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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Documentation/i18n/doc

-- <nowiki>
--- @summary Documentation template i18n.
--  @description
--  A central datastore for documentation text translations.
--  @submodule documentation.i18n
--  @see [[Template:Documentation]]
--  @todo "documentation-heading"          - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el   
--  @todo "documentation-visibility"       - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el   
--  @todo "module-namespace-heading"       - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "file-namespace-heading"         - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "other-namespaces-heading"       - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "template-documentation-missing" - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "module-documentation-missing"   - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "file-documentation-missing"     - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "other-documentation-missing"    - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "template-subpages-link"         - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "module-subpages-link"           - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "other-subpages-link"            - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "add-categories-blurb"           - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "experiment-blurb-template"      - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox" - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "experiment-blurb-module"        - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"   - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "mirror-edit-summary"            - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "mirror-link-display"            - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "sandbox-link-display"           - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "testcases-link-display"         - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "description"                    - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "usage"                          - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc    qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "dependencies"                   - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "installation"                   - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "configuration"                  - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "configuration-text"             - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "syntax"                         - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "syntax-text"                    - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "parameters"                     - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "sample_output"                  - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "sample_output-text"             - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "example"                        - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "examples"                       - af ar be bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "result"                         - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "translation"                    - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "translation-text"               - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it    ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi
--  @todo "see_also"                       - af ar    bg ca el fa fy gl hu id it ko ms nl no oc pt qqq ro sr-ec sr-el vi

return {
    ["en"] = {
        -- The heading shown in the template namespace.
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Template documentation",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Note: parts of or the entire template might not be visible without values provided.",

        -- The heading shown in the module namespace.
        ["module-namespace-heading"] = "Module documentation",
        -- The heading shown in the file namespace.
        ["file-namespace-heading"] = "Summary",
        -- The heading shown in other namespaces.
        ["other-namespaces-heading"] = "Documentation",

        -- Notice displayed in the template namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.
        -- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['docpage-preload'].
        ["template-documentation-missing"] = 'English documentation for this template is missing. <span class="plainlinks">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.',

        -- Notice displayed in the module namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.
        -- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['module-preload'].
        ["module-documentation-missing"] = 'English documentation for this module is missing. <span class="plainlinks">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.',

        -- Notice displayed in the file namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.
        -- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['file-docpage-preload'].
        ["file-documentation-missing"] = 'English summary for this file is missing. <span class="plainlinks">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.',
        ["other-documentation-missing"] = 'English documentation is missing. <span class="plainlinks">[$1 Click here to create it]</span>.',

        -- The text to display for the "subpages of this page" link.
        ["template-subpages-link"]  = "[[$1|Subpages of this template]].",
        ["module-subpages-link"]    = "[[$1|Subpages of this module]].",
        ["other-subpages-link"]     = "[[$1|Subpages of this page]].",

        -- Text to direct users to add categories to the /doc subpage. Not used if the "content"
        -- or "docname fed" arguments are set, as then it is not clear where to add the categories.
        -- $1 is a link to the /doc subpage with a display value of 'doc-link-display'.
        ["add-categories-blurb"] = "Please add categories to the $1 subpage.",

        -- The experiment blurb is the text inviting editors to experiment in sandbox and test cases pages.
        -- It is only shown in the template and module namespaces.
        ["experiment-blurb-template"] = "Editors can experiment in this template's $1 and $2 pages.",
        ["experiment-blurb-template-nosandbox"] = "Editors can experiment in this template's $1 page.",
        ["experiment-blurb-module"] = "Editors can experiment in this module's $1 and $2 pages.",
        ["experiment-blurb-module-nosandbox"]   = "Editors can experiment in this module's $1 page.",

        -- The default edit summary to use when a user clicks the "mirror" link.
        -- $1 is a wikilink to the template page.
        ['mirror-edit-summary'] = "Create sandbox version of $1",

        -- The text to display for "mirror" links.
        ['mirror-link-display'] = "mirror",

        -- The text to display for "sandbox" links.
        ['sandbox-link-display'] = "sandbox",

        -- The text to display for "testcases" links.
        ['testcases-link-display'] = "testcases",

        ["description"] = "Description",
        ["usage"] = "Usage",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependency|Dependencies}}",
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuration",
        ["configuration-text"] = "The [[Global Lua Modules/Config|overridable]] template configuration is stored at:",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntax",
        ["syntax-text"] = "Type <span class='code'>$1</span>",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parameter|Parameters}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Sample output",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> gives...",
        ["example"] = "Example",
        ["examples"] = "{{plural:$1|Example|Examples}}",
        ["result"] = "Result",
        ["translation"] = "Translation",
        ["translation-text"] = "The template translations are stored at:",
        ["see_also"] = "See also",
    ["qqq"] = {

    ["be"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Дакументацыя шаблону",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Нататка: часткова ці цалкам шаблон можа не адлюстроўвацца без пэўных значэнняў.",
        ["description"] = "Апісанне",
        ["usage"] = "Выкарыстанне",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Залежнасць|Залежнасці|Залежнасцяў}}",
        ["syntax"] = "Код",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значэнне|Значэнні|Значэнняў}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Ужыванне",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> дае...",
        ["example"] = "Прыклад",
        ["result"] = "Вынік",
        ["translation"] = "Пераклад",
        ["translation-text"] = "Пераклады шаблонаў захоўваюцца па адрасе:",
        ["see_also"] = "Гл. таксама",
    ["bn"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "টেম্পলেট ডকুমেন্টেশন",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "সূচনা: ভ্যালু ছাড়া পুরা টেম্পলেট বা এর কিছু অংশ কাজ নাও করতে পারে।",
        ["description"] = "বর্ণনা",
        ["usage"] = "ব্যাবহার",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|নির্ভরতা|টি নির্ভরতা}}",
        ["installation"] = "স্থাপনা",
        ["configuration"] = "কনফিগারেশন",
        ["syntax"] = "সিনটেক্স",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|প্যারামিটার|টি প্যারামিটার}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "আউটপুটের নমুনা",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> দেয়ে...",
        ["example"] = "উদাহরণ",
        ["result"] = "ফলাফল",
        ["translation"] = "অনুবাদn",
        ["translation-text"] = "টেম্পলেট অনুবাদ এখানে রাখা হয়:",
        ["see_also"] = "আরও দেখুন"
    ["de"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Vorlagendokumentation",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Bemerke: Teile der Vorlage oder auch die ganze Vorlage selbst werden eventuell nicht angezeigt, wenn keine Werte angegeben werden.",
        ["description"] = "Beschreibung",
        ["usage"] = "Verwendung",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependency|Dependencies}}",
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfiguration",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntax",
        ["parameters"] = "Parameter",
        ["sample_output"] = "Beispielausgabe",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> ergibt...",
        ["example"] = "Beispiel",
        ["result"] = "Ergebnis",
        ["translation"] = "Übersetzung",
        ["translation-text"] = "Die Übersetzungen zu dieser Vorlage sind hier hinterlegt:",
        ["see_also"] = "Siehe auch",
    ["es"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentación de plantilla",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Nota: partes de o la plantilla entera puede no ser visible sin los valores proveidos.",

        ["description"] = "Descripción",
        ["usage"] = "Uso",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependencia|Dependencias}}",
        ["installation"] = "Instalación",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuración",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintaxis",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametro|Parametros}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Salida de ejemplo",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> resulta en...",
        ["example"] = "Ejemplo",
        ["result"] = "Resultado",
        ["translation"] = "Traducción",
        ["translation-text"] = "Las traducciones de esta plantilla están guardadas en:",
        ["see_also"] = "Ver también",
    ["fr"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentation de modèle",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Note : plusieurs parties du modèle ou le modèle complet peuvent/peut ne pas être visibles sans valeurs données.",

        ["description"] = "Description",
        ["usage"] = "Utilisation",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dépendance|Dépendances}}",
        ["installation"] = "Installation",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuration",
        ["syntax"] = "Syntaxe",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Paramètre|Paramètres}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Echantillon de sortie",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> donne...",
        ["example"] = "Exemple",
        ["result"] = "Résultat",
        ["translation"] = "Traduction",
        ["translation-text"] = "Les traductions du modèle sont stockées dans :",
        ["see_also"] = "Voir aussi",
    ["hi"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "टेम्पलेट डॉक्यूमेंटेशन",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "नोट: बिना वैल्यू के टेम्पलेट के कुछ अंश या पूरा टेम्पलेट नहीं दिख सकता है।",
        ["description"] = "विस्तार",
        ["usage"] = "प्रयोग",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|निर्भरता|निर्भरताएँ}}",
        ["installation"] = "स्थापना",
        ["configuration"] = "कॉन्फ़िगरेशन",
        ["syntax"] = "सिंटेक्स",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|पैरामीटर|पैरामीटर}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "नमूना उत्पादन",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> देता है...",
        ["example"] = "उदाहरण",
        ["result"] = "परिणाम",
        ["translation"] = "अनुवाद",
        ["translation-text"] = "टेम्पलेट अनुवाद यहाँ भी रखे जाते हैं:",
        ["see_also"] = "और देखिए",
    ["id"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Dokumentasi templat",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Catatan: bagian atau keseluruhan templat mungkin tidak dapat terlihat tanpa nilai yang diberikan.",
        ["description"] = "Deskripsi",
        ["usage"] = "Penggunaan",
        ["dependencies"] = "Dependensi",
        ["installation"] = "Pemasangan",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfigurasi",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintak",
        ["parameters"] = "Parameter",
        ["sample_output"] = "Sampel Keluar",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> menghasilkan...",
        ["example"] = "Contoh",
        ["result"] = "Hasil",
        ["translation"] = "Terjemahan",
        ["translation-text"] = "Terjemahan template ini disimpan di:",
        ["see_also"] = "Lihat juga",
    ["ja"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "テンプレート解説ページ",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意: 上記のテンプレートは部分的または完全に非表示になることがあります。",

        ["description"] = "解説",
        ["usage"] = "使い方",
        ["dependencies"] = "必要なファイル",
        ["installation"] = "導入方法",
        ["configuration"] = "環境設定",
        ["syntax"] = "構文",
        ["syntax-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> と入力してください。",
        ["parameters"] = "パラメータ",
        ["sample_output"] = "出力例",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> は以下のように出力されます……",
        ["example"] = "例",
        ["examples"] = "例",
        ["result"] = "出力結果",
        ["translation"] = "翻訳",
        ["translation-text"] = "このテンプレートの翻訳は以下のファイルで管理されています。",
        ["see_also"] = "関連情報",
    ["ko"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "틀 설명문",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "참고: 특정 값이 주어지지 않는 경우, 틀 일부 또는 전체가 보이지 않을 수 있습니다.",

        ["description"] = "설명",
        ["usage"] = "사용법",
        ["dependencies"] = "의존관계",
        ["installation"] = "설치",
        ["configuration"] = "설정",
        ["syntax"] = "문법",
        ["parameters"] = "파라미터",
        ["sample_output"] = "출력 예시",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>의 결과는...",
        ["example"] = "예시",
        ["result"] = "결과",
        ["translation"] = "번역",
        ["translation-text"] = "이 틀의 번역판은 이곳에 저장됩니다:",
        ["see-also"] = "더 보기",
    ["pl"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Dokumentacja szablonu",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Uwaga: część lub cały szablon może być niewidoczny bez podanych parametrów.",
        ["description"] = "Opis",
        ["usage"] = "Używanie",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Zależność|Zależności}}",
        ["installation"] = "Instalacja",
        ["configuration"] = "Konfiguracja",
        ["syntax"] = "Składnia",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametr|Parametry}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Przykładowy wynik",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> daje…",
        ["example"] = "Przykład",
        ["result"] = "Wynik",
        ["translation"] = "Tłumaczenie",
        ["translation-text"] = "Tłumaczenia szablonu są przechowywane na:",
        ["see_also"] = "Zobacz także",
    ["pt"] = {
        ["usage"] = "Uso",
    ["pt-br"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Documentação da predefinição",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Nota: partes ou a predefinição inteira podem não estar visíveis sem os valores fornecidos.",
        ["description"] = "Descrição",
        ["usage"] = "Uso",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Dependência|Dependências}}",
        ["installation"] = "Instalação",
        ["configuration"] = "Configuração",
        ["syntax"] = "Sintaxe",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parâmetro|Parâmetros}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Saída de amostra",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> dá...",
        ["example"] = "Exemplo",
        ["result"] = "Resultado",
        ["translation"] = "Tradução",
        ["translation-text"] = "As traduções da predefinição são armazenadas em:",
        ["see_also"] = "Veja também",
    ["ru"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Документация шаблона",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Примечание: частично или целиком шаблон может не отображаться без определённых значений.",
        ["description"] = "Описание",
        ["usage"] = "Использование",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Зависимость|Зависимости|Зависимостей}}",
        ["installation"] = "Установка",
        ["configuration"] = "Настройка",
        ["syntax"] = "Код",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значение|Значения|Значений}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Применение",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> даёт...",
        ["example"] = "Пример",
        ["result"] = "Результат",
        ["translation"] = "Перевод",
        ["translation-text"] = "Переводы шаблонов хранятся по адресу:",
        ["see_also"] = "См. также",
   ["tr"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Şablon belgesi",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Not: Sağlanan değerler olmadan şablonun bir kısmı veya tamamı görünmeyebilir.",
        ["description"] = "Açıklama",
        ["usage"] = "Kullanım",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Bağımlılık|Bağımlılıklar}}",
        ["installation"] = "Kurulum",
        ["configuration"] = "Yapılandırma",
        ["syntax"] = "Sözdizimi",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametre|Parametreler}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Örnek çıkış",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> veriyor...",
        ["example"] = "Örnek",
        ["result"] = "Sonuç",
        ["translation"] = "Çeviri",
        ["translation-text"] = "Şablon çevirileri şu adreste saklanır:",
        ["see_also"] = "Ayrıca bakınız",
    ["uk"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Документація шаблону",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "Примітка: частково або весь шаблон може бути не видно без наданих значень.",
        ["description"] = "Опис",
        ["usage"] = "Використання",
        ["dependencies"] = "{{plural:$1|Залежність|Залежності|Залежностей}}",
        ["installation"] = "Встановлення",
        ["configuration"] = "Налаштування",
        ["syntax"] = "Розмітка",
        ["parameters"] = "{{plural:$1|Значення|Значення|Значень}}",
        ["sample_output"] = "Зразок",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span> дає...",
        ["example"] = "Приклад",
        ["result"] = "Результат",
        ["translation"] = "Переклад",
        ["translation-text"] = "Переклади шаблонів зберігаються за адресою:",
        ["see_also"] = "Див. також",
    ["vi"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "Bản mẫu tài liệu",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "cho bản mẫu phía trên, đôi khi ẩn hoặc không nhìn thấy được",
    ["zh-hans"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "模板文档",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意:模板可能部分或整个部分不可见。",
        ["description"] = "描述",
        ["usage"] = "使用方法",
        ["dependencies"] = "依赖",
        ["installation"] = "安装方法",
        ["configuration"] = "配置",
        ["syntax"] = "语法",
        ["parameters"] = "参数",
        ["sample_output"] = "示例展示",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>将给出:",
        ["example"] = "示例",
        ["result"] = "展示",
        ["translation"] = "翻译",
        ["translation-text"] = "模板翻译存储在:",
        ["see_also"] = "另参见",
    ["zh-hant"] = {
        ["documentation-heading"] = "模板文件",
        ["documentation-visibility"] = "注意:模板可能部分或整個部分不可見。",
        ["description"] = "描述",
        ["usage"] = "使用方式",
        ["dependencies"] = "依賴",
        ["installation"] = "安裝方法",
        ["configuration"] = "配置",
        ["syntax"] = "語法",
        ["parameters"] = "參數",
        ["sample_output"] = "示例展示",
        ["sample_output-text"] = "<span class='code'>$1</span>將給出:",
        ["example"] = "範例",
        ["result"] = "展示",
        ["translation"] = "翻譯",
        ["translation-text"] = "模板翻譯儲存在:",
        ["see_also"] = "另參見",
-- </nowiki>