The Black Flame Vol. 6 No. 1 and No. 2

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Full uncorrected text (3/18/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 6 No. 1 and No. 2.

Bcmonir <ronocrgcanrc in Benner fflarch of lgg6 saw a gathering of Satanic notables in Denvcr fo, tbe taping of several Bob !Mson radio shows. These were also filmed and segments were broadcast over Larson's new vehicle on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

Slt right you will see how we enjoyed the accomodations at the Casa Bonita, Denver's local den of total envi­ ronments-the most magnificent­ ly tacky restaurant in Colorado.

Slboor A portrait shot in Bob's studio. From left to right: Boyd Rice, Bob Larson, Peter H. Gilmore, and Rex Diabolos Church.

From left to right: Shauna, Thomas Thorn, Peter H. Gilmore, Boyd Rice, Desiree Partridge, and Rex Diabolos Church.

   Editor Peter H Gilmore

As.,odateEditor PeggyNadramia

The Blade Flame is published by Hell'sKitchen Productions, Inc. Copyright 1997 C.E. by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or inpart without written pennis.sion is prohibited. Mailing adclres.s: P.O. Box 499, Radio CityStation, New York, NY 10101-0499 U.SA. Double mue price: $6.00 in the U.S., $8.00 outside the U.S. Subsaiptions: $12.00 in the U.S. for two double is.mes. $16.00 outside the U.S. for two double ues. Single issues are notavailabk. Send check, bank draught or money order in U.S. funds only. Opinions expres!ed herein are those<fthe amhorsa/,one.

We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. Correspondence requesting a response must be accompanied by anS.A.S.E.


ollycoddles abound. Wimps are on the rise. Sissies hold sway. Our society is pervaded by a patrorusing protectivity, shielding the timorous from ideas that might be inimical toegos fragile assodden tmue paper. What ever happened to cultivation of strength and self­ awrance, once the hallmark of American culture? The minions of "political comctness" and anew generation of whiner-spawn have attained the Jegislative power toenforce their pusillanimous intolcrancc for any difference in opinion. Behold the vile cowardice that reigns in just about every public forum. Wi censorship, barl on the principle that individuals must be protected from any negativity or they will suffer irreparable trauma and thus deserve reparations from the state to satisfy their shattered self-image. Here is the new standard for behavior, ranging from universities to work places, from the print.eel word tocyber-space, and itisenshrined by the various media who have unit.eel tocrush those who refuse to abandon their critical b:ulties. The contemptible cont.emporary credo is to seek the approval of all and sundry, while eliminating any critical commentary. It has become a thought-crime to voice the opinion that you don't embrace everyone in one sloppy hug of "brotherhood."There is, however, one group which all are permitted to deride, censor, and against which hatred may be freely exercised­ those tarred with the label "racist." Here is today's ultimate bugaboo, far worse than being deemed a child (They get "therapy" and are released to repeat their acts, or if a clergy person, simply transferred to a new parish to continue to do their Lord's work.)

    Bob Grant, a well-known talk show host on WABC Talk Radio, was fired because ci increased lobbying against him by various "PC" forces who hai branded him a racist. Grant, a self-avowed conservative, does not hesitate to speak his mind against those whom he perceives to be miscreants and malefactors. And bravo to him!His candor, as well as his rational defense of his thinking, was refreshing to hear. He was hired shortly thereafter by a competing station to continue to air his views for a large audience who does appreciat.e hearing his opinions, and supporting or debating them. The situation may be grim, but not completely hq,eless.
     People are deathly afraid of wonk; they can't bear anything being said against them. To be "dissed" is the equivalent of being destroyed. Satanists deplore such weakness. It was once expect.eel that one instinctively evaluated the gain-sayer (as well as the flatterer), automatically reacting with either pleasure, disappointment or even indifference based on the relative merits of this individual. Now, all are required to tout everyone else without discrimination (a word that now has an "evil" connotation and previously meant the exercise of one's selectivity based on educat.ed appraisal.). Satanists have not lost this instinct; we welcome the conflict of ideas, and are excit.ed by differences. It is by actions that we judge. Words are mere window-dressing.
    We must cultivat.e a neo-Darwinian arena wherein opinions may dash in the bright glare ci mid-day, light glinting off sabre-sharp tongues which slash against the armor of cultivat.ed wit and erudition in a true conflict of ri roaring repartk.e. We expect to see the sands stained crimson and will be ready to wield our discrimination boldly, without stint, to either raise a thumb in approval or give the sign of rejection. We will celebrat.e the victorious while the vanquished are ' carted off as refuse. This is the climate that will foster the re-emergence of int.ellectual rigor, and will present competing concepts for all to see and judge accordingly. It is time to end this childish insulation from the real world and go out to experience the invigoration to be had from a world of variety. If you come across that with which you don't agree, you'll be able to identify those who hold such values and deal with them as you will. Control of speach is not control of thought. The current climate has caused many to hold secret their true fee which often grow to strange shapes in their restraint, bursting forth in extremity which isshocking to the naive, but expect.eel by the aware.
    ut the triumphant strains of "My Way" ring their clarion call to those who refuse to disguise their true thoughts beneath a rictus of false polit.eness. into the fray with claws extended, flying your true colors-winning friends and foes, or walk away and find another exchange more to your liking. You can soar, or crash and burn, but doso on your own. Don't go crying tosome societal authority to wipe thesnot off your nose and kick the ass of your betters. Perhaps you want to remain in diapers all of your life, but don't expect Satanists tostick around and smell the load. Manure is best when buried as

HEY control everything we do. There is no human activity that THEY do not influence. THEY are everywhere, infiltrating the lives of even the strongest resistors. Who are THEY?

  How strange that humans can easily and readily externalize gods and devils, space aliens and UFOs, non­ Aryans and fascists. Yet they find it difficult to entertain a notion that human hands and human minds serving human interests are sophisticated enough to exert control.

You say they do. They blame Satanists. THEY are not Satanists.

  When a rational mind hears another blame THEY for a negative event or situation, THEY are dismissed as a non­ existent convenient catch-all employed by limited minds.

Consequently, no one with any mental prowess uses the term, THEY.

  H only dummies use the THEY reasoning, those whose mental capacity might really suspect, let alone detect, chicanery avoid it. By their avoidance, they close any doors before they attempt to enter.
  There is no single THEY. That's why conspiratorialists search in vain or blame convenient enemies.
  Any vested interest which contrivedly interferes with your best interests is11-IEY. The greater the need to make money, with little or no conscience, the greater the incidence of THEYs. H everybody is on the take, if everyone wants to win the lottery, some aspirants are more successful than others. Agencies of self-interest proliferate in a world of wannabes and big shots. The most successful, by dint of their established formulae for success, become the THEYs.
  THEY do not want you to win. You win, THEY lose. THEY depend upon your ignorance and stupidity. THEY don't want anyone giving the show away. That's why THEY ridicule anyone who refers to THEY. THEY wish to abort speculation. THEY cannot afford to allow for speculatwn.

Before any discovery can be made, speculation must be entertained. A simpleton who says: "What will THEY think of next?" is closer to discovery than those who ridicule him for saying "THEY."

  THEY discourage logic and reason. It is unprofitable. There are seldom any hints or clues as to who THEY are. THEY survive by misdirection.
  "New and Improved" is what THEY depend upon for their sucker's game. "Issues" maintain distraction and misdirection. Mainstream interests are mainline drugs.

Fashion, style, trends, are common denominators. Common denominators are imperative, that THEY might remain in control. THEY can be compared to the myth of the Mafia or

Organized Crime. There need exist no network or central control. THEY exist independent of one another. Yet in their perceived tyranny, THEY would appear to be organized. They cannot be broken or banished, because THEY are not an organization. Humans are so conditioned to organized lives that they cannot conceive of such a thing as power through disorganization. H one lives an institutionalized life, which most do, it is uncomfortable to move outside the herd. THEY depend on mass mindlessness and will destroy anyone or anything that threatens it. More than ever before in mankind's history, survival of the many is dependent on the success of the few. THEY, by whatever name, are the few. Collectively, THEY are powerless. Individually, THEY are ruthless and unscrupulous.

  THEY are not fraternal. THEY do not help each other. Their strength lies in that THEY each concentrate on their own vested interests, with no collusion. Then, THEY are free to whip and lacerate the herd, without peer interference­ without time and energy wasted on networking and organization. THEY have all manner of weaponry-whether deliberately neglected, yet more formidable than ever, or innovative technology. Control is achieved and maintained by radiation, saturation, and isolation; using sound and light waves, weather control, environmental substances, pharmaceuticals, atmospheric modification, etc. The greater the vested interest, the more formidable the arsenal THEY maintain.
  It is a war in which the people of the world are the victims; a soft and flaccid enemy, too short-sighted and dull­ witted to constitute a threat. It is the easiest war ever fought, where each new collective stupidity and despotically selected memory is a victory.

• • • • • Purtrait of Anton LaVey by Nick &up

HE SMARI'EST, MOST PASSIONATE, MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN I've met have been Satanists. I don't mean "beautiful on the inside where it really counts;" I mean gorgeous, vibrant, curvy women. Most non-Satanic men find Satanic women intimidating-too intelligent or too pretty, or worse yet, both at the same time. It takes a special woman to be a Satanist. Only the most truly liberated are summoned to Satan's legions. Up until quite recently, the ratio of Satanic men to women had been about 10 to 1, but that seems to be shifting. More and more young women are going through the process of exploring feminism and Wicca, seeking feminine pride, identity and powei; and discovering only impotence, limitations and puritanical self-righteousness. Wicca and feminism share a flaccid, lackluster attitude and presentation. Satanic women like drama/adventureand know how to conjure it for themselves. Satanists have an innate complexity of mind that hungers for uncompromising examination and speculation, not superficially­ comforting pap. We don't need to be comforted; we prefer the invigorating, bracing winds of truth ;md terror.

   Our culture has been influenced enough by Anton LaVey and his books so that it's now cool for young women to dress like Satanic witches and think. like the Devil Himself. Camille Paglia and others now get honorifics for challenging traditional feminism, defending women's rights to wear heels and makeup. Those who study such trends are calling this "lipstick feminism" (from the more honest "lipstick lesbians"), "non-traditional feminism" or "anti-feminist feminism." Big news. So 7he Satanic Witch came out 26 years ago, girls. Did you just get around to reading it? To me, it's still the same old game of cribbing from Anton LaVey's books, catering to the new Satanic generation, but not wanting to acknowledge those blasphemous philosophical roots. Jayne Mansfield recognized that, for the first time in her life, she had found a philosophy through which she could be a businesswoman, an intellectual, a mother and a sexpot all at once. She wouldn't be criticized for committing the ultimate sin of reconciling irreconcilables.
   Satanic women don't want to gain their strength by castrating men, or by making themselves out as victims. Whether they're providing healing and inspiration to those under their roofs, cracking the whip in corporate circles, managing their own home­ based businesses or maneuvering whatever they need to survive, all are applying and increasing their power-not whining about why they don't have any! We don't need "feminism" on our sleeve as our primary identity. We have our identity as Satanists. Satanic women are fierce; fierce defenders of their men, of their children, of their ideas and values. Wiccans understand the female archetype in a completely different way than Satanists do. We know that

Woman is Nature-Darwinian law as well as peaceful, awe-inspiring sunsets. Women can be conniving and ruthless, plotting and vengeful. "Mother Nature" isn't loving and all-embracing. She's selective, cruel and unyielding.

  Wicca is trying to keep up with Satanism by sprinkling in Valkyries, the Dark Goddess, and other more menacing images of the Mother Goddess. But it still remains lackluster and uninspiring

because it's isolated-dependent on internal references and icons. It becomes shallow, stilted and flaccid. By trying to ignore or deny the authority or existence of great men, they're disconnecting their religion from ennobling music, poetry, literature, art, architecture, science and philosophy. Satanists recognize that the force of Western civilization has always been a masculine, heroic, Promethean drive toward adventure and exploration. Feminist/ Wiccan cant is ultimately "soul candy," like the term that's evolved for po ience and psychology-thisis the equivalent. You may seek it out when you need bolstering up, thinking that you'll be inspired and spurred to greater achievements, lured by promises of unique feminine perspective and strengthening. But ultimately it's not satisfying. The illusion of strength is superficial; the nagging victimization becomes insulting. Not like reading Dostoevsky or Will Durant, Wuthering Hei,ghts, or Jane Austen, or Plato's Dialogues or Erasmus' "The Praise of Folly", oi; obviously, 1he Satanic Bible. I refuse to limit my role models only to other women just because I happen to be one,. I gain power from the metaphors and heroes I choose regardless of their gender.

   Our decisions are based on real-world concerns, not in defense of an inadequare ego. When a Satanic woman and her mate decide if they'll have children, or who will work in the outside world and who will stay home with the kids, it's a pragmatic question-who has more earning power? Who's invested more money and time developing their career? Who's more capable of earning money at home as opposed to in the workplace? Who's better able to have the patience and other attributes necessary to raise a child? The Satanic woman doesn't need a job to define her capabilities; nor does she need to have children to feel "fulfilled." She reserves her "nurturing" for those who deserve her help and encouragement­ namely: herself, her mate, and those few she chooses to call friends. She finds a man who can express her Demonic or she conjures up a Lover for herself; she isn't desperate for love, vulnerable to ploys from fast talkers.

Many young bottom-of-the-dock women who are looking for gothic strength in a man, can't find it in the simpering she-males around them-so they manifest their Demonics themselves, dressing in black leathei; black stockin and carrying a big black whip. A compleat, Satanic witch can best spend her time in constant, intimate spiritual and sexual contact with her strongest Demonic archetype-Satan Himself. In practicing her arts of enchantment, manipulation, inspiration and protection in the real world, she strengthens both herself and those she chooses to love. She becomes a direct line to our Source. That's why a powerful sorceress must be cautious about aligning herself with, and transferring power to, unworthy men.

   Identity and stimulation. Dr. LaVey has pinpointed these two elements as primary commodities. Satanism provides us with both. I don't need to be pigeonholed as a "feminist," or any other convenient label. None of us are so charitable to the weak-minded that we allow ourselves to be so easily categorized and dismissed. I am proud to call myself a Satanist, thereby aligning myself with the strongest minds, bodies and Will on Earth.

• • • • •

just hit town? Nope, it's just Marilyn Manson and frienru here to take over (at least for a couple hours). Then off to another town to dominate. This newest rock icon isn't just playing the Devil's game without taking the Devil's name, in fact, he's the musical Anti-Christ smashing allconceptions of the behavior of typical rock and roll.

   Seeing the intense show in San Francisco, one would figure his demeanor would be that of an ego-inflated weirdo. Such isn't the case. After the show, my wife and I went into a very calm, blue bus to meet with this showman, and to my delight I found avery modest, fan-appreciating gentleman.
   Two months later, during a telephone interview, I was granted unprecedented access to and through the mask collectively known as Marilyn Manson. Here he is for you, dear reader. the man, the myth, the new icon.

JN: Where did the name Marilyn Manson derive from?

   MM: Six years ago, when I was writing, I used a pen name. This pen name described my personality and what I grew up
k:lmiring-Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson. Both were icons for different reasons. They both reached opposite extremes. This is something I have always


felt in my own character-opposite extremes, dichotomy, diametrically opp archetypes. I grew up reading Nietzsche, Crowley, LaVey. In such, Satanism seemed right to me. '"Marilyn Manson" is Satanic in its mystery. JN: Do you feel Satanism is incorporated into your music?

  MM: Not overtly-subconsciously.I have to thank LaVey for inspiration. I incorporate Satanic philosophy, more times subtly than others. It gets across the philosophy without the name "Satanism." After people get close to me, I let them know of my affiliation with the Church.

The band isn't overt with symbolism of Satanism, no upside-down crosses or Baphomets. I have been more outspoken about Satanism the last year or so, and the fans seem to understand the philosophy.

The music is very eclectic, always taken from everywhere. It's kind of a "Willy Wonka" world: the visual concepts, always creating art-such as body art, always expres.mig what's on my mind. It's very ritualistic. The concert isSatanic. Just by being in the audience, you are entering my own personal Satanic ritual. However, I'm not a salesman for the Church of Satan.

   Iget adrenal energy from the crowd, and they get it from me. This energy motivates me, makes me feel completely vital on stage. After the show, I feel drained and have no more emotion, which is the exact prescription for a ritual in 7he Satanic Bible. I've found performing to be the m powerful thing I've tapped in to.

JN: What of this new movie that you and Twiggy are involved in? MM: Yes, it's the new David Lynch

movie, called "Lost Highway." In this movie, I have a pornographic scene with Patricia Arquette. It's a menage a trois. David Lynch is kind of sket.chy. He works completely with people'c imagination. It ends up being a "snuff'" film for me, because I end up dying in the movie, naked in a puddle of blood. David Lynch was talking about using some of our so from our new

"Satanic music is music that affects your life."

Marilyn Manson

EP in the movie. It was a great honor to be involved with the project. I've always been a big fan of his. Acting issomething I'd like to get more involved in.It stirs something inside; it gives me a new way to express myself. JN: Are you Marilyn Manson?

   MM:Yes and no. It represents different sides of my personality. Marilyn Manson is the more animalistic side of myself, as in lycanthropy. This transformation can happen anywhere, usually on stage. It could happen in bed. Then again, it might not. My fans are Marilyn Manson. They give me power. My motto is "I am you." We are the embodiment of disbelievers, the Anti-Christs, if you will.In the end, it's Marilyn Manson.

JN: How have your experiences been with Dr.LaVey?

   MM: Flattering, exciting-an interesting person to meet, inspirational-wise. I've had a lot of great conversations with him. I have listened to him play music at his house. I felt like a part of hisfamily, as if he were a father figure to me. People have often asked me "What Satanic is music? Is it just what Dr.

LaVey plays?" Yes it is, and no it isn't. H you grew up listeajng to the music of the 40's, that music would be evocative to you. In my case, it was the music of the 70's and the 80's. People my age find this music much more powerful. Satanic music is music that affects your life. I had musical influences from Black Sabbath and other groups like Alice Cooper, David Bowie, The Stooges, and Kiss. It wasn't necessarily the music I liked, but that they stood out as icons.

   Nowadays, nobody is taking a stand as an icon. And that's what I'm here to do-fill the void of iconography. Doctor is an icon for his reasons and I'm one for my own.

After all, isn't that what iconography is all about-Gods doing different things to affect people in a similar way? I need to see icons myself.

JN:.(\nything you'd like to add that you haven't had the opportunity to express in the "traditional" media?

   MM: I've read discussions on Satanists needing to dispel myths about animal sacrifice,	child molestation, etc. At the same time I feel there is a need to keep the myths intact. Satanism draws power from the misconceptions as well as from the conceptions. In a perfect world, Satanism wouldn't be suppressed, but then consider if it was, what would we be? I think that

Satanists all like to be the underdog. That's what makes it work. As much as I'd like to destroy Christianity, I think it needs to exist for us to feel as strong as we do-not tosay that we rely on it, but the world wouldn't be as fun if it didn't exist. This is one thing I think Satanists need to realize, that it is OK to fun. I find positive things out of negativity. Marilyn Manson is what I care for deeply and would die for. JN: What is Anti-Christ Superstar?

   MM: We are about to work on a record entitled, "Anti-Christ Superstar." After ten years in a private Christian school, I was inundated and told about things like Armageddon, the Rapture, taking the Mark of the Beast, etc. When I realized it wasn't going to happen, I felt fortunate, but at the same time I felt cheated. For me, the things that had tormented me as akid, I have become. What Iset my mind on was, if Armageddon wasn't going to happen, I was going to bring it upon the world myself. I
 "I take the role of the Anti-Christ ... It will scare America, and rightfully so."

Marilyn Mamon felt the obligation to be exactly what they had me me so afraid of. So on this record, I take the role of the Anti-Christ. This record is me asserting myself in that position. It is the tale of how things are going to happen in the future. It will scare America, and rightfully so.

  Like what he has tosay or not (Ido), he's real and he's here to stay. He is affecting change in our world and his own. He's a Satanist to the bone, and lives his lifestyle of choice without stinting. He's shown you a "Portrait of the American Family," he's showing you how the world "Smells Like Children," who may very well follow this new "Anti-Christ Superstar."

In memory of Andrew Kenneth Nagy '"The angel has spread his w . The time has come for better things."




HERE'S BEEN A LOT OF TALK about the political stance of

      Satanism recently. More specifically the tired old fascism argument. Is Satanism inherently fascist? Nazi even? Certainly anyone picking up much recent Satanic literature could be forgiven for seeing Satanism as little more than offensive window-dres.1ing for white supremacist occultniks.
  I don't think that's very helpful. Not because Satanism is fascist or isn't fascist. It's

because this swastika-waving, Niettsche­ spouting circus really rather mwes the point. Worse than that, it's getting rather old. Allow me to elaborate. Satanism IS political. Anything, or anyone, that interacts with the society surrounding them is political. The idea that you have to buy into left, or right wing models is a smokescreen, a democratic simplification to tum the political arena into something that resembles a football field, so your average idiot feels comfortable with it. Ironically enough, the further beyond the cliches of left or right wing tradition an individual is, the more interactive, and hence political they're likely to be.

   Satanism does have dogma that could be regarded as political. Dogma that create a framework around which Satanic political positions can be established (note positions, not position singular). Firstly, Satanism is about rebellion. It's important to remember that rebellion implies resistance to an established order for a reason. Mindless intransigence or contrariness for the sake of it is not Satanic, but self-destructive and infantile. The Satanic current stands as a counterbalance to witless·orthodoxiesand the more inane or stagnant tendencies within the status quo. Satanism is a catalyst, a perspective that favours inspiration over perspiration, a faith for heretics.
  The second relevant Satanic dogma is the worship of variety and quality over quantity. Satanism could be regarded as being a theatrical extreme of the western cult of the individual. The Eurocentric perspective has attained pre-eminence because of attitude, which places the value of the individual asequal (or in the case of the Satanist, superior) to the value of the society en masse. LaVey's "rational self-interest"is a manifestation of this western tradition,


which contrasts starkly with Oriental concepts of conformity and democratic ideas of the greatest good for the greatest number (Similar concepts of conformity and •cog in the machine• mentality are at the core of Judeo-Christianity).

   The last element I'd like to draw in here is that of intelligence and wit. H there's one characteristic that aSatanist cannot live without, then it's an active brain. Without a little native wit then all Satanic dictums become worthless or even destructive.

Rational self-interest is myopic selfishness in the hands of a fool, the urge that draws a child to eat so much chocolate cake that he'll throw up. Lucifer is an icon for free will. The serpent that tempted Eve offered her the apple of wisdom, and this is the fruit our enemies are most anxious should remain untouched.

   These three concepts are enough to illustrate the point I'm endeavouring to get lams. Firstly the Satanic position is not automatically fascist just because Nazism is "evil•. Society's rejection of something often means it's worth looking at, but should not encourage automatic adoption of whatever the taboo may be. Satanism tests taboos: some may be legitimate, others are redundant or even ripe for destruction.

Satanism is interested in taboo or "evil•, but an interest does not imply endorsement, only an open and pragmatic llllild as to the shifting geography of morality. Anybody whosei7.CS upon objectionable imagery simply because it is objectionable-collecting a hodgepodge of iron crosses, Baphomets or whatever,-is more likely to be displaying adolescent angst than actually exploring the forbidden philooophies behind them. It is to be expected that our enemies should indulge in the common human fallacy that an interest in a"forbidden• area immediately confirms support for it. It is a little depressing when this same misapprehension is adopted within the Church of Satan's own ranks. It has been said before, but it obviously has to be said again, that th Satanists screaming for a white supremacist state of supermen are yet more turkeys voting for Christmas. The whitebread world they want to join has noplace for deviance or originality. Satanism is a philooophy of indulgence, of the carnal, not a hate faith for

scapegoaters. Democracy fosters the repugnant cancer of conformity, but fascism positively demands it.Most people want to be told what to do and fascism could be called a pragmatic acceptance of that. The true Satanist sighs, and accepts this as a sad fact of life, rather than jerking himself off on how "special• this makes him.

   Certainly Satanists are smarter than your average drone, or at least they had damn well better be if they want tosurvive
 anything other than a walking Halloween novelty. But do we really need to go on about this with such embarrassing regularity? To use a little barroom psychology, the man who makes the most lurid comments on passing women is usually a virgin, the fellow who gives the bloodiest occounts of his past brawls is probably a wimp. The same idea can be applied to th whoseem dedicated to advertising their own "genetic superiority'".
   Darwinian natural selection is a law which, if it is accurate, works regardless of our actions. • Assisting natural selection• is a little like going around throwing things at the floor in order to promote the law of gravity. Certainly Darwinian concepts help explain the way that species, cultures, or even individuals interact, and they are useful and intriguing because of this.Darwinism is not a tool or active position, merely a way of understanding certain mechanics of the world.
   Examination of most radical right wing groups show them to be far from master stock. Rather they are more often individuals looking for excuses for their own inadequacies Oewish conspiracies, Commies, foreigners stealing their jobs and women, whatever) and spurious claims to superiority tosubstitute for actual achievement or creativity. The Satanist should not join these weakling scapegoaters. The traditional Satanic role is to adopt the mask of the scapegoat rather than join in his persecution. Proudly take on the mar of what other men seek to deride and destroy, for deep down, it is what the herd fear the most.

I could go on, but I think you can see what I'm talking about. H there is a true Satanic political archetype then it is Machiavelli, not Adolph Hitler. Read Machiavelli's 1bePrince and you'll find it surprisingly vague and morally neutral-it's

not a •why to•so much as a ow to• book. The point being that Satanism is about achiev4ig what you want, rather than what some political idealogue or other thinks you should want (be it workers rights, racial purity, or a chicken in every pot). The only honest politics are those motivated by your own fetish, whim, and aesthetics, thw there are as many political positions as there are thinking individuals (which may not be--all that many), and these can shift from month to month.

   Standard political stances have much in common with religion (indeed astute political theorists, like Marx and Hitler, made a deliberate attempt to slide politics into the slot in people's psyches wually occupied by religion). At best orthodox politics are hypocritical mock motives for getting what you want (I really want it •for the people• or "to stimulate economic growthj, at worst political theories are artificial systems which go against the grain of human instinct, and twist people into poorly functioning creatures. Like religion, political traditions have utopias and distopias, saints and scapegoats. And like religions, political traditions are for saps.

So if you must air your political laundry in Satanic journals then make it original, exhilarating informed. Shock, stimulate or provoke. If you're going to be predictable and dull, at least be realistic and practical-coffee bar revolutionaries are more oftei:J comical than cutting edge. There isspace for the radical right wing in Satanism-indeed the tradition of heresy and the canon of the western cult of the individual are wholly incomplete without Niet he. But there are also left wing influences on Satanism (Medieval Satanism actually began as what was, arguably, a proto-socialist protest against the bonds of feudalism).

   Satanism is losing many potentially productive and able individuals who dismiss the Church of Satan as a "right wing organisation•. Satanism does seem to be becoming too comfortable a refuge for conservatives who want an outlaw badge and weekend fuhrers still anxiow to shock grandma. There's a lot more to Satanism than that. Okay, the war against the prevailing masochism of the colonial guilt trip is productive, and Satanists should be at the forefront of the counterattack of the

rationalists against the relativists. The romance of the teutonic spirit fits in well with Satanism's interest in pragmatic romanticism. And of course the interest in political taboo is only natural. Even toying with the methodology of the fascists can yield results. But aligning yourself with Heinrich Himmler (or Nancy Reagan as some seem to) is not innately-Satanic•. It's silly. • • • • •



     000-000, 000-000. I might not be speaking this right, but then they don't speak English, either. But we do"speak the same language• in terms of how we feel, what we feel, and what we do up to the point where they do not have to use artifice to survive (or at least most of them don't have to, but some do!). But rarely do they destroy their own environments (though some did and went extinct).

Be this as it may, animals that have sound and/or draw as their own main avenue of communication, instead of highly developed senses of smell or chemical communication (which is far more direct than any manner of speech can possibly be and whose "words• some have groped to understand), have all managed to come up

tendency can be seen in the two versions listed first, though there arc many versions of the exact same thing. I call them, "variations on a Wail: Woe is Me, I Wannabe.•

    God (that's going to be the1opj took Those Psop/6 off the Special Tree of Saved and now they can, get to the Special Kingdom where only the E/8ctgo. And We got put on the Special Tree Instead, in their place. But if you ant wmhy(Define this? They never do.) you can hitch a ride on the Special Tree too. All you have to do is join our club and believe in God's Son,though there is that little matter of other chores you have to do to make your life more miserable. Then as long as you lobotomize yourself, castrate yourself Inwardly, destroy all manner of Eros you may have In your heart and become as numb as the dead, you can stay on the Special Tree. You only need to obey these rules and perpetuate this on your children and on anyone else you might bump into who still has a smile on their face and joy in their lives. Wipe off their smiles, destroy their joy, and you will have made aconvert. As for Those People

who got taken off the Special Tree wanodn,refuse to

ground, or, un•trees, ru,t-trees. So when they stop trying to horn-in on what they can dearly see as 1be Alive, they resort to these other "Variations on the Wail.• One can almost audibly hear their screaming as they attempt to squirm away from the self­ loathing they feel toward their own broken humanity.

   We are the Shining Light Race, whose ancestors came to this planet from another planet. Our superior Shining Race arrived in Atlantis, or Heliogoland, or Antarctica, or the Arctic, and we found the primitive (and darker, dark aired, dark-eyed) human beings on Earth. Our Shining Race taught them all they knew as If we were Divine Angels. But then some of our Shining Angel Race sought to mix with the daughters of these inferior humans and wie thereby polluted our race. This is how all the other races of humans came into existence.
   And they believe this in the face of truths which do show, especially with recent excavations (and the pushing aside of 200

years of this type of lie preached by ignoring

with their own mytho-poetic rende of

do this-they ant DAMNED. They

go to

their own beginnings. Yet they who did this said these thin of themselves and these ideas sprang from a culture of their very own, grounded and rooted firmly in the earth, as arc a tree's roots. That these various and still-survivingcultures will not (or can not) share this with those outside their own culture is no mystery. An example most common in the West could be the Hebrew rendering of their own beginninp, which they tell you again and again can not be taken at face value-can not be read literally. And yet they will not tell others just how to read their self-written history and they really do not owe anyone this, despite the fact that others have tried to take this from them. The Amerindians do the same thing. So do the Polynesians. So do the Freemasons.

   Now that this small obstacle of mytho­ poctry is out of the way, let me count the ways in which the unrootcd, the no-culture, the have-not5-thosc who despise their own humanity-try to claim for themselves something "more than just an animal,• something "better than you,• as they do not just need to "feel good• about themselves. They can not even accomplish this they first categorize other animals (people included) as somehow -im• than they arc. The biggest, most widely-spread, and strongest example of this klippothic


our Special Kingdom, they'll go to a place where there is all this fire. Of course, later on if groups of you wish to slaughter some of them, it's okay because, after all, they are damned anyway. So nward Soldier9--go to itr

    '19have this Manifest Destiny, you see, which gives Us the right to destroy other cultures, destroy other traditions, interfere with all manner of natural mechanisms and with Nature Herself, hunt animals for sport, ensl11Y8 humans of darker colors for gain, and otherwise take all we want from them. After all, We only had to destroy any semblance of humanity, destroy every ounce of Eros, become hard, cold, and so isolated from any feelings that We no

longer feel anything at an. That is how We ant able to do this to those of the same species as us. And yes, there is that matter of their coming to understand how klippothic We are and then rising up In revolutions to slaughter us. And there is also the matter of our having gained nothing at all, in the end, for all our greed. And there is also the bothersome matter of having endangered the entire ecosystem. But We have that Manifest Destiny and isn,our dust better than their dust?

   And yes, one can visibly sec this same type, or their descendants today, trying to "get in on· those very cultures they destroyed and wondering why they are now greeted with hostility and hatred.' You see, besides having a split now between their thinking and feeling selves, they have selective amnesia and imagine,others have it

. too. They are as trees with no I'OQ .in"the

all more ancient and eye-witness accounts), just who and which cultures did create those marvelous civilizations along a wide bend of land stretching from·Southem Europe and North Africa to Asia, where palm trees grew and it was quite hot and sunny-a climate the Shining Ones would not have been able to live long in comfortably. Truth in fact is that when these dumb strangers first saw the Naga civilization of India, the Pclasgian civilization of Athens, or the Dynastic civilizations of Egypt, it was they that imagined that the creators of it were Gods or · Demons and/or semi-divine. It was never the indigenous peoples who made these civilizations that ever had such notions about themselves. It was the dumb strangers who warred with these cultures, took them over, wrote down tales about it­ interpreting the mytho-poetry in a literal sense for f.ulurc to ever pp it for real, and who finally caused the extinction of these cultures which arc now just a memory.

   We are the Secret Undead Rulers who came to Earth from outer space and taught the primitive human beings all they know. We enslaved the humans and made them work for us by giving them religions to believe in whera we were the real rulers that hid behind the names of their Gods. And we talk to the Undead Gods right now and we stffl rule the world with our hidden hand. And you can join us by talting to the Undead Gods yourself, but there are

conditions: you have to take this all seriously and not have fun with with silly tales by told by Bram Stoker, or Ann Rice, or Brian Lumley. You have to strive at that work-ethic to improve yourself and prove you are worthy (that word again). And keep in mind, only the benighted fools out there, the mere animals, do not believe we exist Oust as similar "deceived fools" don't believe in God's Son who has the Special Tree). The proof of this is that advanced human civilization just •appeared• one day; we know this because it's written. (And they read it all the way they read that other book, the one about the god's son.)

   Yes, it was written by those who wandered into these civilizations and who sang the praises of them but who had no part in their creation. And what they wrote down was woefully misinterpreted and is being taken literally by Wailing Wannabes who still sing the praises today. The truth, which the most moden excavations reveal, is the fallacy of these wails and also shows just who built these civilizations. These civilizations gradually and quite naturally came into being due to pressures in the environment. The only thing that "suddenly appeared" were the dumb strangers who wandered into this and decided to try to write it all down-so they could memoriu it? Probably. Well, memorizing didn't do the Dorians any good, nor did it do the Ptolemies any good. And when the same people tried to take credit for the recent American Revolution, which they had no part in, it didn't take knowing ancient history or fathoming ancient or foreign languages to see how drastically the culture set up by the founders of the U.SA. changed in less than 250 years.
   We are not like any other animal. There is something Special about our brains and it was not aliens who are the cause of this because aliens would be unfamiliar with human anatomy. Those who imagine this are decieved. It was an Entity which did this by altering and shaping our brains. And, of course, I was told this directly by this Entity. That is why we feel lonely and separated from the Nature around us. This is why we feel cast out and detached from life. We

are like heads separated from our bodies. The peop1e who focus on their bodies are merely into "Natural Religion.• We who know better are into the "Religion of the Mind." We seek to explore this separateness we have and find out more about it.

  First of all, who says that an alien couldn't pose as an Entity? Who says that an Entity has to be speaking the truth? This flies in the face of the fact that they could find out a lot more about this "separate" condition and find out exactly what is

wrong (not right) with them through modern neurology. They could even volunteer for tests which would explain this clinically and in detail. That they do not go for these hard, cold truths shows that they do not wish to find out anything about why they are this way. They are content to simply have faith that all humans are the same as they are. That flies in the face of other humans who haven't got a clue as to what these people's horrific mind/body dualism might be like, because these normal, merely-animal humans are not broken animals. This flies in the face of neurology which shows that normal humans are exactly like animals and that only some, whose brains are developmentally damaged, are not like animals because the parts of their brains are not wired into the "main computer" portion of the brain.

    We are descended from aliens that came here long ago and mated with our ancestors and these aliens are here again and they communicate with the Chosen Few. We know this because we have no Rh factor in our blood. And such aliens have had contact with all the great teachers that humanity ever had.
  This flies in the face of the fact that people today, like Einstein, Heisenberg, Feynman, and many others not as famous or not even in the profession, are still able to prove thin about the Hidden Reality of Nature without outside help. And some of us are easily able to handle hard-sciences while the Wailing Wannabes can be blatantly seen to be "wannabe able" who just can't quite "make it." They often get into the colleges and memoriu the formulae which they then proceed to pontificate like "Sages on their Stages." But they can't apply these formulae-a real problem today in schools.
    We are the Original Man from the Original Continent and we are the Fathers and Mothers of the other humans who got everything they have from us.
   This is the least far-fetched of the Wails out there. Yes: Africa is where we all evolved, but the Australopithecines and various types of Homo were not members of any of the races we see here today. And, while everyone can be truthfully said to have gotten their genes from one of these groups of original Homo genus in Africa, it does not follow that two million years later Chinese civilization was taught to the

Chinese by Africans. It is also true that many of those great civilizations that dumb strangers stumbled into were North African and made by Africans; but there are many Africans in Africa and it was not the Bantus or the Zulus who made these civilizations, or even lived near them. The faces themselves on the statues of the most marvelous and ancient Egyptian artifacts, when seen in their original excavated form and from all angles, do indeed look like some kind of Negro with a hint of Asian blood-some more, some less. I personally saw and touched the Tut exhibit. He rather resembles Muhammad Ali, the fighter-a dead ringer, in fact.

   Now all of this "I'm an alien" religion flies smack in the face of the human genome reality and the very last one about the "Original Man" has been proven to be true by the human genome! Lastly, our genes and the genes of chimpanzees are 99% identical.

Well now, there's us! Andaw shucks, we aren't aliens and don't want to be. We don't quite know what to make of all that wailing about Heaven and Hell we hear, nor do we know exactly what a god issupposed to be. And we are alive, not dead or undead. We feel a dark force in nature flowing through us and know other animals and plants have this too. And we have come to learn that the Wailers have, sometimes, referred to this force as evil, adevil-Satan. We know they don't like us very much, yet we never did anything to deserve their hate. We never wanted to rule them and never tried to. We never enslaved other humans or harmed them and the only time we ever harmed an animal was to eat it; but animals themselves eat other animals so this is quite normal and natural-it's called the Food Chain. Some of us have said, in reaction to these klippoths, "God? I am my own God since that dark force flowing through me is my deification."

   But we hardly mean this the way 1bey think we do. What do they think we mean? That we are genies that can blink reality into existence with a mere thought? Well now, there is no such thing! We know that Reality is like a brick on the head! You either physically and carnally deal with it, or "ha!" it surely will deal with you! We know that the law of the World is eat and be eaten (eventually). We know that the "world" is a hostile place and it is made even more hostile by these klippoths who keep com-

plaining about how hostile it all is.So it rains and you get wet and cold. Hell-put on a damned rain-coat. And we learned to keep warm by artificial means-we used fire, devel­ oped steam, etc. We didn't have enough time, in tenns of evolution, to finish developing that nice warm subcutaneous body fat (of which we still have some), which not only retains heat in cold climes but insulates against heat in hot climes. We stillcan ac­ climatize to a certain degree. And just what kind of animal, mere animal, am I anyway?

   Well, I'm sort of like a primate, but I've got no body hair to speak of and I have subcutaneous body fat rather like a seal-but not as much. I can float, too; even my knees are buoyant. I never knew a time I could not swim under water and come up for air like a sea mammal. And I am a mammal, which includes primates. I'm a carnivore too, but not hardly near the top of the predator line as is a lion or tiger, or even a dog! I can shed tears like no other primate can, but there are other mammals who can do this: aquatic mammals. I can also hold my breath like they can and I'm born with the same diving reflex that they have. I feel I am a gentle kind of animal. Perhaps my ancestors were

friendly and kind to the canine top predators and that's why do like us today and make good friends. We tend to make friends with cats too, though I feel that they more or less tolerate us and remain aloof. Lots of other animals are befriended by us and they befriend us in tum; but this is not unusual if you see a dog befriend aduck, as I've seen. I am a playful sort of being. I can be ve and can be angered into violence, but this feels awful and upsets my otherwise inwardly peaceful nature.

   Klippoths tend to always be angry; their anger is really directed at themselves and it feels good to them to lash out at any scapegoat they might find to relieve their own inner torment. I tend tostay away from such other humans. I can even almost understand what they mean now, when they talk about Hell. They mean their own lives. They don't mean my life. My life must be what they mean when they talk about Heaven. I have joy in some of the most simple thin : a song I hear or write, a

delicious food, a cup of coffee, a good movie, a roller-coaster ride, dancing, playing cards, the beach. Simple and merely human enjoyments. Why would someone call me aDevilfor

these thinp Is it because of the way I look? Maybe. But I think perhaps it is more- so be­ cause I am a total animal, a perfect animal as best as evolution has allowed me to evolve, though I had no say in who my ancestors were and what choices they nwe. I am mere­ ly an animal, like any other animal. I would not want to be something else and can't even fathom this because I am me./am what Iam. Not so much who, but what.

   I'm glad I'm me and not an alien, or outcast in nature, or elected for some kingdom, or undead. Undead? Does this mean "alive"? Well, no. They don't mean that. I see klippoths as being undead, or

dead-alive in some way. They surely feel that way themselves and I can hear this no matter what key they sing their Wail of Woe in. They whittle away their wondrous lives with pipe-dreams, imagining they are "other than" animals or "more than" animals. They shun the undefiled truth even when it is right in front of their faces and even in modem laboratories today. The Truth does not set these people free-it condemns them to see: they are their own curse.

   There is a definite type of progression that damaged humans tend to take: step-by­ step they get duped by the same klippoths who write the same versions of the same anti-animal-nature tune. It is asif it is a strenuous effort for them to keep their feet rooted in the ground of reality and not take note of this lunatic babbling. They seem to be walking on level ground and then they trip or slide down, their heads spin around and something takes over that obviously feels good to them. Then they take "the vacation from themselves"-they find an escape from the reality of themselves. That would mean that being who they are is

painful; the religion is the drug. People lured by these untruths are damaged, more or less. The ones who think it up and believe it are completely klippothic and, while they are not recognizable to damaged humans, they are blatantly recognizable to normal, whole, undamaged animal-humans.

   For example, one can see the word "electricity,• in the 19th century pseud occult schools of non-thought. They thought it meant a kindof ethereal spirit in the air. Yet "air" to them was empty space; they didn't even realiu it was an atmosphere filled with matter-material, not empty.

Now one can see the term "bioelectrical" being slowly shifted into something other

than what it is. Bioelectrical refers to electricity in us, as compared to a machine. It is electricity working in conjunction with a certain and specific type of chemistry. Together they make "aliveness.• Slowly, this tips into '"lif force,• then "Lifeforce,• and finally "soul.• Now they are no longer talking about bioelectricity. They are being religious asif they are not sentient be able to grasp the nature of this force. Then they parrot the word and imagine that they are, above all,sentient.

   Slowly, in terms of a few hundred years, various forms of human societies took shape. Nomadic ones lived in harmony with the earth, created things of their own, but never sang their praises or wrote them down; they lived with very limited farming and relied on animal husbandry and following the herds around. They lived in movable structures that they'd build and take down as they moved. Trader, merchant, guild-craft societies (living on limited fishing and farming, and trading for the rest of what they needed), found this a way to live in warmer climates. They wrote things down in heavily myth poetic and coded forms in order to keep their crafts secret. (!'his still goes on and recently a person who already knows chemistry partially broke this kind of code used by Isaac Newton and others. Yet no one knew chemistry when Newton's peers were doing it; no one could break the code which read like religionQ
   Lastly, there were the vast agricultural parasites that not only ruined their land, but parasiti7.ed other people with top-heavy forms of government. They are the people who had all of those God-Kings (humans worshipped as gods), who also had human sacrifice and chattel slavery. In order to even do this kindof thing they had to breed out every ounce of compassion, love, Eros and empathy from their ranks. They also had to breed for types that would obey mindlessly. These societies also enslaved their own females and treated them as they treated animals. And they sang their own praises, conquered others, and ruined other civilizations in their wake. This is how human martial societies and warfare came into being.
   Yet these things did not happen in one man's lifetime. Somehow, this tips into the lie that "it happened all of a sudden." No, it was simply that no one else left written





UCH IS MADE OF MAN'S ASCENT to the top of nature's order, but almost nothing is mentioned about how man's true animal nature and attendant behavior have placed him there.

   Just as the natural human sex drive was, until fairly recent times, suppressed by the omnipresent purveyors of Judeo­ Christianity, man's agressive instincts are even now vehemently denounced and held in bondage by the self-appointed thought police of our culture.
   Agressive impulses and actions can serve as dark agents of positive change, and they remain dark only because man has forbidden himself from shining light on all the elements of his emotional repertoire and increasing his self-understanding. It is to man's detriment that he refuses to examine and exploit his own intense passions and forceful drives. Hatred is a primary example of this phenomenon and is the most reviled of man's inherent feelin .
   Hatred is an integral part of human advancement when used in a controlled manner. Hatred of weakness in ourselves commands us to continually make ourselves stronger. Hatred of despicable characters, backed by a firm resolve not to tolerate them, is what halts rampant proliferation and keeps them from over-running their betters. Hatred of abominable circwnstances is what keeps us from sliding headlong into them.
   A person who suppresses his hatred to any great degree is a less discerning judge of the nature of thin and their relative merit than one who harbors a reserve of hatred to utiliz:e at will. When one encounters an affront to one'ssensibilities or a person who acts in a manner contrary to one's health and happiness, hatred is naturally summoned forth, and may be used in helping to get rid of the malignant force.

Hatred is a key element in a person's subjective reasoning faculty, as is love, and its presence indicates that a new strategy, whether active opposition or simple avoidance, is needed in dealing with whatever has stirred it.

   Ideally, hatred lies dormant until needed. One who vents his hatred outside of the proper context is certainly acting inappropriately and against his own

interests; nevertheless, he is at least acknowledging a feeling p by all animals. Those who deny their hatred are denying and intentionally destroying their capacity for judging the relative worth of an object, person, idea, or action. If such a person does not hate someone who senselessly attacks him, is that attacker equal to those who assist him after the attack? Is a snakebite equal to a kiss on the cheek? Is a rare, well-crafted gem equal to a shoddy piece of mass market merchandise?

   Both love and hate are meaningless when not balanced by each other. It seems absurd to state such an obvious truth, but without hatred there can be no love, for there is no extreme without an opposite by which to judge it in relation. To love something fiercely is to concurrently hate its opposite just as fiercely. To love an aesthetically pleasing architectural marvel and how it positively transforms its environment necessarily indicates a hatred for dismal looking eyesores and how they degrade an environment. To love and embrace a philosophy that empowers and enhances your life is to hate the philosophy that would constrain, weaken or clash with your soul-oriented values.
   Discrimination, guided at its extreme ends by love and hate, is what ultimately facilitates the pursuit of a course that provides the greatest degree of health and happiness. Contemporary morality has inverted this course by decreeing that tolerance be championed at all costs, and that discrimination be buried as an enemy of equality, democracy and the "we are all Gcxi's children" religious mythos. Ironically, hatred can erupt spontaneously when tolerance and nolHliscrimination are forced on a population or an individual.

The more highly developed the senses, the greater the ability to make distinct;ions as to the worth of something, and thus, to discriJ:ninate between that which might be beneficial and that which might be detrimental. The greater the degree of discrimination an individual possesses and exercises, the better he will be able to tailor his world to suit his own needs and tastes.

   It can be argued that humans, in relating to an environment with countless

factors that work to undermine their well­ being, feel hatred more frequently than they

feel love. Love can be a rare and vague emotion in a world where each man is a potential enemy to be competed against; where material wealth must be wrested away from those wishing to retain it; where cunning, guile, and occasionally force must be used in the unending struggle for survival and supremacy. Life is a battle on all fronts at all times; a battle to maintain physical health when work and time debilitate the body, and to maintain mental health in the face of attempted manipulation by the parade of people with which one comes into contact; a battle to resist and rise above conditioning in the face of an endless onslaught of church, state, and commercial interests who sponsor indoctrination through potentially brain warping media machinations.

   A wise man once said that "Paranoia is just another form of awareness." In an increasingly resource hungry and overpopulated world, we are all under siege. At any given time there are a host of forces that are "out to get you." This builds a sense of deep-seated belligerence towards the visible and invisible forces that must be contended with, and when endurable limits have been strained past the breaking point, a cataclysm of hatred inevitably erupts, fueling the fire of revolutionary action necessary to produce change. Nothing less than hatred will serve to facilitate this change. Hatred has played an important role in every beneficial social revolution and every war of liberation ever fought.
   To hate a foe who seeks to undermine one's life is instinctual behavior that assists in the continuance of life. The more you love and treasure your life, the stronger your hatred towards anything endangering it will be.
   Contrary to popular belief, instinct is not merely an internal mechanism governing responses such as hunger, sex, or the fight-or-flight response. Instinctive behavior is any action impelled from within. This covers a gamut of impulses, including hate. Any instinctual impulse that is not identified and exercised in a functional manner will certainly become a source of unease in the person harboring it. All instinct arises from reason. Innate motivation and response constitutes the survival apparatus developed through

evolution to act appropriately in any given . situation.

   The most well developed of our innate behaviors is predation, and this is another example of a natural instinct long suppre.ssed by pious cultural overlords. No action so vividly illustrates the will to power that animates all	as the hunting down, capturing and devouring of one animal by another. The capturing of prey as a means of survival is the activity which sustains all life. The food chain that the human animal sits atop is maintained entirely by predation.
   The modern consumer who buys his meat from a supermarket is still a part of this process. So many steps have been added to divorce him from the direct experience of this predation that he feels utterly alienated from the interconnected web of life. No one is exempt from the hard reality of predation.
   Predation does not begin and end with the quest for food. Predation can take on an

almost infinite variety of forms, ranging from the petty to the colossal. Fram vagrants begging change on the street to the manipulation of the economy on a grand scale by the financial elite, predation is indulged at all levels of society. Even the weakest can prey upon a stronger individual simply by clinging to him for the strength he can provide. Every type of character in the spectrum of humanity preys upon the others to provide what it cannot provide itself, or what can be gotten more easily through predation. The desire for food, sex, money, and a myriad of psychological needs compels the human animal to prey upon as many others as is needed to achieve the desired end. Man has extended the parameters of his existence beyond the simple nutritional, sexual, and territorial drives of his fellow animals primarily through predation, and as man's world has expanded, the range of predatory opportunities has correspondingly grown and expanded. Predation is the cornerstone of the American religion of salesmanship. Oeverly conceived advertisements that are beamed directly into the homes of the public, prey on the hopes, fears, insecurities, and egos of the docile television viewers with perfectly performed attempts to extract money from the hapless consumer with the least possible effort. The product is being sold not on its merits or quality, but on its ability to dazzle the prospective buyer with the promise of realized dreams, the substance of which are precisely determined by market researchers. Televangelists take this process to its

logical conclusion by offering not a tangible product, but the realization of a lie-dream called '"salvation" to their cash-coughing constituents. Clever predators, indeed. No cold calling, nodoor-to-door selling, no product demonstrations-just an hour of arm-flailing exhortations each week and the ever expanding mass of low arder humans, mentally incapable of grabbing life by the reins, put Christ and the preacher in the driver's seat by dialing in their dollars.

   This is, of course, the pinnacle of predation. But whatever the level of sophistication, every act of predation is fueled by the same animal impulse to strengthen and increase one's being by exploiting avictim. The greater the ability to plunder, the greater the success one will have as a human animal. The greater the cleverness and mental acuity one has developed, the less one will have to rely on mere physical strength as base-level humans do in their attempts at predatory manipulations. Not to develop your predatory instincts, no matter what your station in life, is to risk becoming prey-a decidedly unwelcome power relationship.

For the CEO and the ghettodweller alike, the world is a hunting ground, and only those with the keenest wits and most ravenous natures will survive and prosper.

   All animals, plants, microbes, and organic matter of any kind feed on each other, just as a conquering army does its conquered people and their riches. Through this endless process, the feeding organism strengthens itself and moves up the evolutionary ladder.
   Evolution is driven by spurring attackers to develop ever more elaborate strategies to neutralize defenses or turn them to their advantage. This is how a living being becomes stronger and more clever. This is how humans have evolved from single-celled organisms into the complex creatures we are now. From the most minute molecules in the atmosphere to planets colliding and combining their mass, the free play of force is the constant factor in the universe, causing the transformation of one form of matter into another.
   Whether it's a war to acquire new land, or the violent internal hemmorhage of a land fighting to recapture its soul, war is an organic response by human be	struggling to assert their will and impose new order on the environment with which they interact. From our earliest beginnin as single celled organisms we have fought our way to where we now stand by competing with other

organisms for food and territory-first on individual and tribal levels, and now on national levels as opposing armies do battle.

   As primates, human DNA is nearly identical to that of the great apes; and one can see reflections of our basic warlike nature in the others of our order.

Primatologist Jane Goodall noted an instance in which a group of chimpanzees she'd been observing, systematically hunted down and killed individuals from a neighboring group, eventually wiping out the entire community. This war of total eradication was waged to extend the territory of the dominant group of chimpanzees so that they would have greater amounts of land to live off and breed, free from the adversaries who once held it.

   All of our history corresponds exactly to this scenario. As primates, purposeful vengeance is at the core of our being. All human and animal groups cooperate with those most closely tied to themselves genetically in order to form the strongest, most capable fighting unit possible before mounting an attack to advance the territorial imperative.

Any wildlife environment is a world of vast variation in quickness, cleverness, strength, and ferocity. The wildebeest, being weak and slow, roams the savannah acutely aware that it could, at any particular moment, be attacked and consumed to extend the life of any predator roaming the same territory with the strength and cunning to catch him and bring him down. Those lacking this awareness will f.ill quickly. So too it is with the human animal. A tribe or group may develop in some remote area of the world and reach a level at which it is content to remain, believing that it has reached the pinnacle of human achievement only to f.ill prey to those who were not so content. When a civilization rests on its laurels it atrophies while others continue to develop, building new armaments, exploring new territories and seeking richer lands. When these two civiliutions meet, the backwards and contented one will become prey to the stronger, predatory civilization as surely as the wildebeest is devoured by the lion.

   The Aztecs were shocked to learn that the Spaniards even existed, let alone that they had sufficient military strength to completely subdue their empire. The Spaniards had developed in a different environment, and because of it they had the strength and determination to take away what the Aztecs had built. Throughout

South America, the Spaoiarm were amami at the material resources they had acquired by force. There was only one way to efficiently extract and proccs.1 these resources-slave labor. The indigenous population was harnessed to satisfy the nee& of the expanding Spanish empire. This same story has been enacted throughout man's history whenever an empire or tnbe, pushing beyond its original boundaries, encounters agroup that is capable of subjugating or enslaving. At times, a people will not desire toextend beyond its territories but will still take whatever riches its neighbors possess. This is what the Germanic barbarians did when they sacked and overran Rome-a social system far more complex than their own, but one which had decayed to the point where it was ripe for plunder. These tribes incorporated elements of Roman culture into their own, just as the Roman had incorporated aspects of Greek culture. It is one of the positive aspects of martial conflict that the culture of the victorious nation is expanded by the selective adoption of those elements of the vanquished which the victors deem worthy of assimilation into its own culture.

   Cultures and tribes become familiar with one another more so through war and slavery than by any other process. It has taken oceans of blood and rivers of the sweat of slaves to produce the small advances in human history that are taken for granted.

White Europeans enslaved each other regularly as they made war on each other­ which was constantly. There was a time when the Danes enslaved the English, as ludicrous as that sounm today. The tribes of Europe, among them the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Picts, Goths, Franks, Huns, V C.elts, and Vanda1s invaded and enslaved each other, each time settling in areas they had conquered. Tribes with a close racial identification merged into larger tribes. Nations were formed and made war on each other. These wars subsided and larger governmental systems came into being. Trading relationships developed, followed by wars over that trade. Greater expanses of territory were conquered, and the people were enslaved and assimilated. It continues this way until it is no longer logical for the various nations to make war on one another. The nations of Europe, sharing a common heritage, are growing ever more intertwined. This evolution, however, did not occur through peaceful contemplation of ethnic similarities throughout Europe, but through the violent ebb and flow of the victor and

the vanquished.

   Sometimes war between ethnic groups is averted when different groups are united under a larger banner or system. But if the ancient hatrem run deep enough, they will assert themselves assoon as the system begins to falter, as is now clearly the case in eastern Europe. Regions convulse in ethnic warfare	soon as serious political instability develops.
   The mind reels when it considers the amount of conflict that lies in store for an underdeveloped continent such as Africa, which has been divided into nation states that do not reflect the traditional tribal divisions and has not had the opportunity to evolve in a natural way. Africa is a continent that has not entirdy felt itself out through warfare and trade between its hundrem of rival tribes. These animosities have existed from time immemorial and have manifested themselves through continuous cycles of tribal warfare, each tribe selling its neighbors into slavery, first to the Arabs, and then to the Europeans. It was African tribal chiefs and kings who initially proposed selling their African "brothers" to European commercial interests. These chiefs and kings themselves had African slaves. The tribes of Africa are divided in much the same way that the tribes of Europe were divided thousands of years ago, and massive carnage will take place before any higher stage of societal evolution is reached by African people.
   Just as antibodies killoff disease­ producing bacteria, so warfare and bloodshed can cleanse the body of humanity, pushing it to a higher stage of evolution. Warfare can decrease population pressures on the environment, thus allowing the human population to function in accordance with nature.
   In the natural world, with all conquest comes subjugation. Organisms are brought under dominion for the purpose of laboring in the service of those who have conquered them. Phot thesis, the most important metabolic innovation in the history of this planet, is the result of plant structures taking independent microbes and enslaving them within the plant for the purpose of trapping energy from the sun. All green plants exist as a result of this enslavement.
   In the animal kingdom, the leader of a group controls the actions of the lower group members and enjoys the spoils of the hunt, or food gathered separately from the others in the group. For example, after a food gathering the leader of agroup of

chimpanzees will drag his portion of the feast away from the crowd. When an Arctic wolf pack downs a kill, the alpha (lead) pair are given the first choice of meat from the carcass even though the whole pack took part in the kill.

   The hierarchy of any group of animals is what holm it together as a cohesive whole. Without leaders, groups of animals would lose all sense of social cohesion and become easy prey for any tightly organized group of predators. But they do have leaders, and never do these leaders give in to the whims of the les.Kapable of their kind.
   The alpha female in a wolf pack emits a pheromone that stops ovulation in the other females. The weaker and slower wolves are kept from breeding through physical force, and social pres.sure. Exclusive breeding rights go to the alpha pair-the strongest, fastest, and most cunning of the pack. This allows the wolves to naturally breed to the highest possible state of evolution.
   Worker bees slave continuously under the supervision of the queen bee, who is treated with deference; she is the only one allowed to feed on the finest hooey which the bees produce. The queen does not toil and lives many times longer. The worker bees ensure the queen's longevity. The queen is responsible for orchestrating the labor necessary for the hive's survival, and her underlings instinctively recogni7.e this. Here is one of the glories of the animal kingdom-the intuitive understanding of

hierarchy and each member's place within it.

   In the same way, slave laborers toiled under the god-kings of Egypt and built the pre-eminent structures of the ancient world-the pyramim. Conceived in the minds of the god-kinp, they were constructed by the subjugated - As

ideally occurs in any social organization, the levels of production were stratified for the benefit of the natural elite.

   Slavery is defined as"one bound in servitude to aperson or household as an instrument of labor,• and though the labor varies, almost all humans are slaves to a greater or lesser degree. And insofar as we are bound to the natural laws that govern life, we are all slaves. All slavery has not been of the illogical and inorganic kind as that which brought Africans to the slave blocks of Europe and North America.

Indentured servitude, a "softer" form of slavery, was an excellent avenue for commoners to get a foot in the door of the New World and to advance themselves. Slavery can help a group ascend the

evolutionary lacWer, if only by making it stronger and more disciplined. Ethnic groups held in bondage by invaders, if pOS!CSSed by a strong enough instinct for self-preservation, have thereafter strengthened their defenses against pos.sible subjugators, just as a plant will evolve toxins to discourage those who would feed upon it.

   Slavery has never ended, even if its more overt forms have been disguised. The modern time-clock punching industrial employee is rightfully referred to as a "wage­ slave.,. He labors in an economy created outside of himself toserve the interests of indifferent controllers. The level of skills he possesses determines his value to the company, and the lower his skill level, the more he must exert and endanger himself for his mere survival, and the greater the number of people who directly control his actions. He is merely a replaceable cog of a machine in which he has not a whit of influence in the operation. The masses of eastern Europe and the old Soviet Union were enslaved by the communist system for much of the twentieth century. In the same way, the masses of the western world, and increasingly the rest of the world, toil in the service of the multinational corporate capitalist economy.
   As the human population grows, the market devaluation of those lowest on the economic totem pole accelerates. This is especially so in an age where automation is fast becoming capable of fulfilling most human labor requirements.
   This is hardly a new circumstance. Machine inventors have always striven to become more adept at creating machines that replicate and replace human movements in the completion of labor, and when they

have been successful a surplus labor pool was created. This invariably results in tremendous social upheaval. With the invention of the cotton gin, coun farm laborers were rendered obsolete and forced to contemplate their expendability in the grand scheme of things. The unskilled rural farm dwellers then flooded the cities, and this proceM was accelerated during World War Two and the post-war production boom, when urban areas were homes to heavy industry of all types.

   Now the factories and foundries are dosed and the lowest level proletariat is
     once more. The robotics revolution is making increasing demands on human
daptability, and the rise of artificial intelligence will increase these demands exponentially.


As industrial robots demonstrate their utter superiority at the taus that workers now occupy (the performance of which has, to date, been their greatest social merit), one can see the pool of surplus labor building up quickly. Only this time, to further complicate matters at the time in human history of their greatest displacement at the hands of technology, the population of the unskilled is also increasing at its fastest rate ever. The current social apparatus can in no way contain the problems that willensue from this development.

   The productive members of modem society, in combination with the money and resources extracted-from them and allocated by government agencies, are all that sustains the par:wtic body of non-contributing members of society. This artificial life­ support system retards the process of attrition that would naturally befall the indolent and inept.
   The absurdity of a system that rewards those least necessary to the proper functioning of society should be obvious to any individual with a cognizmt mind. But the mind of man has long been indoctrinated by the decree that man is his brother's keeper, and that all men are brothers in Christ. This unsound notion has been woven through all of our public institutions, and even those individuals who perceive it as irrational are forced by law to finance it.
   This oppressive situation has wrought a nightmarish surge in the reproduction rate of humanity's least desireable elements: those who are incapable or unwilling to add to the quality of life on Earth. As these subtractive elements breed out of control, we can expect apocalyptic levels of crime, violence, and societal decay and ruin.
   The intelligent and advanced have been bound to the very segment of the population who, left to their own devices, would sink without a trace. As it is, they threaten to pull all that is worthwhile down with them. Sheer massive numbers are quite capable of overrunning anything they wish-as the old maxim goes, "Quantity has a quality all its own.•
   The suicidal course of the modem world will only be reversed when we allow those who survive by feeding off of the productive, to meet their own ends without the assistance of their current hosts. This will ultimately lead to the creation of a sustainable society.
   When man allows himself to break from the delusionary insistence that all men

are created equal, a natural hierarchy will form and he will no longer be tethered to the mass culture in which the lowest common denominator is sought. The human world, just like the rest of the natural world, is composed of unequal parts: individuals with widely differing strengths, weaknesses, and awarenesses. There are those who are capable only of ingesting what is created outside themselves. There are those who lack all imagination and higher intelligence, and those who set new standards and create ideals for others to follow. The mass of humanity has always been pulled unknowingly along by the most brilliant in the human intelligence pool.

   Throughout the forceful struggle of man's evolution, from his first use of ashin­ bone as a club to the exploration and colonization of space, it has been the inventive capacity and culture bearing capabilities of superior individuals that have pulled man from stagnation to the next level of development. And throughout man's history, the role of the rank-and-file has been to follow the leaders.
   Today, the leading influence is the media, and the degree to which one is conditioned by its persuasions determines the level of enslavement to the ideas, opinions and images of others. Those most susceptible to outside influences and least capable of independent thought and action are those most shaped by media and societal conditioning. Those of the lowest cognitive and creative ability will always swim in the wake of those who have the will and creative ability to assemble their perceptions and ideas into an inspired vision.
   A natural hierarchy has always existed in the human world, but in his instinctive ability to discern and evaluate the differences in his peers, man has been greatly impaired by the hazy mysticism and illogical doctrines ofJudeo-Christianity. Following the biblical exhortation to "love your enemy'° requires abandonment, not just of aitical reasoning. but of the survival instinct itself.
  Judeo-Christianity has attempted to psychologically castrate man and deny him all the primal powers that have ensured his vigorous existence by insisting that instinctual impulses are wrong and that the emotional energy associated with innate biological drives must be suppressed. The internali7.ation of this message has consigned man to a neurotic condition, unsure of and at odds with his basic self.

In his "unregenerate'° state, aware of his

total nature and capable of using all the elements that make him whole, man is physical energy, free to pursue the course his vitality dictates. He who would ride the lightning of his own inner storm need only free his mind from archaic taboo and learn to utiliu all of his natural and agressive instincts and actions.

   Regardless of the level of an individual's intelligence and self-control, it is true of all humans that the raw animal drive wills us forward to conquer new realms.
   Both the physical establishment of territory and the loftiest quests for scientific discovery are driven by our primordial will to power. By recognizing and revelling in our animal nature, we are harnessing the forces of our own higher evolution.
   All who embrace this reality would do well to absorb the predatory credo so powerfully expressed in Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer: "By what he calls the better part of his nature, man has been betrayed, that is all. At the extreme limits of his spiritual being man finds himself naked as a savage. When he finds God, as it were, he has been picked clean; he is a skeleton. One must burrow into life to put on flesh. The word must become flesh, the soul thirsts. On whatever crumb my eye fastens, I will pounce and devour.If to live is the para­ mount thing then I will live, even if I must become a cannibal...Physically I am alive.

Morally I am free. The world which I have departed is a menagerie. The dawn is break­ ing on a new world, a jungle world in which the lean spirits roam with sharp claws.If I am a hyena I am a lean and hungry one: I go forth to fatten myself. • • • • •

be Jjlack j)un-kin

C1'1N1'1D1'1'S SM:'1'1N1C ft>Rum blication upholdi7$; prin{iples and phj/ of \'{4il/l"t.&(l!14ef/'f.J \';*#; °- i·? $ Canadi, risid_ents

The Electric Hellfire Club. Prom bottom: Thomas Thom, Go-Go Partridge, Richard Frost, Ricktor.

Shane M. Lassen Long shall you live in the hearts of those you inspire. The Dark Muse flowed through you, Friar of Medmenham, and within you the Black Flame rose to a veritable Inferno.

We mourn the loss of a friend and brother­ without you our worlds are lessened indeed.

   You lived life to the fullest- flamed and tossed the fires about you,

igniting in those fortunate enough to be near a part of your passion for the pleasures of this world.

As your body is bourne out upon the Ebon river into Darkness Eternal, you will continue to touch us with your music, the ever-living monument to your brilliance. Our rage at your great potential, silenced too soon, spurs us on to our own achievements.

...a.,.i u Q) co C:

.:a u .2 0 J: c...

, si;oifu_.S\Americ f sidirru,

_,. · .L, . ..$.10',()0..;tJ.S-Ovetseas.---::" ·- ,,_., ·- .<· .·--. . · •• ----rr····-·---·-----· All checks ru,d' opeif orders to be

We salute you, Shane, comrade of the Left-Hand Path, one who is truly numbered among Hell's chosen, who moved with grace and fury within the Devil's fane. SHEMHAMFORASHI HAIL SATAN!

P.O. Bi>t 32017, J386RichmondR.D. Ottawa, Ontario. K2B JAJ, Canada


HAIL SHANEi -Magister Peter H, Gilmore­ CHURCH OP SATAN




     and Mercyful Fate, Satan has always had a niche in the annals of Rock'n'Roll. Peel back the aesthetic trappings which surround most ostensibly "'Satanic• bands, however, and chances are you'll be utterly disappointed. For beneath the veneer of demonically-inspired visuals, schlocky gorefest lyrics, and stale B-movie posturing, their would-be Satanic allegiances turn out to be just as empty as their heads. Lucky for you, those in search of real, Satanic Rock need look no further-the Flcctric Hellfire Club delivers on all counts.

Formed in 1991 by Thomas Thorn, a former member of perky disco fetishists My life With The ThrillKill Kult, the EHC's first four offerin of netherworldly noise contain some of the finest Satanic bluster this side of Ndson Riddle's Wttchcraft. Invoking the same deft infusion of sample­ dense techno that characterized early Thrill Kill discs-albeit with an edge more reminiscent of Thom's Heavy Metal counterparts-the group's thoroughly infectious music is a nigh perfect mix of unbridled electronic fury and taut danceability, misanthropic hatecore and cleverly sardonic humor. Toss in the Chili's psychedelic sensibility, which owes more to the Process Church than 'fim Leary or Barbara Ram-Das, and you get some idea of the Hellfire experience.

   But while fans will continue tosee in the EHC simply a continuation of Thom's explorations as a Thrill Killer, in many ways the band harks-backto another, lesser­ known entity, aptly christened Slave State. Utilizing an arsenal of totalitarian imagery and stark, heavy-handed electronics, the handful of bootlegged cassettes produced under that grim banner might more reoo.ily be described as Throbbing Gristle meets Skrewdriver. And, much to the consternation of bedwetting critics who'd consign the Hellfire Chili's violent exhortations to mere ton in-cheek shenanigans, nowhere is the EHC/Slave State connection more evident than on Kiss The Goat, the groups latest LP on Goth giant

Cleopatra. In fact, even "card-carrying" Satanists might find Thom's gleeful enthusiasm for Satanic terrorism, church burning, and serial murder a tad hard to swallow. No matter. Because, whether or not you agree with everything the EHC has to say (and it stands to reason that many of you won't), it must be stated unequivocally: while trite nitpickers will ramble on endlessly about what does or doesn't constitute "real• Satanism, how to dispense with unpalatable Christian stigmas (as if we should care what Tbey think), and what color underwear Dr. LaVey wears, Thom and Co. are out in the real world, putting their convictions to work. How many of you can say the same?

   Condensed from a somewhat broader conversation, the interview that follows was conducted by phone from the Hellfire dub'ssecret Wisconsin headquarters, a rambling two-story affair which houses the band's impressive collection of Pee Wee Herman action figures. Sadly, keyboardist Shane Lassen (aka the Rev. Dr. Luv) had been killed in a violent car accident only days before. In remarkably good spirits considering the circumstances, the ever personable Mr. Thom whipped up a heapin' helpin' of venomous invective. Enjoy!

What do you find so compelling about someone like Ricky Kasso or Sean Sellers? Most Satanists would probably write them off as psychotic mental midgets.

   We glorify them in the same way that the Nazis did Horst Wessel. If the propaganda's to	believed, he was little more than a two-bit pimp whose death made good fodder for so	and who served as an ideal martyr for the cause. One of the problems I have with Satanism as a purely philosophical path is this: we're fighting a war against Christianity, and if you take everything they fear out of it-theDevil­ worshipping imagery and such-then it's no longer something they're afraid of, it's no longer a threat. So why glorify someone like Kasso? Because if you take all the Christian scare books, the Is Your O,i/d a Devil WOT9:Jipperibooks, you'll find these people constantly held up as examples of the worst things that could possibly happen. That's what fucking scares 'em-that Sean Sellers is taking drugs and doing rituals from the

Necronomicon, thinks he's possessed by the Devil, and blows his parents away with a .44. Likewise Ricky Kasso, which is basically the same story. The thing is, they view these people as the ultimate symbol of what Satanism can do, so I put them up on a pedestal as a threat. The fucked-up stoner kids who haven't really formed a philosophy around their spiritual rebellion, they're the front-line warriors at this point. In Norway, the whole Inner Circle of the Black Metal Mafia are in jail, but the church burnings continue. Ask them who's doing it-it's the thirteen and fourteen year-old Black Metal fans from out in the middle of nowhere. They've picked up the torch.

   Another area in which we differ greatly with the by-laws of the Church of Satan is that we don't condemn the use of min&­ altering D	are very much a part of our creative and ritual process, and I think that the combination of black magic and hallucinogenic drugs, particularly at avery early age, is a very volatile one. So we're definitely not against it. There are lots of people out there whose station in life is such that the most they'll ever aspire to is landing in prison. Better they end up there for making statements against Christianity than for killing their girlfriend over some stupid argument.

Even so, isn't intelligence a fundamental part of Satanism?

  In most instances, yes. One of the thin I've said about the EHC is that we're definitely elitists and there's no question that we consider ourselves superior to the masses. We borrowed the name of the Hellfire Oub from a group of aristocratic gentlemen who believed it was basically their birthright to do whatever they wanted. There's some truth to that with us. If you look at Satanism
 a philosophy, intelligence and the ability to reason are some of the most important characteristics a human being could have. At the same time, if you look at Satanism as a spiritual belief, a cultural phenomenon, or for that matter, a political movement, it's impossible to tell people they're not smart enough to be involved. I'll probably catch a lot of flak for this, but the vast majority of people that come up to us and flash Church of Satan membership cards are some of the biggest dolts. That's not to say that that's

what the Church is made up of, just that any screening process you establish will ultimately be ineffective. The fact of the matter is that if you're presented with a bunch of idiot.rtake their money and put them to work.

On "Satan's little Helpen," you dedicated Night of the Bucknives to James Mason. It could be argued that Mason's fascist philosophy is anti-individual, and thusly anti-Satanic.

   Actually, Ionly thanked Mason for the title. I think he's an interesting individual and Siege is a very worthwhile book which contains a wealth of valuable ideas.

Specifically, I was enamored of that particular section and the fact that Mason recognizes Charles Manson as a revolutionary figure. That's avery real and very important idea, particularly as far as our band is concerned. As for Mason's fascism, it probably is anti-individual, and that's why no one in the EHC is especially interested in joining any sort of political movement. Political movements in general are anti-individual. The whole thing comes down to this: the more rules you set up, the easier it is to break them, and the harder it is to live up to the standards that you've set. We're all very human and very fallible in our own way. Those kind of alignments aren't really compaoble with where we're at now, or where we're going.

But there is a certain convergence of fascist and Satanic currents.

  Oh sure, no question. When people talk toLaVey about the optimum government, he talks about a benign police­ state. We a1so recognize that 99% of the people in this world are sheep and cattle, who want to be told what to do. It gets back to the whole question, "isn't some sort of intelligence implicit in any Satanic philosophy?" If what you're talking about is a new Satanic World Order, then you'll have to acknowledge that half the people who'll have to accept it won't even understand it. That's what it comes down to. There are these endless arguments that take place in 1be Bl4Ck Flame and on the

internet about how Satanism and fascism are totally incompatible because Satanism is the ultimate form of individualism and libertinage. I think that's a bunch of crap. If you live in the real world, you have to acknowledge that there needs to be certain kinds of control. It's a matter of putting the right people in power.

There's also the question of aesthetics. Slave St2te in particular was always rife with fascist imagery.

   Yeab, sure. I mean I was looking back at some of the older stuff, and despite all the political effrontery, Slave State was avery Satanic band. We utilized the symbolism and even incorporated magic and ritual. We did a Halloween show one year where we recited Crowley'sRigptso/Man, and when we got to the part where it says "Man has the right to kill those who interfere with these Rites,• we played our version of Whitehouse's Rigpt To Kill. The thingis that it all works hand in hand-one hand washes the other, as they say. Satanism and fascism are basically inseparable elements, and Slave State was definitely interested in presenting it that way. But times change. I've gone through a lot of changes, and been involved with some very bizarre thin most significantly during the three years I spent with My life With The Thrill Kill Kult. There were things I became less interested in, t	that became cliched, and things that became

more inspiring in the process. Conceptually, Slave State and the EHC are very much the same, they just deal with the issues in dif­ ferent ways. WithSlave State, most people just thought it was the most offensive thing they'd ever encountered, because they were dealing with master/slave relationships on every level: political, sexual, spiritual. It had something to offend everyone, which was one of the great thin about it. Anybody who has any of the old Slave State demos can see that I've cannibaliud a lot of the lyrical content-the refrain "This is the new way, This is the New Age," for instance, comes from an old Slave State song. It's all there, and it's all intrinsically connected. Does your audience underst3nd these things?

   Our audience encompasses everyone, from acid-dropping Raver kids to neo-Nazi skinheads, and what they take home from it really isn't my concern. What we're doing is creating a forum for our creative urges and our belief system, and it would be foolish to think that everyone is going to understand everything that we put into it. I feel differently every day, and every day the different so	mean different things to me.
   I went to art schoo where everyone is always saying "You have to justify this," or "You have to make a statement, because you can't just go around throwing imagery in people's faces," which I was notorious for. I'd create a lot of paradoxical juxtapositions where you'd have a pornographic image

along with an image from Nazi German•y . They're like '"What are you trying to say?• t'm saying whatever you're getting from it.­ That's my whole deal. There was aguy in my class who painted a picture of a nude man with a nude little girl on his lap. Some people would say it reminded them of a sensitive moment between a father and a daughter, and somebody else would be horrified because it reminded them of being molested by their Uncle Frank. Images are completely subjective. Your reaction is programmed by whatever emotional baggage you bring to them. There are some people who say our whole Satan thingis just some big gimmick, that it's real funny and cute, like H. R. Puffinstuff meets the Church of Satan. Then there are guys who are like "Man, you guys are the most brutal, awesome band. We dropped acid, listened to your record, and went out and spray-painted Hau Hellfire in pink all over a church.• We actually saw that on CNN-it happened somewhere in Georgia. It really brin a smile to my face to think that we're inspiring that kindof activity. As for the people who think that this is all some big joke, rm not going to try and convince them that our path is the right one. We know the way the world is going. It's coming down fast. Most people aren't worth arguing with.

   Well exactly, that's the whole thing, isn't it? Most people are just so incredibly stupid that I don't even waste my time arguing with them.

rm sure your shows have drawn some pretty strange characters out of the woodwork.

  Kaleb Fairly comes to mind, he's the real celebrity. He came tosee us after murdering a woman and her daughter where he worked, and later explained to the police that the scratches on his face were from mashing at our show. He came up to us after it was over, and very sincerely explained that he needed help establishing a more personal relationship with Satan. He'd tried everything-"I've read 1be Satanic Bible, rve done the Satanic rituals, I've read the Nex:ronomicon." Of course he omitted the fact that he'd just killed a woman and her child, then raped their corpses after they were dead.

How concerned are you with ritual at this point? Is Satanism a primarily secular lifestyle?

No, I don't sec it as a secular lifestyle. Again, my spiritual beliefs are probably somewhat different than certain people in the Church, basically because I genuinely accept and acknowledge the presence of demonic and spiritual entities. There are several thin that have happened since the death of our keyboard player which leave me with no other choice than to believe that there is a spiritual dimension, and that we've been communicated with. Most people in the Church of Satan would probably equate these thin with some working of the inner mind. I don't care what you call them. There are strengths, powers, and dieties of all different levels which exist throughout this world and which have consciousness and characteristics that are unique and personal unto themselves. They're not some abstract, amorphous energy current. The energies exist asentities, and through ritual we're interested in connecting with, evoking and, to a certain extent, making pacts with these entities. Does it all get channded into the11UJsic?

   I would hope so. I've said this a million times in the past week when people have asked about Shane's death, you know­ "Where is he now?• Shane has moved on. It's basic physics that life is composed of matter and energy. Matter can be destroyed, and energy can't. Energy is what animates the spirit, so we're trying to channel spiritual energy through electronic equipment. There have been certain times when it's been remarkably effective. That's why we chose the name the Electric Hellfire Cl use we're interested in electricity as a path down which spiritual energy can travel.

What other mwicians, films, etc. have successfully harnessed these energies?

   Hmmm. I'm always at a loss when people say "List your ten favorite movies,• or "List your ten favorite books,• because I gain moments from everything. I don't know of that many people who are consciously working to incorporate these things, although Blood Axis certainly comes to mind. One of their initial so	was actually entitled Ekctricity. For me, electronic music has always been the most powerful music. Even early on, I was inspiredby oupslikeDevoand Orchestral Maneuven in the Dark, because they were using sounds that were so otherworldly. There's a strength, a beauty, and a ace you can pull from synthesizers

that simply can't be found in any other instrumentation. Even the greatest symphony doesn't compare to the sounds generated through electronic synthesis.

Are you a misogynist?

   (µufl,ing) Yeah, I would probably fit into that category. I'm a misogynist in the same way that I'm a misanthrope-I really don't have much use for mankind in general, and I really despise any kindof weakness or submission. At the same time, it's an integral part of what I would consider my sexual or fetishistic preferences, so it's really a vicious circle. But yeah, it's nothing I'm ashamed of.
  I know that it's the nature of human communication to classify, so all this terminology is ultimately necessary. But the fact of the matter is that for me, it's com­ pletely and totally irrelevant-it doesn't mean anything. Are you a fascist? Are you a racist? Are you a sexist? Are you a misog­ ynist? They're irrelevant terms, which are all a part of the victim culture that I despise. I don't buy into it. It all comes down to this: I'm not a part of your victim culture, but if you want to put your head on the chopping block, go ahead and call me names. As long

I'm the one wielding the axe...

All the "'Politically Correct" business is really just a sublimation of Judeo­ Christian values. Which brings us back to Satanism as a political phenomenon.

   I think so. It's all One, like Manson said-"The Truth is One.• It doesn't matter what you call it, you can call it politics, you can call it religion, but it's all the same fucking thing. It all stems from the same source, and it all ends with the same result.
   As for these people that run around with pretensions that they're going to change things, the fact of the matter is that mankind has worked for hundreds of years to interfere with the natural order, tostop the natural order-to keep mutants and miscreants alive. You can hold nature in check but you can't bring it to a screeching halt, and I think that that's b ically what we're looking at now. Nature is pushing against the fence that technology has used to pen it in, and the fence is going to come down very shortly. There's going to be a return to a more natural order.

Wall something nobler rise from the ashes? I would hope so-that's natural order. Lightning strikes, burns the forest down, and the forest grows again. It may take a

hundred years, but the forest grows again. I definitely believe that that's nature's way, and right now I definitely sec a lot of shit around me which will at some point have to be eliminated. I can only hope that something nobler will rise up from it. I don't want tosound like I'm subscribing to some apocalyptic philosophy, but just look around! One can only hope that we're living in the final days, that we're watching the decline of the Roman Empire all over again, because we live in a world of shit and decadence. Which is not to say that I'm not contributing to all of this, because I am. I'm a libertine to the nth degree, and that makes me as guilty as the rest. At the same time, I take full responsibility for my actions.

   Back when I was managing a record store, I would come in contact with these kids who had just incredibly smart mouths. When I was a kid that age, I would have been terrified of someone who looks like me-I damn sure wouldn't have tried shoplifting around him. These kids felt safe though, because they have no concept of responsibilityor consequences. The socio­ political infrastructure has removed the very idea of consequences. There are kids out there shooting each other for gym shoes. It can't l t long. There are too many pissed-off people out there.

Retribution is inevitable. Exactly. Sure it is.

If some higher power were to grant you a mandate for genocide, where would you get started?

   (µughs) Oh man, I don't think I should answer that.

That's probably answer enough. Yeah, I think we'll leave it at that. Does Satan have a sense of humor?

   I would think so. LaVey has constantly said that in order to be a Satanist you've got to have agreat sense of humor. H you personify these powers, God is like the
y	old man-if you look through the Bible, God's the one sitting up on his throne turning people into pillars of salt. Then on the other hand it's like, who didSatan ever kill? It's like God doesn't get the joke, whereas Satan is Lord of this Earth. In order to be the governor of this state, you've got to have a pretty solid sense of humor. Because when you look around and sec all the rubbish that's masquerading as humanity, you've got to just sit back and laugh. .....

Boru the Chureh and Kill the Pr-iest! Musie, Murder and Mayhem from Feral Douse Burzum - Filosof em For the debut of Feral House's new Audio division we've secured the American rights to this previously impossible­ to-find CD of Norwegian heathen darkness. Arguably the most unique, intense band to emerge out of (and beyond) the Black Metal genre, Filosofem is a testament to Burzum's uncompromising Nordic spirit. Led by the con­ troversial Varg Vikernes, Burzum is one of the last true underground bands on earth. To compliment the melan­ cholic sonic atmosphere, Filosofem is packaged in a beauti­ ful digipak graced with grimly pagan 19th Century folkish artwork. Compact Disc Price: $14.00

Death Scenes: A Homicide Detective's Scrapbook

                                Text by Katherine Dunn Based on the actual photo scrapbook of LAPD detective Jack Huddleston, Death Scenes is an extremely graphic testament that there were no "good old days." The book spans Southern California in its noir heyday, circa 1925-1945, when the Black Dahlia killer and Winnie Ruth Judd were perpetrating their sav­ age crimes, Feral House is not responsible for any accidental deaths resulting from browsing through this book. Adults only!
                       Paperback Edition Price: $19.95 Limited Clothbound Edition (only 400 copies made): $39.95 Signed, Limited (100 numbered copies) Cloth Edition,

with Tipped-In Photo: $95.00

Death Scenes (the Video) Before the book came this remarkable and notorious video, directed by Nick Bougas and narrated by Church of Satan's High Priest Anton LaVey. Adults Only, 86 minutes. Available only from Feral House! Video Price: $25.00

Death Scenes, Pt. II ln this gruesome sequel, director Nick Bougas provides moving footage of disasters, dastardly crimes (including unseen footage of the Tate• LaBianca massacres), and the sickest of all scenarios. Adults Only, 82 minutes. Available only from Feral House! Video Price: $25.00

Speak of the Devil This hard-to-find video documentary by director Nick Bougas is now exclusively available from Feral House. Penetrates LaVey's inner sanctum for a revealing look at the Dark Pope's philosophy, music, ritu­ als, and automata. Video Price: $25.00

Other Mind-Blowin" Books Available From Feral House: TheSatanic Witch by Anton LaVey • $9.95 • The Devil's Notebook by Anton LaVey• $10.95 • Secret Life of a Satanist: The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey by Blanche Barton - $12.95 • Cult Rapture by Adam Parfrey - $14.95 • .Psychic Dictatorship in the USA by Alex Constantine $12.95 • Tortures and Torments of the Christian Martyrs by Rev. Antonio Gallonio - $25.00 • Cad by Charles Schneider - $14.95. TO ORDER FROM FERAL DOUSE: Send check or money order plus $2 shipping and handling for the first item, $1 each additional item. Orders to Canada, add $2.50 for the first item, $1.75 each additional item. Other countries add $4 for first item, $3 each additional item for sea mail or add $10 per item for airmail. Non-U.S. originated orders must include check or international money order for U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. Send S.A.S.E for a complete catalog of Feral House books. Include signed age statement for adults only items. Mail all your hard-earned money to: Feral Doose • PO Box 3466 • Portland, OR 97208-3466 • USA

•DEATH SCENES: A Homicide Detective's Scrapbook, text by Katherine Dunn, edited by Sean Tejaratchi; Feral House, Portland, OR, 1996; ISBN 0- 922915-29-6; $19.95. Available in most bookstores or by adding $2.00 and ordering it directly from Feral House, P.0. Box 3466, Portland, OR, 97208.

    It seems that Jack Huddleston, an officer with the Los Angeles Police Department during the golden age of noir, 1925-1945, kept an extensive album of crime scene photos. Thanks to the unerring collectors instincts of Nick Bougas, this flaking testament was brought to light several years ago in the video documentary by the same name. Now you can hold your own copy of Huddleston's photo journal. His sometimes-typed, more often hand­ scrawled captions and commentary advise us that "crime doesn, pay,• but what becomes eminently clear is that while Jack may have told himself that his purpose was to teach the citizenry a lesson, he was simply hooked on gore. There are roughly 150 pages of black-and-white photos from those old-timey days, computer-enhanced where the years had taken their toll on paper and chemicals, but otherwise unretouched. Dunn's introduction is brilliant, her observations keen; she tells us that Jack's collection is •an historical and cultural artifact, a time capsule that reveals seldom seen sub-stratas of American life and death. One of the scrapbook's immediate effects is to deflate rosy nostalgia with the proof that there were no 'good old days.' It is startling to realize that these crimes were committed in atime we tend to consider innocent-before television, before the special effects violence of modem movies, most of them even before the mass horrors of WW II. Our capacity for savagery and eccentricity hasn, changed in the last fifty years.• Highly recommended.

•COLD-BLOODED: The Saga of Charles Schmid, the Notorious Pied-Piper of Tucson, by John Gilmore; Feral House, Portland, OR, 1996; ISBN 0- 922915-31-8; $12.95. Available in most bookstores or by adding $2.00 and ordering it directly from Feral House, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR, 97208.

   The first in a new true-crime series from Feral House, this details the life of convicted triple murderer Charles "Smitty" Schmid, a popular high school BMOC in Tucson in the Sixties. Smitty was a flaked-out Lothario who couldn't decide if he was Bvis or Nietzche. He took his girlfriend out to the desert and bonked her on the head with a rock when she became a pain in the ass. The cops tried for years to find out who did it-and by then the mlltler had become a joke among the local teenagers.

Gilmore's writing is strong. Recommended for true­ crime fans.

•ROLLERDERBY: The Book, by Lisa Crystal Carver; Feral House, Portland, OR, 1996: ISBN 0- 922915-38-5; $14.95. Oversized trade paperback. Available in most bookstores or by adding $2.00 and ordering it directly from Feral House, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR, 97208. This is the first volume in Feral Houses new

Popcult Series, and comprises Issues 1-16 of the personalzine by the fonner Lisa Suckdog; it sports a full-color cover photo. There are acouple of eflective photos of.Lisa's favorite model, Cindy Dall, and Boyd Rice contributes a true experience article on his sexual coming-of-age. An anticipated high point was Lisa's discovery of abag of love letters lefl behind by a former neighbor, but the letters themselves are hard to read and Lisa adds too many of her own comments. On the whole, it was way too girly and scatterbrained for me.

•THE BOMB: The Classic Novel of Anarchist Violence, by Frank Harris; Feral House, Portland, OR, 1996: ISBN 0-922915-37-7; $12.95. Trade paperback. Available in most bookstores or by adding $2.00 and ordering it directly from Feral House, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR, 97208.

    Aleister Crowley ca0ed this book a masterpiece and referred to it as his favorite novel. It concerns the real life Haymarket affair, an occurrence of political disobedience that predates the Unabomber and Oklahoma City by about a hundred years. The story is told from the point of view of the man who threw the bomb, the man who escaped justice while five labor protesters went to their deaths after being railroaded in an unjust trial. Harris' narrative is gripping and this is a wonderful read. This edition

also contains line drawings of the story's chief participants that date from the tum of the century.

•THE OCTOPUS: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro, by Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith; Feral House, Portland, OR, 1997: ISBN 0- 922915-39-3; $19.95. Hardcover. Available in most bookstores or by adding $2.00 and ordering it directly from Feral House, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR, 97208. Casolaro was a freelance investigator who died in a hotel room while investigating various connections among the Iran-Contra deal, the Savings and Loan affair, and much more. Authorities deemed his death a suicide, but those close to him knew he'd been threatened numerous times as he dredged up hidden information about various govemment conspiracies. The authors worked from Casolaro's original notes and interviewed his key informants to bring us aclearer picture of the possible reasons behind the investigator's death. Recommended for those who know they're all out to get us.

•'ZINES: Volume One, edited by V. Vale: V/Search, San Francisco, CA, 1996; ISBN 0-9650469-0-7; $18.99. Oversized trade paperback. Available in most bookstores, or add $2.00 and order if from V/Search, 20 Romolo St., #B, San Francisco, CA 94133.

    An attractive compendium of interviews with 'zine editors and clips from some of the more interesting 'zines out there in 'zine land. My favorite was Mystery Dste, published by a lady who collects all those teen girl books, mags and accessories from the Fifties and Sixties. There's also a brief history of 'zines and a long contact list in tiny print. And please take it from me: it's pronounced "ZEEN." A friend who put in several years working in an underground bookstore bemoans the frequent mispronunciation of customers looking for... "ZEINS."

•TOTAL ABUSE; Collected Writings, 1984-1995, by Peter Solos; Goad To Hell Ents., Portland, OR, 1996; $10.00. Available in some bookstores (Isaw it in the Virgin MegaSlore in Times Square) or by adding $2.00 and ordering it from Goad To Hell Enterprises, P.O. Box 31009, Portland, OR, 97231.

    This volume is hard to take and def111itely not everyone's cup of hemlock. Peter Sotos was the first 'zine editor jailed just for writing about violence. The three issues of his magazine, Pure, have been coUected here with Toot a collection of his narrative

• reations" of a series of child murders, and PBIBSite, the twenty issues of Sotos' newsletter about pomography. Also included here is an introduction by ANSWER Meis Jim Goad (who has looked down the litigation barrel because of his own publication) as well as Jim's exclusive interview with Sotos. Jim tells us that Sotos is "the world's foremost practitioner of verbal brutality;• in fact, his writing is radiant with obsession. His ability to identify wilh the killers he writes of is nothing short of preternatural, putting any fictional "profDer" to shame. But if you can't take hearing about children being hurt, you can't take Sotos- he'U shove it down your throat. Highly recommended, with the above caveat.

•THE MAGIC OF S.I.N., by Szatanna Sekhmet; San Antonio, TX, 1995; available for $20 from P.O. Box 352, San Antonio, TX 78292.

    Full-sized, about 200 pages with plastic spiral binding and card stock covers; attractive desktop typesetting with some pen-and-ink illustrations.

Szatanna contacted every member of the Satanic Interest Network and some responded; she solicited photos, mini-biographies and any formal rituals or invocations they had written and put everything together in what amounts to the •group grimo/m' of a certain percentage of the S.I.N. membership. Chapter One details her campaign to become the first Satanic den mother to her devilish pen pals. Szatanna makes a valiant eflort at glamorizing these Satanists, taking their own words and working them into gushy, Hedda Hopper-esque portraits that give maybe a little more credit than is due. She includes their own rituals, one of which is closely adapted from another published by the Temple of the Vampire, and unaccredited. In one of her own "fiats,• Szatanna refers to a fDm starring Boris "Karlov." Bui if youre not put oflby such quibbles or by a tad too much •occultnik-ism,• then you might e11oy sharing the ideas and words of these other Satanists.

•DUE NORTH, by Mitchell Smith, (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1992; ISBN 0-671-738n-1. Hardcover). Psggy Nadrsmia, rsviewsr.

    I've been a fan of Mitchell Smith's since I read Stone City, his prison novel. This one escaped my notice until recently, and it may actually be in paperback now. There is more Satanic philosophy and controversy in this novel than in a shelf full of esoteric grimoires. It's the story of a white woman who makes her home in the mountains of Alaska, three days from any human habitation. Using her dog team to cover 140 miles of trap line, she lives by herself after her husband is slain and eaten by a

grizzly bear, right before her eyes. She must retum to the lower states to help in some family matters, but brings the natural laws and attitudes of the "animal kingdom" with her, with startling results. Some

Satanists wil recogrize themselves in Sara, n wl1 find the way others i&act to her... familiar. Highly recommended.


•THE CLOVEN HOOF, The Official Bulletin and Tribunal of the Church of Satan, The Original Voice of Contemporary Sataniam. Single issues available for $5.00, $7.00 foreign; four-issue subscriptions are $35.00, $40.00 f019ign from P.O. Box 210666, San Francisco, CA 94121.

    lasue #126 explains that the Hoofhas been on aseven-year hiatus, and that it being the year 30, it is time to once again publish a Satanic trlxmal to unify a mowment that is reaching critical mass.

Indeed, di.Wing the hiatus, some 40 Satanic magazines and newsleltera sprang up to fll the void left by the Hoot. This issue featlns Blanche Barton's lengthy and detailed examination of Wicca as the neo-Christianly it reaDy is. There is a 1&print d Dr. LaVey's essay, "The Homs d aDiemma," and it is hoped that the editors wil continue to 1&print essays that those new to Satanism may have missed. Th8l8 are several new departments established wlh this 'Renaissance" issue d the Hoof. 'By Any Other Name," a watchdog column mentioning works that spin-di Satanism withoLi taking the Devil's name; 'I Arn (Urban) Legend," covering fumy and sily media nmors aboLi Dr. laVey and the Church of Satan; and "Gramarye," in which LaVey discusses the <iabolicai arts. The back cover 1&prints an elderly ad for Wate-On, true heresy in the face of today's obsession with l.llderfed women. Need some true Satanic wisdom? "Don't let them cal you Skinnyl'

   lasue #127 featlns a tw or cover by the ar18t Coop; this sexy witch's red chemise is about to be takenby the wild bii she has those garters and stockilgs to keep her warm. Among the offerings in this issue are some more suggestions from Dr.

LaVey on total environments and musical choices, as well as "The World's Most PowerhA Religion.• He1& LaVey states that "since Satanism is essentialy a religion of the self, the individual and his personal needs come first. If that means playing wlh trains or spike-heeled shoes or si19ng in the t.t>. those are its sacraments and devotions. Taking inventory of old comic books is counting beads on a rosary, each book being a station of the cross.• Hear, hear! Don't feel you'19 being "ul1)!0ductive" the next time you forego an evening answering mail for the guilty pleasul8S d taking oii all yOll' Stsr Tf8ktoys and carefuly dusting them off, reattaching parts and re­ gluing disobedient decals. You'1& actuaRy performing demonic ablLiions, a pleasurable and necessary part d your Satanic development. Also in this issue is a Satanic Profile of Edward G. Robinson, one that wil have you eyeballing those video shelves insearch of his most infernal performances. "The Gl8at Dragon's Tale' by Nemo might be nice to share with some younger Satanists. "Wicca: Exposed (And Exorcised)' by Blanche Barton l8veals the fakery in­ volved in these "sacred tradtions" and includes a devastating excerpt from a letter in Dr. LaVey's files, wherein I is revealed that the very WOidWiccan was in­ troduced by English occulisls toGerald GWler as a joke-one he fell for Ike aton d bricks. Barton also in­ cludes a riualk> get those phony "wiches" oii d )'Oll' hai'for good. Th818's also .-i intereslilg exchange program going here wlhthe PkJtzvillB TtmBS,

   miss the account of the hair-puling match be­ tween Mrs. Uppt and Mrs. Stanky when one criticizes the other's meatloaf recipe. Hoo hal

Issue #128 catches yotl' iittention wHh a head

shot d a gogg!Hyed Chrismtype lady against the most amazing shade d pea g199n; rve heard Dr. LaVey l8fer to this color as iee ess green' bLi I'm not Bin what that means. Blanche Barton offers some perspective on what Satanists might expect to see in their own child1&n as they come of age; her editorial, "Generation 666" and her al1icle "Thiteen Eugenic Im Environmental Departul8S Toward a New Satanic Bhnic' both offer ideas on nurturing the Satanic flame that may indeed pop up inour own progeny. Nll'll8r0 Uno is" course, "No T.V." Also encolnged are homeschooling and alowing child1&n lots of time alone to bl.ild up their own inl918Sts and iriiative. The1& are fflOl8 departments in this issue, including several pages of Satanic newsbits, reviews and interesting lettera. Anton LaVey discusses fetishes and "The Wrtch's Shoe as Weaponry,• giving some very nuts-and-bols advice for what you can do wlh that stiletto heel should you ever encounter someone unwise enough to occasion yotl' i1&. Obviously, no Satanist should be without a st.msc'1)1ion to the Hoot, what a1& you waling for?

•THE RAVEN: The Magazine of Satanic Good Living, available for $4.00 single, $15.00 for a four­ issue sub9cription from the Grotto ODM, P.O. Box 163, Stratford, CT, 06497-0163. Okay, I'll be honest: this is my next-most­ favorite Satanic magazine. The Rsvstfs wit is razor­ sharp and its sense d justice is riglt on the money. I have six issues siting he1& since the last "Odditorium" (which only shows you how devotedly I've been worshipping the Goddess Peggy). When you open up an Issue of The RBVflfl, it would enhance your experience to have their theme song, "Al8 You Having Any Fun?' perfonned by Tony Bennett with the Count Basie Orchestra, playing in the background.

    Issue #16, Walpurgia, XXX: The CfNer sports a rather bling editorial cartoonby Michele Frost on the Oklahoma City bombing. Favorie iems: the back-to-back reviews d two metal bands, Acheron and Deicide, comparing the truly Satanic nattn "

one to the me1& fashion statement d the other. Least favorite item: the piece aboLi St. Paul. The cooking column, "Helfs K"rtchen," is always a pleasUl8.

    Issue #17, Summer Solatlc:e, XXX: Another d Michele Frost's cartoons adoms the cover, this one a commentary on the editor of anow-deceased "Smanic" pt.tllication.This issue marlcs the P19niere of The Rs'lfllfs OYat logo, designed by Tunothy Palrick Biiler. FaYOrie lems: Neil Srnlh's poem, "If You W818 the Only Dog in the WoM(choke), and the pctu'eS d al the oldcompuers. Least e	tern:Taot WOid S8l¥d1 Q hale tosquint). Leam IJopel' glling melmds inthis issue's "Hers Kik:hanl"

Issue #18, Autumn Equinox, XXX: No cover, just a generic batch labell It's aconcept. Favorite lems: all the sttM about the Warrens (hey, if Ed can face Lorraine in the morning, what's a hideous demon from the bowels of Hell?) and those one­ Uners from drivers explaining why they just crashed theircars:"An invisi>le car came oii d nowhere, struck my car and vanished!' Least favorie item: yet another manifesto from the Fien:e Advocates d Toast. When wil the Staunch Defendera d Gravy get their say? Sheeshl The demonology WOid search 18Vealed the name "Furftl'." I'm su1& that's the demon inhabiting my oriental rug. Loki cook anything for this issue bii he does answer some intriguing questions, incltdng: 'Do you know Martha Stewart?' to which he 1&plies, "She is a cunt."

   Issue #19, Wint• XXX-XXXI: The Ravstfs covers continue their ninimalist tl8nd wlha xeroxed lalelfrom abottle ct Mezcal. Statement? Favorle

ilem8: Loki's "Things Thal Arff1t the Piss rud Me" (8X81'11M= "The Fn,gal Gol.rmel, Jeff Smlh, thal old, faggoty quaei1') Nel Srnlh's bit abolJ his 8Kchlrlge the pt.mlisher " another 'zine. lmagile (JJotilg Hamlet and Aon Merahon inthe same article? The mind 188181 Least faYOlte lem: None.

    lasue '20, Walpurgla, XXXI: A classic still d Bela Lugosi as Dracula graces this cover. Favorite lern: hands down, it has to be Loki's description of the Grotto ODM's trip to Mister C's Restainnt in Omaha. The incredible details d this actual slvine to bad taste are too numerous to list, bLi what stands

ru is the mirialu1& Sicilian village, complete in every aspect including a tiny ittle Pope counselng a tiny lttle prostitiit on the error d her waysl (Or maybe he was getting her rate schedule; nu?j Also noteworthy was "The Ballad "the Bobbit! Hilbillies' by Paul Henderaon: "Penis, thal is. Clean w. M'ISSed the nuts." least favoflte item: Cambra'& article on Sodom and Gomorrah was atad pedantic. Loki was obviously too busy 1&covering from his meal at Mister C's to cook anything (sniff!).

    lasue #21, Summer, XXXI: Michele Frost is back wlha fullcolor cartoon on the ValuejeC crash, wlh two alligators eating (ahem!) •anne food."

FllYOlle lems: P.Scoll Holaider has contrb.ted two not8¥Alfthy pieces d fiction, and Michael Rose tels us "Why Fools Should Not be Permlted to Wm." This issue is chock.ful d good sttMas The Rtlvsrfs edlors haw been bringing inmol8 wrilers from the Satanic sph818. Least faYOrie lem:more sUf abou the PhanK>hs. Herbert Pauls is aguest in"Hers Kitchen," contrblting some spicy paprika recipes that wolil go fNf1I big at your next Dracula party. Be SUl8 to include SIM:Nlz with coffee aflerwald.

   lasue #22, Autumn/Halloween XXXI: A Christmas-themed cover illustration by Michele Frost advises us that ever, living tree is worth a thousand Christs. Th8l8 819 some thoughts on the commert:ial­ izalion d Halloween and George Sprague and Shawna Kennedy contribute acouple d humorous articles, including "The Air Bag d Tllin.• The stand­ oii piece of the issue, however, is aselection from an old book on cocktails, The Hour, pt.tlished in 1948. It is incredl>ly misanthropic, blasting the average American's trivialilation d liquor consumption by men:ilessly lampooning that avatar d tackiness, the home bar: ihey have not got the imagination or the companionableness nor the

tunan sensitiveness that good drinking nurtUl8S to a r,t,r,N." Words to live by... •FROM THE PIT,by Magister Michael Rose, P.O. Box 1413, ,AL35602-1413.

   This wilbe Oll' last f8View d From The Pit because Magister Rose has decided to suspend pt.t>lication. He is doing so for the best d 1&asons: it has stopped being fun. To quote from his priceless "good)ye speech' in the very last issue: "Pelhaps I is because I have said all I had to say. Perhaps I'm just tired of dealing with the many assholes who delude themselves into thinking they are Satanists just because nobody else lbs them. Well, I don't

tike them either." Michael Rose's writing will continue and you1I undoubtedly see ITIOf8 d I in the pages d TBFas wel as in some d the other Satanic magazines mentioned he1&.

    Volume 5, lasues 1-4: this compilation d the last four issues d From The Pitis available in softcover for $12.00 US, $15.00 foreign-or you can Older the black, hald>ound edlion for $25.00 US,

$30.00 foraign. I recommend the latter, as I makes a wonderful addHion to your bookshelves. lasue #1: every Issue d FTP includes a thougl1ful editorial, a r8View section, "wcifets Lllnuy,"

and Noteworthy Quotes. This one also has an interview with satanic 8111st Timothy Patrick Butler, along with numerous examples of his art (Iparticularly liked "The Majesty of Dung"). Michael Rose offers his thoughts on animal sacrifice, satanic victims and "Satanic brotherhood." Poetry by Sean Currie. Issue #2: An Interesting th18e-way discussion of the S.I.N. (Satanic Interest Network). It is hel8in established that a) S.I.N. IS a Satanic pen-pal club, b) participation in S.I.N. is not a requi181Tl8nt for Satanists, and c) one need not partake of something to criticize it. Rose offers his thoughts on legitimizing Lovecraft, art, alternatives to phannaceutical animal testing, how to be a Satanic breeder, and his advocating of slavery. Also included is a touchilg memorial to Ida Lupino and a lowly picture of her. Issue 13: Joshua Colvi'I 18lates some amusing conversations aboii Satanism he's had with strangers. Professional magician Rev. George Sprague wries aboii magic. Magister Rose conlamplates "the fascist question" as It 181ates to the Church of Satan: "the error of the eruenched advocates of fascism and lbertarianlsm is thal they mistake means for ends." And "Klling Tme" once agail looks at "dealilg with Christians and other kindl8d vermin.¦

   Issue #4: Rose takes a look back at the Individuals who helped make Pl,t>ishing FTP an interesting ventul8 (heh heh) and then questions whether the Christians are corning, after all. George Sprague contribiies •1Am Cursed," and Robert Lang witnesses achanneled message from Vlad the Just (formerly known as Vlad the Impaler). Thel8 are selections from the works of William G. Sumner, and Rose discusses the question of whether any Satanist is "evil enough." (Apparently, this is acause of concern among younger Satanists, no dolbt akin to that of the thirteen-year-oldgir1 who looks in the mirror and asks rhetorically, "Arn I pretty enough?") Thel8 is a"Ritual to Secul8 Cooperation,• and "Confessions of a LaVey Lackey" will no doubt raise a few eyebrows. Of LaVey's detractors, Rose states: "they chose to worship a 'god' who declined to 18Ward them in what they thought was an adequate manner. Good riddance.¦ As in every issue of FTP,

the artwork of Timothy Patrick Butler abounds in ail is splendor, as wel as that of other artists, and thel8 is poetry and ads for other Satanic publications. Highly recommended.

    Volume 4,Issues 1-4: reviewed in the last issue of TBF and now also available in the desirable hardcover format for the same prices listed above for Volume 5.

-MANFRED, Lord Byron, P.O. Box 1413, Decatur, AL 35602-1413 ($6.00; $8.00outside of U.S.).

    Michael Rose has 18printed and Pf8S8nls his forward to Byron's dramatic poem, and also includes the "Stanzas to Augusta• which are relevent. An nspiring piece which deserves to be read.

-OIABOLICA, available for $5.00 US, $6.00 foreign, from P.O. Box 53, Allen Park, Ml 48101-0053.

    Volume II, Issue #1 includes "Thirteen Questions Wih Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey,• and the cover photo of the High Priest is a truly memorable one. The interview is short but very pertinent, and concludes with the statement by LaVey that "the time for Satanism has come. With It nut come a refresh­ er in Fl8udian and Darwinian awal8ness... Ail I did was pull the switch..." I was also pleased with articles by Michael Rose and George Sprague. Quotable quotes, internet issues and a discussion of male­ bashing on TV talk shows rounds out a fine issue.

Volume II, Issue #2: This the Satanic Witch

issue, and all contents al8 by Satanic women, including the art by Kali and Michelle Frost. In an interview with Magistra Peggy Nadramia, she warns the 18adership: "Don't let the Satanic Witch fool you; she is often the Church's fiercest defender and most diligent networker, despite her skillful use of her power to cloud men's minds.• Also contributing 818 Lynne Crowley, Deborah Ryder, Lydia Gage, Tani Jantsang, Diana DeMagis and of course, Blanche Barton. In "Satan Is Not a Woman,• Barton describes the Satanic yin-yang perfectly: "My Male self taunts me, whips me, challenges and rewards me. The feminists haw cheapened this internal/external interaction until both men AND women now feel tainted with new feminist-imposed insectJities and expectations." There's even an excerpt from Atlas Shruggedby Ayn Rand; I can just see her, being drug kicking and SCl8all'ling into the pages of a Satanic 'zinel I had some doubts about this project when the ediors announced i, bii I think they lid a fine job with their "chick ghetto.¦Give i a shot-pink cowr, and all.

-NOT LIKE MOST, A Publlcatlon of Satanism In Action, avaiable for $2.00 US, $3.00 foraigl, from Purging Talon Publishilg, P.O. Box 8131, Bur1inglon, VT05402.

   Issue #1: A great little Satanic magazine is born, fl8e of pretensions and full of imaginative, energetic graphics and ideas. Editor Matt Paradise bundes together a handful of articles in his digest, including his own opinion pieces on war and depopulation as wel as a look at Xtian news and black metal music. Favorite item: "Martyrs Al8 a Dime a Dozen, Or Why I Don't Scrawl Pentagrams Everywhel81"

Issue #2: Mol8 of a good thing, the second issue featul8s a Satanic Media Watch column and some 18views of other Satanic publications. The articles seem to center around the inhel8nt problems with xtianity: "the rhetoric behind modem xtianity lies in its rotted and disgusting roots.¦

    Issue 13; Not Like Most really hits its stride with the third issue, leaving reaction to the Xtian plague behind and forging ahead with Satanic concerns. The19's a good ovelView of most of the Satanic websites which internet newbies will find useful as they venture forth. Herbert Pauis looks at Satanism in Austria, and edior Paradise gives solid

answers to a slew of the "F18QU8ntly Asked Questions" Satanists must deal with 19gUarly. Also included is aciscussion of noise polliiion, a pet peeve of many Satanists. Loved the cover graphic and the page design in general.

    Issue #4: Starts off with the editor's discussion of Satanism and the "goth" aesthetic; definiely worth 18acing. For those who collect riuals, thel8 is an "Initiation for Evangelcals" by Michael Rose. "Here There Be Liars" explores the toddler tactics of those

pseudo-Satanists w to save us allfrom that evi LaVey guy, and a Satanic Melia Watch column along with a Satanic news column, "On the lrnmal Front,• are useful and tinely. Mr. Paradise conducts an intriguilg interview wlhan incarcerated Satanist, and a discussion of necrophilia follows. Extensive 1911iews, attractive and wily use of graphics and layoii; a welcome addition to the field of Satanic magazines. Highly 18COmmended.

-SATANIC PARENTING, Sharing ldeuforthe lnfemal Empire, available for $2.00 for asingle issue or $6.00 for four issues from 12M Enterprises, P.0. Box 353, Maple Park, IL 60151. Edited by Lydia Gage.

    Issue #1:¦whyWait?" asks the headline on the first page--why, indeed, except that tackling this

818a of Satanic intel8st took major guts. Can you imagine the hay Bob Larson co make with the tlle alone? But as Lydia 18minds her readership, "within a group of people such as ourselves, a separate race if you wll, we should be sharing our ideas and joys 19garding our child19n.¦ This little newsletter is not out to explain away myths about Satanism or to promote tolerance of our religion; in fact, this magazine takes little notice of non-Satanists as all. It is the first of what I think wil 19p19sent the next wave in Satanic publishing: material by Satanists, for satanists ALONE. Priestess Gage happily makes this a homespun lltle nllllber, including artwork by her chikll8n and funny anecdotes. Also included: "Why I Hate Barney" and a piece about homeschoolilg, an idea that every Satanic Pal8nl nut consider in lieu of subjecting their senslive, Intelligent child to the mass brainwashing machine that is plA>lic "education."

    Issue #2: Detailed article on creatilg a learning environmen for your dildren, plus a piece on talking to chil1118n aboii 'Magic.• While Satanists usually take anon-involvement stance wlh their childl8n ('We don't indoctrinate at an early age-that's for Christians...") ii can be impossl>le to quash an intelligent child's curiosity about what Morn and Dad do with those cancles and bells and swords late at

1191. Children know magic is18811 So Lydia came up wih a little magical workilg that she could shal8 with her six-year-old daughter. Thel8 are also some l8views of videos for kids, and opinion pieces on marriage and celebrating herd holidays wlh the non­ Satanist branches of your family.

    Issue 13: Mol8 discussion of the social aspects of homeschooling, and Lydia includes abibliography. II is intel8sting to note that homeschooling is the one 818a whel8 Satanists are cheek and jowl with right­ wing Christians- they don't want their kids educated by the liberal humanists, either. Also included are some brain games for childl8n and some little fables. This publication is essential for Satanic pa19nts and also recommended for non-parents who are intel8sted in hearing of the trials and triumphs of raising progeny in "the Satanic condition.•

•DEVILCOSM: Satanic, lconoclutlc and Occult Music, available for $3.00 US, $4.00 fol81gn for a single issue, $12.00 US, $16.00 fo19ign for a four­ issue subscription, from DWR, P.O. Box 173, Madison, IN 47250.

   Issue #1: Whal a great idea for a Satanic magazine! The editor of Oe'd/cosm declares that its PlfPOS8 is to "herald and iluminate the power of the musical artform in evoking and emerging a new Satanic age... to inspire a collective vision of the Satanic empil8." Editor Eric W. Thompson views music as one of the highest fonns of SOl'C8fY, and

811811 attempts to explol8 the Satanic aesthetic in music. There 818 extensive music reviews, and a rather myopic article aboii Ragnar Redbeald that cidn't belong hel8 at d. The la)'Old is interesting graphically, but the publisher should have stuck with one or two fonts throughw-photocopyingisn't kind to gimmicky typefaces.

   Issue #2: Somewher8 between the first and second issues of Devl/cosm, the editor fell for Northern European paganism in abig way. The focus of the magazile is still on beauty in music and art and how Satanic aesthetics 818 therein expressed. This is admirable. Bii now there's a lot of •neo­ fascist" huffing and puffing, with athought-provoking article by K.R. Bolton and the usual from Fraternitas Loki ("Satan is Dead," or haven't you heard?). I was hoping the editor would keep his vistas a tad wider. He's running avaluable music distribiiion selVice for

those in areas wile.re19COrdings of bands like Non and Death In June are hard to come by.

•SCAPEGOAT MAGAZINE, available for $5.00 US, $6.00 foreign, or subscri>e to three issues for $15.00 US, $18.00 foreign, Goat's Head P19SS, P.O. Box 36121, Los Angeles, CA 90036-0121. Volume 2, Issue #2: Crisp type and color ,n>tos pt.t Scspsgostone leg up on many other Satanic magazines, and the change from digest-size to full-size is for the better, I think. This issue featul9S interviews with Grand Belial's Key,Michael Moynihan of Blood Axis and Timothy Patrick Butler. There is an extensive review section wih print and music reviews, and articles and poetry by Walter C. Cambra and John Crawford. Editor John Kaminiecki contributes his own editorial, "Issues of Detestation." Volume 2, Issue #3: The elusive Rex Diabolos Church of the Asylum of Satan is interviewed in this issue, and fuB-page color fn)los of tim and his art are included. Also Interviewed are David Vincent and George Eric Hawthorne. More writing by Cambra, John Crawford and K.R. Botton ("Bolshevism in the Roman Empire" and "The Pollical and Racial Views of H.P. Lovecraft").

    Issue #8: Kaminiecki includes a travelogue of sorts on his trip to the Mojave, and wistfuOy deta s the isolation and quiet it affords. K.R. Botton and Wafter Cambra again cor1ribute thougttful analyses cl other religious systems, and there's aninterview wih Michael Rose. A piece on tattoo artists Dave Zero and Janet Alfington includes full-color photos, and Spahn Ranch is also interviewed. The r8View section is bountiul.

Issue 19: Thouglt-provoking interviews with Boyd Rice, The Electric Hellfire Club, Type 0 Negative and Blanche Barton. Great fuO-page ,n>tos of Boyd with unclothed damsels. Articles include "Jung and the Volkisch Movement" by K.R. Bolon, and "A Working Class Vs. An Elite Class" by editor Kaminiecki. The graphics are attractive. Ttis mag improves with fNtry issue and is recommended. Note: subscri>ers receive an additional supplement, Black, between issues of Scapegoat

•THE RAGING SEA: The Voice Of Reason, c/o The Leviathan Grotto, P.O. Box 5297, Sarta Cruz, CA 95063-5297. The first three issues, described below, are $2.95 each. The upcoming issues, we are told, will be larger and wil cost $3.95.

    Issue #1: Rev. Michael Charles Boe welcomes us to his first issue, and offers a final solution to the real problem in beautiful Santa Cruz-not earthquake damage and beach erosion, but indigent street people. Among other ttings, Boe gives an enlighten­ ing discussion of the "political prisoner," Mumia Abu­ Jamal, a convicted cop-killer now lionized by liberals fNtrywhere. An auspicious beginning.
    Issue #2: Upgraded to saddle-stitch binding and with more pages, ttis Satanic forum discusses eugenics and the population bomb, and gives a reading list for further study in these areas. A short but well-wrought ritual to rid oneself of frustrations

and obligations is offered, as wen as more suggestions for creating a total environment. The centerfold is an entertaining collage of newsclips, including this heac:line: "Fourth grader accused of waving pickle." The ed'llor reviews the Loompanics edition of "Might is Right," and Michael Thule contri>utes a piece on Satanic parenting. "The Real Witch" answers a question about a woman's scent problem, and there is a letters column and a new "Weird Facts" column. Continued improvement!

    Issue #3: Discussed in this issue: new inventions to monlor and control the activities of

private citizens; clsease and its role In Nature; how to become invisible; the real Holocaust (animal testing); C.M. Kornbluth's classic short story, "The Marching Morons,• and lot, lots more, including an interview wlh the Electric Hellfire Club's Thomas Thorn. The Raging Sea is a welcome addition to the fl81d of Satanic magazines and you should definitely be on their listl

-CONQUER NOWI - Proudly Upholding the Standard of the Strong, available for $5.00 from The War Grotto, rJo K.S. Anthony, 3288 21st St., #67, San Francisco, CA 94110.

    Issue #4/5: The edlor uses a typewriter, bti keeps tis layout simple and tis reproduction top­ notch so that l's nfNtr a chore to read ttis Satanic magazine. Composed in the main of diatribes and essays by Anthony, this issue deals with those who'd Ike to redefine Satanism away from the tenets and principles JU forth by The Sstsnic Bib/8, and that includes child-molesters.The editor gets a tad more personal than those of other Satanic 'zines, and talks about his favorite possessions, people and the things they've taught him. There's an interview with Michael Moynilan and some reviews. I particularly like Anthony's tendency to fll tis pages with lltle pieces like •songs You Didn't Know Were Satanic."
    Issue #6: Anthony continues a discussion of race begun inthe p-evious issue, and talks about his new program to work ou, pump up and make tis body a fitting vessel for the Satanic mind seething within it. He interviews Michael Rose and publishes what is probably the first photo (however bleary) fNtr seen of this elusive gentleman. More of the editor's Kiplingesque poetry is included.

•THE BLACK PUN-KIN, Canada's Satanic Forum, available for $7.00 US, $10.00 foreign from P.O. Box 32017, 1386 Richmond Rd., Ottawa, Ontario, K2B 1A1, Canada.

    Volume 2, Issue #1: "Baroque" is the only way to describe the page design in the Pun-kin; clip-art, line art, fancy borders, standing heads and Ulustrations cram fNtry page. Add to this the fact that each page is also printed on various colors of paper, and you've got a magazine that appears almost to be tattooed, rather than printed. Bti that's what I Ike

about looking at all these Satanic magazines-?ach Satanist's vision of what he wants in his 'zine is so different. Diana DeMagis, Robert Lang and Rev. Doug Richards are the chief contribtiors to this issue, bringing both polemic ("It's Tme To Clean Housel") and practical concerns (DeMagis offers recipes for aromatherapy and tasty concoctions). Also contri>uting are Michael Rose, Dan King, Hans SchOren, Shadow, Salama, Vmcent Crowley and others. Jack O'Lantern and Ima Witch offer advice. Wowl This is chock-full.

    Volume 2, Issue #2: The cover is adorned with Robert Lang's illustration, •Justice,• wherein a Thor­ Ike figln (wih a face that looks very familar...) drives a chariot pulled by two fierce goat creatul9S, their eyes flashing along with the lightning that fills the background. The page design is cleaner and looks more pulled-together, although stil filed with the profuse illustrations that make the Pun-kil unique. Articles include "Ahkenalon the Heretic" by Lang and "The Curse of Tutankhamun" by Curtis LeBlanc. There's poetry by Dan King, S.T. Campbell, Piety Lloyd, and Diana DeMagis contributes a short piece of fiction. And much morel

Volume 3, #1: Ttis issue we have Dr. LaVey's visage on the cover in yet another of Robert Lang's tnbutes; I think the Doc makes an excellent Pharoah, don, you? Inside, the Egyptian theme continues with

Lang's Satanic ritual, "Spring Equinox Along the Nile." Ritual coUectors: take note, as this issue also contain Michael Rose's "Initiation for Evangelicals." The Nile ritual would be an excellent addition to any ...,coming Walpu,gis celebration. The usual departments are back in ttis "Fun With Scanner" issue, as weU as a new and lengthy r8View section. Witch Marguerite talks about aging into a Satanic senior, and reminds us aboti the qualities of women and fine wine. Order the Pun-lcin now and you'll also receive what must be the first Satanic paper airplane. Float this one across the office and see who pops out of his cubicle! Definitely a singular flavor in the Satanic mix and highly recommended.

•THE DEVIL'S TAVERN, the International Forum of the Infernal Ganison, available for $6.00 from Douglas Richards, P.O. Box 16474, Pensacola, FL 32507-6474.

    Volume 1,Issue #1: Ttis Satanic magazine is published by Church of Satan Priest Doug Richards and his mate D811ane Richards. The look is reminiscent of the above-mentioned Pun-kin, but thats because so much of Doug's diabolical artwork is featured in both publications. This premiere issue

of the TBM!l/71 featul9S a d'lalribe onthe subject of Satanic bonds, as well as instruction from Robert Lang for using Satanism as avehicle to indulge inall your fantasies. Dartane Richards talks about "Satanism as The Smoking Gun,• and there's fN8n a Satanic prayer. Another interview wlhMagistra Peggy Nadramia, a "Satanic Chain Letter" and a thouglt-provoking piece on liberty and law by Ken Gage round out this issue.

    Volume 1,Issue #2: Editor Doug Richards discUSS88 a Sign of the Tmes, and an article on Magister Peter H. Gilmore's visit to lecture at Mt. St. Vincent College is reprinted. Darlane Richards wams us of "The Asshole Syndrome"-as we all know, the Center for Disease Control hasn't made adent in this epidemic. "To Lust or Not to Lust" takes astab at some advice for the Satanic Warlock, and there are several poetry selections from D811ane. These two issues comprise an auspicious beginning; why not belly up to the bar at The DBvi/'s TsvBrrfl

•THE NAMMTAR JOURNAL, a publcation from the Church Of Tiamat Grotto, is avaDable for $5.00 from Slite#51, 60 Newtown Rd., Danbury, CT06810.

    Issue #3: Thougltful diatribes on various topics by Editor Curtis M. LeBlanc, including the "Elite in the Ghetto,• taxation of churches, Charlie Manson, and the old gods (including Kutulul). Michelle Frost and Richard de Lago each contribute acartoon, and there's a sprightly review section.
    Issue #4: New computer equipmert and software have spiffed up ttis publication, although it was rather neat and readable already. LeBlanc writes well; his arguments are well-rendered and his syntax good. Ttis time he takes on stratification, stabimng the Satanic age, the neglected side cl Gothic, art and spirituality, and much, much more. I particularty

e11oyed his instructions on contacting a Satanic organization, entitled "Pipe-Dreams Do Not Count." Michael Rose contributes an article, "The Lion and the Child." Issue #5: Wherein a set of commandments are laid out by LeBlanc, and he discusses winning the battle with the Christians, probing the Bible for useful tidbits, ne as it applies to those with a Satanic nature, and my very favorie: the various ways members of cifferent religions approach weight loss. Wiccan: How about atub of Rocky Road, before I leave to meet with the other sisters of my coven? And lots morel You get your money's worth with this


    In Issue #5, the editor announced a name change to The Godhsad Dispstch. I've also seen announcements of the magazine's name being changed to Tht1 Old Goost1/wry Dispatch. I haven't seen either of these, but LeBlanc's work is consistently Intelligent and worth your time.

eLIFEFORCE, The International Vampire Forum, ptj)ished by the Temple of the Vampire, P.0. Box 3582, Lacey, WA 98509.

    The Temple of the Vampire is the public experiment being conducted by a few members of the ancient Hekel Tiarnat, the Temple of the Dragon. Acllerents believe they are predatory vampires feeding on the energies of other humans; they feel they are members of a lost Family and seek each other out to develop their abilities to gain energy and commune with the Ancient Vampires. Their newsletter is only available to members. Membership is gained for a one-time fee of $100, and subscriptions to the monthly Uft1fo,r;t, may be purchased for $50 annually. Also available is Tht1 Vamp/n, ConnecUon, for contacting other members of the Family. Membership in the TOV can involve ascending levels of initiation and recognition, higher studies and periodic evaluations. The Temple recognizes both a Dayside and aNightside to the Vampire's nature, the Dayside being a philosophy

consistent with that of the Church of Satan.

   Most recently received in this office is Tht1 Vampin, Adtlpt Bib/t,, consisting of a discussion, 'What is TnAhr and then instruction in the Four Dimensions of Experience, the Nine Gates and Angles, and the Doctrine of Dreams. This Bble is available for $25.00 donation; this may be for members only, so it would behoove you to inquire. Also available are further advanced studies Bibles: The Vampit, Prsdstor Bib/6, Tht1 Vsmpin, Pdt1sthood Bib/ti, and Tht, Vampire SorctlfY Bible. Their cost is the same ($25 minimum donation) and these books explore the sophisticated philosophy and ritual techniques of the Temple of the Vampire.

•THE LADY O SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, available from BCM/3406, London WC1N 3XX, UK. This newsletter appears quarterly and asubscription includes membership in the Lady O Society, a correspondence society for submissive ladies. Ladies: $10 per annum; Associate members (single gentlemen or couples): $20.00. Back issues are available for $5.00. This society/newsletter is presided over by erotic author Deborah Ryder.

    The publication is presented ina very sparse, computer-typeset, double column format, but each issue is crammed with discussion of sub/dom issues and experiences, as well as contact ads for all the members and listings of ptj)lications, products and 8ll8nts of interest to those in the sub/dom lifestyle. Today it's politically incorrect for a woman to openly relinquish her witl to a man, and hence these ladies are very heretical and Satanic. To quote a letter from aMaster: 'A submissive... can only aspire to serve, to seek to pe,fect her submission to the man she has chosen as her Master... If she allows the submissive side of her nature to take over, recognition of a truly dominant man becomes much easier.' These tales of delicious submission are terribly romantic. The latest issue is #12, which appeared in September, and another issue is due in December 1996. To repeat: you can meet others with these interests through this newsletter.

•ENDEMONIADA, available for $3.00 cash only or M.O. made out to Elena Leon, frQm Lucifera, 611 W.

152 St., #1-D, New York, NY 10031.

    Issue #6: This is a black metal music 'zine for Satanic females. It's full of poor to fair artwork dealing with the usual themes of bondage and vampirlsm, interviews with metal bands and ads for

same. The name of the magazine is difficult to say and easy to forget. The typewriter graphics are sloppy, and interspersed with hand-printed heads and inserts where the ecfltors were too lazy to go back to the typewriter or comptAer. No page numbers, but this is a pretty hefty 'zine for a tiny price. Interviewed in this issue are Deathrune, Burled Beneath, Enslaved, Deceased, Hellbound, Danza Macabra, Accursed, Mutema, Enchantment, and Thrust. Lut Poetry and Art Issue, (no number en). Lots of poetry by many different alAhors. The graphics have not improved, still no page numbers and too many handwritten titles and fillers. However, there is one standout: the artwork by Lainen, which is consistently fine. The poetry is fraught with the usual problem encountered by amateur poets: lack of a single controlling image. Nebulous feelings abound; for example: 'I'm slowly &/ painfully losing/ my mind/ My world is cold &/ dark/ I cUng to nothing for/ there is/ nothing there/ to embrace/ I'm so lonely/ I'm trapped inside/ on [sic) emotionless state/ Hoping someday will/ open the/ door of darkness/ & shine/ light on my/ morbate (sic) soul..."

•THE AMBASSADOR is available from the Embassy of Lucifer. PO Box 1229, Terrace, B.C. VSG 5P7, Canada; single issue $4.00 (Cana<ian funds). Although this purports to be a weekly ptj)lication, we have only one issue here.

    Volume 1, Issue #2: Nine pages, printed on only one side, stapled in one comer, entirely comprised of Crowley's Tht1 Book of the LBwand a little piece of Egyptoid clip art. If you think this is worth four bucks, go for it.

•BATTLE OF BEWITCHMENT is available from Robert Hoog, P.O. Box 5069, 451 05 Uddevalla, Sweden; asingle issue is $6.00 US.

    Issue #3: BeautifuUy designed and executed with professional graphics and typesetting, this issue is abargain. The glossy cover wraps around a wealth of articles by authors like Michael Rose, Timothy p. Butler (also an interview with this Satanic artist), and Peter H. Gilmore. There are more interviews with the bands Bay Laurel, Disgrace, lsten, Sacramentum, Internal Bleeding and Immolation. So if music and Satanic thought are among your interests, youl find much to sample here. Highly recommended.

•THE PUBLIC SATANIST, A Publication of Satan's Playground Grotto, is available from P.O. Box 201835, Bloomington, MN 55420; make $5.00 check or money order payable to Brett Randall for asingle issue. Volume 1,Issue #1: A strong beginning for another Satanic joumal that has its roots in the Internet. Mr. Randall took his first step into public Satanism by creating an attractive and informative website, then pulled together his contacts and design abillies into this publication. The layoti is attractive; there is a great deal of Satanic poetry and an interview wlh Herself, Magistra Peggy Nadramia. Recommended.

•DARK RISING, Official Forum of the Black Order of the Shaltan Warrior, available for $3.00 from P.O. Box 8392, Tampa, FL 33674. Cash or money orders made out to Brad W. Reinert (no checks). Volume 1,Issue #1: 'One nation, under

Satanl" shOlds the cover of this new Satanic magazine. Among the topics discussed are Welfare and the Homeless, Peace and Jesus Freaks. Lots of clippings to fill the pages, some of them rather lrterest­ ing, such as some relatively rare pictures from the Church c1Satan's ear1y days. The editor also includes anumber of poems which I believe are also song lyrics. The Order of the Shaian Warrior puts forth 14 laws which are generally consistent wlh Satanism's eslablished Rules of the Eath. There is a Wal c1 Fools l8S8IV8d for future issUIIS, and readers 118 Med to submit the names of any 'idiots who have been kicked w of Satalhood." I wil beinlr9Jing to see where this ll,t>licalion goes inthefwe.

    Volume 1, Issue #2: Hey, where's the Wall of Fools? I was looking forward to that. Well, we must settle for an amusing collection of Satanic comic strips, a sutiable-for-framing centerfold of a pentagram with goat's head, and reprints lengthy interviews with Vincent Crowley and Peter H. Gilmore. This magazine could go places if the editor finds more original material to publish. Keep your eye on Dark Rising.

•THE ABYSS, available for $4.00 US, $6.00 elsewhere, from the Black Order of Pan-Europa, P.0. Box TT4, Clarkton, MO 63837.

    Issue #1: Includes work by Kerry Bolton, David Myatt and several others, inclucing the editor, Max Frith. Among the subjects discussed are 'Pagamm: A National Socialist VtM," 'long Live Death,' 'The Black Order Motorcycle Club," and 'Aryans From Outer Space.' The editorial speaks of our movement,

points out where this movement has failed and where • could be improved. It speaks of European man and his sides, both light and dark, and purports tobring about action and change only by changing the way the members of this movement may think and process the information they receive. But I cant seem to find a single instance where the editor tells us what the movement is. I assume its a white, European thing, and I was intrigued to see the editor speak of his 'brethren" fighting for freedom in Northem Ireland, as this issue has been largely ignored in the other Euro-pagan publications. I think • would be just as easy for someone of European descent to look upon the successful conquerors, the English, as his 'brethren.'

•RAYENS' CHATS, available for $5.00 from J.P. Tabone, B.P. 236, 31004 Toulouse Cedex, France.

    "The Graphic Issue, Number One,• contains interviews with Timothy Patrick Butler and Michael Moynihan. When asked aboti his debates with the more 'libertarian" factions within Satanism, Moynihan states that ihese 'anti-fascist,' so-called Satanists are not even worth discussing. They're abunch of fools." Butler addresses the same issue: 'There have been a few extremely vocal anti-fascist wrters thal would like to make abigger issue of fascism than is warranted. These armchair philosophers have nothing better to do all day than scream from their little soapl)oxes. Personaly, I have drawings to make.' Also included are several pages of music and print reviews and some discussion of other Satanic magazines.

•PROGRESS REPORT, The Church of Epiphany, 4533 MacArthur Boulevard, Sule 339, Newport Beach, CA 92660. No prices listed, bti the issues are small affairs; send $5.00 and see what they'll send you.

    The Church of Epiphany is named after Lisa Bonet's character in the film 'Angel Heart' (based on the fine novel FsDing Angt,lby William Hjortsberg).

Their beliers 818 based on those of the Yezidi religion, and this group is led by an "Archimandrite" who answers questions and issues edicts in each Report. Wilie the CoE l8fers to its gocflead as the Peacock Angel, they nonetheless propose irter­ comroonication with other Satanic groups. Their symbol is a serpenl and they have anabiclng irterest in the works of H.P. Lovecraft. They 818 very anti­ Christian and quote frequently from the Bible to support their argllrl8rts.

-ONSLAUGHT, available for $6.00 US, $7.00 fol8ign, from the Church of Luciferian Light, P.O. Box 7207, Tampa, FL 33673.

    Volume 5, Issue #1, Autumn, XXX A.S.: News and updates on the Satanic scene, as well as some discussion of ritual elements, including a ritual applying sexual acts to meet various goals. A good portion of this 'zine is taken up by the basic membership information and instructions for joining the Church of Luciferian Light. Extensive 181/iews, and a touching memorial page noting the passage of Draegon Undomiel's canine companion, Axzel zueI, or Mr. Puppy. Neat daisy-wheel or typewriter o

that is unfortunately in all caps. •REALIST PUBLICATIONS, P.O. Box 1627, Paraparaumu Beach, New Zealand, is abusy little concern that makes possible the following magazines and monographs. Their prowcts are always produced neatly but tunbly, in stapled cigest-size with typewriter typesetting and no extra cover materials. However, you will always find them to be well-18Searched and chock-full of information and ideas you won, find elsewhel8. The writing and publishing efforts of K.R. Bolon and his colleagues wel8, and conlinue to be, extl8mely influential in the upsurge of pan-European paganism and inlerast in classical European cultu18. You can examine Bolton's influence in many other Satanic and neo­ fascist zines, or you can get it right from the source by sampling what Realist Publications has to offer. THE FLAMING SWORD, Issue #6, $5.00 surface, $7.00 air: Under discussion we find Jotunss, an American motorcycle club that ftn:tions as an Odinist religious order, as well as character analysis of the Loki, Shiva and Hel8S myth-figtns. Thel8 is an extensive int81View with David Myatt, author of 1118 EnlgltBnment Of NstionBI Socialsm, and a ciscussion of the Holocaust. Reviews of books and periodicals are also included. THE HERETIC, Issue #12, $5.00 stlface, $7.00 air: Included in this issue is possbly the most extensive and thoughtful irterview yet conducted with Magister Peter H. Gilmo18 of the Church of Satan. Robert N. Taylor is also irt81Viewed. While interviews are common in Satanic 'zines, Bolton always conducts his at a high intellectual level and gives his subjects ample space for thoughtful 18plies. Prinl and audio reviews comprise the rest of the issue.

    THE NEXUS (now comprising both The Raming SWonfand 1118 HBretkf,, $5.00 surface,

$20.00 for four issues, $7.001$25.00 for air. Issue #1: Joumal of the Kulturkampf/ Realpolitik/Esoterrorism is how The NBXUS descrl>es itsel. This issue expl018S the life of D'Annunzio, warrior bard, and concludes the int81View with Robert N.Taylor. Thel8 is the usual review section, and some 188ponses to statements and ideas inthe previous issue. One of the strong poirrts of Bofton's editorial policy is his abiity to get quibblers to tum what might be a whiny letters column into actual essays of 18Sponse. This is what makes a magazine into a real forum, and fflOl8 ptj)lishers shoukl try it. Issue #2: An irterview wjth Kadmon, the

person behind the magazine Aatll andthe musical project Alleraeeren, and abrief examination of Satanic activiy in Poland. Also a salute to James Hartung Madole, the "father of Post-War Ocwt Fascism.• Reviews, poetry and mo18.

    Issue 13: This time the irterview is with George Eric Hawthorne d the band RahoQ; he's also the publisher of RIJSislancB magazine. Some historicafbackgroundis given on"the SWoro of

VICIOry: the legend of Surtr's flamingsworo.· Also included among the reviews and poetry is "The Cosmological Magick of National-Socialism" and "In the Shadow of the Talmud."

    Issue #4: "A Tale of Two Books" leads this issue, discussing two new volumes about the Third Reich, GOflbb6/s: 1118 MaslBlmind of the Thitri Reich by David Irving and Hit/Br's Willing ExBCUtionBrS: OrrilnllfY Gllf1Tllllls and thB Holocaust by Daniel Goldhagen. Thel8 is also a discussion of the alliance of Gennany and Tibet during WWII, mol8 about Madole's stormtroopers, some background about white MusUms (greenshirts), a memorial to Raf Van Hine, and much mol8.

Issue #5: "Marinelti and Fwirism" are discussed, as well as "Nationalism: NatU18's Decree," "Altnism as a SuNival Mechanism" and "Celile the lfl1)ossble.• Thel8 is also a tribiie to "the astral Fascist,• Wlliam Dudley Pelley.

    Issue #6: An irterview with Christian Bouchet of the NotMllle Resistance and ThBIBmB', "Schmz­ ataffel and the Runes"; aninleNiew with Sarole Industries, an American company producing l8COl'd­ ings and publications which l8COllCile "the apparent diametric opposition of the totalitarian and the avant­ garde.• The usual extensive reviews, and morel

•MONOGRAPHS from Realist Publications: LOVECRAFT'S FASCISM: the Political and Raclal Views of H.P. Lovecraft, by W. Grirnwakl, $5.00 US. The author makes acase for a Lovecraft who is a true Aryan pagan at heart. Lovecraft 18ferl8d to Hitler as "profoundly sincel8 and patriotic,• and his views of man-as-animal al8 revealed in the staternert: "Twenty centuries of flabby Christian fakery have not succeeded in changing our naturas one jot.•

    DIETRICH ECKART: Hitler's Occult Mentor, by W. Grimwald, $15.00 US. Heavily footnoted and with several photographs, this volllrl8 attempls to

clear away the myths about Eckart who was a key figln cuing the l1ild Reich. FASCISM AND THE FUTURIST AESTHETIC, by K.R. Bolton with articles by Flippo Marinelli, $10.00 US. This volume includes Bolon's article 'Marinetli and Futurism" from a18C8nt issue of his magazine 1118 Nexus, along with 18prirted articles by the poet Marinetti himself.


Political Thoughts of the Great Beast, by Frater Scorpio, $10.00 US. The author tells us that "Thelema was not announced by Crowley as mel8Iy another occultic system for bourgeoisie dabblers. It is a martial, fighting creed. And Crowley said it P19Cisely... 'Let every manbear anns, swift to 1888111 oppl88Sion... generous and ardert to draw sword in any cause, if justice or freedom summon him.'• •FILOSOFEM, available for $7.50 US from Blood­ Axis, 5 Rue Gabriel Pieme, 57000 Metz, France.

    Volume 1,laauea #1 and #2: Neat little digest, three slender columns of daisy-wheel oiiiu that is clear and l8adable. The Noldland Forlag, who pubish Rosof8m, consider themselves Heathen TNOnic Wodenists, and most of the material herein

reflects this point of view. Thel8 is writing by Vargr Vila.mes Larusson a/Wa "Court Grishnacht," who was given twenty-one years in prison for "killing a Communist" and luning churches. Michael Moynihan, K.R. Bolon and David Myatt all cortribi.u interesting pieces, and there 818 two rousing poems by George Zaharopoulos. The other cortributors, however, would obviously be mol8 comfortable writing in their native language and perhaps should be encouraged to do so; their essays are mllky.

    Volume 1,Issues 13 and #4: MOl8 of the same, with the addition of Steven Bernard Cox. The
       include Bolton's "Eugenics and Dys­ genics," Moynihan's "Dionysos-Dilhyra,rt,en" and "Overcome and Conquer (Part One)" by Vidar Von Hersks.
    Volume 2, Issues #1 and #2: The sole conlributors this time 'round are Von Herske, Myatt, Bolon and R. N. Taylor. Taylor has two poems, one long, one short, but both 818 memorable and evocative. The editor allows both Bolon andMyatt ample space for lengthier articles, something one

sees too little of in most magazines of this type.

    Volume 2, Issues 13 and #4: Moynihan explores the myriad levels of meaning behind the

Wols Angs rune, and Zaharopwos and Von Hersks team up to discuss Gl88k mythology. Another lenglhy article by Myatt, "The ReslJ'g8flC8 of the West,• rounds ou this issue.

   Volume 3,Issues #1 and #2: A diverse and jam-packed issue, wlh the retum d most of the cortribiiors as well as the welcome addition of Robert Ward, late of 1118 Fdth Path. Bolon discusses

H.P. Lovecraft, and TaylorconsidersT.S. Eliot, as well as cortribiiing "Faust - aGothic Epic inFour Movements.·

•AORTA, available for $5.00 US, International M.O. or cash only, from G. Patak, P.O. Box 778,A-1011, Vienna, Austria.

    Issue #1: Digest-sized journal, stapled with clean typewriter typesetting and acard stock cover. Ken Anger's "Lucier Rising" is the subject of this issue, with an article in German followed by the Ef9ish translation.
    Issue #17: Same Gennan/English format. "F'ldus: Images of l..,91t" is this issue's article, and ii concerns the artist Fldus who was bom over a hoodr8d years ago in Germany and whose work depicts joyfu, innocel11y llJde AJyan folk against triumphm and light-filled backgrounds.
    Issue #19: Michael Moynihan and Blood Axis are the subjecls of this issue, and thel8 is yet anolher interview with Moyrihan as well as ashort essay by

K.R. Bolton, along with several inleresting photos. •BAaDER, the Pan-European Fraternity or Knowledge, available for $8.00 US from 60 Elmhurst Road, Reading, Berkshil8 RG1-5HY, England.

    Issue #681&9: This is achock.full issue, with articles on "Mysterious Cemoonos,• "Dl8ams and Their Significance,• "SI. August Caesar,• "Swastika: Lost Sign of F188rnasonry,• and much, much mol8.

•THE WARCOM GAZETTE, available from Warcom Media, P.O. Box 1175, San Jose, CA 95108. Price unknown; $5.00 shoukl get you a couple of issues.

    Issues April 1995 through October 1996: This is an actual newsletter, often only two or four pages long, with professional-looking des91, graphics and typesetting. Discussed: NAFTA and the dollar vs. the peso; the objects d Wan:om's Fealfess Leader, Beau Lippincott's, personal wrath; James Mason; Jim and Debbie Goad; Robert N. Taylor; stllf Beau Lippincotl likes; random thoiqrts abou

motorcycles, cars, the Olympics, Dennis Rodman, Marge Schott and golf: Recommended.

•THE RATIONAL RACIST, available for $4.50 from The Gidney Mission, P.O. Box 7657, Port St. Lucie, FL 34985-7657.

    Volume 1, laue #1: Twelve pages of neat desktop graphics and typesetting; this is the first project fromMourning Star Mecla, a civision of the Gidney Mission. You might 19merrber ecitor/ptblisher Willam Gidney from his days in the First Occulic Ctuch and his edtorahip of Tssts From ths CsJJ/dron. The first article in this issue is an exhortation to the white European and European­ American to follow the wrler on his road to promoting the racial identity of whites. He tells us, "Think globally; act locally.• The goals here are wry arrbitious and include plans for a Universal Collegiate of Cultural Loyalists, an organization comprised of the c,r,ms-dt1-/a-cn,ms of racially­

conscious White Intelligentsia. They in tum wil create a United White Colege Finl and recnit on the colege campuses of America. This type of program was also inthe works by the Objectivists back in the Se1181ties and E91ties, by the way. Also included hare is a piece pointing oul the successful techniques employed by black racists. The author, "Laura Palmer," also brings the significant point that the mo19 intellectual among while racists keep quiet about theil' views for the simple reason that they do not wish to be identified wih the tobacco­ chewing lowbrows who usually •represent" Whiles on talk shows, etc. Palmer observes that black activists dont allow "the least among them" to get in front of a camera. This is athought-provokingfirst issue.

-OHM CLOCK, available for $4.00 US, $6.00 foreign, from P.O. Box 8590, Reno, NV 89507.

    laue #3: Full-sized, wih professional graphics and layout, this issue interviews James Mason, Kadmon of Allerseelen and Aorta, the band KIii Switch Kllck, and another band called EyeHateGod. Editor Aaron Garland takes alook at the art, nuic and poetry of R.N. Taylor in"VISions of aModem Day Viking," and thel9s an extensive section of soood 18Views.
   Issue #4: This issue marks an upgrade to classy, slick cover stock. Interviews with George Eric Hawthome of Rahowa, artist Trevor Brown, Vincent Crowley of Acheron, articles on Gnosticism and the lndo-European Wor1dview, and much, much more. Many reviews. Recommended.

•RESISTANCE, available for $4.95 US, $5.50 Canada, from Resistance Recolds, P.O. Box 24700, Detroit, Ml 48224. They offer acomplete line of recordings, tee shirts, videos and back Issues, au available by credit can:I by faxing them at 810-684- 7958, or by contacting theil' website at

    Issue #7: BOINGI Who said while racialists were all drooling Neanderthals? They'd better not say ii to the guys at RBS/stancs. This is a full-color,

slick newsstand magame that wwd fit right in beside the latest issue of Sassy. There are eight pages of news and views from aroim the racialist comml.llity, and ashort piece responding to the many myths of the Pro-White movement. Most intel9sting was a lengthy article about a real Waffen SS soldier, along wtth numerous pictures from his personal scrapbook. Music is definitely another focus here, with articles about several Pro-Whtte bands, as well as intet8stlng exceriu from the edttor's mail>ag. Resistance Recolds lsts their products in the back with an order form. Even If you dor1'l aQl98 with their

beliefs, you should get acopy for your colection; you simply haw to see Rssislllnc8 to beliew how professional a racialist rnagazi1e can be.

•THE HOOVER HOG, available for $2.50 from Rich8ld (Chip) Smith, 621 Kings Row, Charleston, WV25314.

   "A Review of Dangerous Ideas" is how the premier Issue bis itself, and the edlor juqis right in by (tling us his seven page analysis of al four issues of ANSWER Ms/, "the only magazine worth hating." ActuallyI Clip loves this history-making magazine written and plblished by Jim and Debbie Goad, and his reasons and 19actions are quite erdertaining. He goes on to discuss Adam Parf19y's Cult Rapture anthology, Big Macs, and more. Up­

coming issues include a libertarian-atheist's argu­ ments agianst abortion, a cfiscussion of holocaust revisionism, laws reganing kiddie pom, and many mo19 "tools for dangerous thinking.• Chip is smart and his magazine, I'm sure, will get even better.

ep()() POO MAGAZINE, available for $3.00 for one issue, $5.00 for two, or $10.00 for a four-issue sooscription from Pi.wging Talon Pt.misting, P.O. Box 8131, Bur1 n, VT 05402. lllue #10:118 a fat digest fr X 8.5j wilh Mly, I a tad busy, graphics, chock-ful of fWlny filers and innovative design features. Poo Poo looks at pop cul!A, the music scene and life in general with a witty irreverence and a total disdain for religion. Articles in this Issue include "You're All Fascists... And No, I Won't Suck Your Dick!," •r Wanna Fuck You, Tipper Gorel" and "Go To Hell? I Work Therel"

   lasue #11: This time around edttor M.C. Caucasian Pimp treats us to "Butchering The Human Carcass For Human Consumption," "Catholicism:

Cross-Waving Orgy of the Damned," and "An Open Letter To Those Colection Agency Assholes." The contents page has aquote from Goebbels: "When I hear the word cultu19, I reach for my goo.•

    Issue #12: This is the female-bashing issue. Offerings include "The Natural Beaiiy of VIOience," "Fuck You and Your Feminine Side," and "It's a Misogynist's Lie." I particularly 9r10)'9d ., Hate the Fucking Telephone" by staff wrler Vanlla Christ.
    Issue #13: The standout in this issue is Vanilla Clvist's commerrtary on the "goth" scene, •r Wear Black On The Oulside Because I'm Black On the

Inside... Here, Eat This Black Rose While I Slit My Wrist in D-Minor.• Christ makes this observation about the originality of goth bands: •rt I had adime for every goddamned black and whtte photo I've been shown of a bunch of goth punks in acemetery, striking some dramatic pose next to a marble monument or a wrought-iron gate, I'd be Donald Fucking Trump!" Christ's overview of fast food chains Is also wel worth the read, and should probably be repr.-rted in Th8 Raven (although they are a tad more genteel). Of the late night Demy's experience, Christ observes, •r can't say much for the decor, but I do recall the waitresses as being evil warty demons from Poldenl Creme hell." Recommended. FLAMES FROM THE INTERNET, Issue #1, available for $2.00 from the adcnss above. M.C. Caucasian Pimp's and Vanlla Christ's adllenlures with Christians in the online chat rooms of the lnlemet. If yowe never been in an online chat or are just wondering what this Internet thing is all about, this might give you an idea of how much time youre saving every day!

•PRIMAL CHAOS, available for $5.00 per issue or $10.00 for a two-issue subscription from Wendy Van Dusen, 1072 Folsom St., #388, San Francisco, CA


    Issue #12:Music, art and underground c.. u19 are the focus hel9, and the mag boasts a slick color cover with artwork by Tp. Buller. Interviewed in this

issue: The Electric Hellfire Club, Type O Negative, auhor Dennis Cooper, Blag Dahlia, Trial of the Bow, and Anal Cunt. lntel9sting page designs and a large review section.

   Issue #13: A sexy yomg devil girl sucks a popeicle ori the cover by artist Coop, who is interviewed (by another artist, Timothy Patrick Butler) In this issue along with Barlanart&:et, Whltehouu, Charles Gatewood, Urge Overt&:111, and Noothgrulh. Coop's work is largely cenl819d on bodacious babes and beautiful cars. Says Coop:"l've always had kind of a fascination with mechanical objects... As far as

women are concerried, I have no fucking idea how IIM,ywork.• Recommended.

•KILL 'EM ALL ZINE, available for $3.00 from Nemo Unlimlted, Ud., P.O. Box 466, Wickliffe, OH 44092- 0466.

    Issue #1: Serial Mll'ders and Other Violence is the theme annom:ed hel9. This 'zine is neatly produced wilh a clean page style wilh few graphics or photos, saddle stitched with a while can:I stock cowr. Articles include "VIOience-the Sow Cherry in America's Pie" and "Serial Mllders & The

Satanic/Rituaistic Crimes Myth." •WORM GEAR, available for $5.00 from P.0. Box 426, Mayfield, Ml 49666.

   laue #2: A ful-sized 'zine that	you your money's worth of articles and interviews with various metal and underground bands. This issue has an interview withMagistra Peggy Nadramia, and while I haven't seen any other issues, I understand that the editor has taken to inlerviewing other Satanists regularly. Unlike some other music 'zines, this one has an attractive and readable page design.

-SEN IS DEAD, avalable for $5.00 from P.O. Box 3166, Holywood, CA 90028.

    Issue #25: Conlains Part Two of Darby and Kerin's visit with Anion LaVey. The trendy ch/quilas are mostly inleresled in the swprisingly cfllltinct malelfemale roles Dr. LaVey and tis companion

Blanche Barton have asslln8d---60 clfferenl from the relationships they see around them in scenester Hel, no dotbt. The Doc shoots straight from the lip,as usual: "Whether women wart to admit ii or not, many women's fantasy is to meet a man who can change their lives••." Miss Barton busts out a few quotable quotes hersel: "It's better to be used than useless..." Altogether an enlightening interview that no dolbt threw a few monkey wrenches the way of the cl0119- cigaratte-and-patcho1Ai crowd. •YOUR FLESH, available for $5.00 from P.O. Box 583264, Minneapolis, MN 5 3264.

    Issue #29: This Is the Ten Year Anniversary Issue. While thel9 are several inleresting articles, essays and interviews here, the mail focus is on dozens and dozens of 19views, listing magames,

books, 19COOings, videos and even television shows from the past year or so. As such, I is quie a vollffle and wel worth the tiny price, I only for Debbie Goad's examination of the Riot Grrrls: "Rrrealy Bonring." You can imagine what effort ii took for Debbie to intentionally misspell something, and ignore what looked like a typol

•FLASHBACK, available for $6.00 from Box 676, 114-79 Stockholm, Sweden. laue #3: If I could 19ad Swedish, then I could

) ··,,,,,.,,..

I )

\ l

Perfect for Ritual Cha111bers and Altars! . Photographed spec1f1cally for the Satanic community. NOT Just horror nudes! Finully, nude photo<sfuphy of women who embmce the curnul us theif cufeef. shot undef the difection of u Church of Soton Mo ister und priest, these hi<sh- quulity photos of prnfessionul udult mu<suzine models Ufe diubolicully inspifed by or. Lo Vey ond the Church of Soton.


Two sutumc women Blood Lust - And Mofe!!

A set of 5 colof Of bluck & white, 8x10 <slossy pfints only $29.99 euch set Of 10 pfints (B&w Of colof) fof only $49.99 euch set(plus $2.00 s&H). Muiled in u pluin brnwn envelope to ensufe pfivucy.

Lo.r er prints o.nd custom photo ro.phy o.lso o.vo.ilo.ble. Tell us who.t you J wont photo rophed ond we con occommodote you. coll for info! I send youf check Of money Ofdef mude puyuble to Robert Johnson und send to gotherotico, 2.30 ost 44th street, suite 14B, New York, NY 10017 (soffy no phone ofdefs) but you cun contuct us ut (2.12.) 72.6 1848. PLEASE spECifY IN WRITINg THATYOU ARE OVER r8 YEARS Of A',E!

read what look like lengthy articles on Devo, Charles Manson and Anton L.<lVey, among lots of other material. As It Is, I can only erioy the many photos and jazzy layout in this slick, shiny magazine. The full page photo of Dr. LaVey is suitable for framing.

•ESOTERRA, The Journal of Extreme Culture, available for $6.25 from Chad Hensley, 630 S. Carollon Ave., #110, New Orleans, LA 70118.

    Issue #5: The Super Sized Satanic MUlic Special! lrtelViews with Marilyn Manson, Blood Axis, Whitehouse and The Electric Hellfire Club, all accompanied by many photos. Thel8S a sermon by Robert DeGrimston, "After the Deluge,• and an exploration of the chaos concept by Stephen Sennltt. Charles Nemo cortrl>ites an article on the Satanic Crines myth, and leBah Wendell offers "Love Among the Tombs." Also among the contributors 818 Karen K. Taylor, Robert Ward, Wihrn G. Pugmire,

Genesis P-Orridge and Frater Koth, who takes a look at the wOl1c of H.P. Lovecraft. The edtor is a poet and includes a section of poetry along with the articles and essays. The magazine is attractive with a slick cover. A contender to fill the gap left by Wards The FHth Path. Recommended.

-METAL FEST MAGAZINE, available for $4.00 from Michael Hurrt Publishing, 360-23 W. Bloomingdale, IL60108.

   Issue #1: The focus is on metal	· , obviously, with that Satanic twist we al live for. Included in this issue is anessay by George Eric Hawthome, "Deblllking the Great Lie," which wll appear as an afterword in a new edition of Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard.

•DELIRIUM, available for $5.00 from Sophie Diamartis, n9Riverside Dr.#A-11, New York, NY 10032.

    Issue #3: The slick cover is a disconcerting solid green, but sports a rather attractive woodcut­ style drawing of Vlad Tepes Dracula, known among Satanists as Vlad the Just. This is a magazine about vampires and related cuKural artifacts. Unlike many other vampire mags, it is not scruffy, but beautifully laid out and very professional-looking. Its also well worth the tiny price, chock-full of information and reviews. Among the subjects discussed are Type 0 Negative, Marilyn Manson and the Vampyr Theatre. Michael Moynihan contributes a review.

•WICKED MYSTIC, available for $5.95 US, $7.95 foreign, from Andre Sheluchin, 532 LaGuardia Place, #371, New York, NY 10012.

    Issue #25: Takes a look at over 300 websites worth visiting for the horror freak, and includes ten horror stories and even more poetry and artwork. Slick two-color cover by R.H. Phister.

•THE ENEMY, available for $4.00 from P.O. Box 5661, Richmond, VA 23221. Make check/M.O. payable to Mike LLian,

   luue #1: Social Darwinist essays and poems wor1ced no irteresting photo-collages, wih some Mber stamping and hand-coloring; digest-sized. This issue concludes with the statement that "Every woman adores a Fascist."
   Issue #2: Now on full-sized, unbound 'parchmert" sheets, each page carries a separate essay by Jom Baltema, in a differert attractive fort.

There are uoseveral ilustrations by Mike Lt.ian, The Ensmyrow defines itself as "the wice of the Eleventh Hour Angel of Tragedy, the Angel of Destiny with adown-tumed Sword. She makes War for Loves sake."

•CONCUSSION, available for $7.00 from 115 Timbercove Dr., Cam II, CA 95008.

    Issue #2: A metal 'zine with nice production values and lots to read and see. Interviewed in this issue are The Electric Hellfire Club, David Vincent of Morbid Angel, Bathory, Deicide, and lots more, plus reviews and ads.

-OPEN FORUM, available for $10.00 cash from Lianos, P.O. Box 8343, Athens (Omonia), GR-10010, Greece.

    Issue #9: A compact little digest discussing sexual issues and governmeml edicts control6ng sexual freedom; includes erotica and personal ads. Tastefully done; you could read this on the subway. They stand for "freedom for all sexual/sensual interactions between consenting individuals without any interference from the theofascist zealots & government automatons..."

-STRANGE FIRE, available for $3.00 from P.O. Box 1219, Allston, MA 02134.

    Issue #3: A tracitional small press <lgest, wih thougttful essays on witchcraft, gnosticism and "Pandemonaeon:• Also includes several strange stories, poems and some artwork by "E. Zam' of Massachusetts.Reviews of afew occult books.

•DESCENT, available for $6.00 worktNide from P.O. Box 95931, Seattle, WA 98145.

   Winter/Spring 1995: A we igned music mag with a devlish/golh flawr; the usual irnrviews with bands like Satyrlcon, Mystifier, Typhon, Unpure, etc., plus articles, reviews and a section of artwork by Tania Steine.

•THE PROJECT from A-ALBIONIC RESEARCH, available for $5.00 from P.O. Box 20273, Ferndale, Ml 48220; fax (313) 885-1181; e-mail info@a­

    l'U admit most of this goes way over my head, bit if worldwide conspiracies and imminert collapse are your thing, these are the people to contact.


•DARK'S ART PARLOUR, 5249 Lankersheirn Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601, (818) 752-6080.

    A "Darkside" art gallery with regularly featured group exhbftions, plus a mail order catalog of prints, posters, books, sculpture and tee shirts. They included the art of Timothy Patrick Butler and Steve Johnson Leyba in a February 1997 exhibition.

•THE MAGIC SHOP, 1501 Pike Place, #427, Seattle, WA 98101; A source for the stage magician, or the part­ time dabbler who likes to impress his friends with flash paper during group rituals. Yes, they do mail order. Classic books tool

-MICHAEL HUNT PUBLICATIONS, 360-23 W. Schick Rd., Bloomingdale, IL60108.

    In additiOn to their upcoming new edition of Might Is Right, this publisher puts out a plethora of other products, including the "forbidden" comics of Mike Diana, "Cards of Carnage,• Strsngs Ssx Storiss from h:e Backwards, and much more. They regularly sponsor Metalest.

-OARK DELICACIES, 3725 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA 91505; (818) 556-6660.

    Besides being atotally cool and complete store for the horror Bficionsdo, these people put wa little newsletter updating their customers on their evem, which include reguar book signings by authors like

Wiltiam Peter Blally, S.P. Somtow and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. They also produce an annual Horror Writers and Vampire Calendar ($18.96 includes postage). If you live wlhin 100 miles of Burbank, you should pey them a visit. They also retail wonderful life masks of the Hollywood greats, Including Karloff and Lugosi. •KINO VIDEO, 333 w. 39 St., Sule 503, New York, NY 10018; (800) 562-3330, fax (212) 714-1871.

    If you can't find ft anywhere else, ask Kino. Their last promotion was "Treasures From the Weimar Rept.blic." They produce and sell excellent releases of silert films.

•ATOMIC BOOKS, 229 West Read Street, Balimore, MD 21201 USA, Phone: 410-728-5490, Fax: 410-669-4179, BBS: 410-889-3543 Here's an exemplary source for prirted material biling itself as "Literary finds for mutated minds." •MEGACOOPERATION, Versand c/o H. SchOren, l.indenweg 3, 59192 Bargkamen, Germany. Phone: 01721236 22 03, Fax: 02307/29 96 99.

    This looks tobe the continent's finest import specialit for El9ish and American books with new age, occult, and esoteric subjects. Also carries 8SS811ial oils, candles, au<lo-hypnosis programs,

medallions and nu:h morel Get their catalog for 5 OM, 10 OM otaide of Europe.

•ABYSS DISTRIBUTION, 48 Chesler Road, Chesler, MA 01011-9735. Phone: 413-623-2155, Fax: 413-623-2156. E-mai: Abyss

   Still the best SOll'C8 for occul and new age iterature, music, and paraphernalia. They include the left-Hand Path, so give them your business!

-MUSEUM REPLICAS, 2143 Gees MiU Road, Box 840, Conyers, GA 30207, Phone: 1-800-883-8838.

    Still the best source for medieval and fantasy weapons, made for battle and at reasonable prices. Send $2.00 for a catalog (write for delails oiaide of U.SA.).

-ST. MICHAEL'S EMPORIUM, Gothic Renal• sance Attire for the New Dark Age, Catalog #6, ($4.00). 156 East 2nd Street, Suite 1, New York, NY 10009. Phone: 212-995-8359, E-mail:

    Fanlasy leather armor and masks, jewelry, swords and cloaks-they've got quite an array of merchandise to delight and excite.

•NECRONOMICON PRESS, Catalog 1996 ($1.00), P.O. Box 1304, West Warwick, RI 02893. Phone: 401-828-7161. Fax: 401-826-1151.

    Here is THE source for Lovecraftiana, from obscure works by the Old Gent to rare editions of his fiction and works by others inhis circle, as well as

scholarly studies of this literature. If you are fascinated by such, you must order their catalog!

•THE DEVIL'S BOOKSHELF, P.O. Box 666, Daylona Beach, FL 32115-0666 ($5.00 for a catalog).Phone: 904-255-4346. Here is a fine source for rare and out-of-prirt Satanic, OCCIM, horror, true crime, and erotica titles. They also sell human skuls and skeletons! A wealth of material for discerning bbliophiles.

•NIGHT OF PAN BOOKS, 347 Lisbon Ave., Bllfalo, NY 14215 ($1.00 for catalog). Phone: 716-833-5336. Another fine source of rare, ow-of-print occul,

•ANTI-, P.O. Box 1765, Burbank, CA 91507. Phone: 800-599-ANTI, Fax: 213-644-70n.

   Catalog nuimer two featll'98 varied roosic(Punk, Garage, Sulf, Rockablly, Psychedelia, etc.) as wen as posters, T-shirts, and &ghters (some with Images by Coop). Great devil on the covert

-RANSOM NOTE GRAPHICS, P.O. Box 13314, Oakland, CA 95661. Phone: 510.530-7996.

    A so..-ce of tiuy iconoclastic T-shirts (from exploitation TV & film to serial kllers and freaks). Also includes acatalog of Blackest Heart Videoe.

•ADVENTURES UNLIMITED, Wlntar/Sprlng 1997 Catalog ($4.00), One Adventtn Place, P.O. Box 74, Ke on,1160946.

   Lists books and videos on fringe beliefs, UFO's, conspiracies, Nazis, and mysteries of aD sorts. Also Includes an ad for their World Explorers Club which has a guide for oousual and exotic trips.

.. NFERNACULA, Dlabollctl Arta I Craft Worb, P.O. Box 792 666, San Antonio, TX 78279-2666. Fax: 210-348-8666.

    This Is Issue V of acatalogl'zlne which includes an intelView wlh Magiater Vincent Crowley (with qtite an lllustralionl) as well as fiction and poetry.

The mail fealtn18 the merchanclse offered by lnfBfTIBCUltl. Uniquely designed items include posters, banners, attar cloths, medalions, cande holders, statues and more. We have one of the 10 ilch He Goat Demon statues and he Is a powe,tu Satanic figtn. His goat head soonourU a lllUSCWlr torso. He has goat-Ike legs and taB, as well as a sizeable tunan endowment and stands proudly on a trapezoidal base. The catalog is filed with sexual imagery (women cavorting with creatul8S simUar to this figin), so an age of consent form is needed to receive thi8 l)li>lcalion. $3.50 ($4.50 olAside the U.S.) wll get you a copy. -SIGIL OF BAPHOMET MEDALLIONS, AZAZEL, P.O. Box 53, Allen Park, Ml 48101--0053.

   From the folks who bring you 0/Bbolica, you can now purchase these fine pewter medallions. The slgil is one Inch In diameter and is finely detailed and raised from a roughly-textured background. A 24 inch chain Is Included for the price of $15.00, post-paid (add $3.00 for shipment outside the U.S. Checks and money orders should be made ow to Azazel). These 1118 well-wrougrt sigils that should stand up to

frequent use, and they're just the proper size to make atastefuly ciscreet statement abOIA your affiliation when you're out and about. GUEST PRINT REVIEWS

-i WAS A 1950'1PIN-UP MODEL from the collection of Mark Rotenberg. $14.45 ppd, Shake Books, 449 12th St.., Brooklyn, NY 11215, (718) 499-6941 ISBN: 0.9626833-7-X Georgs SprsgUB, fBViBwer.

    If a pictin Is worth a thousand words, then this book is worth two hundred thousand and then some! This is apictorial guide into the world of pill-up photography of the 1950's. In her introduction, assis­ tant ecitor Lal.l'a Mirsky beckons us to remember the day we found Dad's S8Cl8l shoebox filed with black­ and-white pictul8S of beautiful girls, all in various stages of undress. Miss Mirsky takes us on a brief exetnion of the social climate of the day, the photographers, some famous name models and ittle bits and pieces that paint the pk:ltn of those saucy

times. "The 1940's and '50'a were a time when sax was NAUGHTY, when there was somethi1g left to the imagination." Hear, heart She bemoans the pasa­ ing of this style of photography (don' we all?) and concludes her introduction wlh an imlitation to •Join us and 18Cf881e those innocent day&-When sex was naiqrty but thrillng, when the girl next-door stl looked like one, when the forbidden world beckoned softly yet ilT8Sistl>ly." What m018 can be said?

    These tantalizing pictul8S 1118, of course, in black-and-white. They 1118 arranged by style in chapters spoiling such tasty tiles as "Skirts Ahoy!", "Th9'S and Whipsters,• "Venus in Furs,• "G-I-R-0- W-L" and of course "Celebriy Cutles." All 18d­ blooded wolves and st.devla should add this one to their collection!

-DARK NATURE: A Natural History of Evll, by Lyall Watson (Harpercollins, New Yorlc, NY 1995; 318 plus xvi pages, ISBN 0-06-01768&-1,$25.00, hardcover) Kt1vin ShlJlton, mvit1wtlf.

    Biologiat and nattl'aist Lyal Watson's Ofllk Nsltnbegins promsingly. Watson provides empirically sound support for the proposlion that so­ caled "good' and "evir 818 not simple clchotornies , blA instead 818 inextricably linked to each other wittlJl nature. "Good" and "evil,. to the extent they exist al all, 818 interdependent by-products of physical, not metaphysical, forces.
    Regrettably, howewr, Watson falters when he strays from his field of expertise into the murlder waters of human behavior. His forays into moral philosophy terminate in what can only be descri>ed

as acolossal failure d necve. Instead d asustained att to apply the insights of Dalwilism and sociobiology to the specific pecuiariiea of the human species, Watson grarU us a dispensation. For Watson, human morally alone somehowtransoends the iron dictates of Dalwinism. Watson quotes wlh approval the character of the missionaly (!) n the film ThtJ Alrlcsn Oullflf'f. " what we 818 in this world to rise Bl:xNe." Hmm, tel me: where do I seem to have hea,d thstbefore?

    It gets even worse. Wherea9 Robert Wrigt's recent work on evollAionaly psychology, ThtJ Moral AnimBI, absurdly invokes Mil's long-dead phlosophy of Utilitarianism as a bulwark against the inner beast,

Watson keeps Fenris at bay by retreating Into the tepid waters of Aristotle's "golden mean": "Aristotelian ethics is the ethics of 1ust enough.' ...If 'good' can be defined as that which encol.l'ageS the integrty of the whole, then 'evil' becomes anytting which diaturbs or dis such completeness. [It is) [aJnylhing uniuy or over the top. Anything, in short, that is bad for the ecology It [natural law) looks a lot less like 'survival of the fittest' and far more lb 1he fitting of as many as possible to survive'." Yes­ the sound you just heard was that of de Sade, Nietzsche, and Redbeanl turning over in their graves. Oddly enough, none of these gentlemen's names appears in Watson's bibliography or index, which leads one ulinately to wonder about the survival value of selective perception.

-SECRETS OF MAKING AND BREAKING CODES, by Hamilton Nickels (Citidel Press, New Yorlc, NY, 1994; 136 pages, ISBN ().8065-1563-5, $6.95, paperback). Andre Schltlsingw, revitJWBr.

    Let's say you and I 818 trapped behind enemy lines and we need some concealed method to get information back and forth between each other. One method descri>ed by author Hamilon Nickels would be to choose abook that weboth have in our

possession. For the 9ak8 of this 9C8fllrio, let's use the one book that all Citizena of the Infernal En.-,e should have on the shel(thal's ). In this sinple method we'I use sets of rurbenl, the fir9t one to indicate the page rumer of where the word is to be found and the second rumer to to indicale the actual word as it appears in the WOid coll'lt of the selected page. Thus; 119/2, 205/2, 123/4, 225117, 135/4, would be decoded as "ritual-nine-o'clock· brino-robes." Another encoded menage miglt be sent as; 44/1, 204179, 10CW, 60/38, 98131, 43/21, 100'93, and would be decoded as... You can '9119 this one out you,981.

   Priced and packaged as a practical field manual, Nickels pr888llts an array of code systems ranging from simple book codes (as I Just demonstrated) to more advanced systems uaing compwer programs and "code machine9." Nlcket9 doesn't Just gloss over terms or dazzle you with impractical examples. Each code system discusaed is presented In layman's terms and worked out machanlcally, with the help of easy to ooderstand digram& and tables, to enstn obtainable resuls. And

as the title implies, systems for bfeaklng code9 n also CXM1red with the same stepby step sinplcity. So if you have a1981 need for this type of skill or you just want to have some flJ'I then thi9 book is for youl

•THE PURSUIT OF PLEASURE, by Lionel Tiger, (Little, Brown and Coq,any, Boeton, 1992; 330 pages, ISBN 0-316-84543-4, $22.95, hard cover). .Anal§ Schltlsln(l(H', n,vitJWBr.

    Did you ever wonder why sugar is sweet or why sex Is auch a big deal, or more precisely, why we 1118 drawn to characteristlc8 of certain persons, places, and ttings? Proposed here 818 sclentilic answers to why •everyone wants to feel more important than someone else." It's pleasin of

course; the "what" in "what's in It for who1' and the root of all i'Qllgences. It aeems that it's not for nothing that we should be in such serious pinlild what make9 us feel good, as the pleasure is not and end in lself blA has Is rawalds, and Is need18 therefore atamped on to 01M' genetic codes. Also covered are such issues as political and religious attempts toregulate and control pleasin and what we may have to look forward to in the twure (more pleasure pills?). Although it was probably not Dr. Tiger's Intention, studies like this one help to substantiate the work of Dr. LaVey and add credbility to Satanism as a religion.

•REMEMBERING SATAN, by lawr8nce Wriglt (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1994, 205 pages, ISBN 0-67!M3155-1, hardcover). PhBntom, nwiewtJr.

    I should have heeded Magister Gilmore's advice in TBFVol. 5, #1 & 2 and stayed away from the "poisoned writings" of this author. InMr. Wl91l's latest attempt to make money by the use of the word "Satan,• he tries to write a 90's version of Mlchllllt1 RBfTIBt'Tlbtlrsby chronicling the plight of the ii-fated lngrMI family. According to Wriglt, Mr. and Mrs.

Ingram were pillars intheir small conwnunly, heavily iM>lved in their local sheriff's department and church activliea. One day, the Ingram's two dauglters suddenly "recalled" that at avery young age they were fon:ed to take part in "Satanic" blood Ofgies where they were sexually torttnd, branded, fon:ed to winess the slauglter of armials and babies, etc., ad 11Buswm. Wright early on tries to entice the 19ader by proclaiming that this could be the fir9t "true" case which can expose the horrors of the "underglOIJ'ld ne4work" of Satanists. He spends the majority of the book detailing the daaqters' •revelatlona" of physical

and sexual abuse at the hands of a"satanic cut" wlichconsisted of their pa19,u and two other prolllll8nt figul8S in their town. SIIJ)risingly, the zormie-like father confessed to the police about the 'satanic sex rituals" while the two other accused adamantly proclaimed their innocence (no charges W8l8 ever brought against Mrs. Ingram). At. every opportooity Wright feeds the Geraldo-style hysteria by alluding to such nonsense as Satanists who carry around portable crematoria to destroy the evidence of slaughtered infants. However, as I prepared to discard this book in disgust, Wright revealed something both profound and shocking: the tnAh. As the book draws to a close, Wright somewhat reluctantly describes how an independent psychiatrist discovered Mr. Ingram's extreme suggestbility and fragile mental state, which had resijted in his confession. Before the psychiatrist was caled in, Mr. Ingram had simply agreed with every allegation his daughters came up with, despite the glaring inconsistenceies in thei' stories. This doctor tested Mr. Ingram's mental capacily by tellng him a made-up account of sexual abuse that he claimed the daughlers had described. Given afew hotn to himsel, Mr. l'98ffl proceeded to write out a detailed confession and even elaborated on the purely fictional tale! Wright, albeit reluctantly, then explains how the charges against the other two defendants are dropped because of the inconsistencies and complete lack of evidence relating to "Satanic Ritual Abuse.• Mr. Ingram, in an obviously disoriented state of mind, plead guilty to a lesser charge of sexual abuse, but currently denies any wrongdoing ever occurred, arguing that his faulty memories were a result of suggestion only.

    Despite the Satan-bashing, there are some fun moments. For instance, there is the comedic account c1 when the defense attomeys tried to get the daughters to submit to a thorough physical exam in order to test their repeated allegations of being ritually branded, scarred, and w-open by Salanists. However, when It came lime for the daughters to be examined, they screamed crazily and refused to disrobe. &bsequently, they were examined, and to no Salanist's surprise, absolutely noscars, ws, or brancings were found! If only daytime tak shows were so thorough!

Atthough Mr. Wright appears cfisappointed that her has not yet found baby-torturing Satanists, he does at least lend some support to the argument that the phenomena of "False Memory Syndrome" must be scrutinized and that authorties should not blindly believe "recaHed memories" as they didin the Ingram case. As Wright puts it: "At no time did the detectives ever consider the possbility that the source of the memories was the investigation itself-there was no other reality. In the end, all that was salvageable was Ingram's experimental attempt to find memories in his mind by confessing to them" (p.195). If nothing else, this book is an amusing story of talk-show­ dysfunctionalty at ls finest, with Satan being absolved of al wrongdoing.

•THE AMERICAN HERETIC'S DICTIONARY, by Chaz Bufe, (See Sharp Press, P.O. Box 1731, Tucson, AZ. 85702, 1992; 85 pages, $7.95). Joel Bjorfing, rewswtN.

   Attention: heretics, scoffers, cynics, social critics, and ulopian dreamers-Ths AITIBricsn Htntlc's DiclionBtyis sacred writ of brash non­ coriormity. tt is entertaining, humorous, crass, and at times crude. From A-Z, i tackles (or should I say 'bushwacks") definitions conceming religion, politics, sexuality, business, racism, and national pride.

For example, "Americanism': is defined as "the

abilly to sinuaneously kiss ass, follow y0II' boss' Olders, swalow a pay cut, piss in a bottle, cower in fear of job loss, and brag aboul )'Otl' freedom." 'Maniage" is •a tender1y romantic. socially important ceremony conducted lllder state and church auspices in which two irdviduals receive a license to have sex."

    "God" is •an unsavory character found in many popuar works of fiction, both ancient and modem,• and •an explanation which means 'I have no

explanation.' •

    ThB Amtlficsn HINBtlc's Dlcl/onBfYwas inspired by Armrose Bierce's Ths Dwlfs Dlclionsry. At times, its frankness makes the reader wince. It challenges the gray matter, but ii relentlessly bucks traditional morals and mores. It holds nothing sacred.

Waming: this book is not for the thin-skinned.

MUSIC REVIEWS by Pt1ttlf H. Gl/mon,

-SATAN TAKES A HOLIDAY, Anton Szandor LaVey, CD, Amarllo Records, P.O. Box 24433, San Francisco, CA 94124.

   The recording you've all been waling for is here! Anton LaVey, who has given private concerts to fortunate incividuals, has here pl9S8fVed on else a taste of what everyone else has been missing. This coleclion of evocative songs will transport you into realms of mystery and romance. Co-conspirators Blanche Barton and Nick Bougas lend their vocal finesse in crystallizing the varied moods-m>m the passion of "Chloe" to the gleeful "Satan Takes A Hoilday" Qn both orchestral .and vocal arrangements!), the pathos of "Helo, Central, Give Me No Man's Land" to the exoticism of "The Whirling Dervish,• you'll find musical magic to enflame your vital humors. Don't miss the jaunty "Yankee Rose" as well as the gothic dirge from Satsnls, composed by Anton LaVey. You can't live without this CD!

-DEATH'S GLADSOME WEDDING, Hymns and Marchea from Transylvania's Notorious Legionari Movement, CD, Hierarchy H3303 CD, World Serpent Distribtiion, Unit Ti7 Seager Buikings, Brookmill Road, London SE8 4HL. UK.

    Boyd Rice presents vintage recordings which JnS8M1 tunes meant to stir the blood-end that they surely do. These marches and hymns are well on:hestrated and sung with gusto-great theme music for your personal vicloriesl

•THE GOSPEL OF INHUMANITY, Blood Axis, CD, Storm Records, P.O. Box 3527, Portland, Or, 97208 (also available from Cthulhu Records in Europe).

    Michael Moynihan, with Robert Ferbrache, has here created an audio experience that evokes the Dark tides of historlcal necessity. Touch points of Western culture (musical: Bach, Prokofiev; literary:

Nietzsche, Pound) are kemals of inspiration from whichthese visions are wrought. Here you will find an operatic, apocalyptic series of soundscapes, linking contemporary musical sensibillies ("Eternal Soul" in particular) wlh the greater currents of Westem tradlion. The packaging is also quite elegant, with many relevant images to further simulate. Power and poetry are her&-get ill "ISS THE GOAT, The Electric Hellfire Club, CD, Cleopatra Records, 8726 S. Sepulwda Blvd., &'le. D- 82, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

    An i"1)1'8SSive follow-up al>um to the debul Bum Baby, Bum/The sound is darker, "heavier," more like Ive performances. Thom & Co. have explored avery broad range of Satanic topics here,

from ritually 8IIOcalive pieces to socially milln anthems, transcending tndllonal imagery to get to the truh of Satanism-quie a scope for one album! The lyrics to "Slaughler of Elysium" are pa,ticulalty inspiring, a great tum aboul to Goethe's AndiB Freudtl, and the strong setting fulfils these lyrics. The signature ever-present techno-dnm beats l9V8al themselves to be nothing less than the pulse of monstrous machines of annihlatio the mask is off and the Xtian scum can't find a place to hide. A very powerful working is contained on this CD, and you will want this for your colection.

•CALLING DR. LUY, The Electric Hellfire Club, Cleopatra Records, 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. D- 82, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

  Their new powerhouse release comes after the death of Shane Lassen (the Rev. Dr. Luv) co-founder of the band, and serves as a trbute to their fallen noble comrade. The music of KISS was a formative influence, hence the cover of the eponymous song. Here you wll still find their driving techno-beats, sassy	and celebration of Satanic existence-proper as a fl.rlerary trilnn for Satanists

whine abou afterlives, bd cherish the achievements of the departed. Shane flY88 here in the he8lts and minds of his brothers, and it is a listening experience you won't want to miss. -CULT OF THE HOLY WAR, RAHOWA, CD, Resistance Records, P.O. Box 24700, Detroit, Ml 48224.

   This album came as a delightful surprile. Having been impressed with the publishing skills demonstrated by Mr. Hawthome's R11slsta11CB magazine, I can say that there are ample musical talents displayed here as well. Unlike much "racialist" music, these songs acknowledge and draw inspiration from the wealthy legacy of European classical music, blended wfth con1emporary idioms.

The lyrics are poignant, evoking a twilight sensibilfty that sees deepening darlcness before the new dawn--wlhin which these waniors will remain steadfast until the battle is over. There is plenty of sentiment that is truy Satanic, particulariy "Might Is Right" and "God Is Dead,• clearly inspnd by the man:h from Kilar's score for Bram Stokers Dracula. From lyricism to metal savagery, sel-glorificalion and pride are thematic, and vigilance is championed. Whether you are a racialist or not, you wll find much fine music here, and I look fOIW&ld to future projects by this band.

-c>CTOBER RUST, Type O Negative, CD, Road­ runner Records, 536 Broadway, New YOik, NY10012. Pagan eroticism is the main theme here, as Mr. Steele's deep, resonant voice is supported by the slick strains of his talented cohorts. Occasional dissonant outbursts mark climaxes to the general air of sensuality. This al>um is an oasis for ladies seeking a masculine musical presence in the generally androgyne desert of contemporary rock music (the testosterone-overdosedmetal genre excepted). The accompanying booklet is set in a spiffy runic font designed by Mr. Steele. Pn,i,am au tracks 1, 2 & 15 (a r,IOke• and spoken Intro & outro), as they are just distractions. -t HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO LOVE YOU, David E. Williams, Cthulhu Records, c/o W. Stasch, Postfach 200465, 47424 Moers, Germany.

    Mr. Wiliams continues to intrigue wlhhis exquisitely crafted surreal lyrics,	voice in pithy, Uleful songs. The textul8S here are miriature tone poems; driving, cajoling, stiffing and hypnotic. He

wastes no time, plooging Into agiven mood and bringing it to full bloom, then swiftly finishing to mow on to another song. The packaging is elegant with beautiful stailed glass images by Jucilh Schaechter as wen as a portrait photo of the trolbador. Williams' art continues to explore the human condition-a journey both harrowing and enlightening, and you are fortunate to be lnvied along. May there be many more such excursions. •FIRE OF ICE, Changes, CD, Storm, P.O. Box 3527, Portland, OR 97208-3527•

   Folk music to follow the apocalypse--tt1 tracks were recorded in the late 60s and recently remastered, resurrecting the spirit of the original Process Church of the Final Judgement. R.N. Taylor's lyrics are pithy and poetic and perfectly set by the melodious strains of Nicholas Tesluk's guitar. This package is beautifully designed and filed with relevent notes by Taylor. Truly a gate irto the past.
    Don, miss the lmited edition single featuring the title track from the CD as well as the ulll'8leased "Icarus"-on gold vinyl. Hear the audo archetypes of which the "flower power" ditties were mere shadows.

•FREEDOM THROUGH ABILITY, Republic, -r, Storm, P.O. Box 3527, Poltland OR 97208-3527. More vintage music from Storm. Harold Arthur McNeill crafted these two visionary calls to strength and order in 1982 In Seattle, and they certainly proved to be ahead of their time. (On white vinyl) -SONGS OF THE CELTIC NIGHT, Trio Nocturne, CD, Trio Nocturna Music, P.O. Box 52580, Atlanta, GA 30355. noctuma

    Here's a truly musical ensemble which performs traditional cellic music, as well as original compositions, that evoke pre-Christian Europe. The ensermle includes cellic harp, violn, keyboards, u!lian pipes, and the crystal vocals of Angela Howel. Haurting as silver moonlight ensorcelling the moors.

•VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS, No Festival of Light, Cassette, Slaugtcer Productions, c/o M. Corbelli, Via Tartini, 8-41049, Sassuolo (MO) Italy.

    Fredrik BergstrOm's latest release falls irto the category of electronic sooodscape-very brooding and mysterious. These pieces generally would do

well as evocative background for infernal mediation, though some of the timbres are assaultive.

-UNHOLINESS RISING, lnsatanity, Cassette, Mark Rhochar, 1104 Morris Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148. 215-467-1657.

    Black Metal, straight-up. Heavy and fast with Satanic lyrics i,owled basso profundo. Satanic allegiance is clear, technical skils are solid-now it is time to stretch those leathern wings and fly into unexplored territories-I'm certain they're up for it.

•RER.ECTIONS OF A TROUBLED TIIIE, Whisper To A Scream, Cassette, BlackMosaic Ert., 101 Bog Rd., Rockland, ME 04841.E-Mail:

    SA. Blacart's angry andpassionate lyrics are propeled byY<el wrought rock music composed by he MdE. Ecker. They deftly use the idiom to hold upa mirror which reflects images that might dislll'b some.

•VAMPIRA, CD, Cassette, Dustin Hardman Ertertain­ ment, P.O. Box 1510n, Tanpa, FL33684-10n.

    Vampire-themedBlack Metal demo, fast and furious with some gothic sound effects. Definitely not prissy, Anne Rice-type vampirism!

•BLOOD OF KINGU, Maatema, Cassette, Mo1us Musik, Daniel Helelheos, 37-891h Street, #1N, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 ($5, $6 overseas).

    Miny metal with ultra-deep voices growling forth lyrics that abjtn Christianity and pay homage to Sumerian demons. There are some evocative infernal soundscapes, irterspersed, which point the way for future development.

•WARCOM PRESENTS BLOOD CEMENT, Blood Cement, Cassette, Warcom Me<faa, P.O. Box 1175, San Jose, CA 95108.

    Agresslve tone sculptures that pulse with malignant intent. Some grant respite (even the bun of a human voiceHslands of mere tension in a universe at total war.

-SENNACHERIB, Warcom, Cassette, Warcom Media, P.O. Box 1175, San Jose, CA 95108.

    Sennacherib I is created from the sound of Aryton Senna's final crash in the Formula 1 Grand Prix on 1 May, 1994. SsnnschBtfb //includes addiional sounds from this fatal race. Both are fine

examples of akind of musique conmte, and show a mastery of technique and aesthetic judgemert.

-COSMIC WAR, Youth of Steel, Casette, Helllrax, P.O. Box 40717, Cincinnati, OH 45240 ($6.00 ppd).

    lrteresting ideas but crudely recorded. Boyd Rice speaking with Bob Larson is used as the starting poirt for some dark background sounds In the first cut. There follows a series of soimscapes that are ominous and apocalyptic, as well as simpler vocals plus accompaniment. Experience and access to better recording equipment should culivate the

potential exhibited here. •FUNERARY CALL, Harlow MacFartane, Cassette, O.G.D. Productions, P.O. Box 8458, Victoria, BC, vaw ss1, Canada

    We recelvecfan intelesliig cassette of ¥<el orchestrated tone painting&-the advanced tracks meant for a -r that was irtended for release by the Swiss la:>el Infernal Holocaust Productions. You migtc cortact O.G.D. to see what they are upto,as th8l8 is talent inMacFarlane's music and probably a refined

taste inwhat his company is cunertly producing.

•SECOND CUMMING, Unholy Erection, Cassette, U.E.H.Q., P.O. Box 896, Johnstown, PA 15907.

    Quirky, crude, sex-obsessed tunes that often come off as rap music parody. Perfect for an X-rated Dr. Demento show. They have a free newsletter, BHfcsks, which has ordering irtormation.

•MONSTROUS MOVIE MUSIC & MORE MONSTROUS MOVIE MUSIC, CD, various composers, Masatoshi Mitsumoto conducting the RSO of Cracow, MMM, Dept. 1, P.O. Box 7088, Burbank, CA 91510-7088. These two CD's are truly exciting releases in the genre of horror/science fiction sounclrack preservation. Each album presents thorough suies of music from classic fHms, newly recorded. The first album covers Thsml, It CsfTIB From BBneath Ths Sss, It Cams From Outsr Spscs, and Ths Mols Psop/8. Mun two includes Ths 8Bast From 20,000 Fathoms, TBflllltu/a, Gorgo, and ThB Monolith Monsters. Each is accompanied by abooklet with extensive program notes, examples of the scores, and reproductions of film posters. In sholt, these are two of the best sooodlrack anthology recoldings l'w ever heald. There's a great deal of truly exciting music here (time travel back to the 50's anyone?).

•ELATION-ELEGANCE-EXALTATION, 1c1ee Des Nordena, Gymnastic Recolds, Dianastrasse 1, 80538 M0nchen.

    A fascinating colection of songs, incessantly shlting moods and styles with the innocent I

of achild following what is of Interest at the moment. There is acold and shimmering quality, but there are dark depths beneath the frozen surface. Motoric rhyttrns often begininpop-lill& ir.oocence only to develop a sinister quuty as the kaleidoscopic textures shift and reveal new perspectives. The sounds here are more sculptural than composed-a unique and seductive synthesis.

.PLECID, Plecld, CD, Ajnatryler Davis, P.O. Box 11741,Olympia, WA 98502.

    Apparently derived from the mystical Plecid Fou1dalion, this album feahns 7 Gothic pieces, active rhythmicaly and softly-contoured meloclcally to produce that hypnotic state that Invites waking dreams. It is a confident debut album that shows pronise for deeper fulin explorations. The album

1981 is starkly designed, metallic JUP1e onblack with no Hner notes, simply the titled printed onthe booklet-nothing more, the song titles are listed on the CD itself. -SAINTS & SORCERERS, vartoua artists, CD, St. Thomas Records, P.O. Box 7427, Orange, CA 92613. This is acompilation album featuring Michael St. Thomas' choices of the best neo-Golhic bands and their diverse approaches to fulfillng the evocation of the Dark Side. Stand outs: Ntw York Room's evocative "Minion Of The Gypsies,• Morphine Angel's catchy "Breakfast With Cthulhu" (who could resist that title?), and Cruclorm's cunuatively effective "Dies lrae." If neo-Gothic music is of irterest, or if you just wart a survey of the genre, then this album will be what you seek.

-DISILLUSIONED, Praise Of Folly, CD, St. Thomas Recolds, P.O. Box 7427, Orange, CA 92613.

    Well produced •gothic" tunes, which haw dark• toned vocals owr fairly uimeat (mostly) music-­ would probably be played in Fon,vsr Knights club, The Raven, to comfolt the mortals.

•FILOSOFEM, Burzum, CD, Feral House Audio, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208.

    Feral House's first official release onils brand new audio label is meant to captalize on the rdoriety of Kristian "Varg-Count Grishnaddi'Vllcemes, YA1o l8COrded ttis pior to his lncaroerali>n for lclinganother "Black Metal" performer as ¥<el as blming ctuches. Musically ii is typical of lhis genre: murky, "heavy,• wfth little variation between trades. It seems that murder and vandalism have finaly gee181818d the desired atlertion for Vbmes (I should sell like hotcakes). His rrusic on this album certainly doesn, command ii.

•FROM THE HEART OF DARKNESS, Evil God Revival, CD, Black Vatican Productions, Rofocale Records, 1800 S. 8th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148.

    Jerry Blase and crew are back with solid, agressive metal. Vocals include the requisite roars, but the leading lines are sung and comprehensible! The lyrics are appropriately apocalypic (though

typos abound in the booklet). Fans of the genre wUI definitely e11oy this album his band's last release).

eLUQFER, Lucifer, CD, Sco,pion Recolds, P.O. Boe 1835, NewYork, NY 10025 ($10 In US, $11 elswhere). Here's ano-nonsense metal band with straigttfofwardSatanic allegiance (just YA1al Mom and

Dad think Junior is lislaning to as he's painting his nals black andscrawling pentagrams on his notebook). The oveniding aeslhetic is "heavy,• but there 818 lyrical rroments (acoustic (Jlftar, harpsichord). The lyrics eschew obtuseness for canoor--there's no mistaking v.tiat they mean. The vocals range from basso poflrdo growls to 00\llter-tenor shieks. Thel8's a sold command of the malerial, wtich is almost beginning to SOtn:t like.nostalgia in the wake of the ..-er-stilling melal scene. •THE WAY OF THE WOLF, Charles Manson, CD, Pale Horse, Inc., P.O. Box 5701, High Point, NC 27262. Phone/Fax: (910) 889-6643.

    Another entry into the growing discography of Charles Manson, and once again this contains tlJl8S that would surprise most. Manson plays acoustic giitar and sings in his world-weary voice with music that wouldn't be unexpected from Leon Redbone, but with lyrics that crystallize his unique take on our time­

-and they are full of poetic and surreal metaphor. He is indeed a survivor, and hasn't let incarceration silence him, presenting here backgound music for the Coffeehouse of the damned.

•TRIARCHY OF THE LOST LOVERS, Rotting Christ, CD, Century Meda Recof'ds, 1996. 1453-A 14th Street #324, Santa Monica, Ca. 90404. MelodolJs metal from the Greek llldeivound band. Strong cover Image by Steven Kastner. .PASSAGE, SamHI, CD, Century Meda Records, 1996. 1453-A 14th Street #324, Santa Monica, Ca. 90404. Metal that is heavily textured with electronic percussion and orchestral sounding keyboards. There is quite avariety to the arrangements, making for afresh approach that stands out from the pack.

-IRRELIGIOUS, Moonspell, CD, Century Media Records, 1996. 1453-A 14th Streetl324, Santa Monica, Ca. 90404. Gothic-hued metal with creative arrangements and varied vocal styles (from goth drones to metal !JOWis). Some cuts have that low-budget horror fim somclrack atmosphenr-spooky fun!

-MICE HUNT MUSIC: MUSIC TO RAISE THE DEVIL, MUSIC TO CONTROL THE WEAK, various artists, 3 CDs, Mike Hunt Publishing, P.O. Box 226, Bensenville, IL 60106 (Send $2.00 for acatalog).

   Here's a three CD set documenting Milwaukee's Metal Music Mania X fest, with music from approximately 50 bands. There's an amazing range here from main stream to underground. If this gsnre is to your liking, here's a fine survey of the current stat&-of-th&-art.

tQUEST OF THE MOON BREED, Legion of Sleep, Ice Records, P.O. Box 422965, San Francisco, Q\ 94142-2965.

   Metal music which has layers to i;ve added dsplh and texture (gregorian chants, spoken texts, vaoous samples)-a sort of aucio collage.


   The CD has brought with it a tidal wave of 18· releases of music which we've previously had to seek on vinyl at yald sales and in basements and attics-those musical evocations of far away places Oncluding outer spacel) which were designed as background for adult e11oyment of cocktails in an appropriale total environment. Lounge music is bringing back lounge culture, and with it an

appreciation of music that is emotionally potent, full of memorable tunes and scintillating orchestrations. There's a sense of playfulness in the wild experimentationwith the new technique of •stereo,• that hasn't been equalled since. This is music made for Indulgence, and is thus truly Satanic in its affirmation of the joy of living.

    The Martin Denny revival (helped along ingreat measure by Boyd Rice) brougtt forth others, like

Esquivel, in a form of musical arohaeology- 18COgruing these musicians as the wizards that they are. Here are some CD's that we've found to be partiwarty fun and would make a worthy adcition to ,mry Satanist's colledion (and al of them come with beautlul, nostalgicaly designed booklets).

•COCKTAIL MIX: Bachelor's Guide To The Galaxy, various artists, CD, Rhino Records, ISBN 1- 56826-587-5.

    Here's a marvelous collection, compiled by Irwin Chusid, that will sweep you away. Includes: David Carroll's "Hell's Bells" --e. delightful bit of Mephistophelianism,"War Dance of the Wooden Indians," "Accidental Slip on an Oriental Rug,• and the mechanistic "Powerhouse" (fans of Wamer Bros. cartoons will remember this relentless portrait of acliviy). Excelent liner notes complete the package.

-ULTRA LOUNGE: Space Capades, various artists, CD, Capitol Records. Brad Benedict compiled this tour ds lorctJ which includes such lush exotica as Les Baxter's •ca1c a.· & "Sabre Dance" (faster than Khachaturian's original), Joe "Fingers• Carr's "Istanbul (Not Constantinople),• another version of "Powerhouse,• and to top it off, Jack Malmsten doing •Satan Takes a Holiday"! Can you live without it? •VOODOO! The Exotic Sounds of Robert Drasnln, Robert Drasnin, CD, Dionysus Records, Bacchus Archives, PO Box 1975, Burbank, CA 91507. If you love Martin Denny, then you11 be glad to pick 14> this amazing abu1'11-118rfect for your next luau! Drasnin's jazzy COl'furations of Polynesia wil sweep you away. Extraordinary arrangements!

•THE TIKI TONES: Idol Pleuures, The Tiki Tones, CD, Mai Tai D00120, Doclor Dream Records, Inc., 841 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667.

   More music by which to feast on "long pig.• These are bouncy tunes (basically gular and organ) to enliven your bikini beach party. Particularly piquant is a rendition of "Gomez,• the signature theme for the

characterfrom the T.V. version of Ths Addams Family.

•THE BEST OF EARTHA KITT, Eartha Kitt, CD, MCA Records, MCLD 19120.

    Here's the al>tJn to introduce you to the vocal wlchcraft of the seductive, feline, Eartha. She sings here of pleasure, and true feminine power-an exemplar for Satanic Witches everywhere! Included

are Satanic classics ·1 Want To Be Elli," and"I'd Rather Be Burnt As A Witch." Don't miss this one! DARKWAVE

This is a fine company that distributes, as wel as releases under their Proje/dand Re//t:labels, music that evokes an ambient darkness-all the shades of gray and black that exist in the ever-broadening underworld known generically as "Gothic.• They've even been touring several of their bands recently for live performances of what is usually stucio-generated sound. Here's a brief sllV8y of some of their

releases and titles (contact info follows this survey):


•AMPLEXIS, Collected Works from the 1995 LTD Sarles, Vldna Obmana, Thom Brennan, Stave Roach, CD, Projekt•PRO72.

    This is a1&-issue of works that were originally on the Amplexis Limited Edition Series from 1995·. They make a fine grouping here. Obmana's piece oonmies stimmering washes of background SOtn:t wlh active percussion tracks in the foraground, though they fade 011to leaw 111019 of a"niglt rooslc" wlh crickel-like sounds. Bel and gong tones bring a later, gentle dimax that vanishes in the distance.

Brennan's piece is more oninous, with deep bass drones crowned wlh pulsing percussion. Roach presents dark tones which constantly slide in pitch, giving a drifting foundation, punctuated by deep drum blasts and forlom flute cries. Later, inexorable tribal rhythms arise, and a subsequent brightening of the timbre, finally to descend into darkness.

-CAVERN OF SIRENS, Steve Roach, Vldna Obmana, CD, Projekl 73.

    A colaboration album, demonstrating a huting blend of the styles fwld in Amp/Bx/s. Ever 81/0Mng SOtlldscapes, oceanic in their tides of metamorphosis, alow you to ride the stylistic wrem that 818 energized by trmal percussion and weals owrthe dafkar, deeply IIOllaling sonic textures.

•ARCANTA, Arcanta, CD.

   One is immedialely struck by the haunting quality of Thomas Carlyle Ayres' fine voice, arcing in middle-Eastern flavored melody. Canonic chanting and subtle drones fill out the texture in "A Fool's Cry,• and "Desert Prayer,• while more active, celtic sounds (strummed guitar) and lyrics in English f1V91l "Maya.• "Via Dolorosa• ends with Ayres' voice rising above a dark texture, to finish with lightly vibratoed tones.

•REMNANTS OF A DEEPER PURITY, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, CD, PRO-68

    Sam Rosenthal crafts romantic, synthesized backgrounds for sensuous vocals. The texture is filed 011 with cello, violin, and guitar to maJce for a rich tapestry for these melancholy songs. Some 818 oceanic SOllldscapes while others present their material more directly (less ambience).

•VANE, Bleak, CD.

    Fifteen songs here feature a more grinding, repetitive mood, with heavy, abrasive textures­ drges for ablasted post-industrial landscape. Jolting and disturbing, they are assaultive sonic geographies.

•EVER, Love Spirals Downward, CD.

    Suzanne Perry and Ryan Lum present lyrical, whistful songs (dominated by acoustic gular and vocals), interspersed wlh more ambient Synth-toned offerings. The general mood here is far liglter than other l8COl'dings on this label.

-coLD, Lycla, CD, PR067.

    In ther sbcth album, L)eiscontinue their noir aural journeys. Mournful and gelid, the rich arrangements provide appropriate ton&-painting for the icy lyrics.



    This is acoDection of single pieces which previously appeared on compilation CD's as well as

previously ooreleased trades. If you e11oy Obmana's evocations, which often have asourdrack ambience in that they ara visually as wel as emotionally laden, then you won't want to miss this colection.

-GHOST STORIES, Slap, The Happiness Boys, Belt, CD.

    Stephen Nester's ttne musical incarnations (from 1982-1994) are 19presenled hel9. The music is electronic, with19peating cell structures, sometimes evocative of other styles (from cartoon kitsch to

Stravinsky-esque mythmlc propulsionHairly 19Ienlless in pixillaled evolution. Thel9 819 some contemplative Islands, but 1981assured that they will be assaufted. The polystylistic melange is ultimately intrigling and 19pays close listening.

-COLD MEAT INDUSTRY (from Sweden)­ eftEXEREI Ill ZWJELIGHT DER FINSTERNIS, Aghast,CD. Here is a series of grimly ritualistic invocations. Whisperad YOC8ls waft like acool breeze from a frozen caim on a folbidden mountain's summit. This could definitely provide a background for a midnight, necromantic ritual.


   Shadowed soundscapes and umbral songs make for a tapestry of rich timbres. This would serve well to invoke the dieties of datkness as they attend an S & M sabbath.


    This album begins with typical subterranean sounds and an 11'1Cf9dited Ill (slowed down) of Dr. IAVey pronouncing the eponymous invocation. It continues with murky tracks that braak no new ground-thel9 are collaged sounds and sound-bytes (Bob Larson!), but they al9 not clear enough to work. Lots of black sound but not much musical substance.


    Poetic joumey through a dimension that is not unknown to those who travel it's dim byways. Folk­ ike melodic fragmera btild to portentous, almost balbaric statements, Uke a sourdrack for an interior film on mythological an:hetypes.


    Wei reaised soundscapes that seem to evoke asuspension of time. Very ambient, these textures make for background depth, quite good for meditative musings and exploration of your labyrinthine interior.

• ...AND EVEN WOLVES HID THEIR TEETH, various artists, CD.

    Here's an anthology album to introduce isteners to the artists signed to Cold Meat Industry. From the on:hestra-ike sounds of lldfrostto the minimal organ tones of Kannanlc, thefe's quite a range here, of talent as well as style, all of it in a darker vein. There's lyrlclsm and savagery, and you

are sure to find something to your taste amongst these 14 cuts, then you can pursue your fawrites' complete albums.

•LET US LEAD, Pulssance, CD.

    Here's an apocalyptic album that sounds like it's from a soundtrack for one of those films about a child Hellspawn just waiting to bring about the end of

the world. They use on:hestra-like and choral taxtur9s for a grandiose intro as weU as for other passages, and this makes for an imaginative and vivid experience. The bombast is very wel handled. -OTHER LABELS­

•CONTINUUII, A Spider Records Collection, varlouurtiata, CD.

    An introduction to the artists on Canada's Spider Records label. RhBB's Obssssion is well produced and sung bti not overly dark or ambient. Alch6mybrings us back into familiar waters, wtth a couple of quiet, moody tunes. Thrivs presents heavy gothic with silky female vocals. Hfinishes the album wih four quirky tunes, dominated by drum machine and sampled sound bytes.


    From Germany's Hypsrium label comes this fine, "tn)s gothique" entry which ranges from quiet reveries to heavier, p!Oplilive songs. There is often adance beat present, to lend life to the sepulchral proceedings. The arrangements sparkle with surprises and Blane P. sings with crystaline clarity.
    So if any of these above albums al9 of interest, please contact Darkwave at P.O. Box 166155, Chicago, IL 60616. Be sure to check out their site for complete listings, band tour information, and complete ordering instructions at: What are you waiting for?


-WHITE SOLIDARITY-Various Artists, CD, Svea Music, available domestically from Resistance Records, PO Box 24700, Detrol, Ml 48224. Joshua BucldBy, rtwiBWBr.

    Here's your passport to the world of White Power Rock'n'Roll, whether you can stand the joumey or not. As you might expect, much of the music on this seven band compilation is thug rock, pure and simple. Nevertheless, the complete and utter lack of subtlety-most skinhead music is about as subtle as a Doc Marten to the face-is half of what makes the Resistance stuff so damn entertaining. While at worst, a lot of this tends to lapse into adreary caricatul9 of eighties Heavy Metal, bands like Fortreaa (Australia) and Freikorps

(Gennany) manage to pump ow some genlinely 911oyable old-style Punk, the saving grace of a genre that often comes off as embarrassingly pretentious.

    Yet while this is a problem with any overtly political music, be it Billy Bragg or Skrewdrfver, one has to wonder if anything this inflammatory can be considered polttlcal at all--at leastin the conventional sense. One thing's for certain: in contrast to most

"violent" musicians, whose incendiary aesthetic is often scantly more than acynical marlceling ply, these guys 819 for fN/.This in itself warrants mention, if not admiration. And, whether you ag199 wih their unabashedly racist convictions or not, they're certai preferable to the "alternative" set's sel-deprecating whine.

   Of particular interest here 819 two Ctn by Swedish powerhouse Vlt Aggression, whose patently distinctive sound clearly demonstrates the degl9e to which Black Metal groups like Bunum and Emperor have infiltrated the Scandinavian skinhead scene-a trait even more discemible in fellow Swedes Division S. Nor will you want to miss Finlands Mistreat, whose broken Engfish •Vatch out NBB-grmust be heanf to be believed. If

Rock'n'Roll's primary function is to challenge social norms and couch potato coq>lacency (which is sxactlywhat ll>eral critics will tell you), then White Solldarlty is the genuine article.

•HATESVILLE, The Boyd Rice Experience, CD, World Serpent. Joshua BucldBy, nwiBWBf.

    The latest inSatanist Boyd Rice's series of anuing concept d>ums, the Experience inckldes many of the same folks responsible for the cop-rock juggemaut SWAT. In many regards superior to 19C8nt NON offerings, which with the Ragnarok Rune EP seem to have taken asomewhat retrogressive turn, Hatuvllle resurrects much of the smirky Iconoclasm that made Mu•,:, .. rtlnl•, •nd M/anthropysuch aclassic. As with that seminal slab, what you'I find here is a diverse assemblage of "spoken wor,;f brow beatings and other roorderous ITUlings, dastardly ditties and hale-mongering

hannonies--?n other words, real neat stuff only the black-hearted coud love. And si1ce this last description undoubtedly applies to you, Hateavllle's aplace you'I visi time and time again. While thel9, you'll encoiner Adam Parfrey's Raes Riot ("Thel9 W8l8 just so many damn yellow people..."), Shall'I Partridge's Piss Ant, and the indomitable Herr Rice's Dsydrssm, a vindictive volley at RtlS•rch's V. Vale that's bound to raise a few hackles. The most wlatile cut by far is Jim Goad's LBfs Hsar It For V/olsnce ToWBlds WomBfl, a nearly seven minute tirade some will remember from ANSWER Msls much maligned Rsps issue. As for the rest, it's mol9 of the same. Hateaville, you might say, is the kind of spot Ml8l'8 the stupid, ugly, and just plain annoying 819 meted ()\j exactly the treatmert they so richly dese which, Ll'lder opooium conditions, would probably inwM being skewered aive like so many human shishkebabs. Wrth all this misanthropy inc:19asir9Y entering the mainstream, albeit as some kind of hip diversion, the tine to siphon 0\4 our t88/ enemies can't be far off... •DER GROSSE RAUSCH/WIEDER KEHR, Waldteufel, -r,Volkways, PO Box 72525, New Orleans, LA 70172-2525. Joshua BucklBy, rsviswsr.

    One of the more exciting things to land in my mailbox in the past few months (save maybe for Anna Nicole Smith's April Psnthouss spread), Weldteufel is a side project of M8l1ws Wolf, a name generaly linked with atavistic percussion terrorists Crash Worship. As wilh that august institution, the almosphere here is fraug with ritual intensity and a truly heathen orientation. The difference, however, is that while Crash Worahlp's chaotic invocations have remained fairly ambiguous over the years, Waldteufel's cavernous conjurings are an apt distillation of Wolfs Norse pagan soul. Beautifully packaged with a painstaking eye for detail, don, be surprised if they resonate wtth your own.

•TRIUMPH OF THE WILLIAMS, David E. Williams, Storm Records, P.O. Box 3527, Portland, OR 97208-3527. Joshua BucldBy, rsviBWBr.

   Virtually tllknown and undeservedy ignored, David E. Williams may be the greatest lving roosical genius to grace these shores since, well, since ever. An ooinposing cross between Woody Alen and Rudolph Hoess, Wiliams' music ascends heights of psychotic perversily typically 1988rved for a good Ellie Wiesel page-tumer, all tinged with enough obsessively neurotic hand-wringing to make even the most steeley-eyed sociopath ne,vous. I imagine a

c:hldhood spent dodging fleet-enema bags and schoolyard barbs, or maybe just abrainy suburbanle laddispassionately puling the wings off bwt81flies wtile his less prodigious peers trade bt.i>l"gum caRls and head-lice. No matter the SOtlC8, Willams' L11V11911e is one that must be experienced firsthand to be appreciated -and appreciate it, you shall. These are stirringly lyrical portraits of the reality saner souls have chosen to ignore,·a wOl1d populated with ruddy­ complexioned Sew leaders who plunder the puckered rectums of their ul'Mitting yotihful charges and shifty-eyed Rohypnol rapists, content to stalk the parking lots of middle school sweetheart dances and garish neon roller rinks. Oh yeah, and you can dance to •.Three words: BUY THIS NOW. Limited to 666 copies (surprise, surprise), which sl'lowd keep you record collector geeks happy. -SMELLS LIKE CHILDREN, Marilyn Manson, EP, Nothlng-lnterscope. Jslfsrey Nagy, reviewer.

   Mr. Manson and his gang (-bang) quartet continue to erase the fine line between right and wrong, good and evil, male and female in their child­ lice romp SmBl/s Uks Children. Wilie not a full length albc.m, I is a hefty soundtrack of Wily Wonka-ish nigljmares.
   Included are remixes of various songs from their delu album, PortrBit of BIi AmBlfcsn Family, as well as Mans like covers of a few of Marilyn's personal favorites (there's an especially good

ramake of the Eurylhmlca "Sweet Dreams;. These are well S8MKI by the twisted melocies emerging from the keyboards of Madonna Wayne Gacy. Other things of note Include aconversation between a pharmacist's wet-dream of a patient with an overly under-standing female specialist, as well as a redneck rencltion of 'Cake and Sodomy."

    Sm8l/s Uks Children amotnS to an irt81'8Sting co ion that could easily be a som<lrack for Manlyn Manson's life story, or even scarier-your own!

-MARK BIRNBAUM PLAYS RAGTIME PIANO, cassette, Bums Procb:tions, 117 West 751h St. NYC, NY 10023 USA. ($12.00 US ppd, $15.00 fol8ig1 ppd). Andt8 Schlesinger, reviewer.

   If you're like me and you think of ragtime as just another auspicious time of the morth, than this one is for you. In this self-titled release, Dr.Bimbaum treats us to a meat and potatoes sampler of ragtime CIMll1Including works from Scott Joplin and Jelly Roll Morton, to name afew. It's this one time "Joe Franklin Show" pianist's skil and depth which are showcased here, occasionally 8CCOn1)8l1ied by Birrbaum in vocal black-face, which is always in good taste. Bimbaum's approach here seems to be, keep it simple, and it's an approach that succeeds as thsre is no sweetening or electronics to d I the edge

ol what I thoug1l up ul1il now was just bubble-gum and blues. Close your eyes and see what happens when you listen to this one! -00D BI.ESS SATAN, Mephiskapheles, CD, DistrblAed by Moon Records, Post Office Box 1412 Cooper Station, NYC NY 10276 USA. Andt8 Schlesinger. reviewer.

   It's not Rock'n Roll... Mephiskaphtlts play 'Ska" nuic,that Jamaican (Ilia England) import that brouglt us such bands as Madnesa and had earlier i;wnbirth to what we now know as Reggae.

Thankfuly Mtphlskaphtles fall short of that big­ band sound which seems to dominate the styles of many or their better known contemporaries. However, the complexfty or rhythms (riddims),

melodies, and vocal acats 818 by far more soulfu than their two-toning peers. Don't look for any esoteric <lalog or backtracking as the message here is to just have fun, alhot.91their seemingly lnnocert corruption of some familiar commercial jingles could help to take some of the press1n off of Procter & Gamble. This is the jwigie music that anti-Rock 'n' Roll evangelists should be concemed with. And wouldn't you know ft, Christian Ska bands have recertly formed in retaliation.

•ANTI-GOD, ANTI-CHRIST, Acheron, CD, Mori>und Records, P.O. Box 77314, Seattle, WA 981n-0314, tel/fax: 360-732-7285. BriBII Kenyon, reviewer.

    It has been three years since Florida's Achtron has released anything new. With their latest creation, Anti-God, Anti-Christ, many things have changed. They are now on a new label, Moribund Records, owned by Church of Satan member Odin Thompson. Tiis release shows Acheron growing musically wlh the addition of a full­ time keyboardist, which co111>lements the band very well. The musicianship on Anti-God, AntJ.Christ surpasses everything Achtron has done in the past. Whle remailing true to thei" rools, the music has become much more technical. Magister VHlC8rt

Crowley's vocals are stronger as and much dearer than in the past, Lyrically, Anti-God, Anti-Christ is the most blasphemous album Crowley has written, with songs Ike "Fuck the Ways of Christ," 'Shemhamforash: The Ultimate Blasphemy,• and 'Blessed by Damnation." Here you wil also find the songs "Baptism for Devlyn Alexandra," written for his daughter, and acover of NON's (Magister Boyd Rice) 'Total War." As in the past there are Intros by special guest, Magister Peter H. Gilmore, bef0f9 each song wih quotes from Nietzsche's The Antichrist With the irtros solllding better than ever, they play an irnportart role in setting the mood for the songs. The cover artwork was done by Church of Satan Magister Rex Diabolos Church, who is also responsible for the visual demonic corturations gracing Acheron's previous releases. Anti-God, Anti­ Christ is the best that the black/death metal scene has to offer and is qule refreshing. It will take Acheron to a level of achievemert that they have not yet experienced. Ant fan of this genre wil be able to appreciate this album. There wll also be avinyl version being released wlh extra tracks. For more information on this and Achtron write to Mori>und Records at the above address. SATANIC CINEMA by P81Br H. Gl/mot'8 Earth v& the Flying Saucers, Aglln?

It seems that in the last year a major shift in attitude has happened onthe big1Cf88n concerning the approach taken to humanly's contad with af1811 races. Gone is that sheei>like looking-up to a beneficert "" crystaRized in Closs Enco1J1118rs of the Third l<Jndor worshipping a troll­ like Jesus as seen in E.T. the Extrsttlrr8strfa/ (both Speiberg works). Now we're back to the SO's, wlh aliens seen as J)tl8 threats, but ones which our species can combat using pluck and intelligence­ mind and force.

   Frst up is lnd8f)8ndsnce Day, which is obviously an unacknowledged remake of the 1953 George Pal adaptation of d8 facto Satanist H.G. Weis' novel WBr of the Wafds. It merely has added 90's eye-blasting special effects andPC muti-ethnic casting to the framework of the old film. Instead of an

organic virus (put there in "God's infinlle wisdom" as the epilog to Pars film statee-an1H81gious Wells was surely splnring in his grave) as key to the invader's defeat, we have the scieltllls UUlg a coq>t.Cer virus dallvered by aMacintosh Power Book (Macirtoeh ii the comiuer of choice of Satanists everywher&-Mac compati)ity clear1y demonstrating the advanced technology of the aliens).

    There are truly spectacular Images of destruction but the characters are mere stereotypes (not archetypes), the plot is full of Implausible coincidences and this film often quotes rire sequences and images from the earlier flm (which I watched the evening before I went to aee the new film). The aflens themselves are only inler8sted in JUl(iering Earth's 1810Ul'C88, then IIIOlling on (a none-too-subtle characterization of what corporate America has done to third woftd coinries). Humanity Is like a cockroach infestation to be cleared away (one thinks that they woukln, have trowled the few survivors, once tunan military response was neutralized). Their threat is impersonal.
   Next we have Th6 AnfvaJ, a conspiracy­ invasion film wherein one sciertist discovers that ihey're here" and altering our ecology so that our wOl1d wil be fit for cololizing by the invaders. They have justified this because humans have siq)ly abused this planet's ecology and thus they're going to take it for themselves, 90 their threat isn't personal. As the film prosJ9SS81, the sciertist gathers all the pieces of the story and finally

succeeds in alelting the wOl1d to the danger. This is a fine little flm, that hearks back to Th6 OulBrLJmits approach to such stories, wlh the 60's ecological concerns.

    Next is Star TrBI<: First Contact. This flm tries to play both sides of the fl81d, by having the federation's greatest nemesis, The Borg (a blo­ mechanical race that absorbs (convelts, or Bise­

how Christian of them!) other sertiert races) attacking Earth (great space battle scene) then l\llring back in time when defeated to get Earth at a more wlnerable period. Of course the vaiart craw of Th6 EntfJrprfss D(aspiffy new ship) are hot on their heels, and they help the invertor of the Warp Drive (a raa/person, they discov9r, not the idol they worship inthe 23rd century) to do his ttlilg tobring about tunanity's first contact with benevolert aliens he VIJcans) thus initiating an era of peace and prosperity for an Earth that just came out of ls third and most devastating wor1d war. For StBr TrBI< TNG fans, there's much fun here, even though the film has avery cllllky start. The effects are first-rate and the Borg Queen, played by Alce Kriege, is atine­ dimensional character, both menacing and seductive to Picard and Data. The Borg 818 a truy mgturing menace as they want you, not dead, but alive and part of their collective. Their threat is very personal! There is an amazing scene in a holodeck 1940's ckb (beautifully f8alzed and qule Satanic in aesthetics) wherein Picard kils some Borg solclers, then • through their flesh and metal bodies to find a piece or equipmert that wil give him informalion. He is nJhless and unsertirnenlal, as these Borg had shortly before been part of hiscrflll,

    It is irteresting to note that the original creator of Star Trek, Gene Rodclemeny, has created an ls­ To-Be for humanity's futur8, and with the amazing success of this ertertaiMlenl franchise is really infilrating consciousnesses 8IOllld the globe (people all over the earth know who the Klingons and Ronuans 818, but how many can tel you about Ulysses and Achiles?). In recent years there have been "dalW elements ns	aren't so clear CUI, death is frequertly ares"1of irtenldion


f{Jk i·,

"Too bad Larry Wessel wasn't around with his camera in Rome filming the Circus . . Maximus." -Anton Szandor LaVey, CHURCH OF SATAN "The horrifying scenes are reminiscent of the descriptions of sacrifices in ancient Aztec temples." -Adam Parfrey, APOCALYPSE CULTURE . "A spellbinding visual account of the last great blood sport" -Nick Bougas, DEATH SCENES ..yf z " This is the 'last word' on the subject iOle! Larry!" -Peter H. Gilmore, THE BLACK FLAME \ 0·. i "Super job, one of the most exciting jobs on the subject I've seen. iEnhorabuenas! Both Ears "#- and Tuzl/"-Barnaby Conrad, MATADOR ), .. $25 • 1 hr. 48 min. • Color • VHS 8 CARNY TALK AND OTHER AMUSING ANECDOTES BY ROBERT WILLIAMS AS TOLD TO LARRY WESSEL The King of Lowbrow Art tells us about the hidden history of I 950's America: Sideshow Freaks, Benzedrine, Hotrods and Motorcycles, Lesbians, Mortuary Parties, Skuzzy Women, Clyde Rollins and the Barrel of Death, Hospital Still Borns, the Great Fecal Matter, and much, much more! Musical score by John Shourt. "Repulsive, Amusing and Amazing!" -China Jim, ART? ALTERNATIVES $25 • l hr. 11 min. • Color • VHS

Sugar and Spice SUGAR AND SPICE Cross over the gender-line with Larry Wessel as he explores the fascinating world of Transvestites, Drag Queens and Transsexuals! Starring Sandie Crisp as the Goddess Bunny, Miss Kelly, Karen Dim and her alterego Jeff Gann, Tyrell Morris and Amy, John Epperson as Lypsinka, Glen Meadmore, Las Reinas de Esta Noche, Gender, The Cosmic Danielle, Alexis Miranda, Las Reinas de Las Estrellas, Sharon Kane, Chi Chi La Rue and the artwork of John Wayne Gacy ! "An Outrageous Vision! You'll Love This!!" -Lois Commondenominator, DRAGAZINE $25 • 1 hr. 59 min. • Color • VHS

UL TRAMEGALOPOLIS A two and a half hour Hell-Ride through the vast continuously urban sprawl known as Los Angeles. Explore the War-Zone From within it's riot-torn, graffiti-covered walls. Listen in horror to the terrifying true stories of Charles Manson's cellmate. Visit the McMartin Preschool, subject of the longest running criminal trial in the history of the United States. Meet religious fanatics, movie stars, drug addicts, gang-bangers and bulimics. See why Southern California is the fruit and nut capital of the world! $25 • 2 hrs. 35 min. • Color • VHS

Each video tape is available within the U.S. for $25 (Postpaid) Other countries write for details. To order, send check or money order to: Larry Wessel PO Box 1611 Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1611 Send SASE for FREE Catalog

wih other species, and this ndlecls 111019 accurately onthe real nattnof htlTl8flfty. HoW9V8r, !tis ideal­ ized view of rnattn intelligent people going forth to explore the galaxy could only happen in a culttn that sends out its best members (Star Fleet Academy may have reversed the CU119nl educational trends of lowering standards-they'd have to produce people equipped to handle the realities of galactic explora­ tion). Perhaps there is a slbtle message here?

    Finally we have an acknowledged homage to the 50's with-Tlrn Burton's Mars Attsc/cs. Here the lurid trading cards are brought to the screen in a festival of vivid destruction. The martians are just as tacky and stupid as the humans and Burton's

mismhropy is well <isplayed in all the characters­ parodies of archetypes that are really closer to the truth. There is rooch mayhem as the martians ly abuse the earthlings who finally find a very tacky weapon to destroy the invaders. They are quite in their invasion and e11oy wholesale destruction as wel as personal torture.

   The filmmakers tip their hats to Earth vs. the Flying Sa/JCSrs in the design of the martian ships and in scenes showing their attack and final defeat. lnlerior saucer designs refer to Forbidden PIB118t.

There's a wonderfully apt score by DaMy Elfman, complete with Theremin obblgsto. Quie a fUMy film, wih some powelfully ominous as well as grotesquely funny images.

   So, the viewpoint shown insuch films as AliBn and John Carpenter's remalCB of The Thing, as well as their 50's progenitors, has been triumphant-the struggle to slJVive in a dangerous universe has won

OIJ Oll8r passive worship of "something from above.• There's 111019 to come with the fourth entry in the AlifHI saga, as wen as the film of Starship Troopers he novel which gave Aliens much of its flavor) soon to hit the theatres. I definitely find this a preferable trend-worship is out and Darwinism is inl


Gifted film-maker Larry Wessel keeps the his coming with further errtries in his line of video documentaries. You can count on these to take you on atour through the very heart of Darkness of each SUlject for l.alTy's camera functions as a surgeon's scq,el, and you're along for the forensic journey. -CARNY TALK, And Other Amusing Anecdotes By Robert Williams As Told To Lany Wessel. VHS, I hour and 11 minutes.

   Did you ever want to spend some time with artist Robert Williams? Wessel has captured Williams, who proves to be a fine raconteur, with revealing tales abolJ America in the 1950's that strip­ rNlay the pseudo-imocence of that decade so cherished by the nostalgia merchants.

-SUGAR AND SPICE, VHS, 1 hour and 59 mini.Aas.

   The world of Transvestles, Drag Queens and Transsexuals has rarely been shown wih such can­ dor. Wessel gives an intimate portrait of luminaries as Lypsinka, The Cosmic Daniele, Glen Meadmore, and the "absolutely fabulous" Goddess Bunny.

•ULTRAMEGALOPOLIS, VHS, 2 hours and 35 minutes.

   An amazing and harrowing tour of the urban Hell known as Los Angeles. From the McMartin Pre­ school to the riot decimated rubble--still ermlazoned wlh i,affiti, you'I see the blasted architecture and meet the shel-shocked inhabiants. Wessel's camera

pays Vergil to your Dante on a journey through all !he ciroles of this contemporary Tartarus.

The above mentioned films can be purchased for $25 each (postpaid-dleck and money orders made OIJ to Larry Wessel). Lany Wessel, P.O. Box 1611, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1611.

Howard Stem's Private Parts

Howard Stem is today's leading radio comedian and he has done more for free speach and iconoclasm than anyone ever to grace the airwaves. For those anal-retentive folk who want to control what yousee and hear, Stem seems to be the living embodiment of Satan, and for their wortd view-he isl Stem has conquered radio with his syrdcaled morning show and television with anamazing show (originally on channel 91) that roke new grollld in OY9f'-the-top mockery of all things sacred and profane. This was climaxed by his pay-per-view beauty pageant parody, and his direct-to-video release Butt Bongo Fiesta. His later efforts for the El Network (an interview show and the current video broadcast of his daily radio show) seem almost sedate by comparison.

    Stem conquered the print word with his hilarious autobiography Private PBrts and its equally funny follow-up Miss A1118rlcs. Now he's finally earning his previously self-proclaimedcoronation as "King Of All Media" with the release of producer Ivan Reitman and director Betty Thomas' adaptation of PrivBte PBtts.
    This movie is hilarious and touching. Stem's life as ageeky outsider who uses his comedic talents to move the wortd is followed from his chikllood (when he's constantly admonished by his father Ben to

"Shi.A upl Si down!" and when he conceived the ls­ To-Be of becoming a disk jockey), to his triumph on NBC in New York City, where he reached number one in the ratings-<lespite the fact that the network Itself was trying to tame him with a particularly arrogant asshole of a program director known aptly as "Pig Vomtt.• His subsequent firing from NBC and later mega-triumph in syndication will perhaps be covered in the sequel.

    His true talent lies insaying what comes into his fertile mind, and this film has some deligltful sequences which show him exercising this ability, to

the chagrin of his bosses. His long-time relationship with his wife Alison is explored, particularly the strain of being married to a creative out law who uses everything, including his intimate personal life, as fodder for his comedic genius. See the film (Tiny Tim has acameo). Read his books. Watch his videos. And, if you are fortunate enough tobe in one of the areas that can receive his radio show, listen-for this is the arena in which his genius bums most brightly. And kudos go as well to his staff: Robin Quivers, Fred Norris, Jackie Martling, Gary "Baba Booey" Dell'Abate, and "Sttitering John" Melendez.

    In all mecia, Howard is cherished by Satanists because he pelforms thehn:tion of being society's jester. He mocks the pretentious, whether they be in

poliics or show business (his awearance as Fartman on the ulra-prententious MTV music awards was a landmark), exposes the hypocrisy in contemorary racial issues, and rips the de off of an who present lies for the truth. He asks the questions no­ one else would dare ask. He speaks the thoughts currently forbidden by the straight-jacket of political correctness.His admonition to "Be honest" has been the bane of the vapid morons presented by our cultn's hypesters as he puts them on the hot seat and we get to watch them fry. His "Wack Pack" is a colection of freaks and misfis the likes of which would grace any old-time carnival midway. Among them are Fred the Elephant Boy-who has a pecuiar speach impediment, Kenneth Keith Kalerbach-who

performs bizarre acts of bodiy degradation, and Nicole Bass--the world's largest female body builder, as wel the midgets and giants who make frequent appearances on his show, who are cherished for their uniqueness. He has performed massively attended funerals against his radio competitors which we recognize as ritual curses on a grand scal&-end they work! Not to mention the fact that he makes jokes about being the Devil to goody-goody Kathie Lee Gifford and has Marilyn Manson on his soundlrack ab.Im (a best-seller even before the film opened). Does Howard show sympathy for the Devil? You be the judge.

    Howard Stem IS the trickster archetype from world mythology made flesh. Is he an Anti-Christ? For my money, you bet he isl


•THE MAGIC OF THE SIDE SHOW, featuring Todd Robbins & Michael Wilson, VHS Video, 2 hours, $40.00 plus $2.50 shipping; Stevens Magic Emporium, 2520 East Douglas, Wichfta, KS 67214 Phone: 316-683-9582 Rev. G80f1J8 Spragl/8, reviewer.

    Take a trip into the exciting and incredible world of the side show! Step rigIt in as Todd Robbins, working performer al the last remaining ten­ in-one side show in Coney Island, presents incredble feats such as glass eating, swofd swallowing, pounding a nail up his nose and many other strange feats that are both delightful and disgusting! Marvel

as Michael Wilson, "The Illustrated Man,• <isplays his body which is covered with tattoos! Interesting to note, Michael has the five Hindu chakras tattooed on his chest and the uppennost chakra is depicted by the Baphometl Todd Robbins not only performs his feats, but goes into some explanations of how some of them are actuaUy done. He also shares some views on side shows and their history, explalning how people are drawn in to see the show. Amazing performances, amusing anecdotes and thrills abollld in this video. If you have ever wanted to see these amazing feats and 9ll9f'I understand how some are done, this video is for you. GUEST MUSEUM REVIEW


    Upon a recent visit to San Diego, amidst the myriad of tourist shops and coffee houses, I came

across asomewhat ot4-of-place litle shop entitled "The Museum of Death" which I believe all Cos members would e110y. After paying the qule reasonable $4 admission fee, I was able to observe genuine serial killer art by the lkes of Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez, and John Wayne Gacy (to name a few), various execution devices, a ffllJtitude of crime scene photos, and books and newspaper clippings al dealng with (you guessed ill) DEATH. There are also a few surprises, such as actual blood­ splattered clothing taken from an executed convict, death certificates, a real-life two-headed turtle, and even an upright coffin fitted with a television playing such favorites as Death Scenes.

    I had a chance to speak wihproprietor James Dean Healy, and alhough he denies being a Satanist, he certainly fits the de !Beto category as he takes his work wry seriously. He has visited runerous serial kilers, including the ones previously mentioned, and has kept in close contact with others. In ptn Satanic sentinent, he informed me that

rather than glorifying death, he is merely presenting it in its most gruesome, unadulterated fonn in order that one may appreciate the ephemeral nature of life, and live it to Its fullest. He also told me, unfortunately, that his landlold was putting pressure on him to move the museum, as he considered it detrimental to the surrounding tourist area. As of the date of this writing (2 January, XXXII), Mr. Healy was considering a move to San Francisco to escape such close mindedness.

    Although still in the begiooing stages, there is much to enchant here. The Museum of Death can be found at548 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA92101; Phone: 619-338-8153, Fax:619-338-0003. Check It out!


•DEN SATANISKA BIBELN, by Anton Szandor I.JJ.Vey, SWedish translation by Carl Abrahamsson (Looking Glass Press, Box 8105, S-104 20 Stockholm, Sweden, 1995; 188 pages, ISBN 91- 88708-02-0, $25 US cash includes postage, add $10 if paying by check, paperback, 5 7/8" x 81/4").

    Here is abeautiful translation, exquisttely designed and produced-with avery striking color cover design with a red Sigil of Baphomet and an image of Dr. I.JJ.Vey amidst rising flames. This joins the ranks of several Olher English, paperback editions and stands strong with truly Satanic elegance, and It is avaBablel Even if you can't read SWedish, you'll certainly want to add this to your colectlon, and it does include the original dedication. Get it nowl

•THE DEVIL, The Archfiend In Art from the Sixth to the Sixteenth Century, by Luther Unk (Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, NY 1996; 208 pages, ISBN 0-8109-3226-1,price unlisted, hardback).

    Here is a fine study of the imagery of Satan as depicted in Western art, profusely illustrated. The author uses the Christian perspective of Satan, but does expose Christian reactions toward other cuftures for some particular instances. While the focus is limited (we never get to see the heroic imagery that emerged later), the author points out that Satan is this period is not given much personality, being reduced to grotesquery. Thus he

never seems adversarial to the Christian order, merely an unpleasant functionary in the ordained scheme of things. The author calls images wherein Satan is a huge, non-anthropomorptic monster, "Satan as Godzilla"! (it shouldn't come as a surprise that Link teaches at auniversity in Tokyo.

•A HISTORY OF THE DEVIL, by Gerald Messadill (KodanshaAmerica, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011, 1996; 377pages, ISBN 1-56836-081-9, $27.00, haldback).

    For some odd reason this author seems ignorant of Carus' pioneering (and superior) work on this subject. He does a fine job examining various world cuftures for an analog to the Devil as seen in a very narrow Christian perspective, and thus finds very few examples of Satan. He does grasp the origins of duafism in Zoroastrianism, and traces these influences on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. When It comes to coramporary Satanism the author very smugly dismisses our movement, having only cursorily explored Its philosophy-he obviously feels It is beneath him to spend any time trying to grasp It and simply regurgitates the simplified, ignorant views of other Christian writers (his descrii:tion of Dr.

LJJ.Vey physica.Dy is In error as well as one of the tit­ res of his books, though perhaps this is a translation

problem). This flaw aside, there is some worthwtile information about various cuftures' views of Evil.

-SATAN'S SILENCE, Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modem Witch Hunt, by Debbie Nathan & Michael Snedeker (BasicBooks, HarperCoRins Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299, 1995; 317 pages, ISBN 0-465-07180-5, $25.00, hardback).

    Another study of the Satanic Ritual Abuse hysteria which explores the history of this period and also examines the role of victimology oriented feminism's support (ideologically and financially) of it.

The authors do a fine job of covering this insanity and they uncover the Impulses behind those who fostered this madness. It is still remarkable how so many miscarriages of justice happened so recently, with Christian anti-sexuality as the fuel that fed the bonfires upon which many lives were destroyed. The authors call for prosecution of real sexual abusers, and exoneration of those who were the victims of the. madness.

•UNHOLY ALLIANCE, A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, by Peter Levenda (Avon Books, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019, 1995; 407 pages, ISBN 0-380- m22-3, $6.99, paperback).

    Luridly written and confused, this attemi:ts to be an exposll but ends up as aturgid potboiler that never def1vers on the innuendos tossed about in early chai:ters. An "X-Files" type of abook that is all flash and irrational conclusions with no substance, sure to be embraced by those who'd tike to believe in some vast conspiracy out to destroy the •goodness" of liberal humanism. A waste of time for any seeking real infonnation.

•INFLUENCING MINDS, A Reader in Quotations, by Leonard Roy Frank (Feral House, P.O. Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208, 1995; 245 pages, ISBN 0- 922915-25-3, $12.95, paperback).

    A fascinating collection of quotations from a wide variety of authors (though Anton I.JJ.Vey is surprisingly not represented) on the topic of influencing minds. Makes for exceDent excremedttation chamber reading.

•DARK CARNIVAL, The Secret World of Tod Browning, Hollywood's Master of the Macabre, by David J. Skal & Bias Savada (Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036, 1995; 359 pages, ISBN 0-385-47406-7,$23.00, hardcover).

    A penetrating and sympathetic look at a cinematic master. His archetypal images, best remembered from Oracu/s and FIHks, stUI move us, though often today they 818 transmuted by later filmmakers who have diluted the quintessential power found only in the originals. With many fas­ cinating photoi,aphs and detailed filmographies, this should prove to be the definitive volume on a master magician whose work should be well known to Satanists. "Browning brings us the bad news attendant on the most technologicaDy advanced century in history that is simultaneously the cruelist. We 818 animals, con men, thieves, and vampires, Browning tells us in film after film, driven by overpowering primitive emotions-beyond any real freedom and dignity. Pain and alienation teach no lessons: they only madden."

•NOT OUT OF AFRICA, How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History, by Mary Lefkowitz (BasicBooks, HarperCol&ns, 10 East

531d Street, New York, NY 10022-5299, 1996; 222 pages, ISBN 0-465-09837-1, $24.00, haldback).

    A scholar of ancient Gl88C8 and Rome refutes the wilder claims of recent Afrocentricists. Though she treads lghtly and only implies the charlatanry of some outrageous individuals and their claims, it becomes clear through this weU-argued book that Otdrageous propaganda and fanlasy is being spread in the name of political correctness (which is thus sacrosanct from discussion and debate) in universities which should be forums for the testing out of various theories based on the best possible factual data available. She examines how some of these theories have arisen, and how and why they

have been promulgaled. Let us see if this is the curtain-raiser for other books which wiU expand upon this important issue.

•ABRAHADABRA, A Beginner's Guide To Thelemic Magic, by Rodney Orpheus (Looking Glass Press, Box 8105, S-104 20 Stockholm, SWeden, 1995; 198 pages, ISBN 91-88708-01-2, $16.95, paperback).

    Here is a wel wrlten and witty introduction to the Thelemic practices synthesized by Aleister Crowley. If you 818 new to ritual magic, or need to ground a too eclectic current practice, this handbook will focus your efforts and dil8cl you to additional sources to enrich your practices (They even 18COmmend Dr. LJJ.Vey's works).

•THE END OFAACISM, by Dinesh D'Souza (The Free Press, Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, 1995; 724 pages, ISBN 0-02-908102-5, $30.00, hardback).

    D'Souza is back with another excellent book addl8SSing the current racial tensions in our society. He examines the origins of racism (not out of ignorance, but scientific attemi:ts at classification) and brings to light many buried truths concerning this highly charged topic. Myths 818 laid waste, cuftural relativism is critiqued, the civil rights industry is exposed, and ultimately the author calls for freedom of association, as opposed to the falsity of state­ enforced "brotherhood." As a libertarian, D'Souza

trusts in the current generation to reject irrational discrimination in favor of color-blind human rights and judgement based onindividual merit.

•VA VA VOOMI Bombshells, Pin-ups, Sexpots and Glamour Girls, by Steve Sulivan (General Publishing Group, Inc., 2701 Ocean Park Blvd., Ste. 140, LA, CA 90405, 1995; 288 pages, ISBN 1- 881649-60-1, $17.95, trade-paperback).

    If you're looking for a festival of pulchritude­ ttis is itl With sultry Mamie Van Doren on the cover, this is a treasure trove of Satanic Witches to enchant and delighl (you'll never be able to look at currently touted "beauties" again). Divided into four sections, we are treated toMovie Bombshells, Glamour Girls, Pin-up Queens, and Strippers. There's avideo list of the •100 Sexiest Movie Performances of the Va Va Voom Era" so you can find out what you've been missing, unless you're one us connoisswrcads.

Even though Sul&van mentions Jayne's Church of Satan connection as a negative, the positive aspects of this book make it a worthy addition to your coleclion. Don't miss this one!

-SHADOWS OF THE MIND, A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness, by Roger Penrose (Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxfold OX2 &DP UK, 1994; 457 pages, ISBN0-19- 853978-9, $25.00, hardback). Platonist physicist Penrose explores the state

of lllderstanding of the.unillerse and points towards ar&as which need exploration so thal we can truly lllderstand the phenomenon of consciousness, which camot successfully be explained in terms of ilcreasing computational complexity (thus he successfully attacks the possbiity of artlicial ntelligence based on cum1nt methods and understandings). An excellent discussion of the nature of consciousness that eschews mystical sokltlons and seeks carnal answers.

•VITAL DUST, Life As A Cosmic Imperative, by Christian de Duve (BasicBooks, HarperCollins, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299, 1995; 362 pages, ISBN 0-465-09044-3, $25.00, hardback).

    Biochemist de Dwe examines the origins of life itself and posits it to be an inevitable occurance that is caused by the very structure of our Unillerse,

which wYI continually evolve towards greater con1)1edy. If you seek a greater understanding of rrfe's place in our Unillerse, this wiU provide iri&ligent insigla as weft as providng a glimpse of the shadow of the Dark Force in Nature.

•THE DEVIL, A Visual Gulde To The Demonic, Evil, Scurrilous, And Bad, by Genevieve Morgan and TomMorgan (Chronicle Books, 275 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, 1996; 175 pages(6.75" x 7.51, ISBN 0-8118-1176-X,$17.95, hardback).

   The authors have assentlled a tiuy sumptuous book, with very classy design, fiHed with color images and beautiful type-setting. The contents are asort of light survey of Hellish things, including Infernal Names, mythology, and various things you've probably encoootered in greater depth elsewhere.

They've left ou the Chun:h of Satan (for shamel, being ptj)lished oti of San Francisco), and their section on Satanism is from a Christian perspectille The attraction is the beauty of the product, acoffee­ table book that is a pleasure to peruse just because of the imagery alone. •THE DEVIL'S MISCHIEF, edited by Ed Marquand (Abbeville Press, 488Madison Avenue, New York. NY 10022, 1996; 184 pages (7.5" x 5.1251, ISBN 0- 7892-0136-4, $17.95, hardback).

    Uke the above mentioned book, here's another small volume that is quite beautiful, with high production values. It purports to be The Devil's story in his own words, bti he •speaks" through fine exerpts of Satanic literature such as Twain, Baudelaire, Milton, France, Bulgakov, and others.

Their are fine color images, some quite imaginative. Another little gen for your colection.

•DANGER IS MY BUSINESS, An Illustrated History of the Fabulous Pulp Magazines; 1896 - 1953, by Lee Server (Chronicle Books, 275 Filth Slreet, San Francisco, CA 94103, 1993; 144 pages, ISBN 0-8118-0112-8, $17.95, trade papetback).

    Here's a fine introduction to the phenomenon of Pulp Magazines, which spawned several genres of written entertainment (among them horror, science fiction, hard boiled, action-adventure) and launched several classic writers into the consciousness of

readers. Lavishly illustrated with covers that convey 1¥Wingly archetypal images, Server points the way for those who haven't al,eady found the later reprints olsuch folks as Lovecraft, Howard, Bloch, Smith, WeMman, Cave, Chandler, Hammett, Kiitner, Clarke, Asimov, and Bradbury to name a few. The Pulps car­ ried talent and trash, and served to fire the imagina­ tion of millions, and you'll get afine introduction to them in this astute and irlormatille book.

•THE GRAND GRIMOIRE, translated by Gretchen Rudy, edited by Antonio Venitiana del Rabina, (Trident Books & Ara Obscura, P.0. Box 85811, Seattle, WA 98105, 1996; 117 pages, ISBN 1- 879000-01-6, $95, leatherbound).

    Here's an elegant new edlion of this nolorious book of Solomonic magic. One of the most posh p19sentations Ive yet seen (I received a colT8cted proof which has well designed type setting, but I also receilled a pictur& of the final cover which is leather wlh an embossed inverted pentagram and the title

eimossed in gold-very impressive),

-INSIDE TERADOME, An llustrated History of Freak Film, by Jack Hunter (Creation Books, 83, Clerkel'IN811 Road, Landon, EC1, UK,1995; 245 pages, ISBN 1-871592-41-0, $16.95trade paperback).

    Here's a fascinating study which r&ally explores the sit,ject, starting with a history of freaks and freak shows to p19pare you for their advent on the siver screen. There's even a poelive mertion of the Chun:h of Satan (tllotql the atihor isn, aware of Dr.

LaVey's role inthe rebirth of US interest in Browning's Fl'BS/ctJ as a place which accepted freaks into its ranks, and they mention Sstllllis as well as SpBBk of lhB Devi/. The book is weD designed and full of fine Ulustrations. n wil remain a fine source book for al irterested in human oddities.

•V IS FOR VAMPIRE, The A-Z Guide To Every­ thing Undead, by David J.Skal (P8111J,i'l Books, 375 Hudson Street, New York. NY 10014, 1996; 288 pages, ISBN 0-452-27173-8,$15.95, trade paperback).

    Skal is back, who you'll r&member for his excellent previous books Hollywood Gothic and The Monster Show, and he's written a ligt't-hearted and very biased encyclopedia of vampi1&-lore which covers films, personalties, history, literature, and anything he could think of to d'ISCUSS. There 818 truly excellent appendices which list vampir& films and novels by year of release/publicationas well as a list of vampire and vampir& related creatures from arollld the wortd. This is an excellent SOtJC8 book and a really fun read (and nicely ilustrated as well).

el.ET usPREY, Tony Sokol, VampyrTheatre, P.O. Box 6012, S. Hackensack, N.J. 07606 ($4.93).

    Tony Sokol has been the moving force behind Ls CommBdis Del Ssngue: Vsmpyr Theslr8, which has produced plays exploring vampirism. This is a play which was first pelfonned in 1993, and it is illustrated with stills from one of the productions.

Vampire sliclsnsdos wll relish this rtualistic exploration wherein various postulants present themselves to the vampires in sean:h of satisfying various needs. Audience participation is encouraged at times in acontrolled fashion. I have yet to see one of their productions, but this script seems to be a fine basis on which to build an effectille theatrical experience.

eCTHULHU CULTUS, 1-5, edited by Tani Jantsang and Philip Marsh. $1o each volume from P.Marsh, P.O. Box 534, Capiva Island, FL 33924.

    These delightful volumes pr&sent new fiction, poetry, humor pieces, essays, art, and even sheet music which takes Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos as a starting point. If Lovecraft	you pleasure, then you wl1e11oy these writings which play in his universe. AtAhor.l include: Robert M. Price, Crispin Bumham, Tani Jantsang, Philip Marsh, Jeff Gerber, Casey Ley, Peter Gilmore, Wayne Hicks, James Ambuehl, E.P. Berglund, Ales GuBlotte, and Jeffrey

Thomas. If you write Lovecraftian pastiches, then youmigt't submit works for futur& volumes.

•FECAL FORCES ZEEN IS, Boris "Kukatz" Milakovic, fN. Duha 30, 34000 Pozaga, Croatia.

    Here's something you don\ see ewryday: a punk anan:hist Satanic metal 'zine from Croatia. It's very much a Pt.Ilk 'zine in design (hard on the eyes), Wit does haw energy. No price listed but I'm certain they'd trade.

-SECONDS, pubUshed by Steve Blush, edited by George Petros, 24 Fifth Avenue, Suite 405, New York, NY 10011, Phone: 212-260-0481. lntemet Still r&igns supreme as the source for IOOSical <iscussion and controwrsy beyond PC stricttns. I you realy want to read about the thinking behind contemporary musicians and olher cultural icons, then this is THE forum for dangerous discussion. Every issue has someone that will be of inter&st to the Satanist. Here's a listing of otistanding irterviews from recent issues: #31-Danzig, Tom Jones; #32--Chal1es Manson, Calvin Schenkel, Slayer;, In June, David Bowie; #34- Ambient Teq>le of Imagination; #35-Carrille Paglia, Boy George, Foetus; #36-Rahowa; #37- Easy Listening & Lounge Revival Special (don't miss this onel); #38-Mike Diana, Boyd Rice (excellent photos of Boyd wlh nude ladies, plus an intro by Adam Plllfrey); #39-Coop (great illustrationsl),Type 0 Negatille, Harlan Ellison, Ozzy Osbooole; #40- Marilyn Manson [Interviewed by Boyd Rice!), J. G. Balald, Lyndon LaRouche, Andnl Lassen; #41-Lisa Carver, Ron Jeremy, Richard Ramirez, Burzum; #42. Pantera, Xenakis, Bjorlc; #43--Tiny Tm, Danzig, Electric Hellfi18 Club, Sol lnvictus, Absu.

    Back issues are $5.00 each (plus $2.00 for foreign slipping). And they still have #27 which featured an inteNiew with Anton LaVey. You can't afford to be without SECONDS.

[We welcome our readers to submft reviews of booksllilmshnusic that they have found to be SatanicaUy significant-just follow our format. PHG'a


Softcover: $12.00, $15.00 foreign Hardcover: $25.00, $30.00 foreign Byron's MANFRED with a foiward by Michael Rose $6.00 US, $8.00 foreign

Make checks or money orders payable to:


      P.O. Box 1413 Decatur, AL 35602-1413 USA

OU THINK YOU represent unppPUlar views as a Satanist? Do people give you a bani time for your beliefs? you're far from the only one, as George Eric Hawthorne will be happy to inform you. Hawthorne is a true pariah on the current cultural landscape (landfill?), and as the frontman for Canada's RAHOWA (short for RAcial HOiy WAr), he has taken his fair share of criticism.

   Howevo; if you care to go beyond media catch-phrases and actually listen to what he has to say, it would undoubtedly fly right over the heads of m t redneck racists or Hitlerian hatemongers, as much as it'd rile up the typical liberal humanist. And beyond this, his musical group recently released a CD, Cult of the Holy War, that could well climb right up the indie charts if it weren't for his thoroughly uncom­ promising-yet extremely eloquent-lyrics.

Combined with neo-classical influences and inspiration from Ragnar Redbeard, it's an impresm,e piece of work that many Satanists would find inspiring, even if they don't completely agree with Hawthorne's platform.

   h's no secret that his gl	magazine, Resistance, has been attracting a lot of attention lately, along with the releases on his succesdu1 record label of the same name. A significant proportion of attention has also come from Satanists, enough so to stircontroversy in the pages of the latest issue. h seemed appropriate to turn the tables and fire off a round of questions in Geoige's direction to find out just where he stands.

How is it that you came around toyour pn:sent oudook] From what I understand you had a very different one as a youngstet; which was not particularly racially oriented.

   I was raised in the suburbs, and the only non-Whites that lived near us were pretty submissive. Back in the seventies, Canada was almost exclusively White. Although my parents were not "racist• per se, they definitely taught us not to race-mix, explaining that "you just don't do it.• This feeling was more of a response to it being socially unacceptable than having some phil ophical premise.
   As I got oldo; and the racial makeup of Canada began to change, I was confronted with different cultures and ethnicities. Initially, I had no problem with this, as I stuck with the white guys, and was never really bothered by the muds. I had some non-white friends, but this was more of a result of being on the football

Photo ere ii: Bran on George Eric Hawthorne In performance. team and being vice-president of the student council than anything else. I ran with the "in crowd•;I was a jock, and I founded a weight­ lifting club. High school years were easy for me, as I was well-liked and accepted, and coming from an upper-middle class family, I had nice and did not suffer from any deprivations. For many reasons, I was destined for this average life as an upwaroly mobile, affluent bowgeois guy with no concerns except planning my next vacation to the Gulf of Mexico or Vail.

   But my life took a wicked turn when I staned reading Nietzsche. Suddenly, something deep and forbidden in my racial soul was evoked, and I knew that I wanted much more from life than to be sentenced to an existence of excessive comfort. I started looking at life differently. No longer was materialism important to me; theLaw of Blood spoke the wisdom of the Ancients.
   I began to seek out the things truly potent in tern culture, and developed a voracious appetite for reading classic literature. Plato, Thucydides, Cicero, Shakespeare, Poe, Bacon,

Dostoyevsk:y, Shaw, and of coune Nietzsche filled my nights and moments between ­ Ilost interest in mind.less pursuits like exces.m,e drinking, and shunned the drug use I saw amongst my friends. Although I did not know it at the time, I was finding myself amidst the

modem labyrinth of anti-culture, n:disoovering the collective wisdom of my forefathers in an era when it is buried deep in layers of rancid phil ophical excrement.

What was your fll"SI: exposure to religion?

   I was raised as a Roman Ottholic, and fed it through my mother's milk. I was the head altar-boy at my Parish, and served sometimes up to 5 or 6 days per week. I heard everything that there was to learn about that religion. I literally memorized the mass word­ for-word, and when coupled with my high schooleducation at an all-boys Catholic school run by Christian Brothers, I knew the faith inside and out. Being a fanatic, I was a devout followo; ch	never to be one of those drifting souls that was neither good enough for Heaven, nor bad enough for Hell. Nothing could be worse than the Christian notion of a "puigatoiy•; a place where the mediocre get to spend a huge chunk of their after-life. Give me the option of hanging out with maniacs or saints over that contemptible lot, and rll take it everytime.
   At about the age of 15 or 16, I started to seriously question my religion. I was a.wng questions that were far too difficult for my

priest to answei: But these were basic, logical, common-sense questions, ones that must have been tackled by every believo; I thought. At first I assumed that it was just my priest that couldn't give the answers, that he spent too much of his time dipping into the "blood of Cluist• instead of studying priesthood. So I searched, talked to many priests, and they all . had the same pathetic answers for me.

   I was insulted! Surely my religion was based on a foundation more solid than the fluff I was being given! But time would prove other­ wise. Soon I was to learn that the faith I had been reared on was nothing more than another one of man's Dark-age attempts at explaining the vast unknown. And around it, they had erected this farce, this con-job, this racket that milked them of their money and vibrancy. h became my destiny to destroy it.

Is religion even necessary? Does it serve a positive function? That would belike a.wng if reading served a positive function. If you are reading lies designro to neuter you and render you listless, then it serves a negative one. Conversely, if the book provides you with qualified, intelligent answers, and healthy


philosophical mind-food, then yes, it would serve a positive function.

   Some religions destroy people, turning them into malleable, cooperative plebeians. Others provide a healthy ideological backbone and supplement it with a strong community interaction with other like-minded individuals. So it really depends on the religion in question. The Islamic religion seems to have served the Arabs quite well, although it was a disaster for the (mitially white) Moors, who pr.icticed miscegenation after putting Islam before Racial Loyalty.
   Some people need religion. My girlfriend is an Odinist Pagan, and although she is like a Satanist in that she dOC5n't believe in the literal existence of the Norse Gods, it gives her an ancient faith and tradition to provide her with a healthy point of reference. I however; am an Atheist, or more appropriately a Creatoi; and this empowers me more than any other belief­ system could.

"\bur initial major involvement in the racial movement was via The Chwcli of the Creator, which was known for its vehement anti-Christian st3nee. W.U this part of its appeal for you?

   The W1:iite Mm'.s Bible and Nature'.s Eternal Religion, the two basic books of the COTC, emancipated me from the remaining Christian residue that even NietzSChe couldn't fully purge. I saw the Racial issue as profoundly im­

ponant as destroying diristian.ity, because I don't believe White people can act with the neceswy ruthlessness while stillsaddled with the Christian baggage.

How did you become a member of the organization]

   I was 19 years old, and in my first year of University (we have grade 13 here in Canada), and I was given a copy of 11,e W1,ite Man'.s Bible. I read it in two days, and immediatdy wrote the COTC for more information on bow to build a Church here in Canada.I thought that I would be enrolling in an eneigetic, viable religious movement, that was
       and active. Although the group had been around since 1973, and had been founded with over $1 million of the founder's money, it was adiso mess, a:nd very poorly promoted.

Why did you leave the COTO

   After time, the frustrations of dealing with the poor leadership structure just got to me. Ifeh like I was sinking wasted energy into a losing venture. So I politely resigned, and eventually formed Resistance Records, the first ever "pro-White• or "Euro-centric•

recording label in the world. There had been other racial music released, but never from a label that was owned and operated by the Racially Loyal.

I have many of your older articles from OOTC publications, whkh m very intelligently done. Howevez; one can't say the same for much of the rest of their newspaper and propaganda. Did you not feel like you were battling against a major current just trying to push things in a dynamic, thoughtful direction?

   Sometimes, yes. However; you must remember that the group's publication, RIKiaJ Luyalty, was almost universally disappointing for Creators. It did not reflect the state of mind or mental capacity of the Creators I was meet­ ing across North America, and corresponding with from all over the world. It was a very poor representation of the COTC, and it was the two aforementioned books that were the main source of propaganda.

It seems to me that many of the most for­ ward thinking, competent and progmsive racialists like yourself all emerged from OOTC. Why might this be, especially given their bmrre ideas about having everyone dress up in frontier western outfits waving "It's Great to be White" flags?

        that is an unfair general.iz.ation of the OOTC. One member; who called hitnsdf V1etor '\Xblf, promoted some off-the-wall i ,

but not one Creator I ever met actually went and put on a Ranger's costume or had a flag that said •1t•s Great to be Whit.e." That was viewed as a corny idea generated by some geeky old guy, and not representative of the membership at all.

   The members that I knew were of above­ average intelligence, were well-educated, and were some of the toughest motherfuckers who could ever hope to have on your side. Of course, the group was so extreme that it attraeted its share of lunatics, which the Satanic movement also dOC5, but it was neverthe a movement filled with the progressive-minded.

Oearly Nietzsche is a major influence. How did you come across his writing and where do you think its value lies?

   One of my high school English teachers once hdd up a sheet of paper and said, "if you want a real education, drop out of this facility today, and go buy the 100 books on this list of classic tomes.• While I didn't drop out, Idid go and purchase dozens of the books, beginning with Nietzsche, which my teacher told me was the haroest to fully grasp. While I did have to re-read many ponions at first, Igradually

became acclimated to his condensed writing style, a:nd internaliud the nu:mge well

   I think that Niettsche's greatest contribution to philosophy, besides having been a major inspiration to Ragnar Redbeard (author of Might is Right), is his discussion of the coming of the Overman, the next evolution of mankind, provided that we regain our foothold and cleanse ourselves of unpure ideologies that restrain us. I also appm:iated his disdain for"W.lgnerian-style Nationalism, instead preaching unity amongst all of Europe.

Nietzsche often levded scathing aiticism at "anti-Semites". How do you interp t these sentiments from him?

   Anyone who has read 11,e Antichrist will know that Niewche was the most profound anti-Semite on the block. He made such a thorough, coherent, and coTldemoiog <::ase against the Jews in that book, that it perplexes me that anyone has any doubts about his opinion on the mattec Jewish apologists point to comments he scrawled late in life, while in a syphilis-induced delirium. No, like it or not, Niewche was a Jew-hatei; and a profound one at that!

Likewise, many would claim Nietzsche avoids any absolute racial stance. Is this merely due to his living in a less troubled time than we do presently?

   What was the issue of Race to someone living in the 19th c.entwy? There was no non­ White encroachment on Europe's Racial integrity. Without the modern-day mud-slide we are witneSSing, is it any doubt that Niewche left a non-issue
   Saying that Nietzsche took no absolute Racial stance is like saying that he did not take environmental protection seriously. The issue was irrelevant to his time. However; much of Niewche's writings deal with his concept of genetic elitism, so you don't have to be a brain­ swgeon to take those clear observations and apply them to the modern Racial issues. If Niewche lived today, he would agree with most of my platforms, but hate my band, writing our music off as a •well-orchestrated assauh upon the nerves", which is how he also defines W-ignerl

Many in the racialist movement claim to be advancing or protecting an advanced cultu while-with extremely few aceptions-these same people seem utterly unable to produce any superior cultural works themselves. How do you feel about this? I know a number of people who have no problem with racial ideas, but on the other hand shudder at the thought of a

world run by some of the obviously inferior racla1 "leaders".

   The •leadership• of the Racia&t movement is pathetic indeed. So is much of the membership. But then again, as I look around me today, I see little reason not to be a seething misanthrope! The idea itself does not belong to any rm-potfohre, and his cast of lfDw,n Hooes rejects, but rather to the ebb and flow of the Universe, and the greater wealth of wisdom from time immemorial These ethics are true and just, irrespective of the foo of modem man, or the CWTent fashion of political co	Racia&m is absolute ttuth, and no beer-bellied redneck can claim ownership of it.
   I should also interject that there are hundnm of decent, solid, highly intelligent young men and women that I personally work with and communicate with involved in the Racialist movement. Theleadership is filled by people that have nothing to lose by being outspoken. The quality members of the movement don't show up on GeraidlJ.

How did your initial efforts into the realm of music come about?

I first played with a band in grade eight. covered some popular metal tunes at the

time. I was 12, so I thought KISS was just about the apex of musical ability! I also really loved Led Zeppelin, which is an influence that definitely outlasted Gene Simmons & Co. I also played trombone in brass band, and later formed a highschool rock band that wrote its own music. I still have some shitty tape kicking around here somewhere.

RAHOWA is often categorized as a "skinhead" band but this seems more and more of a misnomet How would you describe what you're trying to accomplish and how is k different from the rest of the current racla1 music scene?

   I am trying to explore the emotional and intellectual depths of the Fascist ethic through the expmon of music. As this idea becomes more and more intimate to me, our music becomes more and more revealiog and profound. Our next project, 1beIron DrtAm, will take it all to a new level
   Skinheads were initially pissed off at our metamorphosis, because we were always this really popular •Skinhead• band. But we were never into playing Oi music, or playing untalented crap just to provide some lunkheads with a soundtrack. to get pissed to. On the contrary, we have always tried to take Skin­ heam to a higher level, and we get along best with those Skins we can relate to, the perrentage of the Skin scene that iseducated and forward-thinking. I like people who are

not intimidat.ed by any idea.

From where did the prominent classical influences on Clllt of the Holy War arise?

   Jon Latvis (lead guitai; cello, piano) is a highly accomplish ical musician, having been trained at the Royal Conservatory of Music.inToronto for several years, where he

earned a grade eight cello and a grade nine piano. But I think he could go even highei: He is a total virtu o, and the most talented musician I have everseen. MTV couldn't handle this guy's talent for minute.

   I have always loved Bach especially, and my appreciation of other music from the Baroque and Gothic/Gregorian period led me to this place where my han:i metal influences collided with my icalattraction.

RAHOWA became the outlet for the fusion that OCCUITcd.

'1bu have asked your readers in Resistllnce whether "Satulism is forbidden by the skinhead thought police?" What brought about this question and how do think the average racialist feels about such things?

       there is a lot of resistance toSatan­ ism amongst Racialists, mainly due to lack of knowledge, and a residue of Christianity. But we are getting tons of letters from Satanist Black Metal and Death Metal bands, as well as lots of fans of Satanic music.
   As an atheist, I look at the whole Christian/Pagan/Satanicsquabble and sigh a little, wondering why so many people need religion. But I guess it is a fact that people do, soI have come to accept it.I judge people based on their individual value, not based on whether or not they attach the correct label to themselves.
   Unfortunately, many Skinheads don't feel that way. But I like to push every issue that upsets them, because it gets them to think about the things that they try and avoid. The more those wheels tum, the faster the machine cangol

How do you personally feel about the issue, as I know you are at least f.uniliar with the philosophy of Satanism?

       since every Satanist I have spoken to about the issue doesn't believe in the literal existence of "the devil," I don't understand why they don't just call themselves atheists, and avoid becoming the next fund-raising story on this Sunday's televangelist broadcast. That having been said, I have met some fantastic, brilliant people that are Satanists, so I respect the movement as being able to attract and inspire some worthy men and women.

I think that the Racialist movement

ulrirnately benefits from having Satanists involved. I know that many Satanists agree with our world-view, so why not work together? I am one of the m t anti-Christian prophets I know, soif I work with some Ouistian Racialists who are solid people dedicated tosimilar ideals, then I sure ashell am going to work with Satanists that fit the same criteria. Fuck, I would work with Hare Krishnas if they met my prerequisites!

How do you see Resistance Records devdoping over the coming years?

   I want our magaz.ine to become biggei; more frequent (bi-monthly and then monthly), and filled with better articles every mue. I pour myself into each issue, and it islike an extemion of myself, so Idamn well intend on it progress­ ing, just like I seek to a,pirel
   As for the label, I want to see it sign less bands, and move more volume of all the records we have already released.	have only pressed 6,000 RAHOWA's Cult Of1heHoly War, which is our fastest selling album, and I think that it should be heaid by (IJ,000 and then (IJ(J,000 before it slows downl This is wishful thinking, of course, and it requires some pretty hard work to promote this, considering some of the obstacles in our way.

What are the main ones you face?

   A music industry that shuns us ...indie labels that actively work against our efforts, threatening to boycott stores and 'zincs that cany our records or ads ... big media that makes us look like the anti-Christ hate­ corporation of the century -· stores that won't cany our CDs ... companies that won't p

our records ...studios that won't record us. The list goes on and on. are as black as black sheep get, and there is no let-up in sight.

   Through all of this, we keep laughing, "00 enjoying the fun of upsetting the puny little minds that tty so hard to be "correct" in their pathetic little lives.	get to speak out on issues that concern us, make a few bucks along the way, be creative in the proces.s, and find our way into history books as the m t notorious and officially hated company of the late 20th C.enturyl What more could I guy ask for from life???

• • • • • To contact George Eric Hawthorne-­

write: 5060 Tecumseh Rd. E., Suite 148, Wmdsor, ON, N8T 1C1, Canada.



      childhood, in fact as far back as I can remember, I have heard about Christianity. Contrary to popular belief, I don't need to hear the •Good News". rve heard it loud and clear, and all too often. h'sa good story but any story gets boring after awhile. The Christians claim it's the literal word of God, but they seem to disobey it nonchalantly.

Why? Because, I fear, they really know­ much to their dismay-it's not the word of God and if "Faith without works is dead,,. then someone better graha shovel. Why do they hold on to this dying faith? They have been conditioned, like Pavlov's d to respond. They have, for the most p-art, been intensively indoctrinated (read brainwashed) into this cult since the day they were born and the cult leaders leave their flock gbenoiud, confused, and 20% lighter in the walled When I was a child, tithes were only 10%, why did a supposedly omnipotent God need apay raise? Maybe to keep up with the cost of living? Meanwhile the only solace the Christian can find is that "it might be true." This has become the cry of desperation of many followers of many faiths when their "logic" fails to convince me of the existence of any god.

   Christians claim that their creed is "love thine enemy" and everyone has •free will,,. yet they behave as oppressors of personal liberty (by law or murder) to reinforce their malevolent control over society. The facts are that the Christians have been reponsible for

the Inquisition, the Crusades, du:Salem Wttch hunts and, whenever empowered, the ritual murder of anyone who didn't conform to their religion. They have banned the work of scientists and authors in the guise of protecting society from immorality, but their true motivation was to prevent the spread of scientific knowledge, new philosophies, and any ideas that conflicted with their religious doctrines. These are the facts and they are not indispute and, in fact, they would stop at nothing to preserve their place insociety. According to Christian dogma, the first sin of mankind was the pursuit of knowledge (of good and evil). Truly •ignorance is bliss," or at lean piety, in Christianity.

  In this, Christianity's desperate hour, and throughout their history, they have sought to stop the flow of progn:M and

personal liberty. Even now, they are hard at work to remove the gun from your hand, eliminate your ability to get an abortion, restrict what you may see or read on the internet, put prayer back in your public school system and have it reinforced at your State colleges and universities. H you don't believe me, call your COngreMman and ask him or her about the Contract with the American family. This piece of •reform," sponsored by the right-wing, is an effon to turn back the clock of progress on personal liberties because its purveyors supp y "know what's best" for the country. Excuse my arrogance, but when did they get a clue?

   The Holy Bible says that theEanh stood still one day. The Eanhhas never stood still; since my childhood, in fact as far back as I can remember, I have known that the eanh revolves around the sun and on it's own axis. And now that rm older, I know that our sun is moving away from the center of theMilley Way galaxy, which in tum is moving away from the center of a superstring of galaxies.

And this superstring, presumably, is moving away from the center of the universe where the Big Bang, not creation, staned it all.So, as Galileo told his sister almost -400 years ago, the Holy Bible is wrong-"the Eanh has never stood still.,. And, in all of known existence, ther is not one scientific fact which supports the existence of any god. rm thankful that there's no Inquisition to come after me and make me renounce my beliefs. • • • • • $ATANt•N t• AIJVI£ AND Wl£LLI DIABOL/CA An ltulqaulent Fon,m of Satanic Tltouglrl

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You have been selected to create a work of art in any format, style, or media for the Satanic Salon's "Fuck You America-Violence Towards Women" to open in San Francisco, California, on Walpurgisnacht XXXII (30th April, 1997). Now is your chance to re-invent one of the country's most ignored holidays and be as "Heavy­ Handed" as you like. Anything goes, but everyone is responsible for his or her own actions.

This is the first in a series of "Hit and Run" exhibitions, shows, and performances that will develop into an annual travelling "Wild West" show. Fuck You America! The Satanical Wild West Extravaganza, will explore the limitless possibilities of a "Rock Tour approach to exhibiting art and performing state-to-state. Join Renegade Artists Present as we are about to embark on the ultimate "American Adventure" of artists representing artists. We believe that artists know best how to present and exhib­ it their works.

It is the artists' responsibility to assert him or herself in this uncertain "wishy-washy world. Art as Aesthetic Terrorism defines the time and culture. Cultural Expression must be the expression "By The People, For The People" not bred or created by our "Corporate Government" for mass consumption.

If you are interested, please write to: Renegade Artists Present, P.O. Box 9307, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87119; Phone: 505-265-2577; or our San Francisco office:, 3128 16th Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94103; Phone: 414-437-2494.

Deadline for acceptance is April 1st 1997.

If you are not interested in creating "Un-American Art," because it sounds a little ANGRY, or CONFRONTATIONAL, DANGEROUS, NOT NICE, MEAN, UGLY, GROTESQUE, VIOLENT, or whatever "weak" reason you may come up with- "Fuck You!" Only "True Americans" need apply.

MEANINGS and interpretations, even amon Satanists. The sig­ nificance of Satanic God(s) is, as it should be, utilitarian and highly individualistic. (If something is working for a person, then ob­ viously he or she should take it to the limit.) This lack of simplicity regarding the subject of the "divine" is most likely why so many non-Satanists have difficulty understanding our position. Often, words like God and Satan are used (by Satanists) in a symbolic way to represent the highly complex and relatively unknown forces at work (or play) in this Universe of which we are a part. To complicate matters furthei; some Satanists engage in confrontational histrionics which, although perhaps fulfill them personally, fail to demonstrate their intellectual grounds (and fail to "win friends and influence people"-which is a whole other argument on the superfluousness of Satanic PR.) Likewise, despite our sense of rational skep­ ticism and studious worldliness, many so­ called scholars are also confused about Satanists, perhaps because we so often cloak ourselves in elements of horroi; myth and supernature.

   I have recently recovered from a bout of local cyberspatial obsession-in which I took to task agnosticism and a number of other loosely related subjects-and, therefrom, bring you both the delirium of the cyber­ masses and my remedy unto the same. But before this presentation, I shall describe ex­ actly how delicate some subjects are in rela­ tion to Satanism.
  For example, let's take the "God is Dead" movement. We know it primarily from philosophical history (which is intellec­ tual initsdetails). It also serves as a catchy marketing device for a band of Satanic mwicians, ACHERON-which is commen­ dable. But, taken on its face value, it

presumes that God (in the traditional sense) must have been real and alive at one time; supporting "God is Dead" literally is neces­ sarily inattentive to the fact that there is no evidence for the existence of any and all gods, unless one is fooled by the godly corpses which are propped up and animated by the slaveringly devout.

  To say "God is Dead" might not be so Satanic if we must presume irrationality. In-

stead, and this may further mislead the al­ ready mislead, saying "God is Alive" could be aSatanic proclamation, if by it we mean He is only alive in as much as His drowning body bobs afloat in a sea of His followers' verbal dianhea-or if by it we mean He is alive in whatever way we choose to define Him. One must be cautious, for the ice isn't always as thick as it appears. By my way of thinking, God is a meaningless slogan left over from a failed ad campaign, and "He" can be exploited in many ways by many persons.

   All this brings us to the question of ag­ nosticism and precisely what that wmd means. Is agnosticism compatible with Satanism?
   Calling themselves agnostic, I've been in communication with several people who didn't realize the Christian implications be­ hind the concept of agnosticism, which I'll explain after this refresher on the subject.
   The term "agnosticism" was coined by the English rationalist Thomas Huxley in the 19th Century. By the little of his work that I've so-far read, I would conclude that he either wasn't sure himself what he meant by agnosticism or else he was socio­ politically cautious in exploring its usage.

Whatever the case, I don't think M& Huxley would approve of the way "agnosticism" is popularly used today. "Agnostic" is derived from the Greek wont agnostos, meaning "unknown" or "unknowable," and it is generally used to define the position that "it is impossible either to refute ordemonstrate God's existence on the basis of available evidence." This definition is rather narrow­ minded, for the agnostic position applies to much more than just God.

   Geoige H. Smith put the problem of ag­ nosticism in perspective in his book, Atheism: The Case Against God. His wont­ ing is too suitable to paraphrase; I give you Mt Smith's wonts:
   "Agnosticism is not an independent position or middle way between theism and atheism, because it classifies acconting to dif­ ferent criteria. Theism and atheism separate those who believe in a god from those who do not. Agnosticism separates those who believe that reason can not penetrate the su­ pernatural realm from those who defend the capability of reason to affirm ordeny the truth of theistic belief."

   You see, a person can be any combina­ tion: agnostic theist, agnostic atheist, non­ agnostic theist or non-agnostic atheist ( - this last is closest to Satanism).
   On the broadest leve agnosticism is a belief in "unknowability" which practically equates to transcendentalism-that the char­ acter of ultimate reality is unknowable.

Satanists can not reasonably support agnos­ ticism because it is a position of anti-reason, claiming as it does that things exist which are "beyond reality" and which can not ever be known by humankind. But if there are things beyond reality and forever unknow­ able, how do agnostics know this? Faith? How do they know our future scientific, technological achievements will not some­ day disrobe all the unknown/unknowable and lay the cosmic "secrets" naked before us? And what makes the agnostic so sure per­ petual unknowables exist? One would have to have knowledge of something which pos­ sesses the trait of "unknowability" before one could advance a logical argument for that something. And, obviously, if one has knowledge of such an unknowable, then that unknowable must actually be knowable after all and be within reality's scope.

   Another reason agnosticism is un­ reasonable is that by its acceptance of the un­ knowability of matters (like God), it allows credibility to every presupposition (be it God, Satan or the Tooth Fairy) by way of the shady logic that "because there is no evidence for or against the said presupposi­ tion, the presupposition must be a valid one." In this way, uncertainty is the hand of proof. By their f sitting-their total suspension of judgment-the agnostic validates everything equally, failing to under­ stand that a lack of evidence for something (like God) is refutation enough against that something (like God) until conaete evidence turns up otherwise. The Satanist does not jump the fence of reason, but rather looks to examine just what territory the fence encloses.

"If Satanists are not agnostic, does that mean they are Gnostic?"

   Here, of course, we must be careful to distinguish our rejection of agnosticism from our equally Satanic rejection of Gnosticism. Gnosis, as defined in its relation to Gnas-

ticism, is an "esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be sential to salvation.• Obviously, we consider all"spiritual truths" to be wholesale lies. The Satanist is non-agnostic, or one could say he or she is a gnosis atheist, in the sense of gnosis being a stance for reason and reason's capability to affirm or refute the validity of anything.

   Using the shield of "agnosticism" is no defense against one choosing if one is a theist or a non-theist, as it is a blanket statement of mystical uncertainties. Agnosticism has be­ come the refuge for cowaals who fear the so­ cial prejudices that are engendered against

the Godless label, atheism. Agnosticism is also a convenient dodge to substitute faith in place of reason.

   And speaking of faith, the Christians I've come across using the Devil's cyberspa­ tial technology are still whining about the

risingSatanic nature of modem society and the seemingly anti-Christian sentiments in mass media. 11 I'm not sure how accurate this assessment is, as X-ians have been saying such for a long, long time. But I am sure we need to remind them of a few thin because they are always forgetting their


   If the truth is Christian-bashing, so be it-these truths are carnal ones, not "spiritual." That the material evidenre does not support Adam & Eve, viJgin births, miracles and resumctions issomething I would not fon:e on anybody; perhaps reality is only for the few who can handJe it and remain content. X-ians should study their bible and remember that "faith" should be

their modus operandi. When they start look­ ingfor reasons to support that faith, then they are no longer relying on faith, but rather reason; then they have abandoned the pri& ciple their Jesus allegedly said: blessed are those who have not seen, but believe. Satanists should be reminded also that it was the X-ian founder Paul who said that all which do not proceed out of faith are evil.

   Thus, Paul lumps reason with evil, which should put us diabolists on firm ground-with the non-spiritual world any­ way. When X-ians stick to faith, fine; we can not argue with this freedom. Argumentation is dependent on reason. Christians are not.

Hail Reason! Hail Satan! • • • • •

Empower a vttaUy important Satanic attribute: your sense of humor! Enjoy our tnstgbtful & humorous take on life, food, wtne, reltgton, culture, current events, etc. Issued Quarterly $10U.S. per year, payable to: N. B. Smith THE RAVEN, Box 163, Stratford CT 06497-0163 Life is the Great Indulgence!

-'!_!IE ACK	J,LAMt:

y PET RAT AND FRIEND for two very short years recently passed away. Travis was loyal, affectionate, sensitive and loving--more so than most humans EVER could be. On the night that he died, his cool, limp little body struggled to breathe as I held him in my hands. He communicated clearly to my wife and I that he did not want to die. We tried to put him in his cage, but he mustered every bit of strength that he had to jump back into my hand. He wanted to be with ME, to say goodbye. I realized that by sheer force of will, he was staying alive as long as possible, for MY benefit. He really, truly LOVED me-loved me enough to endure pain and discomfort just so we might spend these last few hours together. What human being would do that? Finally, I turned down the lights and coaxed him back into his cage. I could see that con­ tact with me was cruelly prolonging his life. I kissed him goodbye. He died about two hours later. The next day I lifted his cold, stiff body into his favorite empty Kleenex box. I broke into tears-he was usually so wann and animated. Now he was simply still.

   I would step over the bleeding bod­ ies of str t people without giving the matter a second thought. I don't give a damn about suffering people in Bosnia, Somalia, Ethiopia or Rwanda. I cheer every time the State of California puts another criminal to death. I shrug when I hear that a fourteen-year-old kid is rid­ dled with bullets in a gang shoot-out. I marvel at the stupidity of people who die

in trailer parks when hurricanes and tor­ nadoes strike. These people are incapable of mustering one-tenth of the amount of loyalty, love, enthusiasm or will that my rat Travis displayed on this single night.

   When I appeared as a guest on Bob Larson's TALK BACK radio show, Bob said, "...This guy thinks a rat's more important than a human being..." Damn straight, Bob. When human beings live

up to the standards set by Travis, I'll reconsider. I know that won't happen, though And people wonder why we're misanthropes.

   Each time I passed by Travis' cage after he died, I felt a sense of incom­ pleteness. Travis was my familiar, and he took part of me with him when he

., passed on. I knew what I had to do. I found a quiet spot in Golden Gate Park in back of the Japanese Tea Garden to bury Travis. I said a few words, shed some more tears, and walked back to my car. I headed immediately to the pet store and procured a sweet little gold­ colored rat whom I have named Jupiter. Jupiter and I are still getting used to each other, but I already like him better than the guy who sold him to me. • • • • •



to define what he means, then he is hiding

Nazi leadership. They claimed they were

would say that we all know what Satanism is, that there is no need to define what we mean when we label our­ selves in this manner. We should get on with creating thin of value and not waste our time on such trivial debates as whether Satanism is compatible with fascism, and boldly proceed with what our guts tell us, because, after all, we arc the elite and supe­ rior Satanists.

   The fact of the matter is, these debates are extremely important. To relegate your ethics (your guide to action, what is right and wron&) to your guts is to relegate your decision making to what I call osmocon­ sciousncss. And just what, you may right­ fully ask, is osmoconsciousncss?
   To begin with, everyone has one. You can't help acquiring one as you grow up in any culture. You get it from your parents, the TY, and from every other human that you encountei; either in person or in any sort of media. You have acquired it by os­ mosis, and most of the shccple assume it to be consciousn and substitute it for thinking. h is the subconscious accumula­ tion of a junk pile of unexamined con­ clusions and generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, wishes, doubts, and fears thrown together by chance. h has been integrated by the sub­ conscious into a mongrel philosophy, and it is responsible for emotional responses (your guts), which arc usually counterproductive.
  To the degree that your osmocon­ sciousncss corresponds to what is real, it causes your guts to tell you the correct ac­ tion to take. Since osmoconsciousness is a chancy grab bag, your decisions and be­ havior will have a chancy grab bag sort·of outcome. To the degree that you correct the ineffective aspects of the osmocon­ sciousncss, your guts will speak to you more effectively. One extremely effective way to change this unconscious jumble of ideas is to examine those ideas, define them, and discover their consequences. Then the ineffective and counterproductive ideas can be rejected. Only by carefully defining our words can we be sure that we understand each othci; let alone ourselves. Otherwise, we are just babbling at each othei; no mean­ ing, just wasted breath. Ha person refuses

something, from you the listcnci; or from himself. Ha person cannot define what he means, then he is simply repeating phrases, like a parrot, without meaning.

  H you think this is of minor impor­ tance, note what has happened to the civil rights movement, and the NAACP. The leaders of the original civil rights move­ ment did not clearly define what their goals were. In very blurry terms, the original goal seems to have been something like equal treatment under the law. Now it has come to mean special treatment for the most obnoxious or wealthy group by the law. Originally the NAACP had within its platform the complete integration of the school system. I hear (meaning that this in­ formation has not been validated) that they have been co opted by a radical group which is calling for the re-segregation of the schools. Bill Clinton and other politicians use blurry meanin and obfuscation in notoriously great quantities to further their own ends, especially to get elected.

From what I have read in the Satanic literature, especially that of Di: LaVey, Satanists tend tobe individualists. An in­ dividualist does not run anyone's life except his own, is neither master nor slave, and docs not sacrifice himself to anyone. There is great joy to be had from making the sheeple do what they do best, which is being run by their osmoconsciousness. Pushing sheeplc buttons can be very enter­ taining for short periods of time. It can be likened to games such as teasing the kitten or bear baiting.

  The trappin of Nazi fascism were well designed for messing with the shccplc. Howevei; to say that therefore the philos­ ophy behind Nazi fascism is compatible with Satanism is like saying that because we use similar tools we are of similar mind.

This is simply not true by any stretch of the imagination. Over and over again, in the words of the Nazi leaders (and also those of their philosophical mentors), the individual is nothing. The individual is to be ruled by the group, the state. The group (or its representative, the state) can sacrifice the individual at its whim. Any focus on personal desire is to be discouraged. These are the ideas of Kant, Spenglei; and of the

being rational. This doesn't mean that they were rational.

   Howevei; as has been proven many times, by the Nazis and scores of others, the vast majority of the shecplc do not want to be individualists, no matter what slogans they spout. It requires too much responsibility, too much thinking.1iy to teach their children the basics of individual powei; and the sheeple will hunt you down and weed you out. I have read of several cases where parents have begged the school system to teach decision making to their children, but when their children stancd to make their own decisions, the teachers were fired and the school systems sued.

These sheeple deserve what they get; dys­ functional families, failed and unhappy lives, fcai; uncertainty, and despair. Rather than think their way out of their unhappi­ ness, they bury it in bland, soothing white noise, which they refer to as culture. They want a benevolent dictatorship, but they would never admit that. It has to be has dressed in the right words. The Christian Bible had it right, the shccplc arc thorough­ ly hypnotized by the word. When their families fall apart, their teens commit crimes or suicide, or they become the vic­ tims of crime, they look for someone to blame, and it certainly can't be themselves. After all, the shccple did all the right thin they bought the right clothing, they watched the right shows, they spoke the correct slogans, believed the correct politicians, supported the right causes. What else is there?

  W, there is individualism, but that's unacceptable to all but those born to it.

Keeping in mind that the shccplc outnum­ ber us vastly, we individualists, who have difficulty joining together because we are individualists, must understand one another very well if we are to be triumphant as a class. We can never be a group. Howevei; if our class is to rule, we must be very aware of exactly what we mean when we are con­ sulting with each othei; especially if con­ certed action is to be taken. We must be very aware of each of our own self-interests, keep them in mind, and also be able to un­ derstand very specifically the self interest of the other members of our class. We will

'1111· 1;1 .\.< :h.. l·l .\.1\-11· otherwise be constantly working at Cl'Os.5-purposes. Self­ examination is very necessary, because to lie to ourselves is to under­ cut our own personal powec

   In just what manner should we rule? We certainly cannot force individualism on the sheeple or make them act rationally. It doesn't work. The term fascism keeps coming up. Can an individualistic class impose a fascist dictatorship without destroying themselves? I seriously doubt it.Is there a name for the most practical system that individualists could impose on the sheeple so that we can maintain the lifestyle to which we aspire without having to bother with them? If so, I certainly don't know what it is.
  If left to their own devices, the sheeple will eventually come up with someone to rule them, so constant monitoring for such threats to our power would be required. What a drag! They have to be told what to do all the time. They have to be content enough to keep them passive. They have to be made to produce enough to keep themselves happy. How about a version of the current conspiracy theories? Let the sheeple mess with their own government, but we, the elite, pull the strin from behind the scenes. A dangerous but exhilarating game for those with the desire for it.So how do the rest of us individualists keep from being screwed by any of these systems if we just want to be left alone, and have no desire for political power over the sheeple? As individualists, we always have social powei; and play it accordingly. Political power is another matte&
  It would seem that Dr. LaVey is indeed correct that the sheeple are hopeless peasants and require rulers of one sort or anothec It is also true that Satanists do not want to be ruled, and indeed make ex­ cellent rulers when so inclined. I certainly hope there will be an answer as to how to reconcile this matte& In the meantime, dear Satanic readers, check your premises, define your worcb, and seek harmony in your own class.

• • • • •


  "There is no question that the Grand Grimoire is a book of Black Magic, and it is contrary to the nature of things that a book ofBlackMagic should be otherwise than diabolical. The notice­ able point, as regards the Grand Grimoire is that the diabolism of the confessedly diabolical is often so exceedingly thin, while the angelical element in processes assumed to be angelical borders so often and so perilously on the Satanic side,"


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Athens. Unlike most other philosophers,

philosopher deals with reality, it is a suffi.

OPHY begins and enck with the

     •holy" trinity of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The fact is that there were many other philowphers, who often had views quite different from these three. Some find the roots of Satanism in these philosophers, but I feel a much ter affinity with a philosopher carrying on the work of one of the p Socratic philosopheI'S-4philosophy quite different from that espoused by that well known trinity.
   The p Socratic philosophers regan:led themselves as physicists as well as philosophers. These men often approached things from two sides. On one hand, they looked at the nature of the world, the primal substance of existence. On the other, they examined ethical and sociological matters.

One example is Heraclitus. On the physical side, he believed that life was characterized by struggle, and that the best men eschew the way of the mob. Another of these p Socratic philowphers was Democritus, who founded the school of philosophy known as Atomism.

   Democritus' Atomism held that there were only two things in the world: atoms and void. Atoms are indivisible things from which all matter is made, which move through void in straight, p nnined courses. One of Democritus' successors, Epicurus, deviated from this, saying that these atoms did not move in straight, p determined courses. He suggested that there was a slight swerve in the movement of the atoms. This slight swerve added an element of unpredictability to the world so, in a sense, Epicurus could be called the father of chaos theory. I mention this only as a bit of background information. It is not the Atomism of Epicurus that is of pricipal in­ terest to us here. Instead, I will concentrate on his ethical and social ideas.

Unfortunately, most of Epicurus' writ­ mp are lost to us. I suspect that the Chris­ tian mob took great delight in consigning his works to the flames. One of the early Chris­ tian leaders, Jerome, denounced one of the foremost Epicureans in Rome, the poet Lucretius, as a madman. What does survive is of great value. It is, in my opinion, of in­ finitely more value than the wri of the Stoics and Platonists. Epicurus taught in hisgarden in

Epicurus also taught women. Philowphical­ ly, Epicurus taught that the highe.t value was pleasure. This was something unheard of at that time. Many had accepted the idea that Man did, in &ct, act in the pursuit of pleasure, but this was seen as a defect in Man's nature. Epicurus said that Man should regam pleasure as his goal. This philosophy is often interpreted as mere unlimited license, but it is not. Epicurus was quite clear in stating that mere licentiousness often brought with it far more pain than pleasure. Epicureanism can not be easily pigeonholed as a sort of at,drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die" type of philosophy, al­ though this is the common perception. As Satanists, we should know from firsthand ex­ perience that the common perception is often quite different than the reality. '"No pleasure is a bad thing in itself: but the means which produce some pleasures bring with them disturbances many times greater than the pleasures." Do these sound like the worosofamerelibertine?

   Epicurus was also a dedicated proponent of common sense. While other philosophers believed that the world that we cari see, and heai; and touch, is somehow un­ real-or less real than some kind of •ideal" world, Epicurus believed that only a fool rejected the evidence of his senses. To Epicurus, the phenomenal world was not just an apparent world, but the one and only world. This categorical rejection of other­ worldliness is all too scarce in the shadowy world of philosophical metaphysics, and I for one find it quite refreshing. In keeping with this distinctly materialistic philosophy, Epicurus rejected any notion of life after death. To Epicurus, the idea that you might feel pain after you died was ridiculous. The dualistic notion that there is a spiritual realm that exists separate and apart from the physi­ cal world was alien to his philosophy. Pain and suffering are products of flesh, therefore, when that flesh lies cold and dead, there can be no pain.

All things considered, Epicurus is a philosopher whom Satanists would do well to explore. I do not generally recommend philosophers. Most are fools engaging in debates every bit as meaningless as the old theological dispute over how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. When a

dently rare occurrence to be worth looking into.

Don't u Have Anything Mo Important To \lorry About?

   Most Satanists whose names and adcfre5. ses have become known have probably got­ ten letters from a variety of strangers. I generally answer the interesting ones and laugh at, then discard, the others. There are some letters, howevei; that just annoy the Hell out of me. These are the letters from those who are sniffing around for interesting


   Recently, I heard from such a person. At first, this individual asked if he cou1d ask me some questions about myself and the Churcli of Satan. So f.u; so good. Howevei; this individual decided toslip in a few ques­ tions about Dr. La y'spersonal, private life. Even if I could, I wouldn't answer such ques­ tions. I consideml answering all but these of. fensive questions, but finally decided not to answer any of his questions, and used the SASE he'd provided for the answers to tell him why he wouldn't be getting any answers. As expected, I got a letter complain­ ing of my unfaimes.s. Was I unfair? I don't think so, but it doesn't mattei; These nosy gossip-mongering dimwits just rub me the wrong way.
   What is it with these people? Just be­ cause they shell outsix bucks for acopy of 11:,e Sat4nic Bible they think that they own a piece of Anton La y? Sorry, asshole,

again! Dr. La y knows that there is an in­ terest in his life and philosophy. For this reason two biographies have been written about him, and he has done interviews ex­ pounding his views. He has really made quite a bit of information about his life avail­ able to the public. If this is not enough infor­ mation for you, then that's just too bad.

   Dr. La y'spersonal, private life is just that. It is personal. That means that it is his, to share with those of his choice. It is private. That means that if he didn't decide to tell you about it, then it's none of your damned business. Finally, it is his life. You should try to get one. Maybe then you wouldn't be so concerned about the personal minutiae of:lli La y's.

Magister Michael Rose


cal accepting the sacrifice of another to one's

mon with Objectivism than with any other

OF AYN RAND, is an ack- nowledged source for some of the Satanic philosophy as outlined in 1be Satanic Bible by Anton La\ey. Ayn Rand was a bril­ liant and insightful author and phil0.10pher and her best-selling novels Atlas Shrur,ged and 7be Fountainhettd continue to attract deserved attention for a new generation of readers. I am a sttong admirer of Ayn Rand but I am an even stronger admirer of Anton La\ey for the vital differences between the philosophies of Objectivism and Satanism.

  First, Objectivism holds that metaphysics, that branch of philo.,ophy which concerns itself with the nature of reality, determines the nature of epistemol­ ogy (which is concerned with how man quires knowledge) as well as ethics (which is concerned with valuing human action), politics (social ethics) and art. Current philosophical disagreement on this issue still continues. It is, in f.ict, an unproven asser­ tion by Rand that one's metaphysical as­ sumptions determine one's ethics.
  You don't have to start with metaphysics to create your ethics. Satanism does not assert that the fundamental truth of the nature of reality (metaphysics) is known. In fact, Satanists utili7.e two different metaphysical assumptions reganling reality

evidenced in Satanic ritual as opposed to the rest of life. In effect, Satanists are p matic reganiing their beliefs regarding reality. Thus, as Satanists do not claim to know the absolute "truth• reganling what is real they

self (to paraphrase the end of Galt's oath from Atlas Shrur,gtd). The Satanic view sees as ethical the reality of domination of the weak by the sttong. The assertion in Objec­ tivism is that the use of force tocause others to submit to the will of the sttonger or cleverer individual is "wrong• for the in­ dividual. This is a second major assertion which Satanism finds unproven by the Ob­ jcctivists. Consequently, the Satanist is far more flexible in the choice of actions avail­ able than is the Objectivist who cannot simply accept his personal needs as absolute­ ly reliable to determine the best course of tion in any circumstance. Fourth, Objectivism is purely atheistic with a complete rejection of the value of a god in their metaphysics. The Satanic view of this is in pure agreement except in two areas. The Satanist holds that the meaning of god is useful when one holds it to mean the most important person in an individual's universe and chooses that person to be him­ self. The Satanist also ascribes magical god­ like qualities to himself when indulging in the alternate view of reality enjoyed in ritual. In both instances, Satanism sees the cultural effect of religion and god as an emo­ tional asset to be tapped rather than simply rejected. In other words Satanism is a religion (with the individual as God) and Objectism isn't.

   Let me conclude this brief overview by adding that Satanism has far more in com-

religion or phil0.10phy. Objectivists endorse reason, selfishn greed and atheism. Objec­ tivism sees Christianity, Islam and Judaism as anti-human and evil. The writing, of Ayn Rand are inspiring and powerful. H the reader has not yet experienced her power; try her novelette Anthem for a taste. You will almost certainly come back for more. At the same time, Satanism is a "brutal• as well as a selfish philosophy. donot hold, as do the Objcctivists that the universe is "benevolent.• Satanists view the world as neutral, beyond the concepts of benevolent or treachcrou.,, good or evil. Satanism enables the Satanist to codify his life beyond the ethical and metaphysical straightjacket which Objcctivism unfortunately offers. This is not written to attack Objcctivism but merely to clarify the areas of difference.

   Satanism drew from Objectivism as even Rand drew from others. Both are, how­ ever, unique. Each is different from the othec

• • • • • --1>@ \Jampirts l!xist, join tis, for complete information send $5.00 U.S. to: 1:tmplt of tht ampirt P.O. Box 3582, Lacey, WA 98503

are, by definition, not "Objcctivists" who hold that reality is totally objective. Satanists proclaim that doubt is vital in the absence of proof. At this fundamental level there is division between the two views of reality.

   Second, Satanism does not hold that "a life appropriate to a rational being• is the sole standard of ethical right as does Objec­ tivism. H anything, Satanism holds that in­ dulgence in life or "fun" as perceived by the individual is the highest standard of ethics. Satanists see that Objcctivism has enthroned reason above the individual as opposed to utilizing this sole means to knowledge as a tool to achieve a purpose. Satanism enthroned the individual as a whole, not reason, as the supreme standard to determine the value of actions (ethics).

Third, Rand's philo.,ophy rejects as ethi-

Attention Satanistsl It's time to improve your Swedish. Looking Gloss Press proudly presents the release of "Den Satoniska Bibeln", a translation into Swedish of Dr. Anton LaVey's classic masterpiece "The Satanic Bible". A striking high quality trade paperback, with 190 pages of pure, unrefined Satanism, just the way we like ii. Impress your fellow Satanists by quoting the book in Swedish! Available NOW for $ 25 USD. Also available from Looking Glap PrN1 • •Abrahodobro • A Beginner's Guide To Thelemic Mogick" By Rodney Orpheus. A fine introduction to the mogick and philosophy of Aleister Crowley, 'The Great Beast 666". 200 pages, illustrated trade paperback, $ 20 USD • "The Cult Of Othin" By H.M. Chadwick. A brilliant academic study of the roots of the pagan Scandinavian religion. 90 pages, paperback, $ 15 USD • "logens Bok· Liber AL vel Legis" By Aleister Crowley. A Swedish tronskition of the famous occult classic. 130 pages, paperback, $ 20 USD. All price¦include OU' mall po1tap. Send tho corrocl omount in cosh (ot your own risk! or pay by cheque (drown on o major bank. When paying by cheque, pleCllo odd $ 10 la. tho amovnl.). If you ,imply wan! ta bo an our mailing list, ploa,o .,..ail: or write to: Looking Glass Press • P.O. Box 8105 • S-104 20 Stockholm • Sweden

ATANISM OFFERS TI-IE INDIVID­ UAL the choice for either selective isolation or social interaction­ whichever suits one's needs during the varying periods of one's life. The current trend is for the formation of Grottos, which provide a means for group explo­ ration and ritualization, and they remain active so long as they serve a purpose for those involved. They coalesce, flour­ ish, then disintegrate, as is the usual pat­ tern for organic development.

   The intent of The Satanic Bible was for anyone who read it to put the princi­ pls therein into practice, and we do see groups that follow its inspiration.
   One such is The Order of the Nefarious Mass founded by Harry J. Mowry, Jr. (P.O. Box 6911, Pittsburgh, PA

15212). The ONM has two main purpos­ es. The first is "to provide a means for an individual to experience direct dia­ logue with others who, like themselves, embrace Satanic thought and practice in the Pittsburgh area. This dialogue may include participation in religious rites and ceremonies. In doing so, it is the desire of the ONM to build the individ­ ual ego, to further exploit one's poten­ tial, and to enhance one's character."

 -  "The secondary purpose of the ONM is to intelligently and responsibly engage in actively dispelling misinforma­ tion regarding our beliefs and practices. This is intended to secure a more safe and non-inhibiting environment for the Satanist to flourish." These above pas­ sages are quoted from the brochure

"Order of the Nefarious Mass" by H. J. Mowry.

   Mowry definitely takes these pur­ poses to heart by providing a solid forum for ritualizing for his members, as the photograph of his chamber proves. He vigorously pursues the second pur­ pose by producing informational pam­ phlets that define his organization's beliefs and practices with concise and concrete e says. Aside from the introduc­ tory pamphlet about the ONM, they

have also produced "Black Magic: What In Heaven's Name ls It?" demystifying this subject and "The Truth About SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse)" which debunks the Christian hysteria that still has linger­ ing traces after its heyday in the 1980's.

   Mowry has represented Satanism to the local press with wit and intelligence

left to right: Priest Ondrejko, Jeff Mine, Priest Mowry and they have responded accordingly. He has even taken his beliefs into the public forum by debating street preach­ ers, and more than holding his own by countering the Christian fire and brim­ stone with devilish humor and logic!

   ONM is open to members of other Satanic organizations, and stresses its allegiance to the priciples of Anton LaVey's The Satanic Bible. They may be contacted at the above address, and be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope as well as a donation of $1.00.
   On the other side of the globe, Jeisman Rubicante (a member of the Church of Satan) has founded The Sentinel of The Satanic Empire the purpose of which is to give knowledge and guidance to its members and to act as a sentinel against anti-Satanic propa­ ganda in Australia.

As acting priest, Mr. Rubicante pro-

Jefsman Rubicante, S.E.E. founder vides guidance by publishing highly detailed papers which explore Satanic aspects of literature (such as Milton, Dante, and Baudelaire) and history (the

Knights Templar and the Yezidis) as well as Satanic references in the Bible. He also has a fine sense of graphic design and has created personally significant variations on traditional Satanic sigils as well as new emblems which crystallize his magical goals.

   Ritual is a concern for members in their private pursuits, while the group itself works to dispell misinformation regarding Satanism as presented in vari­ ous media. They have an internal hierar­ chy based on the members' mastery of knowledge of Satanism. Communication skills are naturally prized because of the intention of presenting information to the media and thus the public. This has been successful even to the level of Mr. Rubicante's interview with Australian Rolling Stone on the topic of Satanism and Black Metal.

This active and selective group was founded on 31 October, XXIX A.S. and seems to be flourishing in its chosen tasks. They may be cntacted at: S. S. E., P.O. Box 5342, Wollongong, N.S.W. 2500, Australia.

   Finally, there is a new Grotto in Canada called NOCTURNAL REFLECTIONS, THE LEFT HAND PATH OF THE LOWER

MAINLAND. They currently are in devel­ opment and seek local members who want to "Get in touch with (their) dark side!" They are dedicated to the philoso­ phies of Anton Szandor LaVey and the study of the Vampyric. They may be contacted at P.O. Box 61600, RPO Brookswood, Langley, B.C. V3A 8C8 Canada. E-mail:




The Evolution of Satanism and the First Amendment Behind Bars "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." First Amendment, 1791.

published by an Anton Salvadore Lavay" (sic)! Id., 509 F.Supp at 1260. As can be expected of misguided imbeciles, this self-styled "Satanist" also admitted to sac­ rificing cats and pigeons as part of his religion. Id., 705 F.2d at 918. Although the court easily saw through the plain­

CTOBER 7, 1994 C.E. should be remembered as an important date in Satanic history. That is the day Church of Satan style rituals were formally recognized and approved by a federal court in Denver, Colorado, granting prisoners the right to possess ritual items as outlined in The Satanic Bible. This article will chronicle how courts have interpreted prisoners' First Amendment rights in regard to Satanism and in particular, the practices and phi­ losophy of the Church of Satan through the years, and it will soon become apparent to the reader that the case of Howard v. United States will not only have a great impact on prisoners, but possibly all who have adopted the phi­ losophy we call Satanism. During the course of my legal research on Satanism, I discovered numerous criminal cases discussing drugged-out, socially retarded Christians lighting black candles before committing heinous crimes, and then pleading insan­ ity or the famous "devil-made-me-do-it" defense. I will not discuss these deci­ sions as they have little to do with con­ temporary Satanism or the First Amendment and further create no bind­ ing precedents, being decided on their facts rather than legal analysis. My research did reveal, however, four civil cases specifically mentioning the Church of Satan and Dr. LaVey which will be the focus of this discourse. Although these cases only involve prisoners (and I, like most Satanists, am far from a fan of pris­ oners' rights), it must be stressed that under established legal principles these decisions can have a resounding effect on all Satanists.

  To fully understand the importance of any legal decision, one must first realize that our legal system is based on the principle of stare decisis, which is Latin for "let the decision stand."

Essentially, stare decisis means that before a court decides a question of law, it must ascertain whether the issue has already been decided upon by a superi­ or court in that jurisdiction. If a higher court has made a ruling on a legal issue,

the lower courts in that jurisdiction must follow the now binding precedent. Courts in other jurisdictions who have never ruled on a certain matter, however, usually examine these other decisions and, if persuasive enough, adopt them into law. It follows from this reasoning, and history has shown, that a published legal decision can carry enormous weight on a national level even on a semi-relat­ ed matter. Keep this principle in mind as you read about the following cases.

   Kennedy v. Meachem, 540 F.2d 1057, 382 F.Supp 996 (10th Circuit Court of Appeals, 1976 c.e.) is the first case on record dealing with prisoners who claim­ ed that their First Amendment right to practice Satanism was violated when officials prohibited their religious activi­ ties. The three inmate/plaintiffs demand­ ed that they be allowed to possess Satanic ritual items and stated that while they were "not members of the Church of Satan proper, they were following Dr. Anton LaVey's philosophy to the letter." Id., 540 F.2d at 1059. Although the court did not formally recognize Satanism as warranting First Amendment protection in the prison context it, in fact, dismissed the Government's argument that Satan­ ism was not a religion by stating: "In our record there are no averments, proof or findings that a religious belief is not involved..." Id. at 1060. The court held however, that if the government could show that the practice of Satanism would result in security risks at the prison, the restrictions were justified as the State's interest in maintaining order and disci­ pline inside the prison outweighed the inmates' First Amendment rights. Id. at 1061.
   No further decisions were published in this area until 1983 c.e., when the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Judicial Circuit decided Childs v. Duckworth, 705 F.2d 915. See also, 509

F.Supp 1254 (lower court decision, 1981 c.e.). In Childs, the rather confused plaintiff/prisoner claimed to be a mem­ ber of various "Satanic" groups and pro­ fessed his adherence to "The Satanic Bible, Satanic Rituals and Satanic Laws as

tiffs lack of sincerity concerning which "Satanic church" he belonged to, it described The Church of Satan in a sur­ prisingly neutral, if not favorable, light:

The Satanic Church of America, founded in 1966 by one Anton Tszandor (sic) LaVey, a former ani­ mal trainer and carnival organist, is the best known of the Satanic cults. This Church, which in 1977 claimed more than 10,000 members, publish­ es a periodical, appropriately named, The Cloven Hoof, and its founder has authored three religious tracts, The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals and The Comp/eat Witch, which con­ tain the Church's teachings. Of the various Satanic cults, this group is one of the least spiritual, for its members worship Satan, not as a supernatural being, but as a symbol of man's self-gratifying animal impulses. Id., 705 F.2d at 919.

The Childs court, in denying plaintiffs claim, again did not decide the question of whether Satanism was a religion sub­ ject to First Amendment protection in the prison context, but rather adhered to the long established rule that "prison officials may legitimately impose certain restric­ tions on the practice of religion in prison, including the right of association, which would be unconstitutional if imposed outside the prison." Id. at 920, citing to the United States Supreme Court decision of Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520, 545, 546 0979 c.e.).

   While the foregoing decisions appear rather innocuous, a wealth of misinformation and ignorance regarding contemporary Satanism was laid into law in Mccorkle v. Johnson, 881 F.2d 993 (1989 c.e.). In Mccorkle, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit went one step further than just denying a prisoner's claim to possess ritual items and practice Satan­ ism. The court confirmed the local

prison warden's "finding" that the teach­ ings of The Satanic Bible by Dr. LaVey "present a significant threat to security

and order within the prison...and that persons following its teachings would murder, rape or rob at will without regard for the moral or legal consequences." Id., 881 F.2d at 995. The court then took the prisoner's description of a "Satanic Book of Rituals" as gospel when he described its rituals as involving "the sacrifice of a female virgin, ...wrist slashing, blood drinking, the consumption of human flesh-usual­ ly fingers--, [and) ...candles made from the fat of unbaptized infants." Id. While the court did not explicitly state that the "book of rituals" the plaintiff described was authored by Dr. LaVey, the implica­ tion (and, in my opinion, total lack of independent research on the court's part) is obvious. Even more disturbing is the court's failure to distinguish the phi­ losophy found in The Satanic Bible from the repulsive and illegal practices of Christian devil-worshippers. The court lumps the two groups together and con­ cludes that "the plaintiffs asserted rights to worship Satan can be exercised only at a significant cost to guards, other pris­ oners, and society in generaL" Id. at 996. This case is a prime example of the old legal adage: "Bad plaintiffs create bad law."

   The most bothersome aspect of the McCorkle decision was its potential effect on future cases pursuant to stare

decisis principles. For instance, imagine a civil or criminal trial where it is revealed that a defendant is a member of The Church of Satan or admits being influ­ enced by Dr. LaVey's texts. If the defen­ dant's character is at issue, a meticulous plaintiffs lawyer will likely discover the McCorkle case and milk its so called "findings" for all they are worth. Although having one's religious beliefs in issue may be a rare situation legally (discus­ sion of a witness's religious beliefs are generally prohibited under the Federal Rules of Evidence), the potential persua­ sive effect of McCorkle on future Satanism cases (prisoner and otherwise) was devastating-that is, until Howard v. United States was decided.

   In Howard v United States, 864 F.Supp 1019, 1994 U.S. Dist LEXIS 14648

(1994 c.e.), a federal prisoner, Robert James Howard, professed a strong adher­ ence to the philosophy of Dr. LaVey and The Satanic Bible and demanded that he be allowed to possess various items to perform Compassion, Destruction and personal rituals. In granting Howard's request, the court gave the Church of Satan a long overdue "legal boost." While arguing his case, the articulate Howard dismantled many of the miscon-

ceptions concerning contemporary Satanism: "My religious beliefs are non­ violent in nature. I believe in a humanis­ tic ethical system which would never allow for violence, rape, human sacrifice, animaf sacrifice, bloodletting or other practices inaccurately described by the government and the Federal Corrections Institute..." Id., 864 F.Supp at 1022. It should also be noted that Howard admirably requested no special treat­ ment, but rather "only asked for the same privileges granted to every other

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religious group." Id. at 1026. The court summarized Howard's beliefs as follows:

He vehemently denies wanting to perform any bloodletting rituals or any violent acts that are against prison rules. Plaintiff stressed that he has made mistakes--one of which landed him in jail-but stated that none of those things were done in the name of the Church of Satan. ...Howard also testified [concerning) misconceptions about Satanists and Satanism in general. First he noted that much of LaVey's writing, includ­ ing The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals was done in symbol-

ic language [and) that references to human sacrifice are symbolic only. Plaintiff also asserted that Satanism is a 'religion of reality': 'The reality is...[that) we can't just go breaking laws...' ...Therefore, The Church of Satan does not advocate breaking laws. Id. at 1022, 1023.

   Of prime importance is that in its well-reasoned decision the court distin­ guished the practices of the Church of Satan from the Christian devil-worship indulged in by the plaintiffs in

and McCork!e. In short, the court found that there was not "one shred of evi­ dence" indicating that the requested ritu­ als would cause inmate unrest or be considered abhorrent to others: "While [security and order issues) might be a proper concern about some other types of Satanism discussed in the reported decisions, the facts in this case do not support the government's argument. I emphasize that my ruling does not require prison officials to accommodate every form of Satanism " Id. at 1025, 1026, 1030.

   While the full effect of Howard v United States remains to be seen, the positive and accurate portrayal of con­ temporary Satanism is now legal prece­ dent. Once again, hard evidence has prevailed over ignorance and twisted Christianity. As the Howard court stated: "We should not lightly conclude that because of its content, Satanism is to be denied the full protections of the First Amendment. We ought to give the devil bis due." Id. at 1030.

• • • • • Author's Note: As of the date of this writing (April, 1997 c.e.), Howard v, United States has been cited as prece­ dential authority in at least three pub­ lished decisions nationwide. See general­ ly, Ramirez v. Coughlin, 919 F.Supp. 617 (Northern District of New York, 1996 c.e.); Samad v. Horn, 913 F.Supp. 373 (Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1995 c.e.); and Walker v Johnson, 891 F.Supp. 1040 (Middle District of Pennsylvania, 1995 c.e.).

  Originally written January, 1995 c.e.-Last Revised April 17, 1997 c.e.

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N MOST SELF-DEFENSE situations, the best weapon with which to safeguard your continued health and happiness is a handgun. Yet there are situations in which it is unwise or impractical to use your pistol, and sometimes the circum­ stances of the developing situation are such that you cannot get to your weapon. If you aren't physically and mentally pre­ pared to deal with such crises in which for tactical reasons you cannot or should not use your handgun, then chances are that the outcome of your confrontation will prove that you deserved whatever you got, be it a bloody nose and bruised pride or your torn and bleeding carcass lying in the street. Survival of the Fittest.

   With what, then, to fill the void found between the rapid and deadly use of your firearm and the unfortunate corpse which results as a consequence of your unpre­ paredness? Obviously, you must be pre­ pared for a hand-to-hand fight; and to maximize your chances of survival in such c-ombat, you must be trained and used to this kind of fight. Where then to find this training, and what distinguishes training of real value from that which will do nothing more than flatten your wallet while inflat­ ing your head with false confidence, an illusion of combat-worthy skill, and theo­ ries which are a blatant waste of the air used to speak them?
   Although I've spent half my life devel­ oping myself through the practice of the budo (martial ways) of Japan, I avoid

using the term 'martial art' and dislike being called a 'martial artist' because of my distaste for the common associations which arise in the mind of most individu­ als using those terms when talking with me about what I am and do. Awareness of just what these associations are connected to will help you to know what to avoid when searching for the right man to train you for combat.

   There are a slew of "masters" and "doctors;, of the "martial arts" out there who are more than ready to take your money. Teaching watered-down, ultimately useless "martial arts" is what these people do for a living and as such, they are more concerned with keeping you as a paying customer than they are in doing whatever it takes to insure your combat-readiness. This is common herd mentality-the idea that consumerism is more desirable than anything of real substance. Indeed, many of these shysters will insist that new stu­ dents sign a legally binding contract which "guarantees" that for "X" amount of do!-

Jars, one will receive one's black belt in "Y" amount of time. They're preying on the common misconception propagated by the homo normalis media-that to be awarded a black belt affords one some sort of invincibility-which is patent, grade-A bullshit. They're selling their stu­ dents a sense of self-worth which is ulti­ mately a thin veneer at best. I personally know a score of black belts who couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag, much less stand a chance ofsurvival in a life-or-death streetfight. I could go on at length, but you get the picture: don't let yourself get suckered by someone out to make a quick buck off your very real desire to get some quality training.

   Also, get away from anyone who extols to you the 'virtues of sport karate,' for they want you to subscribe to their· masturbatory, ego-stroking fantasy that in learning how to "play tag" with someone of roughly the same weight as yourself while wearing foam protective padding and within strict "fair play" rules will somehow teach you how to dominate a streetfight. More bullshit. Or if, when asked about sparring, they say something about "no-contact sparring" and the respect for all human life which your spar­ ring partner represents...need I say more?
   Therefore I refuse to group or allow myself to be grouped with these charlatans through the use of the terms 'martial art' and 'martial artist,' and you should now see why you should avoid them in your search for quality training .
   When forced into using terms...what I do is budo and what I am is bushi (war­ rior). This is indicative of a fundamental difference between what it is that I do, and indeed am, and what it is that they do and are (or aren't, as the case more proba­ bly is). And that brings us to the question of what it is that sets training of value apart from 'play training.'
   Notably absent from our training (that of my teacher-who studied from child­ hood in Okinawa and Japan the true mar­ tial ways of the real masters, and the two other students who have what it takes to thrive on and grow from the valueable, applicable training) is empty theory. We learn concepts of motion and alignment, but there is no element of vague or untest­ ed theorization. Grasp of the knowledge presented is shown not by rote repetition, but in actual application. Ask one of your local "karate masters" how he would react to a headlock and he'll weave for you a nice tale about how he would do such-

and-thus...but that's all you'll get. By way of contrast, yesterday the four of us spent three hours doing nothing but applying full-strength headlocks to one another and working to escape from those headlocks.

  In our training, we work out on bare concrete and sometimes gravel or in the snow. There are no pads, either on the floor or on ourselves, and everything we do is full-contact-no pulled punches or half-assed headlocks...and that's crucial to training for real life (or maybe I should say "real death") encounters. H. P. Lovecraft opened his famous essay "Supernatural Horror in Literature" with the often-quoted, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." If your body and mind are accustomed to headlocks, chokeholds, the receiving of punches, kicks, headbutts,

and elbow strikes to all parts of the body-no holds barred, then there is no fear of whatever may happen in a street­ fight-you've already felt that pain and become inured to levels of pain that homo normalis does not even know exists.

   In a recent communication with Magistra Peggy Nadramia, she quoted Dr. LaVey as having remarked once to her in conversation that "The animals must be our gurus now." And that idea is important here. This no-nonsense training of mind and body can be likened to the rough­ and-tumble play of housecats (or any other mammalian young given to such things-wolf cubs, the offspring of large cats, etc.). They wholeheartedly engage in play which simulates actual fighting and care not for a nip here, a scratch there, or the bodyslams that happen so often in the course of their play. Yet when they are mature, these same actions in which they engaged with their littermates are taken up to the level of combat, and the concepts which the cat learned in violent play become devastating.
   This training is ultimately Satanic in that it is completely devoid of bullshit­ everything you do works, and you know because you've done it. If you can't make something work, you then figure out why not. Your search for training of this caliber (pun intended) will probably be very diffi­ cult, but necessary...for this is the kind of training that you must undergo in order to maximize your chances of mastering a

self-defense situation in which you can't go for your handgun. • • • • •

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