The Black Flame Vol. 5 No. 1 and No. 2

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Full uncorrected text (3/18/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 5 No. 1 and No. 2.


5tntonSzandor La'Vey & 'Bfancfte 'Barton proudlg announce tlie birtli of SatanXCarnacki La'Vey sfwrt{g after mitfniglit on 9faffoween efXX'VIII.

Please joinus in wisliine congra:tufations to our9-l1/fn Priest & 9-l1/fn Priestess on tfiis jogous occasi.on. !May Iefernal6Cessi.119s 6e upon tfieir sonan.a/ieir. !7-[ai{52lnton! !7-faif fanche! !7-fai{X ! 9-[ai[Satan!

Editor Peter H Gilmore

Editor Peggy Nadr.unia

The Blade &me is published by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc.

C.Opyright 1994 C.E. by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

Mailing :P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101 - 0499 U.S.A.

Double issue price: $6.00 in the U.S., $8.00 outside the U.S. Subscriptions: $12.00 in the U.S. for two double issues. $16.00 outside the U.S. for two double issues. Single issues are notlffl1i/able. Send check, bank draught or money <rder in U.S. fun<k only. Opinions expresre.d herein are those<fthe aJ4thors

We aa::ept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. C.Orrespondence requesting a response must be accomparued by anS.A.S.E.

Tiffi[ TRBVEL - CHEBP BilD EBSY BY PETER H. GILMORE (tm) TIIE IA TE 201H CENTURY we are enmeshed in a society which has cast off subtlety with a vengeance and has increased the pace of daily existence far beyond the norm of biological cycles. The Hopi word Kayaanisqatsi Qife out of balance) is precisely apropos (and dosee the ftlm-a very magical amalgam of images and music with Satanic insights). We Satanists find this constant barrage to be particularly aggravating since we cultivate sensitivity as a value (unportant for all who would be magicians of any sort). Thus we retreat from the clangor and clamor to our dark retreats wherein we may contemplate and experience choice items culled with care from the dross offered by mass production and enforced homogenization.That is the nature of a "Satanic bunker."

    Nuance should be a working term in every Satanist's vocabulary. If you wish to gain expertise in both	and Greater Magic, then you must be hyper-aware of subtle shadings in all of the aspeas of your endeavors. The insensate herd has been battered into a benumbed state that makes them even less perceptive than their limited intellectual and emotional capabilities would allow-even at their greatest level of development. The Satanist who cultivates his sensitivity becomes the one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind As you advance your magical skills, you then open both eyes-and as you attain Mastery, you augment these natural (though oft undeveloped) perceptions with the magical equivalents of telescopes and microscopes.
    Time travel is a wonderful exercise to stretch your magical muscles and sharpen your perceptivity. The methods I am about to discuss were surprisingly crystallized with great accuracy in Richard Matheson's romantic novel Bid Time Return. In this magical book, a writer wishes to travel to a past era to meet a woman with whom he has become obsessed. He readsJ.B. Priestly'sMan and Time (a book long recommended by Dr.LaVey) and immerses himself in a total environment embodying the era he wishes to visit. With the help of a recording of the final movement of Mahler's Ninth Symphony, heactually accomplishes the-physical, transportatron.Thus he joins the ranks of Pygmalion and other such Magi with his successful working. I strongly suggest you seek out both Matheson's novel and Priestly's book. The latter is often available as an oversized hardcover in chain bookstores. The Matheson may be more difficult to oome by (tt was made into a rather weak film starring Christopher Reeve. Passion here was depicted as mere sentimentality-a pity).
    While I cannot guarantee your actual physical transport to another epoch, you can, with a bit of effort, make an interior journey that should have an equal emotional weight. In fac.t, it is quite a "real" experience in your Subjective Universe. For starters, I suggest that you attempt to "return" to the time and place of your gestation/birth. Since that is recent history, there is much material upon which you can draw to base your contemplation/recreation. First of all, select music from that period, from whatever type of music (popular/serious) with which you can find an affinity. (With greater experience, you might choose period music of a type for which you don't have an affinity, as this can broaden your sensibility, and thus comprehension, of that time.) Select films that date from this period (there are plerity of filmographies that list year of making/release). Go to the library and seek out synchronous periodicals for further images (advertisements often serve well) so that you can recreate an awareness of what might have been the general concerns-what did the world's denizens worry about at the timet Now, here comes the real fine detail: use your memory, or

that of relatives, to uncover personal data concerning your parent's emotional tenor at that time, add to this knowledge of local happenings/events/personagesto give depth and uniqueness to the evocation. Get pictures out of the family album. H you can include appropriate scents, or food and drink, so much the better.

    I have, in the course of my experiments, identified a Principle of Resonance, one that is of supreme importance here. Being a musician, I often define much of my experience in a musical sense. Since music is a particular range of energy vibrations (given structure and thus meaning by a human agent) which we perceive as sound, it follows by analogy that vibrations on a "higher" level will perhaps behave in similar fashion, though with variations germane to that vibrational rate. Resonance is defined as a state wherein sound oscillations are reinforced, and thus sustained, because the natural frequency of the resonator is the same as that of the sound source. Magically speaking, you must assemble your evocative devices for this time period so that they reinforce and sustain each other's vibrations, actually magnifying the result so that the sum is far greater than the components. These "time travel talismans" must be consonant with each other-in the same key, so to speak. This is more complex than simply matching frequencies, for chords that derive from a key organize the many frequencies of the possible tones and their resultants into functional relationships that establish a progression. You are creating, in effect, a symphony of sympathetic vibrations whose structure will serve as the vehicle for your excursion

while it is playing in the resonant hall of your consciousness. (It is the ubiquitous dissonance which characterizes today's culture that causes a general malaise, softening the audience [victims] so that they are far more easily programmed.)

    When you have completed your research and assembled your materials, close yourself into a proper chamber wherein you can be completely undisturbed by the outside world and let this past epoch come alive again. For ritual garb use clothing from that era. Let your senses be stimulated by your talismans and take your psyche for a ride. Perhaps enact a scenario using your various historical devices. Making your chamber into a total environmental replica of a room from the target time is an excellent means for "setting the stage." H you do your work well, you will find yourself transported to another era. Savour this period, let yourself breathe the air, think and feel as a denizen of that period, fully engaging both your emotions and intellect. H your working is strong, this will "set" in your memory as an interior landscape to which you can return with greater ease the next time. When you have experienced complete saturation, and thus emotional and physical exhaustion, consciously pull yourself back to the present. This can be cued by having some object concealed in the chamber that is quite evidently NOT of the time period of your

journey. By then exposing it to your perception, you will be jolted from that past era. An anachronistic piece of music can be introduced and this will have the same effect. For a smoother transition, you can have recordings of music play in succession that ease you from the past into the present. You will probably regain full temporal awareness during this accelerated forward motion before the sequence has fully elapsed..

    At first, practice traveling to time periods for which you can find media documentation. As your skills advance, you will find yourself able to make the journey with far less an assemblage of "talismans." This is crucial, for when you attempt to experience eras more distant in time, you will find that there is far less material to utilize.
    History is generally a chronicle of the individuals, activities, and events of a past period that are most memorable to the succeeding generations who create these records. Such documentation is thus highly subjective and should not be construed as an objective portrait of "what happened." The most difficult information to obtain is often the details of the day-to-day existence of most inhabitants of these past periods. With this general blank area on the map of history, it thus becomes difficult to enter into the consciousness of the people who existed then, particularly when you are dealing with cultures that are remote in time and geography, and who spoke languages that formed particular shadings of perception that are truly alien to our cultural milieu.
    When you have mastered this art, you will find trips to museums and to sites of ancient architecture to be highly rewarding experiences. The mere contemplation of a single artifact will fill you with a sensibility of its creators, while being enclosed in the total environment of a complete structure will constitute an epiphany of major significance.
    The real purpose of time travel experimentation is to develop a sense of perspective, so that you rise above the confines of the two-dimensional plane of contemporary existence and grasp its various cultural, political, sociological, and anthropological mechanisms from a third dimension. From this vantage point you will have won the wisdom of Clarity-a very precious priz.e.
    You will never again let past orthodoxies be forgotton and you will be far better equipped todeal with the tribulations of making your way in the current harried environment. You will also be contributing to the future, for you will be able to embody and advance the best elements selected from the past for synthesis into a truly Satanic society, one that is envigorating and stimulating rather than exhausting and frenetic-life in balance. From out of our darkened, intimate

chambers shall dawn a new order to sweep the globe that can proudly be called, without exaggeration or apology, a "civilization."

HEWAR ACCELERATES. Self-imposed quarantine and isolation are the best protection. Popular attitudes are transmitted by PEOPLE. Each human "being" is a carrier, can be identified as such, and monitored. I have no problem with that. Saying "no" is not enough, difficult as it seems. There are ways of getting around that. The physical effects seem to be caused by certain levels of LIGHT. A breakdown of IONS occurs and physical symptoms present themselves.

   "Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun." Now, it's not the actual sun, but the GLARE of the day. DOR rides on GLARE-assaultive, painful, GLARE. Sunglasses are not enough. Each pore is a little eye. Protection is best effected through shielding. H Alpha and Delta radiation can be interrupted by a sheet of typing paper, staying indoors is wise. But first generation TV is as deadly as bright daylight. Once reduced to VCR playback, second generation TV can defuse the bomb. LCD screens must be turned down enough to be safe. Computers are as devastating as any other TV, if networking is employed. Contagion could be eliminated by filtration of computer generated GLARE. That would necessitate second generation readout by way of VCR playback. Funny thing; mass market computer monitors have no simple ports for recording to, or playing from a VCR. Advanced technology?

The assaultive nature of TV pacing and programming is like the assaultive nature of pervasive music. It is the sound of the world. Its level is comfortable enough to be unnoticed by those born into it or contaminated into acceptance of it. They do not run from it, because to them, there is nothing abrasive or threatening to run from. They are lemming-conditioned. They run to the GLARE, as they do to the BLARE.

   When a multi billion dollar mainstream illicit drug culture was invoked in the sixties (in the guise of neo-prohibition and fake revolt), it brought about pleasingly assaultive saturation-level desensitization. BLARE {repetitive high-decibel level monosonic music) and GLARE (psychedelic imagery) soon reached unnoticed default levels. The outcome was frenetic complacency. The basic ingredients had always been around, but not all-pervasive. Now, during wartime, the contagion of herd values and priorities, to those not yet sufficiently inculcated, strikes a significant psychological blow. The ensuing zeitgeist is emotionally demoralizing and confers ready susceptability to physical disease. Now, destructive atmospheric changes and viral contamination can actually be effected and exacerbated. The weaponry of war is BLARE and GLARE borne.
   Gamma and Roentgen (X-ray) radiation protection requires massive lead insulation, or an equivalent. It is readily detected. Current warfare radiation is unrecognized because it is unnoticed. Hence,.it is readily smokescreened by misdirection. The bumper-sticker that once read, "Suppose they gave a war and nobody came." should now read, "Suppose they gave a war and nobody knew." Today's bomb shelter need not be an underground concrete bunker, but only dense and thick enough to insulate oneself from BLARE and GLARE.

Take a tip from Dracula: shun the light, live by night, listen to beautiful music.

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OU KNOW HIM, you love him, you can't live without him. Bob Larson is arguably the Fundamentalist world's most colorful broadcaster. Realizing as he does that his audience's capacity for nuance is negligible at best, Bob fearlessly (sometimes foolishly) goes where more timid Christians fear to tread. He has a thing for exposing '"evil'∞ wherever it may be, and has given many Church of Satan members a chance to be heard as guests on his nationally syndicated radio show, TALK-BACK. The results are often hilarious, sometimes sappy, and unless he's saving the soul of a wayward metalhead, never dull.

     Bob Larson agreed to be interviewed by mefor publication in The B/,ack Flame, provided that his answers not be edited or amended. Well, here ya go-Bob Larson, uncensored!

Just so that The B'/ack F'/ame readers have some sort of framework in which to put you, please tell us anything you like about yourself and your ministry.

    I'm 49 years old and was born in California. My childhood and teenage years were spent on a farm in Nebraska. During my late high school and college years, I was

a rock and roll musician, fronting a band that perlormed in the Midwest. While attending college, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. After my conversion to Christianity, I left the University of Nebraska and for several years traveled for prof ional lecture agencies. Then I began writing Christian books and eventually got involved in full-time ministry. During those years, I traveled to 70 countries and spoke in churches of most major denominations. In 1983, I launched the nationally syndicated, live-by-satellite talk show TALK-BACK. I am the author of 22 books, including several that deal with the subject of Satanism. Unlike many ministries which '"preach to the choir," our purpose is to confront the non-Christian with the truth of God's Word and the hope of Jesus Christ. Our ministry motto is: '"Hope for the hurting and help for the helpl .,.

You signed a letter that you sent to me, "Yours for the hurting, Bob Larson." Is this how you typically sign your correspondence, and if so, why?

    The correspondence you received with the closing "Yours for the hurting," was actually an error. I do sign ministry-related mail that way when the person receiving the letter is a Christian who identifies with our mission.

Otherwise, I simply say '"Sincerely.,. Somehow the person doing my dictation didn't realiz.e the letter was going to a ' ---------

Satanist and offered a Christian closing. The closing ïyours for the hurting" is in reference to our mission of helping those who often have nowhere to turn and those individuals at the bottom end of society, who are not inclined to visit a church or tum to a counselor for help. Our talk show and ministry is often their last resort.

I have your set of "Bob Larson Speaks Out!" pamphlets, and I think that most Satanists would oppose some of the same things you do (i.e., marijuana, suicide, alcoholism, Jehovah's Wttnesses, et cetera), albeit for different reasons. Would you comment on that? How would you say that are fundamentally different, and where do our philosophies overlap, if they overlap?

    It is interesting you've noted that evangelical Christians and Satanists do oppose some of the same problems in society. Obviously, we have different philosophical perspectives for doing so. The Church of Satan's perspective seems to simply be a social agenda concerned pragmatically with the hierarchical functioning of civilization devoid of any desire to please transcendent moral objectives. Don't they want to please Satan? In contrast, the Christian purpose is to facilitate peace on earth and social order among men by restraining those immoral conditions which would lead to social decay and injustice.
-------------- - -----  - -

You offer Christian "grindcore" and heavy metal tapes to young people who call your show. Please elaborate on why you think unintelligible groaning and white noise abou∑t secular subjects is "satanic," but similar noisemaking in the name of Jesus helps your mission. I can't understand what's being said most of the time in either instance.

   The essential difference between Christian and non≠ Christian music doesn't have anything to do with the sound of the music or the unintelligible expression of the lyrics. The biggest difference between satanic death metal music and Christian grindcore music is the motivational intent of the artist, which influences his or her image and public performances. Because young people idolize rock stars, they may emulate the philosophy held by that musician.

Consequently, someone like King Diamond or Glenn Benton of Deicide represents evil imagery and gives further reinforcement to a young person's spiritual rebellion against God. Additionally, even when the lyrics are sung in an unintelligible manner, they are understood. I've been in many secular satanic death metal concerts, and most of the kids know the lyrics and liJHYnC along with the performers. They've picked up the lyrics through constant repetition of the songs, or through printed versions of the lyrics available in fan magazines or on the CD inserts. Thus, they are philosophically influenced by what the songs say, even though the lyrics may not be decipherable in a concert setting.

What do you do for fun, and how do you reconcile it with your Christian beliefs?

    I have a wide variety of recreational pursuits. I enjoy many sports. In addition, I enjoy the theater and musical concerts. Physical recreational activities have no spiritual component to them so they represent no possible conflict. Other forms of amusement may artistically represent viewpoints I disagree with. I would not submit myself to an environment in which I would be unduly influenced by the evil presented, such as spending an evening at a gay nightclub or attending a pot party to be part of the festivities.

You present your material masterfully, with great bombast and perfect timing. What role does your technique of speaking and communication play in the success of your ministry?

    Thank you for the compliment regarding my gifts of communication. However, I acknowledge these gifts have come from God I am sure they have an impact on the success of our ministry since its achievements are attributable to God's blessings, as well as my diligent application of skills. Those skills did not come by human training. Nothing in my educational background or academic experience prepared me

for what I do. James 1:17 tells us, '"Every good gift comes from God." I believe the talents I have were divinely inspired, and it's up to me to make the wisest use of them. I try to dothat every day and blend skill with spiritual purpose to achieve my goals.

If God loves us and created us, why will He send us to Hell for following our natural instincts, instincts that He ostensibly gave us? On a related bent, if the Devil is at fault for our sin, shouldn't God bear responsibility for this, since He made the Devil? If God is omniscient and benevolent, why did He allow all of this to happen? Can God make a stone so heavy that He cannot lift it? Aren't these inconsistencies in your religious system?

    You make an assumption when you suggest that the immoral virtues touted by Satanism are our "natural instincts." Some of these vices are instinctual as part of man's fallen nature. However, man is also a noble creature, according to the Bible, "made a little lower than the angels.ï Man yields himself to compassion, trust, honesty and benevolence, which are also natural instincts. The issue is not what is innate, but what conscious choices are made to either rebel against God's divine purpose or live in harmony with his intent for humanity. He doesn't condemn us for instinctual responses, but for willful rebellion against his stated divine purpose. Yes, God did create the devil but he didn't create him in an evil state. Quite the contrary. Satan was a highly moral exalted being in the beginning but like all of his creatures, God made Satan, like you and I, with the power of choice. Unfortunately, Satan used his to choose evil. Frankly, I don't think myself or any other theologian has a satisfactory answer as to what appears to be a contradiction between this and the omniscient knowledge of God. What we doknow is that God created a moral universe, he created beings of choice and emotion, and has allowed us to decide whether or not we will serve him or rebel against his purposes. When you ask a question about

God making a stone he can't lift, you commit the error of trying to use human examples to interpret divinely infinite truths. Omniscience and omnipotence are beyond human comprehension and it's futile to attempt to confine God, who has eternally existed in the past and always shall exist in the future, into a human construct of finite comprehension.

What's Hell like? Are there rides?

    Outside of scriptural statements, I have no idea what Hell is like. Even then, the picture is unclear. We know that it is "outer darknessï (Matthew 8:12). What is meant by "outer" I'm not certain except to say that it is apart from God and totally alienated from his presence of love and mercy. It is dark. I'm confident that you won't see anyone else in hell, not even your own mirroredimage. It is such torment that there is "weeping and wailing" (Matthew 8:12). Revelation Chapter 20

aJso tells us that it is eternal. When conducting exorcisms, demons have pleaded with me not to be sent there. If a vile and perverted demon doesn't want to be there, as a moral being I certainly wouldn't want to end up there. To me, the issue isn't how bad hell is but how wonderful heaven is, and Idon't want to miss that after all the struggles in this life. When you choose death over life, there is only a one-way ride through the tunnel of death to the blackness of the abyss where there is no sound but your own grieving and where there is no sight comprehensible to vision, and no benevolence or nobility reside.

Although you claim that Satanism and animal sacrifice go hand-in-hand, I know of no one in the Church of Satan who has performed any sacrifices. In fact, most Satanists I know have more than one pet, and generally love animals more than they do humans. How do you explain this? What are your views on animals? What about hunting? Do you have any pets?

    Let me answer your specific questions first. My wife and I own a dog and a cat. I'm not a hunter, and never have been. I don't object to others hunting, but I have some problems with the idea of sport hunting unless such activities are used to supply food and provisions. Regarding the issue of Satanists and animal sacrifice, you make the common mistake of assuming that "religious" Satanists such as those affiliated with the Church of Satan represent the entire scope of Satanism.

Actually, your brand of Satanism is a very small representative of those committed to this philosophy. Your Jungian archetypal approach to evil is a minority viewpoint among Satanists. Most believe that Satan is a real creature who is appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. A helpless animal suffices in most cases. In a larger context, even your satanic philosophy implicitly justifies such practices, no matter what your specific edicts declare. Read pages 88 through 90 of The Satanic Bible and interpret that hateful exposition in the mind of a vengeful, dysfunctional person who is looking for a reason to justify harming another creature. The Church of Satan and The Satanic Bible provide the framework for people to codify their impulses of anger. Then you cleverly step back from the scene while they do the dirty work and you wash your hands as Pilot did. I think you are being intellectually dishonest about what your satanic philosophy may compel others to do in the name of Satan.

You have called The Black Flame a "perverted periodical." It looks okay to me. How, specifically, is The Black Flame perverted, in your opinion?

    You've listened to the show, so you know how much I appreciate alliteration. That's part of the reason behind calling The Black Flame a "perverted periodical." It is perverted in that it convolutes all the moral thinking that undergirds civilization

and spiritual values. It's a perversion to say that hate, lust, greed, and uncontrolled sexual impulses are admirable characteristics. It's perverted to suggest that hitting your enemy, rather than allowing good to overcome evil, is a proper ethic to live by.

You often cite refugee.camps and homeless shelters as ideal arenas for the demonstration of Christian love and compassion, but it seems to me that a person's real ability to love and have compassion might be better evidenced in other areas of life-i.e., personal relationships, marriages, concern for animals, et cetera. Explain how "mass love" is possible, and why it is preferable to love everyone generally instead of loving a carefully chosen few with intensity.

You miss the whole point of Christian compassion. Nowhere in the Bible is any sense of mass compassion construed to be a substitute for tenderness, intimacy, and selflessness in deeply personal relationships. The Christian does the Satanist one better. You may choose to love those who love you. We also do that, but we go beyond and love those who may have no capacity to love us. We extend our benevolence to them when they may never know who helped them and return the favor. The Bible puts it this way, "For what glory is it, if when you be buffeted for faults you take it patiently? But if you do well you suffer for it, you take it patiently, this is acceptable with God" (Peter 2:20). To a Christian, compassion is to be both discriminate and indiscriminate, specific and general. It is to be purposeful with intent, and unconditional in all circumstances.

Please give examples of music, art, movies and literature that you enjoy.

I enjoy a wide variety of music, art, movies, and literature.

   Music-Rock to Bach; Art-Anything except the surrealistic, the abstract, and the horrific; Movies-That's tough, because there aren't many good ones. Most horror flicks are demonic, action films are too violent, and serious drama is in short demand. I recently enjoyed Remains of the Dtty, and 1be Age of Innocence; Literature---! read mainly non≠ fiction. The two favorite books I'm currently reading are 1be Guinness &ok of Answers and 1be Evolution of Useful Things

{these satisfy my quest for practical knowledge).

Here's your chance to say anything you wish to a concentrated group of dedicated Satanists. What, in closing, do you have to say to this dark, frothing throng?

    Satanists need to be more intellectually and emotionally honest. Most Satanists I've talked with are in a state of emotional denial about past hurts and disappointments.


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Satanism is a convenient outlet to structure their frustration and vent their outrage. Instead of dealing with a problematic past and addressing the specific issue of who wronged them, they depersonalize their anger and make the whole human race their target. Satanism gives them a rationale to hide their true feelings and develop a "we versus they" mentality by aligning with a dysfunctional elite group who are likewise in a state of denial. Intellectually,Satanists don't really fully comprehend the nature of evil. Instead of overcoming evil with good as Christ commanded, they acquiesce to evil. They integrate it into their philosophical scheme and make it the friend rather than the enemy. In doing so, they feel a sense of comfort by ignoring the truly complex questions regarding love, compassion and the meaning of human existence. Love is the one thing Satan doesn't understand and can't cope with. Instead of explaining its historical necessity in society, all motives of altruism and nobility are dismissed summarily by the Satanist. In doing so, they are the losers. By failing to take the risk of loving, they avoid rejection but also miss out on the opportunity for life's most fulfilling essence-the love of Christ as revealed by his death on the cro .

-1- -1- -1- -1- -1-

    (fhat was the unexpurgated Bob Larson. Now for some Satanic TALK BACK by Peggy Nadramia, as Mr. Larson has made some statements that require clarification, especially for those reading this interview who are not Satanists.)
    About midway through his interview Bob makes an assertion which is integral to the rest of his arguments and which we, as Satanists, must point out as fundamentally incorrect. Bob says, "You make the common mistake of assuming that 'religious' Satanists such as those affiliated with the Church of Satan represent the entire scope of Satanism. Actually, your brand of Satanism is a very small representative of those committed to this philosophy."
    This idea serves Bob very well, in that it makes it easy for him to sidestep the rational arguments put forth by the successful, likable people who represent the Church of Satan. And it is wrong on several levels. Firstly, we will define what a Satanist is, not Bob Larson or any other outsider, Christian or otherwise. We are the first group of people in human history who have come together under that title and taken it for ourselves; we are the archivists of Satanic history and the caretakers of Satanic philosophy, and we will not have others defining, delimiting or categorizing Satanists or Satanism. If Bob has to use a few extra words when he's writing or talking about Christian heretics or teenaged cat-killers, then that's his problem. Secondly, we also refuse to accept his false assertion that we are a minority in the "entire scope of Satanism." As Satanists we have a great deal more contact and experience with our own than Bob ever will, and.he is in no position to

judge, based on the desperate calls from Christian basket-cases that come in over his lines, what "most Satanists,. believe, or whether ours is the "minority viewpoint.,. Desperate people, particularly the young, quickly learn what to tell their "counselors" to get the special attention they crave, and if they're saying they worshiped Satan to keep Bob on the line, that doesn't mean it's true.

    In the same area of his interview, Bob again brings up his oft-repeated idea that the Church of Satan is being somehow "crafty" or "deceitful" about the effects our philosophy may have on dysfunctional peopl he thinks we enjoy having the nut-jobs of the world doour "dirty work," when the truth is that we don't care. Anton LaVey presents a philosophy of responsibility-to-the≠ responsible, one that advocates a live-and-let-live attitude. We can't be blamed when a reader of The SatanicBihle does what the book specifically says NOT to do. And of course, much more "dirty work" has been done throughout history with the inspiration of the Holy Bible; I'm sure Bob is not advocating that we stop publishing that grisly tome.
    When dis ing the way Satanists and Christians oppose some of the same problems in society, Bob asks facetiously of Satanists, "Don't they want to please Satan?" C'mon Bob, you know better than that. And it's even more interesting to hear Bob state that "the Christian purpose is to facilitate peace on earth and social order among men by restraining those immoral conditions which would lead to social decay and injustice." I'd respond that it is the Satanist's purpose to facilitate peace in his own life, and to accomplish this there must be true social order among men, one brought about by removing the restraints on natural conditions such as stratification, and justice. The real "social decay" we all have to deal with was brought about by Christian egalitarianism and its secular sister, humanism.
   Satanists don't deny that man is capable of the "angelic," as well as the beastly, Bob. No one whose heart has soared at the strains of a Beethoven symphony, or delighted at the sight of a painting by Michelangelo, can deny that. What we do deny, is that this "higher" nature issomehow "better" than that of other animals. We are intelligent enough to take over this world, but not smart enough to keep it alive for our own benefit. Sure, compassion and benevolence are natural to us, as well as anger and hate. Hunter-gatherers living in clans needed each other for survival and to keep their gene pool strong.

What's not natural is the idea of sacrificing the goods of one's own tribe to benefit a weaker, alien tribe, simply for the transcendent Christian reason that this is "good."

    You put us at loggerheads when you say that Satanists need to be more intellectually and emotionally honest, because we say the same of you. We believe Christians are fundamen≠ tally dishonest about man's real impulses, and more often than not, specifically dishonest when they solicit funds. We feel Satanism is the religion of ultimate intellectual honesty, because it is the first one to accept man as he really is. In our

practice of Satanic magic and in our daily lives, we again have need of ultimate emotional honesty-those who can't identify their true feelings, or who try to force their emotions into some sort of intellectual paradigm, are just spinning their wheels, ineffectual, impotent. As for the nature of Evil, we don't believe in Evil in it's own right. If you're in Missouri watching your house float away, rain is evil; if you're in Iowa watching your corn shrivel up, rain is good-the same rain. We feel the same way about circumstances and events that others classify as "'evil" or "'good". We don't "'acquiesce to evil," only acknowledge our real impulses, and work to gratify them, or expunge them if we believe that they may be destructive or harmful to ourselves and those we love. You are in no position to say how a Satanist derives comfort; you are merely projecting here. And you are wholly in the realm of the imagination when you assert that "'Love is the one thing Satan doesn't understand and can't cope with." (See my essay in the last issue of The Black Flame entitled, "'My Dark, Satanic Love.") It is because of the passionate love Satanists feel for themselves, their loved ones and this beautiful planet that they oppose so viciously and militantly that which would destroy it-and we truly believe that Christian principles compounded by human stupidity pose an ultimate threat to ou lves and our environment.


HE TIME HAS COME to deal head-on with the "F"≠ word. Modern Satanism is being increasingly infiltrated with the symbols, philosophy, and world-view of a specific political ideology: fascism. I am not referring to cases in which "fascist" is thrown at us as a slur (a standard rhetorical practice of the intellectually bankrupt Left), but rather to those in our own ranks who claim the term. "Fascism," like "Satanism," is used in different senses by different people, but the fact remains that it has a very clear-cut meaning-one whose implications seem to elude some of us.

    First, a statement of purpose. It is not my intent here to point the finger at anyone and say, "Your interpretation of Satanism differs from mine, therefore you are not worthy to call yourself a Satanist." My aim is to explain why the ideology of fascism seems to me to be absolutely irreconcilable both with our rational self-interest and with the core principles of our philosophy. The argument given here is my own, and I speak for no one else. However, I believe that it is a solid one which demands to be put forth, and I feel I am as well suited as anyone to do so.
    This being said, I will proceed to the matter at hand. In the Spring/Summer XXVI Black Flame, Nemo (whose words are consistently the most insightful to appear on these pages) pointed out that our proper relationship to our metaphorical deity is one of emulation, not worship. "What would Satan do?" is the question we should ask ourselves, not "What would Satan command us to do?"

Well, let's take it a step further: What did Satan do? Satan rebelled! He rose up against Jehovah, the supreme ruler of the Judeo-Christian cosmos, and utterly rejected that ruler's claim to any legitimate authority over him. This revolt against authority lies at the heart of the whole concept and mythos of Satan. Unlike most deities, Satan is not visualized as a sovereign figure issuing irresistible commands to man, but rather as a tempter, an enticer of others into "sin" and rebellion (remember Eve and the apple?), a teacher and senior partner of those who reject the stifling moral paradigm of Christian society and embrace the darkness. Jehovah symbolizes absolute authority; the Christian believer embodies submission to that authority; Satan personifies revolt against it.

    As I said, "fascism" is a term with a clear-cut meaning. We know the theory behind it and we've seen it at work in practice- in Germany, Italy, Spain, and many other lands. Of course, there are always those people who know little of such history and like to throw around emotive words or stick a swastika on their stationery as an easy way to shock the grown-ups, but if they do this, they must and will be held accountable for what those things actually mean.

What does fascism actually mean? It means

concentration of power in the hands of the State. it means extending the reach of this power into realms of society far beyond the bounds of the purely political, as the authority of the Church pervaded all areas of life centuries ago. It means the subordination of society and man to a Grand Vision of what both should be like-not the individual's vision, but that of those in authority over him. It means the bestowal of privilege on an artificial class consisting of those in favor with the rulers, as opposed to true Social Darwinism under which superior beings rise to the top by their own efforts. It means the eradication or co-opting of rival concentrations of power within society which might challenge the State-including quasi-socialistic control of business, albeit via strict regulation rather than outright nationalization. It means the disempowerment of the individual (fascist rulers are generally not too keen on private gun ownership). It means the suppression of ent and independent thinking. One cannot proclaim oneself a "fascist" without embracing the above; to do so would be violating the integrity of our language. To those Satanists who advocate fascism, I have the following to say: I really don't see what I would have to gain if some bizarre turn of events brought you to power (aside from a lot of sharp-looking occult symbolism on the flag and on public buildings), but I've got a pretty good idea what I'd stand to lose. Societies constructed on the basis of somebody's Grand Vision are invariably regimented, conformist, hostile to personal freedom, and excruciatingly boring to live in. They are the kind of societies which end up having to build walls around themselves to prevent all their independent thinkers from escaping to the society next door, where there is no Grand Vision and everyone does things his own way and minds his own business. Your "Satanic" fascist utopia would be no different. It would then be against your authority that all true individualists would be in revolt, and they would therefore be the real Satanists, the true bearers of the torch of the Deity of Rebellion. And what would that make you?

   If even democracy has so often turned out to be a disaster, the reason is that the tyranny of the majority is not fundamentally different from any other kind of tyranny. "He who saith 'thou shalt' to me is my mortal foe" (Infernal Diatribe 1:5), be it one jackbooted thug or one hundred million idiots. Who holds authority, or in whose name it is wielded, is not the problem-the problem is authority itself.
    Contrary to popular rhetoric, the United States is not a pure democracy-if it were, the foolishness of the masses would long ago have run it into the same ditch where the Weimar Republic ended up. The glory of the United States resides not in its democracy, but in the philosophy embodied in its Bill of Rights-its Decalogue of freedom which, in

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dramatic contrast to that of Moses, addresses its "Thou-shalt≠ nots" not to the individual man, but to the State which would otherwise grind him under. It is this restraint on centralized authority that protects our freedom, not some mystical wisdom residing in those (including the masses) who share in guiding that authority. And so it is this protection which the authoritarians of both left and right have been trying for decades to undermine and destroy.

    Yes, our present social order is depressingly conformist≠ but why try to replace it with fascism, which would be even more so?
    To me, the only truly Satanic social order is an anarchist/libertarian one (the polar opposite of fascism), wherein personal freedom is at a maximum and authority is dispersed and decentralized, wherein Stratification takes place via individual achievement rather than via selection from on high. Only thus can we truly vanquish the Jehovah archetype, as opposed to accepting its mantle. Only thus can we avoid turning into the very thing we were fighting against, and facing the absurd consequence that only those who oppose us will be able to claim genuine inheritorship of our tradition.
    Only thus, too, can we reinstate natural law and natural selection. Nature is anarchist, not fascist. No higher power picks and chooses superior species and grants them the right to survive, consigning others to evolution's dustbin; instead, types, small groups, and individual beasts compete, the unfit die out or are driven into marginal ecological niches, and the strongest and smartest and best-adapted prevail and flourish≠ until the next battle. Primate social groups usually have dominant individuals (as any small group of humans will tend to be dominated by one or two members by force of personality), but even these are constantly defied and challenged, and cannot long hold their position against a stronger claimant-there is no such thing among non-human animals as institutionalized authority. The only form of organization in nature resembling a fascist system is the ant colony, and even this similarity is only superficial since the controlling "authority" resides not in a supreme Filhrer-ant but in non-conscious programmed behavior patterns. In any case, the ant colony's unfitness as a model for a society of Satanists seems to me to be self-evident.
    I don't need to be given authority as a member of an artificially privileged class-I manage quite well on my own, thank you very much. I want there to be no authority, beyond the bare minimum needed to defend our overseas interests and to prevent the human garbage from running riot and turning the entire country into South Central L.A. Of course, last April's rioting showed us once again how pathetically inept the bloated behemoth State is at performing the latter function (see my article in the Spring/Summer XXVII issue). What really saved lives was individual self-defense, while the State authorities did nothing until it was all over anyway, and then immediately started bleating about gun control to prevent

individual self-defense next time.

   If you want security, don't look to the State; all it is good for is telling you that you cannot buy this gun, you cannot fuck that person, you cannot do this, that, and the ∑ other thing, et cetera ad nauseam.
    Self-proclaimed Satanic fascists: Please learn some history. The State is both dangerous and useless. It is inherently an enemy of personal freedom and an incompetent protector. It cannot be trusted. Ever. Anywhere. This problem cannot be resolved by seizing control of the State in the name of Jesus Christ or The People or even Satan. It can only be resolved by getting rid of the damn thing. Since the masses are probably not mature enough for society to function stably without some sort of government, and since (to the author's knowledge) no practical method of privatizing national defense has ever been devised, the problem cannot really be resolved at all. But it can and must be minimized-by restricting the power of the State, by stopping and rolling back its growth, by slashing to the bone its ability to vampirize the productive citizen through taxation, by resisting its every attempt to intrude further upon our lives through its malignant phalanx of gun-control laws, etc. which are constantly metastasizing into new areas of the body politic. That is, by fighting back against its inherent tendency toward fascism.
    Authoritarians seeking comrades in an individualist movement like Satanism are really looking in the wrong place. After all, there is a genuine fascist movement in the United States, even though it does not (yet) call itself by that name. It is large and powerful. It has infiltrated and essentially taken over the Republican Party. It has an agenda to concentrate State power and use it to transform and reshape and control society every bit as profoundly as did its spiritual predecessors in Berlin and Moscow and the Vatican. It is called the Christian Right, and millions of gfassy-eyed, sexually-repressed zombies stand ready in suburbs from coast to coast to rally at the call of its scowling, Bible-banging leaders. Fascism fits the Jehovan paradigm perfectly, after all. All power to the Almighty! Obedience as the greatest virtue, rebellion as the very embodiment of evil! All this ranting about sin and morality and Traditional Values attracts control-freaks the way manure attracts flies-whenever anyone starts talking like that, rest assured he is revving himself up to try and ban something.*
   So, fascists, if my words here have annoyed you, take heart. Your unacknowledged fellows may yet prevail, and the
  • In my opinion, the fact that the Christian Right flaunted its control of the Republican Party so ostentatiously (at the Houston convention and in the party platform) was part of the reason for that party's recent loss of the White House. As I write this, it is too early to tell whether this defeat will inspire the rational elements within the party to try and regain

control (or perhaps form a new party).

Fascist Utop will arise at last. Prayer and creationism will return to the schools. All those bothersome people who irk you by having different opinions, or by following some lifestyle which you find offensive, will have to shut up and keep it under wraps. And there will be strict laws against abortion, homooexuality, adultery, promiscuity, pornography, flag-burning, interracial sex, naughty rap lyrics, and anything else which someone on the Central Committee happens to dislike. Against Satanism too, of course, but you know what they say about omelets and eggs.

    Re-read the Infernal Diatribe, Chapter II. Could this slashing repudiation of the very concept of orthodoxy have been published, under the Nazi regime, to denounce the "established sophisms" and "enthroned lies" of the Nazi ideology? Could it have been addressed, in the late unlamented soviet anthill, to the "haughtiest moral dogmas" of Marx, even after they had been "proven by results," in the form of decades of economic disaster, "to be but empty fiction?" When all ideas can be freely expressed, survival of the fittest will ultimately lead to the triumph of the best ideas. I am fully confident that the Satanic philosophy embodies the best ideas for the next phase of human development. It is only those who lack such confidence in their philooophy who feel the need to impose it by force and fear.
    Satanism must not be allowed to degenerate into another tiresome exercise in creating a monster to protect us and then discovering that we have nothing to protect us against the monster. Countless ideologies and religions and political systems have already done that. Satanism is about self-reliance. A true Satanic society means a population of free-spirited, well≠ armed, fully-conscious, self-disciplined individuals, who will neither need nor tolerate any external entity "protecting" them or telling them what they can and cannot do. Such a society can arise only after we have expunged the herd-consciousness and submissiveness to authority which lie at the root of both Christianity and fascism.

Witches! Have you been touched by Satan?... ...Or perhaps another supernatural or alien being? If so, I'd like to hear from you. I'm researching a new book on true womanly power, contemporary sexual mythology,. and connections with Satanism and Evil. I'd like to get some frank answers from women who haven't had a chance to voice certain dark thoughts. Anonymity is assured -- names will not be required, but honesty is essential. To receive a questionnaire, please send a self≠ addressed, stamped envelope to:

  Blanche Barton Post Office Box 210082

San Francisco, CA 94121

.\ < > I l 1. 1 / / ∑ ,-, :;; I .:.< :! --

l\eflections Unaffiliated bimonthly zine for the intellectual Satanist, issued by Jeffrey Deboe: the Satanism of Indulgence and Individualism, without fascist/racist/author,i_tarian nonsense or "unholier-than-thou" one-true-way-ism Within USA: 1 issue $4.00, 6-issue sub $20.00 Outside USA: 1 issue $5.00, 6-issue sub $25.00

All orders must be accompanied by signed age statement (over 18) US funds only, payable to: Jeffrey Deboo 1442-A Nalnut Street #64 Berkeley CA 94709



becomes more and more equipped to deal with the challenges of the future, it is not surprising that many on our side have adopted a progressively uncompromisingstance. C.Crtain members of the Satanic community cannot come to terms with this development, and are disturbed at its resonance with key aspects of traditional Fascism (be it "occult" or political) and National Socialism. It is, however, a perfectly natural evolution. The Present world is one in which extreme situations increasingly demand extreme solutions. It is not a time for cowards. The shrill whine of the contemporary "victim culture" has replaced most all forms of true culture. Given the preponderance of this victim culture-glorifying the lowest and holding no one accountable for his or her actions-a heroic Fascism in a pure form would be a welcome antidote. The same can be said for many of the tenets of National Socialism, including the dreaded "Holocaust" (which in the future will have far less stringent entrance requirements).

    Fascism means many thin to many people, just as Satanism does. I see no point to endless discussions of what Fascism or Satanism may or may not be. Frankly, those of us who actually ere.ate things of value don't have the time to waste on these debates. By accepting the title of Satanist one does not necessarily endorse the ideas or behavior of others who also call themselves Satanists.

Still, an intelligent person realius that by adopting an image or title you will probably be taken to task for some of the less-than≠ intelligent activities of others who adopt the same image. That's life, and it shouldn't deter anyone of strong will from using the tools and symbols they want to use, for their own reasons, without apology.

    I have heard many a nitwit whine that the U.S. Government is "Nazi", the Christian Fundamentalists ase "fascists" and so on, ad nauseum. I've heard it argued (usually by pagans) that National Socialism was somehow an outgrowth of Hitler's Catholicism. People are certainly entitled to their own bizarre opinions, but instead of taking them at their word, I prefer to go to the source. Hitler's Reich Minister, Martin Bormann, proclaimed in 1942 that "National Socialist and Christian concepts are

incompatible."The most influential philosopher of Fascism and post-war right wing exµ-emism in Europe, Julius Evola, stated definitively in 1928: "The identification of our tradition with the Christian and Catholic Church is the most absurd of all errors." Now, who do you want to believe?

    I have no interest in presenting a defensive argument of my position according to the terms of weaklin who want to wrangle with semantics. All of this smacks of the victim culture which I abhor. Instead of belaboring the question of whether Satanism is inherently Fascistic (the

answer seems quite obvious to me), I think it may be more enlightening to approach these matters from an entirely different angle. What follows is an essay presenting the argument that Fascism (and National Socialism) were, at their core, intrinsically Faustian-in essence, Satanic. This article was originally presented as a term paper for a course on the history of the Faust mythos at the University of Colorado at Denver in the Spring of 1993.


"Only a sufficiently extensive area on this globe guarantees a nation freedom of existence we are placed in this world on condition of an eternal struggle for daily bread, as bei towhom nothing shall be given and who owe their position as lords of the earth only to the genius and courage with which they know how to struggle for and defend it. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

"I work that millions may possess this space, Hnot secure, a free and active rare. Here man and beast, in green and fertile fields, Will know the joys, that new-won region yields. Here wisdom speaks its final word and true, None is of freedom or of life deserving Unless he daily conquers it anew." Goethe, Faust Part Two

   Fascism as a political ideology has, since its general demise in the West following the Second World War, become symbolic of "evil" for many commentators and

historians, particularly when contrasted with the so-called freedom-loving (hence, "good") ideals of democracy. In many ways this stigma is quite apt, as a little known inspiration for many "Fascistic" ideologues and politicians came from the characteri:zation of the Satanic magician Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Many of the prominent themes from Goethe's masterpiece were also central to rightist thinkers spanning from Niet7Sche and historical philosopher Oswald Spengler, to National Socialists such as Alfred Rosenberg and even Hitler himself. The direct line of "Faustian" politics was later taken up specifically by the English leader of the British Union of Fascists, Sir Oswald Mosley, who was a disciple of Spengler, as well as being powerfully inspired by the literature of Goethe. In this essay I will attempt to illustrate this line of thought from the early Nineteenth C.Cntury up to its present ramifications.

   In many ways Goethe's drama Faust could be said to embody the Zeitgeist of Western man from the time it was published, as well as being a prophetic look into the future. The dominant themes of man striving to obtain the status of a god on earth and the disregard for the heavenly rewards of Christianity can be seen reflected in the rapid industriali:zation of the Nineteenth C.Cntury and the increasingly scientific outlook of many philosophers.

With the publication of Darwin's theory of evolution, the concept of mankind's divine creation as put forth in the Bible began to appear unlikely, if not altogether false.

   In the realm of philosophy, Friedrich Niet7SChe (1844-1900) most forcefully elucidated the concept of mans ascent to a godlike form, embodied in his term the Obermensch ('"superman" or "overmanj. At the same time Niet7Sche violently vilified the tenets and practices of Christianity, which he detested as the hallmarks of a religion fit only for slaves. A clear advocacy of aristocratic conquest and rulership, also espoused by Faust's proclamations at the end of the drama's Part Two, can be seen in the following lines from Niet7SChe's philosophical novel, Thus Spake l.arathustra:
   "O my brethren, I consecrate you to be, and show unto you the way to a new nobility. Ye shall become procreators and

breeders and sowers of the future. "'Your children's land ye shall love (be this your new nobility), the land undiscovered in the remotest sea! For it I bid you set sail and seek!"1 While Nietzsche speaks here in a more metaphorical sense, much like Faust himself in the earlier sections of Part One, on many occasions he did specifically refer to politics in a similar manner. Much has been made of the Nazis' implementation ofNietzschean ideals into the real world of social engineering, and many modern day scholars 6n particular the late translator of Nietzsche, Walter Kaufmann) have tried to argue that Nietzsche never meant his ideas to be taken literally, in a political sense. However, it is not at all difficult to locate many quotations which support the case that Nietzsche did await an age of uncompromising power politics, which would certainly live up to most peoples conceptions of Fascism, and in fact an entire book has been written on the subject, strongly refu the claims of many Nietzsche "apologists. One typical quote sufficient to illustrate the point can be found in Section 208 of Beyond Good and Evil: "... the opposite would be more after my heart-I mean such an increase in the menace of Russia that Europe would have to resolve to become menacing, too, namely to acquire one will by means of a new caste that would rule Europe, a long terrible will of its own that would be able to cast its goals millennia hence-so that the long drawn out comedy of its many splinter states as well as its dynastic and democratic splinter wills would come to an end. The time for petty politics is over: the very next century will bring the fight for the dominion of the earth-the compulsion to great politics."3 Regardless of whether or not Nietzsche himself would.have approved of the consequences, the general aims of National Socialism, along with the entire Fascist axis, can easily be seen to correspond with such a sentiment, even down to unification of Europe to fight against a Russian menace≠ the central idea behind Himmler's pan≠ European military force, the Waffen SS. So, while Nietzsche does not refer by name to a "Faustian" impulse in his writin in many ways his philosophy bridged the gap between such an impulse and its later application by the National Socialists and Fascists. The philosopher of the Twentieth

- F C.Cntury who did specifically incorporate the idea of "Faustian" Man into his writin , and who exerted a strong influence on many aspects of Fascistic thought, was Oswald Spengler (1880-1936). Most famous for his massive interpretation of history entitled The Decline of the West, Spengler posited an argument that civilizations are organic entities and thus, like other living organisms, have a cyclical existence of birth, ascension, decline, and eventual death. Spengler then interpreted the achievements of different cultures as falling into these general phases, which he named after the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and, encompassing final dissolution, Winter. Strongly influenced by Goethe and Nietzsche, Spengler utilized various ideas from both men, which he fused into his own outlook on history. His indebtedness to Goethe, and to Faust in particular, is evident in his terming Western man and civilization as "Faustian" in nature. This spirit embodied the notion of ceaseless striving, be it for knowledge, territory or influence. In his later work Man and Technics, Spengler relates the relation between Faustian Man and technology with the quest of perpetual motion: "This last idea [perpetual motion] never thereafter let go its hold on us, for success would mean the final victory over 'God or Nature,' a small world of one's own creation moving like the great world, in virtue of its own forces and obeying the hand of man alone. To build a world oneself, to be oneself God-that is the Faustian inventor's dream, and from it has sprung all our designing and re≠ designing of machines to approximate as nearly as possible to the unattainable limit of perpetual µiotion. The booty-idea of the beast of prey is thought out to its logical end. Not this or that bit of the world, as when Prometheus stole fire, but the world itself, complete with its secret of force, is dragged away as spoil to be built into our Culture. But he who was not himself possessed by this will to power over all nature would necessarily feel all this as devilish, and in fact men have always regarded machines as the invention of the devil-with Roger Bacon begins the long line of scientists who suffer as magicians and heretics."4

   Although Spengler gloried in this Westem∑"will to power," his greater concept of the cyclical destiny of allcivilization meant that the present age, beginning approximately at the onset of the

5, 11 Nineteenth C.Cntury, was doomed as the "Winter" period of inevitable decline and eventual collapse. As one commentator on Spenglerian theory elaborates on the signs of this dissolution:

   "Spengler dated the Decline of the West as early as 1800, the onset of the winter period. Decline in any culture occurs when there is a widespread feeling that the existing institutions and ideals are no longer viable. In the life history of every culture, there comes a point when its original vitality has been dissipated≠ when it is experiencing either a profound 'failure of nerve' or bureaucratic decadence. This 'failure of nerve' manifests itself as a loss of faith and instinct as intellectualism pure and simple. In adeclining culture, Spengler observes, 'the brain rules because the soul

,,,5 cates.

   Along with Oswald Spengler, the predominant ideologists and figures of the National Socialist movement in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s also exhibited a strong inspiration from the idea of a "Faustian" spirit inherent to European culture. In a similar situation to that with Nietzsche's philosophy, the Nazis took this concept and applied it in practice, often with overwhelming results. In a sense this translation of concept into reality is itself inherently "Faustian," as Nazi philosopher Alfred Rosenberg draws attention to in his huge work The Myth of the Twentieth Century:

"Goethe spent much of his creative energy in promoting the virtues of intellectual activity. The greatest hymn to human activity is his Faust. After the exploration and penetration of all science, of all love and suffering, Faust is liberated through the deed, i.e., action. To his powerful spirit which sought always to comprehend the infinite, ...thought was the most useful faculty for the man, the final stone of life, the tool to conquer the unknown."6 Rosenberg also states his belief in the Faustian Man himself with the further lines:

   "I am forced to admit that my will is divided into two parts: sensuous≠ instinctive and super-sensuous-willed.

These are the two souls which Faust felt within his breast.

   "Goethe represented our essence in Faust. The eternal, which, after every recasting of our soul, is inherent in our

∑- - - . -.

form. As a result, Goethe has become the guardian and the preserver of our dispootion. He is a figure such as our people possessed at no other time..l

   In the last two sentences of the above quote, it would_be easy to see the name Hitler substituted for that of Goethe, and such sentiments appear often in National Socialist texts. Seen by many Germans of the time as a god-like creature sent by Providence to rescue the nation, Adolf Hitler in many ways fulfills the role as a modem day Faust, who attempts to become a "lord of the earth" through the means of action, "the deed." Baldur von Schirach, the leader of the Hitler Youth, voiced this thought when he said, "Faust, the Ninth Symphony, and the will of Adolf Hitler are eternal youth and know neither time nor transience."8 Indeed, the resemblance between certain words spoken by Hitler in Mein Kampf and those of Faust at the end of Part Two is uncanny. During the draining

of the swamps just before Faust's death at the age of one hundred, he states, "None is of freedom or life deserving / Unless he daily conquers it anew."9 Rephrased by Hitler in his chapter on "Nation and Race," the same idea is conveyed: "He who wants to live should fight, therefore, and he who does not want to battle in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to be alive."10 There are likewise strong parallels between Faust's determination to create new living space for his people as a final, ideal act and Hitler's persistent theme of additional

this exploit of woe! Now take your share of curse and go!"11In contrast, the unremorseful attitude toward such casualties that was accepted and amplified by many of the Nazi leaders is expressed in the lines spoken in the Chorus at this point: "'You serve the mighty with a will; / Let you be brave where knocks are brisk / And house, and home and life you risk."12 The furthest extreme of this sentiment, and the darkest reflection of Spengler's idea that "the world itself, complete with its secret of force, is dragged away as spoil to be built into our Culture," is expressed bluntly and callously in Heinrich Himmler's October 4th, 1943 speech to a meeting of SS major-generals, referring to the casualties of war in Russia:

"We must be honest, decent, loyal and comradely to members of our own blood, but to nobody else	What the

nations can offer us in the way of good blood of our type, we will take, if necessary by kidnapping their children and raising them here with us. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our Kultur, otherwise, it is of no interest to me. Whether 10,000 Russian females fall down from exhaustion digging an anti≠ tank ditch interests me only in so far as the anti-tank ditch for Germany is finished. "13

It is here at this point, when Faustian conquest assumes purely racial grounds, that Spengler would have found it reprehensible.

<'.-;- _? - subversive force. Mosley was deeply indebted to Spengler for providing a foundation for the ideology with which he would attempt to guide the B.U.F., and he referred to him in an early speech as the great German philosopher," who had "probably done more than any other to paint in th broad background of Fascist thought."1 Despite such public pronouncements, Mosley was unable to fully embrace Spengler's interpretation of history as a p,uosophy in and of itself, for exactly the same reasons as the National Socialists. The thrust of Fascism, as a force that intended to rejuvenate a decaying West suffering from the symptoms of democracy and Rousseau-inspired humanism, could not accept Spengler's dire predictions of an unalterable, organic, final end. For the Nazis the Faustian force which would turn the tables was Hitler, while for Mosley it was scientific technology. In his words, Spengler had failed to properly take into account "modern scientific and mechanical development: if you look through the Spenglerian spectacles you are bound to come to a conclusion of extreme pessimism because they obscure the factor which for the first time places in the hands of man the ability to eliminate the poverty problem."16 Although he saw a means to regeneration through the diligent application of technology to solve the problems of modern life, Mosley also felt himself to be one of the new breed of Faustian men who had the vision to recognize such solutions. As his biographer, Robert Skidelsky, writes:

Lebensraum which it was the Germans' destiny to obtain at any cost.

   While in agreement on the basic concept of unceasing struggle and innovation, Spengler and the Nazis differed strongly when it came to an outlook toward the future. Spengler, as stated earlier, believed that the fate of the West was preordained and unchangeable, leading to imminent collapse. The Nazis, on the other hand, saw themselves, and Hitler in particular, as forces of regeneration which would lead Europe toward a rebirth and the founding of a "'thousand year Reich." It is in their dedication to this goal that they went even further than the character of Faust.

During Faust's program of creating a new area of living space, Mephistopheles and The Three are asked to move an old couple from their home to make way for the construction effort. The couple are killed as a result, which angers Faust and causes him to shout at Mephistopheles, "My curse on

It is certainly the case that Spengler himself did not see Hitler as any kind of embodiment of Faustian Man, and this is evidenced by his remarks after they met and talked with one another: "Sitting next to him, one did not gain the slightest inkli that he represented anything significant." 4

   Another Fascist leader, far less extreme than the Nazis but just as influenced by the_ Faustian ideal, was the Englishman Sir Oswald Mosley (1896 -1980). After an involvement in various political groups, both Conservative and Labour, he moved further and further towards an openly Fascist organization, inspired by Mussolini's successes in Italy. In 1932 Mosley officially founded the British Union of Fascists, who were also known as the Blackshirts. After enjoying a growing mass of followers and a certain amount of influence, Mosley and other British Fascist leooers were imprisoned in internment camps during the war, as the government considered them a potentially

"Of all the he read in prison. Goethe's Faust made the most profound impression on Mosley: after the war, he published an English translation, with an introduction by himself. He identified his own destiny with that of Faust; which in turn made tl)lit destiny more conscious."1 Mosley elaborated on his own particular interpretation of this destiny in his book 1be Alternatrve, published in 1947, after his period of imprisonment. As he eloquently states:

   "When all illusions have been destroyed we still return to the basic question-is it likely that anything so complex as the Universe, and so purposeful as the evolution of man...can have lacked purpose and design?
   "Even the paradox of evil, which long appeared to contravert the presence of any beneficent or creative providence,


takes its ph•::e in the pattern of thin as an agent which stirs from lethargy, and demands the answer of a new energy that carries men forward... Nature drives man until he is sufficiently developed to advance under his own power, when the flame of the spirit is ignited.

   "...the purpose of life is not self≠ development, in vacuo, but the development of the self in Achievement, as an artist in action and life, who creates, also, for hwnanity. The proud words, 'I serve,' are to such a man also the highest expression of self-development. He serves the purpose of God in assisting the emergence of higher forms of life. No mechanisms of Society or of Government can function unless we can produce more such men: they are the lights of humaruty.,,18

That Mosley here is calling for a new breed of Faustian Men in whom to invest the fate of Europe is quite clear. It is in such men, ceaselessly striving and yet willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, just as Faust attempted to do before his death, that both Fascism and National Socialism placed their ultimate faith

    Were these leaders correct in their assessment of the West? This is a question that remains to be answered once and for all. Certainly, during their active years those who dared ally themselves with Fascism were the object of antagonism from the agents of democracy, who stopped at nothing to remove them from the world's stage. The current, status quo position on both Fascism and National Socialism as political creeds is no less tolerant, and if anything has become even more heatedly illiberal towards the philosophical underpinnin of these movements. In light of this, it could be said that the idea of the "Faustian spirit," when translated into politics, has heretofore been unacceptable and irreconcilable with the dominant forces of democratic idealism. But while the Fascists of the last century may have been discredited by the powers-that-be, the more all-encompassing Faustian concepts of Oswald Spengler have not. Although he is largdy ignored and forgotten, Spenglers predictions continue to be vindicated in many ways. Perhaps Western Man is unable to alter the course of his decline, and here is where the Faustian politicians deluded themselves with self-intoxicated visions. The continued acceptance of an altruistic, democratic worldview may merely be, as

Spengler thought, a sign of the decay, a symptom of the "Winter" of Western Civilization. Grim and politically incorrect as they may seem, his ominous concluding words in Man and Technics ring with a chilling tone of truth:

   "The others have caught up with their instructors	Where there is coal,

oil, or water-power, there a new weapon can be forged against the heart of the Faustian Civilization. The exploited world is beginning to take revenge on its lords lt is no mere crisis, but the beginning of a catastrophe.

   "For these 'colored' peoples, in this context, the Russians) the Faustian technics are in no wise an inward necessity. It is only Faustian man who thinks, feels, and lives in this form. To him it is a spi,rituaJ need, not on account of its economic consequences, but on account of itsvictoriesï..
  "This machine-technics will end with the Faustian civilization and one day will lie in fragments,fo,gotten	The

history of technics is drawing to its inevitable close. It will be eaten up from within, like the grand forms of any and every Culture.

   "Faced as we are with this destiny, there is only one world-outlook that is worthy of us, that which has already been mentioned as the choice of Achilles-≠ better a short life, full of deeds and glory, than a long life without content	Time

does not suffer itself to be halted; there is no question of prudent retreat or wise renunciation. Only dreamers believe that there is a way out. Optimism is cowardice.

   "We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the

destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honourable end is the one tping that can not be taken from a man."19

   Unlike Goethe's fictional of Faust, the legacy of Western Man and the civilization he forged may not be rewarded with any ultimate salvation, though National Socialists, Fascists, and other dreamers may continue to have faith in such adestiny.


1. Nietixhe, Thus Spake'larathustra, as quoted in A.M. Ludovici, Nietzsche, New York, undated. Pg. 82.

2. This is the excellent Nzetzsche and the Pol.itics of Aristocratic Radicalism by Bruce Detweiler, Chicago, 1990.

3. Nietixhe, Beyond Good and Evil,. As quoted in Detweiler, pg. 56.

4. Spenf)er,ManandTedmics,transl. byc.F. Atkinson, New Yark. 1932. P . 84, 85.

5. Klaus P. Fischer, History and ProJi,e,;;y: Oswald Spengler and the Decline of the W t, North Carolina, 1977. Pg. 150.

6. Rosenberg, The Myth of the Twentieth Century, transl. by Vivian Bird, California, 1982. Pg. 155.

7. Ibid, p . 205, 323.

8. Schirach, quoted in G.S. Graber, The History of the SS, New York, 1978. Pg. 59.

9. Goethe, Faust: Part Two, transl. by Philip Wayne, London, 1959. Pg. 269.

10. Hitler, Mein KamJf.Reynal & Hitchcock translation, New Yark. 1940. Pg.397.

11. Goethe, Faust: Part Two, transl. by Philip Wayne, London, 1959. Pg.262.

12. Ibid, pg. 262.

13. Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenke Himmler,New York, 1968. P . 145, 146.

14. As quoted in Fischer, pg. 72.

15. Mosley, quoted in Nicholas Mosley, Beyond the Pale, London, 1983. Pg. 35.

16. Ibid, pg. 36.

17. Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley, New York, 1975. Pg. 473.

18. Oswald Mosley, The Altematrve, London, 1947. As quoted in Skidelsky, pg. 477.

19. Spengler, Man and Tedmics, transl. by C.F. Atkinson, NewYork.1932. P .102-104.


SECRET AND SUPPRESSED edited by Jim Keith (Feral House, Portland, Oregon, 1993; 315 pages, $12.95, trade paperback).

   A compendiwn of conspiracy theories, subtitled Banned Ideas and Hidden Hzstory. As the editor observes, "America's electronic and print media are simultaneously 'free' and heavily controlled." As more and more subjects and ideas become offensive to the special int.crest groups who are gaining a stranglehold on free speech, you can expect more such "occult" information to the rwnor mills. Objective reporting has gone the way of all things and you'll need sources like this to get any idea of what's happening out there.
   Chapters include, "My Father is a done," "Remote Mind Control Technology," "The Masonic Ripper," "Why Waco?" and "SecretS From the Vatican Library." A fascinating survey that'll keep you up nights and have you looking over your shoulder. Don't miss the "secret message" on the book's cover! Editor Jim Keith is looking for more, and includes his contact address. See Feral House's ad elsewhere in this issue.

THE RAVEN, edited and published by Grotto ODM, P. 0. Box 163, Stratford, CT 06497-0163. $3.00 per issue; inquire about subscriptions.

   1he Raven takes everything with a grain of salt; this is the Satanic journal of hwnor and good living, just comfortable, fun stuff. Nevertheless, the layout is crisp, neat, lively and int.cresting. Each issue is 8.5" X 11.5" with day-glo scarlet cover.
   Vol. 0, No. 4 (Lammas 1993) is the "Witches and Wiccans" issue. Targets of the Raven's barb include Wiccans and new Agers. There's a recipe for "Wiccan Chicken," a very funny send-up of Chinese Restaurants, and the "Rantin' and Raven" colwnn includes some movie reviews.
   The Halloween issue wassubjected to a re-nwnbering, and so is mue #6/7. Articles include "Why y OU Shouldn't watch TV" (about the HBO special on Satanism), Catholic Ritual Abuse, a new definition of"woman," "Sexual Haraswent in the Workplace," and "True Stories of the Weaker Sex," which really makes you want to punch a feminist. There's also a critique of women's clothing trends, a recipe for Bo-Bo Cake, and a survey about


   Issue 118 celebrates the solstice with a letter from "Fr. Guido Sarducci," a treatise 'on Xmas that begins, "I could just puke," how "tithing" works in a Satanic grotto, an 0. Henry pastiche, "My Tussle with The Devil," "Consumer Reports" on fast food, and my favorit.e piece, "Int.erview with An Asshole," in which one of Raven's editors int.erviews his incredibly dense, Fundamentalist boss. There are also some amusing news it.ems and some bawdy solstice songs. There's also a recipe for cheesecakeandsomeyummywint.erdrinks, and an imaginary interview between Bob Larson and Crqwley. And much more! This issue is dedicated to the lat.e Vincent Price.
   Issue 119, Valentine's Day, includes Words for Today, in which the editors re≠ define a few things, the amazing story of a possessed Crowley button, a wonderful poem by Neil Smith, a recipe for "Pie," a survey about champagne, and an int.cresting translation (from the Italian) of an old Jesuit book that gets very specific about Satan and Hell. Includes another installment of the comic strip, "Dogman," by a very young Satanist.
   A wickedly funny view of airline food begins Issue #10, and Loki of Hell's Kitchen goes on to give an example by including a recipe for USAir Chicken. This is the Travel Issue, and it discusses luggage handling, shows various members of the Grotto ODM in appropriate traveling attire, describes "punitive seating" (why you should be nice to ticket agents) and contains much, much more.
   1he Raven and Grotto ODM represent Satanic diversity at its best.

DARK REFLECTIONS, a journal written and published by Jeffrey Deboo, 1442A Walnut St., #64, Berkeley, CA 94709. Each issue is $4.00 US/$5.00 foreign, and a six≠ issue subscription is $20.00 US/$25.00 foreign. Each issue is about 32 pages, 8.5" X 11.S"with dark red folio covers.

   Issue #2 begins with an excellent "Opening Reflection," includes "Sex Gone Sour" (quoting Orwell), "Health and the Bcxiy" (compares the physical needs of ancient man with today's obsession with "fitness" "The Great Divide" (illustrating

"multi-culturalism"), and the main article, "Aids and the NeerPuritans." Each issue is rounded out with and reviews; the typewriter-typesetting is clean and eminently readable, and editor Deboo is careful to include sharp graphics and artwork wherever he can.

   Issue lf3 is a special issue concerned with Japan, "The Real Pagan Superpower." The opening essay is excellent. Other pieces include one on Shinto, Japanese porn (illustrat.ed with actual comics), and a comparison of views between Islam, the West and Japan. Also an int.erpretation of what the Bill of Rights means tcxiay.
   Issue #4 begins with an interesting colwnn of "Random Thoughts," then continues with a thought-provokingessay that att.empts to answer the ever-present question, "why Satan?" "Dumbing Down" examines our culture's ever-lowering standards for cultural literacy. There's a piece on "One True Way-ism" in Satanism, an essay on the "Tyranny of the Weak," and wonderful creatures drawn by Timothy Patrick Butler.
   "Justice Without Morality" in issue NS reveals that Deboo opposes the death penalty; surprising for a Satanist, but his reasons are well-presented. It makes me wonder if he'sever thrown a curse, and how he would feel if he found out that his object didn't-really deseive it. Hmm. Another piece talks about the "dualism" in Christianity, namely, theirtwoGods,Jesus andJehovah.A hilarious jab at "The Satanic Pest" follows, along with a feature of this journal, "Human Nature Watch," wherein Deboo briefly observes global happenin from a Satanic perspective. Reading through all these issues en mas.<ie, one quickly learns that the editor's pet peeve with the Satanic community is f.ictionalism,finger-pointing, "I am but you ain't._a Satanist." So its interesting when, in "Satan's Dilemma," Deboohas toconfront another Satanic tnbutary (m this Joe Aufricht and his mag, Rejuvenatwn) and detach himself publically.

In Issue #6, we hear about the "colonization" of all our cultures, worldwide, by Christianity and/or Islam. Satanism represents a de-colonization process. There's a toJoe Aufricht (see above) and a piece on Indulgence. Deboo says herein, "I would never have thought it

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c> 2

wou1d be pos.sible to make Satanism a drag... [I'm] quite happy to do without whatever dubious enlightenment may lie at the end of the masochist's weary road." There's a nice poem by Lydia Gage, and an essay asking the musical question, "What Is The Swastika?"

   Issue Ill begins with "Shrug!," an essay about the US government's increasing pressure on productive people to support the non-productive, a piece about the stalling of the Sexual Revolution, a progress report on "Satan's Purge," a thoughtful essay on funerals by George Sprague, and the usual pithy quotes, reviews.
   I don't always agree withJeff Deboo (he's got a bee in his bonnet about fascism and factionalism) but I'm always impressed with his work; his arguments are always well-thought-out and interesting, rarely pedantic and never windy. His journals deserve a place on your Satanic bookshelf and you should order all of them, and subscribe.

FROM nm PIT, edited, published and largely written by Michael Rose, P. 0. Box 1413, Decatur, AL, 35602-1413. Each issue is $3.00 US/$4.00 foreign; a four-issue subscription is $12.00 US/$16.00 foreign. Digest-siud, usually about 24 pages, red cover.

   Volume 3,112 (Fall XXVIII AS) includes an editorial examining cattle mutilations (yum!1 thoughts about Heaven and Hell, "Hatred: The Outlawed Emotion" by Bob Rust, various observations about world events, some invective directed at "Yaj Nomolos" and "Traditional Satanists," reviews and quotes, and more.
   Volume 3, #3 (Winter XXVIII AS) premieres a new, laser-typeset layout that is quite spiffy. Nice words on being a "Satanic Wolf" by Vincent Crowley, a piece on Free Will and another that asks the question, "Is Life Sacred?" And more.
   Volume 3,114 (Spring XXIX AS)-the editorial talks about the ideas of Malthus; other pieces by editor Rose include thoughts on Nihilism and Lies. There's another essay by Vince Crowley, "Satanism as Scapegoat," and a poem by Raistlin Major. Rounding out this very capable production are still more Satanic quotes and reviews.
   Michael Rose is another writer who deserves your attention; don't miss an issue of From The Pit.

REJUVENATION, edited, written and published by Joseph E. Aufricht of the

Order of Dionysus/Sabazios, P. 0. Box 711, Lakewood, OH 44107. Single issue is $4.00 US/$5.00 foreign; four-issue subscriptiopns are $16.00 US/$20.00 foreign. Digest-med, usually about 30 pages, with the ever-present red cover!

   You've gotta be amused by a mag that calls itself a "'zine" right on its own cover. Aufricht is concerned mainly with youths and youthfulness. He is not only interested in spending time with yowig people (he is 32) but in somehow recapturing his own youth and revivifying himself through another "allowing" him to be playful and silly. What has this got to do with Satanism? Your guess is as good as mine. I suppose Aufricht could be responding to what is stated about the natural magic in children and the yowig in The Satanic Bible, but he doesn't make that dear. What he does do is ramble on, arguing for the "freedom of teens" and generally whining about whatever crosses his mind. Aufricht reviews heavy metal groups exhaustively, and includes personal ads, some of which are soliciting relationships that are illegal in some states.

mueIll includes "Nice Christians My AsY." and a piece wherein Joe points out that Freudian psychology was foWJded by Freud≠ thanks, Joe! The ed. also takes on "the True Origins of Rock Music" and"Stoners."

   Issue 118 discusses Family Values, an explanation of the Order of Dionysus/ Sabazios, "Teens Need Counseling" (uh≠ huh), Shyness, "A Calling," Mark Twain, having your cake and eating it, too Ooe informs us that you do this by cutting the cake in half-why didn't I think of that!) and "Romantic Love for Teens," which reveals Joe's view of romance as being at about the depth and breadth of a Paul Anka song.
   Hi ho! With Issue #9 Joe has thrown out Jimmy Olsen's typewriter and claimed access to a better one. He discusses "true Satanists" in opposition to the other kind (yawn). Also included is an article by "Hermes" on man/boy love, and why it should be okay for boys 13 and up to have relationships with men; Hermes goes on to describe a Satanic grotto devoted solely to such relationships-it's a fantasy, but you'll have to pardon me while I HEAVE over this one. Aufricht outlines the recent verbal bashings he's received from other Satanic publishers who have pulled their ads from his publication. There's a terrible poem on the back cover, and an ad that is headlined, "Kids Fuck Too!" We were willing to give Joe some rope, but it looks like he's used it

all up with this last issue; I'm not sure you'll see anymore TBF ads in Reju'Ve114tion,either. On to nm HERETIC, like a breath of fresh air after the above. Published and edited by K.R. Bolton, P. 0. Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington, New Zealand. Overseas to the US it's $10.00 for four issues, $15.00 air. Good deal. Each issue has 24 very packed digest-siud pages. Make any checks going to this address payable to Realist Publications.

   "The Satanic Imperative," an essay on eugenics by Priest Baynes, graces mue 116. See also "Aristocracy of wolves," "Maggots," "The

Devil Hasthe Laugh," "The Hermetic Religioo" byTaniJ "Cbd by the ONA, a piece ooHamand Noah, andan overview of"Infantile Arguments inSatanism."

   Issue Ill includes news on the Ritual Action Group, a view of the various books titled Necronomicon, a review of global events, pieces on Evoking the Dark Goddess, De Bokkerijders, Pride of Lucifer, Sinestra Vivendi, and more jibes at the Temple of Set. Always included are poems, reviews, letters and columns from other officials in Bolton's Order of the Left Hand Path-recently reconstituted as the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi.
  Issue #8 begins with a piece on the Neue Slowenische Kunst, the art collective most distinguished by its musical arm, Laibach. The philosophy here is that true art is made by individuals within a national tradition and identity, "politiciud, ideological art." While this may sound too fascist for some of you (and maybe even for me) it's interesting to note that the outcome is rather good music and beautiful visual art-I examined an expensive hardcover book with color plates that documents the NSK's museum installations, and I was impressed. There's an annowicement that Magister Bolton has handed over the reins of the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi (formerly the Order of the Left-Hand Path) to Priest Harri Baynes. "The Inner Meaning of the Seven≠ Fold Way" details the ONA's initiation practice, and there's also an interview with ONA's Christos Beest. Also interviewed is Ray Fenriz, leader of the Church of the Final Judgement; this group takes their inspiration from the words of Charles Manson, and Charlie is the subject of their discussion. The usual news, reviews, and a concluding essay with bite.
   Operating at the same address in New Zealand is the Black Order. Their aims: "To

(a) Study the esoteric current behind

National Socialism, Thule, and the occult traditions from which they derived, (b) prepare a political and cultural infrastructure to replace the collapsing of the Old Order, (c) Presence the Dark Forces on Earth via ritual magick, study, propaganda, infiltration and any other means deemed necessary."

   The newsletter of the Black Order is TIIE FLAMING SWORD. One

subscribes by joining, and the fee is $15.00 annually. Issue #1 includes "Hela & Malicious Magic," a look at the Russian upstart Zhirinovsky, a historic perspective on Wewelsburg-"the black Camelot," Runic Pathworking, Resurgence of the Right, Natural Order, and a look at the links between Satanism and Northern Paganism.

   TIIE BOOK OF WYRD functions as the "bible" of the Black Order, outlining their aims, methods, rituals and symbology. It's about 50 pages, digest-sized with a black cover. I imagine you would receive it as part of your membership packet.

ABRASAX, edited and published by James Martin, 4∞ o:.T:.B:., P. 0. Box 1219, Corpus Christi, TX 78403. Single issue: $5.00 US/$8.00 foreign. Four issue subscription: $20.00 US/$32.00 foreign; make check or money order payable to Cash. Full-med (85" X 11"), usually about 54 pages, stapled on edge, vanous neon covers.

   Always eager to provide a good read in an attractive format, editor Martin goes far and wide to gather his material and ensures that it covers a wide spectrum of the "dark side" of occultism. Issue #21, Autumn Equinox 1993, is their Fifth Anniversary Special Issue, and includes "The Parts That Were Left Out of 1he Magician's Dictionary" by E.E. Rehmus, a survey of Sufi magic, an interview with Michael Bertiaux, and more. This installment of "From The Darkside" by Diane Vera focuses on "Extrinsic Vs. Intrinsic Satanism." To paraphrase her distinction between these two: extrinsic Satanists are Satanists because they are in agreement with its social philosophy or political outlook, and intrinsic Satanists are so because they are responding to the god-figure Satan on an instinctual, emotional level, and may have no connection whatsoever with the power philosophy behind it. I agree that making this distinction is interesting, and it may even be close to reality for some Satanists.

But haven't you noticed that even hardcore atheist, Objectivist Satanists still have an aesthetic that reflects the dark side? They like horror movies, and think spiders are cute, and have always loved strolling in

cemeteries, etc. Why? Maybe because philosophy and politics are only the aspect of Satanism that we can put into words, write about, discuss, debate. That elemental response merely to the word, "Satan," is on a gut level. We can't explain it; we all feel it. And that's why one of the hardest questions to answer about our "religion" is, "Why Satan?" The only honest answer I can ever come up with, is: "If you have to ask... you just don't get it." Anyway, Vera did a good job with this column, dealing with her own feelin about the issue forthrightly, and not assuming too much about the feeli of others.

   Issue #22, Winter Solstice 1993, features a jazzed-up layout with ever-improving graphics and illustrations; the new format for the contents page is particularly attractive. There's an interview with Peter J. Carroll, some UFO abductee stuff, a piece about Succubi, a ritual, many reviews, and more. "From The Darkside" has been taken over by Jeffrey Deboo, again talking about Satanism and fascism in an essay that may reasonably be viewed as a companion piece to the one in this very issue of TBF-if ours interests you, you will need to read this one.

WOLF-AGE, ORDER OF TIIE EVIL EYE OFFICIAL FORUM, P. 0. Box 272929, Tampa, FL 33688. Single issue: $4.00 US/ $5.00 foreign. Digest-sized, usually about 40 pages, printed entirely on brightly≠ colored paper (no red!).

   Isrue #1 is on green paper, which really makes it stand out in the drift of red here next to my desk. This issue includes the complete, nicely-typeset text of the basic Satanic Ritual from The Satanic Bible, The Rules of the Earth, the Nine Satanic Statements, Church of Satan general information statement, many little but compelling essays by editor (and rock musician) Vincent Crowley, and a really cool illustration of Charles Manson. Lots of ads for other Satanic publications and alliances. The focus of the Order of the Evil Eye isvery actively anti-Christian, and in addition to their Forum they've produced some wonderful little Satanic tracts, including their own "Chick tract" that is definitely worth a couple of bucks to Vince.
   Issue #2 includes varied contributions from other Satanists, including Michael Rose and Timothy Patrick Butler, there's an interview with Magister Peter H. Gilmore, lots of interesting little newsbits and a two≠ page compendium of some of the best "devil≠ themed" comic strips from daily newspapers. This one's on orange paper, handy if you

take it on a hunting trip.

   Issue #3 just arrived on the ubiquitous red paper. This one if full of art, press≠ clippings, comic reprints, and plenty of advertisements. Vincent Crowley turns in several fine pieces exploring Satanism as a scapegoat, sex and magic, and Jack Kevorkian as well as a well-crafted Pact Ritual. Articles by Sean Brown, Azazel, and Joe Tisdall round out another fine issue.

LIFEFORCE (each issue $5.00 US) and BLOODLINES (each issue $10.00 US), publications of the Temple of the Vampire, P. 0. Box 3582, Lacey, WA 98503.

   Lifeforce is three double-sided pages, neatly typeset. The last five issues consist of questions and answers about the Vampire Religion and Reports from other Vampires, announcements about changes in Temple policy and local clutches (groups) forming, an interview with Temple representative Lucas Martel, a global overview, an essay, "What is Truth?" and more. Free to members of the Temple.
   Bloodlines is the biannual forum of the Temple, full-sized, 16 pages. Includes poetry, fiction, lovely illustrations, attractive and highly-readable graphics, letters, reports, mini-reviews. A compelling essay, "Our Time Has Come," is worth an order. The current issue (Spring 1994 C.E.) contains poetry, a "World Update" and a new ritual for communion with the Undead Gods.

Free to members of the Temple.

TIIE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, edited and published by Ron Harris, 45High St., New Haven, CT 06510. Single issue: $4.00 US/ $6.00 foreign; subscriptions are $16.00 US/ $22.00 foreign-make all checks payable to Ron Harris. Full-sized, 34 pages plus B&W cover. Articles are presented in manuscript format in a variety of typestyles.

   Issue #1 includes poems by J.M. Navroth, fiction by Marie Buckner, "Naziism, Racism and Satanism" by Jeffrey Deboo, a press release about the "Embassy of Lucifer," and interviews with Peter H. Gilmore and Paul Valentine. Paul is the latest Satanic heartthrob to make the scene; there's an adorable pie of him that's just the right siz.e for the inside of your locker. Likes: Satan, pitchers of beer, and holding your hand while walking in the rain. Dislikes: Michael Aquino, Rex Church, and people who say his daughter doesn't exist. Can be found anytime working on aMac or sitting in adark, cozy bar, scribbling busily in his journal; this Valentine is brainy but fun!

HEU.FIRE, Is.sue #1, a publication from "The Order of the Beast," edited and published by Bruce London/Rev. Raw, (:IJ2 N. 7th St, Fort Pierre, FL 34950. $6.99 for a single mue, about 58 full-si7.Cd pages on (yawn) red paper in a black presentation folder.

    First of all, this little group is NOT the Church of Satan, thanks. Their publication is an energetic mixture of Satanic clip art, ads for "swingers," desktop-produced "certificates" for

membership in their Order Gust fillin your name and "martial status" on the application provided) and lots of interesting articles reprinted from other publications. Many ads and contact addresses for other Satanic outlets; the Satanic i.eal here is infectious, and this one may improve when the editor focuses himself and includes more original writin of hisown.

SERPENTINE, Issue #1, Jan/Feb '94, edited and published by Vinny Polise, P.O. Box 612, Westwood, NJ 07675. $5.00 US, $6.00 elsewhere. full-sized, stapled-on-side, 17 pages plus neon pink cover.

    The editor tells us that "this is the issue of a lifetime! Finally a premiere zine [sic] that will show people what the world of Satanism is really about!" Okay... A very difficult-to-read typeface chosen here, and it's used in all-caps. Essays include "Through the Eyes of Reality," "Exposing the Perversion of the Church," and "Satanic

Sex," dealing with overpopulation. There are reprints of articles from other publications and ads for other Satanic forums. I think this one's way overpriced for what you're getting, but Vinny is enthusiastic and I'm looking forward to his second issue. On the other hand, we've got nm BLACK PUN-KIN, Vol. 1, No. 1, the Newsletter of the Infernal Garrison, "Toronto's Base in Satanic Awareness," edited by Doug Richards, P.O. Box 59049, 7205 Goreway Dr., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4T 4J1. Full-sii.ed, spiral-bound on orange paper with blue covers, 50 pages, $10.00 US, ($7.00 US for members of The Infernal Garrison).

   Chock-full of many and various Satanic cartoons, poems, essays and artwork, this is a delightfully zesty first issue. Firstly, their "Black Pun-kin" logo is nicely rendered and cute without being sickening. "Jesus is a psychotic megalomaniac!" shrieks one essay, while another concerns itself with "The Death Cult-Christianity." Particularly strong was a prose-poem, "Welcome to Hell," and a Bougas cartoon depicting activities in one castle's dungeon. There was

also "The Witches Corner" by Marguerite Thompson, featuring Loki the Cat, aSatanic "Dear Abby" presided over by Jack 0. Lantern and Ima Witch, a piece on "My Satanic Baptism," Satanic weddin and funerals, and much, much more. This one is definitely worth your dollars. nmBURNING GROUND, Volume 1, Issues 1 and 2, edited and published by Ray H. Williams, The Beheritian Temple, Wotan Werewolves Lair, 5 Rue Gabril Pierne, 57000 Metz, France. Digest-sized, about 20 pages with self-cover, white paper, neatly typeset with clean graphic style, $3.00 for single issue, $12.00 for four-issue subscription. These are US prices and the entire magazine is in English.

   Billing itself the "quarterly magazine of Satanic Propagandart, exploring the implications and applications of Alien Elitism, Syncretic Eclecticism and Misanthropic Cynicism," this publication makes use of several good pieces byJeffrey Deboo and Michael Rase, reprinted from other magazines. Also extensive reviews of metal music groups and interviews with same conducted by editor Williams. French Satanism is off to agood footing with this one.

DR J. KURLUK, MsD. sends out a sheaf of articles and a letter of introduction to whomever he thinks may be interested. Dr. Kurluk bills himself as adoctor of metaphysics, a"fallen angel," who acknowledges at last both hisdark and light sides: "He feels he has found too many Wiccans/Pagans/New Agers to be too Feminist, too Bickering, too Backstabbing, and especially, too Ostentacious [sic] of their personal selves. Therefore, while Dr,Jekel [his new magical name] continues to live in a positive life style during the day, he shall become the Mr. Hyde of his own nature by night, and practice the religion of Satanism." His articles include a fantasy ritual of himself as a thirteen-year-old boy, getting peed upon by black hooded figures (sigh), and a fantasy of a "Satanic orgy." There's also an essay dealing with Anton LaVey, whom he acknowledges as the true Magus of Satanism, for recognizing the balance of good and evil in the world. If you're interested, send Dr. Kurluk a couple of bucks or something of your own creation, to 6212 Holabird Ave., 'F', Baltimore, MD 21224.

ONSLAUGHf, Vol. 4, No. 3 and 4, edited by Draegon Undomiel, published by the Luciferian Light Group, P.O. Box 7207,

Tampa, FL 33673. Single issue: $5.00. yearly subscription: $25.00 US, $30.00 elsewhere. Full-sized, stapled-on-side, 32 pages plus contrasting cover (neon pink and "parchment," respectively).

    The LLG is that group that believes "that the Aryan people are the true children of Satan and the rightful masters of the world." Issue #3, 22 pages, contains two pages of an editorial by Undomiel, two pages of "Dateline Hell," a feature reviewing news articles around the world, and the rest is ads, reviews and information about affiliating with LLG, taking their "doctoral course," and ordering their merchandise.

Issue #4 is similar, bumped up to 32 pages with a four page editorial, a four page "Dateline From Hell," and a two page essay by Jack Grimes, director of the Aryan Racial Loyalist Party. Undomiel also includes one of the more powerful sections of Might is Right. The rest is contact addresses, instructions for joining the LLG and ads. The review section has expanded into the area of heavy metal bands. The all-cap, typewriter typesetting is readable but not particularly attractive. nmUNHOLY, Issue #1, edited and published by Chad Miller (he's back), P.O. Box 998, Stewart, BC, Canada, V0T lW0. Two pieces of 8.5" X 11" paper, neatly typeset on both sides, consisting entirely of Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. ff you want this, I'd send a couple of bucks-there's no price listed. Chad's accompanying letter, for those of you following his saga, says he's left the Temple of Set and now considers most Satanists to be "freaks," and will now "follow [his] own satanic philosophy in [his] day-to-day life, unimpeded by idiots or psychos." So if you're one of the above, don't write to Chad. nm ADVERSARY, Issues No. 3 and 4, edited and published by Ron Mershon, The Shaitan Grotto, 708 S. 51st. St., Baltimore, MD 21224. Single issue: $2.00; six-issue subscription: $10.00. Full-sized, stapled in the comer, no cover.

    Issue #3 has two pages. The first contains a quote from Hitler and a couple of short essays: "A Satanic Confession," about carnality, and "Signalling," about how to identify Mershon at a Satanic event. The second page is a two column list of Satanic contact addresses. Issue #4 is considerably longer, six double-sided pages, including the most-often-xeroxed piece of artwork in Satanism, the Baphomet by Eliphas Levi.

There are lots of little display ads, a reprint of a rare photo taken at the first Satanic funeral, a couple of essays, and a short poetry piece by Dr. Kurluk (see above).

TIIERION RISING, Vol. 1, No. 2, August 1993, published by Pagoni Press, a division of the Ordo Mysteriwn Baphe-Me P.O. Box 156, W. Nottingham. NH 03291-0156. Digest≠ siz.ed, 44 pages with neon 5Cal'let cover, single m $5.00 US/ $6.00 elsewhere, subscriptions: $25.00 US/ $30.00 elsewhere.

    Chock-full of over twenty little essays, including "Life After Death: A Tibetan Belief," "The Hermaphrodite," "Swinging Swords in the Darkness," much more. I don't see how anyone interested in

Thelema could afford to row this one. Nicely typeset via laser.

TiiE ALIENELITE, Vol.1, Isrue1129, edited by Lori A., published by Occultic Haven, P.O.Bax 257, Johnson City, TN 37605. Single m $6.00 US/ $8.00 elsewhere. Fulkized, 48 pages, folio with black-and-white covers, profusely illustrata:I, neat typewriter

   "Satanic And Proud!" just about sums up the spirit of this packed compendium of essays, poems, reviews, ads, quotes, interviews and even a couple of comic strips. Where else could you see "Beaver and Butt≠ Face" piss on the crucifix? Beaver wears an Acheron tee-shirt, of course. Michael Rose and Vincent Crowley contribute, and Michael A.'s illustrations are great. Don't

row this one; it's joyful, irreverent and inspirational, and it comes from the people brave enough to start a left-hand-path-only occult merchandising company.

TiiELADY O SOCIETY NEWSLETI'ER, Isrue111, edited by Deborah Ryder, BCM/3406, London, WC1N 3XX:. Six si7.ed pages of small. neat type. For a year's membership, including four is.rues, send $8.00 US cash.

   A friendly forwn for submissive ladies-≠ definitely not PC. Most "subs" are of higher≠ than-average intelligence, and their concerns are interesting. "Secret subs" are in Isrue111.
   "An Interview With the Master" is the feature inIsrue112. The type is a t.eeny bit smaller, so Deborah was able tostuff a lot mere into this one. There are letters and queries, with Deborah's thoughtful answers, as well as some opinions from new members and an interesting perspective on the d.mic Story of

0. Contact addresses for other groups and publications abound. The Lady O Society has

decided tolet men join for double the prices you see above, though they are notgiven correspondence privileges. Unique!

TiiEEVIL EYE, Vol. 1, No. 4, edited and published by Larry Grogan, 3 Tulip Ct., Jackson, NJ 08527. Free, but send a buck for postage. Full-sized, four pages of dense, jazzy graphics and type on yellow paper.

   Mostly a music 'zine but this issue includes a good article on the Satanic Conspiracy Hoax..

NICE GUYS FINISH LAST, Issue 112, edited and published by Sick-0, P.O. Box 43285, Las Vegas, NV 89116. Full-sized, 44 pages folio with black-and-white covers, crisp desktop typesetting, profusely illustrated.

   Their tag line is: "A refreshing splash of Venom in an otherwise touchy, feely world." There's an interview with Wendy Van Dusen, publisher of Prima/, OJaos and musician in Neither/Neither World.

Includes a transcription of a weird obscene phone call, a repon on Dia de los Muertos, an essay entitled "Nature's Garbagemen," reviews, poetry, short stories and much more. Stylishly done; you'll like it.

TiiE FIFTI:I PATii, Issue115. edited and published by Robert Ward, P.O. Box 1632, Carmichael, CA 95609-1632. Full-sii.ed, 72 pages, professional graphics, glossy covers. Single issue $6.00 US and Canada, $8.00 to Europe, $10.00 elsewhere.

  This is the last issue, appropriately called the Death Issue. Includes interviews with In The Nursery, David E. Williams, and "Odinism in Heavy Metal Part II," all by Michael Moynihan. Also, a report on Third World Black Magic (voodoo) dictators, by Robert Ward, and an essay entitled"Animal Spirit" by R.N. Taylor. Peter Steele of Type O Negative contributes an interesting opinion piece. You'd better get it or your collection won't be complete!

REPTILES OF TiiE MIND, Issue 1118, edited and published by KatJaz, P.O. Box 10087, Knoxville, TN 37939-0087. Single issue: $1.00 US/ $2.00 elsewhere. Digest≠ sii.ed, 26 pages, yellow cover stock, neat laser type. Kat's personamDe, and she talks about making paper, blendering, reptiles, ham radio, buttons, seed catalogues and other 'zines. An independent, curious mind exploring the world-her attitude here issunny. But then there's DARK BLOOD, Issue 111,

same source, same price, same size, but this one has a red cover. Kat decided that the darker, more negative side of her creative will needed exercise, so she did this 'zine where she talks about her own suicide attempt, her anger against her family, her hate. Poems by Blake and Yeats are included. I liked what Kat did here, acknowledging that both kinds of emotion needed venting, although I must say that even when she's being negative, she's still a pretty positive person. Good job-this is what personal publishing is about.

ANTONY EGAN will send you a few pages if you send him a long self-stamped envelope; his address is 214 Fairview Rd., Norristown,PA 19401-1771. Tony cuts and pastes together oos fer Satanic publications, dipp pictures, quotes and lists the used books and magazines he has for sale.

TiiE FERALIMINAL LYCANIHR.OPIZER can be yours. Send an S.A.S.E. to get a couple of pages about this machine, supposedly put into use by the Nazis, that can "set into motion the process of subtle change at the innermost loci of the DNA molecule." Write to the Plecid Foundation, P.0. Box 1399, San Francisco, CA 94142-1399. Includes a picture of a 'fifties-style stereo speaker on legs.

ARTEX ONE, Issue 114, published by IZM Enterprises, P.0. Box 353, Maple Park, IL 60151. Send $2.00; it's digest-sized, stapled≠ in-the-middle, 12 pages.

   "Resurrection Issue, Or Hell Reborn!" Lots of kooky little Satanic cartoons and illustrations, including a genuinely creepy one on page three, and a funny little strip entitled, "The Jones' Turn From God."

TiiE PROJECT, Vol. X, Issues113 and 4. Published by A-Albionic Research, P.O. Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220. Full-sized, 8 folio pages. No price given for this Update; send a buck.

   Conspiracy theorists, A-Albionx: throws together alot ci int.eresting neasand.recan≠ rrends andsells books about them.If peering be,

hind thescenes at the Vatican titillates you, you might find this your cup of tea.

PANTYLINE FEVER. Issue115, edited and published by Rick Hall, PLF, P.O. Box 20265, New York, NY 10009. Single issue: $3.50 US/ $5.50 elsewhere. Chunky-sized: 7" X 8.5", 54 pages of high-quality graphics and eye-catching layout, black-and-white,

glossy cover.

   The Thinking Man's Stroke Book! PLF combines vintage nudie layouts with crime≠ scene photos and "intellectual smuggery." Articles include "In Praise of Godzilla," stuff about G. G. Allin, one-night-stands, female masturbation, an extensive interview with Ron Jeremy, and much more. Editor Hall was on the air recently with G. Gordon Liddy, discussing freedom of the press and opportunities for small businesses. I wish every man read Pantyline Fever. Sigh...

ESOTERRA, Issue #3, 1903 Harmon St., Berkeley, CA 94703. Edited and published by R.F. Paul and Chad Hensley. $6.00 ppd US/ $8.00 elsewhere. Digest-sii.ed, 60 pages, slick B&W cover, neat, two-column lasersetting, profusely illustrated.

   An attractive, solid little package with wonderful illustrations, quality paper stock and interesting graphics. Includes interviews with Crash Worship, Rozz Williams, David Grimbleby; a spoof piece on "Losernetics," a look at Aleister Crowley and several weird and memorable poems.

PRIMAL CHAOS, Issue #8, edited and published by Wendy Van Dusen, Chaos Creations, 1072 Folsom St. #388, San Francisco, CA 94103. Single issue: $4.00 ppd/ $5.00 elsewhere; subscription: $15.00 US/ $19.00 elsewhere. Full-sized, 32 pages, glossy yellow cover with "sepia" ink, professional typesetting and graphics, profusely illustrated, photos.

   This is the Halloween Issue. A compelling piece on "Necro-Eroticism" by Van Dusen accompanies "The History and Truth of Trust Fund Babies" by Jim Morton. Also includes an interview with Robert Graysmith and very selective book, music and video reviews. Departments include Primal Poisons, Wolves Den and Odin's Corner. PC is a unique publication combining ideas about the dark power of nature, magick and the black flame of creativity within those who walk the path of the Strong; it's beautiful to look at and interesting to read, and in the vacuum left by The Fifth Path you may want to subscribe.

COMPULSION, Issue #1, edited and published by Tony Dickie, 10 Netherhill Road, Gallowhill, Paisley, PA3 4RE, Scotland. Single issue: $4.00 US, cash or international money order made payable to the editor ONLY. Digest-sii.ed, 72 pages, laser-setting, good use of graphics. Interviews with Coil, Death In June,

Lemonheads (talk about Manson), Silverfish, Sol Invictus, Whitehouse, "The Grey Area of Mute Records," reviews and more. Black-and-white cover photos are genuinely creepy.

AZURE PLUME, Issue #4, PO Box 3142, Champaign, IL 61826. Single issue: $2.00 US. Digest-siud, 20 pages, pale blue cover stock. Spotty dot-matrix typesetting.

   Includes a lengthy interview with a wiccan, and a sidebar defining occult terms. "Dedicated to diversity."

HANGING AROUND, Issue #5, edited and published by Patrick Carlssen, Hunnemaravagen 11, S374 34 Karlshamn, Sweden. No price given. Full-sized, 66 pages plus red (sigh) cover, messy computer-wheel typesetting, often in all-caps.

   It's in Swedish, okay? But it includes articles about Giger, Manson, Bukowski, Crowley and lots of bands.

GREY AREAS, PO Box 808, Broomall, PA 19008-0808. Single issue: $7.00 US (first class)/ $9.00 elsewhere (air mail); subscriptions: $26.00 US/ $34.00 elsewhere. Full-siud, 130 pages, full color, slick covers, glossy interior stock, professional (but very tiny) typesetting and graphics.

   Vol. 2, Issue #3, contains an interview with Ivan Stang of the Church of the SubGenius, Tales of an LSD Eater, A Day With the KKK, and a ton of reviews. These people review everything, at length: books, 'zines, audio, video, software, concerts and catalogs. Vol. 3, Issue #1, deals with prisons, smart drugs, an s/m dominatrix, and more. The editors take their inspiration from The Grateful Dead, but don't focus on the band; rather, they have moved out into the mainstream. There is a hacker flavor here, too, obvious in the editors' insistence on listing every piece of software (and

hardware) that went into the maintenance and production of the magazine.

SECONDS, Issues #24, #25, 24 Fifth Ave., Suite #40S, New York, NY 10011. Single issue: $4.00 US/ $6.00 elsewhere; six-issue subscriptions: $18.00 US/ $30.00 elsewhere. Full-sized, 88 pages plus full-color, glossy covers. Professional newsstand mag.

   In #24, extended interviews with a number of musicians: Deborah Harry, Lydia Lunch, Electric Hellfire Club, more. In #25, interviews with H.R. Giger and liers In Wait are standouts in another full issue. George Petros (of EXIT) is an editor here.

- #-, OV MAGAZINE, The Magazine of Occulture from TOPY London, PO Box 1455, London, England, UK. Single issue: $4.00 US. Double-sii.ed (11" X 17") stapled on the short side and folded in the middle, like a calendar, 20 pages, black-and-white, profusely illustrated, very imaginative graphics.

   Includes articles like: "The Terrifying Occult Truth About Football," "The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," discussions about Crash Worship, Phil Hine and the "Men's Wisdom" movement.

SEPULCHRAL NOISE, Issue ffl,edited and published by Cultoculus, Box 489, 1701 Saarpsborg, Norway. Single issue: $8.00 US cash only. Full-sized, stapled on the side, 44 pages including cover, computer-wheel typesetting improved with creative page designs and lots of line drawï "Rock'n'Roll The Occult Viking Way" shouts the cover, sporting a jubilant viking hoisting a guitar. Among the many discussions of bands and their music are sandwiched articles about the Luciferian Light Group, Balder, the OTB and Nostradamus.

BATILE OF BEWITCHMENT, edited and published by Robert Hoog, Kun tan 24B, S-45130 Uddevalla, Sweden. Write for price, or send something of your own for trade. Full-sized, 26 pages with reduced computer-wheel setting, hard to read, B&W glossy covers.

   There's definitely a Satanic bent here, although the focus is on heavy metal music. Issue #1 includes and interview with Vincent Crowley of Acheron, some cool pictures, and talks about other bands like Behemoth, Therion and Impaled Nazarene. Issue #2 discusses Necromantia and The Afflicted.

PREACHER: BLOOD FOR nm BLOODGOD, a comic book written and illustrated by Juba Vuonna, Merikoskenk. 128 34, 90500 Oulo, Finland. $5.00 US. Comic sized, 26 pages with glossy B&W covers.

   Set in the Old West, this action adventure shows Christianity as the Monster! Skillful drawin and climaxes with the "hero" shrieking, "You can't escape the hate of God!" The Epilog warns against the Death Cult, Christianity (actually, a reprint of a flyer put out by Realist Publications).


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1HIRD RllCH, 4 VHS video tapes, 50 to 55 minutes each, Military Heritage Video Collection, 100 Fusion way, Country Oub Hills, IL 60478, 800-959-0061, $29.98 each or $99.92 for the complete series. Walter]. Gallo, reviewer.

   "Those who see in National Socialism a political movement know scarcely little of it." One of the more inane quotes from the narration of tape 113, Adolf Hitler.
   When I first saw this series advertised in the Military Heritage Video Collection my initial reaction was one of surprise. Having never seen this topic addressed in a mainstream/mass market format (and not one, but count 'em, four videos!) my curiosity got the better of me.
  Judging from the packaging and the subtle∑and effective opening sequence (a la the Batman movie credits) someone has put a lot of effort into this series and come up with some very mixed results.
   Himmler The M-ystic115738 (112) is a case in point. By far the best in the series, this video exemplifies the problems/benefits of viewing these documentaries. The basic ground is covered; there is mention of The Edda Society, Karl Willigut, the Wewelsburg castle-but there is little, if any, new material for the advanced student. One noticeable exception is the Wewelsburg material. We are treated to scenes of the renovation, some interesting shots of the interior when under construction and the "Eternal Flame" and the "Crypt." This alone is worth the price of this video. The advertisement cites "newly discovered footage," scenes of "foreign" Nazis, the Rexus Party, and the German/American Bund, which are interesting but not relevent

to the topic at hand. The viewer also has to wade through much filler material (SS adventures into Poland and Russia) to get at the occasional "pearl."

   The others in the series are of similar calibre. Tape 111 (5737), The Enigma of the Swastika, hassome interesting background on the topic for those unfamiliar with it, but overall is very basic material.
  The third in the series (5739), Adolf Hitler, contains little information on the occult-much filler material abounds with recapitulation of clips used in the prior videos. An inordinate amount of time is devoted to "the Final Solution."
   In Tbe SS: Blood & Soil (5740, 114), we have again much of the filler material seen on the previous videos; Madam Blavatsky's "Hidden Elect" are mentioned and Aleister Oowley makes a brief cameo. There is also

a rather simplistic evaluation of the SA/SS rivalry which again has little to do with...

   Serious students of this topic are referred to The Occult and the Third Reich by Angebert, The Spe,a-r of Desti,ry by Ravenscroft, and Swastika by King, and Occult Reich by Brennan.
   There is little here of substance and few points to provoke thought. Archival footage is presented haphazardly, with no intelligible sequence and no proper conclusion. This series is strictly for the compleat collector.

SATAN'S TAROT, Occultic Haven, P.O. Box 257,Johnson City,1N 37605, USA; Black & White Edition $39.95, Special Full Color Edition $175.00. Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

   Here's something you don't see often, a fully redesigned Tarot-type deck of 78 cards completely based on Satanic concepts. Gone are the Major and Minor Arcanas. Instead we have 19 Keys, 9 Satanic Statements, 7 Deadly Sins, 9 Gates of Hell, Gate of the Eternal Void, Gods of Light, Forces of Darkn the 26 Selected Powers of Hell and finally five cards embodying the 10 Alphabets of Desire. Each card is a generous 3 11/16 inches wide by 5 inches tall. The reverse of each has a Baphomet sigil with a Steve Ditko-esque framing design. The images on the cards themselves are quite striking-many were conjured from dreams dedicated to the concepts behind each particular card. There is a preponderance of sex and violence in these images, lending them the quality of explicit archetypal experiences. While the technical level of the drawin is not advanced (like many Tarot decks), this is certainly compensated by the uniqueness of the visualizations.
   Particularly striking are Key 16-showing those who resonate to the Dark Force on one side of an Ab	across which the White≠ lighters lie in death or insanity (some plunge into the void) while in the background rise sheets of Black Flame beyond which is a variant of the Levi Baphomet, with a face wrought from the Bltl Flame itself, Key 6- showing a near naked triwnphant woman before a Baphomet sigil, right hand raised in the camu salute, left clutching adagger while Christ to her left leg and Cthulhu holds his vacant Tauer . Two demons are in attendance anda Satanic nun holds the hammer and nails; andfinally Key owing a visage of Dr. LaVey clutching the Earth and breathing his influence in the form of Devils upon the surface of the globe.

This deck canes with a 40 page digest

siz.ed booklet which explains the cank significance and gives instructions for how to use them. This is a truly new approach to the Tarot, and if working with such cank has any interest, you will want one of these decks for your personal experiments and meditation.

SATANS CALENDAR. 1st Edition of Evil (28-29), Occultic Haven, P.O. Box 257, Johnson City,1N 37605, USA; From November 1, 1993 toOctober 31, 1994, $14.95. Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

   This calendar hascolor images from the above des:nbed's Tarot. F.ach page is85" X 11", ringbound at the top and each iscovered with aplastic sheet for protection. If you enjoy the cards, you'll also like to have these large versions tospend each month in your view.

Mini-posters of the cank are also available for $11.95 each (siz.ed 11" X 14").Dosendfor Occukic Haven's catalog of merchandise, as they are Satanic specialists (the proprietors are Satanists) and canget you anything you might require for your ritual activities.

RAISINGHFl1., AnF.ncydopediaofDevil Worship and Sa3l1ic Crime byMichael Newton (Avoo Books, New York, NY1993; 406 pages, ISBN 0-3!D-76837-2, $5.99, paperback Peter H Gilmore, revierrer.

   Here is a book which attempts to bolster the Christian fostered "Satanic Panic" by collecting various ill-researched entries into the format of an encyclopedia, nodoubt to add apparent weight to its flimsy credulity.

While entries on Anton LaVey, The Church of Satan, Michael Aquino, and The Temple of Set aren't too off-base, numerous other articles show minimal research (I can pull many of his sour off my shelves and, know them for the dated works they are). Apparently in his rush to get this "important document" into print, Newton didn't take the time to fact check or update his material. There's a great deal of police≠ blotter format pieces on criminals who can only be typed "satanic" by the Christian cops who seek to support the conspiracy craze. The illustrations for this biased tome consist mainly of mug shots of the jailed white trash which the author claims are "satanic criminals" plus some demonic sigils from grimoires, as well as some ill-drawn symbols alleged to be "satanic" by the Christian anti-Satanist propagandists. All in all, a truly laughable effort in the eyes of anyone who knows anything about the subject. Don't waste your money unless this sort of volume is something you collect.

AT THE HEART OF DARKNESS, Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism Today by John Parker (Citadel Press, New York, NY, 1993; 334 pages, ISBN 8065- 1428-0, $12.95, paperback). Peter H. Gilmore, reviewer.

   Here we go again. Yet another" enters the fray with a volwne that covers topics that have been dealt with in depth and with keener insights by others. In his introduction, Parker debww the ritual abuse nre for the fun:e that it was-well and good. He moves on todiscuss neo-paganism and has information regarding Chris Bray and his battles with the fundy-influenced media.In this section he also	some material from The Satanic WitdJ, basically to titillate the reader. In this same chapter ..A Darker Calling" he also explores the alleged ..pagan vampires" and states that ..The use of blood in many occultist rituals is common...", quite debatable as the vast nwnber of such rituals now in print call for nosuch thing. A very fuw call for the use of drops of the practitioner's own blood, or other bodily fluids, but he has truly exaggerated here. Next he

reremonial magicians and Crowley, finally to move on to a discussion of Satanism. Here Parker's penchant for sensationalist innuendo isgiven full reign. He on page 242, "While the mainstream and 'official' cults deny the charges of sacrificial ritual and blood-lust, there are many less formal covens of worshippers and pseudo-satanicsects, some resorting to a kind of ritual-as I will show≠ that provides the blood, sex and disgust that the detractors of satanic worship insist is prevalent; and on that point alone I must agree with the opposers. There is a lot of it about! Conversely, it would be clearly very wrong to indicate that satanists are all bloodthirsty, child≠ molesting monsters." Well Mr. Parker, it would not only be wrong to make the claim in the final sentence quoted here, but legally actionable! Parker provides noevidence that there is..a lot" of such illegal activities practiced by anyone. Thus he perpetuates the fundamentalist Christian myth that there are these surreptitious "splinter-groups" lurking about and acrually commiting the acts that they dare not accuse the real Satanists of performing. He goes on to mention many of the actually existing Satanic groups, but often hasskewed facts about them. There are some interesting rare phot to illustrate the text, but Parker's intent is to present some reality while filling in the cracks with WlSUppOrtable rtions that he hopes will thereby be given credibility. Thiskind of volwne is in reality a propagandist blast

nmquerading as a work of scholarship and erudition. Don't waste your money. PACTS wrm nmDEVIL, A Chronicle of Sa, Blasphemy & Liberation by S. Jason B1rl and Cltmtopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. (New Falcon Publications, Phoenix, Ari7.ona. 1993; 255 ISBN 1-56184058-0, $12.95, paperback} Peter H. Gilmore, reviewer.

   It gets worse. Let's quote the cb;laimer that starts the book: "The authors in no way endorse, advocate or recommend any practices in this book which are illegal For who wish to practire making pacts with demons there are numerous legal ways to accomplish the practires cb::ribed in this book without breaking any legal boundaries." It seems dear that they are going to present illegal pra:tires, for historical interest, to be sure. Thissleazy tome, filled with second-rate art by Black, is basically a condensed history of Blrl Magic and so-called Satanic practices. This part isn't badly done, but quite superfluous as it has been handled better elsewhere. Then they move on to the ..practice" half of the book which consists of some of the historical grimoires edited for comprehensibility, ready for th youthful dabblers to take out for a ride. I failed to mention that the authors both believe in the existence of demons and thus that they can be contacted (they detail their supernatural experienres tolend support to this position).

Here is just the volwne that the misguided dev&worshippers are looking for≠ rituals for contacting demons and making blood sacrifires. They do suggest that substituting one's sexual fluids is a legal alternative, but suppose th metal-head dabblers want to be authentic? Now they won't need to try to blame The Satanic Bilie anymore as this book will do the trick. Thanks guys! I can't wait 'tillGeraldo holds up a copy when the next drug craud teen kills a cat (or worse) then gets caught. The authors will deserve the attention they will garner.

   This volwne is dangerous for what it might generate. We've gotten flack for our Bible which rejects sacrifice. Don't they think they11get ftrlfor a book which gives instructions for sacrifice, though it tries to tell you there are alternatives? It looks like the pseud Satanists of the Shadow Temple (could both Blrls be coincidental?) would be in good company with the fans of this travesty. Trees died in vain for this book.

SAINTS & SINNERS by Lawrenre Wright (Alfred A Knopf, New York, 1993; 26', pages, ISBN 394-5m40, $24.00, hardcover). Peter H. Gilmure, reviewer.

If you mis.m the Rolling Stone interview with Dr. LaVey, an expanded version of it is part of this book which includes ..attacks" by this author upon five other contemporary religious leaders, including Marilyn Murray O'Hair who is given particularly poor treatment. In his piece on Will Campbell, Wright is made toconfront his own motives for seeking out these leaders and the following is rather revealing. I had wanted to be the anointed one, the one who had the memge, who had looked inside himself and found the answer and now brought it forth to the hungry masses. That is why I chose to write not about religion but about religious leaders-≠ it was not just their beliefs I wasdrawn to but their roles. . there was more here than the mixture of smugness and envy that a reporter might feel around a politician or an athelete. There was savage, unfulfilled longing. This must have been thesoun:e of that rage I dicovered in myself when I entered the church in Dallas, a rage that I had carried in different degrees throughout my life. Oh, the yearning, the aching, famished need to believe! That was what powered me as I ransacked other people's beliefs, looking for something I could swallow, something nonabsurd, something believal:ie to believe. But there had never been anything. there I could accept, nocoat of faith that was tailored for me.

     "And how cruelly perceptive of Hall to see that gap inside me, which would envy spiritual leaders, and which would even labor to bring them down, but which prevented me from ever acrually taking their pm. Icould only destroy; I couldn't proclaim my own beliefs or finally even know them	At least I

knew now what I was up to."

     Andso do we. What a fine example of a 1hanatos personality, what some would call a Klippoth. Avoid this vampire and his poisoned

wri PAVFD wrm GOOD INTFNllONS, The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America by Jared Taylor (Carroll & Graf, New York, NY 1992; 416 pages, ISBN 8184-866-2, $22.95, hardcover). Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

    Taylor's book is a truly well woven argument for paying attention to the facts behind the current racial situation in the US, rather than the constant emotional rhetoric that p.mes for enlightened exploration. Despite the biased presentation of the media, he demonstrates that white racism has indeed declined during the last thirty years, and thus he asks "why is there the need for the now

powerfully entrenched system cispecial privileges for minorities?" Here at last is an wivamished and wiflinching look at what is really going on, with adevastating analysis of the results of the special benefits system and how it has done exactly the posite ci what its creators intended. Thisis must reading for anyone who wishes to Widerstand or this topic. Highly recommended.

llVING WITHIN LIMITS, Ecology, Economics and Population Taboos by Garrett Hardin (Oxford University Press, New York, NY 1993; 339 pages, ISBN 0-19- . 507811-X, $25.00, hardback). Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

    As you allshould know by now, Satanists consider overpopulation to be the majcr problem facing the human species at this

F.crors in English by Richard Lederer (Delacorte Pre$, New York, NY 1993; 192 pages, ISBN 0-385-31017-X, $17.95, hardcover). Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

    If you haven't read Lederer's other works in this series, you're in for a treat. He compiles errors pmented in school papers, in instruction manuals, in foreign coWitries, in newspaper headlines of hilariously wonky uses of the English language. Many bring agood chuckle but there are plenty of "laugh out loud" boners. There are some particularly ironic bits culled from trial transcripts. There are also some very wry illustrations to head each chapter. '11m ispa	ofa book, asare the others. It does make me pause topooder that with theeverdownwaro spiralling of litera:y in this country, the day may besoon when those

$29.95 ppd regular edition [$40.00 overseas], review copy 85" x 11" sheets bound in a report cover). Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

     The famed editor of Abrasax has herein distilled his concepts and working knowledge of sex magic, with fuscinating chapters on his theories concerning just what magic really is and how it works. Martin hasgathered a wealth of information on practices fr001 various cultures over history and as.1Cillbled them into a very readable manual, replete with "how to" rituals for almost any area of exploration. His writing style is eminently direct and commWlicative, and often tinted with irony. There are well chosen illustrations and the book is rounded out with a glomry ci important terminology, an extensive btbliography, and several appendices

stage in our history. Thiscarefully written book explores and updates Malthusian

whocan stillread, won't evepn

the joke.

containing recipes and contact addresses. All in all, asolid work on the topic that can get you

concepts, gives a historical overview of population theories and how they relate (or unfortunately are often not related) to economic theories, and gives some hardline thinking for how to approach the goal ci curtailing the made rush into global cl.ismer. Along the way he t.eaches some basic theories and pokes fun at altruists and Europhobes. Definitely worth examining with much ammWlition for dealing with the humanists and Hell-bent-on-reproducing Christians.

ELEVATOR MUSIC, A Surreal History of Muzak, F.asy-Listening, and Other Moodsong by Joseph Lanza (St. Martin's Press, New York, NY 1994; 280 pages, ISBN 0-312-10540-1, $22.00, hardcover). Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

    This welcome volume provides a well researched history ci the field of music formulated as mood controlling, behavior modifying backgrOW1d-panof the arsenal used in the Invisible War. The chapters tend to read more like stand-alone articles than segments of a complete work, but then they are crafted with the contemporary attention span in mind Pioneers such asMartin Denny,

Lawrence Welk, Mantovani, the 101S and a host of others are covered in some detail. Particularly of interest is the chapter "Elevator Noir" which explores the darker side of musical manipulation. The design of this book is quite consonant with the subject matter. Thisis aguidebook for music that is occult, and it has an extensive dis:ography to point the way towards exploring this powerful tool.

MORE ANGUISHED ENGUSH, An Expose of F.mbarrassing, Excrudating, and

wnH CHARITY TOWARD NONF., A Fond Look at Misanthropy by Florence King (St.Martin's Press, New York, NY 1992; 194 pages, ISBN 0-312-09414-0, $9.95, paperback). Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

     A very droll excursion through a rogues gallery of true misanthropes, contrasted with a selection of wannabes. King's tartly articulated prose will point the way towards the works of many whoshare the Satanists' general inion of the general worthlessness of the human animal. Her standards for entry into the realm of Master Misanthr are appropriately discriminating.This book is a pleasure to read and Ms. King graciously performs the service of listing further books that are of interest.

1liEHJSTORY OF HEIL by AliceK. Turner (Harcourt Brace & Company, New York, 1993; 275 pages, ISBN 0-15-140934-X, $29.95, hardcover). Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

    Here is a sumptuously illustrated journey through the myroo levels of Hell as imagined by various cultures throughout history. Turner touches on a lot of bases, but often moves on to the next st	just when
    are getting interesting. It is by no means an exhaustive or scholarly effort, but the nwnerous plates, many in color, are reason enough toad this toyour collection.

UBER LXIX VEL PAN-PRIAPUS: Sexual Magick in Theory & Practice (A Grirroire) byJames M Martin, Grand Master, Orcto Templi Baphe-Metis (O.'.T.'.B.'.) (Abrasax: Books, P.0. Box 1219, Corpus Christi, TX 78401219 USA. 1993; 204 pages, $50.00 ppd signed, limited edition of 100[$60.00 overseas],

launched into more detailed studies of areas that you find to be of panicular interest. The prices are a bit steep, but then where else can you find avolume that covers this ground?

ASYLUM FOR SHUT-INS edited by Mike Kole, P.O.Box 46581, Bedford, OH 44146 USA. Each issue is $2.50, $9.00 for four issues, 8.5" x 11" newsprint, saddle stitched, 54 pages. Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

    Do you remember that pioneering volume Hifl,WeirdnesJ By Mail, the compendium of the bizarre and amusing that could be had for the writing (and various amounts of lucre)? Well here we have a quarterly 'zine that basically updates and continues the work of that great progenitor publication. Sub(genius)titled"Exploring the world of ho accessible weirdne$," they review 'zines, catal newsletters, music, and other odd items that have come their way.

They even have an MIA.section delineating the currently defunct (though these thin often have a way of reanimatintJ, and aguide for virgins to the 'zine idiom. A fine source for dis:overing items of interest that would not drift into your ken of their own accord

CREATURE 112 edited by Troy Dunmire, P.O.Box 634,, PA 17225 USA. Quarterly, $3.00 per issue ($4.00 in Canada and Mexico-$6.00 overseas) Four-is.sue subscription is$12.00 ($18.00 Otn-Mex≠ $24.00 overseas) checks payable to Troy Dunmire. C nt issue is 31 pages, 8.5" X 11" printed on newsprint and saddle stitched. Peter H Gilmore, reviewer.

    Imagine my swprise when I ned the mailbox and this oozed out, aChristian/

Death-Metal/Ministry publication! It was quite funny to read that "each ax-slingin' sword≠ slashin' issue willgrind Satan's Fare into the grit and smash in his wonn t.en skull!" So they paraphrase Redbeard in the service of their triune deity. Even funnier is the cover image with the 'zine title composed of worms (barely readable asis mmt death-metal logo art) with the interior explanation stating that these letters "symbolize us in comparison to God Almighty. We are nothing more than wretched writhing worms, unworthy of existence..." We'll take them at their word. Thisis really just like a typical metal-head music 'zine, but the badly rendered cartoons depict various devils in defeat. There's a letter exchange between Vincent Crowley of Acheron and the editor, various band reviews, "Chick Tract" style comics, clawfied ack, and interviews. The height of religious debate seems to be "My God's better than your Devil, 'cause he says so in hissaiptures." Kind of like arguing with a Christian Peewee Herman. Not very sophisticated, but then what can one expect from someone who believes that he's got the literal word of God in his hands?

MUSIC: REVIEWS By Peter R Gumure

STRANGE MUSIC, Anton laVey≠ keyboards, Blanche Barton-vocals.EP, Amarillo Records, P.O. Box 24433, San Francisco, CA 94124 USA. ($10.00 ppd in US, Canada & Mexico $11.00, other countries $13.00 in U.S. funds, checks, money orders made out to Gregg Turkington).

    From the folks who brought you the fubulous single "Honolulu Baby" & "Answer Me" come this atmospheric vinyl EP. Seven cl.mic tunes will transport you to a more romantic era. Dr. LaVey's dextrous digits play potent arrangements (it's allhim on synthesiz.ers!)of "Thanks for the Memory," "Strange Music," "Temptation," "One for my Baby," and the southern anthem "The Year of Jubilo" which rise again to evoke a feeling of sophistication that has been abandoned by contemporary tunesmiths. Blanche Barton delivers a perky rendition of"Start the Day Right" which should have you hopping out of bed, while "Gloomy Sunday" delivers that Gypsy melancholy that sent so many off tofind their "final reward." Don't it!

57, 62990, Beaurainville, France.

    Satanist George Zaharopoulm of Promelhean Cirr:le magazine is the drivingforce behind Necromantia's unique brand of metal music. There is much here in the nature of soundtrack-type music andsome swprisingly lyrical acoustic guitar. The various tracks contain a variety of tempi and exprmvity-a very Satanic amalgam of styles that is indeed original. H you're looking for a new take on the Satanic metal genre, then seek out this very strong and magical CD.

SON OF MAN, CharlieManson, LP, Warloch, P.0. Box 1962, Dearborn, MI 48126 USA ($12 ppd in US, $15.00 ppd foreign).

    Recotded live inVacaville, Charles Manson plays and his melancholy tunes while the sounds of the prison drift by. His sound world rises above the reality of his incarceration-though his body is captive, his thoughts are free and given voice in this recording. The second side of this LP isetched with an image based on adrawing done in this prison circa 19"79. The first 144 copies of this mail-order-only record come with a button, and there are liner printed on red and



blue paper (naturally) and there's a striking

Rainbow Blvd., Ste. 388, Vegas, NV 89103 Peter R Gilmore, revierrer.

    Here's something you don't see everyday, an organii.ation that's trying to launch a new country-this time in human≠ constructed floating cities functioning as a confederation. Oceania is meant to be a laissez. fairecapitalist heaven, with great opportunity for those who like to make their own way in this world. H you enjoy the exploration of pcmible utopias, then check out these folks.

'IHEARTOFEVIL, AsylumofSatan,P.O. Box 40361, Central Station, Portland, OR 9n40-0361 USA. Peter R Gilmore, revierrer.

    At long last you can finally purchase photographic prints of two pieces by that Satanic of the airbrush, Diabolm Rex. These are limited edition, signed and numbered full-color photo-prints of pain that are produced as rituals inand of themselves. "Spirit of Apocalypse" (which can be seen on the cover of this isrue) is a flaming red phantasmagoria of The Beast. "Satan ill" Qook for the advertisement) is asubtle earth≠ toned image of the Prince of Darknm. They are not posters, but large (16" x 20"), high quality color photographs whose surface is as deep and shiny as glass.Just put them in a frame and they'll lend their powerful presence to your chamber ($125 each or $225 for both).

BURN, BABY, BURN, The Flectric Hell6re Club, CD, Cleopatra Reconk, 8726 South Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. D82, Loa Angeles, CA 90045 USA.

    Thomas Thorn and crew put their musical expertise tofine use in crafting melodic dance tunes with brilliant use of sampled sounds (see if you can place themQ in this debut CD. The final product is astartling blend of techno/industrial/goth/metal that makes for a powerful listening experience. Thorn is himself aSatanist and is well versed in methods of sonic magic-using electronic instuments as ritual tools for the transformation of spiritual energy into electrical energy that can course into the listeners to energize or destroy. This is a powerful start and highly recommended.

SPF.AR OF DESTINY, lien in Wait, CD, Railro:xi Records, P.0. Box 54325, Atlanta, GA 30308-0325. (See a:i for prices.)

    This southern techno-goth band uses imagery translated from their dreams tocraft dark-hued tunes that explore Third Reich fascism, torture, fear, and death in a cooi

moody, detached sOWldtrack-like manner. Thisis a well produced and packaged effort that should prove quite fulfilling to those who want a harder edge to their dance music.

CROSSING TI-iEFIERY PATii, Necromantia, CD, Osrnose Productions, B.P.

image of Charlie on the cover. This is a fascinating audio document of a man reviled by the media as one of the chief bogeymen of the late 20th century.

RITUAL NOIR. St3hlhauch, cassette, Stahlhauch, P.0. Box 591422, San Francisco, CA 94159-1422 USA ($7.00 in USA& Cana:ia, $9.00 overseas).

     Wolfgang Renner has created aseries of pieces that could easily be used as a soundtrack for a contemporary horror film. While heavy pop rhythms are powtded out on drum machines, synth/symphonic timbres strelrli out their dark forms over the pulsing peramive foundation. These dark soon are instrumentals-no vocals to intru:le on your personal journey. The recording is quite profesgonal in sound, if not in packaging.

Renner shows talent that will gamer greater attention in time.

YOUIHFULSATANIC ECSTACY,Joe Aufricht, cissett.e, Order of Dionysus/ Sabazias, P.O.Box 711, Lakewood, OH 44107 USA ($6.00 inUS, $8.00 outside US-payable in cash or money orders toJoseph E. Aufricht). Mr. Aufricht has aroused some controversy in the Satanic "community" y his crusade toseek a:iult-like recognition for teens in the realm of responsibility and sexuality. It

all seems to stem from his misspent youth wherein his desires never found satisfaction. This tape is a monologue with some musical selections wherein Aufricht presents reminiscences of his youth-as-a-loser that may have been acathartic experience for himself. He tries to sing, to do impressions of folks he remembers, and act as a raconteur, but fails. Such monologues are often performed with by comedians like Emo Phillips, but Aufricht seems to think this issome model for others to follow rather than a comedy act. During the course of this 90 minute tape, Aufricht exposes himself and it is not a pretty sight. I would think that this tape might be of use to some therapists who want to make a case study of Aufricht's type, but otherwise it is a t.edious and pathetic waste of time and money. There is nothing either Satanic or ecstatic about this for the listener, though it may have seemed both to Mr. Aufricht.

STAR WARS TRILOGY,John Williams, 4 CD boxed set, Arista Records, 6 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019.

    If you enjoy the bombastic, energetic work of John Williams-particularly the wonderfully integral scores that he wrote for Luca,$' STAR WARS trilogy-then this is the set for which you've been waiting. The first film in this series heralded a rebirth for the symphonic score in Hollywood that had been swamped with inappropriate song scores since the 1960's. Within the four discs of this set you will find the complete music for these films in dramatically logical sequence (one disc per film), with tracks never before released, while the final disc presents music recorded but not used in the final cut and previously unreleased. Three discs have art relating to the films embossed thereon, while the fourth disc has a picture of the composer conducting the orchestra. This is truly a feast of welkraft.ed music packaged in a format that is both intelligent and tastefully dramatic. Plenty of good stuff here for ritual use.


     There have been a couple of films out since our last issue which I'm certain that our readers will find to be of interest.

nIENIGHfMAREBEFORE CHRISTMAS continues Tim Burton's exploration of the outsider who thinks that he wants to be part of the world of the "normals" but then discovers through trumatic interaction that his nature is not compatible with theirs. Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin

KingofHalloweentown, stumbles upon the world allocated to Christmas, and decides to understand it by doing it better. So he kidnaps "Sandy Claws" and makes the various monstrous denizens of his holiday world turn their talents toward Christmas production, with amusingly disastrous results. This animated film is amazingly rendered in technologically updated techniques tered by George Pal in his puppetoons. There is a European sensibility of c.aiigarian angles and Cray-like characters that is nothing short of stunning. Danny Elfman has wrought a deft score with delightful son (he quite wonderfully Jack's role himself). Particularly funis the "Making Christmas" song with itsDies Irae melodic refrain. This should certainly prove to be a new classic that will make an appearance every Halloween.

     Also strikingly apropos was the ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES sequel to the fun first film. Here, the Addams' truly take the plunge into promoting their Satanism in the face of adreary world of normality. In the opening credits Morticia gives birth to a little

boy named Pubert (interesting that a certain Satanic little boy made his debut in this world at the same time). When asked whether the child was male or female, Gomez replied, "It's an Addams!" We are born different! This movie has much fun for Satanists, as the Addamses live a Satanic existence, promoting their tripe over that of the herd. There is a trulyfunny(andamazinglySataniqsequence wherein Wednesday and P ey are sent to a particularly egregious summer camp populated by ultra-PC WASPS whodo their best to lov bomb the outre Addams children into submission. What is m amazing is that the script reveals the real hatred that underlies the efforts of the Christian-types in their professed loving behavior. Fear not, as the Addams young are more than capable of turning the tables in a climactic Thanksgiving pageant.

    There's Satanic humor aplenty with our values and aesthetics being championed by the Addamses at every turn. Idon't know what the herd folk would like about this film, as it scathingly shows their 7hanato.H>riented selves as they try tocrush those who differ. I also suggest that you seek out the various anthologies of Charles Addams' original cartoons as they are classics of black humor that set Satanic standards that still hold true.
    These are both films that you might want to rent or purchase on video to share with your children, as they will provide material for discimion and a positive depiction of the role of Satanic outsiders and how they deal with the mediocrity dominated world.

- interviews with - IN THE NURSERY OROO EQUITUM SOLIS SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE WilL 1AN READ editor of Chaos International Odinism in Heavy Metal part II: an exclusive interview with BA1HORY - articles on - Third World Black Magic Dictators Wolves as Modern Totem Animals

Post Office Box 1632 Carmichael, Ca. 95609-1632 U. S. A.



AT AN I I I (aoove)

The Asylum of atan prouo to present tne release of two new limiteo erution prints, in full color, limiteo to Mib copi eacn. Diaoolos Rex personally oversaw tne entire print process from camera work tofin neo lalioratory reproouctions, tnen m eoano numoereo eacn one.

From an evocation of the19th Enochian Key comes this mysterious image of the Lord of Darkness in one of his Klippothic manifestations (16 x16 inches). Price i125.oo

P I R I T O F A P O C A L Y P E (on tne cover of tnis issue) Measuring 16 x 20 inches and painted in daz ing blood reds, this unique work portrays the ravaging beast of the Apocalypse as envisioned through a blood rite of resurgent atavism! Print number one of a forthcoming portfolio, the A.O.S. is making this work available for the first time. Price i125.oo


Send checks, money orders, or bank draughts in U.S. funds to:


P.O. BOX Hl, CENTRAL TATION, PORTLAND, OR lH - Hl, U A [Don't mii'l Diabolos Rex's work in the "Cult Rapture" Show, Seattle Center of Contemporary Art,September 15 ïOctober 31,1994.]

ANIMATEAU WHO FIGHT AGAINSI'SERVJWDE. The heroes and martyrs of liberty and progress in every age

     have drunk of my spirit. I inspire the revolter, the scorner, the skeptic, the satirist.I still distribute the tree of knowkdge. I am the soul of the world. I am the lip},tning of the human mind.I leuel thrones and altars and annihila:te bi,nding customs. With a goad of restless aspirations I urge men on until.they outgrow faith and fear, until the slave stands before the tyrant and defies his curse."
    These words were written in 1869 by an Italian revolutionary named Carducci and the god of rebels he was paying homage to was Satan. Over a century on and we no longer have nay need for these medieval devils, demons nd sundry bogeymen. Or do we? Despite the best efforts of the progressive Church and rationalizing atheists to exorcise him for good, the Devil continues to haunt not just theological debate, but tabloid headlines "'Rape Hell in Satan's Coven," "Satan pervs eat babes." These and a thousand other horror stories like them, are peddled to a sensation-hungry public by the yellow press across the Western world But just what is the connection between Carducci's Hymn to Satan and the tidal wave of sexual violence and murder some say is engulfing our society under the banner of Satanism?
    The simple answer is that there is no connection. The myth of Satanic child abuse and murder that has been seeded in the public consciousness bears no resemblance to any historical Satanist tradition, or the published doctrines of any established modern Satanists. A San Francisco conference of the world's leading criminologists in 1991 concluded that there wasn't a "shred of evidence" to back up the Satanic child abuse and murder stories. That they were indeed a "collective hysteria on both sides of the Atlantic." This is an opinion echoed by secular law enforcement authorities and academic experts across the world.
    But the myth survives. The "no smoke without fire" thesis has lodged in peoples' minds, and those that have fostered and provoked this destructive rumour, continue to promote it. They are in a symbiotic relationship with the popular press. For the Satanic panic-mongers it makes their own radical Christian faith seem more real, creates a climate of suspicion around those holding alternative beliefs and attracts the attention and sympathy their flawed personalities crave.

For the media, any story featuring Old Nick sells papers. The collapse of the Satanic abuse trials and exposures of the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the Satanism myth's propagators is not considered so newsworthy. So the innocent families suffer while the myth grows, and, in some cases, those guilty of crimes are freed as the cases are tainted by imaginary stories of Devil worship by the myth-mongers with their twisted,

hidden agendas.

    So where do these stories-that Satanists eat babies, that there are Satanists in the Royal Family-come from?

Interestingly, the most common Satanic charges are not new. The Jews have been persecuted throughout history for their supposed habits of eating Christian babies, drinking blood and poisoning wells.

    Before them, in a delicious irony, the Christians were persecuted by the Romans for cannibalism, sexual depravity and doing terrible things to children. Today's radical Christians recognize that, after World War II, persecuting the Jews is rather bad form, so they invent a new bogeyman to justify their paranoia and extremism.
    That bogeyman is Satanism. And the charges? Well, think of the most awful things a person might do-murder, cannibalism, snuff films, child pornography-and that (for no discernible reason) is what we are told Satanists do. They present no evidence. You've just got to trust these people.
    Don't. There's no tradition of Satanists murdering children, though a quick flick through the Bible reveals Abraham required to sacrifice Isaac, his first-born son, by the Christian God in the book of Genesis. The same God sacrificed his own son, Jesus Christ. There's no evidence to suggest Satanists have any interest in the disgusting crime of molesting children.
    But soul-searching within Christian Churches has revealed this as a real problem amongst the innocent-fixated clergy. As for cannibalism-the magical transformation of wine and bread into human flesh and blood for consumption during Christian communion is pretty suspect.
    Satan is seen by some occultists as God's shadow. In the same way, these radical Christians are seeing dim reflections of their darker sides in the Satanists they have created. They are barking at their own shadows. Aside from the terrible damage to innocent families and individuals brought about by the spurious charges of Satanic abuse engineered by the myth's creators, there is always the horrible likelihood that someone will imitate the Satanist stereotype the radical Christians have invented. The longer irresponsible Christians keep floating their idea of Satanism, the more likely it becomes that some sick, alienated individual will try to live up to their twisted invention. And the responsibility will sit squarely on the shoulders of the Christian fundamentalists.
    So, if they don't spend their lives perpetrating "evil," what do Satanists do? True Satanists follow a philosophical, rather than religious or magical path. They don't worship or believe in gods or devils. They don't simply reverse all Christian moral doctrine.

They reverse one, that of faith. Faith, the pillar of any

Fl IF 81 ,, \ CI,: Fl,, \,\IF religion, translates into believing in something you have no evidence of whatsoever. The Satanist believes in knowledge over faith. The nobility of standing up against orthodoxies and oppressions you know to be wrong, regardless of the pressures to conform and obey around you. Lucifer, the symbolic first rebel, stood against the ultimate symbolic threat, God. This is the noble tradition which Carducci followed all those years ago and remains a position worthy of respect. In the words of George Bernard Shaw,"All great truths begin as blasphemies," and the Satanist is a blasphemy in himself. We must stop burning our heretics and start listening to them.

[fhis article originally appeared in Scallywag and is reprinted here by permission of the author.]


by GAVIN BADDELEY (ISBN 1897743 55 6- £13.99/$20.00) A4 Softback with rare illustrations

Lucifer Rising is an attempt to present a true picture of Satanic tradition as manifested in history, on the modern occult scene, and in popular cultur particularly rock music. Here you will find a work which -translates the heretical energy of the Infernal spirit into crackling text and darkly dazzling imagery. Impeccably researched, contagiously approachable and startlingly irreverent, Lucifer Rising is no mere petty blasphemy nor history of a fringe cult. In its pages is Western civilization's hidden history, a tradition thrown into shadow by the State and Church, but to this day erupts into popular culture and private belief by virtue of the Satanic archetype's vivacity and potency. Lucifer, God of rebels and Lord of the forbidden, rises anew.

Contains extensive interview material with Anton LaVey, as well as many prominent Satanists from both sides of the Atlantic, and candid material from Black Metal's most influential and extreme exponents. AVAILABLE IN BCX)KSTORES INJUNE (UK.),JULY (US). HKP MAY ALSO STOCK THIS TITLE. SEND A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE FOR ORDERNG INFORMATION TO:


HRISTIANITY, JUDAISM AND ISLAM have their social, rultural and political agendas. As the carnal doctrine concerned with the real world, it's more than fitting that Satanism should also impact in the social, rultural and political realms. If we accept that Satanism is the Quest for human excellence, for continuing human ascent, then it follows that Satanism is a resistance to tendencies of stagnation and decadence and an advocate of alternatives that seek to elevate Man. We shall here suggest a Satanic perspective for several issues based on the principle of balance viasinister dialectics. ART

    Many self-styled "Satanists" can be found in the ranks of those perpetrating cultural forms which appeal to the lowest denominator, which are aimed at the mass consumer market, and are generically called "popular culture." Such people are not promoting Satanic aesthetics but are instead rushing to the trough of the marketplace to provide the herd with its gutter entertainment.The pseudo-Satanist is unconscious of what he is doing, and is indeed merely himself a product of mass society, taking his cue from Christian definitions of Satanism.
    The genuinely Satanic artist can work on two opposite levels: 1.) He can promote art which is truly reflective of Satanic aesthetics; or 2.) he can consciously perpetrate decadent art forms which he purposely contrives to undermine the status quo.
    What distinguishes the second type from the pseudo≠ Satanist is that he pushes asinister dialectic while remaining detached from the herd, while the pseudo-Satanist unconsciously remains a part of mass society. The genuine Satanist knows that his real art and talent lies in playing to the herd as a means of manipulation.
    Examples of societies reflecting the Satanic aesthetic of excellence would be those of Hellas and the Renaissance City≠ States. Modern examples of how the traditional can be synthesized with the innovative would be the painting of Salvador Dali, the poetry of Ezra Pound A glimpse of what form the "popular rulture" may take in a future social order which incorporates the

Satanic cultural aesth tic is given today in some of the creations of the young musician/composer Michael Moynihan (Blood Axis) whose latest release "Lord of Ages" (a tribute to Mithras, as god of the Roman Legions) and "Electricity" (a tribute to strength and action inspired by Richard Strauss) are a synthesis of the traditional and the innovative.

    Such a blend of the classical and the futuristic is the application of a dialectical proces.5. A balance is struck between the conservative, necessary for establishing an artistic criterion to ensure quality, and the progressive which is required to counter the tendency of stagnation. The two polarities in synthesis minimize stasis and deadence while ensuring quality and vibrance in the cultural organism.

Anexample of a conservative society ending in rultural stagnation is the Chinese. An example of the "progressiveï repudiation of tradition resulting in decadence is the m culture of contemporary Western society, starting circa. 1900. ABORTION

    This social issue has been chosen because it's one that many Satanists take an unSatanic position on simply because they are once again reacting against Christian initiatives rather than postulating their own position on Satanic terms.
    Those who adopt an unqualified pro-abortion stance do so on the grounds of individual choice and sovereignty over one's own life. This position can be identified with both the liberal left and the libertarian right. Christians, on the contrary, oppose abortion because they hold all human life to be "sacred." Pro- and anti-abortionists actually start from the same premise, although they arrive at different conclusions; they view the idea of the individual per se as sacrosanct: on the one side, the sanctity of the individual as an adult, on the other, as a foetus.
    Surely the logical Satanic position transcends both, and is based on a Nietzschean perspective of the hierarchy of human worth?
    "Every individual may be regarded as representing the ascending ordescending line of life. When one has decided which, one has thereby decided a canon for the value of his egoism. If he represents the ascending line his value is in fact extraordinary-and for the sake of the life-collective, which with him takes astep FORWARD, the care expended on his preservation, may even be extreme... If he represents the descending development, decay, chronic degeneration, sickening... then he can be accorded little value." (Nietzsche, Twiliifat of the Idols.)
    Note, Nietzsche, the greatest champion of the individual, nevertheless talks of the "life-collective." The individualism he champions is far removed from the petty individualism advocated by both liberal and libertarian, which is really a trivialization of life. The Satanic position on abortion should be ba5ed on whether a birth contributes to or hinders human ascent. With modem technology and the ongoing discoveries of genetics it can now be fairly aa:urately predicted what worth an unborn child will potentially be in relation to the ascent of the "life collective."
    The world is awash with those of very low caliber, breeding others of their kind without hindrance other than when those nasty old devils of fumine and plague catch up to thin their populations, and then in the face of determined resistance from humanitarians.
    The Satanic principle on abortion surely is based on eugerucs.
    On a broader scale, the whole liberal moral system needs to be replaced with a new ethos propagated throughout society, which would include a recognition that the siring of healthy,

. ')' # / <'._--;

intelligent and creative children is among the most honourable of cillin The new, heretical scientific synthesis of sociobiology shows us that all of life is permeated with an instinctive drive on the pan of the individual organism to perpetuate its own genes, or alternatively those of its cl t kin, and that this drive even overrides that of individual survival in life-threateningsituations. Where this imperative is lacking there issomething ically wrong with the social organism. In this Judeo-Christian society the instinct is repressed.

    Despite its anti-abortion stance, Christianity is the epitome of anti-life dogma, a revolt against the instinctual. It's a paradox within the System. But if we tum to the Christian scriptures we find Jesus praising those who become "'eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake," and Paul calling marriage an unfortunately necessary institution because of those who cannot "'contain themselves" and who may thereby avoid burning in Hell for "'fornication." The whole Christian creed is based on preoccupation with death, not with the continuation of life. The anti .lbortion stance is merely reflective of the belief that only God can take life away (or alternatively, those he sanctions on earth as His holy killers).


    ...A burning issue in many societies. Satanic orders do not generally apply racial restrictions on membership. The Satanic tradition itself can be found throughout history among many if not all cultures, and is universally applicable.
    People prefer association with their own kind, and this usually implies an ethnic-kinship factor. But wouldn't the Satanist feel more kinship with a fellow Satanist of another race, than with a Christian of his own race? I believe this to be so, because Satanists themselves form a rulture unto themselves, adistinct folk one might say. It stands in oontradistinction to the rest of society. A parallel: theJews as adistinct people/rulture both universal and nationalist, oomprising a variety of races, but bound by oommon traditions, history, rulture and an aloofness from outside society.
    But, while Satanism is universal in scope, this should not imply an acceptance of some cosmopolitan creed which, like Christianity, liberalism, Marxism, capitalism, etc., rejects the significance of racial and rultural diversity he prcxiucts of millennia of evolution.
    "'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.,. Paul, Gal. 3:28.
    While theSatanic cosmology is necessarily universal≠ reflective of Life itself-it recognizes the diversity within the oosmos-again asynthesis of two concepts.
    What about "'multi-culturalism?" Couldn't this be described as a dialectical interaction of cultures leading to a higher

synthesis-what its advocates term "'rultural enrichment"? Idon't believe so. History shows that multi-adturalism causes factionaliz.ation rather than a transcendent synthesis. It tears asunder the foundations of a rulture as an organism. The wholesale importation of alien cultures into a rultural organism

results in what theSpenglerian philaiapher Yockey termed '"rulture distortion" and "'rulture retardation.,. (Yockey, Imperium).In the oontext of the Westem rulture, an example of rulture distortion wouli be the influence of "D.rli." in art, circa 1900--largely the product of Jewish Nihilists and Bolshevists. An example of rulture retardation (Le., the derailing of a rulture from its lifepath/destiny) would be the redirection of fi.uxis from the programme several yearsago, to subsidize ghettobreeding.

    A genuine rultural dialectic where "'rultural enrichment" can occur is through a proe5 of what Spengler himself called "'pseudomorphosis.,.(Spengler,Decune<fthe West). The p	is one in which a culture-idea is absorbed and adapted in accordance with the imperatives of the recipient rulture, e.g., the adaptation of gunpowder as a Chinese invention of mere entertainment, to the service of the West's "Faustian" Will-to-Power.
    An additional factor in the rejection of any cosmopolitan creed is theSatanic principle of individual pride. Such pride best proceeds from asense of one's self-worth in knowing one's origins and inheritance stretching back beyond human memory, a surer guide to who one truly is than any attempt to impose '"loyalty" toward and identity with that nebulous mass called "'humanity"≠ whether in the name of agod or of a U.N. resolution.
    Thus, I suggest, the Satanic position, whether applied to art, society or politics, is essentially a dialectical on	dynamic interaction of polarities leading to a higher synthesis: the Balance Factor at work he human application of cosmic law.

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ERE ARE SOME of my prime gripes regarding modem life and the general current flow of things. I don't just gripe for the Hell of it all the time. Sometimes it is nice to be able to offer some Satanic answers to get through this Dark Age of pre-reason on Earth.

    The phrase you haw to Wlderstand..." No you don't! You don't have to understand anything at all. I sometimes just play stupid when confronted with this demand on my thinking. After all, what ifl don't "understand"? Did I have to anyway? And if 99% of the human sheep out there can e stupid, why must

/ be required by one of them to understand anything at all?

    A hwnan life is a precious thing. Anything has value in direct proportion to its uniquen Maybe a truly unique human being has value but if four billion humans dropped dead tomorrow there are probably no truly important problems facing the world today which wouldn't be immediately solved (except for the bad smell of all th	rotting cadavers, of course!). As I see it, most human life now actually has negative value as part of the problem, not part of any solution. On my wall I have a postcard sent by an astute Satanist depicting a figure trying to attract the attention of a hovering UFO while screaming, "'Take me!Take me!" with the UFO replying, "No! You're ugly!" That's how I see it
    Gun control If you want tosee civilized, gentlemanly behavior, go where everyone carries a handgun. If you want tosee insanity, go to New York, Chicago, Detroit, Loo Angeles, Washington D.C.--anywhere with strict gun control. The history of human civilization in terms of personal freedom is the history of the availability of personal violent power for the individual.

Women got the vote in the Wild West first because that's where the new invention of the handgun was first able to get into their (comparatively)soft little hmh. Guns make it ible todo push button (read: pull trigger) killing. Killing the individual influences his behavior, usually for the better.

    life for three-time felon offenders. In Washington State wt November, the voters passed a proposition which forces the judge to put a felon in the slammer for life (no parole) on the third offense. I would prefer instead tosee what I call Proposition 22: Take any idiot who is given a life sentence and pump a few cheap .22 calibre bullets into his head, then grind up the body for fertilizer. Why the Hell pay to support some fool for the rest of his life because you haven't the guts to fit him for a coffin?

We must not cut money to the public education system Of course, no one seems to remember that most of the high school graduates of the wonderful public school system can't read. Hell, we ought tosimply shut down the whole damn thing and let the kids who want to learn go ahead and do it, and let the other cannon fodder kill each other off in the streets. (Remember again

that the real problem is too many people.)

    Speed limits. Twenty years ago, Nixon shut off the lights in America and got the 55 mile-per-hour speed limit put on freeways that were engineered for 75 mph speeds. Then the same folks approved truck 1	beyond the tolerance levels for the national highway system. So now we have potholes from trucks that we can drive around better if we followed the speed limits≠ which you can't without getting killed by all the idiots who insist on driving at 65 mph anyway. To add to this we have regular culling of the traffic stream by police who go slowly comatose doing nothing all day by handing out speeding tickets. Thirty years ago Germany had radar stations along their highways that would photograph your license plate if you were speeding and then mail you the ticket. Everyone (except, I amsure, the power elite) who speeds gets a ticket. It's not a lotto. It is 100% justice.

Not only does that make thespeed limit real, it makes you responsible for your car. If someone else speeds in your car, you get the ticket!

    Abortion clinic protestors. They march right in front of a clinic Idrive by regularly. I keep feeling this almost uncontrollable urge to jump the curb and help them tosee Jesus. Personally, I favor past-natal abortion even more--especially for them.
    "For your convenience.ïï" never is. I saw one sign inside the lobby of a local bank that read: "For your convenience the night drop window is outside, on the other side of the building." Think about that one! Brain transplant, anyone?
    Income Taxes. I would gladly pay 50% more taxes into the federal black hole if they would just take it and let me quit wasting three months out of the year acting as an amateur accountant. At least with new computer programs I can do it a little bit easier, but then the dying U.S. government changes the rules as fast as I learn them anyway! I understand that the coming computerized cash with prime-number encryption codes will destroy the income tax system in about five years, but that's still fifteen total months of more accounting even if the computer whiz kids are really right after all!

People who ask why Satanists don't worship Satan. Remember what I said about overpopulation being the problem? Remember what I said about most graduates not being able to read? f ve gotten to where I usually just don't answer them at all. Why bother? Nobody's home in those noggins anyway.

    Daylight Savings Tune and time zones in general. Some states go on Daylight Saving.5 time and some don't. Guess which ones? Flip a coin. Good luck! This particular piece of nonsense came out of last century's agricultural society so that the boys in school could get more done down on the farm.. Beyond this one col example of wasted effort and disturbed sleep patterns nationwide, we have time zones.	on the defunct British Empire starting at Greenwich, you can guess that if it's 6 pm in

California then it's 9 pm in New York. Of course the answer is to dump this whole mess and go to a twenty-four hour worldwide "time zone." If it's 1300 hours in Tokyo, it's thesame in London. Very quickly, any being with an ounce of brains will asoociate the local events of the day or night with the 24-hour clock. It gets dark around 2100 hours in California or 1800 hours in New York. Big deal-and you just know it won't happen. It makes too much sense.

    '"The AIDS virus." This is adouble-bitch for me. First, because the unfortunate reality is that there is no AIDS epidemic to help wipe out all this excess population Obviously, the various world governments have known this from early on (except Cuba, it would seem) because the various health departments as well as the World Health Organization have never instituted the normal quarantine procedures which are standard for any infectious plague. Dr. Peter Duesberg, a molecular biologist and a top world expert on retrovirology, blew the whistle several years ago by asking where there was any scientific evidence tolink the HIV virus to AIDS (there is none), since there i.s plenty of evidence to indicate that HIV can't "'cause" AIDS. The last painful word from Dr. Duesberg was that he now feels certain that even AIDS is not infectious, but that AZf and the other powerful cheme> therapeutic treatments offered are what is actually killing off HIV≠ positive patients. Sad, but true, it seems that HIV is actually benign and the pharmaceuticals are now the culprit.

My other bitch about this issue is simply that my tax money is being poured into the gutter on adisease that doesn't exist! (Want to not "get" AIDS? Don't destroy your immune system by using poerful drug5 and regular anal sex [which causes an immune-suppressant effect in monkey studies} Want to not die "of AIDS"? Don't poison yourself with AZ.T trying to kill a benign virus which may be present in all higher mammals anyway!) Better communication will solve any problem. just got into my small-sized community about two years ago and our first gang murders got going last month. (Even gang members seem slow these days.) So, the City Council had a big "Community Town Hall Meeting" (read: cluster fuck) and decided to hold regular communication classes for kids in school, kids on the street, parents hiding at home, etc. Ever "communicate" with a rattlesnake? I recommend a.357! The Welfare State and CUJTellt presidential politics. Communism collapses everywhere else, so the U.S. government decides to institute it here! My answer? I just renewed my passport.

    The problem with a list like this is that just assoon as I finish it, I remember another batch of items that bear inclusion. So, don't hesitate to add your own, or see me offer more in a future writing. Hail Satan!

Photo Portrait of Anton Szandor LaVey

At last you can own a beautiful, black & white poster of the founder and High Priest of the Church of Satan.

Photographer Nick Bougas has captured LaVey and his serpentine friend Boaz in a moment of Satanic communion. At almost life size, this 23" x 29" print is on heavy, glossy poster stock, replete with the High Priest's name in large type across the bottom.

No Satanic lair should be without this handsome item!

Carefully packaged in a crush-proof mailing tube, the poster is only $20.00, plus $5.00 shipping & handling. (Outside the U.S., $20.00 plus $10.00 shipping & handling).

Make checks, money orders or bank draughts in U.S. funds out to: Hell's Kitchen Productions P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-0499, U.S.A.

----------- j

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HE SUBJECT OF RACE seems to occur with some frequency in the discussion of Satanism. I live in a black neighborhood in San Francisco, but I am not black myself (with a nan1e like Timothy Patrick, you can bet I ain't Egyptian, either!) and thus I feel that I've got a certain amount of perspective when it comes to this issue. By and large, my neighbors are difficult to tolerate. Many of the "families" in my building have far more children than someone with twice their income could reasonably handle. The lovely bunch directly above my apartment has five children in a one bedroom apartment. Many of the tenants in my building are avid narcotics aficionados and tend to invite their acquaintances to consume their drugs in the common hallways of the building. The drug of choice is apparently crack. Even though the building has a workable security system, some of the residents render it useless by leaving the outside doors ajar, so that absolutely anyone with the inclination can gain access to the interior (presumably for drug-dealing or burglary purposes). It is well known among the tenants (and others) that the building manager is away on the weekends Q don't blame him), which means that littering, graffiti-making and public urination may begin on Friday at 5:00 pm. Lazy tenants leave their garbage in front of the garbage chute, even if it is not blocked. Et cetera.

    Outside, people can be seen hanging about store fronts with nothing better to do. Many black males in the neighborhood drink thirty-two ounce bottles of King Cobra while their wives or girlfriends (alternately, "bitches" or "ho's") go to work so that their husbands or boyfriends (alternately, "niggas") may continue in this fashion. It is not unusual to see school-age children riding their bicycles during school hours. Obese old women hobble to the fire-and≠ brimstone Baptist church next door every Sunday, as San Francisco Police ignore the double parking that occurs every week on my street. Qt is apparently okay to double-park for church activities throughout all of San Francisco, even though the California DMV handbook states that, "...double parking is always illegal...") Et cetera.
   Okay-so the people in my neighborhood suck. Hard to believe. The question is: why?
    It is undeniable that black Americans have, in general, embraced a way of life that upholds laziness, self-pity and an apparent need to be victimized. Is this, however, very much different from the way many Hispanics, feminists, gays, lesbians, elderlies, handicapped people, Wiccans, American Indians or Christians act? Yes, black culture is irritating. So is practically everything that any mass of people agree upon.
    Let's not forget that the herd cultures of racial groups in (economic) power-Jews, Italians, the Irish, Germans,

Japanese, Arabs-are just as annoying. Even though these groups are often more successful, most of these people have not earned their superiority. It is usually handed down to them. Those that have what they do solely because of their own efforts and abilities are few and far between indeed, ethnicity notwithstanding. Anyone who uses his race or gender or preference or religion or personal problem as a crutch is despicable.

    As a witch or warlock, it behooves you to see the world "unvarnished," if I may use Magister Gilmore's term. Remember that lack of perspective is a sin. It is just as foolish to underestimate someone because of his ethnicity as it is to overestimate him because he belongs to an "oppressed" group. You cannot manipulate someone if you cannot be objective. Knee-jerk reactions are unacceptable, and rather stupid. Do not put yourself at the mercy of someone you cannot perceive properly.
    Sure, not all blacks are Wynton Marsalis. Not all Germans are Nietzsche, either. Don't forget the concept of stratification. Never let your guard down.
    Footnote: No, I am not a masochist; I am planning to move from this neighborhood assoon as I can.Yes, I am armed.

I MAINTAIN THAT every race is composed primarily of garbage. I don't care if there are differences between the races (and there most certainly are)-they're all terrible, horrible, rancid, and rotten. Whichever race you belong to is included. Go fuck yourself.

    There is a high probability that whomever you are, I won't be able to stand you. I hate you if you're a greasy Spaniard, a buggering Greek, an oily Italian prick, a beer≠ soaked German, a whiskey-soaked Irishman, a horsey-faced Brit, a chicken-eating Negro, a penny-pinching Jew, a hook≠ nosed Arab, a slant-eyed Chinaman, a convenience store owning Pakistani, an ugly Slav, a beret-wearing French faggot, a smelly Canadian lumberjack, or a fat Catholic Fillipinowith coke-bottle glasses. You all make me sick.
    One hears a lot about "race loyalty." I have but one thing to say to my racial "brethren": FUCK YOU!
    Are the Aryans really so superior? Why does no-one ever mention the idiotic hypnotized stares of the people of Germany during the grandiose patriotic speeches of der Fuhrer? That Hitler had a talent for holding the masses in thrall is undeniable-what is seldom said is that the Germans were like so much putty in his hands. The Third Reich could have begun anywhere, when one considers the vast malleability of

the human herd.

   So get the fuck away from me, you morons, and take your stinking, useless rultures with you. Go celebrate your . Kwaanzas and Saint Patrick's Days and Hannukahs and Columbus Days and National Women's Weeks far, far away from me.

Why do all of you persist in stinking up my planet?

ARLY IN THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF SATAN, Anton LaVey saw that this institution would inspire an entire movement. His Church would remain the center, the focal point of the ever-evolving organism. The original chartered grotto structures, established as experiments, gave us the necessary information and were discarded. Stratification inevitably continued and we could with increasing ease identify those who were truly commited and those "gadflys" who had great need of a ready-made identity.

    Satanism encourages its adherents to fulfill their needs, and those who wish to find satisfaction in grotto activity can consider our past efforts as blueprints for their own explorations. Satanists are expected to have the wherewithal to get out in that world-arena and make a go of it, with anything they would attempt. It is crucial that one learns from the doing, so that future endeavors may be based on increasing wisdom. That, however, is up to the uniquely developed potential of each individual Satanist. There are no guarantees.
    The current Satanic movement is broad based, with Dr. LaVey'sseminal literature available world-wide and serving as the thematic basis for all variations, whether they be consonant or dis5onant. As you have seen in the ODDllORIUM, there is a veritable explosion of Satanic publications, and these help enrich the movement by providing varied perspectives that compete in the philosophical Colosseum of theory vs. practice.
    However, in this age of instantaneous communication a new form of parochialism has emerged: the computer BBS. There now exist ghettos of narrow-focused Satanists who seem to think that their activities on computer services are the most significant fields to be cultivated-with their "magical" computer skills. While these are indeed avenues that shall eventually reach millions, this has yet to happen. As computer prices drop there will be more and more people tapping in, proving that the hackers of tcx:iay really don't have any arcane knowledge that can't be easily mastered by anyone who seeks to try their hand. If you peruse these bulletin boards, you'll find that they can be fun-though often when avowed Satanists appear there are Christians and other kooks who simply want to waste your time with inane questions/assertions. Remember that these networks are now but a very small venue for spreading your ideas. Their reality is still virtual,. That will change, but the printed media still reach more people and put artifacts into readers' hands (books/magazines) which have a concreteness that still counts.

Real Satanists cherish objects and have not succumbed to the ephemerality of tcx:iay'sdisposable society. Experiencing through mediation is the couch potato's credo; the Satanist gets his hands dirty in the real world

    Let us now go on to explore some further examples of grottos and groups that are currently active.

We begin with a warning. Recently we received material from a new organization calling itself The Shadow Temple (P.O. Box 624, Allston, MA 02134). The package included several pamphlets, a monograph "What is Satanism?" by Joseph Black (founder of this group), several sheets delineating the "Philosophy and Structure of The Shadow Temple," an advertisement for their proposed magazine Infernal,ia, and finally an application form. All the material is nicely laser printed, though the pentagram-in-a-circle cover logo is rather off kilter (where have I seen that look before?). It is only when one starts to look closely at this stuff that serious questions arise. This group wants to proselytize and seeks members from fringe groups such as Goth-types and vampire afi,cionttdos. They wish to be an umbrella organization that includes Satanists, Setians, Voodoo practitioners, Black Witches, ceremonial magicians, and Santerians. The discussions in the pamphlets seem to take the Satanism founded by Anton LaVey as a given, as if it were a natural resource just laying around waiting to be exploited by Joseph Black, though no credit or acknowledgement is given to the man and organization that launched contemporary organized Satanism. Perhaps there is some excuse if Black is quite young and thus the C/S and its philosophy has been around before his birth, giving it the appearance of an eternally existing resource.

    Worse than this basic rudeness is the fact that Black then starts to twist Satanism to include belief in external entities (demons, incubi, succubi). Even worse, they state in their "Satanism" pamphlet that "While some black magic rituals do require animal sacrifices, such animals have to be specially raised. Pets simply aren't special enough to be sacrificed!" Whoa! Hold the phone! Here we have direct advocation of sacrificial rites which counters the main points forbidding such activity in The Satanic Bible. The "black magic" embraced by this Temple are the rites created by Christian Inquisitioners to damn their victims and Christian heretic sorcerers who used Jahweh to force demons to behave, then propitiated them with ritual murder of innocent creatures. Could not the above quoted statement be misconstrued to include a human infant bred specifically for sacrifice? They do claim that their members should obey the laws, but they seem to have opened the door to highly questionable activities.
    Remember that wonky cover pentagram I mentioned above? Well, where I have seen it before is in Christian anti≠ Satanic propaganda books and pamphlets. And the Christian world-view is about the only position that would consider Satanists, Setians, Voodooists and so on as somehow related≠ yeah, they're all devil worshippers to a Christian! Indeed, the practitioners on their list of compatible religions would never equate each other. Next we look at the application form which


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has such nifty questions as "Can you think of a circumstance in which you would break a civil law?" or "Would you be willing to lie to attain a goal?" Can you imagine being pointed out to be the local police as a Satanist, being accused of some sort of so-called "satanic" vandalism (probably done by metal≠ heads) and having the answers to these questions being brought up at your trial? My feeling about this organization is that it is a front group for Christians who want to foster the kind of bogeyman that they've been claiming to exist for years-an extended umbrella organization with "covens" in many locations that unites those various devil-worshippers and animal sacrificers. Perhaps Joseph Black is sincere in his foolish ecumenical approach and really isn't some plant set up by a ministry to manufacture evidence in an attempt to outlaw these various religions, but it sure looks that way to me, and to various scholars as well to whom I've shown this material. They proselytize Qike a Christian ministry), we don't, believing one is born a Satanist. We opposed the ruling that let the various afro-catholic syncretistic religions legally perform animal sacrifices. Don't support a group that would undo the work we've done for years. Animal sacrifice is not Satanic, it is something that does fit into a Christian framework (from the tales of Abraham's almost sacrifice of his son, to Jahweh's legendary sacrifice of his incarnated son, Jesus). Bottom line recommendation: have nothing to do with this bunch as they offer nothing new except that which real Satanists revile.

    Next up is a new grotto founded by Church of Satan members in the Detroit area and declaring their inception on Walpurgisnacht XXIX A.S.- The Illwninati of Satan. Not since the early seventies, with the now defunct Babylon and Belphegor Grottos, has there been organized Grotto activity in this vicinity. Let me quote from their statement of purpose to give you a flavor for what they are attempting:
    "The1.O.S. is established for the specific purpose of furthering the ideals set forth in The Satanic Bihle by Anton Sz.andor LaVey and to accomplish thses goals through the use of lesser and greater magic. Our secondary goal shall be to institute a safe haven of Satanic thought, create an open forum for the expres.5ion and education of the Satanic mind, and toseek change to return society to the natural order of lex Talionis."
    There is a solid sense of organization present in their bylaws, as well as in their regulation of development and advancement for their members. The printed material is presented in a professional manner, clearly written and laser typeset. A bi-annual newsletter, DIABOLICA, is planned for release quite soon ($4.00 in U.S. funds for sample copy) which will be a forum for the creativity of 1.O.S. members. There seems to be real potential for development here and we wish those who participate a most satisfying experience. For further information, send a S.A.S.E. to: The Illuminati of Satan, P.O. Box 53, Allen Park, MI 48101-0053.


    Now let us turn to New Zealand and the Onto Sinistra Vivendi, who are the Order of the Left-Hand Path in a newly constituted form. Founded in January of 1990 by K.R. Bolton, the order has recently been turned over to Harri Baynes as Mr.

Bolton is pursuing his activities with his new Black Order, "an esoteric body of men and women, established to presence the 'dark' or 'shadow' side of the European unconscious." Here follows excerpts from articles written by Mr. Bolton, that will give you an understanding of this organization. "The OLHP has been reconstituted as the Onto Sinistra Vivendi (Order of the Sinister Way). In so doing we have jettisoned the Oriental dogma that had come to dominate much of the O1-Il..P's philosophy, which has no relevance to the realities of the present and future...The Sinister Way is that which sets itself in opposition to the stagnant, and the decay that results. It favours that which renews and revitalizes. It is the accuser of that which stifles evolution through moral, religious and political dogma In a word, it is heresy.

    "From the start, the Order sought to develop a philosophy outside of the Christian context, quite contrary to the stereotype of inverse-Christianity. We synthesized the dark traditions of a variety of pre-Christian pagan cultures, adapting them to the realities of the present and the needs of the future... Ultimately we aim to develop a network of Satanists either working alone or in grou , as appropriate."
    For further information contact: Ordo Sinistra Vivendi, Box 83, Paekakariki, Wellington, New Zealand; The Black Order, P.O. Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington, New Zealand The Heretic is still available from the Black Order address.

Pentagonal Revisionism is a comprehensive overturning of the prevailing political philosophy of the Westem "Democracies." This amounts to a total re-alignment of the ideological undetpinnings that prop up the decaying "egalitarian" ethos that generally means the "rule of the incompetent" and condemns those with vision and real drive to wallow in the morass of machine politics. This brief piece seeks to draw out a number of these implicit elements and give them concrete form in an ideological and a programmatic sense. We hold these truths to be self-evident, and more importantly, scientifically proven:

    That all humans are created unequal, and that this extends to their value in society.
    Centuries of empirical examination have shown that any given inherited characteristic of a living thing will follow a normal distribution, or a "bell curve." A few individuals will rate extremely highly, a few extremely lowly and a majority will be concentrated around the mean. The normal competitive pressures, if left un-tampered-with by misguided humans, will lead to all but the best-adapted individuals being annihilated (especially before they can replicate their inferior characteristics in the next generation). It is only the recent impact of those misguided enough to forcibly relax those evolutionary pressures, ensuring the survival of the mast genetically impoverished, that has lead to the current crop of programmed drones that constitute the vast bulk of humanity.

That social Darwinism works, despite the aversions of the faint-hearted.

   It comes as no sutprise to learn that the Christians reacted violently to the advent of the brutal pragmatic philosophy that Charles Darwin enunciated in the mid-nineteenth century. The fit survive and reproduce; the unfit die. Anyone with the mast rudimentary understanding of history would realize that this applies to groups of people and to nations. The unfit, non≠ cohesive and inefficient are destroyed while the resilient survive. Lest one immediately be accused of racism or some sort of Nazi (Le., herd-elitist rather than Satanist) eugenics, the point needs to be illustrated with examples. Not all indigenous cultures contacted by the West in the last two centuries "went under"-the disciplined and resilient Japanese threw out the missionaries, modernized, and now pose aserious economic threat to nations who qualified as "would-be colonizers" a century ago. Our reaction to this asSatanists should not be to recoil in horror, but

to work effectively behind the scenes to promote that vigor and resilience in our society that will ensure its survival. The policies ofLee Kuan Yew's Government in Singapore bear serious study for those looking to chart a long term future. That classes and groups of people rendered obsolete by

technology will go the way of the dinosaur.

    T	is probably a bit hard on the dinosaurs who would probably "make a go of it" in the current climate of global warming. The history of human society has been the history of changes to the way we generate our food-Marx was right when he implied this. Each time a society makes these changes, some people, usually the least :mptable, are rendered displaced and obsolete. The small farmer of second century (ce) Rome displaced by the move to big estates, the peasant displaced by the enclosure of Western European estates in the eighteenth century and now the manual laborer displaced by the quantum jumps in manufacturing automation all fall into these cl .In the first two cases, the class concerned either adapted, were kicked out (how Australia got started) or died. There has never been a displaced class of this type in history that didn't die out or get thrown out of its society unless it succeeded in defining a new role for itself for which the society was prepared to pay (even as charity or protection money).
    That the "propping up" of the inferior only leads to a bigger burden in the future.
    This is the legacy of the rule of the fool in the guise of the welfare state. Applying the cretinous "there but for the grace of God, go I" rationale touted by theJudeo-Christian losers, the State apparatUS in Westem nations has increasingly applied more thorough-going and ingenious ways to artificially support those who lack the personal resources to be viable in oursociety. In doing so, it has been content to impose often crushing tax

burdens, which act tostifle incentive and encourage ambitious individuals of superior capabilities to either get out, or tum inwards upon themselves. One of the more nauseating things I have seen in the herd-oriented media over recent years, have been the "heartwarming"stories of retarded or otherwise diseased couples who have not only been artificially kept alive, fed and clothed at our expense, but then meet and ro-habitate. Even more sickening are the cases where it is taken astep further when "joy of joys," one impoverished strip of DNA finds another and the couple in question procreate. Another non-viable organism enters the biosphere, and another bouncing baby tax hike for the rest of us to "wear"! To call these individuals ites is an insult indeed to most itic organisms, which are generally highly evolved and effective creatures.

    Dr. LaVey's observation that "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" also applies to procreation and is partirularly acrurate when one looks at the world today. This pertains not only to cases such asthat above but also relates to nations. This year's appeal tosave two million non-viable Third World lives, will inevitably lead to the next generation's appeal to save fifteen million even less viable Third World lives. Some old say make sense-one of these is, you have to be cruel to bekind

That "Space Gh "are the key to the future, both for the

> I into the more concrete stage.

'>, # /

biosphere and for Satanists to fully implement "a total environment of his/her choice."

    Late in the third decade of the Age of Satan, we find ourselves in a technologically awkward period. For too is the time in which medical advances and sick JudeoChristian"ethics" have led to the herd swarming in numbers that would have made Malthus's head swim. This, and the absence of an emphatically dominant ruling class, has led to a quality decline both dramatic and alarming in its proportions. Yet each and every oneof too burgeoning human flotsam, thinks him or herself entitled to the "best." One thinks of Dr. LaVey's discus.5ion in The Satanic Witch of "charming the 25 watt" bozo trying toseduce the 100 watt witch, who thinks himself "entitled to the best." Not only has the "25 watter" declined to about 18 watts in the twenty-odd years since the publication of The Satanic Witch, but he/she has become more insistent on satisfaction of his/her desires by a society to which he orshe has made no meaningful contribution.
    Sadly, the medical technological advances have not been matched in rapidity by the development of"off-planet" technologies. So while science has delivered millions of non-viable organisms, it hasn't yet perfected the means of getting them out of our(meaning Satanists) hair. In order to resolve too unfortunate imbalance in the technological advancement, one which threatens to crush Westem Civilization under the burden of it own mediocrity, firm and decisive action in a number of governmental and commercial sectors is required.
    Interestingly enough, this situation has at least one historical precedent, and one which led to the establishment of the very nation in which I am writing this-Australia. Eighteenth century England paralleled the West in the late twentieth century{ce}≠ technological advances rendering obsolete theswarming agrarian peasantry bequeathed to the nation by its medieval past. The far≠ sighted and significantly Satanically inspired leadership of England at the time (i.e., Dashwood and oogroup) found asound solution to the problem-transportation.While the basis for removal of that century's equivalent of what Dr.LaVey calls "human locusts" was judicial and punishment-based--dealing with "criminals," the real purpose of the exercise was to remove a class of individuals for which the society had ceased to have a use. The English were fortunate enough to have available both open space and the effective means of coercing these people to leave-frequently the choice was transportation or the gallows!
    Too time round it is clear that the means of persuasion and the "departure" technology will need to be more advanced. There do appear to be some rays of hope on the horizon in the second element-NASA does seem to have made significant advances in the last couple of years. Too means that thought will need to be given to the first element-in other words, the marketing of life "off planet." Dr. LaVey has already flagged the fuct that the herd have been softened up to the prospect over the course of the last five decades, and as the means of removal and Sustenance of the herd comes on stream, this marketing process will need to move


It is clear that the density of population of our species is the principle threat facing the planet today-more importantly for each of us as individuals, it leads to greater impact of the herd on our lives. In effect, the higher the numbers of "human locusts," the greater hurdle each of us has to overcome (especially financially) toboth push the drones away, and to pay for thespace for our "total environments." Until we can start to get the herd "off planet," Isee the price of creation of our personal "island," our own total environment, continuing to rise. Therefore, thesooner weget the les&-highly-evolved portion of our species into a"nice," sterile, regulated, politically correct, colony at LS, or any other location where they won't do any more damage to a magnificent planet they're too crass ordumb to appreciate, the better.

    Dr. LaVey's program prov.ides the way ahead for our society, both explicitly and implicitly through further examination of the effects and means of achieving each of the five "points." Inherent in the program is also, I believe, an encapsulate way of Satanists achieving maximum "strength through joy"≠ seeking the environment most likely to allow us our own satisfying island of existence.

TAPPEARS MORE AND MORE every day that man is no closer to becoming a "humanï being than an elephant is a frog. Why is that? Witness the bigotry and lack of understanding nature as it really is, the picketing that is seen at least once a day (whether it be on television or at your local supermarket). These are symptoms of the ignorance that is perpetrated and crammed down the throats of we, the few who have passed the embryonic state of mind and have become at one with ourselves. What does all of this mean? That is not a question for me to answer, but for you - the ones who have this lack of understanding and narrow points of view that are readily espoused to those who are just as unintelligent and ignorant as the progenitors of the lie itself.

    Upon this ball of dirt we call planet Earth, or better yet "home; there is much improvement needed to cleanse ourselves as well as our environment. We have bigotry that runs rampant, salvation through a pipe dream, love from the bowels and a major case of stupidity thrown in to top the cake. Am I wrong, and if so, why did you judge me wrong? It is because people have a tendency to make up what they see as "rightï and "wrong,,. not caring about the people they judge or the harm it might cause. At the same time, they do not judge themselves by these same criteria. How twisted!
    I have such contempt for the race of "mankindï and rightfully so. In the eyes of a realist, one must wonder about the very substance and the basis of the decisions made by parents for their children who are often much smarter than the parents themselves. I say that because children are the most natural-oriented individuals - available to teach the race how

to live. Animals do the same for those who understand. Parents do an injustice to themselves and most of all to these ones who really know, when they prevent the little ones from remaining life-loving persons. They place them in such a moldy environment, one that denies them any happinC$ due to the moral dogmas held over their heads from birth to death. Men are slaughtered every day in this world because of the ideology mandated for the person who is the killer. Man must accept the consequences of his own actions no matter what is taught. Everyone is influenced by someone else, but the final decision and responsibility is for the individual alone.

    A few less nuts in this world would suit me fine, but parents are raising more every day (they don't fall far from the trees). We have seen recently the madness of the Florida abortion doctor killer. The person who committed this crime was one of the individuals described previously - a totally dysfunctional creature who was raised in one of these "pipe dreamï societies and continues to choose irrational behavior. This person was without doubt a self-styled Christian who just thought the good Lord would be so happy for one less "killer,,.

but winds up becoming in truth a killer himself, though often defined from their point of view as a "soldier for the Lord: Now, I am not saying that I'm pro-life or pro-choice, but I will say that every woman should have a choice in her own decisions. Pro-Lifers stand on the picket lines nearly every day to denounce abortion while at the same time they don't adopt any of these "unwantedï fetuses about to be disposed of when they come to term. If people were forced to fully practice what they preached, then accepting responsibility for these otherwise unwanted children would become a law for this civilization.

    Homeless people feed off of programs that never should have been instituted in the first place (Welfare). I do believe in subsidizing those who hit rough spots in their lives, but to live on the dole as a way of life is not going to make it in the future. Laws are becoming stricter and the people who complain about not getting their unearned "fair shareï will ultimately be swept under the rug. That will seem a harsh thing at first, but it will in time be the solution to ALL of man's problems.
    You might not like what I have written so far but, as always, people demand lies to live on and then complain when they are proven to be just that. If the truth hurts, then so be it. I am not sugar-coating anything just for some un(benign) pimple to accept. What/ will do is write about the injustices wrought by a nation of "believers.,. Why not seek facts instead of accepting fiction, or at least question what is fact and what is fiction instead of just creating a cancer that is more dangerous to contend with than a creeping pestilence?
    We have seen many instances of rioting for no apparent logical reason, yet when the truth comes out, it is swiftly denounced by the ones responsible. I am talking about the ones who embrace the pleasure-filled life of a "normalï individual, yet teach abstinence as the way to go.

Contradictions abound - one follows the next and so on. Things that should be indulged in are taught to be "sin,ï and these so-called sins lead to compulsion and that is when the riots begin.

    The Los Angeles riots are enough, or should be enough to show the picketers (that word to me includes ALL forms of bigotry), what a real mess they can create. After a disaster such as this, they tum around and denounce the things that were championed to cause the mC$ in the first place. What the hell is going on? Perhaps the lie of two thousand years ago could help with the inquiring mind.
    Recently, we saw a man by the name of David Koresh who had taken the message of two thousand years ago and tried to make his vision of it a reality. Thus, with government intervention, much life was lost and more anger fueled towards

uncommon religious sects. Koresh was obviously a nut case, but what about those who follow such people and their religions? Extremists are usually Christian oriented and most are truly occultists. These people include in their beliefs "mystical" and "supernatural" entities that have absolutely no factual validation whatsoever. In trying to keep up with the dogmas of their "faith," they see everyone as the "devil" who are not as themselves. Be warned to question all things lest you become involved in a predicament similar to the one which cost the "believers" their lives. They lost what little life they had, in an attempt to be somebody.

    Gays in the military: what a senseless issue to be reckoned with. I have absolutely no problems with people being homosexual or anything else they wish to be, but to put their life on the line in a known "heterosexual," "redneck" society and then want equal rights is as ignorant as the women in the world who scream "equal rights!" and when they get them in the fashion that is provided their male counterparts (i.e., a slap in the face, a kick in the shins or whatever else "masculinity" dishes out) then they want to sue to get back at the man who is now her enemy. Why can't people be animals for once and get on with life by living it, rather than being harassed, beaten or killed as martyrs towards altering something that has been, is now and ever shall be? Because we are living in a society that is masochistic and craves this type of punishment at any cost and has no concern for others who are hurt in the process. These" called "rednecks" and picketers are the ones who usually wind up being in league with a Koresh-type of person. Go beyond the picket lines and other useless shit and get on with life! You'll do what you want anyway, but should be held accountable.

War! A necessity to adjust the population. Tension is growing once again to the point of starting a world war, all because of man not accepting responsibility for his own actions. Tell me, dear Reader, would eugenics not be a more sensible way of dealing with EVERYTHING? Think about it.

    The economy is a great problem in this world and no one can seem to find a solution. Regardless of the efforts taken, we still end up with a loss. The simplest way of solving this once and for all is to tax ALL churches for all buildings, property and intake from offerings and businesses. If this were to happen, we would see the National Debt virtually disappear overnight.

People always say "pay your fair share," but send in tax deductible donations in the name of righteousness and "humanitarian" causes just to keep their pockets a little fuller, then complain about a President who is trying to make them live by their stated philosophy. Churches must face up to their responsibility as much as anyone else who is "concerned." That is not so bad, is it?

    You can keep on gagging at the gnats while swallowing camels, or you can be a better being by taking on some responsibility for once in your life. You want to heal the world? Evaluate yourselves and make the necessary adjustments to straighten out the messes you are responsible for making!



ENTALJSM. No other field of conjuring offers more mystery and wonder. Audiences may watch a magician float an object, vanish a person or turn a handkerchief into adove and dism it all as "just a trick." But the mentalist casts serious doubts onto this typical explanation. Non≠ believers are shaken by what they see. Could it be that this person is really capable of what they say? Could it be that there is something more than just tricks? Could it be...

    The nineteen twenties and forties saw quite a few mentalists leave their mark on audiences. Possibly one of the most successful (financially and esteemed by the audience) of the breed was DUNNINGER, who held audiences captive not only in theaters but by radio. This was the man who called the Postmaster at New York City, asked him to obtain a letter from the bins, read the address to himself and (you guessed it) proceed to tell him the exact address he had read to himself!
    Yet the man to whom present-day mentalists and conjurers owe the most is THEODORE ANNEMAN. Born Theodore Squires on February 22, 1907 in Waverly, New York, he later became Anneman by virtue of his mother's remarriage. Anneman witnessed his first magic performance as a child and was hooked from then on. Such was his passion and thirst for magic that his mother, concerned with his future schooling, burned all of his books and magic props when Anneman was a young teenager.
    Theo Anneman slowly turned from the usual tricks of the day to the area of mentalism. This became the main focus of his act. During his early twenties Anneman developed many new techniques for divining a chosen card, reading sealed messages and all the array of effects that were and are still available to the mentalist. He was extremely prolific, and also refined existing methods of conjuring and mentalism, adding subtleties that astounded and confused even the most knowledgeable magicians of the day. October 1934 saw the first edition of lliE]INX come to light. Anneman, editor, writer and creator published this monthly newsmagazine dedicated solely to mentalism. His mother received a copy of the first fifty ues, with a note reminding her of the books and props she had incinerated! mEJINX flourished, and soon became a weekly publication, five issues going for one dollar, postpaid. But the shows were not as numerous as Anneman would like. As time went on, he became more somber and introverted. His wife left him, some say because his death≠ defying bullet-catching act unnerved her so. The effect was this: a person was asked to place their initials on a bullet obtained from a sealed carton, the bullet placed in a rifle which had been previously examined. Anneman would back up fifty paces, and the rifle would aim and fire at his mouth! Anneman would spin, hitting the ground, blood trickling from his

mouth - along with the initialed bullet!

    Anneman married again, but his life was still fraught with difficulties. Several audiences saw him perform under the influence of gin. Even his remarkable exploits in blindfold walking (walking blindfolded through subway stations, buildings, streets) and his apparent feats of telepathy did not bring the bookings and success he craved His second wife left him, he was falling behind on lliE]INX. Even when a close friend tried to help things were not well. We may never know the real reasons for his actions, but on January 12, 1942, Theo Anneman was found dead, a bag secured over his head and a gas pipe attached underneath. For all his knowledge and ideas, for all the methods and effects he created, and for his bullet≠ catching stunt, Theodore Anneman is remembered by present≠ day conjurors. And if you ever witness a mentalist in action, be assured that the Anneman legacy lives on through him!

AVING CATHOLICISM INSTILLED in me at a rather young age, I find it highly ironic that I have gone on to become a member of the Church of Satan. To say that I had my early misconceptions of Satan would be the mother of all understatements. That has certainly changed.

    I vividly recall my final attempt at "getting closer to God." I was required to go to confession, a practice I naturally loathed. I knew that this particular session would be a turning point in my life. I chose to face the priest, my "accuser," instead of cowering behind the flimsy partition intended to mask my identity (to ensure the openness of my revelations of sinful behavior). I expressed to him that I had begun to experiment with oral sex, and that I found it rather enjoyable. By his reaction, you'd think that he'd never experienced an erection (though I suspect that the full collection plates may have stirred him to tumescence). I do believe that I took him by surprise, after all I was only 14 at the time. He proclaimed that I was "behaving like an animal,f Those were that God≠

fearing bastards exact words. Yes, I am an animal-that was the one and only truth that came out of his mouth.

   I knew then that I was never going to subject myself to that type of ridicule or degradation again. Not until some years later would I align myself consciously with the Dark Forces, though I was obviously that way by nature.

When I was initially introduced to Satanism, I had no familiarity with Satanic practice or principle, aside from sensationalistic media accounts. I had slight concerns, although I wasn't a prude! I wanted to be part of this excursion that called out to my true nature.

    A friend of mine had been dating a Satanist, so we were introduced. I was really naieve, so it took him a while to set me straight on many facts. I wasn't a very easy "student" and, looking back, could have been labeled a "pain in the ass." Luckily for me, my mentor never gave up, putting me on the path towards an elite existence.
    I felt extremely comfortable with 7be Satanic Bible and Mr. LaVey's perspective on the way of the world The body of thought appeared to me as self-contained and self≠ explanatory-no bullshit, cut and dried.
    I formally renounced Catholicism and its falsehoods. I embraced the philosophy that acknowledged the truth about who I really am. It was not for me to remain mired in the sham that had been foisted on me as a child. The Gods had other plans.
    As I travel my path of awareness, I am certain that the "big lie" will be eradicated. It's long overdue!

Hail Satan!

UST SAY NO! It's the battle cry of the prohibitionist of the latter half of the 20th century. Never has there been such an obvious example of how to reinforce a behavior. The government institutes income (taxes), crime, and social controls through prohibition. This type of prohibition does not work and the government either knows and ignores it, or cannot remember the 1920's 18th Amendment.

     The government has no right or responsibility to prevent any adult of legal age from consuming any drug, no matter what the personal detriment is. This freedom to choose is a natural human right. Drugs, however, should neither be condoned nor advocated, as they are pan of a natural screening

p separating the weak from the strong which greatly contributes to natural selection and population control Overdose, lack of direction, apathy, futlessness, addiction, and all the other wonderful side effects of drugs allow these individuals to be exploited, for by such behavior they are prey.

      Despite the damaging effects of drugs, no rational reason exists for any government to restrict, control, or forbid by force the sale or use of any∑drug, in any way whatsoever.

1be useand sale ofdrugs contrihutes to natwal,sekctwn am!therefore benefitssociety. Marijuana can turn ambition into lazy dreams, cocaine turns life into death. alcohol turns "pillars of the community' into D.U.I. criminals, intravenous drugs can give you AJ.D.S., and all drugs can give you an addiction or compulsion. These truths are widely known and only the weak≠ minded fall victim. However, the strong now suffer for it by paying taxes which, through welfare, support drug buying and which fund the police who fight against drugs. This is now a pan of society-the weak leeches "bleeding" off the power of the strong. Isay "Let them fall; we don't need them!" And after they die, we will all be better off for it and this insanity will stop.

T SEEMS THAT nowadays all you have to do to be in fashion is to visit your nearest feed store. No, I'm not talking groceries, I'm talking animal supplies. How is a woman to catch men's eyes if she's wearing burlap bags? It's simple; one can't. Men just don't get excited over the new fashions of today.

    The clothing industry has the mistaken idea that women should hide their curves instead of showing them off. Actually, it seems that the blame should be placed on today's society; for it is for us to tell the industry what to produce, via our purchases. Unfortunately, the beauty of femininity has been swept under the carpet and forgotten as women have willingly bought the proffered "chic" outfits that have turned them into androgynes.

One example of this new look is the tight spandex pants

subtract from your negatives, as you see fit. For example, if you have knock-out legs, try black, seamed hose for a tantalizing look. Or, on the other hand, if your waist isn't as slim as you'd prefer, adding adark-colored belt will fool the eye. (Dark colors have a slimming effect.)

    So, with a little common sense, the proper clothes and the right lingo (body in this case), doors will once again be opened unto (and for) you, and things will be yours for the asking, just as long as you're asking a man!
    For advanced studies on the art of manipulation, I highly recommend 1be Satanic Witch by Anton Szandor LaVey.


ridiculously large T-shirt or sweatshirt sinfully covering the body down to the knees. What's happened to the waist and hips? Men want to see curves. They don't have them, and thus find a woman's silhouette much to their liking.

    Save your sweats and jeans for cleaning the house and other remedial chores. Put your body to work for you. Men are so primal, it's really quite amazing. Not only does this trait of theirs pay off for us, the feminine, but it's fun as well. You can confirm your self-image by watching their horny little heads turn as you walk past, displaying your "goods."
    So why not get what you can by using the manipulative powers with which you were born? I'm not saying to sell yourself, just use the long-neglected art of body language.

However, you can't use this technique if they can't see your body! Get my point yet? If not, then perhaps it's too late for you. With a little practice, you can re-learn how to be a feminine enchantress, and the results will certainly astound you!

   It's really quite easy once you get the hang of it. Like riding a bike, you don't forget how, you just get rusty. Just think of what men want to see. What do they look at when they look at you? Remember, they're just naughty boys at heart. Now you get it! A V-neck will get more glances (or stares, preferably) than a plain neck line. Instead of pants (which they wear themselves and see on many women every day), a form-fitting skirt will have them drooling. And of course, don't overlook the natural curvature of the woman's leg. Accentuate it with heels at least three inches high. (Sometimes a fetish in itself for men.) You might have to train yourself to walk again, if you're not used to them. Try walking around your house first, until you feel comfortable enough to venture out.

From these basics, you can add to your positives, or







HE PATIENT SAT in a chair behind a small, plain table, clutching a black book and fervently muttering a prayer. An orderly in a white hospital uniform stood against the wall watching the praying man without interest, his arms folded across his chest. Both men put their attention to the door when it opened and a kindly middle-aged man stepped in.

  "Robert, I'm Dr. Howard. How are you feeling today?" inquired the doctor in a soft tone of voice, taking a seat directly across from his patient.
   "I'm feeling fine knowing that I'm saved and going to heaven when I die, how about you?" Robert stared assternly as a judge would stare at a jury.
  "And what is it that you have been saved from?" Dr. Howard began the routine psychological cat-and-mouse game of question/counter-question.


  "What was it you did that was so wrong?" Howard probed with professional interest.
  "It's not a matter of any one thing," began Robert impatiently, "it's the state of sin I was born into, that we were all born into. Everyone is born into a state of sinfulness and are condemned to eternal punishment unless they accept Jesus as their Saviour as I have."
   "So, do I understand it correctly that you are no longer sinful?"
   '"No, I still sin on occasion but I'm forgiven. Christians are not perfect, Dr. Howard, just forgiven."

"Do you sin as much as before?" "The Holy Spirit keeps me from sinning like I used to and leads me to live a more sanctified life."

   "I understand." Howard leaned forward a bit and asked, "Do you know why you are here, Robert?"
   "Yes, I'm imprisoned here for my religious beliefs. I was praying on a public sidewalk and they hauled me away," said Robert.
  "Actually, this isn't a prison, it's a hospital," Howard gently corrected. "The police said that you were blocking the entrance to a women's health clinic. They said that your behavior was irrational when they took you into custody. You refused to

identify yourself and give them your name. It was your mother who saw you on the news and helped us find out who you were."

   "She doesn't understand about saving the children."
   "Could you explain what you mean by that, saving children?"
   "Those women trying to get into the abortuary were going to kill their children, they had to be stopped."
   Howard paused a moment. "You mean the women who were seeking an abortion?"

"Of course."

   "But how is it that they were going to kill their children? They were only a few months pregnant." Dr. Howard was glad that the orderly was nearby; he had heard of these cases being violent.
   "Life begins at conception. A person is a person, no matter how small."
   "Was it this Holy Spirit that led you to save the children?"
   "Yes, just as it was the Devil who led those women to infanticide."
   "Do you believe in the literal existence of the Devil, Robert?"
   "He's very real and active, especially in the lives of the unsaved." Robert's eyebrows raised a bit with that last remark, indicating it was aimed at the doctor.
   "I see. So, the Devil leads all non≠ Christians and the Holy Spirit leads the Christians?" Howard prompted, wanting to learn as much as he could about his patient. Robert didn't reply to the last question but simply sat there and stared, doubting the sincerity of the doctor's concern.
   "Let's go back to what you were talking about before, the thing about sin. Now you say that everyone is lost in sin, is that right?"

"Yes." "I assume this makes God upset." "YOU got it."

   '"Now God created everyone, is that right?"


   "I'm wondering why He created people so sinful."
   "He didn't create them sinful," sighed Robert with exasperation. "He created everyone with free will, with a choice to obey His law or not to obey."
   "I see, then there are perhaps some people who obey God's law and do not sin?"

'"No! 'For all have sinned and come

short of the glory of God!"' Robert waved the black book in the doctor's direction. "It's basic human nature to sin."

   "But doesn't that mean there is no free will? I mean, if we are so naturally sinful."
   "The free will comes in choosing Jesus as one's Saviour or rejecting His redeeming blood."
   "What happens to those who reject Jesus?"
   "They shall be tormented in Hell for ever and ever."
   "What will happen to you when you die?"
   "I shall walk the streets of gold in the celestial city."
   "It must be a really nice place, this celestial city. And you say you'll be there forever?"
   "Doctor, it's either Heaven or Hell, forever, so I suggest you decide quickly because life is very short." Robert stared intently at the doctor.

"What will you do there, for the rest of eternity?" "I shall be with the Lord."

   "Yes, but I'm curious to know what it is that you will do when you are there."
   Robert paused a moment. "Sing His praises and meet all the others who have made it to Heaven."

"For all eternity?"

   "Yes." For a moment it seemed that Robert's self-assurance had faltered.
   "What else is there to do in Heaven?" Howard inquired further.

"Be happy." "Be happy about what?" "Be happy that I'm in Heaven." "What is it about Heaven you think you will find so wonderful? There must be something to do for all that time to keep you interested in staying there."

   "It's a perfect place where there is no suffering, no pain, nothing unpleasant."
   "Do you think that you will get bored? After all, eternity is a very long time. When trillions and trillions of years have passed you still have the rest of eternity ahead of you. Do you think people will lose their enthusiasm for hymn-singing and walking streets of gold after awhile?"
   There was an awkward silence while Robert thought through his next response and Dr. Howard wondered if his remark

would be misinterpreted as callous ridicule. Then Robert took up his position. "You underestimate God's all-powerfuln He can do anything, you know. He can certainly make eternity interesting."

   "Ah, I see. Robert, before I leave I'd like to conduct a short test. It won't take long."


   "Now I'm going to say a series of words and I want you to say the first thing that comes into your mind when I do."

"Free association."

   "That's right. Free association, let's begin, okay?"

"All right." "Father." "Head of household." "Mother." "Turkey dinner at Christmas." "Sister." "Virgin Mary." "Blood." "Communion." "Sin." "Sacrifice." "Police." "Persecution." "Revenge." "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord!" "T.V." "Trash." "Sex." "Procreation." "Woman." "Pregnant." "Theater." "PG 13." "Sex education." "Temptation." "Homosexuality." "God's wrath." "The Devil." "At work everywhere." "Okay, Robert, that will do for today, thank you. We'll talk more tomorrow." "Not if Jesus comes before then."

   Howard smiled and said, "Well, if He doesn't come we'll talk."
  The orderly led the patient down the hall while Dr. Howard returned to his offic.e to type up his report. He would have to refer this case to his colleague Dr. Travis who was the local expert in religious hysteria.
   Assessment of initial session with patient Robert Landers:

Subject appears to be suffering from .•:Ute religious hysteria brought on by '

probable guilt feelinp in combination with involvement in apocalyptic Christianity. Patient appears to have low self-esteem and little esteem for others, having stated that he and everyone else is "sinful." Tolerance and ability to interact positively with others is questionable, patient insists his god Jesus is the only way to avoid eternal torment. Aside from trespassing charges in connection with his blockade of a women's health clinic there seems to be no other indication of any propensity towards criminality at this point, however, certain key words emerged during a free association test which may be cause for alarm. Patient is possibly involved in some sort of Christian cult activity. Free association test: Prompt word: Sin.

   Patient response: Sacrifice-Due to the fact that the patient adheres to a faith based on the bloody sacrifice of its own God it is difficult to predict what importance sacrifice plays in his daily faith. This area should certainly be investigated further.

Prompt word: Blood.

   Patient response: Communion≠ Possible points to an involvement in blood≠ drinking rituals.

Prompt word: Police.

   Patient response: Persecution-Patient may have difficulty dealing with authority figures.

Prompt word: Devil. Patient response : At work everywhere -further indication of paranoia. Prompt words: Revenge, Homosexuality

   Patient response: Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord/Wrath of God (respectively}-possible anti-social behavior.

Promptwords:Mother,Sister,Woman. Patient response: Turkey dinner at Christmas, Virgin Mary, Pregnant (respectively}-Patient possibly possesses an idealized image of womanhood and a limited view of female capabilities. This may cause a reaction of hostility toward those women who do not fulfill what he feels are traditional, acceptable feminine roles. Prompt word: Sex, TV, Theater. Patient response: Procreation, trash, PG 13 (respectively}-Possible indication that subject is sexually repressed which may augment existing aggressions.

   I recommend that Robert Landers be retained in hospital custody for further observation.

Having finished his report Dr. Howard stuffed it in his outgoing bin. Five o'clock,

time to head home. On his way out the building he met up with Dr.Travis for whom he had been making the very same report. As usual, their conversation was work-related.

   "Jack! Glad I caught up you on the way out. I've got a new case that I'm referring to your ward seven department. He'll come your way after I've made some follow-up tests. What would be your recommendation for treatment of a patient with religious hysteria?"
   "What's the behavior pattern like?" asked Travis.
   "Definitely anti-abortion fundamentalist type. Possibly involved in something deeper, maybe Christian cult crime-blood drinking, sacrifice, etc."
   "Was he wearing a cross around his neck?" asked Travis.

"Yeah." "Talk a lot about sin and the Devil?" "Yeah." "Sexually repressed?" "Probably."

   "Yeah, we still get a few of those cases now and then; usually there's an increase when the economy is bad. Back in the twentieth c.entury they really posed a problem, committing acts of terrorism and conducting huge harassment campaigns against non-believers. When the government shifted hands it was finally stopped."
   "I've always meant to ask you and I keep forgetting," began Howard, "why do they call it ward seven? Seven is out of sequence with the rest of the wards in that building."
   Travis chuckled. "Well, it began as a joke. Seven is a sacred number to most

apocalyptic Christian cults. Originally it was called Ward m when the program was founded; they later dropped the last two sevens."

   "Oh, okay." Howard gave a short chuckle. "Would you recommend drug therapy for these patients?"
   "No. Absolutely not, it only makes them hallucinate and see Jesus, hear voices from God and that sort of thing. It's very difficult to treat them for religious hysteria when they are continually hearing voices from above."

"Thank you. See you tomorrow." "Good day."

   The two men parted company, Dr. Howard walking the mile-and-a-half to his home. In the distance were visible the huge skyscrapers of the inner city. Nearby on the left stood the old church, its dark shape

towering over the surrounding residences. Children were playing in the churchyard.


/F - fl I . .∑.; .! -- ---

Howard wished he had his camera.

   "What a nice picture that would make,,. thought Howard. l1te happy spontaneous play of the children, towering above them the black gothic.wallsand spires of the local church, the stained-glas.s Baphomet reflected in the setting sun, and the pitchforks thrusting skyward from the tops of those dark spires had long ago replaced those obscene cr<meS. To think of it! l1te church that had once cast a menacing shadow over the future and freedom of the young and innocent now cast a protective one, ensuring the continuation of a well-ordered society where religion was no longer a valid excuse for the mentally ill.




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