in dispute between the brothers and lead to murder.

      The supremacy of blood sacrifice was therefore clearly established in the first book of the Old Testament, and culminates in the blood-sacrifice of the tyrant-god's alleged son in the New Testament.
      Considering the Jehovic sanctioning of blood sacrifice, I would contend, other reasons apart, that it is a most un-Satanic practice.
      What Dr. LaVey states in The Satanic Bible ("On the Choice of a Human Sacrifice") in regard to human and animal ritual slaughter is far more edifying than what Jehovah has to say on the subject in Genesis, chapter 3.

Family Life

      Christians like to pose as the champions of family values. However, according to the Judeo-Christian myths, again recorded in Genesis (chapter 5) the great "sin" for which the tyrant-god destroyed most of mankind via the Flood had its origins in the mating of the sons of god with the daughters of man. The offspring of this union

herd, courtesy of Azazel's eugenics and education program.

      However, the point we are primarily concerned with here is that the Watchers desired a ,r family life and for this both they and humanity were condemned.
      The Christian doctrine towards the family may be more readily discerned from this passage in the New Testament (Luke, 12: 51-53) wherein Jesus J states: "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, nay; but rather division; for from henceforth there shall be five in one household

· divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."

      Probably many of us know examples of families split apart by Christ-engendered religious division.


In the last issue of The Black Flame, the editor was kind enough to name the different groups that have their roots in The Satanic Bible. No matter which group you belong to, there is only one Bible and one Dr. LaVey! The time is long o':'erdue that we recognize this fact, and as I sat and listened to the news from San Francisco, I knew all Satanists were sharing my concern.How many of you were able to sleep unmoved by thoughts of a possible disaster? Here are some of my other thoughts as I sat awake, long into the night -- let me share them with you:

      As you may have heard, New York City has a black Mayor. This too was long overdue. But what do you think of my original idea to purify New York? Let'.s have a Satanist for Mayor! What do you think the first thing our Satanic Mayor would do? Ban Magicians! Gorbachev decided to reopen the Russian Orthodox church. (Soon we'll be hearing more people ask, "Vot are you?") That's close to pulling a rabbit

out of a hat. A Satanic Mayor would show New York City some real magic -- put an upside-down cross on

community of Murder One -- germ warfare!

      Did you ever stop to think why Dr. LaVey suggests cremation? A true thinker might be concerned with all the useless space taken over by cemeteries -- space that could be enjoyed by the living.
      Two days after the earthquake I was finally able to reach San Francisco. I called the editor of The Black Flame; because of the hour -- about 3:30 AM -­ he knew the torture was over. Exhausted and happy, we both said "Hail Satan!" and hung up.

I am thrilled to announce that Dr. LaVey is safe and glowing with energy!

      I hope with all my heart that not only members of the Church of Satan but all Satanic (non-entity-worshipping) groups combine to compliment the continuance of a truly outstanding leader: Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey!


"became mighty men which were of old men of renown," according to Genesis 6:4.

      The apocryphal Enoch (I) elaborates:the sons of god were of the order of Watchers. Two hundred of them descended to Ear:th on Mt. Hermon, under the leadership of Azazel. They taught their wives charms, enchantments, and botany. Azazel taught man the craft of metallurgy and introduced "the evil art of cosmetics."
      One passage in Enoch sympathetically suggests that "the sin of the angels was not so much lust as longing to enjoy the comforts of family life." But in Jehovah's view, angels are immortal and thus have no need of descendants.
      Richard Cavendish writes in The Magical Arts, "By the first century A.D., Lucifer and Satan and the Watchers had all been connected together and the serpent of Eden had been added to the story. A book called 2 Enoch says that the archangel Satanial tried to make himself equal with god and seduced the Watchers to rebel with him."
      From these stories we find that Satan and his allies were responsible for bestowing the arts of civilization to mankind. Additionally we may conclude that-the mating of the Watchers and human women was a eugenic act resulting in human upbreeding, the offspring being "Men of renown."
      It seems that wisdom and progress for humanity occur in spite of Jehovah and through the

Fables can have much wisdom to tell us. Even the Judea-Christian scriptures can be instructive to Satanists. While the fervent Christian hysterically condemns Satan as the instigator of family conflict, performing malicious deeds against humanity, sowing discord and demanding blood sacrifice, we may turn to his own sources and expose his charges as nothing more than the projection of his tyrant-god's foul creed uoon that of his great Adversary, Satan.

1 0 top of St. Patrick's Cathedral and hold a Black Mass! ( wonder how long it would take the police to get bored with their jobs? Now that our adrenalin is flowing, let's take a walk with our Satanic Mayor to the nearest abortion center. Point of interest: all over New York City there are homeless people, some with small children. Go to an abortion center. You will find a lot of "caring people" against abortion. You will never see a homeless person in that area.

        Well, Mr. Mayor, go into your limousine, l	indulge yourself -- watch a good movie. Since Satanists rarely watch television, consult a TV Guide.

Look under horror pictures. Did any of you ever see The Stepford Wives? A bit shocking. As a Compleat Witch, you can be one without an operation. One more interesting observation about the TV lineup: Geraldo is on. Why not be a guest speaker on his show? He wants a discussion. Let's give him one.

      Even a Satanic Mayor will have to confront the AIDS issue. I will not insult your intelligence by going into some of the reasons given for the origin of AIDS. I will state that I have been indulging in anal

) sex since I was a teenager in the late fifties. Many of the students in my high school used heroin. Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time. Is it possible that I missed hearing about AIDS for thirty years? I, Natas, accuse the entire Christian

ODDITORIUM byPeggy Nadramia

FREE AMONG THE DEAD (Part 1) by Natasha Page

      Satanism in America: How The Devil Got Much More Than His Due by Shawn Carlson & Gerald Larue for the Committee For Scientific Examination of Religion. (Gaia Press, El Cerrito, 1989; softcover, 300+ pages, $12.95).
      Here it is at last: an examination of the Satanism conspiracy scare, written by people who can still think. Carlson, Larue and co-authors Gerry O'Sullivan, April A. Masche and D. Hudson Frew aren't the usual Christian basketcases frothing at the mouth to give you an "inside look" at the "truth" about Satanism; rather, they are objective scientists committed to pinning down whatever is verifiable about the claims of all the recent "Satanic survivors" and their born-again coaches. And it ain't much. The physical evidence promised by the Wedges and Michaelsens of the world just isn't there, and all those cases they hinted were about to break, never did. In addition, there is a detailed examination of the McMartin Pre-School case and appendices by two law-enforcement officials who believe a great deal of time and money is being wasted on what we know is a witch hunt. There is also a witty and informative piece by Michael Stackpole analyzing the case against Dungeons and Dragons, and other role-playing games. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the authors provide an annotated list of all the experts and "non-experts" you may find popping up on your television screen, as well as lists of references to use and to not use -- and the reasons why you should or shouldn't.
     If you've ever wasted perfectly good magical energy fuming at the playback of some of

because of its explicit goriness. And you too will thrill to the lovingly-detailed death scenes of those early martyrs to the Christian faith. This kinda reminds me >' of my Catholic school days, when we'd read Lives of the Saints for its entertainment value, and swap holy pictures the way other kids traded baseball cards. "Hey, give ya two St. Nicholas' for a St. Lucy!" (Those weird eyes staring up from the plate she held made her a must for any collection. St. Sebastian, too.) !

      What makes this reprint edition so potent, bowever, are the illustrators Feral House lined up for these grisly little tales: John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, Charles Manson, and other modern purveyors of the dark descent, as well as the original engravings by Antonio Tempesta. /rnd as icing on the cake, there's a special Appendix: a historical-forensic view of the physical death of Jesus.
      The cover painting and overall design of the book are quite lovely, and the 1920's Fortune Press typesetting is large and easy to read.
      The Black Mass of Brother Springer by Charles Willeford (Black Lizard Books, Berkeley, 1989; paperback, 171 pages, $4.95).
      Like Jim Thompson, Willeford excelled at presenting these hardboiled, on-the-edge protagonists preying on the dopier members of our society. And you just can't help but love 'em. "Brother" Springer is just a cad, a heel looking for an easy meal ticket while he writes his next novel, so he poses as a minister to an all-black church. There's the usual sex and violence,  along  with  some  genuinely  Satanic

In this decade it has become sadly apparent that television is the dominant force in our society. It has evolved from being a toy of the wealthy to being the focal point in most American homes. With its tbirty-plus channels, the human race need think no 1110re; there is something for everyone dancing on the cathode waves. Religion, "the opiate of the masses," hts taken a back seat. Hail in the one-eyed god. The electric placator holds the masses enthralled with its Cybill Shepherds and Don Johnsons, the priests and priestesses that briefly flash before the public eye. And what of the congregation? The lower income communicants watch their black and white celebrants stliUt the latest fashions across the nineteen-inch screen, tantalizing with riches far beyond their viewers' means. On the other hand, large-screen home entertainment system parishioners sit smugly content in their cathode-tube-dictated fashions. "Television is reality and reality is less than television." says Brian O'Blivion in Videodrome. This is how much of America sits, in a cathatonic state.

0	Taking into consideration that the imaginations of our "bright new minds of the future"

are being dimmed, as well as drained, by television, is it any wonder that the eighties have had virtually nothing original to offer? How many average bookstores can one enter that do not feature a moderate section on Marilyn Monroe and James Dean? (Not to mention the whole question about the demi-god Elvis Presley.) So many people have constructed miniature shrines to the media-undead. Most of these half-wits don't realize the first thing that gave these physically-departed their extreme

to be imaginative and sell new things (or old things in new wrappers) to the proles. When Norma Jean was discovered, the producers gave her platinum blonde hair and a role which she ended up living, her mask became her face, and so was born Marilyn Monroe. But what have today's producers presented? Star Trek - The Next Generation, The New Leave It To Beaver, The (new and improved) Munsters. What happened to the creativity? And what of the future?

      The l 990's will hail in the new Satanic Age. The stupified sheeple will be chained to their electric god consoles, hence the only opposition which might have risen will stay comfortably glued to their sofas, a crop of "couch potatoes." Satanism is being brought into the public eye for what it really is. Satanic principles are even infiltrating these deadened, semi-conscious minds via such popular media presentations as Batman. And Christianity, ever on the cutting edge, cries, "Hurry now, join our ranks before the Grand Rapture and be SAVED!" They're beginning to sound like the bargain basement at Macy's. The frenzied fundamentalists are attempting to stamp us out with their fabricated tales of baby-killings and born-again breeders. But their attempts are in vain. They offer slavery, old ideas better left to die out, and self-imposed idiocy. We offer fresh ideas, free reign for creative thought and action, and life, not merely existence. The imaginative few who shall come forth in the near future will no longer look at us with doubt, but for inspiration and guidance. The Satanic Wehrmacht has arrived.
   Lex Talionis! Lex Satanicus! Hail Satan! (Next quarter Part 2, The Theft of the Orgasm)

! i I , I

these talk shows, you will enjoy this report. Having all these carefully-obtained facts at your fingertips will make your little black hearts glow. Naturally, the authors will be chalked up as "tools of Satan" by the unswervable fundies who promulgate these myths. So be it. Those with their faculties about them will get

statements about religion and its functions. Pick it up to while away one of these cold winter nights. AfJ!qIC £538{TE'R. '1{S:J{OW I didn't encounter any new films of

> vibrancy. Marilyn, for example, was the quintessential femme fatale, a Satanic Witch of the highest order. Most of her followers worship her visage, but don't realize that they could employ the same motif to their own ends. The dead have become more alive than the living.

! i the lowdown, and that's what counts.

       You may order a copy of the report directly from the publishers at P. 0. Box 466, El Cerrito, CA 94530-0466; add $1.50 for shipping, and if you live in California, add $.94 for sales tax.
      Tortures and Torments of the Christian Martyrs by Rev. Antonio Gallonio (Feral House, Los Angeles, 1989; softcover, 320 pages, $12.95).
      While it was written, ostensibly, for the information and inspiration of the "pious," this sixteenth-century volume actually gained notoriety

particular interest to Satanists, but of course, most of ' the real treasures are older films you may be able to come across on video. See if you can find The Gangster, Pennies From Heaven (with Steve Martin and Bernadette Peters), High Pressure or a newer one, possibly on your cable network, The House of Games. To this end, I recommend a new book from Dell, 1he 1 Phantom's Ultimate Video Guide by the Phantom of the Movies ($12.95, softcover, 756 pages). This heft)' tome contains descriptions of some truly rare films and the details on how to find them on video. A must for forgotten-culture buffs and collectors.

Every decade has had something significant to offer, its earmarks if you will. The twenties had its flappers dancing to their seductive tunes, prohibition, and the speakeasies; the thirties saw the creation of Art Deco, the effects of the depression, and the birth of Anton La Vey; the forties brought World War II to America; the fifties and early sixties gave rise to Marilyn Monroe, "flower power," and in 1966 the creation of the Church of Satan. Then came the "ME" generation of the seventies. But what are the earmarks of the eighties? This decade tried to retain the "ME" of the seventies which turned into yuppiedom. It tried


       Ritual! The springboard to the netherworld where anything is possible. The mere mention of the word brings chills or piqued interest to the would-be Black Magician. In actuality, without an understanding of what makes a ritual work, the practitioner may as well read a recipe for meatloaf.
      With this point in mind, I will show you a ritual which I performed recently and which I can truthfully say is the most exact and expedient ritual that I have ever performed. I also know that if I do not give you the preliminaries, you won't have a hope in Hell of seeing any success through this working. So here are a few rules before beginning:
      1. Never start a ritual with the masochistic thought: "What did I do wrong?" A ritual, like any other experiment, is a string of "What did I do rights?" and when all is correct, a working can become what the common man would call a miracle.
      2. All workings have a cycle -- a sort of flow chart of the gods. A successful magician realizes that he/she may do a ritual every day, but the scatter-shooting of your energy is far less efficient than beginning a ritual after the magical cycle of the fom1er ritual has completely ended.

3. The Law of Threefold Return is a joke! If

male - sex of the cherished) in green or brown. A feool of black thread. A writing quill pen (art store) sapnd some dragon's blood ink. A piece of chalk. THE RITUAL

      On the night of the full moon, in the light of the moon only, write exactly what you wish to happen urttil the light of the full moon to come. Let no detail scape you. Make sure that all is clear and exactly

\ctured in your mind. Touch your thumb to the ragon 's blood ink and leave a thumbprint from your Jeft hand on the left hand corner of the parchment. Then light the black pillar candle and recite the following oath to completion: "I (the magician's name) have set out on this night to right what I have considered an inequality, to srnite a bastard and to soothe a friend. I swear by the Prince of Darkness to complete this task in exactly the terms that I have stated. (Point weapon at heart.) I .r shall not fail, for failure is weakness. Weakness is a slow death. I will not die... I will not...Fail. Hail Satan!" On Tuesday after the full moon, set up an altar by drawing a pentagram inverted inside a trapezoidal shape with chalk on a flat rock, on a cleared patch of ground or on a proper altar. Inside of the pentagram place candles wound with black thread. Light the black pillar candle and envision the room separating and dissolving into particles and atoms. All around forms a massive swirl of atoms, no walls, no

Continue this part of the ritual until Friday. On Friday, light the cherished 's candle and lightly stroke the candle. Recite:

      "Soon, oh ever so soon to be free! The victim screams and the victor sings. The Entity that is Bast comes forward with sharp claws and mauls the unlucky fool while brushing with soft black fur against the beloved one. With each stroke comes good luck and freedom from worry. Happiness is yours. Hail Satan!"
      Read parchment, recite proper Enochian key for Satan's blessing.
      As the three candles burn. the bonds of the black thread also bum away and the fool falls to the abyss and the beloved one dances merrily away. On Saturday. burn the parchment on the remaining candle flames. and on Sunday bury the remains with the words:


you send out your magical energy efficiently. it will be expended, and there will not be enough of the energy of that particular spell to return and cause you so much as brief constipation, let alone a disaster.

      4. Know your beneficiaries well, both the cursed and the cherished. A shadowy puppetmaster is inept if he does not know his puppets. It is particularly important to know the cursed, as the curse

The Curse by Dia bolos Rex

tell the person that you are doing the magic for any reason, simply say that you are working on

boundaries. All is dissolving into a void, a vacuum, something beyond the structure of atoms. In the dimly-lit chamber is a supreme solitude, a magical universe. Recite:

     "In this, my universe, I call to you my Brother/Sister, my partner of workings, Lucifer. Arise

from your sleep within me to aid me in this place where all is possible."

I NEW AGE I i (Fo;E :1::H;:::: ;ap)

you work on him/her will be the result of a sabotage

something, and something will happen soon. \ At this point you should feel a slight

of something otherwise familiar in the mundane world. A person with acrophobia will be the easiest to kill in a dream if the magician also knows that the cursed has a weak heart. Is the cursed a bigmouth? So much the better, as this particular recipient of your magical wrath will undoubtedly talk him/herself into a disastrous situation.

      5. Moon phase plays an important role in the way that people react to your manipulations. All animals are affected by the moon and humans are definitely of this kingdom. suggest that you begin this particular ritual on full moon and allow the magic to cycle out until the next full moon.
       6. Never tell the cherished that you have done a working on their behalf. This is a counterproductive move and will have a sort of tortoise and hare effect for the cherished. If you must

Remember, the magic has its own cycle and any alteration will change the outcome.

      With this rather light skimming over the principles of magical working, we shall now proceed. DRESS: Black. A robe, an evening gown, a negligee, and even black leather may be worn for this ritual. I prefer the black apparel of a burglar as this

makes me feel like the stalker of dreams.

      EQUIPMENT: A ritual knife or some other edged weapon which is personal to you. A sheet of parchment of the kind popular with calligraphers, i easily accessible at an art shop or stationery store. A black candle (wider than a taper) representing the ) Black Flame. A yellow-green candle or white figure candle (male or female according to the sex of the cursed). A red taper candle or a figure candle (male or

coldness. Don't worry. This is your other self surfacing to aid you in your effort. Light the cursed's candle. Recite:

      "Damn you! You filthy son of a bitch, your imagined Hell will hold no surprises for you! Cry out, for no one hears you. Scream, for no one helps as I

·consume you, your screams muffled by the crunching of your bones!" Take weapon and stab at cursed candle. "All shall be pain, all shall be suffering for You!"

     Recite aloud what you have written on the Parchment and clearly picture the entire scene. Recite: "For this is your sentence." (Make sign of

homs.) "Hail Satan!"

      Recite proper Enochian key for vengeance; extinguish candle.

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I spade! Put the fear of Satan into their hearts! They fear us. They are waiting for us to ) fulfill their self-defeating prophecies. Why are we

      People who were not inclined toward this type of worship stayed clear. They did not fear the cultists, but rather the goddess Cybele and believed

( There they are again! Those fat-jowled Christianity? 11 Christian televangelists telling us what Satanism is! Think about it. All these examples of "devil "The Lord Gawd iz thuh King uv thee You-nee-verse worship" and human sacrifice are Christian killings, \r A-yund SAT-ton is uh li-ur A-yund Dee-see-ver!" not Satanic! Go into any Christian church (if you can So what is it exactly that we mean when we stand the nausea) and what do they continually 1 say "Satanist?" Not too long ago one group that preach? Blood. Human blood. Human blood sacrifice., claims to be Satanic m de a big point out of the fact We walk around wearing a star. a symbol of that Satanism was not anti-Christian. To the contrary. geometric perfection wedded with the fertile image of it seems to me that we Satanists are the opposite of a goat. They sport the equivalent to the modern-day everything in which the--,-.-.--.-.-------------- -,electric chair. Not long ago, •' Christians believe and how \, ·· ·  ; ·:\ .. ··. >; ·-;· my seven-year-old son tbeybeh ristians believe in , \ ' ' . • {;;"; '.  :.'.: j;"::,e;i1 s! :i!h s; :: God, Satan. angels. demons. \ - ,;;/, -:: · · .·,' Catholic cathedral. Suddenly, and so on. Satanists do not. ',.,;_·;;\> . . ;: he rushed up to my wife with \ Christians require · \. , . a horrified expression saying, faith. Satanists require •··· - "Mommy! There's a statue of reason.

      Christians preach altruism. Satanists follow rational self-interest.

Christians advocate

allowing them any quarter? Why are we not attacking our enemy?

      Are they not the enemy? Or do you think we pst haven't seen enough modern witch-hunts for Satanists yet? Or are we waiting around for a modern

{Jnited States theocracy to be established? I think you know what I mean: a government run by the Christians with a reworked Constitution lacking a First Amendment. It has happened before. If you do not believe it could happen here. then ask yourself why the motto •rn God We Trust" was added to our money in 1955 and not 177 6. Ask yourself why the Pledge of Allegiance also added the words "under God" in our own lifetimes. Ask yourself why a major televangelist rnade alealistic bid for the Presidency in just the last election.

      Is there a Christian conspiracy to take over the government of the United States? I can't prove it, but there is a fair amount of hard evidence which seems to support this possibility.

Arise the Antichrist. before it's too late.

Her to actually reside in their temple. Why would otherwise knowledgeable pagans believe this? Because oftentimes a total stranger would wander into town without any knowledge of where he was going. He would accidentally wind up in the the cult's territory and get "caught up" in the revelry. What • I constituted the revelry? They'd throw their heads forward so their hair would hang and then rotate rapidly in a spin, shaking their heads so the hair would resemble a tangle of serpents. They'd bite themselves and cut their bodies with sharp knives, heaving moaning sighs from deep in their lungs. The cultists carried long strands of woolen yarn strung with sheep's knucklebones entwined and would flog themselves with these until the ground beneath them was slippery with their blood. They'd yell and wail frenziedly with loud music and banging. finally stripping off all clothing and picking up one of the available swords, completely castrate themselves. Each cultist would pick up his amputated organ and run through the city streets, finally heaving it into some stranger's home. The custom demanded that the unlucky stranger who'd merely wandered into the ritual, must give the half-crazed and bleeding amputee

mercy. Satanists demand justice.

      Christians demand self-denial. Satanists practice

indulgence. \

       Christians believe in · an afterlife. Satanists believe in a "duringlife."
      Christians believe in "turning the other cheek." Satanists practice vengeance.
      Christians believe that Man is basically evil. Satanists understand that Man is basically an animal.
      Christians worship God (or Satan). Satanists worship themselves.

Christians believe that life is spiritual. Satanists know that life is material. Christians believe that pleasure is sinful. Satanists believe that so-called "sin" is pleasurable. Christians believe in human sacrifice. Satanists believe in human glorification.

      In fact. I would very much appreciate it if any reader can come up with any real issue which we share in common with the Christians! Apart from our biological common ground (we both eat. breathe. etc.) is there really anything of which we are not totally the  opposite. when it comes to fundamentalist

imagery with the shroud of \ sanctity. rendering it invisible to all but the most innocent, un-brainwashed eyes. Yet it is there still. Their cult is one which worships death. We "worship" life.

      So are	we not, in truth. anti-Christs? If this is what Christ and Christianity stands for. isn't this what we stand against? Isn't the\. Antichrist exactly what we are for?
                        I say yes. I say that we are anti-Christian. We are not merely offering another alternative to the current mass of copy-cat white light religions. We are not reverse-Christian,s who practise Christianity in the name of The Devil. We are the Anti-Christians. We are the Satanists.
      Then. who's afraid of the big bad sheep? All this balderdash about not attacking the Christians 1

escapes me these days. The Jews didn't attack Hitler. The Cathars didn't attack Rome. The witches of the ) Middle Ages didn't attack the Inquisition. Dare we sit ' back and fail to learn from history? .

       The Christians predict that the Antichrist will { persecute them. Then why are the Christians trying to persecute us? I say. off with the gloves. Call a spadea


      Somewhere in Phrygia in ancient times, there was a maiden named Nana. She ate fruit from a tree that was generated by the blood of Cybele. Now, Cybele is a particularly wrathful form of the Dark Mother Night goddess, also called the "White Goddess." identical to the Buddhist Durga who can appear as a great inspiration or as a great cosmic destroyer. At any rate. by eating this fruit. Nana gets pregnant and gives birth to Attis (or Atys), or shall we say. Nana has an immaculate conception. Attis then falls in love with the goddess and for some reason gets it into his head that he should remain a virgin. But nature taking its course, and Attis growing up, he does not remain a virgin. Out of extreme guilt, he

proceeds to slash off his entire organ with one clean shave.

      In the ancient pagan world, nothing was "in the closet." There were no specific general rules of morality. either. If one was a sodomite, one had no reason to hide. There was no morality that said: "It is fooct to marry and bear children." So the Cult of Artis IVed_ on. Who joined it? People with the right frame of mind. and it was totally out in the open. No one ever went into their temple and said "Thou shalt not," 80.the cultists pretty much stayed to themselves. enJOying their own company. with nothing to hide.

a woman's wardrobe or fall afoul of Cybele.

      Now, this is obviously a pagan guilt-cult with its frenzies of flagellation and self-mutilation. Why mention it? Because Attis is resurrected; the celebration was March 22-24. His cultists wore a symbol around their necks of a man, Attis, tied (?) to a tree, or tree-like image, bleeding to death. But most important of all, can you guess where in Rome the main temple of this cult was? Right where the Vatican is today. Perhaps the ancients were right; maybe Cybele really was present and did influence anyone who went there...

And Nyarlathotep does mock.

      Since Jesus said nothing that advocated flagellation. self-mutilation. celibacy. castratos, the tortures of the hundreds of years of the Inquisition -­ one can only assume that modern-day Christians, with their obsessive fear and loathing of their own bodies, are rather adherents of the Cult of Attis -- under a new name. This is borne out by their obvious yet unconscious fear of the word gra rifica rion (from grattis) and sa risfy (from sattisfy). and before deterioration sets in and turns this into total mockery

-- END of article!

by Anton S:zandor La Vey l


t ,,

(Written in 1967 C.E., Dr. LaVey created guidelines for Satanic justice by translating the law of the jungle into a code of behavior for the human animal. Here then is the Lex Talionis transformed for our present age: Lex Satanicus.)

I. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

. Altering reality. Making changes in inordinary ways. This is the path of the magician. J'· In the Autumnal Equinox issue of The Black )  !<ame, Miss Blanche Barton discussed the value of ,_; veraging the power of archetypes to produce magic ·., taking on the persona of a specific "group mind" unage. I will expand upon some of these ideas here as \i{ell as suggest additional concepts. i First of all, there is a growing body of

view rather than the mind-killing mystical view of Plato.

      Plato's eternal Forms were unchangeable, fixed throughout all of time as the "higher" reality template from which blurry "copies" make up our world. Sheldrake's democratic M-fields are constantly being altered as physical reality interacts with the same M-fields which shape it.

In practical terms this implies that the

2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want l to hear them. 3. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there. 4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat himcruelly and without mercy. 5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating­

cientific speculation which does surpass Plato's theory of Forms. Rupert Sheldrake has written two books elaborating upon his testable scientific theory: '[he Theory of Formative Causation and The Presence of the Past. By the way, as with all Satanically­ inclined ideas, Sheldrake's books created an emotional uproar. Nature, the prestigious British scientific journal, called for the burning of Sbeldrake's first book! If the establishment wants to bum a book, you can bet that it is worth reading!

      S h e l d r a k e n o t e d p e c u l i/a r i t i e s i n psychological stqdies conducted with animals. The critics  of  these  studies  screamed  "fraud!"  but

M-field of a vampire far more closely resembles the romantic figure of the Hollywood movies (viewed by millions) than the revivified corpse of traditional folklore. Why? Well, since there are more people I alive right now than ever before in history and if we combine this fact with the effects of mass media (movies, television, magazines, newspapers, etc.) we can surmise that the current beliefs of the masses are the primary shapers or the ever-evolving M-fields! (At least those sub-fields associated with archetypal images in the greater field which comprises a unit similar to Jung's collective unconscious, an overmind.)

signal. 6. Do not take that which does not belong to ·you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

\ Sheldrake, noting a lack of motivation on the part of t e rese rchers to fool anyone, looked for other explanations. The result of his search was his hypothesis of Formative Causation.

      In essence, Formative Causation proposes that all physical forms and behavior habits are shaped

Hence. the most powerful of this type of M-field will tend to revolve around the most popular modern character types. Miss Barton's examples of "character actors" becomes ever more important. The 'I modern magician would do well to examine the impact and popularity of cinema images, because if

l 7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed itI successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magi,c after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have , obtained. } I I 8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

by fields called morphogenetic fields or "M-fields," for short. Each M-field is strengthened democratically, based upon feedback from our physical actions and thoughts in the here-and-now.

      Magician, take note! Sheldrake .is telling us that the more people who think about something, the more the M-field of that thing grows and changes to conform to their ideas.
     Sheldrake's theory acts in a long-overdue contradistinction to Plato's Theory of Forms. Attributed to Socrates, Plato's metaphysics held that there was a "real" world composed of ideal Forms of

Sheldrake's theory proves valid (and the supporting evidence is extremely convincing) then in a very precise way "what we see is what we get!" Reality should be increasingly conforming to the media images which are influencing the minds and emotions of billions.

      I'd like to also mention here that this by no means leaves us with a purely solipsistic, "anything goes" reality. M-fields of a different sort control the basic laws of physics, but these too may evolve over vast time periods and not be as static as has been previously posited. New models for the early history

' 1

., I

9. Do not harm little children. IO. Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for your food.

,. Which our world is an imperfect shadow. As with all dualistic metaphysics (two realities instead of one), Plato's "higher" reality was unreachable through re son or sense impressions and required a leap of 1 faith via a mystical insight he called "noesis." Sheldrake's view simply extends our scientific

of our Universe show these laws to be different, and mutable with time and the evolving nature of the substances which comprise existence. Since these fields are vast, and are sustained by cosmic processes. the comparatively small M-fields of even billions of human consciousnesses are not able to cause an



In open

terr"I tory,

bOth er no one·

If someone' Understanding of our one reality by including M-fields rather than splitting the Universe into two

effect. Sheldrake's theory depicts an ever-evolving Universe influenced by its constituent parts, not an

bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him. .. ( realities. This enables us to understand reality and lllaintain reason as our standard for knowledge. In words, Sheldrake's theory retains a scientific

evolving "inferior" reality controlled by a static and immutable "higher" reality. Sheldrake has also elaborated on the concept

of the "morphogenetic germ" (or M-germ). Like the In practical terms it may not require as much "detail" crystal which grows from a "germ" structure, any to cause a magical change to occur. Rather, it may be essential "piece" which resembles an M-field relatively easy to l verage the more powerful produces what Sheldrake refers to as morphic M-fields just as long as you actually use a "pure" resonance. The M-germ then conforms to the specific M-germ. In other words, it may not be so much M-field which provides a sort of blue-print for its quantity or even duration that counts, but quality. In structure. In anthropological studies of magic, such as essence, don't forget your horns and don't sporta Frasier's works, the concept of sympathetic magic halo. becomes more understandable. What elements of an M-field character type . wasulsducgognestetdutebyanDMr. -LgaeVrmey? OinneThime pSoa1t1aannitcsWouirtcche And so, fellow chi'ldren of the ni·ght,a where he noted that the common characteristics decade has ended to make way for the new. Our , chosen by cartoonists to convey a type are the movement is growing ever stronger and the 90's will essentials required to perceive it. Hence, an M-germ be but a prelude for the coming Satanic millenium. As can be pieced together by studying, of all things, Satanists you are part of the elite that shall forge the comic books and other abstracted and stylized future with an iron Will. The ls-To-Be grows ever representations which successfully communicate the clearer to the horror of those who would keep us in image to others. the muck of mediocrity.

       For example, the rogue-hero image of		We end this issue and this decade with a Indiana Jones revolves around a brown felt Stetson  verbal "sign of the horns" by Anton Szandor LaVey. hat. Secondary elements would include a brown  To whet your appetite for the upcoming release of an leather flight jacket, bull whip, and revolver. The   album by the inimitable Dr. LaVey, we present the M-germ might require only the hat or all the above  final verse and chorus from his Hymn ofrhe Satanic items. The Gestapo officer is epitomized by the  Empire, to which he composed both the stirring words black-brimmed hat and black trenchcoat.	and rousing music. All stand proudly now and lets see
      Along a different vein, if you were interested those cornus smartly raised in defiance! in violating an image, what elements could you

introduce? Indiana Jones would not wear a beret nor Hymn of theSatanic Empire ladies' spike heels. The Gestapo officer would not Anton Szandor LaVey sport an American flag shoulder patch. It is therefore equally obvious that an M-germ can be killed by an Drums out of the darkness, listen well. unsuitable growing environment. Hence, this Drums beating like thunder, straight from Hell. lj underlines Miss Barton's suggestion that you live the "Rege Satanas!" -- the time's come 'round-- I part all the time. Satan is here to claim his ground! Conclusion

Sheldrake's theory suggests that archetypes

views of them. Therefore, a magician desiring to utilize and perhaps merge with any archetype should carefully observe the evolving trend. Further, the

With our morning star from the deepest night Smash the crumbling cross, for Might is Right. Let the shuffling zombies grope for light -­ And we11 reign forevermore!

essential elements of an archetype can be assumed to HAIL SATAN! tl "attract" the full influence of the shaping M-field.