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Tin Foil Hat w/ Sam Tripoli Ep. 29: Lucien Greaves and The Satanic Temple
2017 17:00
Welcome to a very special "Bonus" episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli! This episode, Ryan and Sam, welcome from the Satanic Temple, Lucien Greaves. Today we discuss.... 1) Perception of people who's views are outside of societal norms 2) Separation of Church and State 3)Civil Protest 4)Sam's inability to remember the term "smear campaign" 5) What the temple actually stand for 6) We read you iTunes comments



Unknown Speaker 0:04 Welcome back to another episode of tinfoil hat into the waters of conspiracy with Sam Tripoli Tripoli Mr. Sam Tripoli with my friend Ryan Davis. Hi Ryan. We're like you're in a couple of conspiracy theories beautiful dark realms crazy shit their dog Oh, what are you guys talking about? Are you ready to get your mind podcast Welcome to another episode of tin foil hat. I am your host Sam Tripoli. Thank you guys tune in Joining me as always my partner in crime. Ryan Davis everybody. Oil Sam, good to see you.

Unknown Speaker 1:15 Good to see you got an action packed show. Thank you guys so much for all the kind words on the last couple episodes we had are by far our best week last week, the numbers exploded. And it's all because of you guys. I appreciate you guys. No matter how crazy and deep we go. You guys join us now a couple things we want to get into again, our Twitter handle is tin foil hat podcast, the handle is Mad Hatter. 39 years join us you can see it up on the screen. If you're watching on YouTube. We have a couple other things going on here. We want to take Oh, join the Reddit. Also, the Reddit is tinfoil hat show on Reddit. Join it. We post all the episodes there. And you can have a community to talk about all the craziness going on. And good news. Very exciting news T shirts will be ready. Next week. We got a couple of them coming out. I think you'll be very excited about them. We have two coming out. And then we have two more that we're getting ready to release on you guys. And so thank you for all the support. I can't tell you how much I love doing this show. I look forward to Monday every week to hang out with Ryan and get this thing going. And it's just been getting better and better. You know what I love that you guys we can't shock you all as crazy as we go you guys stick with us because you guys love our smart talk. You love food for thoughts. And we're just gonna keep trying to put better stuff now a lot of you guys are sending me guess we got to get you want, hey, we want this guy's Hey, interview this guest we'd love to interview them. Okay, but what we need you to do, because I'm slammed busy. We're just trying to create empires here. We need you to email us our email is

Unknown Speaker 2:59 tinfoil hat. pod@gmail.com.

Unknown Speaker 3:02 Now Ryan is in charge of that Ryan is going to be the guy that kind of decides on who we get on the show. And well, you know, he's I trust him on that. So I've let him kind of take that over. So your sales pitch will be the Ryan, ask Ryan, who you want. We're down with anybody man. We're down with anything. We have so many podcasts coming out. We got great guests about to come on. We're gonna bring him on two seconds. And you know while I interview everybody if we think it brings love and peace and understanding to the world

Unknown Speaker 3:31 totally and Dunbar them on Twitter, too. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 3:33 want somebody we want to do it hit him up. That's how we've gotten some of our best guests. And everybody loves Aaron. Aaron. Are you excited for a new crazy episode? Always. Aaron, I feel like we're just opening your mind to everything. And I'm super excited. You guys are joining us here. Our guests they following up on our black son episode. This one we got Edie was just out. So this one is our next one. We're super excited about this. Joining us he is a I see the founding member or is he the man who founded it was is he he's a huge part of it. I listened to him on the Duncan Trussell podcast a couple times. He was awesome. I'm excited to have him here. Please welcome Lucian grieves everybody. Loosen Ryan my day say it right? You did? Yes. Welcome, man. Thanks for coming on. I'm super excited about it. I love what you're doing. Welcome to tinfoil hat, my friend.

Unknown Speaker 4:31 tinfoil hat. Why is it called tinfoil hat? I legitimately have people wear tinfoil hats write things about me on the internet quite a bit

Unknown Speaker 4:39 really interesting. Well, we're kinda like NWA. We're trying to take it back. You know, we're trying to take the word back. We think it adds a bad negative connotation. And for some reason, people like it, it's been growing and you know, we're just taking back our name people won't cause conspiracy theorists people won't call us. The lovable lunatics but at the end of Today we're just trying to explore the world and all the characters, you know, all the different ingredients of the stew that's, that makes our life in our world around us.

Unknown Speaker 5:11 The tinfoil hat is more your style sense and then a way of life. Yeah, sir. You know,

Unknown Speaker 5:16 man, it's very interesting. It's, it's for about just like, Hey, dude, you're coming here for some stuff that might scare the sheeple may scare the people. But if you're willing to take a moment, listen to it. You know, you might learn something. And that's really what this podcast for me is about. And that's why, you know, Ryan jumped on is like, it's really just an exploration of the world.

Unknown Speaker 5:38 What about, what about that ignorant fucking slob? Alex Jones?

Unknown Speaker 5:42 Okay, that's I, you know, dude, we've talked about before I've said it before, I think he's a shill. I think what he's doing right now, at some point, somebody got to him, okay. And they basically flipped them a little bit, he has to play a little bit, he has to put out these stories. I think he gets fed to by the bigger guy, you know, the CIA to Deep State, whatever. And then he goes out anytime when he started talking about Islamic jihadist, that's why I knew we'd lost him. He wasn't, he wasn't really doing what we're doing anymore. And I don't necessarily agree with a lot of stuff. He says, and, you know, again, we're just simply people who are just exploring the world. I, this shows about five months old, if you would have said five months ago that I was going to be interviewing someone like you, I would be like, you're fucking crazy. But I'm so excited to hear about your world and what you're into. And it just like, I think if people come with us on this journey, they want to hear all the different types of people in the world. You know, I'm just more into, what's the official story? What's really going on? That's what I'm into.

Unknown Speaker 6:47 I understand that reasonable skepticism. That's a good thing. I wouldn't say I'm a skeptic, Sandy Hook, truth is abusing parents who lost their children. That's when that's when I'm out.

Unknown Speaker 6:59 I get it. But and Aaron, our resident dissidents, he totally grieves you. But I would tell you this, it's like, I'm this show, someone asked me today they go, what percentage of the conspiracies? Do you think on your show that you've done are true? And that's a really great question. I didn't have a lot of time figure. I think a lot of them are true, I would interview somebody about Sandy Hook. And I'll tell you why. Because I just want to hear what their perspective is. And just like someone would look at you and go your whack job, or you're a crazy person, which I don't think you are at all, it would be very ignorant for me just to shut it down and not hear any other side of the coin. Now, am I gonna say it's real or not? I'd have to hear all the information, which is the same reason I want to have you on it, because I want to hear what you have to say, after our episode of Black Sun. I really started open my mind to the whole Luciferian Satanic and all that stuff. And it was there like a smear job. We'll get into that later. So I would hear you know, false flags are its own thing. And that is a real thing. And there's a history of false flags, to get people to want to take certain actions and give up personal freedoms in order to protect their freedom. So, you know, in terms of Sandy Hook, that's a different episode. That's way down the line. And we're not really getting into that, which I'm fine with it. We can, but I'd like to learn more about you and your thoughts and what you're doing out there. And, and when I consider the the good work that you're doing, but you know, I mean, we're talking about anything. I didn't

Unknown Speaker 8:28 mean to interview you, dude.

Unknown Speaker 8:31 Dude, this thing is loosey goosey homeboy, we go wherever we want, we might end up talking about phallic symbols in Disney films, if you want to, like I don't, I'm really open to anything. This is like a free form thing I thought. And the people who listened to it, I think they're really open to what you have to say and what everybody has to say. And I would even interview Alex Jones. And I would tell him, I don't think he's aboveboard. I mean, the guy's built an empire, Empire. And sometimes with law money, you lose a little bit of that freedom. And who knows what happened? Who knows what happened? Maybe they got to him and threatened some people and now he has to play the ball. I don't know that. But I would love the interview. Just like I'd like to interview you. And let's get into your whole stuff here, man. Real quick. How long have you okay, the Satanic Temple? Is that different than the Church of Satan?

Unknown Speaker 9:20 Yeah, it's very distinctly different from the Church of Satan. We've been around about five years and we're the ones you always hear about in the news were the ones who've done the after school program were the ones who are doing the invocations before city council meetings where they typically have Christian prayer. We're the ones with the bathroom at monument that we manufacture to put alongside 10 commandments, monuments on state capitol grounds where they claim they've created a limited open forum where anybody can probably donate a monument but then they shut it down, of course, when they gets to be all together too much to actually respect free speech. So we're the ones you hear about in all those cases. The Church of Satan claims the legacy of Anton obey who wrote the satanic Bible in the 1960s That's not the manuscript we work off of. We harken back to the Miltonic Satan of Paradise Lost in the literary Romantic movement of the 19th century where you had Shelly Blake, by Lord Byron writing these kinds of satanic narratives as a kind of new, cultural mythic backdrop to explain the changes in the world though the pluralism, the diversity in the idea that there's that we need to reconcile ourselves to enlightenment values in the modern world and love it. And even though we're atheistic, we view that kind of mythic backdrop as being very important to culture to the world to our sense of cultural identity.

Unknown Speaker 10:42 I am loving everything. So like five years ago, were you were you into the Church of Satan and thought, Man, that that glass Dude, that's an awesome glass it says class of six six, thanks. You

Unknown Speaker 10:55 know, the Satanic Temple. I got great merch.

Unknown Speaker 10:58 Great merch, your merch guys amazing. Ah, so five years ago, you decided to break off start your own? Like, how did it get started?

Unknown Speaker 11:08 Well, actually, I never, I never envisioned this for myself. I could literally be doing anything else. And it would be probably more lucrative and less taxing, but but not as fulfilling. And but I have a long background of investigating Satanic Panic narratives, these ideas that came forward in the 80s and 90s that satanic cults were murdering children who had mobile crematoriums hiding backwards messages and heavy metal music using Dungeons and Dragons to indoctrinate kids into drugs, homosexuality, and ultimately cannibalism and murder and cruelty and some other kinds of whatever world dominating bots of mind controller or whatever else, yes, I'm in. So I knew that a lot of people suffered accusations of Satanism people who had no attachment to Satanism whatsoever. However,

Unknown Speaker 12:02 eyeliners like, you know, people be accused of being a witch and being a demonic being just simply because they didn't fit in or just want to follow the, the herd, you know, and just want to do their own thing.

Unknown Speaker 12:15 scapegoats. Right, and it's a very dangerous position to be in self identifying as a Satanism in the wrong, wrong time and wrong place. And you never know when that those moral panics will rise again. So I wouldn't have thrown myself into this without a whole lot of thought. But I met a friend of mine in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who wanted to work on a film and he knew about my expertise in Satanism. And he wanted to put together a film where the idea was something I had thought should be done the name of Satanism for a long time. If Satan's seeing this, we're asking for inclusion in the public forums asking for the same rights and privileges that are afforded any other religious voice in the name of religious freedom, and then see how possibly disingenuous these claims of fighting for religious freedom actually were by organizations like the Liberty Council, we keep trying to open those doors, right? If we walk in, do they shut the door? Or do they accept religious liberty for what it actually is? So I

Unknown Speaker 13:16 love that, by the way, I love what you're doing with them. We'll get into that. But yeah, keep going. I love it. I love it. So

Unknown Speaker 13:21 at the beginning, we viewed it as a limited project. And I had hoped I could keep my face out of it, my actual identity out of it. And we could put forward this idea

Unknown Speaker 13:32 so the Skype interview isn't go isn't your your, your optimal interviews. Now you're saying right now. So like, the fact that you're on camera as a little makes you a little nervous?

Unknown Speaker 13:43 Oh, not anymore. I've been on quite a bit since then. And it was really an initiation by fire because once the bathroom at Monument became a thing, I started doing all kinds of media, so I needed to straighten up and get used to it rather quick. It's still not, it's still not my thing, you know, being being the the focus of the face off. Yeah. And it's been speculated that I do it better because I'm reticent to do it. That if we were to have somebody who was hungry for the camera that might compromise the integrity of the organization, is because we obviously need to manage our media very carefully given people's assumptions of what we we are. In any case, we thought we would do this limited project, in that we kind of get the idea out there in the Satanic Temple would operate more like anonymous, where people would other other groups would come up other regional groups and they could go under the banner of the Satanic Temple, they could be autonomous. They could build their own culture of what that means and they could fight these battles in a similar way. They could be inspired to take this kind of Satanic Temple banner and do whatever they wanted to.

Unknown Speaker 14:55 What are the numbers like, is there like a large eyes within them? Erica, is there a large group? Are you, you know, you always hear like there's a billion Muslims, there's a billion Catholics or Christians, there's 30 Jews, you know, there's like this crazy number that they put out like there's only like 10 million Jews in the world or, you know is, is there any guestimation? Of how many? Satanic it now? Are you Luciferians? Are you saying satanic worshipers would

Unknown Speaker 15:26 receive this? So we're not mystic Satanists. We don't believe in a personal Satan. But there's about 100,000 of us registered through our site. We don't charge a membership fee. We don't think it's a good idea to charge people for religious affiliation. But my understanding is that that 100,000 even worldwide, puts us in some significant category. If, if the poles start coming around and start acknowledging people self identifying as Satanists. And if you look at the remarkable strides we've made in five years, I think that time is very,

Unknown Speaker 16:01 it's amazing. It's amazing. Now what? What's the average? How would you describe the average? Satanist? Have you had that? Like, someone asked you like I you know, we had Lee camp on we were like, Lee, what's the average lead camp? You know, fan looks at he's like, a 55 year old white woman, but what what's the would you describe the actual like, Satanist, because when we think of Satanists, what do we think of? We think God, you know, white makeup, you know, anti social, that stuff is who is your average sameness?

Unknown Speaker 16:36 I think the demographics have shifted already a few times as we've gone through this. In the beginning, it was a lot of that the GOP heavy metal crowd 18 to 25 year old white male, in they were signing on with that kind of kind of aesthetic, an idea in mind, they wanted that kind of that kind of culture, that kind of look, as we've done what we're doing. It's somewhat shifted and in the, the first demographic shift was very apparent when when we did what we call the pink mass, and that was when we did a protest against a counter protest against the Westboro Baptist Church at the grave of the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, his mother, where we

Unknown Speaker 17:21 will get more Yeah, I love that. I love that chaos. I love how many

Unknown Speaker 17:26 dropping my testicles on our grave and declaring her lesbian in the afterlife.

Unknown Speaker 17:31 Do you have us long balls like you have to have long balls to be able to? To teabag a grave? Like because I don't have big balls? I mean, I'm on a podcast with a guy named Ari Shaffir and he has like a planet size knots with a little moon not by it. And I could see him do I couldn't do that I would have to have hump the the the actual grave itself. So how did you teabag this? I don't know if you've ever been asked that. But

Unknown Speaker 18:02 it's not for me to comment on the quality of my balls. Okay, I

Unknown Speaker 18:05 respect that.

Unknown Speaker 18:06 I respect that choice online though.

Unknown Speaker 18:08 Okay. All right. I like that. I like that. So um, are there around the world? Is it is Satanism, mostly a, an American thing a westernized thing? Is there Satanism? All over the place? And I have after you answer that,

Unknown Speaker 18:26 I got a question I have to ask I envision there being a Germany chapter for sure. Is there Germany

Unknown Speaker 18:31 chapter?

Unknown Speaker 18:32 Yeah, Germans have reached out a few times talking about the potential of setting up a chapter France became very interested in I think it was because that they did something on on a television show where they were talking about is every so often we see a spike in activity in some country and find out that somebody ran a feature story about somebody else to us some, perhaps some sister publication of American publication that just takes an article and translates it or whatever else. We have a lot of action in, in as far as places that you wouldn't think, you know, non Christian nations so that we get a more activity of Turkey than you would think. And I'm not sure why

Unknown Speaker 19:15 that is interesting. Do you think it has a correlation with Christian or religious fundamentalism? Like the you know, cuz like, there's parts of America, where you drive through and they have giant crosses still up? You know, church channels are one of the regular channels you go through. Do you think that because American America, America was, you know, established by Christian fundamentalism, which was they trying to escape Europe to start a more a utopia for Christians over here? Do you think that has a direct correlation to that Satanism seems to have more of a base in America?

Unknown Speaker 19:56 Satanism does seem to appeal more to people who see the problem of the evangelical nationalism and those encroachments of Christian theocracy. But that said, We also do have some certain appeal to ex Muslims or other religious dissidents, or even at times, some people supplement their religious identity with the Satanic Temple of Satanism, meaning you do have at least some people who identify as Muslim Satanists, and this is, this is completely perplexing to a lot of people, usually people who don't understand the idea of non theistic religion to begin with, but some people hold to their, their cultural identity along with the religion, and not the actual beliefs themselves. And they, they hold it a holidays, they hold to the ritual structure, they still want to belong to that community. And I think in the future, we're going to see a lot more of that. And I think that's something we kind of argued for by arguing for the recognition of non theistic religion, I think we'll be better off when people realize they don't need to hold on to bizarre superstitious beliefs that are intellectually insulting, and that they probably at some level, don't actually believe in at all, to still maintain their sense of ethical values and the sense of community they have with people. I think when people are more comfortable identifying as non theistic Christians, non theistic Muslims, or whatever else will be in a better world will be in a better place. And then people can start talking about how we reconcile our differing values based on where the empirical evidence lies. When

Unknown Speaker 21:29 I was researching this, the origins of the word bafflement, is it true that it comes from the word Muhammad?

Unknown Speaker 21:36 Yeah, that's the strongest theory that the scholars have, I don't think that's, that's ever something that can be 100% resolved. But the idea is that during the Crusades, the Muslims were the enemy, the Muslims are Satan in Mahamat was was, was the word for Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, and Mr. guys didn't back from that, but later on.

Unknown Speaker 22:00 So So, as we talked a little earlier, Church of Satan and a satanic are not the same thing. Do they get along? Or is it like Biggie Smalls and Tupac? There's the East Coast, West Coast, kind of bat disagreement going on here?

Unknown Speaker 22:15 Well, apparently, there's some kind of disagreement that they don't agree that anybody but them are truly Satanists. And that there's no actual authentic Satanism that exists outside of the church of Satan. We're happy to have them do what they do we acknowledge that we don't agree with them philosophically on certain issues, we have no need to try and run about trying to D authenticate them or discredit them in whatever way that said they they seem to make a mission of trying to do that to us. And it seems like the entirety of their activity now is pursuing journalists write about us and trying to tell them on online publicly that we're, we're not real that they've been conned or whatever else. So it's actually rather infantile. We try to remove ourselves from it. I retract that it's a little small, but we do have to defend ourselves occasionally from either.

Unknown Speaker 23:07 Yeah, totally get Pon comparing your guys belief systems, I noticed the one thing you guys do have in common is you do not harm children. Like that's in the Church of Satan in one of their principles. And it's I believe, encompassed basically and you guys tenants, and I find that at least you guys meet on common ground there.

Unknown Speaker 23:24 We're gonna get into some of this tenant stuff too, because we kind of went through and I, I agree with all of them. But I want the reason I want to have you on is because there I think there's a giant misconception of Satanism at quick what is Satan, Lucifer, same thing.

Unknown Speaker 23:44 Yes, I mean, you have these people saying that Satan is not Lucifer. And you'll get these, these priggish kind of cosplayed Dungeons and Dragons, players who split hairs and claim that these are distinct entities or whatever else. And if you look at the kind of literary progression of the idea of Satan becoming Lucifer and Lucifer being with us, Satan, I understand the etymology of Satan and Satanism, I understand the etymology of Lucifer. I understand that in the Bible, the Satan was referred to is was a catch all term for adversary, but as this kind of literary progression went on, Lucifer became the Satan. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 24:26 because we we just did a a big thing on the black sun and how the, you know, there's the whites and the blacks on and that you know, there's this whole theory that you know, the anti christ what is the I, you know, you broke it down on the last episode or two episodes ago, where you broke down, Ryan, that, you know, what's the opposite of a man is a woman, what's the opposite of God is Earth and is Lucifer. Is it possible that Lucifer is the divine feminine and the woman?

Unknown Speaker 24:57 Depends on who you're asking. It depends on what later sure you're reading, I mean, this, this ultimately comes down to a type of literary analysis, which is what theology always is. And, you know, we go back to the Miltonic Satan this was a rather male centric but, of course, there is a strong thread of satanic feminism when you have Mary Shelley and her mother Mary wounds cropped. And in the these were people who fought very much for feminism back when that was, that was a serious battle to be had and women couldn't vote and weren't treated as equals in any in any way. And I like to kind of reclaim these values of early modern Satanism for Satanism, because we see as time goes on the rights revolution, the history of it becomes rewritten to appease this idea of Christian moral dominance. You get this idea that Christians were always right, when it comes to issues related to slavery. Pretty soon there'll be saying that they were the champions of gay rights and gay rights wouldn't have been a thing if it weren't for whatever, a few Christian Church at a given time, or that the enlightenment itself happened because of Christian values. This simply isn't true. We've been held back by these archaic notions and we should recognize that where it's true credit where credit's due but let's realize that enlightenment values go to Satan, you know,

Unknown Speaker 26:21 a big theme on a you know, the Duncan Trussell podcast episode you did you know, is that there? You know, who this notion that you know, Satanists are evil, they're blah they're killing they're doing this and yeah, you budget take a look at like, the big three religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and they're the ones dropping bombs. They're the ones you know, dropping bombs on children and and killing in essence, you know, we hear like, you know, all we got, they treat women like shit in you know, in the Middle East, and they they treat children badly treat gays bad, but you know, here we have a plea, Christian country, and we just dropped bombs, like who do you think were killed over there? We're killing women. We're killing children, we're killing the gays. You know, it just like, it's such an interesting thing. When I grew up, you know, what was Satan Satan was drugs, sex and rock and roll. And I never really understood why that was such a bad thing. I was like, You know what I like all those stuff. And like, not only see the devil, quote, unquote, the devil isn't in music, guess what? music sucks? Now, you know, it's like, it's not even that great. Is that? Is there a misconception? Do you think about both the Church of Satan? Or the excuse me, the Satanic Temple? Is there a misconception? Or what is the biggest misconception? You think about your organization?

Unknown Speaker 27:45 Well, I think typically when people ask that they expect me to talk about the idea of ritual sacrifice and those types of things. But I think that's to be expected in people then ask, Well, then why do you why do you use the name Satanism as though it doesn't mean anything to us? And we could just call it something else to appease other people. And I have a real problem with that, because I feel like there is a value and getting people to question their knee jerk reaction against the idea of say, 100%, man, yeah, because if you don't you're you're you're also upholding this idea of Christian moral supremacy that they've always been on the right side of moral values. And in many of the things that were Satan is throughout history, I feel fall well within the rights revolution, and well within, as I've been saying, enlightenment values, so shaking people up and getting them to recognize what people actually believe and judge them for what they actually do. I think that's a very good thing. And that goes well beyond just shaking people up for no reason. But if the question is, what are weird things people believe about us still, I think if we're in the in the rational world in we set aside the people who feel that we're sacrificing babies, or we're mind controlling people or whatever else, you still have people who think that we're doing this all is a big prank, that that Satanism means something to us and that it's purely a political ploy. And I have to tell you that we could not have put the work in that we've done in these past five years for something like that. is funny as it may look on the outside, there's a lot of a lot of stress, a lot of pressure and a lot of work that comes with any of this and it's never, it's never a safe thing to go to war against as the Zealots in the theocrats, the threat some of our local chapters receive people who are affiliated with us, anybody who ends up getting any type of press time, just the knowledge that you could go into a certain job and this is this is never going to leave my record. This is never going to leave the record of people who've stood with us publicly before it this is going to have repercussions on their entire lives in we can only hope that the more of us come forward and identify the way we do the more people start thinking about it differently. But nobody's taking it lightly in This certainly isn't a prank. And, and we genuinely do. Treat this as is our religious deeply held beliefs? This is something that means something to us. And at the end of the day, the journalists are gone. Nobody's talking to us. We're alone in our homes. We're still Satanists. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 30:11 And I respect that as, as a conspiracy theorist. I do understand what you're going through. And I know it sounds crazy, but like even your reaction to the name of the show. And just like I'd done a couple of my friends podcast, really big podcast and some of the blowback I got from that one from just simply answering the answering the questions that were asked of me and that the knee jerk reaction because I, you know, I'll go to a comedy club, and people will run up to me and ask me, what what do you believe in this and I go, I'll talk anything, I'll listen, anything, I'll hear what the what the data says. What the opinions are, what, you know, the the narrative of the story being told by the person I'm interviewing, and like, when I just said, What, uh, you know, some of the comic club, like, you know, like, if there's a chance Lucifers a woman, the look on this comics face, just sphere, and they literally just walked right off. And I was like, Okay, I mean, like, you're close minded to this, this, this narrative, just, it's really sad that you're not open minded to all the different flavors in the world. And just like, and what is actually being done and what is the, the, the, what's the word, I'm looking for the, the, not the backlash, but just the, okay, what I'm saying is, this is like the church of say that the Satanic Temple, and like, the kind of the bad vibes been thrown to, or the feelings towards it is built in been done over years and years and years. And even though it's, it's your five year old, you know, organization, just what you've walked into is never really easy. And it's like, because people are just misinformed. They're not they have no clue what you guys really stand for. And they don't even want to listen to it, because people would rather be right than do right. And I think that's a big problem that people are so set in their ways, and how they think that they just can't fucking you know, what, Aaron, pounding the point is, like, you know, you got to be open minded to this shit. And I just,

Unknown Speaker 32:18 I think subtlety is for us to express that we're coming in to inform people about something they were misinformed about. Not just coming in exploiting something they were misinformed about merely to kick them in the teeth.

Unknown Speaker 32:31 Yes. And you know, the smear the word, the phrase as like a smear campaign. I want to get into this. The your mission statement on your Wikipedia page is the mission of the Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people reject tyranny, authority, teracle, authority, advocate, advocate practical, common sense and justice, and to be direct, directed by the human consciousness to undertake noble pursuits guided by all the individual Well, what does that mean? What does that mean to you?

Unknown Speaker 33:06 Well, I think I'm, I'm living that now. I feel I am following my higher calling for lack of a better term, I feel like I'm doing something that's going to have a lasting effect upon the world. And I think you read our tenants you read our mission statement. I think a lot of people assume well, there's nothing to, to object to hear you hear that from a lot of people, how could you actually read this object to it? What's funny is, we have seen very dogmatic Christian or Catholic publications, analyze these writings and take issue with them. They look at the seven tenants and they talk about how they are directly contrary to the Word of God, how they kind of endorsed this rationalist materialism that takes away superstition I don't know I guess they would use a different word faith or whatever else but but they find great faults with these the seven tenants and they will be happy to tell you how and why these are indeed very satanic values, even to them. And I think it will show how corrupted some of the

Unknown Speaker 34:12 100% it is the corruption you know, Bill burrs got a great bit about like, you know, it's like believing in either Scientology or believing in like any religion and you have like a man a man who farts and you know, you know lies to people to get away with stuff telling you the divine message of a higher being is is almost laughable. Let's get into the seven fundamental tenets you want to read these, Ryan and then you could explain them as

Unknown Speaker 34:42 an interesting idea though. All right. What kind of havoc would a video just a video of the Pope taking a shit? How much havoc would that wreak upon the Catholic community you think they could let

Unknown Speaker 34:54 like he's human he's human. He he probably like BS his people just because he doesn't want deal with some weird kind of thing that's going on. You know, it's like how many times you you lied to your girlfriend not because you were trying to be evil, you just might deal with the emotional like dump that's gonna happen from your girlfriend. And in that moment you love her. You're not trying to be an asshole used to want to deal with it right now. I'm sure the Pope does that, too. He's got like some guy there. He's like, the guy's annoying. And he's just like, Yeah, whatever. I don't care what lies to him. Like, how you did divine guys got

Unknown Speaker 35:26 smoked, or boy. And he's saying to the other altar, boy, I know. It's not a thing. We're good.

Unknown Speaker 35:30 We'll do the Lord's work. We're doing the Lord's work, which I won't get into that real quick. But I won't read these tenets. And you know, because I agree with a lot. So Ryan, why don't you go for

Unknown Speaker 35:40 Yeah, when I was telling Sam about this episode. I mean, his initial reaction was like, like, just like, when you hear the word satan, you're like, I don't know about that. Like, I bet I guarantee you're gonna read the seven tenets, and you'd be like, I think I might be a Satanist. Okay, let's

Unknown Speaker 35:54 so real quick.

Unknown Speaker 35:56 The one thing that really stood out to me is you guys talk about compassion, wisdom and justice. If I was to read that in any other religion, I think I would keep an open ear. So that's why I try to like lead with that one. So there's seven tenants, the fundamental tenants, one should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.

Unknown Speaker 36:17 I think we could all agree in that. Hey, Midwestern. Aaron, do you agree with that? Sure. Yeah. Right. We all agree on this one,

Unknown Speaker 36:25 I'm not from St. Louis.

Unknown Speaker 36:26 Well, like all religions, though, there's going to be disputes over the the nuances of what what within reason means, you know, what the limits of self defense are, whether it's okay to kill animals for food. Those are still open discussions, of course, but so long as you're striving to act with with compassion,

Unknown Speaker 36:48 right. I think at the end of the day, its intent was your intent to slaughter an animal to eat there. There's that's his, that's his primal as it gets. That's his mother nature as a gift. You see that even within the animal kingdom, whether they're not worried about a religion or anything like that they eat to survive. That's, I find that you know, trophy hunting, when you see like Donald Trump Jr. with a smug ass sweaty face with a bow, you know, a bow gun or, you know, standing next to this beautiful animal that was like corralled into a corner so he could shoot it. It's like, that's, that's totally different. Totally right. That's

Unknown Speaker 37:23 disgusting. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 37:24 it's ridiculous. Okay, what's the next one?

Unknown Speaker 37:26 So the struggle for justice is an ongoing, unnecessary pursuit that should prevail over all laws and institutions.

Unknown Speaker 37:35 And I think that's what you see us doing. We know what the laws are. And we know when we disagree with the laws, or we know when we can leverage the law in our favor. And we're fighting to create a landscape that is respecting of pluralism and diversity and actual religious liberty. So we are, we have values that we feel Trump laws and institutions and we're fighting to gain recognition for those values. I

Unknown Speaker 38:02 you know, that's a great, that's a great tenant, that could be applied to this past election, when there were people who are like the DNC not to get too political, because I'm not in either party. But when the DNC is like, favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, and everyone's like, they didn't break the law, but they broke the spirit of the law. You know, what I'm saying there, they broke the agreement that they have that they wouldn't get into it, did they break a technical law, and people get too hooked on laws, like law laws, you know, you got to take a look at who wrote the law, who benefits from the law. It's like drugs like my friends, like, you know, this was like, eight years ago or so he's like, if if weed was legal, I would smoke it. I go, Well, what is that because some people in a foreign of a faraway land told you can't do it, you know, you don't have enough common sense to realize that this law is stupid. And it doesn't make sense like when they had like separate entrances for blacks, the whites fountains that you realize like now that's, that was so stupid, it was a law doesn't mean it was right. So true.

Unknown Speaker 39:11 Right, exactly. And you'll never you'll never reform those laws if you don't recognize that they're unjust to begin with

Unknown Speaker 39:17 100%. Next

Unknown Speaker 39:18 one, one's body isn't viable, subject to one's own will alone.

Unknown Speaker 39:24 I like this one,

Unknown Speaker 39:26 just one is very important to our litigation efforts. This one is what we hinge our protect children project upon in the Protect Children project is the Satanic Temple offering First Amendment protection against children who are in schools that allow corporal punishment punitive beatings against kids who are misbehaving. We're saying that our religion is such that punitive beatings are an infringement upon our religious beliefs. And if a child their parents believe in that we have an exemption form that they can turn into school district says they're exempt from being beaten by school administration, you'd be surprised how big a problem this is. If you set your alerts and start looking at it, you'll see kids getting bruised and beaten up by school administrators we've put up us. Oh, yeah, we put up a, we put up a billboard for our protect children project in a area in Texas. springtown, where they had a case where a male administrator had beat a couple of teenage girls, so it looked like they had burned welts on their asses. And these were teenage girls. So there may have been a sexual component involved. Yeah, it it was it was against their own policy to allow a male to beat any of this female students anyway. But instead of taking any punitive measures against him, the guy who did this beating, they changed the rules and retro actively applied it they said, Okay, you know, anybody can be beat somebody. But this tenant is also what is important in our reproductive rights lawsuits in Missouri right now, we have two lawsuits against the state of Missouri a state and federal lawsuit against their restrictions against abortion rights. They they put these kinds of restrictions on on getting an abortion by making a woman come into the clinic, receive informed consent materials, 72 hours in advance, she has to go to the clinic, wait 72 hours, there's only one clinic, that that performs the procedure. So you might have to travel six hours, whatever, get daycare for if you have other children, but take time off work, that kind of travel, lodging, whatever else, they're just trying to make it difficult to get an abortion, and these informed consent materials within them. They put forward the religious notion that life begins at conception and a woman supposed to be made to understand this before she gets the abortion, we are saying, we don't believe that. that life begins at conception. This is a religious notion that runs contrary to ours. Therefore, this is an encroachment upon our religious rights to demand that women to the Satanic Temple need to go through this informed consent. I

Unknown Speaker 42:01 love this. I love this. Aaron, what did you have to say?

Unknown Speaker 42:05 I was just when he said Missouri, I said, I was just gonna say I'm not from there.

Unknown Speaker 42:08 Okay, Aaron, just wanted to let you know that he is not part of that whole Missouri thing. He's actually from San Diego, I thought you had issue. It's

Unknown Speaker 42:15 a big thing for me. My whole thing is, we all came into this dimension through a vagina portal. So I don't see why women don't take first place. And most of our ways we think of things. In most states, you have to wait longer to get an abortion than you do to get a gun. Yeah, some believe it is taking technically one life, you can get a gun and take out a whole bunch of more fucking lives. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 42:37 a lot of Christians care more about you when you're in your womb than when you actually get out. And it's really sad because some people are born to a world of shit. And we don't take that into account. When we think about where people are in life, you know? And like, that's why when I like walk down the street, and I see a guy on the street who's not doing well, I'll give them five bucks. Not that that's anything butts, like, there but for the grace of God go I you know, because I've had problems with drugs, I've had problems with alcohol. And you know, I've survived it. But because I have the tools, some people come in this world they have no nobody teaches them any tools. And they don't, they don't have a chance. So I you know, apathy is a very big thing with me

Unknown Speaker 43:17 completely. And also, the whole fact that people think Planned Parenthood is just an abortion clinic you come in, they suck the baby out. It's less than I think it's 3% nationwide is what spent on abortions at Planned Parenthood. And it's 39% is on on like STDs and getting checked up for any sort of HIV and then down the line it becomes for checking for breast cancer and other types of cervical cancer. So

Unknown Speaker 43:44 when you look at law, the Christian ideals on sex, he really take a look at the only thing they really allow is where you create more of that. And then you don't want to have any kind of programs, you know, our politicians who tend to say that the Christians and all that stuff, they don't tend to want to take care of anybody once you're here which leads to you like knives a lot economic opportunities, which leads either joining the military or going to jail. I mean, it just it's almost sinister and how they operate.

Unknown Speaker 44:15 Right they want to take away abortion while also taking away options for unwanted pregnancies. They don't want to educate people on how to avoid unwanted pregnancy. They don't want to support contraceptives. It's yeah, I think people living in the rational world see how destructive that is and getting an abortion for a lot of women can be a very, very serious matter a very life and death matter a matter of their health, or their, their their ability to stay financially afloat, whatever. They shouldn't need to go through this kind of embarrassing dissection of their of their own of their own personal agendas. Whenever this happens. It's But I think what a lot of people don't understand is it's it's not a convenient method of birth control. It's going to be very rare that you would actually find a woman who says, Ah, fuck it, I'll just get an abortion if I get pregnant. That's it's not it's not a terribly viable option and it's not really up to somebody else to decide whether whether they feel the reason is good enough or not.

Unknown Speaker 45:24 I totally agree. Okay, the next the next tenet comedian should love and want to

Unknown Speaker 45:30 read the freedom of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend, to willfully and justly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forego URLs. I love this okay, for for for right now. There

Unknown Speaker 45:43 you go. I guess you'd probably be surprised at how controversial This is within the ranks of people who might otherwise support us. If there's been pushback from people on on any tenant amongst those who otherwise support us. It's this one. And that's very disturbing to me, because there's, there's really a push now for further limitations upon free speech, people act like free speech right now is just is just the wild frontier and you can always say whatever you want, and that's simply not true. I think we have a reasonable free speech right now. There are provisions made against direct threats, slander, defamation, other type things, but I think we're really looking to hurt ourselves. If we push for further restrictions against what people will conveniently call hate speech. People should have their even hateful speech protected if there isn't a real kind of credible legitimate threat to somebody's safety and well being that can be distinguished at that time. I think the marketplace of ideas really is the place to kind of hash that out. And I think what a lot of people don't understand is I'm not saying there shouldn't be social prohibitions against people going on racist rants. Sure, call the guy of fucker calm and asshole, you know, yell at him, you know, let everybody know you think he's an idiot or or block them from your own Facebook page or social media or that's your platform. What I'm saying is I don't think there should be any more any more robust government restriction? Yeah, should we brothers priests,

Unknown Speaker 47:21 big brother should not be stepping in and you know, when you talk free market, I think speeches free market, if you don't like somebody, and what they said, The best way to deal with them is to ignore them to not buy their books, not go see their shows, not go not support anything they do. That's the best way due to rage, this notion that has really been prevalent over the last two decades of let's take our free take our freedoms, to protect our freedoms, and that freedom includes freedom of speech. Now, freedom of speech really is the government can't lock you up, which we're starting to see happen. We're starting to see people protesting the government and being thrown in jail, North Dakota, all that stuff with the pop line. That's freedom of speech. But even within comedy, you have these people who are just trying to live in speech not because they really care. It's almost because of business. They do this like I got this thing now on Twitter. I don't trust anybody with a blue check by their by their name that I don't know. Makes sense. I don't know. Yeah. Why are you playing and we have this big thing where they we have these elitists in this country pushing a narrative that they don't really apply for themselves or on top of this actually actually will affect them. Totally. It's very interesting. Oh, I

Unknown Speaker 48:40 also I also just want to know somebody who's an asshole for telling me what their asshole points of view are. I wouldn't want to be engaged with somebody and then later on in private, they told me I couldn't tell you before, but I'm really a fucking Nazi. Yeah, great. Fuck.

Unknown Speaker 48:57 Alright, have a great bit about that. But like we should, you should have to go door to door tell everybody what? We're freaky sexual shit. You're into that way. You know? Who's Who man.

Unknown Speaker 49:07 Yeah, dirty laundry, get

Unknown Speaker 49:08 it out? Yeah, get it out. And like, this is why we have like, there's this famous thing, this memo that came out this email that Steve Harvey isn't the nicest guy in the world, right? Allegedly, allegedly. But he makes it because he plays his corporate game, and where other people who want to be honest, kind of get like they can't run for office. You know, the stuff I've talked about on podcasting, whether it's my drug abuse, or my weird sexual shit that I'm into, you know, I can't really ever run for office, but I'm the most honest guy, you'll know.

Unknown Speaker 49:38 It's true. It's out but we do have people who are fans of the Satanic Temple and then they say things like, Well, we, you know, therefore the censorship of who they deemed to be a Nazi fascist or whatever else. Thing I don't think they realize is that every time we do something every time the Satanic Temple asks for inclusion in a public forum, we have other religious groups claiming that what are doing as hate speech, they're claiming that even though we might not be directly threatening them, our presence is a threat. Our message is directly anti Christian. And it causes acrimony against them. And it creates a hostile environment that must be shut down. And I feel like if you if you broaden your definition of what constitutes hate speech, you will absolutely see your opponent take advantage of that. And it puts us in a very bad place. So I think I completely

Unknown Speaker 50:29 agree with that, man. All right, what's the

Unknown Speaker 50:31 next one believe should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world? We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our own beliefs we do.

Unknown Speaker 50:41 You see people do that all the time, man. And it's just like, it's why the internet's really bad for that, too, because people Google and they'll keep going deep Google dives, till they find some, some story that fits what they want to believe. Yeah, instead of the eight pages before that, that told them different, all they're looking for. And you know, and that was a big thing. When the Clintons deregulate the media, as well actually started with Reagan, Reagan took away where every news had to have an opposition. Someone on the show who disagreed with it, or was the opposite view and could state that they took it away. So then you and then you had the deregulation of the media. Now you have Fox News for the longest time, and now MSNBC, putting out just things that people want to hear instead of given the entire story.

Unknown Speaker 51:30 And I bring that brings us right into the next one, people are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused. I don't know what you're into. But I'm in a 12 step program. That's almost verbatim the ninth step that's like making amends and taking owning your shit when you're wrong. And

Unknown Speaker 51:50 that's amazing to me how devalued that that is, it seems people really seem to like strident in unbending consistency. But I think people should really learn to value a person who can look at the evidence and say, Oh, I was wrong. I think people should should applaud loudly when somebody does that, when somebody says they fucked something up, and they know better now and that they were willing to be corrected. There's a real strength in that, and I feel we, we've gone in our kind of perception of what makes for a good leader in the opposite direction, this idea that you need to stick doggedly and pigheaded Lee with a dense skull towards one notion of what is true and what is correct. And what is right, that you just won't accept the evidence for anything else. And that's a it's just a very destructive mindset.

Unknown Speaker 52:41 Yes, yes, I completely agree that you have to be able to make mistakes, humans make mistakes. But you have to also give them a chance to apologize and make amends for those mistakes. And I think that's called being human. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 52:55 owning your shit. And the seventh and final fundamental tenant is every tenant is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought, the spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. I mean, that's it's a very beautiful written fundamental tenants. I don't care how you break it down. If, if anyone that listens to this has a problem with that, email us. Yeah, I really

Unknown Speaker 53:20 noticed the last that is the last tenet. And that last tenant is the reason why when we were coming up with a monument to go alongside the 10 commandments monument that we didn't want to engrave in stone or seven tenants. The idea is that nothing's really engraved in stone. And if you take seriously the idea of adjusting your values to the best available evidence, you always have to keep open the idea that you'll add another tenant or somebody else will, in 1020 100 years has a lasting effect or take one away whatever the situation may be, but you have to remain remaining. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 54:05 Right minded to growth and change in time changes the times adapted. And what's you know, it's like your goals in life. Sometimes your goals change, you want this you realize, Hey, that's not that bad. Maybe this is will make me happier, bring me more peace. It's okay to change and evolve and grow. And, you know, I do think sometimes we, we allow solid science to constantly change their point of view, but we hold religion to such a hard standard, uh, you know, when the Pope kind of came out, and, you know, I have my own thing with the Pope. You know, what he's like, you know, maybe we were we've been really wrong to gays, and like, everybody kind of crucified Him, even the left crucified him. I was like, No, dude, that's huge growth. For a guy that represents something that's been around for so long to admit that maybe they made some changes. I would rather applaud him then and then condemn him.

Unknown Speaker 54:57 And I'm glad you brought up the 10 commandments monument because that's what We definitely want to get to on this. And I know you can't see it. But on our screen right now we have, you could break it down in a quick little synopsis about your guy's battle for your monument to be displayed.

Unknown Speaker 55:14 Right, right. Well, it started in Oklahoma. I believe it was in 2012, that Oklahoma actually passed a bill that allowed for the 10 commandments monument to stand on state capitol grounds. And they were trying to claim that this was in violation of the First Amendment establishment clause because they were saying it was a secular historical document that illustrated the inception of US law that somehow the 10 commandments informed us constitutional law, which clearly isn't true, being that many of the 10 commandments are counter constitutional. There's prohibitions against free speech, anti blasphemy, thou shall have no gods before me that's that runs very contrary to the idea of free exercise. Yeah. Nonetheless, they they felt that this that the 10 commandments deserve placement. And they think they further argued that the the 10 commandments wasn't government speech, this was going to be private speech, because it was going to be privately donated, and other parties could donate similar monuments or monuments representative of cert of similar values, if they so chose. So naturally, we called their bluff we made a eight and a half foot bronze bafflement monument, which if you've ever seen is rather stunning. It's gorgeous. Yeah, we have it our Salem headquarters now. So if you come by, you can visit it until it goes to Arkansas or wherever else we we can finally get it placed on public land.

Unknown Speaker 56:49 Now, how many? Where are you? Where else are you trying to get it up now?

Unknown Speaker 56:53 Well, Oklahoma is now a moot point. Oklahoma State Supreme Court ruled that due to the Oklahoma State Constitution, that that that does not allow for any any state sponsorship directly or indirectly of any religion or church, that they need to take the 10 commandments monument down. And we were always clear that we were only ever going to have our monument up on grounds where there was already another religious monument, preferably a 10 commandments monument. Because we're asserting pluralism. We're asserting religious liberty into us it's a it's only an offense when there's only one monument giving the impression that the government is showing preference. If you have more than one, if you have opposing points of view, there's nothing wrong with that, that secularism secularists don't feel is necessarily silencing religious voices. It's making the government remain neutral on what's appropriate religious expression. Government has no place in that. So they shut it down in Oklahoma. And then Oklahoma actually put it to a vote where they wanted the the their constituents to vote away that separation of church and state in the state constitution. It didn't work. So then they passed another bill or fought to pass another bill that would allow for historical documents, monuments, including the 10 commandments, the Magna Carta, or the Declaration of Independence, it says in the bill, they're trying to find a loophole. Right, right. So we thought if they put up the 10 commandments monument again, now what would we do you know, because what kind of historical document would we possibly use? Then after thinking about it for a while, we thought we just engraved the Magna Carta on the back of the fucking bathroom that and say this is our Magna Carta monument. Yeah. Right. Because why would the design parameters have to change? You know, we could we could say the back is the is the bathroom.

Unknown Speaker 58:51 Dude, I love this chess game you play. I love it. So for those that are just listening, if you could just break down the statue. So you said it's about it's a nine foot tall bronze statue, 1000 pounds. But the actual image as we're

Unknown Speaker 59:05 looking at 1000 and a half? Yeah, the the central image is bathmat, which is that the goat headed sabbatic goat. It's hermaphroditic. And in its illustrated form, illustrated 19th century by Nicole historian, obviously by we took the breast off, because we wanted to keep them on. But you have covered having them covered by the artist with some kind of cloth or whatever, like bronze cloth, I think, just didn't look good. The male chest looked a lot better. But we knew if we had bare tits out of the monument, that they would be very happy to say that's why we can reject your rights. It's It's It's pornographic. It's vulgar, whatever. Although we don't agree with that idea. We don't We didn't want we didn't want to give them anything else to work with. We wanted them to confront the The free speech issue the religious liberty issue. So it has all these binary elements. It's part animal, it's part human. We have a male, female child on each side, it has the Caduceus in the middle, which represents reconciliation, negotiation, the serpent's around the rod that you'll see pediatrics hospitals or whatever else. So, you know, those kind of binary elements we thought really spoke to this idea of reconciliation of the opposites in that having this monument alongside a 10 commandments monument, further explored that concept, the idea that you can have, supposedly are ostensibly opposite opposing points of view, but they can still exist harmoniously on the same ground. I love it, dude.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:47 beautiful sculpture. I mean, I like it.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:51 I love it, dude. And I love everything you do now, because we got to start wrapping it up here. August 13. There's a woman's mass event in Los Angeles will you be a part of that?

Unknown Speaker 1:01:03 I don't know yet. I may be there I may not but everybody should stop by and say hi to the good people. The Satanic Temple of Los Angeles they're doing great work. I love Los Angeles Satanic Temple Los Angeles event it's going to be it's going to be a part we're gonna

Unknown Speaker 1:01:19 be there if there's any tinfoil hats fans that want to come just know it's a benefit for me we be there and women's Republic

Unknown Speaker 1:01:26 people know.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:27 Please do do it at now real quick. And then we got wrap it up blood letting ritual is this real?

Unknown Speaker 1:01:34 Yeah, that was it the last Los Angeles event but you're talking safe, sane and consensual. In when it falls within those parameters. I say let her rip.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:45 Now real quick. A big reason why to have you on and I wanted and I dude, I hope you had a great time. And we really enjoyed interviewing you. I want to ask you, um, there's this whole thing going on with this pedo gate thing going on the child sex and sacrificing and trafficking. And you know, I'm gonna be honest with you for though people ask me like, oh man who runs this, I would say Luciferians. But I'm sorry. Now the thing I would just call it the dark arts and that it isn't Satanism or Luciferianism that it really is just a dark arts that that's the only way to describe it because they kind of hijack to your guys's you know, a brand, I want to say but not necessarily the essence of your brand.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:37 Well, you have to be really careful when you're looking at these claims of pedophile calls or whatever else. A lot of the kid was not true. Okay, some of that stuff. I mean, obviously, sex trafficking goes on Child Abuse goes on. It's a very complicated issue. Nobody wants to say that that doesn't happen. When I get very offended at at some of the conspiracists who talk about child molesting colts, it's certainly not because I want to protect anybody who's doing that. It's because I feel that these kinds of false narratives about that can really distract from fighting the actual fight against child abuse. And this is something we do with gray faction gray faction is a sub organization of the Satanic Temple that fights against the use of people, people using therapists, conspiracist therapist, using recovered memory therapies to derive tales of satanic ritual abuse, similar to what they were doing in the 1980s or 90s. When people recover these memories of past lives of alien abduction, these are not these are often not historically accurate. Anything that's happened to somebody, a lot of assumptions go into that kind of therapy in a lot of times the narrative suggestions, a lot, yeah, right. A lot of suggestions and you find just about 100% of the time that these most implausible narratives when they come up in that kind of context fit exactly what the therapist doing these things already believed were going to take place and they may think they're not guiding somebody or whatever else. But that I think is is where we really are in this battle. We see a lot of very disturbed people in the mental health profession, giving people a certain crippling paranoia about called Set never existed in while they're doing this they're actually distracting and harming the fight against real abuse, real traumatic abuse. And if I if I were to express one thing to anybody on this is check out grief action.org. It's a very lesser known aspect of the Satanic Temple. It's very important action gray faction

Unknown Speaker 1:05:01 grave action all right, man, I can't thank you enough for coming on the show today. You are excellent. I really enjoyed this as another like, like I said, I started this podcast five, six months ago, if you would have said this would have been something we did an interview on, I would have laughed but man I felt was excellent. I can't thank you enough. Where can they find you? Where can our, our listeners find you and see what all the stuff you got going on?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:29 Well, we have a Facebook page where we keep our newsfeed active. We're in the news more often than you might think you gotta keep up keep a watch on our website, the Satanic Temple calm. Gray faction.org is G R E y faction.org and, and follow me on Twitter at Lucian grieves Lucian. Thank you so guys could check in with me anytime for follow up as you as you like,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:54 will you come back on tinfoil hat? Did you will you come back on our show?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:58 I absolutely anytime.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:00 Alright man. Thanks for coming on. We really appreciate it was one of the best conversations we've had on the show and we good luck with everything. We're gonna stop buying the 13th year there. We'd love to meet up. If not, we'll do this again very soon. Great. Thank you. Thanks for tuning in man. Greatly appreciated. Take care, my friend. Okay, good night. Yeah, okay. It's time for the dream. Donot check in with Aaron. That's right. Dream. Don't go to dream donuts. On Twitter. Dream donuts the premier donut shop truck in Los Angeles. Aaron thoughts.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:39 First of all, do I get a piece of this sponsorship? Yes. At least a piece of a donut

Unknown Speaker 1:06:44 like y'all do. We're gonna bring you mad donuts homeboy donuts around me. We're gonna make it rain doughnuts.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:52 Yeah, I mean, I've always and I've, I've heard Satanism explained the way that it was on today's show. And and I mean, who could argue against it? Who can I just don't really care to be a part of anything

Unknown Speaker 1:07:05 but you don't want to be a part of any group? No. And I respect the shit out

Unknown Speaker 1:07:10 but I can still totally do all the things in those tenants for sure. I love it I try to do

Unknown Speaker 1:07:15 guys check out dream doughnuts or a friend and real quick errand. I know we got to get out of here. But we want to do something really quick. We would like to if we could read

Unknown Speaker 1:07:26 we've been getting a lot of good feedback last week we got the most comments ever on our YouTube page. And if you're watching this on YouTube, keep watching till everyone you know about it. We got like 115 Last time I checked and it was nothing but love for area and give love to Aaron because you have no idea he's a big shift.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:43 He's a big part of the show. You guys think he's done? He knows what he's doing. He's part of the show. How do you find and

Unknown Speaker 1:07:49 if there is any other guests like we said at the top of the show that you want please do email us at tinfoil hat pod@gmail.com

Unknown Speaker 1:07:57 What is this what's going on? Why is doing this

Unknown Speaker 1:08:01 is trippin with Tripoli

Unknown Speaker 1:08:06 There we go. Yeah motherfuckers Yeah, make

Unknown Speaker 1:08:09 no mistake fans of the show you know like just like Sam is interested in all this stuff and hearing about it. I'm open to hearing about it too.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:17 I don't think anybody ah I think this will be like a talk of it. And what goes on with it I think the truth is that the are a big part of the show we always appreciate everything you do before we go we just want to do a little

Unknown Speaker 1:08:31 yeah come out August 13 August find it on the Satanic Temple if you're in LA we're gonna be there from nine to 2am if there's any round brown lovely ladies that would like to meet me in person I would very much like they have to be brown. Prefer you know, life's too short to bang which you came out of right?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:50 I like that. What What? What dates they 17th So we're gonna go by July 11 Some do from Alabama are Albany New York guys the truth bombs are blowing my mind and bowels. I love it. Take a shit while you listen to us. I can't hear my I can hear my hair grow by fun times favour five stars. Sam my hair is growing and like if it grows like fucking Ryan's you're winning my homeboy. Chinese cat sunflower five stars. Found this from the Duncan trust thing. Love all the connections between different theories. Top three podcasts. Thank you, but it's a long one. I can't read all of it. Put a tank in the mall five, five stars. Put a tank in the mall put a tank in the mall put it take the mall. Filipinos love you Stevie Wiebe, that sounds like an inside joke. We appreciate that. Five Star Review. Good. Chet Thank you us bold 92 and finally makes conspiracies fun. fivestars doesn't take himself too seriously like Alex Jones and no topic is off bound is out. bounds. The show makes conspiracies fun to listen to whether you believe them or not. And that is

Unknown Speaker 1:10:07 100% Agree. Aaron, we found it.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:10 We had our best week last week. I mean, our numbers exploded. All the Duncan Trussell people, all the Stevie Wiebe people all the your mom's house people. All the Doug Stanhope people and all they what's happened? What's up fool people? Thank you guys so much for listening and giving us a chance. We're going to grow this as your show as much as my show what you guys want us to talk about. And I love how it opened up with a little tension. Oh, yeah, he was like, oh, tinfoil hat. But I think he understood after a while that we're quality. Hey, go. Aaron. Thank you so much for everything, guys. Ah, it is, you know, till now we're doing another one we got we put out two this week. So I hope you guys enjoyed both of them. And nope, hold on both of them. I hope you enjoyed both of them. And we shall see you on the other side. And take care guys, we love you out. Tell your friends go on Reddit. Spread the word. Let everybody know the show's only gonna grow five stars. Thumbs up. Comedy loves us. Our numbers are exploding until because you guys we love you guys very much. If you're hot chicks hit us up. We'd love you to any chicken likes conspiracies. You're in like Flynn, homeboy. And if you're not attractive person, you're still my person to look at me. I have gorilla kid. Who am I to judge anybody? All right, you guys are the bash. We'll see you next week. To be imposed, governing body