The Black Flame Vol. 5 No. 3 and No. 4

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Full uncorrected text (3/18/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 5 No. 3 and No. 4.







I love TV and its computerized descendants. That most diabolical of man's inventions, humankind's most Satanic creation, has been a blessing to me. Since its official birthday, April 30, 1939. the miracle of television has manifested itself as the most significant of all earthly gods. On a barren tundra called Flushing Meadow. a 20th century manger known as the New York World"s Fair hosted the birth of a Walpurgisnacht baby whose cathode star would beckon all the creatures of humankind.

Spawned by the photographic motion picture and nourished by the show-and-tell captioned photo format of LIFE magazine, a fanfare provided by World War II heralded the corning forth, that night. And following the biggest baby shower the world has ever known, 1948 welcomed the Worship of the new and true God of the oppressed. In what might be termed a bizarre rite of circumcision, David Sarnoff, we are told, had witnessed the sacrifice of six million of his own people. And the once-hallowed manger beneath the trilon and perisphere tower of Satan would be razed for JFK International Airport.

Please understand that my admiration and fondness for TV is for the medium-the tangible godhead, not for its manifestations. I will leave the Worship to the people who, God love them, demand and subsist upon the Control.

Now the Network Revolution rages. Phantom armies clash by night, illumined by the cathode's white glare. Dover Beach and the Carthaginian Plain: Fort McHenry and the Little Big Horn and Guadalcanal-all within a spreadsheet's reach. Hiroshima and Los Alamos-on CD ROM.

How many Monitors do you have? Anton Szandor LaVey


F.ditor Peter H. Gilmore

AßOciateF.ditor Peggy Nadr.unia

1he Black Flame is published by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc. Copyright 1995 C.E. by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprcxiuction in whole or in part without written pennis.Yon is prohibited.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101 - 0499 U.S.A.

Double issue price: $6.00 in the U.S., $8.00 outside the U.S. Subscriptions: $12.00 in the U.S. for two double issues. $16.00 outside the U.S. for two double issues. Sin?fe issues are not aVtJilabk. Send check, bank draught or money order in U.S. funds only. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authorsalone.

We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. Correspondence requesting a response must be accompanied by an S.A.S.E.

INTELLECTUAL BLACK HOLES ∑ BY PETER H. GILMORE ANY ARE ATIRACTED TO THE BLACK FLAME OF SATANISM yet not all of these individuals are truly Satanists by birth. Indeed, the klippothic folk who generally find "other worldly" creeds m satisfying to their natures at times see Satanism as a challenge and temptation, a fruit to which they are irresistibly drawn, forbidden to them by their very biological nature.

    Anton Szandor LaVey identified psychic vampires as emotional energy-drainers who provide the vigorous with material goods as a means toward creating feelings of obligation. The Satanist recognires this, accepts the offerings, and easily denies the need for reciprocity≠ he didn't ask for the goods so he owes nothing to the giver.
    Another type of vampire is one who, by dint of the existence of his "sovereign consciousness" feels that those who know more are thus obligated towards sharing their knowledge. These creatures spend their time in inces.sant "seeking" as their centers are yawning black holes d emptiness that can never be filled. They have nopersonal identity and because of this lack are constantly after those who do. They approach the Satanist as one who is "'curious" beginner who just wants to ask a few questions. An answer begins the endle:s-5 spiral of your bright thoughts into the fathomless depths from which nothing will ever emerge. The Intellectual Black Hole does not seek information to use towards any creative or productive ends. These self-acknowledged armchair intellectuals produce nothing but questions to continually nettle their betters. They will never be satisfied, never use information towards synthesizing a new perspective, never bring anything of worth back to he who answers. Indeed, they will pick at the answers, tearing any sense into shreds so that they can then proclaim that "further explanation" is sorely needed, perpetuating the ever≠ taking relationship.
    Afrequent tactic is to require "personal attention" as they shrug off suggested reading and other avenues of research, claiming that your human touch is needed for their understanding. They must speak to a living authority or representative; printed matter is never enough. That is a significant warning sign-they want your warmth of confidence, to drain it into their frigid depths of doubt and insecurity, never being satisfied to move on until they've accomplished the goal of reducing their victims to equal states of self-<ioubt.
    Once identified, such parasites can be marked and avoided. This type can frequently be found on the Internet environment particularly conducive to these thought leeches. Just read from the myriad posts on a topic like alt.satanism and you'll soon spot the info-lampreys trying todrain the energy d anyone foolish enough to respond. Obviously, they never limit their search to just one area and can be seen posting in various and sundry topics where this "'constructive debating" can be sustained until the victims catch on. Their inquiries range from broad metaphysical issues and go all the way down to the nosiest personal details of situations that should never be the concern of any save those involved. Their advertised quest is for "meaningful dialogue" but the result for you is just a waste of breath or typing. Their motto is "All information should be available to all askers!"-though they never seem to have anything d worth to return. Their banner is the eternal question mark. The cure-simply refuse to acknowledge them. Don't answer. At m	point them towards literature and say "'farewell." Refusing to respond works like the proverbial garlic and holy water-they'll hiss and spit, "'You never really did know anything, did you?" last ditch attempt to to pull you into their gravity well. Silence works, an adamantine wall they cannot penetrate. They'll kick up a fuss, then continue to troll for another victim.
    On line, once spotted you can "killfile" their annoying hectoring and have a peaceful time, spending your energy as you see fit, browsing amongst topics of interest and passing by the copious amounts of gibbering idiocy that seem to multiply geometrically by the minute. Perhaps you might find a pearl or two, but you'll more likely be looking for the ponies who generated the manure. Cyberspace needs a clean-up squad-but oh what a high-tech Heracles is needed for this Augean stable.

EVERY ISSUE." That statement is a ridiculous slogan invoked by vested interests and perpetuated by minds of limited scope.

    In matters of significant concern, there is invariably another alternative; A THIRD SIDE, a Satanic side.
    "Two sides of the same coin" is what most major issues are artfully constructed to be. Subsequently, the populace lives by imperceptible Hobson's choices masquerading as opposing opm1ons.
    The two uppermost points of the inverted pentagram of Satan represent the dualistic nature of all things, asall things are naturally perceived. Man has always been motivated and controlled by whatever dualistic concept is in fashion, and always will. Like it or not; it's the way things really are. Shades of gray only appear between established opposites.
    The foundation, the spike, spur, piton and stanchion-the very strike of the lightning bolt of Satan-is the lower point of the pentagram driven into the ground.

Not held aloft as a noble, but intrinsically useless pointer toward heaven, but as a ground, or earth of wisdom for the horns above. Certainly, the lower point thrust downward implies the Trinity denied. Once that matter has been taken care of-and we have taken care of that-we must recognize the lower point of the pentagram for what it really is: the SWORD IN TIIESTONE.

    The lower point opened up, represents the opening of the gates of Hell, unleashing the Forces of Darkness into the upper world. That is why the founding body of the Church of Satan, the Order of the Traperoid, originally employed that symbol. The Order of the Trapezoid is to this day, the exclusive governing body of the Church of Satan, with its original symbol maintained as both a reminder and a sigil of enforcement.
    The essence of Satanism is in the answers and solutions evoked by the 1HIRD SIDE-the lower point representing the sword plunged into the earth-the beard of wisdom seen on the goat within the inverted star.
    It is invariably a third side that is overlooked in every issue and endeavor, from abortion to gun control. The third side can be the crackpot stuff of conspiracy theories, or it can be the most logical and simple, yet deliberately neglected conclusion.

For example, the science of eugenics provides solutions for the issue of abortion. Satanically speaking, I am against abortion. Yet I do consider a problem of overpopulation. Therefore, I advocate compulsory birth control. Unborn babies did not ask to be conceived. Once conceived, they should have loving, responsible parents, even if adoptive. A stupid, irresponsible woman should not have the right to "decide" what she does with her own body when in all other things, her mind is being controlled by impersonal vested interests. An unborn child's father should influence the outcome of a pregnancy if it can be determined that he is more responsible than the mother. If he is stupid, insensitive and irresponsible, he should be sterilized. Irresponsible parents, male or female, should simply be kept from conceiving children. The most vocal anti-abortion crusaders are fundamentalist Christians. Their entire plan and purpose originated with the same motivation that propagates any ethnic or religious grouping: to fill the world with more people like themselves. The women's movement favors abortion on the grounds that a woman's body is hers alone, to control as she chooses. Neither advocates mandatory birth control and selective sterilization, which-as a third side-could eliminate most of the entire issue. Of course, whenever an issue becomes more important than a solution, don't expect to stumble over a third side.

    I respect someone who simply admits that he or she doesn't like kids-or dogs, cats, monkeys, zebras or potato bugs, for reasons of their own. It's when they cloak their reasons in the cant of populist causes, that I become truculent.
    Other popular issues such as crime, substance abuse, and gun control have third sides which, if entertained at all, seem best left unspoken.
    Satanism, which itself has become an issue, has a third side which exemplifies the message of what you are reading. The "two sides to every issue" scam purports that, to a fundamentalist Christian "expert" the threat of Satanism is a horrendous and engulfing amalgam of everything that is cruel, inhuman, sadistic, and monstrous. No reasons are presented other than a bid for power and a love of "evil." Conversely, the "other side" of the issue is presented by supposedly level≠ headed academic "experts" who, in their own threatened manner, minimize or dismiss Satanism as a trivial social

)l,l TM :=;, # & --1- drilling rig, with a pitchfork where the hoisted drill shaft would end. Or perhaps a railroad trestle or a squared-off suspension bridge. Symbolically and metaphorically, there is much room for speculation.

    An actual Satanic "trinity" would be symbolized by an inverted three-pointed star of the configuration seen in the trademark of Mercedes Benz or the insignia of the International Brigades which fought in Spain in the 1930's, as a test run for World War II. The sigil would then resemble the letter, "Y."
    Is it coincidence that the most important word to a Satanist is "Why?"

opportunity to travel out to San Francisco on assignment from the rock magazine Seconds in order to interview High Priest Anton S:zandor LaVey. After a pleasant two day train ride (despite the con≠ certed efforts of the senile 'train people' to make me feel as if I'd accidentally boaided a serpentine moving geriatrics' home), I ar≠ rived with a few hours to spare in advance of my evening appointment at the Doctor's. It seemed only moments had passed before I disembarked from my cab, to be welcomed into the infamous Black House and heartily greeted by Blanche Barton. The parlor was also alive with infectious energy of the latest arrival to the household, six month old Xer≠ xes. A few minutes later the Doctor entered, as channing and humorous as eve.i; and we set out for a meal at one of his favorite haunts. After hours of engaging dinner table conversation and a long stretch of rousing numbers performed by the Doctor on his array of electronic keyboards, I realiud it was already four A.M. and I had not even begun my interview! I lead off with the pre≠ dictable questions and we conversed for another three or four hours, only covering about half of the topics I'd wanted to dis≠ cuss. It was agreed we would adjourn until two nights later and continue talking then.

   By the end of the second extended eve≠ ning I had accumulated somewhere in the vicinity of fifty pages of barely legible notes. On returning home I spent a few days of transcribing and submitted an extensive in≠ terview to the magazine. This appeared in Issue 27 and was met with an enthusiastic response all around (even a few waywaxd Setians wrote and admitted to being stimu≠ lated and excited by the piece!).
   Despite getting the maximum amount of space allotted to anyone in Seconds, I still had pages of surplus material that simply wouldn't fit into the article. What follows are selected comments by the Doctor on a variety of topics, culled from the un≠ published portions of our conversations. For those of you who may have missed the first article, the fourth issue of the excellent jour≠ nal The Femis W6lf (c/o Looking Glass P P.O. Box 8105, S-10420 Stockholm, Sweden) will reprint a complete version of the inter≠ view with a new introduction. This will be

available in mid 1995. In the meantime, here's a taste of Satanic wisd topically ar-≠ ranged, to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart.ï.

Building a Better Man

   "I'm interested in eugenics and genetics. How people are conceived and comparing notes on conditions of birth, like how much attention ispaid to a child and what kind of music they were exposed to. It's funny how so many people who share our views are not at odds with their parents, and so many liberals who should love their parents yet are at total odds with them. My parents never pushed me in any religious direction. When I wrote The Satanic Bible it didn't phase

them-not because they were liberal, but they just didn't have an opinion. My father wasn't a musician, he couldn't tell one tune from another. But I'd hear these classical pieces and they just moved me, and I started reading because I had a thirst for knowledge. It's chromosomal. Parents can foster it or set the stage, but you can't just produce a predisposition artificially. You can have com≠ pletely normal parents with a child who's exceptional. I've seen it happen so much. Even with alcoholic parents sometimes the

kids are brilliant.

   "TV is the single most numbing in≠ fluence in a child's development and the most stultifying ingredient in their lives. It's been said so many times-that's the worst culprit. Still you have people who will say, 'but there are different kinds of TY.' What you see is just adjusted for different levels and different demographics, but the propaganda is the same.ï


   "I'm not naive enough to believe that everyone's going to suddenly find culture, or become instantly intelligent, like these people may imagine they've accomplished who go back toschool when they're forty years old.
   "These CEO hopefu1s-I've spoken to so many of them, Lord Satan give me a break! They're no smarter and no more motivated than they were before someone gave them the ludicrous idea they could im≠ prove their minds. And they feel they're ∑∑ being liberated, shaking off the chains that bind them! The stupes'll always be stupes.

"At this period, the 90's, physical fi is taking a back seat to mental prowess, computer technology has provided a vehicle

that leads people to think they can think. All manner of "smart drugs," books on cassettes, on-line information, speed learning methods, give the stupes who pounded their joints jogging a chance to purchase instant IQ's."

Secrtt Satanic Soundtracks

   "A good example would be people in the Thirties, Forties, or Fifties who listened to the lone Ranger theme, which is actually the William 1elJ Overture. Probably not one in a million of these people had any idea it was originally associated with a patriot who shot an apple off a man's head with an arrow in a Rossini opera! Neither did they associate it with an inherently Satanic character operating the law of retribution, lex 'Jl.tlionis, and wearing a cowboy suit instead of a Swiss outfit. What mattered was that the music evoked a call to arms in the hearer, which they then listened to and looked forward to. It never even entered their minds that it meant something besides this cowboy fig- ure."

Nationalist Music

   "Even a child can tell when something is a great song and walk away humming the tune-that is, until someone says it's naughty or it becomes connected to a politi≠ cal movement that's unsavory. If they were

honest, these musical snobs should be able to listen to the 'Horst Wessel Lied' and be stirred by it, as millions once were. This kind of nationalistic martial anthemic music was designed to be motivational, and if it wasn't designed to do that it wouldn't exist. You wonder about this strange ethnic that might exist with a chromosomal base, when you see the similarities in these pieces of music which were played by opposing sides or nations. And as with the music of the Thitd Reich, what will happen now with the Soviet music which is a tribute to Lenin and Stalin? Can it never be heard again? There's a good parallel to the Nazi music. The Soviet National Anthem for example: they can't play it any longer because it men≠ tions Lenin and red banners, but does that mean it's gone forever?

   "I would like to know that it's not sud≠ denly banned just because it has a connota≠ tion of totalitarianism. Like these Nazi

so -we never lived in that kind of an era before. It wasn't until the Second World War that we started censoring national music. That was also the beginning of the abysmal

'consciousness raising' conscience imposing itself upon the public."

Musical Censorship

   "Satanic music stands on its own merit without one knowing who wrote it or where and when it came from. Take Ger≠ many and England-why should one Western nation's music succeed and another's fail? It's all in what people learn to associate with it, and they impose that on their peers. This to me is the absolute worst form of censorship-not according to terms of quality but rather on the so-called ideals of its original listeners. Should we outlaw cavalry marches because they were con≠ nected to the men who fought and put down the American Indians? Should we ban Stephen Foster's music because it refers to blacks in ways today deemed unacceptable? We knew then what we know now-don't tell me those people didn't know what they were expressing! Spare me! Maybe they were more intolerant than we are today but that's only because certain intolerances were slight≠ ly encouraged or more acceptable. But the

notes, chords and rhythms are still the same as they were then. It's just what that music repre≠ sents to people that is inappropriate. It's when they hear something about 'Darkies working in the cotton field' that they can't handle it. But we know he's not working there now, so why get upset? Because the music still has powec A D-minor chord still sounds the same now as it did in 1898. Why do these self-appointed censors want to throw the baby out with the bathwater?"

The Birth of Rock 'n' Roll

   "It's interesting to consider that just about the time this started was when we ran out of good Tin Pan Alley tunes, in the mid≠ Fifties. Something had to be done. You can only write and play so many novelty tunes and then they run out... so at a certain point somebody decided to base everything on a sixteenth beat and make the harmony the melody. That's what the first rock and roll was: an inversion. There were no more melody lines so the harmony became the melody with drums (i.e. rhythm) and guitar (a combination of rhythm and harmony) predominating, with additional harmony from keyboards or sax. That's what I thought about early rock, it's an extension of boogie woogie, where the emphasis is on the left hand on the piano and not the right one. Now it'sgone to the highest power-only

beat and barely any harmony, and no melody except a rudimentary chant of the lyrics. Rock and roll happened at a period in history where we'd run out of good tunes. So what do you do? Someone has to make money and so a new industry was born. I'm not putting it all down. There was some good stuff done by the Beatles, and thin like 'I Will Follow Him' by Little Peggy March, 'Earth Angel', 'Blue Velvet'-those are great son , and you can't lump that kind of stuff in with something like Deicide."

The Significance of Modem Satanic Music

   "You could liken this to if you have a city like Denver and there's no place there to buy ice cream. And then an ice cream store opens-that's significant! So it may be a small voice or a lone person playing that type of music, but it's not like pissing into a hurricane. Just like that single ice cream store, a lot of people are going to go there and buy it. There are many, many people who want to read and listen to this type of stuff, and a significant amount who will come back for more.

"Just among the people I traffic with... if there was a bar somewhere with Mrs. Miller singing every night, the place'd be packed! Now quite a few of the people might show up just for a laugh or to make fun of it, but suppose you had someone a lit≠ tle less ragged than Mrs. Miller? I still think the place would be packed. And I know it because people tell me they're craving that kind of stimulation. They tell me what they don't tell Spin or Rolling Stone, who aren't listening anyway."


   "Accusing the TV itself is like blaming the gun when someone gets shot. The tool is always blamed. The rrudia is always the mes≠ sage. TV is the means it gets into every home like some kind of Orwellian eye. It keeps them in line-that's good. For people of limited imagination, TV is their saviow; their life. Mini-series"" miseries."

The Supermarket Book Rack

   "You wonder why fiction bestsellers are so big and thick? There's a lot to read while you're standing in line! It's like a big cheesebwger you can chew for ages. The dumbest people seem to always read the big, gest books. Maybe it gives them the illusion

they're doing something important."

Childhood Exploits

   "I had a torture chamber in my base≠ ment as a kid! In the crawlspace I built all these elaborate torture instruments, includ≠ ing a rack, straight from the middle ages.

ïd find suitable victims, but then we got into some trouble, word got around, and we had to shut it down. This was just before the war and I must have been around eleven."

Life During W.utirne

   "I had a German bicycle, which caused a lot of trouble. Because of the war they'd stopped making new bicycles, but I found this used German one in a store. It was black and built like the equivalent of a 540K Mer≠ cedes Benz! I used to ride it up and down grades and hillsides and it damn near killed me, but I thought it was great because it was so mean looking. I drove it for a few years, and the irony was that my parents didn't worry about me driving a car but they thought I'd kill myself on that bicycle. So they let me drive the family car alone at the age of 14, and you're supposed to always have a licensed driver with you in the carïïï I'd claim that I had 'just dropped them off' somewhere and was going straight home."

Dressed to Kill

   "I was stopped by the police once for my clothes in L.A. in 1948. I had on red socks and Mexican woven black leather shoes, which were worn by the real marginal types then. They didn't stop me because of the Zoot suit or the pegged pants or the shoes-it was the red socks!
   "They asked if I belonged to any sub≠ versive organizations, and I replied, 'Like what?'
   "'The Communist Party,' answered the cops. They asked, where I was from, where I'm staying down here, and where did I work. I said, The Mayan, and so on, the bur≠ lesque houses.
   "'They're pretty hot places,' say the cops, 'is that why you're wearing the red socks? Or is it because you're from San Fran≠ cisco?' The real answer was that I just liked them. But for awhile there I really thought they were about to confiscate my red socks!"
   On Being Called A Carny and Charbtan

"When I was first getting publicity I was stigmatized for being a roustabout and then a couple of years later I see people com≠ ing out of the woodwork bragging about their carnival backgrounds! And then later they come around and try to say that actual≠ ly I wasn't doing it. Don't let them see any≠ thing as an advantage because they'll try to take it away from you! The bastards! They're so devoid of anything scintillating so they want to pin that devoidness on you. As if I've been licking stamps or delivering newspapers my whole life! I worked in the carnival for a year. I helped with the lions for a season. I met people who later became famous. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time."

Credit Where Credit is Due

   "Those luke-warm quasi Satanists, I used to welcome them and make apologies for them and take up the slack and be a gentleman, and now I don't see them men≠ tion Satanism in their books and literature. They've got a long way to go to even being defacto Satanists. Russia, as an atheist country, thought me aligned enough to put me in their museum. I had the Soviet Union considering me alike back then so why should I be doing cartwheels now, just be≠ cause someone twenty-five years later starts to act like we're not so bad. Why isn't The Satanic Bible in lists of influential books?

That's what irks me. So why should I give these people the time of day, especially in these academic circles?"

On Burton lfe, Author of The Devil's Avenger

   "He was sort of a Sixties well-meaning old style liberal writer. Narrow in some ways, but he was enthused about what he wrote. Some of it was a way of projecting his own views on me to get himself off the hook. That was his cop-out to get a dis≠ claimer with his publisher. The truth of it was that after The Devil's Avenger he became closer than ever. Later he got very bitter and misanthropic. He was a good fellow, a com≠ rade in arms, with a good sense of humor.

He did a book on the Hippies that was really blasted by them-how many books were written like that then? And he did a book on Hitler and the Nazis for young people that was really informative. He was never, at any time, antagonistic, despite what it says at the end of The Devil's Avenger."

The New Ethnic

   "Like Dostoyevsky's Underground Man, you can sit alone for years and learn about all these experiences, but sooner or later you're going to start talking and you'll have a whole different audience and a whole new reaction. It's not going to full on deaf ears. There are very few true underground people anymore, but it's a whole new breed, the ones who are out there. A new lost tribe. A chromosomal ethnic developing out of all these unpopular, shunned belief systems of the past."

The Exceptionals

   "How can you explain the ones that do strive to be productive? What separates them from the rest? Did they have a unique chromosome of some sort? How did some≠ one like Nat King Cole come out the way he did? What the hell has he got in his brain that makes him do that? Certain people rise above. Leni Riefenstahl dallied with Hitler and Paul Robeson with Moscow. Robeson was an accomplished Shakespearean actor and in college at Rutgers he made fullback. He excelled in everything-singer, sports fig≠ ure, superman... They even named a moun≠ tain after him! But why doesn't anyone want to talk about the man? It's just like the case with Riefenstahl. There's a whole secret history of these people who just don't fit in, but are undeniably exceptional."

Jack London

   "Jack London to me is like a Satanic Saint. Many people referred to him as a lycanthrope and when he built his home he called it the Wolf House."

The 'frue Outsiden

   "Like that hunter of hunters, the guy in the midwest who was stalking and killing hunters because he loved animals. The liberal anti-gun people couldn't support him, because he was obviously an expert marksman. The NRA, intrepid hunter, gun people couldn't support him either because he was targetting some of their kind. This is someone in that special class. What's sort of frightening is that we get application after application from these kind of people! So many of them are gun owners and en≠ thusiasts, they love animals and they all talk∑ the same way. Man is the most dangerous game. I'm not a vegetarian either. If I had to

kill I suppose I would. It boils down to necessity being the supreme law.

   "I'll save a spider from going down a drain; I'll work overtime to save a bug. HI see a snail trying to cross a parking lot I'll help it along. What kind of a nut am I? How come humans get special dispensation?"


   "People confuse anarchy and chaos. They think the world began in chaos-I agree. But in chaos and confusion it's an acci≠ dent when something worthwhile occurs.

What happens after that? The cells divide and start going off in different directions... and onier fonns. "Chaos here and now, in 1994, is not chaos like these Chaos Magicians would like to believe. It's not the Timothy Leary 'Come one, come all, it's a magical blend.' It sounds utopian but it ain't the way it really is. Maybe something developed out of chaos but there has to be onier. There's got to be a direction-it's not going to happen out of chaos, out of nothing, but from these dis≠ parate thin that will be reconcilable in a new and terrifying way. Those with direc≠ tion, plan, purpose, self-discipline... that's what leads to a conclusion. A mind held by no head is only as effective as the destination of the mind. That's why millions in the Sportpalast or the Coliseum can affect some≠ thing. But people going nowhere and hand≠ fasting-they don't have the passion. I see no claps of thunder or lightning bolts in the sunshine in the park. These mealworms get≠ ting all together in the blinding glare just produce more glare. Wilhelm Reich was right-they just suck the energy out of the atmosphere."


   "People are so demoralized, desensitized and catatonic that there can be no triumph of the will because there's no will. How can they have a will when they're sucking their life out of a cathode tube! Tho of these people out ritualizing in the woods maybe add up to one owl sitting on a branch. It's not feasible to have ten to twenty people.

There are too many different agendas. But a rally with a will, a single idea-then you can manage something."

The Hindenburg

   "When I was young I knew someone who told me he was going to college study-

ing the Humanities... I thought he was learn≠ ing about Zeppelins!"


   "I wrote a little thing called 'Thsts'... Sure, you can put people through physical tests-that's not what I mean. I'm talking about the tests where they start to get a withering sneer, and they begin itching. You know they'll never change. They'll never savor the hot taste of life, even though they'll cry crocodile tears for starving chil≠ dren in Biafra or the homeless in Detroit.

They have no passion that's alive..."

The Conspiracy of Ineptitude

   "These people who join the Church of Satan and then say, 'Is that all I get, a lousy red cani?'-if they had a chestful of medals they'd still be a nobody. I knew of someone who slept in a room with a wall bedecked with certificates. A cop investigating said maybe it was so when he wakes up he knows he's still there. Like monogrammed PJs, so he can look down and know it's still him and not someone else!
   "These endless occult degrees are just a substitute for achievement in the real world. It's the same thing when you get one per≠ former who i::an't perform and is stupid, and they'll praise another who also can't per≠ form. That's the conspiracy of ineptitude."

The Utility of Sex Magic

   "If they want to achieve a desired result it would behoove people to practice sex magic. There are certain rules and procedures that you apply but you have to break es≠ tablished rules and be blasphemous, not be afraid of boundaries that may be stifling. You have to reach down into the secret vices of people and through imagery invoke them. If it's powerful and the shock value is there you'll reach them. Like Pygmalion when he sculpted the woman and she came to life be≠ cause he'd invested so much energy into her. Like with my artificial people, I worked and worked, inhaled the dust and fumes and in≠ vested sexual energy... they don't come to life literally but others will say they saw them move out of the comer of their eye, and later someone will show up on the

doorstep who looks just like them-explain that! ff you put enough energy into your fetish you'll see others changing. People will no longer be into whips and leather corsets. I've seen it happen with my own fetishes. If

you have the strength, the magical energy, and the focus, somewhere down the line it will come to be. Hugh Hefner may be a great sex magician because he took a type-the Playboy bunny-and made it the standani. One man with drive and will made it that way. What's good for General Motors is good for the rest of the country! Other people who may not even know why will fall into line. You just sit back and relax and don't tug on the rope and it'll come 'round..."

  "The warfare of the past was so impor≠ tant and so many died as a consequence. But is it really better to live in this sanitized, homogenized world with its delusions of conflict and the feeble facsimiles that pass for wars these days? Man needs war of some kind. War is something that you can't wish away-there have always been wars. Man needs enemies, foes, the Other. Man needs prejudices and something to oppose, that is unless he's so full of soma or	that he doesn't care anymore. If this kind of stul≠ tified, stagnant passivity, if this is the final solution, then we should do something about it. We seem to have immersed our≠ selves in that world. The only possible peace the public can perceive is as so many meal≠ worms or yeast molds co-exist."

Artificial Companions

   "We're getting back to slavery too. You can't wipe out slavery. Everyone wants to be above someone-now they can buy a slave on the installment plan. These people can get excited about the TV characters in their living room, but they say artificial com≠ panions won't be 'real' enough.	bullshit!"


   "It's not that I have so much against Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism but they had better keep encouraging TV and the whole 'global village' thought if they ex≠ pect a changeover to total complacency.

They tried to use Satanism as the last ditch to make an enemy for society but even that's falling flat."

The Satanic Promise

   "With heart and hand I pledge you while I load my gun again, you will never be forgotten or the enemy forgiven, my good comrade	"

ARTICLE. I hat.e to have to address

      these is.sues because they make me angry and I hat.e to be angry. And I especially hat.e to be angry when I have been pw-posely bait.ed into being angry-forced to waste my precious adrenal output, drained of my psychidcreative force, and maneuvered into writing an article like this. But there is something going on right now in the Satanic community that must be addressed, a phenomenon that must be cut out like the vile cancer that it is. Our supporters and advocates must be prepared to recogniz.e and battle our enemies, especially when they're wearing black robes. Bear with me and let's get this down on paper, out into the ethers and ritualiz.ed out of our syst.ems so we can move on to real issues confronting us.
   In our general information packet we have a "Satanic Bunco Sheet." You've all read it, but let me highlight a couple of pertinent points. Tip Number Four states:
   "The most parasitic 'Satanic' newsletters invariably contain a liberal dose of LaVey-baiting. Their editors' masochistic requirements are exercised as 'lively exchange.' Their mainstay is often the reprinting of any letter, pro or con, from anyone capable of grasping a writing implement or poking at a or typewriter key. When responding to such transparent tactics, it's our policy to preface rebuttals with two acknowledgements: A) 'I know you're a masochist and delight in hostile banter,' and B) 'Anything I write or say to you will keep you going for another six months.' 1be Satanic Bible advises to 'question all things'-but it helps to be able to think, first."
   Further in the flyer, inquirers are warned: "All of the ;ibove are subject to bitch-fights, petty jealousies, and rivalries. They are safe havens for small-minded people trying to play head games, preferring the protection of groups rather than really working to apply what Anton LaVey wrote."

There is a creeping pestilence of divisiveness weaving its way into our ranks that we must ruthlessly halt before it strangles us all. This divisiveness and cont.entiousness isn't perhaps apparent to the untrained eye, hence the need for this article.

It takes the form of "honest inquiry," "challenging debat.e," and "stimulating dialogue." It takes LaVey's dictum of "question all thin " and uses it to justify stirring up useless and count.erproductive int.ellectual turbulence, all for the good of the philosophy. Anyone who refuses to be drawn into these stimulating debates, or who has a kind or supportive thing to say about his philosophy's founder, Anton LaVey, is quickly labeled a "sycophant," a "LaVey fanatic," and "overly adulatory." One is, thereby, incapable of objective, independent thought and can be relegat.ed to the role of empty-headed, brainwashed moron.

   There aren't many of these instigators of "lively exchange" yet, but one or two have wormed their way into the good graces of the Satanic network, leeching off of our growing above-ground system of newslett.ers and correspondents, yet snidely refusing to align themselves with our progenitor organization. Now that Satanism is becoming an alt.ernative, the "lot lice" are sniffing around at ways to sneak in under the tent flap without putting themselves on the line. We must recogniz.e their insidious t.echniques before they undermine us irreparably. They pride themselves on being "unaffiliated," implying that "affiliated" forums, like 1be Black Flame, are so contaminated with admiration for Anton LaVey that they might slant or censor serious debat.e such as the sort they encourage. Of course, they don't send courtesy copies of their insightful newsletters to the Church of Satan, as most Satanically-oriented editors do, or someone might recognii.e them for the vile Quislings that they are. Many brashly depend on exposure in 1be Black Flame to generate a mailing list, won't commit themselves as

Church of Satan members, but challenge our policies in the innocent guise of stimulating debate.

   Rec.ent articles in one or two of these newsletters have advocated rape, bestiality, and incest as viable Satanic alt.ernatives, as well as providing a forum for hashing out such burning issues as pedophilia and fascism. In doing this, they creat.e conflicts where none need exist, just for the sake of rhetorical gymnastics. I figured out such actions are wrong when I was a little kid;

things like rape, pedophilia and bestiality are unacceptable in civiliz.ed society because they are harmful, disruptive, unjust and they hurt innocent creatures. End of discussion. Is that so hard to figure out? Don't we all know this already? Of course we do. We're being baited and goaded into debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

   As for the danger of fascism infiltrating the Satanic movement, what are we supposed to be? A bunch of kindergarten babies? Are we supposed to be such self≠ right.eous prigs that we can't stand to see a swastika? By accusing us of fascism, are we supposed to be distract.ed from the fact that we live in an extremely puritanical, fascistic society? From all reports, Church of Satan members have never been intimidated by swastikas, or any other emotionally-charged symbol. Those who have worn both attest to the power of the Baphomet to scare and mystify viewers. We don't need school marms to hover over us with rulers to slap our little hands and say, "naughty, naughty." It seems prepost.erous to me that such desktop critics think fascism can harm the movement, whereas their advocating rape and incest can do us no end of good.
   One popular posture is that of the "int.ellectual" Satanic alternative. It's an elementary debating technique used to create a false dichotomy-claiming your opponent is something he isn't (i.e. fascist, racist, chauvinistic, non-intellectuals), thereby showing yourself to be pure by contrast, and forcing your opponent into a defensive position. If an "alt.ernative" Satanist boldly declares himself to be against animal sacrifices, Satanists who have re,ad The Satanic Bible are forced to debat.e this non≠ issue. Upon examination, the "intellectual" alt.ernative might be draped in perplexing, spiritualistic language but it still advocates the same Satanism you read in The Satanic Bibk: indulgence, individualism, challenging the status quo, reward based on merit rather than race, and int.elligence. Gee, how different that is from the LaVeyan nonsense.
   I am deeply offended by irresponsible, obfuscating mental masturbation. If this were the kind of thing going on in the Church of Satan in 1976, I never would've joined. It's distasteful and juvenile-like a toddler who's just discovered he has a wee≠ wee and wants to play with it all the time. It


doesn't reflect a finely-honed mind some might think; on the contrary, it indicates someone who is intellectually insecure-the equivalent of the schoolyard bully who has to pick on other kids to show how tough he is, an intellectual bully who intimidates and goads those who might be a bit insecure themselves. I enjoy the odd game of mental fencing much the next Satanist, but this line of "exciting open d.iscus.sions" are an offensive misapplication of logic and rhetoric which should be recognized for what they are: shit-disturbing. Playing the Socratic gadfly, stinging us all into clarifying these is.sues before our detractors use them against us, is supposed to create turbulence for our own good. Thanks but no thanks.

   Worse than a simple waste of time and brainpower, this kind of insidious undermining creates a ripple-effect of problems we all eventually have to clean up. Here's a hypothetical progression:
   1) Mr. Q starts Darkness Visible, yet another Satanic newsletter. He's not a

member of the Church of Satan, but he advertises in all the respected, openly≠ affiliating newsletters. He is seldom overtly critical of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey or 1be B/4Ck Flame so loyal compatriots thinks he must be all right.

   2) Mr. Q publishes adherents' articles, and compliments others on their various projects. People see their names in print, bask in his praise, and figure he must be an exceedingly perceptive fellow.
   3) Mr. Q pays for ads for Darkness Visible, not solely by subscription exchange, but by that time-honored inducement called "money." To an enterprising editor/publisher of a fledgling Satanic newsletter with extremely limited funding, a paid advertisement can be a welcome insert, no matter how insulting its wording.
   4) After a few issues, Mr. Q appoints himself supreme arbiter of Satanic philosophy, providing a forum for "forms of Satanism" which might not meet the approval of the Church of Satan. What does Anton LaVey know anyway? He only created the philosophy. Why should his organi7.ation have any final word in defining the religion?
   5) People who might be moderately interested in Satanism pick up a copy of Darkness Visible, see advocacy of bestiality, and drop the whole idea something they'd want nothing to do with.
   6) Satanophobic groups get a hold of a copy of Darkness Visible advocating bestiality, rape and incest and use it to

confirm all of the Christian hysteria we've had to fight so hard to dispel. We get to clean up the shit, we get flack at work, we get our children jeopardized and our cars egged, not Mr. unaffiliated, ethical-inquiry, what-who-me?.

   7) Our most supportive, productive, stalwart members get tired of being called "sycophants," tired of being drawn into pointless interchanges, get tired of defending and justifying themselves and their ch leader, and quietly move on to less complicated, more productive advocacies.
   8) Members of our hierarchy begin to debate about how best to handle these psychic vampires-whether it's better to make people aware, publish a shit list of people to freeze out of the network, or whether it's better to shine a glaring light on them, allow them all the forum they can handle, thereby showing themselves for the slime they are. We are therefore divided. How could an infiltrating Christian agent provocateur bent on destroying the Satanic movement undermine it more efficiently?

The only reason I've gone into such detail concerning these methods is so that you'll be equipped to recognize such divisive maneuverings when you see them. So far, we've all done a pretty good job of weeding out this sort of contentiousness. But now, since the Satanic movement is gaining more steam than ever, we need to tighten our ranks. There is no room in the Church of Satan for hairsplitters and nitpickers. H you have a policy question, you can call or write to the Church of Satan and ask what the Church's stand on pedophilia or bestiality is (if you haven't read 1be Satanic Bible yet); we don't need BBS bickerings or pointless newsletter interchanges "to hammer these issues out." Go to the source and ask what Satanic policy is.

   Because Anton LaVey wanted his philosophy to be accessible to those without stultified minds, anyone can go into a bookstore, pick up a copy of 1be Satanic Bibl,e, read. understand, and apply Satanism to better her life. As for group activities, newsletters and the like, the Church of Satan h maintained a laissez-faire policy over the past three decades. Official membership isn't demanded, just simple acknowledgement of the source and accurate codification of LaVeyan principles. This in itself is Satanic, placing the responsibility for your own "salvation" and entertainment squarely on your own shoulders where it belongs instead of on a "Priest" who'll talk to God for you or reveal the Great Mysteries-for a price.

There will always be jealous, unethical, subversive, self-loathing, counterproductive, life-sucking p tes who will want to scavenge from our viable organization. They are shallow, without vision, and probably incapable of commitment or loyalty to anything or anyone. They will continue to use whatever ploys they can to obfuscate, disable and defuse us. Don't be swayed, flattered or ghettoized. The Satanic network is not the real world; our power lies in having an effect in the real world-Satan's true realm. Dare to be a big fish in a bigger pond-you have the power to do so. You're a Satanist, and can proudly declare, "I have taken thy name a part of myself..."

   The Church of Satan w formed	a mutual admiration society, not an encounter group. We are energized by and supportive of each other. Of course there are going to be differences among us. Satan is representative of the reconciliation of apparent irreconcilables. We're driven individualists with our own obsessions and directions. One of our greatest strengths is that we can't be neatly pigeonholed and dismissed. Anton LaVey intended his organi7.ation to be a meeting of minds, where a highly-evolved black man could stand forth in front of a Baphomet and curse his "brothers" for forcing him down to their level, and a white man could stand beside him and curse his self-hating race who1w undermined itself to the brink of extinction by perpetuating the lie of Christianity for 2,000 years. We can choose to concentrate on our differences, worry them and pick at them like scabs until they pus and infect, or we can concentrate on our similarities, our mutual goals, and our relief to be among others of like mind where, as Milton wrote, "Here at le t we shall be free... though in Hell."
   Because Anton LaVey has maintained the standard of "what you are inside is dictated by what you are outside," we have become more of a professional cabal than just another occultic circle-jerk. Like the ons, we pass secret signs or mention certain names that open doors. When one says he's an affiliate of the Church of Satan to the right people, prions are made

that he's a product-oriented, no-bullshit kind of person who'll get things done. To protect that status, we cannot allow those who will dilute our growing reputation to ride on our coattails, wheedling their way into others' good graces at our expense.

   We are the only cohesive international movement on the horizon today. We have one book, one man, one organization to

stand behind. That's more than the Wiccans can accomplish, or the Republicans, or the Democrats, or the Christians. We are invincible as an organization, as a movement -but not as feuding, factionalized splinter groups. For that kind of cohesion, we need a leader. There have been countless psychological studies focusing on group dynamics. One person always emerges as the leader, otherwise nothing gets done. Someone doesn't set himself up as leader by posturing and preening; leaders are appointed by those in whom they engender loyalty, admiration, trust, and confidence. Only those who are secure in their own egos can unreservedly commit their allegiance to a man they respect. It's an unpopular stance these days; read the newspaper. We're lucky to have a leader like Anton LaVey. He has ensured that his philosophy will not die with him; it has been and will continue to be codified, expanded and applied in new areas by his organization.

   The Church of Satan cannot be defined as a personality cult. We are not dependent on the personality of Anton LaVey; the philosophy he established and still codifies will survive the centuries. But we do respect him and acknowledge him with unswerving

loyalty-not blind faith, but educated

pocket, not Dr. LaVey's.

   Apply your enthusiasm toward larger practical goals. Put taxation of churches on a ballot, invest your mind and money in the development of Artificial Human Companions, virtual reality, and total environments... do something. You are aligned with powerful forces-utilize them. We are responsible for the Renaissance, the revolution, if there is to be any at all. We are the leaders, not the gossips, critics and commentators. As we accelerate along this electronic superhighway, there are fewer artisans, more kibitzers and packagers feeding off the rare tidbit of creativity.

Product has become more precious than gold. Don't get bogged down in networking and he-said/she-said accusations, spending so much time playing the game we lose sight of the objective. Examine motives, not smokescreen "issues."

   So the next time someone accuses you of being a "sycophant," smile portentously, give a slight nod and know you've identified an enemy. Our detractors want to undermine your confidence, your principles,

and our cohesion by throwing such words around. We have direction and focus. We cannot afford to have our energy siphoned off and sabotaged from within. We're out for bigger game. Don't full for cheap ploys of the jealous and weak. Don't submit. JUST SAY NO: "You're a scumbag, Idon't like you, get away from me, you stink, I don't want to hear what you have to say, I'm not interested, you are not welcome here, go find another sucker."

   At this juncture, we cannot tolerate dissension, skeptical inquiry or inciting to mutiny. The stakes are too high. If this is to be called tyrannical, despotic and ruthless, so be it. Internal strife is our only significant enemy. Now you can recognize these agitators' sleight of hand, and their motives. We know who we are and they know who they are. Yes, it is an us-vs.-them world, even when they try to call themselves Satanists.

And don't expect me to be drawn into further angry response when this article is dissected by "honest inquirers." My ritual is complete. I have more important thin to do-and so do you.

admiration. In these clays of electing our sacrifices and tabloid crucifixions, it's blasphemous to respect a leader and not try to tear him down-almost as heretical as calling forth Lord Satan Himself. That kind ofloyalty canes naturally to a true Satanist; it rankles those with a lingering Christian agenda.

   Our most productive people are "LaVey fanatics," those who say, "Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. I'll throw in my lot with the ones who started it, who sustain it, and I'll do my part by applying Satanism in my own life toward product and satisfaction."Sycophants are the ones who make it worthwhile for Dr. LaVey to continue writing, to keep recording his music. They encourage further productivity and let him know his perseverance isn't in vain. Anton LaVey doesn't need to justify or defend himself to anyone; his strength and his talent justify him. He is a noble, creative man who remains steadfast in his convictions. That's what his detractors can't stand. His words and his music only ring truer because of their efforts to defuse him. Sycophantic praise is more valuable to him than people who want to start their groups or their newsletters, "all for the good of the Church." Start them, fine. But admit unabashedly it's to feed your ego and your





      No one in recent times had greater success than Walt Disney.
   He created the greatest entertainment empire the world has ever known, and we live to this day under the umbrella of images and ideas born of his mind.
   His Disneyland and Disneyworld are of course the consummate total environments, magic Kingdoms that have inspired the mul≠ titudes with the awesome wonder and joy at≠ tainable here on earth through applied imagination. Disney movies, TV shows, books, records and merchandise of all sorts have left a psychic imprint on humanity that will not soon fade. It is difficult to imagine anyone not loving Uncle Walt.
   Disney.was the greatest magician of the twentieth century. Through sheer will and constant work, he nursed his personal visions to become reality, and applied them on a greater scale than any military dictator could ever hope to. He created an enchanted world within the "real" world, and EVERY≠ ONE wanted to share in his fantasy.
   His animated works are studies in the effective use of symbolic language as a means of evoking an emotional response. Anyone who wishes to make an impression on the public mind, especially in the medium of cinema, had best heed the words of the Mastex: Anyone who merely wishes to learn from and enjoy the world around him and his life in it also has much to gain from the insights of this visionary Genius-God.
   [fhe following quotations by Walt Dis≠ ney are taken from an article in Wzsdom Magazine, the journal of the Wisdom Society for the Advancement of Knowledge, Learn≠ ing and Research, Volume 32, Decembei; 1959-ed.]

ï ï ï ï ï

   The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
    People often ask me if I know the secret of success, and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working.
   If I were a fatalist, or a mystic, which I decidedly am not, it might be appropriate to say I believe in my lucky star. But I reject "luck"-1

feel every person creates his own "deter≠ minism" by discovering his best aptitudes and following t_hem undeviatingly.

    I am a patient listener but opinionated to the point of stubbornness when my mind is made up.
    'it>u may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.

Wide awake faith, not blind faith, moves me.

    It is good to have a failure while you're young because it teaches you so much. For one thing it teaches you that such a thing can happen to anybody, and once you've lived through the worst, you're never quite as vul≠ nerable afterwards.
    I can never stand still. I must explore and experiment. I am never satisfied with my work. I resent the limits of my own imagination.
    People sort of live in the dark about things. A lot of young people think the Mure is closed to them, that everything has been done. This is not so. There are plenty of avenues to be explored.
   There are fashions in reading, even in thinking. 'it>u don't have to follow them unless you want to. On the other hand, watch out!

Don't stick too closely to your favorite subject. That would keep you from adventuring into other fields. It's silly to build a wall around your interests.

   Man needs a new set of problems to pull his mind away from old ones.
   Somehow I can't believe there are many heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage and Constancy, and the greatest one of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all over, implicitly and unquestioningly.
    All you've got to do is own up to your ig≠ norance honestly, and you'll find people who are eager to fill your head with information.

I believe in being an innovator.

    People who have worked with me say I am "innocence in action." They say I have the innocence and unselfconsciousness of a child. Maybe I have. I still look at the world with an uncontaminated wonder.
    Every child is born with a vivid imagina≠ tion. But just as a muscle grows flabby with dis≠ use, so the bright imagination of a child pales in later years if he ceases to exercise it.

    When youngsters get into serious trouble it is generally the parents who are delinquent, not the children. If you look a little deeper, when some unpleasant incident occurs, you'll find that there's usually something wrong in the domestic menage. In too many cases the parents are in trouble, and the parents are the ones who need help.
    The way to keep children out of trouble is to keep them interested in things. Lecturing to children is no answer to delinquency. Preaching won't keep kids out of trouble. But keeping their minds occupied will.
    Films stimulate children to read books on many subjects.
   The average child is a highly intelligent human bein haracteristically sensitive, humorous, open-minded, eager to learn, and

has a strong sense of excitement, energy and healthy curiosity about the world in which he lives. Lucky indeed is the grownup who manages to carry these same characteristics into his adult life. It usually makes for a happy and successful individual.

    I have a great love of animals and laughter.
   Animals have personalities like people and should be studied.
    Why do animals dominate my animated cartoons? Because their reaction to any kind of stimulus is expressed physically. Often the en≠ tire body comes into play. Take a joyful dog. His tail wags, his torso wiggles, his ears flap. He may greet you by jumping on your lap or making a circuit of the room, not missing a chair or a divan. He keeps barking and that's a form of physical expression, too; he stretches his big mouth. But how does a human being react to stimulus? He's lost the sense of play he once had and he inhibits physical expression. He is the victim of a civilization whose ideal is the un≠ botherable, poker-faced man and the attractive, unruffled woman. Even the gestures get to be calculated. They call it poise. The spontaneity of the animal-you find it in small children, but it's gradually trained out of them.
    I do not make pictures for children, at least not just for children. I won't play down to them. Too many people grow up. That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don't remember what it's like to be twelve years old. They patronize; they treat children as inferiors. I won't do that. 1,1 temper a story, yes. But I won't play down, and I won't patronize.
    I didn't treat my youngsters like frail flowers, and I think no parent should. Children are people, and they have to reach to learn about things, just as adults do if they want to grow in mental stature. Life is composed of

lights and shadows, and we would be untruth≠ ful, insincere and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows.

   Nothing is ever bom afraid... young thin uman and animal-boy or black lamb-have had no experience with fear. They rely implicitly on parents-on something bigger and stronger than themselves, to assure

safety... on God as they grow older and threats to security multiply.

    If anybody gets highbrow around the studi ut he goes.

I don't pretend to know anything about art. I make pictures for entertainment, and the professors tell me what they mean.

   I am not influenced by the techniques or fashions of any other motion picture company.
   I am interested in entertaining people, in bringing pleasure, particularly laughter, to others, rather than being concerned with "ex≠ pressing" myself with obscure creative impres≠ sions.
    If I can't feel a theme, I can't make a film anyone else will feel. I can't laugh at intellectual humor.
   Picture audiences want to know things rather than escape realities, so long as they are presented as entertainments.
   Man is an animal as well as a creature with a soul. He has many things in common with his lesser brothers. In fact he is the fun≠ niest, the most pathetic of all the animals.
   Fable animals are not real animals. They are human beings in the guise of bird and beast. From his earliest beginnings, as his cave drawings eloquently attest, Man has been tell≠ ing many of his experiences and dramatic con≠ clusions and comments through animal symbols.
   Sheer animated fantasy is still my deepest production impulse. The fable is the best storytelling device ever conceived, and the screen is the best medium. And, of course, animal characters have always been the per≠ sonnel of fable; animals through which the fo≠ ibles as well as the virtues of humans can best and most hilariously be reflected.
    In learning the art of storytelling by anima≠ tion, I have discovered that language has an anatomy. Every spoken word, whether uttered by a living person or by a cartoon character, has its facial grimace, emphasizing its mean≠ ing.
   To captivate our varied and worldwide audience of all ages, the nature and treatment of the fairy tale, the legend, the myth, has to be elementally simple. The victories must not be too easy. Strife to test valor is still and always will be the basic ingredient of the animated tale as of all screen entertainments.

Humans leamed life's lessons by seeing

1981 things or pictures with their eyes for ages before they began leaming through written or spoken.words, so it is not strange that they ream most readily by pictures. the animated cartoon can set forth anything from a world in evolution to a whirl of electrons invisible to human eyes; can produce a mosquito tall enough to tower over a village or a fairy small enough to dance on a leaf; can make a mouse talk and an elephant fly, and bring a puppet to life; can get inside acomplex machine, slow down its action, explain its operation to appren≠ tices with a darity impossible in any other medium, and can even get inside the human body.

    The screen has too long been confined to what we see and hear, what the camera can show... things which reveal not half of a man's life and his most intense interests, with live ac≠ tors attempting to interpret the unseen-the emotions, the impulses of the mind. And doing it, we must admit, rather clumsily most of the time. Relying largely on words, often almost meaningless. Now, with the animated cartoon, we have another perfected ! another

sc for getting at the inner nature of things and projecting them for the eye and ear.

    Humanity, as history informs us, changes very slowly in character and basic interests. They never cease to be fascinated by their own powers and passions, their base or noble emo≠ tions, their faiths and struggles against triumph and handicap-all the things that make them laugh and weep and comfort one another in love and sacrifice out of the depths of their being.
   We learned a great deal during the war years when we were making instruction and technological films in which abstract and obscure things had to be made plain and quick≠ ly and exactly applicable to the men in the mili≠ tary services. These explorations and efficiencies of our cartoon medium must not be unused and extended in the entertainment field.
    W>men are the best judges of anything we tum out. Their taste is very important. They are the theater-goers, they are the ones who drag the men in. If the women like it, to heck with the men.
   The motion picture has become a neces≠ sity of life, a part of our balanced existence. It is not a negligible luxury. People are always going to demand and enjoy movies in the theater.

Patronage will depend more than ever on what we put on the screen. And especially on how we understand the needs and desires of our younger customers. For their favor we must compete as never before.

    The motion picture has become one of the marvels of all time; a true W>nder of the W>rld in its magical powers. But what it has wrought on the screen for every man and his family to see and ponder has been even more wonder≠ ful.
    The inspirations of mind and spirit that go into the making of a Disney picture are not as mysterious as those of other creative efforts.

Our productions consist simply of the two es≠ sentials of good picture-making. One essential is darity. The other is interest. If a subject is presented in a way that arouses a person's in≠ terest, if he is shown that it relates directly to his needs, if he is made eager to learn and learn≠ ing becomes, as it can be, one of the keenest of pleasures, then he will leam far more than if he is forced to drudge along under the whip of compulsion or duty. Failure to make clear the nature and meaning of the thing being produced is one of the surest causes of dull≠ ness and failure to leam. The success of our movies has sprung from their universal appeal to millions of people of all nations, all ages, all degrees of experience, intelligence and ream≠ ing.

   Art was always ameans to an end with me. 'tbu get an idea, and you just can't wait. Once you're started, then you're in there with the punches flying. There's plenty of trouble, but you can take it. 'tbu can't back out. It gets you down once in a while, but it's exciting. Our whole business is exciting.
   The motion picture still has great things ahead. Equipped with its big screens, its color and sound fidelities and all its perfected devices for illusionment, nothing is beyond its range and powers. Itself a marvel of science, it can and will serve with equal facility the space enthusiast looking beyond the sun, and the homebody content with the warm, familiar earth and all its bounties when he goes with his fami≠ ly seeking entertainment and inspiration.
   Money is something I understand only vaguely, and think about only when I don't have enough to finance my current enthusiasm, whatever it may be. All I know about money is

that I have to have it to do things. I don't want to bank my dividends. I'd rather keep that money working. When I make a profit, I don't squander it or hide it away; I immediately plow it back into a fresh project. I have little respect for money as such, regard it merely as a medium for financing new ideas. I neither wish nor intend to amass a personal fortune. Money-or rather the lack of it to carry out my ideas- may worry me, but it does not excite me. Ideas excite me.

    The age we're living in is the most extraor≠ dinary the world has ever seen. There are whole new concepts of things, and we know have the tools to change these concepts into , realities. We're moving forward. In terms of my work, I believe people want to know about this universe that keeps unfolding before them. But let's be dear about one thing: I'm not trying to teach anything to anybody. I want to entertain the public.
    Our schools should put more emphasis on how to go about finding out.
    The era we are living in today is a dream coming true.

Fantasy and reality often overlap.

ï ï ï ï ï


t may come as a surprise to some that there have been worthwhile artists throughout history besides H. R. Giger. Since its earliest beginnin in Mesopotamia, the history of civilized. "high" art in the West has been rif-e with all sorts of glorious images of monsters, eroticism, violence and wonder. Unfortunately, there is a vast ignorance concerning the 5,000 years or so of human visual aesthetic accomplishment, and although I realize that this article is not likely to make much of a dent in that ignorance, I can't help but feel that it behooves us as Satanists to have at least a general familiarity with Art History. There are plenty of people who do have such a general familiarity, and they don't often go about calling themselves elitists.

   I have chosen to write about the period in Northern Europe between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries mainly because it was in this timespan that four of my favorite artists were activC:.-Jan Van Eyck, Hieronymous Bosch, Albrecht Oiirer and Peter Breughel the Elder. (I told you that this article would be biasedQ
   There are several reasons why these four artists are some of my favorites, and why

they've had such an influence on my own work. First of all, they were technically competent in a way that few Art School graduates are anymore. The achievements of these artists have served as a standard against which I've measured my own draw (and I don't come very close!). Secondly, they were all uniquely capable of painting, drawing and engraving monsters, demons and Hell scenes. Each one of these artists, in hisown inimitable way, produced charming, detailed and evocative creatures and scenes that are, unfortunately, usually the most overlooked aspects of their respective bodies of work. Who wants to see another Madonna and Child when you can see some

Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci,


contributions to aesthetic achievement in his era, these four fellows simply never made it to the big leagues like Pablo and Andy did. I guess Macy's doesn't think you'll buy their cosmetics if you have to carry them home in a Fall of The Rebe! Angels tote bag... ...... Jan Van Eyck is a pivotal figure in Western Art History. Although he was not the inventor of oil painting, which to this day remains the generally preferred medium of painters, he was the first artist, along with his now nearly-forgotten elder brother Hubert, to use the oil painting technique of glazing to great illusionistic and realistic visual advantage.

   What's so great about oil paint, you ask? Well, before oil paint had been employed to create pictures (its use was not unknown in the limning of stone and metal), the usual color medium of visual artists was something called tempera.

Tempera was, in essence, ground color pigment mixed with egg yolk. This technique dries very quickly, and though it suited the needs of the more flat-plane conscious Gothic artists of the previous three centuries, it hardly did much to evoke any sense of illusionistic depth. As Europe emerged from the Dark Ages and more Greek and Roman antiquities and manuscripts were becoming available for study, artists more or 1 collectively became interested in Classical themes such as anatomy and prq><>rtion, sacred geometry and a more carnal realism. The discovery andemployment of oil painting was, therefore, a crucial development By starting with a grisaille, or monochromatic drawing in oil paint, and letting it dry thoroughly, the artist could ood color in thin, oily layers called gLaes. This is a painstaking process, but if done correctly it allows an almost tangible perception of illusionistic depth in a painting.

   Jan Van Eyck was not only a master craftsman-he was also a master illusionist! His paintin such as the richly detailed The

poor slob being ripped apart at the crotch (remember, this is in 1425) by an enthusiastic-looking demon? Thirdly, and perhaps most interestingly, these artists are, for some reason, not really part of the public consciousness. Everybody knows

Rembrandt, Monet, Picasso and Warhol≠ probably even your relatives! Yet, although the names of Van Eyck, Bosch, Oilier and Breughel are hardly obscure to art historians and each of these artists has made his own unique and historically important

Arnolfini Wedding, are simply crammed with delicious technical marvels. Every conceivable texture, from wood to brass to hair to flesh to brick to light to the mirrored surface at the rear of the depicted room is painted with such enormous care and

FIOURE2. deftness that one feels magically transported into that bedchamber. And today, people read comic books and buy posters of unicorns! Today's Expressionist and Minimalist artists know nothing of the love, care and isolation that making this kind of painting entails.

   My favorite Van Eyck painting, and perhaps the most interesting one to readers of 1be Black Flame, is the right hand panel of a triptych currently owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, entitled The Last Judgment (Fig. 1). H you can forget about Jesus and his pals floatin' in the sky above (this shouldn't take long}, you can delight in the wonderfully gruesome Hell scene depicted beneath a rather frightening Angel of Death. Pathetic little guilt-ridden sinners writhe and wail while a host of cute (ummm... I mean harrible) li'l devils do their worst. This painting is amazingly small (about 22 by 8 inches) and really demands intimate study when viewing it. It's much more difficult to make small-scale paintings or drawings≠ there's a lot less room for error, literally.

Van Eyck, like many of his contemporaries, almost always worked small, which makes their enormous artistic accomplishments even more grand! Hail Jan Van Eyck! ...... Little is known about Hieronymous (sometimes Jerome) Bosch. It is believed that he was born in 1450 C.E. in the city of 's≠ Hergotenbosch, Flanders (now Belgium)

near the Netherlandish border. A few official city records of Bosch exist, but of his life, his artistic training or his motivation we know nothing.

   Of course, this dearth of information about the most unique painter in human history has lead to some wild speculation by historians. Bosch has been variously pegged as a drug fiend, a member of a secretive pagan cult, a devout Christian, a looney and the first surrealist. Of course there are also more contemporaneousSpanish accounts of his art which refer to him as "... the inventor of monsters and chimeras..."-in other words, just a guy who painted funny pictures that have no intrinsic meaning, per se. Few historians ever quote that line from Filipe de Guevara. Hmm...
   In any case, Bosch's work is unmistakably unique. The right-hand panel of Bosch's The Garden of F.arthly Delights triptych (Fig. 2) is rather representative of his work. Although this really deserves to be seen in person (it's at El Museo del Prado in

FIOUREI. Madrid, Spain), one can glean quite a bit from a good reproduction and a magnifying glass. Bosch's paintings are not quite as realistic or technically advanced as Van Eyck's, but there is a certain dreamlike, hallucinogenic quality to Bosch's work that would make a more realistic, illusionistic approach seem inappropriate. Bosch's triptych, The Temptation of St. Anthony, (which is, incidentally, always a good subject for artists who like to paint demons more than they do people) is also a masterpiece (Fig. 3). This is a detail of that altarpiece, and was chosen because I really love that corn≠ husk man riding on a giant rat! W1,y, Hieronymous? Hey-why not! The twentieth century Surrealist artists

really didn't improve much on Bosch's idiom. All the sex, violence and weirdness once could want is just sitting there in The Garden of Earthly Delights, and has been since around 1500! Practically anyone since the dawn of the sixteenth century who has tried his hand at describing or delineating the horrific, the odd or the inexplicable owes a debt of some sort to the peculiar genius of Hieronymous Bosch. Y'know, Hieronymous, it's probably . just as well that nobody understands your art-half the fun is guessing what the Hell you were thinking. Hail Hieronymous Bosch! ...... Albrecht Diirer is sort of the Leonardo da Vinci of Germany, even though he was Hungarian.

   Diirer was the third of eighteen (!) children, and was born in 1471 in Niirnberg, Germany. His father was a goldsmith, and the young Diirer was apprenticed as a goldsmith as well. This is of interest because there is little doubt that Diirer's early training in such a technically demanding craft prepared him to become the world's greatest printmaker.
   Diirer's specialty was engraving. Unlike etching, where marks on a wax-coated metal plate are scratched, bitten by nitric acid, inked and printed, engraving demands that the artist actually carve the lines directly into the metal plate with a sharp tool called a burin. This is the same process, generally, by which the images on U.S. currency were produced, and it is an extremely difficult thing to learn. The line quality of an engraving is very fine and delicate and allows for a great degree of subtlety and detail to be accomplished.
   Diirer was the first artist in history to take full advantage of the printmaking medium. Instead of having a single painting or drawing or an edition of a few prints of any particular plate, Diirer banged them out like there was no tomorrow! He soon had influential admirers from all over Europe. Diirer took advantage of this notoriety and traveled to Venice where he met Bellini and many other Italian artists. He also indulged in his share of Venice's material pleasures whilst his devoted wife Agnes awaited his return in Niirnberg.
   Knight, Death and Devil (Fig. 4) is reproduced here. Diirer's masterful draughtsmanship, astounding control (this plate is about 10 by 7 1/2 inches, smaller than the format size of 1be Black Flame) and

wonderful sense of composition are in full evidence. The arrogance of the knight and the almost lascivious posture of the (very strange) Devil are well communicated, more than four centuries after its execution.

   Diirer was also a fine painter (though I think it's his weakest spot), woodcut artist (though he had apprentices actually cut the blocks for him-he was mortal, after all!), watercolorist (Diirer's watercolors are unique, as they mark the earliest instance of a watercolor artist painting directly from nature), perspectivist, draughtsman and calligrapher. Diirer went on fairly regular excursions, which was unusual in the early sixteenth century, and had a wife and children on top of all this. So what have you done with your life? To paraphrase Tom Lehrer, "...when Mozart was my age, he'd

FIBURE4. been dead three years!" Hail Albrecht Diirerl ......... Peter (sometimes Peeter) Breughel (sometimes Bruegel or Brogel) was born in 1522 (or thereabouts) in Breda (now Bree), located in what is now the southwest part of the Netherlands. he was considered to be unusually gifted by the Guildmasters of his time, and was given the title of "free master" (more or less the equivalent of a present day master's degree) at the age of twenty-three. Most twenty-three-year-olds living today still make their residence with mommy and daddy (or mommy and her lesbian pal).

   Breughel's art is simultaneously mundane and peculiar. Nature and peasant life were often the themes of his art, but he always seemed to find a way to insert some

sort of strange or grotesque element. His depictions of beggars and street scum (not just a twentieth century phenomenon!) are especially enjoyable, as he seems to take great delight in depicting them in all their wretchedness. Breughel was also fond of showing the inherent foolishness of human bein and not n y in a Christian way. Breughel never did commission work for the Church (an odd thing in the sixteenth century, you would think), yet he was highly socially regarded. In a manner somewhat akin to Bosch, Breughel dealt with religious subjects only in an obtuse and peculiar fashion. I'm not trying to assert that Breughel was misanthropic or a Satanist, but there is much in his art that misanthropic Satanists can observe and enjoy! Breughel was most certainly influenced by Bosch, and this influence is very clearly seen in Breughel's depictions of (what else?) Hell, demons and monsters. In his Fall of the Rebel Angels (Fig. 5), painted in 1562, Breughel simultaneously gives a nod to Bosch and then goes him one better by executing the composition with greater technical merit and complexity than Bosch would ever have been capable. The painting is a vortex of activity wherein eleven stalwart angels engage in a melee with a frenzied horde of demons. Christians might suggest that it takes but eleven angels to hold back the Forces of Darkness. My guess is that after such a long battle, there are only eleven angels left!

   Breughel's work is inherently charming and captivating, no matter what his chosen subject. He was especially good at evoking the pale light of winter, and many of his snowy landscapes are almost palpably chilly. To all you Vikings now living in more southerly latitudes, I say look to Breughel and let your bones be froun anew!
   His final painting, Storm at Sea (1568), dimly shows a ship in rough seas about to be overtaken by a sinister Leviathanish beast. What a rather Apocalyptic end to a distinguished career! Hail Peter Breughel!


Lack of aesthetics is a sin in our religion. The ability to effectively employ visual concepts is a key ingredient of Satanic black magic, especially where witches are concerned (remember, men are much more easily entranced byvisual stimuli than are women, in general). In order to increase your awareness and sensitivity to all things visual, you must feed your eyes on a daily

1 basis! The quality∑of the food that you7v': ∑ to your eyes will play a part in determining the degree to which you are visually astute. Looking at great art doesn't hurt! Notice how great artisis compose the elements of theirpaintings and drawings to achieve different effects. Look at how lines differ from planes. Notice the role that color plays. H you study these things well, you will not only have a leg up on the competition magically, but you will have introduced yourself to a whole other world, a world where anything can happen. Even if you have no artistic talent personally, you can still immerse yourself in all manner of pursuits without ever leaving your nice, comfy bed! To tie this in with Magister Gilmore's recent article concerning time travel, sensitivity and the ability to transport oneself into another realm can be a potent weapon in the war against the pre-packaged fantasies (i.e. Disneyland, The Mighty Morphin' [sic] Power Rangers, Morta/, Kombat, Beverly Hills 90210, the O.J. Simpson trial, et cetera) that the herd seems to enjoy so greatly.

   H your library of art is small and you want to expand it cheaply, buy Dover Books! (A free catalog can be had by writing to Dover Publications Inc., 31 E. 2nd St., Mineola, NY 11501 Please indicate field of interest [i.e. Fine Art].) Dover reproduces all sorts of monographs on different artists.

Their reproductions (usually black-and≠ white of black-and-white art) are excellent and most of their books are under ten dollars. Color reproductions are a bit more costly, but a trip to any good bookstore's Fine Art section should yield some reasonably priced finds. I also recommend The History of Art by H.W.Janson, in spite of what the feminists say. Although much of the art is reproduced in black-and-white, the book gives you the basics from Lascaux to Jeff Koons. You should be able to find a used copy for twenty to thirty bucks. Class dismissed.



F I N A L L Y !! A PERFECT-BOUND BOOK FEATURING 68 PECULIAR DRAWINGS BY TIMOTHY PATRICK BUTLER ! This volume is a must for anyone interested in the occult, the surreal or the pornographic! NO GOD-FEARING HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. To order, please send $12.00 plus $2.00 shipping and handling ( U.S. funds in cash, check or money order made payable to TIMOTHY PATRICK BUTLER ) to:

CAT BOX PRODUCTIONS c/o N.E.O.P. Co. & U.W. & L., Inc. P.O. Box 642712 San Francisco, CA 94164-2712, U.S.A. Pkas<'. allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Please send signed age statement with order. ADULTS CNER 18 ONLY!! THIS IS PURE FILTH!!

Send S.A.S.E. to above address for information on greeting cards, phrenology and other products and services featuring the weird talents of Timothy Patrick Butler.



rJ ft

NE OF THE MORE INTERESTING l nsthat Satanists can learn from history is the way in which theJudeo-Xian authorities throughout the course of the "Age of Ice" that preceded 196611 A.S. sought toaush any technological .dvance. As the industrial age dawned, and Luddit.cs sought tosmash the machines rendering them obsolete, the term "infernal machine" was coined. It's an interesting term which has been variously applied, but always todevices that acted to push the march of progress forward-steam-powered mine pumps, automated knitting mills, steam engines inships, aircraft, motor vehicles.

   Ibelieve we now see extensively used, the mast effective and mast authentically infernal of all infernal machines. It's the tool I'm using to write this article-in this .	a now obsolete IBM286-done PC. The Personal Computer, and earlier generations of computers can be correctly classified as infernally inspired-they play a key role in the first and m t important element of pentagonal revisionism-stratification.In one sense, the computer re-imposes the evolutionary vigor lost in Westem industrial civilization as the initial laissez-faire orthodoxy aumbled to become today's doctrine of the politically correct. Yesteryear's "Iron Law of Wages" became today's bipartisan support for the Welfare State.

Yet the "infernal machine" re-imposes evolutionary criteria-at least in the sense of "survival" in the labor market. Like it or not,

of creativity, good taste and let's fare it, clear≠ headedness and ruthJesmes.,-all characteristics best exemplified by the Satanist. The complexity of management, technologically specific and professional tasks will combine to generate ademand and appropriate reward for those at the "peak" of the species in this regard. I am aware of thecounter-argument being touted-no, it's not that the less capable are redundant, obsolete... they just need to be refocused. Service industries, hospitality, home support are all endorsed as a "holy grail" for the less skilled. Like that medieval Xian folly, I regard these sources of "salvation" for the less capable as an illusion. Certainly, the opportunities do exist now for what one local (Australian) expert has coined Type B work≠ support to those actually doing the "brain jobs." The operative word, however, is now.

   Almost without exception, all of these service/support jobs are vulnerable to the next generation of automation-to being redundant by the near future's "infernal machines:" artificial human companions. What is also not emphasi7.ed is the transient, poorly paid, and unreliable nature of much of this work. What this amounts toin an economic sense is really only "Lex T alionis in a business suit," reemphasizing the dominance of superior members of the species, the more creative and adaptable, over the inferior. Extrapolate

today's trends, and you arrive at avery interesting image of a tiny core of "brain workers" managing an outsourced and

automated work force. To me, this comes remarkably cl05'C to the archetypic image of the insular, manipulative magus-employing greater and lesser magic to shape the world in which he lives to meet his needs. Who knows what personal work environment these managerial magicians of the future may seek to employ? Given the evolutionary .dvantage Satanism confers (10 mind set terms), will the world see the emergence of Gothic office furniture-as Gilles de Rais chic hits the board rooms of the West? Where tofrom here? Well, I think that answer is inherent in Pentagonal Revisionism. Until the economic system can be redirected away from this survival-through-growth model, which is ultimately suicidal for our planet, we need to find a way of using the necrs.wy value of the herd as conswners, gen≠ erating demand, while miniminng their damage to the natural world, as well as their in≠ terference with the alien elite who have suo≠ ceeded in defining themselves as individuals. Dr. LaVey identified the solution some years ago when he identified "space ghettoes" as the means of achieving these objectives. Stratifica≠ tion of the species willcontinue to occur, water willfindits own level, aided by each successive generation of "infernal machines." The chal≠ lenge firing the world, and us as Satanists, is to ensure that the other four "points" ofpen≠ tagonal revisionism occur as well, and that we wind up with "a world that's green and a world that's free" at the end of the process.

computers mean we don't need the herd. The previous requirement for masses of industrial manpower is gone, the old manual "typing pools" are gone, dramatically reduced, or subcontracted. The old-time offices, with their row-upon-row of clerks sitting at small desks mechanically performing basic clerical tasks have dramatically reduced. What does this have todo with Satanism, and with pentagonal revisionism? The answer is that it has everything to do with it. md with stratification in particular. Under the guise of "flatter structures," or "autonomous work groups," enterprises have found they don't need the less capable, the less intelligent, or the less adaptable. The entire base of what was once avery broad-based pyramid (and in real terms, a trapezoid if you like to think of it1 has been cut away. We just don't need those who aren't at the peak level of adaptation of our species. Brain workers we need, people




   P.O. BOX 272929 TAMPA, Fl, 33688, U.S.A.


HEY CALL IT "SURFING THE INTERNE't" and we've refenoo to it before in TBF: communic-ating via computer modem, or going on-line with a diabolical handle, an axe to grind and an at≠ titude. Now don't get me wrong; the ability of busy, creative people to transmit information, ideas and material quickly and accurately from one computer to another is nothing short of black magic. With very few keystrokes I can send a long, detailed, introductory article about Satanism around the world, and I do, on a daily b.w.. I receive articles for The Black Flame, and pour them right into my desktop publishing program or woni-processor. I "chat," for the price of a local call, to other Satanists in New Zealand and Australia. And when every Satanist has an e-mail and more do every month-well, talk about Infer≠ nal Machines!

   Unfortunately, the activities I named above are NOT the norm for most Internet "surfers." What they prefer, under cover of cutesy BBS "handles" and all alone at their desks, in their underweai; is to get onto "newsgroups" (the equivalent of grade-school bathroom walls, where anyone can leave a mes≠ sage and watch for a response) and taunt, insult and lie to each other-endlessly, pointlessly.

The Net becomes the whole world to these people; they conduct character ation c-ampaigns on anyone who disagrees with them, "flaming" their enemies, never getting into the discussions and exchanges for which "the boanis" were actually designed Meanwhile, in the real world, active Satanists are creating and selling products that promote real Satanism and Satanic esthetics. But those on "the boards" aren't interested; if they can't "download" it, it doesn't count.

   But you say you have a modem, and maybe a free on-line account at your school, company or local organization. And despite my w	you'd still like to try communi≠ c-ating with other Satanists on-line. Okay. Here are a few ways to do it:
   First, there's the WOLF mailing list, watched over by Church of Satan member Ken Rhoades. It'ssimply a quick way to give and get e-mail via a computer 'bot who serves it toeveryone on the list at the same time. We discuss virtually anything, but always attempt to relate it back to Satanism, and have been suc≠ cessful sofar. To join, send e-mail to Ken at, and let him know who you are and that you'd like to join the list.

Then send e-mail to listproc@

firefly., and make the first line of your message: SUBSCRIBE WOLF. Be ad≠ vised, however, that this list is private and for Church of Satan members only, and Ken will eject you if he so desires.

   Next, there's the WOLF IRC channei a real-time chat area that's just getting up and running. It's presided over by war≠
   Finger or e-mail Warren for the PGP and Geek code, and the time of the next scheduled chat. You can TELNET to it via the following clients: 6677 6677 132107.732 6677

   There are more clients; Warren can tell you about them. And again, if he doesn't like you, you're history.
   And then there's alt.satanism-a UNIX newsgroup on the Internet, accessible through Americ-a On Line and any other boani with Internet newsgroup access. It's the most well≠ known flame ghetto, where I regularly an≠ nounce new Church of Satan products and the activities of our clergy and representatives. A growing number of Church of Satan members frequent this area, but so do ex-Satanists who want to gossip and grouse, as well as Christian masochists who come in and want to "save" all of us. There are also posts from those "serious students of black magic," fence-straddlers who dicker over how many demons can dance on the head of a pin.If you log on here and are ap≠ palled at the grade-school tactics and language, don't come cryin' to me,Jack. Here's an ex≠ ample of what you might see: (Aveng≠ ing Angel) writes:

You will all bum in HeIB Satan is the father of lies! Pray to Christ for forgiveness before it's too late! (Beavis) responds:

Fuck off, Angel dude!Satan's got a big dick and he reams your christ in the bunghole! Satan rules!

   BTW, anybody know where I can learn all the wonis to summon Satan?
   REAL-SATANIST(r) (Fenris) responds:
   You can learn what you need to know about Satanism by reading The Satanic Bibk by

Anton La\ey (Avon Books), available in any large bookstore. (Beavis) responds:
   No,I read that book already! I wanna know how to sacrifice cats and shit, and the necronomicon, and cool demon's names and stuff... (Magus Poobah) writes:

   "Anton La\ey" is actually Jimmy Swag≠ gart. I know La\ey's tailor; the rest of you don't. La\ey orders cookies from the Girl Scouts and doesn't pay for them. He leaves the seat up in the restroom. He doesn't recycle. All this information c-ame from the Official Mouth of Satan, who speaks to me in dreams.
   REAL-SATANIST(r) (Fenris) responds:
   The above is all untrue.If you want to know about Anton La\ey, read The Secret Life ofa Satanist or The O.,urriJ of Satan by Blanche Barton, or one of the many recent magazine in≠

terviews, all available in any large retail outlet, such as Tower or Barnes and Noble. (Magus Poobah) responds further:

   How dare you attack us! You C/S lapdo do nothing but take potshots at us! You're con≠ stantly slinging mud and spreading misinfor≠ mation! Doody-bomb! Ugly-face! (Lady of the Night) adds two cents:
   Fenris wishes he was in a cool organiza≠ tion like ours; we don't bother with publishing projects that make (shudder) MONEY. Fenris can dish it out but he can't take it. Fenris has fleas. Thk! I'm rubber, he's glue...

And so on, and so on, ad nauseum. Recently (as of this writing, anyway) Church of Satan Priest and longtime Black Flame author Nemo took agood look at the situation on alt.satanism and posted the following. It is very likely THE last woni on Satanism and the Internet. Read it and weep.

From: (NEMO III) Newsgroups: alt.satanism Subject: A Challenge to Most of You: Date: 20 Oct 1994 23:09:01-0400

A short tally-

   The Black Flame Intematwnal forum fur theOJurr:h of Satan is distnbuted worldwide, available at Tower Books both in the Ame and Europe. The following books are currently on sale at major bookstores and book dealers nationwide: The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals, The Satanic Wttch, The Secret Life Of A Satanist, The OJurrh Of Satan-over thirteen hwidred total pages of detailed information on modem real Satanism-the philosophy; prac≠ tice, origins, history; personalities, goals and achievements-actively available to the world and spreading the Church of Satan's views to the world. 1here are also new CDs being released from different self1>roclaimed C/S mmic groups, new magazines, new clubs, new grottos and even new art shows (like the COCA show inSeattle for the last month).

That's just some of what active members of the Church of Satan have been doing. What have YOU done lately? tinginsults in this tiny forum read by

THE REAL WORLD. Not just with a bwich of little children rwining arowid crying about how "their truth is better than your truth." Jeez. What a waste of time and effort. When I first signed on to this newsgroup a few months ago I challenged everyone to cut the personal attacks and offer something of value. ll. with the exception of just a few (too damned few, it seems to me) you failed. Now I leave you with the challenge that reality makes. Not me, but the real world out there offers you this eternal challenge: GROWUP.

Nemo Priest Church of Satan


Satanism!u "Life is The Great Indulgence!" Yow- sense of humor is a vital Satanic attribute that helps you keep your perspective! Enjoy our newsletter's insightful and humorous views on life, neW-Y, food & wine, travel, etc.

THE RAVEN P.O. Box 163

   Stratford, CT 06497-0163 USA Issued Quarterly (Equinoxes & Solstices) US $10peryear,payable to N. B. Smith

a handful of serious readers? Arguing amo a few individuals who already agree with your "unholier-than-thou" attitude? Puffing your≠ self up by posing for a few kids skimming through "weitd" parts of the net and stumbling across alt.satanism?

   Get a life and make an impact. DO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL. OUT THERE. IN THE REAL WORID. That is

what Satanism, real Satanism, is for. For RESUCTSI

   Thke the pledge. (Raise your left hand and repeat after me):
  "I , Gorgo (or whatever monicker you currently use todenote your balanced view of your personal power in the world), do hereby swear to not write more words to other mem≠ bers of my One and Only 'Ilue Path to Super≠ Human-hood cult/lodge/ group than I compose to improve my personal life in objec≠ tively meaningful ways. I promise tospend at least the same amowit of time getting my finan≠ ces and personal emotional life together as I spend telling other people about why MY views ofSatanism are right, and anyone else is full of shit. I promise, further, to abstain from writing even one singleword regaiding Satanism so long as there is any question of (a) my being able to pay my rent or mortgage (b) mybeing able to buygroceries (b) my being able tocreate andsus≠ tain a personal romantic relationship and (d) my not actually KNOWING AS A FACT that what I SN/ is true, IS true."

I challenge you todo this. It would probably reduce the number of entries in this newsgroup to about adozen a month if every≠ one would. THOSE entties would be worth reading! ll.have to go. Thin to DO. Activities to COMPI.ETE. Creations to CRE.KI'E. IN

LOOKING GLASS PRESS proudly presents: The Cult of Othin - An Essay in the Ancient Religion of the North by H.M. Chadwick ( 1899)

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he Crinoids (Star-headed race, Polar Ones) come to Earth, to the area by the Antarctic Ocean. They could fly, swim, and live on land. Under the ocean they manipulated some forms of life to suit their whims for fooo and other needs. They had battles with cosmic enemies before coming to Earth. They also manipulated certain multicellular protoplasmic masses making them capable of molding their own tissues into all sorts of temporary organs, and through minc:kontrol, or hypnotic control they made perfect slaves called Shoggoths. With the aid of the Shoggoths, the Crinoids built vast underwater cities, and then moved onto the land.

  Then Cthulhu and its (polyp) Octopoid-spawn filter down to the earth from a planet in the Xoth system. They are land creatures, and they inhabit ei,.tire continents that are where the Pacific Ocean is, Mu and R'lyeh. (It is said that Ghatanothoa, Ythogtha, and Zoth-Ommog came here with Cthulhu, as Cthulhu's three "sons"-however, H.P.L. did not say this.

According to H.P.L., Ghatanothoa was brought to Earth from Yuggoth [Pluto], and it ruled a portion of Mu from Mount Yaddith-Gho during a time much later than Cthulhu's arrival.) Cthulhu and the Octopoids have a monstrous war with the Crinoids and drive them back into the ocean. Later, peace is made and the Crinoids hold the Antarctic lands and sea area, and the vast Pacific continent is kept by Cthulhu and its Octopoids. Then the Pacific land of R'lyeh sinks. Now, it can be seen that the Octopoids evolved into two types. One type, Shudde≠ M'ell and its hordes, lives in the mantle of the earth and burrows, can melt rock with their own bodies through heat; this type evolved so far from water that water can kill them: they settle in G'harne. The other type lives deep under the ocean, is lead by Othuum, and is like Pesh-Tien. Deep Ones are also evolved, fish and frog variety, along with Deep Ones/•ugg hybrids, and Deep Ones/humanoid/•ugg tribrids: the Yuggya, or Worm-Folk of many sorts. The Yiiw, like the Deep Ones, are Earth-bein the Yuggprogenitor is Ubb (Ubbo-Sathla).

   Meanwhile, the Crinoids once more own the upper planet, but there is trouble with Shoggoths as they no longer listen to

their master and enslavers; they hate the Crinoids, kill them. In the Permian Age a war of re-subjugation ensued, but Shoggoths learned to live out of water with the help of the Deep Ones and other enemies of the Crinoids.

   In the Jurassic Age, the Migo came to earth and warred with the Crinoids, driving them completely out of all northern lands. Some still stayed in the water. They were terrified now, beyond reason, of a mountain range called Kadath in the cold Waste, which was the first part of their own land long ago when they arrived on Earth. The only thing there was Ubb. Perhaps they feared the Yuggs. Since these millions of years, their civilization decayed, and they became so unenlightened that they prayed to the mountains now, in dread. Also, an object they feared had washed down from there: the Shining Trapezohedron which was brought to Earth by aliens from Yuggoth (Pluto, name not related to word Yugg), these are the same Pluto-be who brought Ghatanothoa here, it is assumed. They are not the same beings from Yuggoth who later put brains in metal boxes ("Whisperer in Darkness"), or so it is assumed[?] (Carter), though in H.P.L they are the same and they serve'Nyarlathotep.
   Finally, in the Pleistocene, the great cold came which froi.e both poles, and the Crinoids had to retreat under water, having no idea what was still down there all this time. And as we know, the Shoggoths were there, along with Cthulhu's seivitors. The Crinoids got wiped out. By this time, Shoggoths were willingly allied to Cthulhu and its seivitors and spawn. Zanthu*, the Yuggs and Yuggya do that which sinks Mu, to stop the tyranny of Ghatanothoa, since T'yog and the Serpents tried and failed before.
   The Crinoids were of "matter" or were formed, pretty much like life on Earth; but

the nature of the Cthulhu spawn, and Yuggs, is alien to common life, in that they could transform and even reintegrate, or regrow parts which many living things can do (invertebrates, amphibians, plants-though not mammals)..

  From what Danforth said in At the Mountains of Madness: "The carven rim, the black pit," it is likely that Yuw were in Kadath. It is also possible that Shoggoths

learned from these Yuggs to take off the heads of the Crinoids, to eat the brains.

   It is still possible that Ghatanothoa, et al,., are three "sons" of Cthulhu, just that Ghatanothoa got to Earth via another route: Pluto. Also, it may have been brought here very early on, and then later worshiped by the people of Mu where many types and races lived. It is possible that Cthulhu "mated" with Idh-yaa (or Quum-yaa) in the same manner that sooium "mates" with chlorine to form something new. It is also possible, as H.P.L intendwi, that Ghatanothoa is but another name for Cthulhu, and that Cthulhu got to earth from Xoth, stopping off at Pluto first.

Cthulhu's origin is Vhoorl.

   The Race of Yith also encountered these races, though they are a race of pure mind and can inhabit almost any booy on any planet, at any time.
  • (Tu/ay Zandu-Zandu set us free. Folk Song.)

LEGFND (based on rare fanzine stories):

   There was a star, Ogntlach, having five planets around it. Yith was the fourth planet, inhabited by a race of non-physical mental-beings capable of space/time travel which they'd do by inhabiting the booies of beings on other planets, while the previous owners of the booies, would end up in the booies the Yith Race had just left. They were at war with the people on the second planet, Vhoorl, a polyp/octopoid type race, and the war was over this "booy-swapping," Kathuln was also from Vhoorl, and due to delving into dark sorcery, was "taken outside by Them Outside and Between the Spaces" and thus, became CTHULHU, the Priest of these Old Ones, with awesome powers, but Cthulhu could only see Them dimly. Great Cthulhu and its Octopoid race got to Earth. Later, the Yith race got to Earth also and greatly feared these Octopoids, even though they were not a

direct threat at the time. They fled to Earth's distant future in the booies of huge beetle, - like beings at a time when the sun is a huge red star. "When" the Yith race actually left is not important, as they travel in time, not just in space. On two planets orbiting Xoth, an inner

and an outer, there was a war over the energy of the dying star. At this time, Great Cthulhu was Priest to the Old Ones and was one of the inhabitants of the outer planet. The inner planet launched forces to throw the outer planet out of orbit and did so, but in so doing, threw their own world toward the dying twin-sun Xoth. Cthulhu and its legion fled and were chased by the inner planet's inhabitants, and on some other world fought a planet-destroying war. Then Cthulhu and its legions came to Earth. The inner planet's people, the Malissi, went to Maluma which is now known as Hali, near Aldebaran.

   Maluma was a world ruled by the Arynn (Crinoids), who also ruled that area of space. A race called the Aargi also lived on that world; they were strange dark-path people. When the Malissi arrived there, they beat the Arynn in a war which sent them fleeing the world. They fled to Earth. The Malissi then ruled there, but they started a war with the Aargi. The Malissi (probably familiar with this due to their wars with Cthulhu) decided to call in sorcerers and also call the entity Hastur into the war. The Aargi retaliated in kind by calling Dark things like Nyarlathotep's Messenger Gauranh. Mylea was a Malissi, but in spirit he was with Nyarlathotep and against Hastur; he was a Dark Warrior, a servant of the Old Ones. Mylea gave the entire planet over to Hastur, as the people thought they wanted. The Aargi, having once known the Arynn and their technology, manufactured Shoggoths and a battle royale ensued. That was the end of that world; it was condemned to a state of total stasis, and Hastur was imprisoned on it in a lake known as Hali, or the Depths of Demhe.


ïR'LYEH, S-lat 47∞9', W-long 126∞43'. ïY'HA-NTHLEI, deeps beyond Devil's Reef near Innsmouth. ïNAN-MATOL, Ponape, Yugg, Yuggya type (Carter). Formerly Deep Ones, they left (H.P.L.). ïGELL-HO, North of Greenland near Surtsey N-lat 63∞18', W-long 20∞36', Octopoid (Rising/Swtseyï Lumley). ïYATTA-UC, sunken in inner core of Titicaca's volcano S-lat 16∞, W-long 69∞, frog type. ïYHE, vanished in the Pacific, Muvian province under the great waters off the Isle of the Sacred Stone Cities, the place of Ythogtha, close to R'lyeh, Yugg, Yuggya,

and Deep Ones. (Shadow/timeï H.P.L. and Out/Ages- Carter). ïGBA-KTAN, beyond Devil's Reef (SL m 511). ïUBRU-RLU-S'LAA, the deepest level of ocean, before hitting the sea floor. ïA'YOH-TNS, Shoggoth city near ancient R'lyeh (Trail 6). ï YOTHBY, crumbling slwns, wherein is the abandoned Church of St. Toad (SL IV 644). ïAHU-Y'HLOA, under construction (RODTO), all types (Lumley). ïTONGATAPU HOLE, S-lat 24∞, W-long 175∞. ïALEUTIAN TRENCH, N-lat 51∞, E-long 175∞. ïS.E. ATLANTIC BASIN, S-lat 15∞, W≠ long 690. ïTRENCH OF SUMATRA, S-lat 10∞, E≠ long 110∞. ïHOLE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. ïYOTH TLAGGON, at the Crimson spring, part of Mu (SL IV 543). ïKADATH, lat 77∞, E-long 70∞ to lat 70∞ E≠ long 100∞, 40,000' high. ï MU sank around 200,000 years ago (Heald/H.P.L./Carter), Octopoids lost in other dimension (Kuttner). ïKINGSPORT, Yuggya and Yugg worm≠ folk. ïANY SEAPORT TOWN, like Innsmouth, MA; or Seaham, or Redforde or Wrabsey in England, any island, especially in the South Pacific like Ponape or Samoa, or Palmyra Island. Various inland spots wherein are tunnels leading to lakes, or through cenotes, such as Salapunco, or swamps south of New Orleans. Eight spots mentioned in Trail ofCthulhu with dimensional oddities.


Cthulhu: High Priest of the Old Ones who are Outside, who will be unleashed through the gate which is Yog-Sothoth. I.e., an Obie Priest (center column). This will result in utter Chaos. Then the Old Ones will walk once again, where we walk now. When the stars are right or "when the spaces between the stars are more wide." (fhe Big Crunch, cf. physics, Penrose) [H.P.L.]. Also: alien, enemy of crinoids; came to Earth with Its polyp-octopoid spawn [H.P.L.]. OR: Tangaroa, the octopus god that came to earth from outer space (EMMA-YA, Mali; Sirius, or SOTHIS, Greek). It fought a war with either other gods, or its half-brother, and the land it came to sunk beneath the

Pacific, it retains control over sentient swimming creatures. [Derleth, based on Tangaroa, oldest known Polynesian religion.] (Note: H.P.L.-ship that finds R'lyeh is the EMMA.)

Ghatanothoa: Another name of Cthulhu/Tangaroa, brought to earth by aliens on Pluto, tyrant-ruler of Mu. [H.P.L.'s intent, written for Hazel Heald.] OR: a son of Cthulhu, born on Xoth, a binary star (cf. Sothis: Sirius a binary star) when Cthulhu mated with Idh-yaa or Quum-yaa [from Mu cycle, wife being Isis, Cthulhu being Osiris: Lin Carter from Churchward's MU≠ Egyptian fantasy].

7.oth-Omrnog: Alternate spelling "Satomaga" literally means SAT, OM and AGA. A title for what Cthulhu itself would be, in H.P.L.'s original story: a High Priest, or AGA, of the "SAT" and "OM"-OM is the Demiurgos, Bahu, the Root. Center column. Cf. also Ubbo-Sathla. [Hennetic≠ Tantrik tradition]. OR: another son of Cthulhu from Xoth, though alternate spelling is given by this author, who was occultist enough to know that UB and ASAT are the Demiurge, which he wrote in "Eibon" story. [Lin Carter]

Ythogtha: Another son of Cthulhu from Xoth [Lin Carter}-though Lin's description of this deity or entity is identical to the Ophioneus of the Pythagoreans, or Leviathan [Hermetic-Hebrew]. Ythogtha is in Yhe; he is the second Yugg deity, along with Zoth-Ommog. E-choc-tah: Place of Worms, Amerind.

Ubbo-Sathla: The primordial slime from which all things came to live [C.A. Smith]. Demiurge that is linked to Azathoth [Lin Carter]. Ialdabaoth, Child of Bahu, concealed in the OM.

Abhoth: same as Ubbo-Sathla. Literally AB and 0TH (father/mother) [Hebrew].

Ubb: Same as Ubbo-Sathla, and/or progenitor of the Yuggs and Yuggya, the Worms of the Earth [Lin Carter]. Ubbia, figurative Italian-Sicilian-Cypriot slang for "Maggot" more akin to "Worm idol≠ worship," the Ouroboros or worm that eats its tail Qater Serpent that eats its tail). Hermetic sacred symbol representing the Cosmos' Beginning/End as if seen as One Event (physics). Likewise, OB, the Asat, or Azoth, Vortex-oblivion, karmik eraser.

Obeah, same in Voodoo with Damballah being the Serpent (Voodoo, from Vaudois, French Pythagoreans). UBer, Old Turk Tatar-sorcery of the dark kind (Boga is of the light kind). Ub-Aur, Bulgarian; Ob-Aur, Hebrew: same. Oba: idol, Mongol.

Yog-Sothoth: The Gate that knows the Old Ones [H.P.L.; see above under "Cthulhu"]. Yat-Zebaoth [Hermetic-Kaballistic] (H.P.L.'s father's brother was of this tradition; H.P.L. defined Yat-Zebaoth exactly).

A7.athoth: Asat t, Azoth-zoth. OR Asat, Azoth. First: non-being/being.Second: non≠ being, the Kether-Ob-Aur [Hermetic≠ Kaballistic tradition].

Nyarlathotep: The Soul and Messenger of all the Old Ones. Hermes/Thoth, Mahakala. In incarnate form, the same posing as Black God of Sorcerers and witches [H.P.L., Price and other scholars on this]. Possibly from the Sanskrit name of which this is Narayana.

Yig or Yg: The "Y" of "YI"-Serpent of Wisdom. Word means "serpent" [H.P.L.].

Shub-Niggurath: Pan, the Androgyne Goat of Mendes. Nyarlathotep would be the Real Thing Itself; Shub-Niggurath would be as Yig, this force/energy IN LIVING THINGS, Ubb Sathla would be the root of it in matter.

Tsathoggua: toad god [C.A. Smith]. Sadogwa, Mali word for an adept of the SAT, or SOD. Same tradition as related above under Ubb. Sod-ihoh, Hebrew word for same.

Shudde-M'ell: underground squid, one species of Cthonic beings in G'harne (Africa) [Brian Lumley]. Shuddam-El: Shai-urt-ab, The Worm of Destiny, Apophis, Leviathan (Tierney).

Ithaqua: air elemental, the Wendigo [Derleth]. Air god of Borea, another world [Lumley].

Cthugha: fire elemental from Fomalhaut [Derleth]. Thuggee (India) cult of Kali sorcerers and actual murderers. Kali is the Black Tongue of Fire in their tradition.

Nyogtha: earth elemental. Nitthogar, Norse idea of the cthonic portion of the Tree Yggdrasil.

Uoigor: sprites that cause mischief [Colin Wilson], deity related to Zhar[Derleth]. Zhar: definition varies with stories. Zar: Somali, a possessing demon/sprite. Zarr: tornad using wind god [Tieney].

Aphoom-Zaa: related to Cthugha, caused ice ages [fanzines].

Rlim Shaikorth: god of the ice, or the ice itself in ice-age [fanzines].

Ran-tegoth: a monster! Ran-tik-oth: literally, chaos made manifest in a yin manner [Hebrew/Hermetic].

Atlach-Nacha: spider-like web-weaver [C.A. Smith, Lumley]. Agawanaja: weaves a spider≠ like web of you [painting of Cr Magnon in caves].

Yibb-tstll: Yggdrasil? "The Black Blood of Yibb-tstll" and Bug-Shash, Ubot-Shash? in a form that kisses/soul stealer. Black Blood is kin to Bug-Shash [Lumley]. Ophioneus, Hellenic. "The Black Kiss" Kuttner and Bloch, same idea, the kisser is a Yugg-type that swaps souls, the Yugg is not like Bug≠ Shash, but the power it is using is akin to it [Lumley].

Daoloth: render of veils of illusion. The Tao (Dao) definition of it [Campbell].

Other entities, Hydra, Dagon, Byatis, etc., known dassic mythology.

Deep Ones: fishlike, or froglike children of Dagon and Hydra and servitors of Cthulhu, pure, or hybrid with humans. Or, a large classification for all servitors of Cthulhu [Lumley].

Yuggs, Yuggya: Worms, and/or worm-folk hybred and tribred with Deep Ones/humans. Yugyar, old name of Tatars who lived in "Tatary" before Ghenghis Khan. Yugyar (also spelled Uighyar) writing' is in vertical columns, is a syllabary. These are known Serpent/Dragon-venerating peoples. Lin Carter knew this. (Yegg-ha, Lumley version of the same; he used his own spelling for this, though he used the title Lieber intended to use on his story about the worms, "Burrowers Beneath.") Yugg: Lin Carter, Yuggya worm-folk, T.Jantsang [suggested in H.P.L.'s and Carter's work].

Shoggoths: watchdogs for the Deep Ones, formerly slaves of the Crinoids.

Othuum: leader of the polyp-octopoid Cthulhu-spawn, like Pesh-Tien[Lumley], the original Cthulhu spawn [H.P.L.], trapped outside our dimension with MU [Kuttner]. TOOM: same as Proteus (protons), Egyptian, issued from Osiris in the form of Noot "The Great Deeps" or BAHU, Demiurge.

Mi-go: Mi-gu Burmese, the Yeti, abominable snowmen.

Tcho-tcho: chotger or "cho cho" Tatar/Tibetan dialect. Sorcerer who uses the Black Flame to harm.

kLu: sacred "naga" Serpents-Bon-po

gNyan: Kn'yan-rock-dwelling creatures≠ .Bon-po, Mimigwesso [Tierney].

gZer-myig: Major Sacred Books-Bon-po.

Mnar: Na'ur-Altaic word meaning lake. Modern version: NOR. All lakes in the area today are still called "Nor" as in Lopnor, Kokonor, etc.

Hastur: not really a Cthulhu Mythos entity, a shepherd god [Ambrose Bierce], a force of stagnation and stasis [Robert Chambers1 the enemy of Cthulhu [Derleth], the enemy of all the old ones, hinted at by saying that "those who wear the Yellow Sign are enemies of the Old Ones" [H.P.L.]. Ha-Set≠ Ur-SET in aJesus-form-the shepherd who gives man everything, the tyrant deity who tries to be the only deity. Hastur: Marion Zimmer Bradley, NOT MYTHOS, Hastur is a nice deity. Suggestion: make it that Hastur, like Wendigo, is really a cover for the dread Ithaqua, especially since Ithaqua is linked to Amerindians already. Hastur is too "NICE" to be an Old One, and the majority of the Hastur tales are completely non≠ Mythos related. (H.P.L. agreed!)

Sign of Kish and sigil of Sarnath, (Lin Carter created these names) literally OUR STAR, Eye, Flame, and Tree Image. Kish is a city in Babylon that warred with Sargon, a Priest of Dagon, historical. Sarnath is where the Buddha gave the Fire sermon of the FIVE Dharma (truths) shown on our star. Carter and Derleth: Elder Sign. H.P.L.'s Elder Sign was "like a swastika" NOT our pentacle! Two points up is the CORRECT way, HOUSE in center of star is the pentagon.





  • The "Adamic" Age is the Kali-yuga, see "Serpents versus Adamites," by Tani Jantsang.

This is pretty much standard geology/archaeology now, especially revised since whole skeletons of upright walking serpents are in a Canadian museum. The most recent portion is mostly oral, and some written history from the oldest books on Earth, Turanian in origin and in the East, such as Puranas, Chinese history of Fu-Hsi, etcetera. The rest is mythos main events. SATANIC DOCTRINES THROUGHOUT THE AGES WESTERN & EASTERN -AN ANCIENT TRADITION

EIFIAnD nEW naUELS AnD TALEI ,n THE CTHULHU mwTHOI: 1. Serpent Race vs. Adamic Race - 3 parts, earliest history. 2. Western Satanic Roots, Pt. 1:Pythagoreanism. 3. Western Satanic Roots, Pt. 2: Tenders of the Flame & xtian Racism, the truth. 4. Sigil of Baphomet: ancient Vedic origins of SATAN and other keywords. 5. Real Wicca: IRA, Eleusinian Mysteries from the Hellenes to Ireland, trees, the Goddess, the Soots. 6. SET: 2 parts - Sirius and the Egypian God idea, pyramids, and Naga 7. Kaballa: Dark Tradition: includes Obie and Sephiroth (Light Trooition). 8. Tantra/Vajreya,a & Pythagoreanism: same Dark trooltion. 9. Taoism: Dark Trooition, includes FuHsi/NuKwa and uses the Pythagorean (star) melhod. Difficult Miele. 10. Package of SatMic Doctrines: basics spelled OIJ -origi, of "Devil," SatM vs. Lucifer, and much moot. 11. Convalescence from Olristianity: explains how xtianlty is anti-Nature being-state danaging to dlildren. 12. Saanic Renaissance: over 100 pages of SatMic Poetry by those born il1o Satanism (not anti-xtian <iaribes). $1.00 postage for 1st Item, 50¢ el:K:h additional, U.S. Dollars only! Send to: P. Mash, P.O. Box 534, C vaIsland, FL 33924 USA $8.50 $8.00 $725 $2.50 $3.00 $425 $7.50 $625 $6.00




HE RI1UAL CHAMBER: exclusive room or locale, where all that may be is, and all po.wbilities are real and tangible. No dream is too unlikely, no wish too far from attainment In this place of fantasy and magic we Satanists suspend our disbelief and embarlc on a journey leading to the achievement of our deepest desires.

   As we proceed with our ritual work, we find by experience those fuctors that help us charge ourselves with the energy needed to aocomplish our work. Each of us finds the elements necawy to heighten our fee wizards or witches. Whatever produces the sensation of magical power assists us in creating the drama and feeling in our rituals. Among the many factors at our disposal, visual or special effects are truly powerful in ritual work. And they can bea lot of fun!

Have you ever imagined the name of your enemy going up in a bright flame and a puff of smoke? How about conjuring a cloud of red smoke, and visualizing your wishes carried forth by the smoke? Or perhaps you would feel transported to another realm by standing on growid covered with mist? All this and more can be done by utilizing some of the tools known to stage magicians.

   Let us begin with smoke effects. One important safety consideration is this:if you are operating in an enclosed area, be extremely careful	to the amount of smoke you use.

Non-toxic smoke compounds are available but you still need to breathe!So be aware when using smoke in your tightly-sealed ritual chamber. That said, let's look at some pos.gbilities.

   There are several forms of smoke compowids. First, we have the smoke powders. The powders require an ignition device to set them off. An easier form is the smoke cookie. These may be ignited with a match. You may break off a portion of the cookie thus using only the amount you need.
   The ignition devices for smoke powders are called flashpots. These pots have some form of fuse which electrically ignites the powder. Flashpots come in several and may be battery-powered or plug into a wall socket Some of these devices are small enough to hold in your hand. The amount of smoke produced is determined by the amount of powder or cookie used, so a little experimentation is useful prior to actual ritual use. The smoke compoWids come inseveral colors. You may mix these to produce some specific, wiusual hues.

Flash paper is a lot of fun and extremely

visual. Thisis a specially treated paper which consumes itself in a bright orange flame and leaves no ashes in the p . It can be ignit.ed with a match or by holdingit over aflame. Flm paper usually comes in 3" X 2" and 9" X8.5". You may writ.e oo. flam paper with apen or felt-tip marker. Caution: do not hold it in your hands while it bwns. Ignite and t in the air, otherwise you willl!Jet a bum. Again, experunnt before nualritual use. Avariation of this isflash cotton. This stuff bums quicker than the paper. Ignition is J achieved by t some on an open flame or with aspecial hand-held device.

   Fog or mist may be produced with smoke devices. Be aware that thissmoke will rise. A way is to utilize a theatrical fogger.

These devices are expensive but you may find a theatrical supply house that rents one.

   Remember all these materials are flammable and need to be stored in a cool, dry place. And do practice and rehearse; it would be a shame to burn yourself or choke during a ritual!
  In addition to the compowids for smoke and flash paper there are other compowids that produce colored flames, sparks and st.earn. Again, these are extremely flammable and should be handled with care. Practice in a well- ventilated area until you get comfortable with their use.
   Where to obtain these products? Your local magic trick shop or theatrical props store should stock these items or be able to order them for you.If you do not have access to this type of store, there are several mail order houses which stock these and many other interesting special effect products. A partial listing will be fowui at the end of this article.
   Smoke powder may also be ignited by rolling in flash paper, which b	us to a fun idea. Write the name of your intended victim on a piece of flash paper. Place a pinch of smoke powder in the middle of the paper along with a pinch of flash cotton. Wad the paper up so as to twist it around the powder and cotton. When the appropriate time in the ritual arrives, hold the paper with some tweezers and apply to your hexing candle: you will get a nice flame and a puff of smoke!
   Remember, practice well before you use these products and be aware of their potential hazard. I hope you come up with some terrific ideas to enhance your rituals, and may the Black Flame burn within!

TRI-ESS SCIENCES (213) 245-7685 THEATRE EFFECTS, INC. (301) 791-7646

ïANSWER MEI, Issue #4, c/o Goad To Hell Ents., PO Box 31009, Portland, OR 97231. Full≠ sized, 132 pages includes full-color cover, saddle-stitched; single issue: $5.00 first class, $4.00 third class, and you must include an age statement. Very attractive, completely professional layout, graphics and typesetting. No subscriptions available; they do this thing when they feel like it, and that's just fine.

    Jim and Debbie Goad, in case you haven't heard, are a couple of writer/publishers who might have been serial killers if they hadn't met each other. Their lifelong rage and hatred melded them into their present conformation, and they are indeed a force to be reckoned with. To call their work "brutally honest" is to indulge in a clichtl that may have once meant something, something close to what the Goads really are. The words of Jim and Debbie Goad 819 offensive to everyone, or perhaps more accurately, to anyone whose personal identity is bound up with groupthink on any level. They've written the bulk of this, the Rape Issue, but include some contributions by Adam Parfrey, Boyd Rice, Randall Philip, Shaun Partridge and Peter Sotos, with artwork by the likes of Nick Bougas and Timothy Patrick Butler. The back cover painting by Trevor Brown is particularly memorable; it depicts one fetus emerging from the split and bleeding body of another. The publishers' meticulous attention to detail is apparent everywhere.
   The Rape Issue has brought more abuse down on the heads of the Goads than have their previous issues, which only concentrated on trifles like murder and suicide. It's okay; they can take it. Debbie's "Chicks Make Me Nervous" is a beautiful gem of heresy; picture their faces when they read the following and know that it was written by another woman: "When she felt that dick reaching all the way up her spinal column, she learned a valuable life-lesson. When she was hit hard enough to see stars, she earned a college degree. Her eyes were opened to the way things really 819. And to the way people really are. She finally realizes that life really does suck... If I was a man, I'd be a rapist. Women

are only pretty to me when they're in pain. Women are only interesting to me when they're covered with bruises. Only women bleed? Let's hope so." As incredibly powerful as statements like these are (and Debbie cuts herself no slack in other essays like "I'm A Piece of Shit"), Jim's "My Sick Mommy" still gets my vote as the most wrenching bit of real-life horror in the issue: "She'd scream with so much intensity you could imagine blood spraying out of her mouth... It seemed as if she might accidentally spit out her soul with those screams."

   But it is in the story of Chocolate Impulse #1 where the truly diabolical nature of the Goads rears its magnificent head. Jim and Debbie concocted a phony fanzine put out by two imaginary Lesbians, one black, one white, operating out of the Bible Belt and pissing and moaning about all the intolerance of their

lifestyle they're encountering. These two ladies hate the Goads and ANSWER Mel, and so the fun begins when "Faith" and "Valeneï get mail

from genuine Goad-detractors all over the 'zine scene. One of the tricks Jim and Debbie used to "authenticateï their mailing of Chocolate Impulse was to plQp fresh, raw squid on each cover, thus simulating the editors' juices shared so lovingly with their readership. They simulate the PC, ostentatiously scruffy and steadfastly multicultural nature of the ïunderground" 'zinesters to a tee; the girls even indulge in sexual fantasies about Debbie! Jim summarizes in a rant that puts everyone who ever cuddled up with a xerox machine and astapler in his place: "Chocolate Impulse was created on 'zine' terms, and the 'zine world predictably embraced it... We could do forty Chocolate Impulses a year. It's easy for us to do what you do. But you'd never be able to do what we do. What the fuck are you good for?"

    What indeed. Jim Md Debbie demonstrate true Satanic magic when they plA olA aproduct li<e ANSWER MBl--4hey make i look easy to those for whom it is so, so hard. The price is a pittance for what you get, so order this one NOW.

ïANSWER MEI THE FIRST THREE, a compendium of their first three issues in a full≠ sized softcover format, is available now from the above address for $13.00 postpaid. It's 320 pages and contains the entire three issues, plus ashort intro about Jim and Debbie and how they met. Their childhood photos are priceless; they both glare out at the world with the same intense fury. If you have a friend who has never had the pleasure of reading ANSWER Me!, this compendium plus Issue #4 would make a snazzy and economical gift.

ïTHE HISTORY OF FORMERLY SALTY AREAS, an art book by Timothy Patrick Butler, c/o Cat Box Productions, PO Box 642712, San Francisco, CA 94164. Full-sized, 70 plus pages, laminated b&w cover, perfect binding.

    The long-awaited compendium of monsters by Satanic artist extraordinaire Tim Butler. His work has appeared all over the Satanic 'zine scene as well as in many other magazines, professional and otherwise. If you've ever bemoaned the postage-stamp-sized reproduction of one of Tim's pieces, you can now have them all in one place in the actual size he drew them. Among the selections here are
    Ballad of Jack Shit," "Desert Twat Beast." and	Ecstasy of St. Theresa."

ïFROM THE PIT, edited and published by Michael Rose, Priest in the Church of Satan, PO Box 1413, Decatur, AL 35602-1413. $3.00 US/$4.00 foreign; a four-issue subscription is $12.00/$16.00 foreign.

    Volume Four, Issue #1, marks achange in format for this journal of Satanic thought. Now it's full-sized, 26 pages plus heavy, gray cover stock, side-stapled but with an attractive, copy≠ shop black binding. Appealing, readable page designs with lasersetting. This issue features essays on why Satanism isn't "paganism," good riddance and goodbye to John Wayne Gacy and Kurt Cobain (see "Smells Like a Dead Junkiej and "Skeletons in the Closet" by Occultic

Haven's Michael A. Reviews and contact addresses abound.

    ïFROM THE PIT, Volume Four, Issue #2; page designs continue to improve, as editor Rose deals with the now-defunct "Shadow Temple." and "Dictator Grimes" of the Aryan Racial Loyalist Party, who have apparently been foolhardy enough to list themselves in their local yellow pages. More book and magazine reviews, notable quotes, classified ads.
    ïFROM THE PIT, Volume Four, Issue #3; editor Rose continues his editorial in Part 2 of "A Better Place." A good selection of quotes from

H. L. Mencken, articles by Bob Rust and Ed Kerr, an amusing bit by Rev. Vince Crowley (for once he's asking the questions!) called "Interview With a Worm."--here Crowley grills Troy Dunmire, the editor of a Christian death metal 'zine. As Crowley observes, "Mr. Dunmire proudly calls himself a worm and serves as a wonderful example of brainless Christianity."

    ïFROM THE PIT, Volume Four, Issue #4; nice piece by the editor focusing on author Robert E. Howard, and an attractive full-length "portrait" of Anton LaVey. There's a reprint of the very first issue of FROM THE PIT. and articles by Robert Lang and Randall LeJeune, plus the usual news and reviews. Highly recommended.
    ïFROM THE PIT, Volume Three, Issues 1 through 4, previously reviewed in TBF, have been collected into a red-covered, digest-sized compendium that is neat and easy to read. It is available for $8.00 US/$9.00 foreign.
    ïFROM THE PIT, Volume Four Compilation. This new omnibus edition features the four issues of Volume Four combined sectionally, with the "Noteworthy Quotesï first, then the "Lucifer's Library" review section, followed by the articles and finally an advertising section, making it like one giant issue. Definitely worth adding to your collection.

ïWOLF AGE, Volume 1, Issue #4, edited/published by Vincent Crowley and the Order of the Evil Eye, PO Box 272929, Tampa FL 33688. Digest-sized, 50 or so pages of yellow stock, saddle-stitched, self-<:over, computer typesetting; single issues are $4.00.

   What makes Wolf Age unique is the publisher's interest in Satanic ritual texts and creeds, and "Funny As Hell." an infernal comics section. This issue features a lovely cover illustration; lots of news clippings this time around-with this much coverage of the news, you really don't need to subscribe to NBWSWeek, just read Wolf Agel Essayists include Vincent Crowley, as well as Chad Kelly, Chris Nunnally, Draegon Undomiel and Gary W. Sampsell, Jr. Poetry by Scott Chamberlain, and an essay on Christmas that begins, "Spread your legs, Maryl" There's a ritual called "Rites of the Vampire" which also features desecration of the Bible.

Something for everyone, along with lots of ads for other Satanic outlets, bands, etc.

    ïWOLF AGE, Volume 1, Issue #5, same size and format, purple stock this time around.
   For ceremonial purposes, this issue includes ïstandards of the Strong" and ï1 Deny" by Vince Crowley, and	Doctrine of Pain" by

Gary Sampsell. There is also a "Personal Ego Fulfillment" ritual by Michael Browning. The centerfold of this issue is a large black-on-white Baphomet that would look well in a frame, and thus could serve on a Satanic Altar. Numerous essays here: "The Truth is Unkind" by Norma J. Gomez, "The Devil Made Me Do It" by Deaconness Lynne Crowley and more on Santeria vs. Satanism, demonic possession, eugenics, and hypocritical Christians. Vince Crowley takes the BULL by the horns and interviews himself in "Fuck Off!"-here he gets to give detailed answers to the "misinformed dingbats" who have plagued him since the first publication of Wolf Age. Both of the above issues feature cool monsters from the pen of Timothy Patrick Butler. ïWOLF AGE, Volume 1, Issue #6. There's a lot to read here: six articles by Rev. Vince Crowley, including "The Chopping Block," in which he enumerates all the Satanic wannabees who are now officially outside the pale of his own Order of the Evil Eye. Other contributors include Roger Grace, Michael Quintana, Michael Rose, Randall LeJeune, and George Sprague adds a piece on "Satan's Tarot." There are four poems, pages of reprinted newsbites, a funny centerfold spoofing Christian televangelists, and the ritual this time around is "The Warrior Invocation." Highly recommended.

ïTHE RAVEN #11, Summer Solstice XXIX A.S. c/o Grotto ODM, PO Box 163, Stratford CT 06497-0163. Single issue: $3.00; four-issue subscription: $10. 's amitzvah. Clean, readable computer put and attractive use of photos and graphics.

    I'm always elated when the Raven comes a 'rapping at my chamber door. This issue, peppered with unexplained images of a famed murderer now in a never-ending trial, begins with a delicious pronouncement from the Grotto Bders decrying the current trendy flavor/scent blends. Particularly apt is a speculative piece about the origins of primitive music as well as a blast at psychology when used as an excuse for all manner of shabby behavior. There's plenty more here, don't let it slip by!
   ïTHE RAVEN #12, Special Edition: The Bvis Raven.
    This issue is devoted to that "newly≠ emerging religion... Elvisanity." First an overview of the phenomenon, reprinted from The Encyclopedia of Bad Taste, then a look at Elvis collectibles that originally appeared in The Connecticut Post. Aldys reviews a book on Elvis and extracts all the religious overtones. The Elvis Top Ten Commandments and necessary articles of devotion are listed. The Raverls regular food column, Hell's Kitchen, recreates the last thing the King left us: "Elvis' Pinched Loar-main ingredients: a jelly roll cake, lots of fudge frosting, and some candy corn. Aldys' fun≠ filled trip to Zaire is documented (HKP, Inc. sent him there on a humanitarian mission), and "The Apocryphal Elvis" is a series of hilarious photo≠ collages. Prayers to Elvis ("When no one else can understand me...; and a Cosmopolita1r style quiz ("How Satanic Are You?j round out another fine issue-how do these guys keep topping themselves? That's the wonder, the wonder of The Raven.

ïTHE RAVEN #13, Halloween, Year XXX A.S. They bill themselves as "Satanism Lite," but there's nothing frothy about the razor-sharp wit

of Satanism's only true humor magazine. (Some Satanic publications are unintentionally humorous.) Neil Smith's paen to autumn starts off this issue, which swings right into a recipe for Loki Chili. Then Aldys answers readers' questions, and includes his version of what happened that night at Nicole Simpson's condo, including the voodoo-practicing West Indian maid! Kheri travels once more into the spirit wo ardonnay-oyveyl Tim Butler tells us why raisins are ïan insult to real food and common decency." Michele Frost adds a poem and an amusing cartoon. Neil Smith goes on to explore, in a rare Serious moment, the implications of fundamentalist Satanism. There's a look at the highly-publicized McDonald's "coffee douche" case, and Cassie! Macaton≠ Samedi follows up by discussing product package warnings. There's lots more but you'll have to get to this soft, chewy center yourself. ïTHE RAVEN #14, Winter Solstice XXX A.S. The cover is graced by Michele Frost's interpretation of "the herd" bellying up to the checkout counter. Loki outdoes himself with an overview of the cuisine of the late Jeffrey Dahmer, along with a recipe for Cock Chowder: "Serve with some crusty bread, a tossed green salad with Jeffrey's Mucous and Spunk Vinaigrette, and you've got a whole meal!" "Hoofprints" is suitable for framing, and there's more from Tim Butler on the horror of the holidays. That's not all-go get it! ïTHE RAVEN #15, Lupercalia XXX A.S. The highlight here is a hilarious translation of Chapter One of the "Book of Satan" from The Satanic Bible, into Gullah, a creole spoken by African slaves brought here via the Caribbean. For example: "De week wan he going to die and de strong wan he hab plenty." There's a wonderful photo essay covering the Grotto ODM's Halloween party. More Satanic cookery follows, as does an overview of Satanic legal issues. The Raven also contributes valuable space to solicit funds for "needy" Satanists. And morel

    ODM's New Order of the World-Eight pages describe Grotto ODM's "Geographical Plastic Surgery and a New Satanic Republic." "Satania" will be established where Bermuda is now. I think the Grotto ODM might get some argument from other Satanists on this one; some of us like things dank and dreary, but we can hash that out after we eliminate the ninnies and the twits. Only SatanAir will be permitted landings in Satania. Many countries were completely eliminated, including Haiti: "Nobody could think of a reason NOT to..." Very amusing, nasty, and worth a couple of bucks, from the Raven folks (above).

ïDIABOLICA, Vol. 1, Issue #1, "The Official Forum of the Illuminati of Satan," edited by Azazel, PO Box 53, Allen Park, Ml 48101-0053. This issue is $4.00 US/$5.00 foreign; full-sized, 20 pages plus green cover. Nice laser typesetting.

    DiaboHca is a Satanic 'zine produced by the Illuminati of Satan, whose leadership are members of the Church of Satan. Their premiere issue is devoted mostly to essays and the authors include Jeffrey Deboo, Scott Chamberlain, Norma

J. Gomez, Vincent Crowley and Doug Richards, as well as Azazel. Subjects range from war to the raising of Satanic offspring. Quite a few poems here as well, "Adamus" by Badja Vehmund being

most to my liking.

    ïDIABOLICA, Vol. 1, Issue #2, "dedicated to the principles of The Satanic Bible," is $5.00 US/$6.00 foreign; 28 full-sized pages plus orange cover, very nice lasersetting and clean page designs.
    The cover illo is of a black dog pissing on God's tombstone; he died in 1966, ya know. There are a few articles reprinted from major newsstand magazines, which perplexed me a bit; I think Azazel should have condensed these into his own news-in-review column. There's a nice poem by Kali, and one man's perspective on Satanism, "The Mailbox Religion." The gem of the issue is a rare interview with Blanche Barton, High Priestess of the Church of Satan, Dr. LaVey's official biographer and confidante, and the mother of Satan Xerxes Carnacki LaVey. One of the more noteworthy things interviewer Norma J. Gomez got out of Miss Barton: "Unlike writers... who are dishonest about their motives, I'm not masquerading as an objective author. If certain interests are threatened by Satanism and want to undermine my writing because it's too lucid or explains too clearly the strengths underlying our religion, I should be flattered. As far as my accomplishments being attributed to Anton LaVey, they should be. Obviously, I'm a great admirer of his; I've used him as an inspiration to lead as dramatic a life as I can manage." Other essayists in this issue include Michael Rose, Nemo and Peter H. Gilmore; Azazel gives us a description of his and Kali's visit to San Francisco to meet the High Priest, and the issue is rounded off with some quotable quotes, Kali's tips on vacation spots, and an excerpt from Ayn Rand's Anthem. A strong addition to the Satanic 'zine scene that promises to get even better.

ïDIABOLICAL CREATIONS, Venus Edition, IZM Enterprises, PO Box 353, Maple Park, IL, 60151; 96 pages, digest-sized, perfect-bound in rough, cream-colored paper. $5.00 US/$7.00 foreign, postpaid. Neat computer typesetting in various fonts.

    Bursting with "stuff," this is the second in a series of nine issues which will all be named after the planets in our solar system and culminate with the Pluto edition. After that, conspirators Ken and Lydia Gage will presumably set off for the stars. There's a lengthy article by Kurt Saxon exploring the Biblical references to extra-terrestrials, interviews with musician and Satanic leader Vincent Crowley and artist Chad Beck, fiction, poetry, artwork and essays by the editors and others. Ken's piece on conservatism and Lydia's on marriage were especially good. Troy Penny's essay on the naming of penises was diverting. There's a genuine attempt at page design here; the publishers try to pull together all those clipped ads for other Satanic productions with graphic backgrounds, and for the most part, avoid that patchwork effect. I'd like to see them choose two good typestyles and stick with them; there's a tendency here to use a typeface just because it's available, and it detracts from the pulled-together look this 'zine could easily achieve. Definitely worth a spot on your bookshelf if you want lively Satanic material in an attractive format.
    Also available from the same evil laboratory, SATAN IN STEREO, $10.00 US/$13.00 foreign, postpaid; an audio cassette

featuring rock music, audio experiments and poetry readings from the Church of Nine Candles. Lots of Satanic sound bites and a few of the cuts are quite listenable. Lydia's reading of her lust poem, "Red Nights," will certainly set some Satanic male hearts to beating.

   IZM Enterprises also maintains the Order of the Black Unicom, a "network of individuals [who embrace] those things that are often defined as Satanic-achievement, pride, carnal pleasure, autonomy." Write to the address above for their free publication, THE WORM≠ EATEN SKULL, ten pages plus orange cover, digest-sized; some reviews, ads, and a few essays by Ken.
    Also from the folks above, Red: sex, rants and raves, an 80-plus page compendium of sexually explicit essays, illustrations and stories "from the pen of extremist writer, Ken Gage."

$10.00 US/$13.00 foreign, postpaid, and don't forget the l'm-over-21. ïARTEX ONE, #5, $1.00 from IZM (above). Not a concoction of the usual team of Gage and Gage, and it shows-this is a messy little ten-page comic that looks more like the doodles in the back of someone's notebook than a finished product. "The Further Adventures of God-Man" is the only well-drawn contribution.

ïCONQUER NOW, Issue #1, c/o K. S. Anthony, 3288 21 St., #67, San Francisco, CA 94110. Full-sized, 8 pages, no cover, side-stapled; one dollar. Some spotty typewriter text; some hand printing.

    This energetic new addition to the Satanic 'zine scene supports "LaVeyan" Satanism. The editor takes a look at Chick Tracts and comments on the egregious nature of Burger King; there are some Diabolical Definitions and Simple Truths. Worth a dollar!

ïCONQUER NOW, Issue #2, 13 pages, $2.00 + 3 $.32 stamps, or $2.50. K. S. Anthony rants against the homeless, the herd, anti≠ abortion murderers; he explores the wit and wisdom of Calvin and Hobbes. My favorite piece was his list of songs he'd like to see covered by prominent Satanists. Anthony has a computer now, and this issue looked better, with neat, readable text and lair1y tasteful graphics--not professional, but not messy.

    ïCONQUER NOW, Issue #3, 11 pages, photocopied onto textured gray paper with a red cover-same price as issue #2. K.S. Anthony returns with a funny piece about working (briefly) for an Xtian pretzel franchise, a bit about the obnoxious odiferous and other rousing, anti≠ egalitarian rants. His use of headings and funny drawings is g_etting stronger.

ïSUSPIRE, Vol. 1, #1, the Official Publication of the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi, formerly the Order of the Left Hand Path, c/o Hesperos Press, Box 83, Paekariki, Wellington, New Zealand. Digest≠ sized, 40 pages with sell-cover, typewriter≠ typesetting, saddle-stitched. $20 airmail for two issues, $15.00 surface, $10.00 in NZ.

   Edited by Raistlin Majera, there are lots of essays here by Graeme Wilson, H.D. Baynes,

K.R. Bolton and the editor, including a history of the OSV, an Initiation Ritual, and "How I Became an Evil Bastar by Bolton. The material is compelling but the look is not as spiffy as the other publications from New Zealand; this is the editor's first issue and he11 likely pull things together a bit more next time.

ïSUSPIRE, Vol. 1, #2, see above for all ordering info. Same format as the first issue, but now we're using dot-matrix computer typesetting that's almost marginless. Many thoughtful essays, a guided mescaline-enhanced Working, fiction and poetry.

ïTHE FLAMING SWORD, Issue #3, membership bulletin of the Black Order, c/o Realist Publications, PO Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington, New Zealand. Digest-sized, 28 pages induding self-cover, reduced typewriter≠ type on white paper, saddle-stitched; membership in the Order is $15.00 annually.

    Essays exploring Norse mythology: lormungand; Miguel Serrano: "Esoteric Hitlerist;" a lengthy response to an artides published elsewhere, "Naziism, Racism and Satanism;" the computer underground; the Galactic Empire; and some reviews. Good stuff if you're a fan of Bolton, but I fail to make a distinction between this and what he includes in The Heretic-, I think he could put it all together and make one

equally-fine production.

    ïTHE FLAMING SWORD #4, Begins with part 2of the interview with Miguel Serrano, next an exploration of the concept of aristocracy, an explanation of "Physis," a martial art of the Left≠ Hand Path as well as the usual reviews, Order news and a section on magical correspondences.
    ïTHE FLAMING SWORD #5, starts off with a well-rendered illustration of three Klansman attending a comrade's graveside by the light of a lull moon. There's an overview of non-Christian, non-Satanic thought-systems, an article on Fenrir, another on STAV, a northern martial arts tradition, the conclusion of an interview with Miguel Serrano (this complete article can be had as a pamphlet for $5), and the usual extensive reviews, Order news, poetry and some decent illustrations.

ïTHE HERETIC, Issue #9, see above address. Digest-sized, 28 pages including self-cover, reduced typewriter-type on white paper, saddle≠ stitched; $20 airmail for four issues, $15.00 surface, $10.00 in NZ.

    This publication never fails to intrigue, as editor Bolton actually slings some information your way along with the opinions. This time his subjects include Japanese poet and cultural tyrant Mishima, an essay comparing two views of "Lucifer," "What is Kaos Magic?" and a reply from Christos Beast of the ONA, as well as "The Satanic Black Mass" from that same institution, poetry, a huge list of contact addresses and lots of reviews. Recommended.
    ïTHE HERETIC, Issue #10; the lead article is a useful time-line of events involving Count Grishnakh and his heavy metal cabal in Norway. Yes, they burned churches and indirectly caused the death of a firefighter, were arrested and convicted. Some Satanists admire the fact that they've taken real action against the symbols of their perceived oppressors. Others feel that churches are often the avatars of mankind's greatest achievements in art, architecture and engineering; in other words, while they are dedicated to Christian ideas they are the manifestation of Satanic principles, and are more aesthetically appealing than most shopping malls or television stations, which might serve as better targets. The usual extensive reviews, a chat about Satanism's perceived "Fascist problem," the Order of the

Nine Angles' news and views, and an interview with Church of Satan Priest Michael Moynihan.

    ïTHE HERETIC, Issue #11; artides expose the Puritanism of the religious right as it opposes art in the sensual aesthetic, masochism in Xtianity, the balance between psyche and eros, an interview with Harri Baynes (O.S.V.), and a large section of reviews and other features.

Other items from the New Zealand folk:

    ïTHE BOK OF LOKI, an automatic writing by Ragnar Greybeard contains some poetic invocations others may Elli<>Y ($4.00 US).

ïSATANIC TAROT, Text and conception by Faustus Scorpius, art by Juha Vuorma ($25 NZ). This deck consists of a "Major Arcana" of 22 card lack ink on blue stock, about 3" x 4"-with striking designs and an instruction manual which indudes methods and meanings.

    ïRUNEQUEST, a text describing insights gained by W. Grimwald through workings with 27 rune art by Abaaner lncendium ($15 NZ). Unique and personal with intriguing intuitions.
    ïTHE BLACK ORDER, An Introduction for Prospective Membss, ($15 US), This is an introductory compendium delineating the goals of this Order, darifying their approach to National Socialism and their concept of Galactic Empire.
    ïCOSMIC REICH, an interview with National Socialist activist/theorist David Myatt who sees NS as the idealistic destiny of Aryans revealed by Hitler ($10 US).

ïHITLER, CHRISTIANITY, & THE THIRD REICH, ($3 US), a pamphlet exploring the anti≠ xtianity and pro-paganism of the Third Reich (demonstrated by quotes from Nazi leaders).

ïPROMETHEAN CIRCLE #2, PO Box 79006, 17202 Himittos, Athens, Greece. Full-sized, 27 pages plus white, glossy cover, side-stapled. Single issue: $4.00. Edited by George Zaharopoulos.

    Essays by K.R. Bolton, Walter C. Cambra and the editor; John Hiotelis contributes a piece on dassical mythology, and Conrad Rebury tells us why the Temple of Set is not Satanic."A dassy production.

ïSCAPEGOAT, Vol. 1, #1, PO Box 36121, Los Angeles, CA 90036-0121. Digest-sized, 21 pages plus a blacker-than-black cover with the title in shiny black letters, saddle-stitched; white interior stock with dot matrix typesetting. Single issues are $3.00 US/$4.00 foreign; live-issue subscriptions are $12.00 US/$16.00 foreign.

    I liked the neat design here, but the areas where the dot matrix print was stretched across the pages look poorly. Editor John A. Kamieniecki reprints the ubiquitous "Naziism, Racism and Satanism," while in his own essays deals with animal rights, the Portugal caning and homelessness, and there's an interview with David Vincent of Morbid Angel. A satisfactory little production.

ïSERPENTINE, Issue #2, Vinny Polise, editor/publisher, PO Box 612, Westwood, NJ 07675, $5.00 postpaid for each quarterly issue. Full-size, 74 pages plus fluorescent pink cover, bound on the long side by three brass fasteners. "Typesetting" varies as contributor's articles are used as-is; some pages are blank; various color paper used for interior.

    Lots of ads, newsclippings, pages and pages from Dr. Kurluk, poetry from Nightwing and Shadow, an essay by Shadow bemoaning


iOle! .,Here it is, folks: the World Series, Super Bowl, Indy 500, and World Soccer raised to its hiahest power. Real people enjoying all the thrills, spills, and chills of good,. dean sports. The stars, the spectators, and the hud workers behind tlie scenes. All this, plus a at musical score. Too bad La!!.f Weseel wasn't around with hts camera in Rome filming the Circus Maximus." -Anton Sundar LaVey CHURCH OF SATAN .,Father Larry's CUJTent project is to resurrect worship of Mithraic deities. Because of his weight and stamina, he naturally feels connected to the symbol of the bull. He spends every available weekend at Tijuana's bull rings, documentinJ the blood sport on video tape...He has shown me clips, featuring the sights and sounds of the bull ring slaughterhouse. The horrifyinj scenes ue reminiscent of the clescriptions of sacrifices in ancient Aztec temples." -AdamPanrey APOCALYPSE CULTURE . A spellbinding visual account of the world's last great blood SJ?Orl ...Mr. Wessel has committed to film the definitive bullfight chrorude ...raw...exdting light yeus ahead of 'ARRUZA'." -Nick Bougas DEATH SCENES

lHr. 48 Min. $25.00 post paid within the U.S. COLOR VHS Other countries write for details. To order your copy of Larry Wessel's TAUROBOLlUM: Please send postal money orders only to: Larry Wessel P.O. Box 1611, Manhattan Beach, Calif., 90267-1611

the lack of female role-models in Satanism, and a lengthy essay on "The Male Disease" by Tani Jantsang. "It's Time to Beat on the X-tians" and an essay on why Christians will never be your friends are only part of the numerous Christian≠ bashings herein. There's a cute dragon on the cover that reminds me of Cecil the Sea Monster. There are reviews of other Satanic mags and of some black metal groups. The pages that contain Vinny's OINl'I computer-typesetting are neatly readable in this issue; he could have easily cut dolNl'I the page number on this one and he should find a better place to copy it asboth issues reviewed are spotty and copied too light. ïSERPENTINE, Issue #3, thirty-eight full≠ sized pages including cover; side-stapled, various color papers used, various computer and typewriter typesetting.

    Vinny begins with a statement that his third issue is shorter than his second because some of his readers had complained about all the ads. There are still quite a few ads here for other Satanic publications, groups and products. The overall appearance of this Satanic 'zine is scruffy. My copy had the page numbers handwritten in red felt-tip and other corrections in ballpoint; most contributors' articles are copied in as-is. Vinny has access to computer typesetting, apparently, but his page designs, xerography, spelling and grammar are atrocious. Of interest in this issue is an essay by Tani Jantsang about the fallacies and foibles of Christian thinking in the sciences; she uses

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley as a jumping-Off point, to intriguing effea. AA essay by Steve Armistead on America's creeping socialism is also v">rth the read. There are poems by Nightwing, a spurious essay on Catholic education by Shadow, and three pages of the usual from Dr. Kurluk. Vinny's closing statement decries the lack of openly-Satanic people in his part of New Jersey; he hopes that one day he'll see Baphomet medallions swinging from the necks of many of his neighbors dOINll at the K-Mart.

   ïSERPENTINE, Issue #4. No improvement here. Lots of ads, an article by Draegon Undomiel, three by Dr. John Kurluk, some bad poems and artwork. If Vinny wants so much to do his OINl'I 'zine, he should write much more of it himself, keep it neat and simple and leave out seventy-five percent of these free ads.

ïANTONY EGAN, 214 Farview Rd., NorristOINll, PA 19401.1n1, will send you ten pages of clippings, Sataiic and otherwise, for clippings of OINl'I and a business-sized SASE. Send a bottle of Stoli and youil be on his mailing list for life. ïTHE BURNING GROUND, Vol. 1, Issue #3, editor/publisher Ray Williams, 5 Rue Gabriel Pieni6, 57000 Metz, France, EEC. Digest-sized, 16 pages plus self-<:over, saddle-stitched, $3.00 US for single issue, $12.00 for four issues.

   Very attractive three-<X>lumn page layout, which proves what can still be done with a daisy≠ wheel printer and some taste. Essays by Michael Rose and others are reprinted, but there

are originals by the editor, as well as several interviews with European Satanic bands and 'zine and music reviews. Caveat: editor Ray Williams is palling with "Count Grischnakh," who for a time led a group of Xian heretic devil≠ v">rshippers. ïTHE BURNING GROUND, Vol. 1, Issue

  1. 4 (same price as above).

This issue has several interviews with metal musicians, the best being with Necromantia. Walter Grimwald responds to Deboo's anti-fascism, Bolton's "Eugenics & Dysgenics" is reprinted from TBF and there are reviews of publications and music.

ïTHE WATCHER, Issue #5, c/o Ron Mershon, 708 S. 51st. St., Baltimore, MD 21224. Twenty pages, full-sized, side-stapled, typewriter≠ typesetting.

   "Magister Luminosus 666" or "Ron Mephisto" as editor Mershon calls himself, promotes the Church of Satan and discusses the Nephilim. Shadow's essay asking where all the Satanic females have gone rears its ugly head a third time. Or. Kurluk's stuff and mucho clippings. Scruffy layout and hand-written page numbers.
    ïTHE WATCHER, Issue #6, twenty-two full≠ szed pages plus a red cover, side-stapled. More Dr. Kwluk, poetry, a Satanic devotional, the

-Watchtower Ceremony," cippingsgalore aid some book reviews. Hand-written page numbers stiH abound--4he editor clearly either make the effort to type the numbers one through twenty-two and paste them to his layout, OR, he just doesn't see the difference. Well, I do.

    ïTHE WATCHER, Issue #7, 24 full-sized pages, side-stapled, red cover with William Blake drawing. $4.00. The usual messy non≠ layout, same old hand-written page numbers. While we appreciate Ron's support of the Church of Satan, I question the fact that Ron publishes this 'zine at all. Eight pages of this issue are taken up by the Enochian Keys, photocopied out of The Satanic Bible and slapped right onto his paste-up. Dr. Kurluk's

work, which may be had for the asking, is also inserted as-is, as are lots of mini-articles from supermarket tabloids. There are pages and pages of badly-<:opied ads that we've all seen a hundred times. The only "original" work is a two page sexual fantasy by Draegon Undomiel of the Luciferian Light Group, and a "satanic mass" ritual by the editor, who is, once again, NOT a fourth degree in the Church of Satan as he claims in his by-line. Ron has a band and his OINl'I group of Satanists to ritualize with; he doesn't need to keep doing this unattractive 'zine for which he clearly never has enough material.

ïONSLAUGHT, Volume Four, Issue #5, c/o the Luciferian Light Group, PO Box 7207, Tampa, FL 33673. Full-sized, 28 pages plus orange and yellow covers, side-stapled. $5.00 US/$6.00 foreign. The typewriter-typesetting is clear but the editor has it stuck on all .

    First, the editor, Draegon Undomiel, is steering his publication farther away from the racialist bent it had when he started; I saw no evidence of racism in this issue at all, so while you still may be at odds with his ideas, there's no reason to run screaming for your Aunt Gertie every time you see his name. Next, he's getting more meat in his publication; there are six pages of reviews alone, plus a long editorial and even a ceremony to perform. "Dateline: Hell" continues, and there are lots less ads.

ïTHE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE, by Draegon Undorniel (same address as above). Full-sized, 58 pages plus blue stock cover with clear plastic overlay, spiral binding. $15.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Neat, daisy-wheel computer typesetting, but it's still in all .

No graphics except a rather tasteful "fallen angel" illustration on the cover. Although Draegon Undomiel acknowledges LaVey and The Satanic Bible as the fountainhead of Satanism, this book reveals that his OINl'I thought-system is that of a Christian heretic devil-worshipper. There is animal sacrifice here, albeit involving food-source animals who are later consumed by the congregation. Some of the rituals "are not approved by the LLG," which makes one wonder why they were included. Among them are "The Death Rite" and "Ritual of Homage to Satan's Harlot," based on a Thelemic ceremony. This book is overpriced. ïTHE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, Issue #2, C/0 Ron Harris, 45 High St., New Haven, CT 06510. Full≠ sized, 24 pages plus b&w cover on cover stock, saddle-stitched. No price; $4.00 should get you a copy. Daisy-wheel output; layout and graphics neat but unremarkable.

    Articles include "Thoughts on a Satanic Republic" by Adam Willson; th1:1 author delves into the real intentions of the USA's Founding Fathers. Raistlin Majera of New Zealand looks at "The wre of the Necronomicon." There are reviews and lots of ads. Editor Harris tells us he was not very happy with this issue and was undecided as to whether he would actually distribute it. Perhaps that's why his own address is not included in the magazine.

ïLIFEFORCE, The International Vampire Forum c/o the Temple of the Vampire, PO Box 3582, Lacey WA 98503. Send $10 and ask for current price information, as there are plans for this publication to merge with the Temple's journal, Bloodlines. Six nicely-laserset pages on white paper, consisting of communications from adherents of the Vampire religion, sharing dreams and ritual experiences, etc. Their leader answers questions in detail and gives forecasts on world events from a Vampiric perspective. "The philosophy of the Church of Satan and the Dayside perspective of the Temple are one... Soon the evidence of chaos will sweep the world. Men will cry out in despair that their leaders have betrayed them, their priests have betrayed them, their truths have betrayed them. Then from the ashes of their dead dreams and broken civilizations will arise the Shining Dark Lords, to take again, beneath the blazing sun itself, that which has always been Ours to hold and keep." The Temple of the Vampire's perspective on the work of Ayn Rand, and the findings of Richard Hoagland, is discussed. Investment advice, -What Is Truth?", reviews, contact addresses.

ïOHM CLOCK, Issue #2, PO Box 73274, Las Vegas, NV 89170-3274. Forty full-sized pages plus a gray vellum cover, saddle-stitched, nice laserset layout and typography. Single issue: $4.00 US/$6.00 foreign.

    Lots of interviews in thisone: Doran Ragnarok of the Church of War, the Grey Wolves, Michael Rose and Sick-0 of Nies Guys Flf1ish L.sst It's great to see a piece on Ambrose Bierce in these pages, and there are extensive aJCio reviews. Definitely worth your time and money.


  1. 3, BCM/3406, London, WC1N 3XX, UK. Edited by Deborah Ryder of Ryder Publications. Send

$3.00 cash-no exchange checks. Six pages of

legal-sized white paper, double columns of neat dot-matrix printout. For intelligent, submissive ladies and the men who love them. Essays on slavery, contact ads, and ads for other SIM publications and groups. ïTHE LADY O SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Issue #4 goes up to 10 pages, and states that an annual membership is $20 US for ladies, $40 US for men or couples. The high point here is Angela Quinn's exploration of her self through the freedom of slavery. Plenty of ads and contact listings. ïTHE LADY O SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Issue #5 continues the 1O page format. This issue's highlight is a little narrative by Ann of Spain, shedding some light on a submissive lady's point-of-view while also being entertainingly titillating. ïTHE LADY O SOCIETY NEWSLETTER. Issue #6 has editor Ryder's pithy examination of the difference between slaves and victims, a new feature for dominant males to express their views (who could resist?), plus articles, and the usual contacts and ads.

ïTHERION RISING, Vol. 2, Issue #1, PO Box 156, W. Nottingham, NH 03291-0156. Digest≠ sized, 36 pages plus pink fluorescent cover, crisp lasersetting, saddle-stitched. Single issue: $5.00 US/$6.00 foreign; quarter1y subscription: $20.00 US/$30.00 foreign. "A Journal of Orthodox Oa:ultism" affiliated

   the Ordo Mysterium Baphe-Metis, Inc. Ten essays, induding "Occutism 2000+,""Naga: The Serpent" and "First Comments on Baphomet." Thelema-related stuff, if that's your cup of hemlock.

ïCHAOS INTERNATIONAL, lssue#16,c/o 1.O.T., 7349 Via Paseo Del Sur, Suite #515-205, Scottsdale, A2. 85258. Full-sized, 48 pages plus saddle-stitched white cover stock, neat, two≠ column lasersetting with some illustrations. Single issue: $8.00 US; make check or money order out to CASH.

   Ten or twelve articles here, from a chaos magick point of view; these chaosians have a Satanic twinkle in their eye but also an occultnik streak that's wide and deep. This mag will give you a good overview of their smirky ways.

There's an essay comparing Satanism and chaos magick, and another attacking "Fascistic Occultism" by "Alan Wicca," wherein he states: "Norse and Satanic neo-fascist occultists merely confirm their own mediocrity and lack of imagination or achievement by adopting the rancid glamour of a paradigm which lingers only as a bad smell, having been decisively shot to pieces militarily and intellectually."

ïCOMPULSION, Issue #2, c/o Tony Dickie, 10 Netherhill Road, Gallowhill, Paisley, Scotland PA3 4RE. Digest-sized, 80 pages, glossy b&w cover, saddle-stitched; single issue: $5.00 US. Professional desktop publishing, typesetting.

   Mostly music-related; Nine Inch Nails figures prominently. Contributors include artist Timothy Patrick Butler, and there are interviews with John Aes-Nihil and the Goads. Gems from the latter include their observations on the "Modem Primitive" trendoids abounding now; Jim: "If you told them cattle branding was cool, they'd go out and get their arses branded." Debbie: "At this point I don't think there is any true underground." Jim: "Well, there are renegade psychos out there, probes that are

doing interesting things-that haven't been done the same way as before. The underground implies a community and that is something we avoid at all costs."

ïINDEX, Volume One, Issue #2, P.0. Box 450, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-0450 (or contact Digest-sized, 44 pages, red cover on cover stock, saddle-stitched. No price but they will trade for your stuff. If you have no stuff, I'd say four bucks would suffice. Readable dot matrix typesetting.

    This is a networking 'zine; contact addresses are cross-<eferenced by many areas of interest which may intrigue Satanists.

Certainly, there is a Satanic bent here, as well as a Lovecraftian edge. And since the Internet was the source for many of the listings, lots of e≠ mail addresses and http: sites are included. ïINFO SAUSAGE, Issue #1, 2645 First Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55408. Five or so pages of ads stapled into a digest; free. This is the collective publicity newsletter for seven indie record labels.

ïPOO POO MAGAZINE, Issue #5, PO Box 8131, Bur1ington, VT05402; 74627.1020@ "Chunky"-sized: 7" X 8.5", 42 pages including self-cover, saddle-stitched. Single issue: $2.50, $10.00 for four-issue subscription. Interesting desktop layout and graphics; a little busy but clean and neat.

   M. C. Caucasian Pimp is the editor. There's a lot of hate, anger and misanthropy here, but in a youthful, energetic, lighthearted style. Definitely worth the tiny price.

ïFLASHBACK, Issue #2, Box 676, S-114 79, Stockholm, Sweden. Full-sized, 66 pages, glossy b&w cover, saddle-stitched.$15.00 US. Professional typography and layout.

   It's in Swedish, okay? If you can read Swedish, you can read articles about Nick Zecld, Timothy Leary, Pink Floyd and our own Car1 Abrahamsson's band, White Stain.-nice photos of Carl in there, too. FlASHBACl<s tag≠ line, by Pablo Picasso, is, "Good taste is the enemy of creativity, the killer of creativity." Their next issue will feature an article on the Church of Satan, and possibly a full-color cover photo of Anton LaVey.

ïTHE PROJECT, Volume XI, Issue #1-2-3, A≠ albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, Ml 48220,, or 74204.3113 Full-sized, 8 pages, no cover, saddle-folded. $30.00 a year. Neat desktop layout and typesetting.

   "Goldsters Vs. the Godsters," Lyndon LaRouche, Great Britain-conspiracy stuff.

CATALOGS Shunning the herd means staying out of the malls, so lots of Satanists enjoy shopping by mail and phone. Here are some sources tor items to give you or your lair a flair.

ïNETHERWORLD, 701 N. MacQuesten Parkway, Crypt 122, Mt. Vernon, NY 10552. Full-sized, 40 pages including cover, $2.00.

    Definitely goth, but with a Satanic spin on things. One of their rings is a sculpted five≠ pointed star-in-a-circle, with flames rising up

behind it; in the center of the circle is the head of a man who looks strikingly like Anton LaVey. It's big, heavy and silver. There's lots of other great jewelry here, tee shirts, goth make-up, dead baby items from Higham's House of Horrors, life masks of Lugosi, Kar1off and Vincent Price, resin model kits, a bust of Vlad Tepes, religious items, spell candles, skulls and skeletons, Licata knives, Giger books and prints, more.

ïGARGOYLES, Fall '94, 4550 University Way NE, Seattle WA 98105, (206) 632-4940, catalog is $1.00. I've visited this store and I can attest to the quality of their merchandise and the reasonable pricing. They have gargoyles, large and small, seated, standing, flying, suitable for shelf or wall. Their wall sconces would make lovely Satanic altars, and their gargoyle≠ encrusted candleholders and candelabra would lend atmosphere to your rituals or just to your home decor. Bookends for your occult tomes, or your detective paperbacks; mirrors for summoning Those Outside, or checking your lipstick. And skulls of all sizes.

And then there's ïDESIGN TOSCANO, for those whose taste in the medieval doesn't stop at gargoyles, and who pockets are deep: 17 East Campbell St., Ar1inglon Heights, IL 60005, 1-800-525-0723. Their slick, full-color catalog features not only gargoyles (some actual, full≠ sized reproductions) but tapestries, busts and statuary. I received their beautiful bust of William Shakespeare as a birthday gift (Hail Mel), but they also have Roman emperors, famous composers, Moliere, Napoleon... Their large, pedestal gargoyles will hold up glass tabletops, which they also sell, so if you want a dining room or desk from Hell, and have the money to spend, Toscano is the way to go.

ïABYSS DISTRIBUTION, 48 Chester Road, Chester, MA 01011-9735, (413) 623-2155. A95- page catalog of everything an occultnik could want: books, oils, incenses, candles, jewel,y, athames, chalices, buttons and bumper stickers that say, "My Other Car is a Broom!" Abyss has carried Satanic items for a long time in the face of white-lighter wrath, and it's rumored they plan a left-hand-path-only catalog. Very complete.

ïST. MICHAEL'S EMPOFIUM, "Industrial Renaissance Attire for the New Dark Ages," 155 E. Second St., Suite #1, New York, NY 10009; phone (212) 995-8359.

    Sixteen glossy digest-sized pages with well-rendered b&w photos of models wearing their handmade creations, which include romantic, swashbuckling shirts for gentlemen, ball gowns for ladies, cloaks, lace-up vests, chain-mail skirts, bags, belts and even some Runic jewelry. Pricy but custom-made -≠ definitely the real thing.

ïINFERNACULA, "Diabolical Arts and Craftworks," c/o Miguel Melendrez, 12567 Somerset Rd., Von Ormy, TX 78073.

    Catering to the Metal crowd, there are some well wrought pieces of jewelry herein≠ quite three dimensional.

ïTHE MAGIC SHOP, 1501 Pike Place #427, Seattle, WA 98101, 206-624-4271.

    Excellemt source tor stage magic supplies as well as literature, manuals and rarities.

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l I f\.1 I ∑ S, # 3 & -t

ïTHE SPACE BETWEEN, 3 Bishop St., New Haven, CT 06511 USA, 1-800-887-7178.

   Carries "fringe interest" new books as well as out-Of-print used books. Good stuff here!

ïQUIMBY'S QUEER STORE, Megamaga≠ doggylogtwo, 1328 N. Darnen Ave., Chicago, IL 60622 USA ($2.00). NI amazing array of allemative 'zines and comics with a useful i1dex and some articles tool ïMAGUS BOOKS, 1316 SE 4th St., Minneapolis, MN 55414 USA, 612-379-7669.

   NI occult/metaphysical book store that now has a BBS on-line shopper service (612) 627- 9029 or 9032.

GUEST REVIEWS ïTHE NIETZSCHE LEGACY IN GERMANY 1890-1990 by Steven E. Ascheim(University of California Press, 1992). Steve Mels6nbach, reviewer.

   The first time I read The Satanic Bible, I thought-ah, here is a man who really understands Nietzsche! Author Steven Aschheim is another.
    As a cultural historian, Aschheim eschews what he calls the ïessentialist appropriation"of Nietzsche's thought by academic philosophers

and partisans of various ideologies. He especially rejects the "sanitized" Nietzsche of the late Walter Kaufmann, whose English translations of and commentaries on Nietzsche's works are those most read in this country.

   Aschheim St.rV8ys the fortunes of Nietzscheana through the responses of his friends and enemies. We meet the philosopher not only as an "anti-Semite", but also as a Judeophile.

Nietzsche the misogynist is familiar, but Aschheim also shows his significant influence on tum-of-the≠ oentury feminism. That Nietzsche became the dar1ing of the European Right is acliche, but he excited (and continues to excite) the Left as well, as Aschheim recounts in detail.

    The Nietzsche Legacy runs to 330 pages softbound, and even the most fanatical student of t-ietzschean iterann may find paticular chapters

of little interest, but Aschheim's clew, succinct prose is adelight throughotL He uses an absoUe minimum of technical philosophical terms and explains them when he does. He allows his SOU"C8S to speak for themselves and keeps his own prejudices largely in the background.

    Aschheim is a writer's writer and an objective scholar, but in the end his personal vision bursts through his stolid facade as he points us to the∑-real" Nietzsche. His authentic Nietzsche is the philosopher who danced to the pipes of Pan and the crowing of Abraxas the cosmic Chanticleer, who heard the voice of the Prinoe of Darkness and responded. It is a Nietzsche that only a Satanist could love.

ïTHE YOGA OF POWER by Julius Evola (Inner Traditions, One Park St., Rochester, VT 05767 ISBN 0-89281-368-7. 249 pages, $16.95). Joshua Buckley, revfswer.

    Julius Evola (1898-1974) was one of the most dynamic figures to emerge from the Italian intelligentsia in the years immediately following World War One. Having established himself as a seminal figure in Italy's burgeoning Dada movement, he spent the entirety of his adult career in defiance of staid orthodoxies. An

ardent admirer of Friedrich Nietzsche, J. J. Bachofen, and Renll Gullnon, he penned thousands of essays, articles, and books chronicling his extensive studies in Hermeticism, Mithraism, and 'Orientalism'. As a publisher he was hardly less prolific; Evola's Italian translations of Ernst Juenger, Gustav Meyrink, and Oswald Spengler have garnered the admiration-of many a Florentine academic. Nevertheless, Evola's reputation amongst contemporary literary cabals hinges largely on his controversial political sympathies. A fervent elitist and anti-egalitarian, he applauded Mussolini's ascension to power in 1922 but soon grew disillusioned with the Duce's appeals to the masses, and balked when the Fascists conceded to the papacy in signing the politically expedient Lateran Accords. Evola's response, the virulently anti-Christian Pagan lmperislsm, includes such Satanically endearing sub-headings as "Gold: The Need to Return to the Caste System", ïJesus is not a Divine Figure", "The Irrationality of Egalitarianism", and "Fascism Against Christianity: The Great Liberation". Giorgio Almirante, leader of the contemporary neo-fascist MSI party's violence prone '18ft wing", has described Evola as "our Mwcuse, only better", and Evola's status as the foremost ideologue anongst the "black terrorist" death squads of the late 60's and ear1y 70's hE given rise to immense speculation on the pat of skittish cuRural historians across the ideological spectn.m. The Yoga of Power, the first edition of which made its Rome debut in 1968, defies the genre specific formula of most Twertielh Century "esoterica": Evola has created a work in which the boundaries between philosophy, metaphysics, and the occult dissolve indistinguishably, revealing a cohesive sense of Purpose. Unlike most Eastern phHosophy, which emphasizes the airy-fairy banality of sterile Nirvanas and contemplative (non)Being, Evola delineates a aedo more suited for the tangible realities of a world which hovers on the brink of destruction:

   "The Wlalysis of the last age, the 'dwk age or Kali Yuga, brings to right two essential features. The first isthat mankind living in this age is stric11y connected to the body and cannot prescind from it; therefore, the only way open is not that of pure detachmert (as in ear1y Buddhism and in the many varieties of Yoga) but rather that of knowledge, awakening, and mastery over secret energies trapped in the body. The second characteristic is that of the dissolution typical of this age ... the traditional law is wavering, reduced to a shadow of its former seH."
    Thus, Evola introduces his readers to Tantrism, Shaktism, and Vamachara, the Hindu 'Left Hand Path',.which stresses the 'mystic' way of action. That his observations coincide with Satanic praxis should be somewhat self vident; 711e Yoga of Power is truly a magical tome, the relevance of which becomes increasingly evident as the Final Stand draws near...

ïTHE TESLA COIL BUILDER'S GUIDE TO THE COLORADO SPRINGS NOTES OF NIKOLA TESLA by Richard L Hull & the Tesla Coil Builders of Richmond, Virginia; ISBN 0- 9636012-2-9; 1994. Lupo LeBoucher, reviewer.

    I found this book by doing a keyword search for "Tesla" in the Books in Print Plus serwr. It looked like a more interesting than usual Tesla type book; I'm often anno by the fantastic

daims made on the behaH of this enigmatic inventor. This book was a breath of fresh air.

    This handy book contains all manner of historical and technical information pertaining to the Colorado Springs experiments of Nikola Testa. Those who own the Colorado Springs notes may have found them somewhat

frustrating in their lack of background (though the footnotes are handy). Better yet, this reference provides corrections to the oocasional Tesla error or piece of misinformation; certain modem techniques are mentioned as comparisons to Teslas older/cruder methods. The author is not above poking fun at a few of Testas goofs & some of the misinformation associated with Testa.This book should prove an invaluable companion to your edition of the CSN. Those who do not own the CSN; if you do not own the CSN but buy this book, you will not need to purchase the CSN (@-$60 these days, if I am not mistaken), as this book contains all of the distilled results of the CSN.

    It gets better; the 37 page appendix which follows the analysis of the CSN gives many construction hints for the Magnifying Transmitter! As farE I know, this is the first book to give actual construction hints for models of this device. Apparently this construction group obtained excellent spark lengths with rather small machines; We're talking Sparks ranging from 80" at 1900 Watts input, to sparks of greater than 135" from 7.5Kw (the sparks were apparently limited by the size of the building).
    This book is packed with useful information; I have often seen DC Cox treatment of various iechnical" aspects of Tesla Coil construction as ihe" book to own. I would say that this one is even more essential to the serious Testa Coil builder as it contains more relevant & accurate information than the Cox work. Much of the info in this book is unavailable elsewhere as it is the result of experimental work. It also contains much of the theoretical

derivations in the Cox work, as well as some pertaining to the Magnifying Transmitter that are not available in the Cox monograph.

    This is a must own for any serious Tesla Historian or researcher; a wonderfully irreverent and utilitarian title. Get yours now as this is an ∑ edition of 2001
    Personally, I feel a need to make for the laboratory, as I have recently obtained a couple of HUGE high voltage capacitors from an old Cockcroft Walton generator power supply (It amazes me what people throw away). I've got this olde secondary coil I used to use; might make a nice tertiary coil for a magnifying transmitter.

Got to find a cheap copper wire souroe.

ïOLYMPIA by Lani Riefenstahl, St. Martin's Press, $50. TRIUMPH OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC WILL: LEN/ RIEFENSTAHL AND OLYMPIA Michael Moynihan, reviewer.

    Lani Riefenstahl has a lot of people caught between a rock and a hard place, and their frustration often shows. As the pre-eminent cinematographer of Hitler's Third Reich, she hE been castigated and denounced as somehow responsible for the excesses of those who employed her. After the last shots of WWII were fired she spent three years in Allied imprisonment, only to be vindicated of any criminal charges. The case against her as a Nazi apologist and unrepentant Hitlerite is

sketchy at best, but the evidence for her standing as one of the most important female artists of the Twentieth Century is monumental. If she had been born into any other decade or country, her recognition would have been assured. But due to the circumstances of Riefenstahl's work, it has yet to respectfully acknowledged in her homeland, and is still often harshly criticized abroad. Undaunted, she perseveres, spending recent years deep sea scuba diving with both motion and still photographic equipment, working on an feature film based on her underwater explorations. She is 92 years of age but continues her vitally exciting exploits as if she were a nineteen year old. Chances are she has done and felt more in a single decade than most people will experience in an entire lifetime.

   Most notorious for directing the film Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will), a documentary about the 1936 Nuremberg Party Rally staged by the Nazis, Riefenstahl has never denied her initial fascination with Hitler nor her professional relationship with him. The FUhrer had been an ardent admirer of Riefenstahl's mystical and allegoric film Das 8/aue Licht (The Blue Light), which she had both directed and starred in. During his first meeting with her in the earty 1930's, he reportedly declared, "Once we come to power you must make my filmsï-and so she did. After working on three smaller government financed productions, Riefenstahl began the magnum opus of propaganda films, Triumph of the Will. Even now, more than fifty years later, this 120 minute exaltation of Nazi pomp and circumstance is still never shown in Germany, due to it's sheer mesmerizing power. Elsewhere, particularly Japan and the United States, Riefenstahl has been acknowledged by honest film historians with creating a cinematic masterpiece, regardless of it's political ramifications. The film is a tour-de-force of epic images which makes the nearest contenders in the genre-such as Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin-seem feeble in comparison.

In 1936 Riefenstahl was commissioned by the International Olympic Committee to do a full≠ length documentary of the Olympic Garnes in Berlin. Taking opportunity to pursue myriad experimental film techniques, including underwater photography of swimming events, previously unheard of film angles and months of editing the vast resulting footage, Riefenstahl created a timeless representation of sporting competition and athletic performance. In 1937 a photo album appeared in Germany comprised of stills from the film and entitled SchlJnheit Im Olympischen Kampf (Beauty in the Olympic Struggle). Having become a rare collector's item, this magnificent photographic album has just been re-issued by St. Martin's Press (who also published Riefenstahl's memoirs in 1993) as Olympia in a sumptuous coffee table edition. Beginning with mythical images of ancient Greek statues and ruins, the camera follows a series of noble Grecian torchbearers running the Olympic flame along endless stretches of landscape before it cuts to the Berlin stadium. The rest of the book presents shots of the various competitors and events spanning from pole≠ vaulting to sailing races, each seen through Riefenstahl's masterful lens. Unifying all the portraits is a dominant aesthetic of pure fom, and disciplined exertion. Somehow Riefenstahl has captured the innate essence of athletic

competition more powerfully than any television slow motion replay ever will. The result is a book that will be treasured by film lovers, visual artists, and anyone with a healthy respect for strife and conflict. Given the contemporary American boob's slavish worship of any and every dimwitted and overpaid professional athlete, it is impossible to avoid noticing the nobility of almost superhuman dimensions Riefenstahl captures throughout Olympia, almost as if she knew it would one day be extinct.

    The oft heard claim of Riefenstahl's detractors that Olympia represents just another sly re-working of her fascist aesthetics is short sighted in the extreme. The photographs glorify a cult of the body and an ideal of physical greatness, to be sure. They depict man in pitiless struggle against one another, a conception the Nazis would no doubt approve of. But one can leaf through the pages of Olympia indefinitely without uncovering any overt or hidden political agenda. It simply does not exist. Despite the tired accusations of her critics, Leni Riefenstahl towers above them in vision and achievement. And ultimately, this is what frustrates them the most.

MVSIG REYIEWS by Peter H. Gilmore (guest reviews noted)

ïTHE SATANIC MASS, Anton Szandor LaVey, CD, Amarillo (see ad on page 3).

   At. lastl Now you can get this seminal recording on CD, which includes the complete original LP release and the Hymn of the Satanic Empire, composed and performed by Dr. LaVey. There's a special added bonus not listed-just let the last track keep playing and out of an extended silence a jaunty march begins to play. This is the March D'Annunzio also composed and performed by Dr. LaVey (propelled along by the Roman march rhythm). With handsome packaging and extensive liner notes, this is a must for every Satanist's collectionI

ïS.W.A.T., Deep Inside A Cop's Mind, Adam Parfrey and others, CD, Amphetamine Reptile (see ad on page 3).

    The gang's all here for an amazing album that must be heard to be believed. Stand outs include Boyd Rice and Anton LaVey astwo cops in a diner having a heart-to-heart,Nick Bougas'

clarion rendition of "Thunderball; and my favorite, Jim Goad's version of "In the Ghetto.ï Great graphics and clean sound make this a winner that will please many a misanthropist.

ïA HOUSE FOR THE DEAD AND A PORCH FOR THE DYING, David E. WIiiiams, CD, Ospedale Records, PO Box 2422, Philadelphia, PA 19147, ($16ppd, paycbleto David E. WiliErnS).

    Mournful, melodic, misanthropy. Williams' poetic lyrics are matched by catchy pop tunes that flay the hidden soul of the human animal.

ïCHARLES MANSON COMMEMORATION, Charles Manson, CD, Manson Work Group, (see ad on page 40).

    You might be surprised to hear Charles Manson singing his wistful tunes, accompanied by his own fine guitar playing. You might also be surprised to note that he'll tum sixty-0ne this November. Let his truth reach out to dispell the media-fostered lies and you might gain some insight into the way reality can be altered. At the very least you might enjoy the music.

ïIM BLUTFEUER, Blood Axis, Emte, Sol lnvictus, Allerseelen, and Death In June, CD, Cthulhu Records (c/o w. Stasch, Im Haselbusch 56, 47447 Moers, Germany-see ad inside back cover).

    An evocative compilation ranging from Blood Axis' catchy cover "Walked In Line,,. and poetic "The Storm Before The Calm, Parl One;

to the lighter fare by Ernte and Sol lnvictus to Allerseelen's darkly driving "Santa Sangreï and concluded with Death In June's richly textured "My Black Diaries.ï Worth a listen. "Also available on a 7" single with Allerseelen's march-like "Emting" (see Stomi ad).

ïBLOOD ON THE SNOW, Fire-Ice, CD, Asafoetida Production, PO Box 619, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 USA.

    Chaos Magician Ian Read demonstrates his prowess in musical evocation, bringing a pop-Celtic, folkish flavor to these three songs.

ïDARKWAVE, Catalog #4, Box 1591, Garden Grove, CA 92642-1591 USA 818-395-7699.

    This catalog features "ethereal ï gothic ï darkarnbientï music that is not easily obtainable here in the US, such as Autopsia's haunting, sepulchral Kristallmacht and Demonix's S & M exploration Never Felt So Alive. Besides distribution they also produce Projekt Records, Lycia Live being a strong example, their cyber≠ noir timbres quite ready for soundtrack use.

ïCHURCH OF THE NINE CANDLES, Single, IZM Enterprises (see ad on page 48).

    The enterprising folk at IZM have produced a cute single, Spiders being a catchy little ditty while Night Of All Nights is more darkly evocative. Lydia Gage's vocals show promise.

ïTALES OF THE TRUE CRIME, Neilher/ Neither World, CD, Alive Records, PO Box 7112, Burbank, CA 91510 USA.

  Wendy Van Dusen is back with noir deMngs into the criminal ps)dle. Each song isdedicated to a "dassic American serial killer," and indeed art by six of them are reproduced in full color in the fold≠ out. Particularly fun is the bouncy cirrus tune for J.

W. Gacy, Dsnc/ng in Garden.

ïTHE HAND THAT CONSIDERATELY KILLS, Blood Cement, Cassette, Blood Cement, PO Box 1175, San Jose, CA 95108 USA.

   Six amorphous, abyssal soundscapes that could be used as apocalyptic destruction ritual background. Two tracks do vary, the perrussive Roundhouse and Blood Rows, which has spoken vocals and sequencing to add rhythmic flow.

ïEVIL GOD REVIVAL, Evil God Revival, demo-cassette, Jerry Blase, 1800 South 8th St., Philadelphia, PA 19148 USA215-551-1771.

   Here's a five song demo by a new Satanic metal band. This has the usual growls and driving percussive rhythms, but the vocals can be understood for the most part (lyrics included).

There's definitely talent here, but they need some≠ thing unique to set them apart in this full field. Good sound quality on this chrome/dolby-encocled tape.

ïGARGOYLES, Dominalion, Cas9ette, Ron Mershon, S.51st St., Batinore, MD 21224 USA.

   Ron "Mephisto" Mershon puts his efforts towards a band that has equivalent merit to his publication. This is crude, primitive stuff-the effort shows, but talent is nowhere in sight. It is unintentionally funny. A one word review for this nine-song tape might be "dumb-ination."

ïNATO, Laibach, CD, Mute. Michael Moynihan, reviewer.

   The sharply dressed Slovenian stormtroopers are back on the Western Front, once again leaving a trail of smashed pop icons under their bootheels. After 1992's uneven Kapital album, which saw them de-emphasizing their trademark qualities in order to infiltrate the techno scene, Laibach has re-instated all the bombast and melodrama of their previous glories. Not since the orchestral bluster of sixties German schlagermusik has pop music sounded so good, let alone so imposing.

As in Let it Be and Sympathy for the Devil, NATO is comprised entirely of covers, this time by such disparate artists as Pink Floyd ("Dogs ofWarj, Zager and Evans ("2525j, Europe ("Final Countdown;, Status Quo ("In the Army Nowj, and others. Laibach manage to take such familiar (and often shallow) songs, rip them to bits with iron gloves, and reassemble the pieces in some secret wartime munitions factory. Using operatic choruses, dictatorial barking and a steady marching backbeat, the reconstruction reaches frightening levels with Deutsche Amerikanische Freundschaft's classic "Alie gegen Alie" (Everyone Against Everyone)≠ you'd hardly guess the original was done by a couple of blatantly homosexual eighties new wave leatherboys.

   Here is Lalbach's true gift: the ultimately liberating realization that modem pop culture is just as oppressive and domineering as any pre≠ or post-war totalitarian regime. Such a wry observation will no doubt go over the heads of most of NATOs listeners, as they are quickly caught up in the unrelenting primal goosestep that permeates these sinful grooves. Whether the leaders of the past would like it or not, pop

concerts are the Nuremberg rallies of the present. Laibach know it, capitalize on it, and are already rolling over their competition like a runaway Wehrmacht Panzer division. Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em-though you may well hang as a collaborator after the war. Then again, as one barrel-dlested leader once bellowed, isn't it "Better to live one day as a lion than a thousand years as a lamb"?

ïHAIL VICTORY, Acheron, CD, Metal Merchant, 2336 S. First Ave., N. Riverside, IL 60546-1303 USA (see ad on page 31). Michael Moynihan, reviewer.

    After years of strife and struggle, the awaited follow-up to Acheron's classic Rites of the Black Mass is here. The band has survived many an obstade, from despicably dishonest record labels (on two continents) to shifting line≠

ups, before this CD would finally see the light in a form close to that which they originally intended. Hail Victory appears to be one of the most cohesive Satanic death metal projects ever conceived, with cover art by Rex Church, musical introloutro contributions by Peter Gilmore, interior designs by Timothy Butler, as well as Acheron's own trademark blasphemous fury-and on most all counts it delivers the goods. Fans who enjoyed the previous album won't be disappointed, for not a whit of the band's power has diminished, and Vincent Crowley's vocals are more aggressive than ever before. The music is simple, catchy, and refrains from any distracting flashiness, preferring instead to go for the throat without mercy. Gilmore's compositions, based around the ,-,Jine Satanic Statements", add a European touch of nobility as a counterpoint to Acheron's vicious snar1, and Tim Butler's ornamentation and calligraphy bring in just the right dose of perversity and humour. The only downside to the release which bears mentioning is the apparent sloppiness of whoever was responsible for the final mastering (and separated each cut from its intro music, leaving a few seconds of dead air in between) as well as the disappointing reproduction of the front cover, giving it the appearance of a dark xerox. Still, these are minor complaints, and easily over1ooked in the presence of the myriad finer qualities to this long overdue recording.

ïIN THE NIGHTSIDE ECLIPSE, Emperor, CD (Century Media Records) Michael Moynihan, reviewer.

   Emperor, a band on the periphery of the now notorious "black metal mafia" in Norway, bring forth their own sonic revision of heathen hatred, one that merits mention for a number of reasons. Most noticeable upon first listen is the successful incorporation of classical flourishes and choral samples into a traditional black metal sound. This adds a dynamic sorely lacking in most of their fellow bands (with the exception of Satyricon, who have used similar techniques with possibly even greater success) and broadens the appeal immensely. The typical screeching vocals are here as one might expect, although they're much more passionate than I've come to expect on such records. The future for Emperor is uncertain, however, with two members convicted of assault and one about to begin a two year stretch for the arson of a church. Then again, it would be hard to deny that such background information gives this an

added element of immediacy, especially in a world where most rockstars' ideas of ïrebellion" seem to revolve around going on the nod or frigging underage groupies.


ïSTARGATE Nemo, reviewer.

    In a slave-dominated world it is a rare treat to find a filmwith a solid plot, believable characters, realism and good music which is totally pro-Satanist. Stargate is all of these.
    Directly following my viewing this show at a nearby theater lwent into a music store to try and purchase the CD, which, of course, was not there. (Earth technology!). I mentioned what I was looking for to the young clerk and she asked me if "Stargate" was something like the ïstar Trek" films.

,-,Jothing like that crap!", I spat out, quite astonished at the strength of my feeling.

    The next day I read a review of "Stargate" in the local newspaper. The reviewer felt is was a banal return to the science fiction irash" of the forties, had only stereotyped characters, and overtones of white imperialist supremacy. I quickly checked the newspaper banner to be sure it wasn't "Pravda" I was reading. It wasn't and I tossed it in the garbage. In the two weeks which followed, the success of the film has been demonstrated at the box office, not in the reviewers' fantasies.

The characters in "Stargate" are the kind of people I have personally known and worked with. The hard-bitten military professionals, the creative, slightly pre-occupied young scholar, these are real people I have known-not just stereotypes. In fact the second time I went to see the film, I took just that kind of person with me, a police officer friend who, in his spare time, creates neural networks to pick stocks on his super-Pentium computer for the fun of it. And, yes, he also identified with the hero.

    But, apart from my disgust toward the newspaper idiots who condemn known realit1/ as fantasy, there is the treatment of life in this film which is unmistakable and positive. For example, the hero does not hesitate to use an alien technology to beat death by restoring his wife to life. In most any other film that alone would be condemned as "horrible" or "evil." The source of this alien technology, the alien himself, addressed the issue of why he chose to inhabit a human body (to extend his own life) by saying, "The human body is so easy to repair." What a

breath of fresh air to even consider this idea as a possibility! What a difference from the anti-life themes of most modem science fiction swill like Star Trek where anyone desiring physical immortality is considered a criminal or worse.

    Additionally, this is a film about humanity throwing off the slavery of god-worship. The treatment of religion and the worship of superior beings, is, for once, condemned in favor of the human! The alien, who posed as Ra, the ancient Egyptian sun god, had kept a group of humans on this distant wor1d ignorant of their history and heritage by forbidding reading or writing. When our scholarly hero upset this balance through discovery and communication, the masses revolted against the great Ra, throwing down their gods, rising as atheists who had pride and, for the first time in centuries, hope. I'm sure the pseudo-Satanists wearing their Laurel and Hardy "Sons of the Desert" Egyptoid gear will

fully identify with the despot Ra but the real Satanists in the audience will recognize that the rebels who slay Ra are just like us-f'eal Satanists seeking personal freedom over god≠ worship, death before slavery!

   Finally, there is my wife who will always find a flaw in the plot or continuity of any film as a game. Neither she nor I could find such a flaw. This film is a seamless tale with attention to detail which I found striking and moving. I wholeheartedly recommend any Satanist seeing "Stargate." What a pleasure to see our values promoted internationally in such an elegant and powerful medium!

ïTAUROBOUUM, The Tijuana Bullfight Documentary, NTSC Video, 108 minutes. Peter H. Gilmore, reviewer.

    Larry Wessel, known as an L.A. based performance artist and film-maker, has here wrought a truly vivid and grueling embodiment of the last survivng remnant of the Roman arena. From the preparation of the various participants through the balletic violence of the actual bullfight to the final butchering of the defeated bulls, Wessel's camera does not flinch, but brings us close to every detail. The blare of the trumpets and roar of the crowd counterpoint the

escalating conflict, and there are casualties on both sides. This is the "last word" on the subject - /0/fJ/ Larry! (see ad on page 28). IIRIEFLY NOTED by Peter H. GIimore


ïBEN IS DEAD, Black Issue #24, Summer '94. Kerin and Darby present Part One of their chatty depiction of time spent with Dr. LaVey. The tone is "hipper than thou" but not a total waste as the Doktor has intriguing observations to impart. I've heard that the next installment is out, but that it is not an improvement. ïSECONDS, Issue 27. Michael Moynihan presents a wide-ranging session, with LaVey's thoughts on Satanic music, sex, fetishism, extremism, and social dynamics among other topics. We have the material left out of this irterview in this issue of TBF. If you can't find this oopy of Seconds,don't worry asthe full piece wil be printed in an upcoming issue of 7118 Fenris Woif (Looking Glass Pres&-ad on page 19).


ïTHE ZOMBIE MAQINE, poems by O,ris Tria-i, Pan/Uith Press, Berkeley, CA 415-626-9120 ($2.00).

   Olurch of Satan Priest Chris Trian has gathered together a collection of his adroit poems, many with photos of his expressive paintings as illustrations-there's even one pairing concerning Dr. LaVey. Concentrated, consumable insights.

ïPFIMAL CHAOS #11, edited/published by Wendy Van Dusen, Chaos Creations, 1072 Folsom St., #388, San Francisco, CA 94103 USA. Full-sized, 36 pages, laser-typesetting, single issue $3.50.

   Another fine offering with Jim Morton's short story "Pale Pink Glass," Tim Butler's rant "Pissing In The 'Zine Pool," the usual departments and reviews plus a rather distant interview with Peter Sotos.

ïTHE BLACK PUN-KIN, Vol. 1, #2, Newsletter

of the Infernal Garrison, PO Box 32017, 1386 Richmond Rd., Ottawa, Ontario K2B - 1A1 Canada. Full-sized, ring bound on orange paper, 50 pages, $7 US /members, $10 US /non≠ members.

    This second issue has plenty of energy and is filled with art, pictures of wolves, poetry, an advice column, and articles covering Lesser Magic, Child-rearing, Primal Instincts, and even

Satanic music among many others. A fun readl

ïGLIMPSES OF OTHER NATIONS, THE WORM SHALL YE FIGHT, R'L YEHIAN AS A TOY LANGUAGE, all full-sized, stapled on edge (see ad on page 23 for ordering information).

    The folks who brought you the richly researched packets on dark doctrines here bring their talents and sense of humor to bear in playing in the universe created by H.P. Lovecraft. Glimpses... and The Wonn... are playful short novels that do what all well≠ wrought pastiches do, they are in the spirit of the original and are fun to read! The monograph on R'Lyehian is incisively thought-out and well≠ reasoned, based on solid research--it blows away anything yet done in this field. If you enjoy the works of H.P.L., then you11 certainly want to add these to your collection.

ïTHE NAMMTAR JOURNAL, The Official Letter of the Church of Tiamat, Volume 1, issues #1 and #2, Church of Tiamat, Suite #51, 60 Newton Rd., Danbury, CT06810 USA. Full sized, side-stapled, 13 pages (#1 - $2), 26 pages (#2 - $3).

    Issue #1 of this newly emerged Satanic publication takes time to explicate their particular philosophy, champions the use of fantasy, reviews comics, includes poetry, and gives an article with a historical context for their system of belief. Issue #2 begins with infernal greetings, moves on to an invocation inspired by Simon's bogus Necronomicon, then discusses the vulnerability of places (urban land-mines), explores the meaning of worship, proposes positive cruelty, delineates anti-theistic politics, decries manipulative music, and has reviews, poetry and a reprint of Michael Rose's "Paganism and the Deification of Culture." There's a good amount of material here in a neatly readable format (reprints of Richard deLago art from TBFas well).

ïTONGUE OF THE SERPENT, #4, edited/ published by Althea Morin, Temple of Lilith, PO Box 1483, New York, NY 10009-1483. Full≠ sized, side-stapled, 24 pages, $3.00 per issue.

    The Temple of Lilith is a mail network dedicated to Lilith and all her manifestations. This issue is an eclectic blend of art, poetry, fiction, ritual, and articles exploring the myriad aspects of Lilith. There's definitely a "goth" flavor here, with a dash of Chaos Magick. A contact list is also included.

ïESOTERRA, The Journal of Extreme Culture, Issue #4, Winter/Spring 94, 630 S. Carrollton Ave. #110, New Orleans, LA 70118 USA. Full-sized, saddle-stitched, 32 pages 'Mth heavy cover stock, laser-printed, professional design ($6.25 ppd-regular edition, $7.25 ppd-silk-screen limited edition; payable to Olad Hensley). Yet another spiffy issue interviews with John Shirley and Leilah Wendell, and an interview/exploration of the topic "performance

art or pornography?" with Women of the SS and The Genitorturers, as well as other articles, poetry and art. A well done publication definitely worth your attention and support.

ïTHE SCAPEGOAT, Volume Two, Issue One, Scapegoat Enterprises, PO Box 36121, Los Angeles, CA 90036-0121 USA. Full-sized, saddle-stitched, laser-typeset, 32 pages ($4 US, $5 outside US).

    Congratulations to editor John A. Kamieniecki on the quantum leap in production values from the the first issue! From his insightful editorial to his piece on suicide and American culture, this magazine is filled with art, ads, poetry, reviews, interviews with tattooist Dave Zero and racialist Willhelm Redbeard, among other pieces. A strong entry into the field of Satanic publications.

ïFENRIR, Vol. 1, Prometheus Rex, CP Braccia, 22100 Como, Italia. Digest-sized, 20 pages, in Italian but comes with translation sheet ($2 Europe, $3 rest of the world).

    Marco Deplano has put together a 'zine featuring material from various Satanic orders as well as some other writing, includes reports on Italian skinheads, persecution of heretical

thinkers, and a poster of Richard Ramirez among other things. Each issue comes with flyers and pamphlets. They're breaking new ground in Italy with this effort.

ïRAVENS CHATS, Issue 4, Tabone J.P. 236- 31004 Tlse Cedex-France. Digest-sized, sadclle≠ stitched, 12 pages (5.00 FF).

    Filled with reviews of publications and music, this graphically strong little 'zine also has a ∑satanists Corner" which reviews our publication as well as Tim Butler's Bob Larson apearance and music by Stahlhauch.

ïSATAN'S TIDSALDER, av Cultoculus, Occultus Productions, Box 489, 1701 Sarpsborg, Norge. Digest-sized, saddle-stitched, 51 pages, in Norwegian ($10 US).

   Explored herein: Satanism in theory and ritual practice, Infernal names and personalities, and Satanic holidays among other pieces. There are many rather crude illustrations as well as photos of ritual paraphernalia.

ïMIKE HUNT COMIX: FRANK PHANTOM, DIXIE, SUPERFLY, PO Box 226, Bensenville, IL 60606 USA 708-794-2723. Comic format, heavy cover stock ($4.00 US each ppd).

    The first issues of each of these three professionally produced comics exhibit images that have disturbed many, some to the point of active suppression-Mike Diana in particular

(Superfly,. There's plenty of sex, surrealism, violence and misanthropy in these pages, kind of like real life. If you enjoy underground comics, don't miss these. ïUERS IN WAIT, Volume 1, #1, Liers In Wait, PO Box 55140, Atlanta, GA 30308-5140 USA. Full≠ sized, perforated and tied binding, 26 pages.

    This was a free mailer to those lucky folks who support this talented goth band. Filled with poetry, eye-assaulting graphics and thought pieces, this 'zine shows the band to be quite in≠ tune with many Satanic concepts. Keep an eye on these folks and their darkly poetic expressions.

ïTHE LUCIFER PRINCIPLE, A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History by Howard Bloom (The Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, NY, 1995; 466 pages, ISBN0-87113- 532-9, $24.00, hardback).

    A brilliant, ground-breaking look at human history, recognizing the inherent violence in our species as the means by which our civilizations, which exist as superorganisms, evolve. He sees the Satanic element inherent in Nature as the impulse behind creation. Don't miss this one!

ïTHE STARRY WISDOM, a tribute to H.P. Lovecraft edited by D. M. Mitchell (Creation Books, London, UK, 1994; 184 pages, ISBN 1- 871592-32-1, $15.95, paperback, r X 10j. This is an exciting oolleclion of new prose and graphic works, plus seleaed reprirts, that Lovecraft's influence onmany varied writers. There are striking ilustraions and one of the high poir1S in this handsome volume is John Coullhart's visionary graphic adaptation of TheCal of Cthulhu. A "must have" for all Lovecrallians. Be sure also to contact AK Presa (PO Box 40682, San Fra,cisoo, CA 94140-0682 USA) for a Creation Books catalog v.tiich has a host of titles that will intrigue.

-KOOKS, A Gulde to the Outï Limb of Human Belief by Donna Kossy (Feral House, Portland, OR, 1994; 253 pages, ISBN 0-922915- 19-9, $16.95, paperback, 8.5" X 11j.

   A six-ring of conceptual oddities and passionate obsessions, Kossy presents an array of fascinating and funny beliefs. From some odd religious approaches through wonky science, aazed metaphysics, weird politics, the old staple of conspiracies, and finally some assorted "enigmas," we are treated to some richly textured fantasies. One of the kooks covered here, Ray Crabtree, lived in a tumbled-oown house next to

the park wherein we walk our dog, urtil he recently died. Plenty of fun and food for thought. -OVER MY DEAD BODY, The Senaallonal Aoe of the American Paperback: 1945-1955 by Lee Server (Chronicle Books, San Francisoo, CA, 1994; 108 pages, ISBN 0-8118-0550-6, $16.95, paperback, 7,5" X 10").

    A SJrvey, laviitily illustrated with color reproductions of the evocative cover art that lured readers into the taboo delights proffered in books meant to fire passions. Here are truly Satanic icons for the tarot of our archetypes.

ïTHE NEW SATANSTS by Linda Blood (Warner Books, New York, NY, 1994; 244 pages, ISBN 0- 446-36473-8, $5.50, paperback).

  Linda Blood, an obviously obsessve and unstable personality, joined the Temple of Set (see Yttlat I meai?), then laer quit iW!d became a fundy, son	hascobbled together a book that verts her spleen by trashing Satalisn. This is typical Xlian SatiW'lism-bashing of a partiaJlaly virulent sort. tlled 'Mlt1 imltionality, misrepresertatio, and errors.

waste }QI"lime unless }QJ collect tRs crap.

ïWALT DISNEY, Hollywood's Dari&: Prince by Marc Eliot (HarperCollins,New York, NY, 1993.'34; 373 pages, ISBN 0-06-100789-7, $5.99, paperback).

    If }QJ wera fascinated by our presentation of Disney quotes, you'll Y	tRs unvarnished and unauhorized look at this powerful and creative

man. From his early struggles and interest in American fascism to his triumphant creation of a major studio and works of animation that surely stand as landmarks of 20th Century art-while being involved as an FBI informant and staunch Mtk:ommunist, Disney is portrayed through well≠ researched data

ïTHE 1811 DICTlONARY OF THE VULGAR TONGUE, Buc:kiah Slang, University Wit aid Pickpocket Eloquence foreward by Max H.rris (Senate, London, UK, 1994; ISBN 1-85958-045-9, paperback, price and page numbers unlisted).

    Here is iW'I absolute treasure trove of amazingly vivid expressions that demonstrates the currert paucity of contemporary Engish usage.

May any shallow pates who disagree have their twiddle-diddles ramped. Wait until you discover the mealing ol "buming itiamei

-W DEFENSE OF ELITISM by William A. Henry Ill (Doubleday, New York, NY, 1994; 212 pages, ISBN 0-38546899-7, $20.00, hardback).

    A needed blast at egalitaianism that roasts PC saaed cows. Here's a quote to set the tone. "Some ideas n better than others, some values more enduring, some works of art more universal. Some ruttres, though we dare not say it, are more aa:omplished thiW! others iWld therefore

more worthy of study...We may find romantic appeal, esthetic power, and even political insight in cultl.r'es that never achieved modem technological sophistication. That does not mean we should equate them with our own. It is scan:ely the same thing to put a man on the moon asto put a bone in your nose."

ïRETURN OF THE FUFIES, An Investigation into Recovered Memory Therapy by Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager (Open Court, Peru, IL, 1994; 431 pages, ISBN Q.6126-9272-1, price unlisted, paperback).

    An excellent psychological debunking of the repressed-memory basis for abuse daims and litigation. The authors provide cogent explanations of how memory really functions and they examine the social as well as the l)S}dlological causes of a contemporary mythology that has become one of the costliest witch-hurts to plague our courts.

Highly recommended.

ïIN THE NAME OF EUGENICS, Genetics and the Uses of Human Herdy by DiW!iel J. Kevles (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA, 1986; 426 pages, ISBN 0-520- 05763-5, no price listed, paperback).

    A detailed history of Eugenics from its conceptions toits abuses. The author is against such practices and fea-s their repression of individual liberty, but does note the problems created by contemporary advn:es in assisted fertility by alowing the genetically flawed to propagae when they naturany would not be able to reprocb:e. Detailed iWld well reseached.

ïTHE CULT OF OTHIN, An Essay inthe Ancient Religion of the North by H. M. Chadwick (Looking Glass Press, Stockholm, Sweden, 1994; 82 pages, ISBN 91-88708-004, 30 SEK, paperback--.e ad on page 19 for ordering info).

   This facsimUe edition of Chadwick's 1899 work provides an excellent source for material on the ancient practices of Northam paganism. Un5ke much of the vague and speculative WIiing often found in11801)8Qan presentations, this heaviy

researched volume provides hard data and thoughtful analysis, not itiirking from such prdces as human sacrifice and suttee. An eye≠ opener concerning the real nature of Northern European pagiW! practices.

ïTHE WESTERN CANON, The Boolca and School of the Ages by Haold Bloom (Harcourt BrcK:e & Company, New York, NY 1994; 578 pages, ISBN 0-15-195747-9, $24.95, hardback). Another decisive blow struck against those who practice cultural egalitaicWlism. Bloom re alizes the contemporaily abandoned concept of establishing a canon of lierature that is objectively aesthetically superior and thus essential to read iWld study for iW'IY individual who wisles to be rulturaly literate. These are works of art that can expand your horizons iWld enrich your life and }QJr comprehension of it. Simply put, there are v.ners who have produced truly great works which n herein identified and discussed. Shakespeare is the certral titan, but he is surrounded by others such as Dante, Chaucer, Cervantes, Milton, Goettle, Whitman, Freud, Kalka, and 17 others. Considering the absolute colapse of education in our universities, this volume provides Satanists with iW'I excelert guide for self-ilducation. Read these works and let them have their imp on you.

ïTHE REAL FRANK ZAPPA BOOK by Frank Zappa with Peter Occhiogrosso (Poseidon Press, New York, NY 1989; 352 pages, paperback).

    Here's a laugh-out-loud funny autobiography by that trickster figure of contemporary music.

Zappa's life is a monumert to the defense of freedom of expression and mockery of pompolity. Before he died he was one of the most intelligent opponents of censoritiip who spoke with razor≠ itiarp wit against the repressive Xlian right. Truly a de facto Satanist, he was a brilliant musician and staunchly against enltlrined idiocy-particular1y organized xtianity. Quotes:

    "My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mertally healthy child is: Keep him or herï f.-away from achurch ï you can. Children are naive-they trust everyone. School is bad enough, but, if you put a child snywhen, in the vicinity of a chin;h, you're asking for trouble."
   "We live in a w011d where people preach at you constantly (like now, even)-tel ng you not to be fat, youcan't smoke, youcan't eat butter, sugar will kill you, everything is bad for ally sex.
    "Every natural human urge has been thwarted in one way or another, so that some cocksucker gets to make a dolar off your guilt."

ïEL VIS PEOPLE, The Cutt of the King by Ted Harrison (HaperColins, London, UK, 1992; 188 pages, ISBN 0-00-627620-2, $10.00, paperback). Here's an excelert study on the birth of a new religion-the cult of Elvis (no kidding!). ïTHE TWO KINGS: JESUSïELVIS by A. J. Jacobs, illustrated by Eric White (Bantam, New York, NY, 1994; 174pages, ISBN 0-553-37375-7, $8.95, paperback).

    Hilarious comparisons of Christ and Presley, each with a rawn cartoon. "JeSJS walked on water. (Matthew 14:25)-Elvis surfed. (Blue Hawaii, 1961)."

[We welcome our readers to submit .reviews of booksllilms/music that they have found to be Satanicaly significarn-just follow our format. PHGi


sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig."

   One near-universal I've heard in talking to hundreds of Satanists is their rage at conventional education. Even if they were succes.sful and made good grades in school, they feel their real learning took place outside the classroom, resenting the hours of time wasted fidgeting behind desks. An equal number of us were dragged kicking and screaming through the diploma mill, labeled mentally slow, habitually truant, violent, attention deficient or hyperactive, with all instinctive passion for learning systematically crushed out. Many young Satanists are still serving their twelve-year sentences, feeling alien, angry and alone.
   There's good reason for our deep-seated disdain for and resistance to mandatory education. It goes against every principle of Satanism. It's not your imagination; schools are designed to make you complacent, homogenized and to extinguish any spark of curiosity or willfulness you may possess.

The structure and attitudes presently used to impose education on children developed around the time of the industrial revolution. Since factories required workers to be minimally educated so they could run machines without chopping their hands off, a system quickly evolved that would be the best training for dutiful 9-5 laborers. Children were constrained to receive an assembly-line education, with appropriate information shoved into their heads by the particular worker at a particular station, and, after a designated time, were spit out the other end like so many radios. Today, children are still taught the moral value of getting up at 7 am every morning, going to a place you don't want to be, with a lot of people you'd consider your inferiors to take instructions from someone you can't respect. This trains you to be a responsible citizen who will contribute to the workforce without grumbling, questioning or inciting to riot.

  Despite public cant, our schools and our society in general-don't support learning. We pay lip service to respecting education but we don't reward it materially.

Drug dealers, rock stars and baseball players get the money and the glory; you don't

necessarily make more money if you're smarter or work harder in school. Consequently, schools are no longer expected to teach basic skills. Modern American public schools are battle zones. Not just gun-battles over drug, but battles over political agendas, religious indoctrinations, morality and values. Nothing is exempt perceived political implication-history textbooks, science texts, library books, students' rights, multilingual education, offensive or insensitive language, teachers' own sexual orientation or political leanings all become more important than readin', writin', and 'rithmatic. The most basic, objective facts are sacrificed to "politics." The whole concept of "objectivity" is considered to be a false construct designed to repress multicultural diversity. Education is an incidental and bitter pill shoved down the throats of unwilling, unmotivated captives by teachers who are afraid to fail students≠ for fear they'll be accused of racism or have their tires slashed or both. Kids don't expect to be challenged to perform, memorize or demonstrate competence anymore. Most public school students would be insulted if they were suddenly compelled to complete the level of scholastic tasks expected of children in the 1930's or '40's. We've all be inundated with depressing statistics about declining literacy rates, how American high school graduates can't locate China on a globe, or even know what a globe is. College educators complain that students arrive in their hallowed halls unprepared, without the most basic writing or math skills.

   I don't blame individual teachers. They're overworked, underpaid and underappreciated. They are expected to dodge bullets and students' fists to impose intelligence on their charges, just as doctors are expected to magically impose health on uncooperative patients. People who become teachers are usually idealistic and driven; they certainly aren't drawn to the field for the money. But between the petty oo.ministrative politics, overcrowded classes, belligerent students, endless rules and the increasingly dangerous environment, many of the best teachers find themselves burning out, abandoning their professions.
   The established methods clearly are not working. So why isn't tax-supported

mandatory education being challenged? Modifications are debated, more testing and stricter graduation qualifications are decreed, yes. Even vouchers have been proposed to satisfy mandatory education requirements, which would allow each student a certain amount of tax money to be used on a school of his choice. If kids need to be caged in minimum-security prisons while their parents work, I don't mind spending tax dollars to do it. But the hypocrisy offends me. Let's not go through the pretense of hiring teachers and expecting them to act as unarmed guards. Let's not go through the motions of buying textbooks and building on-campus libraries where the most intellectually-valuable books are debated off the shelves anyway. Don't shove kids who really do want to learn something in with the shit disturbers. Qualified teachers should teach where they'll be appreciated, where they can communicate their enthusiasm for knowledge to children who are eager to learn. Let's hire guards and baby sitters to minister to the needs of kids who are proud of their stupidity. Kids don't want to be in school; parents don't want to be involved with their children's learning-so why force it on them? As with drug laws, let people choose to be satisfied-as long as they are also compelkd to sujfrr the consequences and . defensive re.action that dissenters might impose upon their "indulgence.,.

   But no one offers the bold step of eliminating compulsory school attendance altogether. Why not? Not because we want children to learn anything. Because "free" education has become big business, supporting a whole web of unions, bureaucracies, publishers, and special interests. And any shrewd Satanist will tell you that if big business and/or big government is giving you something for free, you'd better listen for the time bomb ticking inside the pretty package.
   The brainwashing isn't even ineptly masked anymore. Corporations have stepped in to "help" fund public schools by donating educational materials in the form of videotaped lessons, complete with the assaultive pacing the Nintendo generation has come to expect, splashy attention≠ grabbing graphics and, of course, advertisements for the companies' products discreetly sprinkled in. There are powerful

forces who want more authority over how we live our lives, who want to undermine couples and families, and want increasing control over our children's minds from an earlier and earlier age. Parents are urged to enroll their diapered toddlers in early childhood education classes, and child day care programs begin when mothers return to their jobs, sometimes only a few months aher giving birth. Any repressive interests know how important it is to mold children's minds to their agendas, and how to defuse any independent impulses before they ignite independence in others.

Teaching Our Own

   In light of the abysmal non-education kids get in public school, Christians have always had the option of sending their children to parochial school. Since we don't want our children indoctrinated with Christianity, Satanists seem to naturally gravitate to one solution: homeschooling. It's a vision many of us carry from our schooldays, when we were thrown onto a playground of tedious, dull-witted savages. Some Satanists have been homeschooling their children for years; others are sending their kids to public school with a wait-and≠ see attitude, vowing to spring them at the first sign of induced befuddlement. Our attitudes toward mandatory education grow inevitably out of the same disdain we feel for other aspects of institutionaliud life. Unlike other religious groups who increasingly advocate homeschooling, Satanists object to public schools not just because of imposed religiosity (as Christianity per se or in the guise of multiculturalism), but we resent the presumption of homogeniz.ed thought and method. Every child is expected to learn the same thing at the same time in the same way, regardless of interest, individual pacing or learning style.
   How can one teacher, it would be asked, be expected to cater to the individual learning needs of 30-35 people? They shouldn't have to. It's unrealistic; especially in this hypersensitive climate, when there are more diverse cultures than ever before blending into the same classrooms, and teachers are expected to walk a tightwire

communicating values that won't offend anyone. If public schools can't fulfill the needs of the majority, how can we expect them to teach our children? They can't even teach in one language! In all fairness, we are a minority religion, with values, priorities and a mythic context that is far from the

mainstream. We would probably be just as frustrated by a mandatory curriculum in 1945 as one in 1995. For Satanists, the problem is as much the method as the content.

   Homeschooling, on the other hand, offers many advantages to Satanists, and seems to fit easily into an ideal lifestyle most of us would adopt, given the opponunity. Modem technology is diabolically enabling us to fulfill those ideals. Satanists, with or without children, naturally try to arrange their lives so they can work outside the mainstream, choosing a creative field, commissioned work, or a position in which they can do most of the work freelance or independently. The computer network revolution has been a great boon to Satanists and non-Satanists who are most productive working out of home offices. In the coming century, working at home will be the rule rather than the exception for cenain professions. The sharp line between "home" and "work" will no longer exist. A flexible schedule will mean people can work, learn or socialize at 3 pm or 3 am, if they are so inclined. Women will no longer be torn between their professional and domestic lives. Both men and women will have an opponunity to do both, weaving work and home and children together more comfonably than they can now.

Satanists are driven people. We don't need children to complete our lives, as our identity or as our sole creative expression. But if you're in a stable relationship and your compulsion to have children finally outweighs your reservations, it will mean that you and your partner should realistically evaluate the resources children demand. The biggest drains are not financial, but on stores of patience, humor and primarily, TIME. Having a child is a time≠ consuming proposition. If reasoning Satanists are going to make the commitment to have a child, they'd want one parent at home caring for the child full time (at least until we can get some of those fabled Satanic daycare centers going!). If at least one parent is going to be home anyway, the teaching will come naturally and constantly. That doesn't mean that the at-home parent can't work as wdl, at least pan time. It's good for children to see both parents involved in their own pursuits.

  Satanism is ideally suited to homeschooling. Though we'll have to discover the "how" through impulse, intuition, and trial-and-error, some of the "whys" are readily apparent:

One major criticism people often lob at home learning is that the children don't have the opponunity to "socialize" with other children their own age. They always use that same word. "Your children will be isolated," we're cautioned, "unable to relate to others, will miss out on the proms, the football games, graduation, and all the events that all the other kids will be pan of." This criticism is invalid in general. Kids "socialize" every day. It's unavoidable. They interact with their parents, siblin grocers, mailmen, other children in their neighborhood, their parents' friends and their children... For Satanists, it's even less of a problem. Socialization is exactly what we would view as harmful to our children. Public school brainwashes them to be mindlessly violent, unquestioning of authority, unimaginative, and easily brainwashed by "peers" and packagers. They study not to satisfy their own curiosity but to gain approval from some arbitrary authority who will label them an "A" or an "F" person.

   2) Homeschoolers are often accused of being isolationists and elitists. Christian or liberal advocates often feel compelled to apologize for their stance, or go through long-winded explanations justifying their decision. Satanists would proudly plead guilty! We don't have to apologize. We already bear the Devil's name; we are elitists and want our children to grow proud and strong.
   3) Most Satanists would feel that children learn better when they are allowed to learn at their own pace, following their own obsessions. Sman kids consider school boring and stultifying. Learning should be student-centered, allowing the child to generate his own enthusiasm. That can't be done in an education factory. If, according to some bureaucrat's study, a child should know how to read by age 4 and do arithmetic by age 6 then they'd better all know how to do that or they'll be labeled "learning disabled." Children's early development-crawling, walking, teething, talking, toilet training-has a wide range of what's considered normal progress. But all that is supposed to come to a screeching halt when they enter school. They have to learn how to read, do arithmetic, write, comprehend, all within a strict, universal timetable. No more left to the individual child's initiative and exploration. By constantly being told what to learn, where to go, how high to jump, the child is robbed of the opponunity to develop his own self-

discipline, as well. School institutionalius and sabotages the mind, short circuits independent will, which is what it's designed todo.

   4) Homeschooling eliminates the dividing line between "home" where you play, eat, sleep and fight with your siblings, and "school" where you do as little work as you can to get a good grade. Learning doesn't only happen between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm; that presupposition undermines the very curiosity and sense of wonder that children are born with. Learning doesn't stop when you're eighteen years old, either, and there's a vast smorgasbord of subjects we'd love to explore or review ourselves! What better way to do it than to share that excitement egotistically with your own offspring? Working, playing, learning, thinking and living should all be threads of the same seamless tapestry.
   5) Satanism is antithetical to "enthroned lies." Most of what is now taught in public school is either erroneous or severely slanted, in order to mollify special interest pressures. If a child can have an opportunity to examine facts presented as objectively as possible, he is better equipped to reason for himself and challenge irrationality when he sees it. Satanists have strong values that we want to communicate to our children. Those values aren't available in public school. You can't be sure your child is getting the kind of public input you want him to have unless you do it yourself.
  Instead of being indoctrinated into a fascistic political agenda, Satanic education would emphasize what was once considered well-rounded literacy. A broad knowledge and application of art, architecture, geography, literature, music, world history, cinema, languages, mathematics, theatre, sciences, etc., is vastly more important to a Satanic Priest than lessons in multicultural sensitivity. Or, for that matter, memorizing the Lesser Key Of Soloman and tracing the sigils from Avon Books' Necroncmicon. A classical curriculum might revive in us some of the magical powers of discernment and discrimination most of us have lost. Don't tolerate pretentiousnC$. When a woman

b that she's getting a degree in "Womens Studies," you can smile sweetly and say (as one of our Priestesses did recently), "Oh great-you mean like cooking and cleaning and balancing a budget. I'm so glad modem women are taking an interest in Home Economics."

  6) Homeschooling establishes family/clan unity. Children see their siblings

and parents as co-learners, recognizing their strengths and foibles, not divided against each other along arbitrary lines of age or sex. Satanists are, by definition, the "Others," the outsiders-not by posture but by birthright. Smart, independent, creative children are always aliens in society. We can find strength in ourselves and in others like us, namely our family and our extended Satanic family. Also, we have a network of knowledgeable, influential people among us and, as our children grow, we could develop a potent web of mentoring and apprenticeship opportunities among ourselves.

  7) We don't want to send our children onto the battlefield before they're mature enough to know there's a war going on, and to have the ammunition to fight it. Many of the most basic Satanic principles preempt problems that public education seems to find insurmountable-sex education, AIDS education, drugs, birth control, violence in the media, guns on campus, censorship of study materials, interracial conflicts... We should not have to subject our children to problems they wouldn't have if the school and the TV God didn't construct them as problems. We want our kids to learn, not waste time. Our ideal would be to teach our children to be strong-willed enough to see through the bullshit in society before they are bombarded with it.
   Many of us found the school playground to be a painful battlefield, not because of drugs or guns but because we hated interacting with other kids. Satanic children are naturally set upon by other children, and by insecure teachers. They are bound to be brighter and more aggressive toward the status quo by nature, because that's what they'll be learning at home from their Satanic parents. That's what being a Satanist is. And our children shouldn't have to suffer for asking uncomfortable questions.
   8) Much of homeschooling is religiously motivated, and ours is really nonetheless so, in the sense that our religion dictates our priorities and values. Many Mormons have been trying to educate their children at home for years, some dying in gun battles because of it. Catholics started their own system of private schools instead of allowing their children to be exposed to ideas without Papal approval. Modem born-again Christians want to keep their kids away from a liberal, humanist, evolutionist agenda.

Unlike others, however, Satanism is a religion uniquely qualified to advocate

home learning. Our religion is not antithetical to rationality. On the contrary, Satanism encourages intellectual challenge. "Faith" and self-deceit are our enemies. We want our children to be free to question all things, not shackle their minds to any one view. Concerned non-Satanists who learn about our religion only through talk-show hype, who would fear we would "indoctrinate" our children to'satanism, have less to worry about with us than with Christianity. Since our religion isn't dependent on dogma and blind faith, no indoctrination is necessary. Our attitudes about life, animals, magic, success, Satan, science will inevitably seep in, through our opinions and example. A child should be free to explore anything he's drawn to. Even Christianity can be examined as the dominant mythic context-cultural anthropology in action!

Whose Kids Are These, Anyway?

   You'd think the right to educate your own children would be a basic, inalienable one. But it's not. Any empowerment of individuals is hotly resisted by teachers' unions and the grand bureaucracy that depends on mandatory education. That's why such groups lobby for prohibition or severe restriction of homeschooling: It would lower their "ADA" (Average Daily Attendance). Fewer students in school≠ fewer teachers hired. Besides, in today's climate of professional experts in all fields, we are programmed to feel incapable of teaching our own children. "They" say you can't possibly be qualified to teach your own children, and we're trained to believe them. Such important matters should be left to "experts." At the same time, legislators, reacting to demands from their constituencies to improve education, have enacted stricter national standardization tests in public schools. That trickles down to imposing similar demands on homeschooling families, which undermines their most positive strength-being able to gauge the pacing and content of studies to each individual child. Some homeschoolers feel a legitimate responsibility to keep their fingers on the political pulse, sounding the alarm if they perceive negative trends.

Homeschooling today is not, in most states, the illegal activity it was 10 years ago. Laws vary from state to state, with different requirements for periodic tests, curriculum submissions, certifications, and various other paperwork. But at best, home learning is

tolerated as an unorthodox alternative.

   No one has reliable statistics on exactly how many homeschooling families there are; that's the way they want it. But it's clear that the level of public education has reached such a nadir that many intelligent people are opting for homeschooling now only because the average parents begin to suspect their children would learn more just by staying home and reading or watching television.

It's become an increasingly important plank in the Religious Right political platform. Gordon Liddy has advocated it on his syndicated radio show. The home PC has opened worlds of learning possibilities for Everyman. Learning CDs, textbooks, entire mail-order curriculums are now available from publishers recognizing a burgeoning homeschooling market, making it a more accessible option than ever before.

   The current homeschooling explosion could create some strange bedfellows. Not all homeschoolers are Christian but they are a strong faction, along with an articulate backbone of politically-avid atheistic/ humanistic iconoclasts. This latter influence has a heritage in the educational libertines who started several "alternative" colleges and schools in the wake of the f:IJ's. Many of these were based on non-conformist ideas about self-initiated or student-centered learning, written evaluations inste.n of grades, "co-learners" instead of "teachers," an emphasis on process over product, "schools without walls" (i.e., learning in the community) and "learning how to learn." They are largely atheistic or humanistic and have the same kind of disdain for education factories that we do.
   It seems that the secular and Christian homeschooling factions have been able to set religion and politics aside, working toward preserving their children's rights to learn. A tenor of mutually-beneficial separatism seems to pervade most home learning literature. Most have also tried not to develop a dictatorship within the homeschooling movement; there is no "right" way or one absolute authority. They recognize the strength of homeschooling is in the diversity of motivation, content and methods for each individual family, much as Satanism is protected from big-money exploitation by having our altars in our homes instead of in great cathedrals. Should we, as a point of Satanic policy, decide to be vocal homeschooling advocates, it will be interesting to see if our support is enthusiastically integrated.

Not all Satanists will be economically ---

free enough to have one partner at home teaching their children, or be able to make the compromises necessary to arrange their lives to do so. H you can't, have as much influence on and involvement in your child's learning as possible. Teach him not to take everything he's taught in school as absolute truth. Any negative judgments about his abilities should be taken with reservation. Those Satanic children who do go to public or private schools will be interesting experiments in themselves. Their willful enthusiasm will be labeled disruptive -or gifted-as an homogenizing system tries to categorize a race of children genetically and environmentally antagonistic to homogenization.

For further research:

Gr<YWing Without Schooling-Request a free sample issue from GWS,'1269 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, 02140.

Home F.ducation Press-Has an excellent magazine, Home Education Magazine, and many informative books, including Good Stuff, an invaluable resource for anyone who loves learning. Christian slant is obvious but not overwhelming. Send for a free catalogue from HEP, Box 1083, Tonasket, WA, 98855.

National Homeschool Association-Post Office Box 157290, Cincinnati, OH, 45215- 7290.


commemorat1ïon 1bis romp"t disc rdease amtains ewer a do'll:n prevwusfy unpuli.ished songs and monologue; by gifted singer/songwriter O,arles Manson. 7he m:arrlings have been digitally remastered from the original. master tapes and are being rekasedwitha sanction by Manson. Retail price: $16 ppd. in USA/$18 foreipp. Distribution ratestm:lilabk upon rr!f/U(:St. Send urrkrs pt;tya}Je to: STORM Post Office Box 3527 Portland, OR 97208-3527

I∑ S, ts 3 & -----

humanoid is a magical working in itself, a facet of the Great Work lies in future technologies and their application to android development beyond the physical/aesthetic and into the ritual chamber. With the proper blueprints and knowhow, the reality of humanoid consciousness is on the horizon. For those who will dare, the chance for deification will be made available.

   Ever wonder what it would be like to kiss yourself? I mean really kiss yourself'! Have you ever wished, in precious moments of undisturbed introspection, that you could ask yourself a question and get an unbiased, objective response from your own intellect and logic? Wouldn't it be great to be able to

choose a pleasing form (male or female1 tailor it to your own specifications, and actually have a meaningful conversation with it? .

   With advances in technology, genetics and physiology, how far away is the creation of a brain? To facilitate consciousness in humanoids, a technique much akin to "skin farming" could be used to "grow" brain tissue and neurons, eventually forming a whole brain to be implanted into the head of a humanoid. Cloned human cells, neurons and synapses would make up the brain of the humanoid, endowing it with human-like consciousness. Another method to achieve this end could be artificial electronic implants, computeri:zed and totally programmable to specific designs of personality, motivation, knowledge and functions; or a synthesis of both artificial and biological brains.
  The human brain, in all of its complexity and mystery, is nonetheless organi:zed. The synapses contain moving sodium and potassium ions which are dectrically charged "particles," which all generate an electrochemical charge as they function. All moving electrical charges generate an electromagnetic field. In my theory, the brain's neurons and synapses generate their electromagnetic charges in a pattern. Therefore, there is an dectromagneticfield in the brain and nervous system. This field/pattern contains acode of consciousness that is part of one's total consciousness containing information that follows the organization of

interconnected neuron cells which are "knitted" together. It is a living, organi:zed energy field, an encryption.

   The matrix creates a "weave" of electromagnetic energy. An extremely intelligent and integrated brain has a tightly woven electromagnetic fabric, energy field, or weave, which is not prone to disintegration or harm. Its consciousness is strong from the reinforcement of rational and self-reinforcing thoughts and emotions that resist fading or minimizing, thus the materialization of Dr. LaVey's idea of "life after death through fulfillment of the ego."
   Increasing one's knowledge, skills, and sharpness of intellect with intense and productive thinking is a cognitive integrator that creates new neural connectors and
mrances old ones. Since neural connections comprise the matrix of the energy weave in the brain, to integrate them further tightens the weave. thus, "meditation" and control of the body and itsfunctions (as in Oriental disciplines), while increasing energy and physical well-being, serves to strengthen the weave-it is an electromagnetic "weave≠ tightener." The practitioner of these efforts shall possess a far more focused ability to use his bioelectrical energy in forms such as telepathy, charisma, and magic.
   The energy of people as it interacts and exchanges can explain charisma and telepathy as the use of waves of energy that contain the information of consciousness. This could be likened to electromagnetic radio waves entering a radio to produce audible sound. Radio waves have a code just as brain waves have a code of consciousness. In this way, telepathy is like two-way radio waves, inasfar as transmission and reception are concerned. Telepathic transmission/ reception, however, is by no means limited to "radio waves." They could be a,ry type of wave except, of course, visible light or audible sound waves which would be seen and heard.
   Sexual charisma can be telepathically sensed. Notice the way in which all heads turn in reaction when a charismatic presence enters the room. They did not see him, nor did he speak, but they sensed he was there. Like a magnetic pull, they take notice and feel the need to interact with him, to be closer to and more familiar with this magnetic presence among them. Actually,

both sexual charisma and the intense pleasure of sexual activity lie much in telepathic transmissions of sexual energy between the partners' minds. Beyond the physical, there is a mental level of ecstasy which living beings experience.

   The obvious humanoid function of sexual use could be made more intense with consciousness incorporated into the game on the part of the humanoid. This would have to amplify the master sexual experience and pleasure far beyond the simple use of the humanoid's body in sexual endeavors with them. Imagine a sex-surrogate/humanoid that could actually respond to verbal, visual, and possibly even physical stimuli! With the right technology and genetic engineering, extremely powerful "superbrains" (as well as body tissue) could be made-to-order for the master allowing for the humanoid's consciousness intensity and aptitude to be gauged to develop his own to astounding proportions through interaction and integration with it.
   By focusing the humanoid consciousness to specifications, fetishes, singular interests and desires, the master would be able to utilize his creation to superintegrate his already xisting weave. By the same token, another tailor-made advancement could be achieved through the previously-mentioned implants, which could be likened to "brain steroids" for humans.

Development of artificial, brain-compatible computer intelligence implants for the human brain. Biological implants developed from one's own cloned neurons and "farmed" to create a super-cortex of one's own neurons into an implant to be added to the existing brain and induced to neurally fuse, integrate, and communicate with it. All of these things serve one's purpose: more power to the already magnificent mind.

   Humanoid consciousness and implants will act as conductors and catalysts in conjunction with the human mind to harness magical energies. Bioelectrical and electromagnetic forces can facilitate the happening of otherwise impossible feats. To assign a name such as "magic" to this process, is esoterically stimulating. However, if one wishes to better utilize this action/reaction principle of force and submission, it is beneficial to understand it outside of the ritual chamber or, respectively,

outside of the heat-of-the-moment situation in which it can best be manipulated.

   Magic is a physiologically explainable, bioelectrical force which relies on a transmission and a reception in order to work. the trick is in knowing when, where, how, and with whom to transmit! The summoning of this powerful force depends largely on the "id" of one's brain which is tunnel-visioned and inexhaustible in its drive for satisfaction of its desires. magical intensity of human brain/id powers of focus and transmission could be enhanced by the powerful consciousness possible for humanoids and interaction with them.
   On the flip-side of the creator is the destroyer. An example of powerfully focused energy to destructive ends is the secret rumor of the Ninja "death touch" - Dim-Mak. Dim-Mak could be called telepathic "menti-psi-ed" (menticide) or murder of a mind. In contrast to its other, Chi Gong, used for benevolence and healing, this secret of the Orient focuses powerful, telepathic, destructive energy to disrupt and disintegrate the victim's mind (or weave) and "kill" it. So much outpouring of emotion is necessary to a Satanic death-curse, that to equal this kind of psycho-terror in an on-the≠ spot, unaffected action with the extreme result seems a worthwhile goal which could be a result of sufficient weave-strengthening.
   Another related tradition is the Voo Doo death-curse. its strength lies primarily in subjective belief, whereby the victim actually "worries himself to death" from belief in the Voo Doo magician's power and the power of his curse. The stress from this conviction can cause sleeplessness, anxiety, sometimes leading to stroke, heart attack, immune system failure, and even the death of the victim. "Weave" destructive interaction may intensify this as in Dim≠ Mak or the Satanic death-curse.
   A strong weave's energy field is strong in life and may actually survive physical death. Since bioelectrical energy can infuse itself into both living and non-living matter, it is possible that a well-strengthened ego could retain itself after its physical form has died, and infuse itself into another form. An advanced being would resist this, but maybe not an embryo. Hence, a hint to the possibility of reincarnation.
   All of these things have one causal factor in common: a strong mind and ego. Just as there are already established methods of training and building the body, there are quantifiable and demonstrable methods of strengthening the mind which should be

organi7.ed into a system of training for oneself. One of our own might create such a Satanic system, possibly similar to Tai Chi, for example, geared to our singular designs and benefit. The obvious goal is to strengthen one's neural energy field through the most applicable and practical methods.

   Satanists must Satanically devise their own systems of exercise to strengthen themselves, both mentally and physically, despite societal goals to the contrary. To exist in the current world of false≠ individuality and pomposity disguising inadequacy and weakness, Satanists would do well to construct personali7.ed systems by which to build and empower themselves on the mental plane which are entirely set apart from all altruistic systems which profess the same benefits falsely.

Hail Geppetto! Hail Pygmalion! Hail Satan!


Baphomet Sigil Shirts Available as a T-Shirt ($15.00 each), Sweat Shirt ($25.00 each), and hooded Sweatshirt ($30.00 each), these black garments bear the Sigil of Baphomet printed in white≠ either large and front-centered or smaller on the left chest. Perfect for leisure wear or outdoor activities. Available in sizes S, M, L, XL, & XXL. Outside U.S. add $8.00 per shirt for shipping.

Baphomet Banner Essential for every Satanic Altar, this 20 inch diameter Sigil is printed in either white or "blacklight" red on heavy black cloth. $8.00 each, outside U.S. add $8.00 for shipping.

Trapezoid Candle Holder Handcrafted base of marble and granite is surmounted with a brass fitting to hold the candle base. $35.00 each, outside U.S. add $8.00 for shipping.

Sigil of Baphomet Mugs Will be available again in the near future.

Black Flame Incense Available in packets of one ounce each, $6.00 per ounce. Scents: Satan, Lucifer, Belia!, Leviathan, Lust, Compassion, Destruction. Outside U.S. add $5.00 per four ounces, or fraction thereof, for shipping.

Send checks, bank draughts or money orders in U.S. funds payable from U.S. banks to:

PAPA LEGBA'S 3718 Gravois Ave, St. Louis, MO 63116 USA

Hell's Kitchen Productions LIST OF MERCHANDISE P.O. BOXf!J,RADIO cnYSfATION, NEW YORK, NY10101-0f!J, USA PUBLICATIONS THE BLACK FLAME, International Forum of the Church of Satan Emerging on an irregular schedule, this 48 page journal keeps you informed as to current developments in Satanic thought. Each double issue is filled with articles, reviews, poetry, and art exploring the implications and applications of Satanism as expounded in the writings of Anton Szandor LaVey, founder and High Priest of the Church of Satan. $6.00 per double issue ($8.00 outside the U.S.), $12.00 subscription-two double issues ($16.00 outside the U.S.) Be sure to tell us if you've already purchased an issue, so that we can sendyou the nsxt one that is released. Be patient in between issues.

THE CHURCH OF SATAN Here, High Priestess Blanche Barton details the history and practices of this 30 year old organization with extensive biographical information on founder Anton LaVey, as well as fascinating photographs and appendices that include lists of Satanic films, music, and books. $11.00 ($14.00 outside the U.S.), price includes postage.

lHE SATANIC BIBLE & THE SATANIC RITUALS Here are the clïcsby Anton LaVey that launched Satanism into the wor1d's consciousness. $10.00 each ($16.00 each outside the U.S.), price includes postage.

GRUE MAGAZINE World Fantasy Award winning publication containing the most challenging, cutting edge horror stories illustrated by dark visionary artists. The best horror fiction by the hottest new talents. $4.50 per copy ($7.00 outside the U.S.), $13.00 for a three issue subscription ($20.00 outside the U.S.).


The High Priest of the Church of Satan is captured with his serpentine friend Boaz in a moment of Satanic communion. In classic black & white, this 23" x 29" print is on heavy, glossy poster stock, replete with his name across the bottom. $25.00 each ($30.00 outside the U.S.), price includes postage.

SIGIL OF BAPHOMET MEDALLIONS Ooisonnll medallions, 1.75 inches in diameter. Sigil in silver on either black, red or purple background. $30.00 each ($35.00 outside the U.S.) price includes postage. 01oose asecond color as an allemalive should first choice be out of stock, or wait for SATANIC INTEREST NETWORK-The contact service for today's Satanists. ar ($25 outside U.S.). Send SASE or 4 IRC's for application form.

Inquire first as to what is currently in stock. Please be patient as orders can take up to 20 weeks to be filled.

- ---


be solitary in the plll'Sllit of their interests, there are those who seek the social route, and we report on such	here. First up is the Totenkopf Grotto e.V. (Postfach 103918, 44039,

Dortmund, Germany), established by Hans Schtiren, and ably assisted by Jurgen Kotze, on Walpurgisnacht XXIX and officially incorporated as a legal entity. The inspiration for this a.oociation comes from therich "dark side" traditions to be found in Gennany, particularly from the Wewclsburg c.asde (near Paderbom) andsuch orders as the Gemwnenordern, Thu/,ep,esdJschft,and the Black Order as well as the practice of Runenmagie. Their magicians are c:alled Knights of Black Gun.clot and their inner circle is known as the Fl"Jermauszirke.

     The utilization of magic, both Greater and Lesser, to affect a change in reality according to one's Willis of primary importance, more so than nightlong disci.wions. Group rituals are wed when needed, though it isfelt that personal ritual isgenerally more effective. This Grotto cdebrates the Satanic holidays and stands as a public contact point

which now follows.


for the Church of Satan. Indeed, their members are required to be affiliated with the Church of Satan.


    Declaring its inception on Walpurgisnacht XXX, but already in operation isµie Bannor Grotto (P.B. 37, B-2220 Heist o/ d Berg, Belgium1 founded by Church of Satan members whohad participated in the now defunct Grotto.Magistratis of Amsterdam. This Grotto intends to be acontact point for Church of Satan members who wish to ritualiz.e, and they are proud to canyon the rituals originally evolved in

the Amsterdam Grotto, based on those presented in the wri of Anton S7.andor LaVey.

     The previous two associations are composed of members of the Church of Satan. A newly formed group in New Zealand, not affiliated with the Church of Satan, has come to our attention via the Internet: C.oven Of Natural Law (contact Magnus Shalaufi, P.O. Box 23-608, Hunters Comer, Auckland, New Zealand. Phone: 083290766, E-mail: sent us a description of their organization

"Coven Of Natural Law (CONL) was formed in August '94 by three who now head the order and are known as 'The Three.' CONL was formed tocater to the advancement of the human mind, body and spirit via means of Magick, philasophy and knowledge.

    "Our main tasks are: 1. Informing the public about the truth about Satanism and Paganism CWe are on very good terms with the New Zealand Pagan community}, 2.Showing the public the problems of

Christianity and the dangers of Christian child abuse; 3.Self-gratification and general ego fulfillment.

    "We are the only Satanic order in New Zealand that has phone contact, and also the only order which runs a phone info line. Slowly we are getting stocks of various occult books, etc., including the importation of rarer books to supply our library and our members.
     "We are an elit.est organization in that weselect potential members, not accepting just anyone whoselects our organization. Potential members must prove adesire for knowledge and advancement of themselves.

Secondary are the contributions of members to the organization, though thisorganization isestablished for the members' use."

    Well, we'll have tosee what they produce-just remember to check over the points on your Satanic Bunco Sheet before engaging newly formed organizations.
     Other news-The Infema1 Garrison (P.O. Box 32017, 1386 Richmond Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2B 1A1, Canada) has consolidated their former three contact points into one Canadian location. Robert A. Langis now Acting Priest and Diana DeMagis is the Director and they willcontinue publication of 7heBIACk Pun-Kin (they are open to submissioos--do include aself-addressedstamped envelope andseveral IRCsfor ).Garrison founder andChurch ofSatan Priest Douglas E. Richards has emigrated to the United States where he has established an American branch: TheInfernal Ganison, P.0. Box 106, New Baden, IL 6221903. Along with Darlaoe Richards, who seives as Administrativedirector, this organization willcontinue todmeminate the philasophy of Satanism asdefined by Anton Szaodor LaVey.

Membership can be hadfor a one time fee of $30.00 which placts the member upon a network known as "Satan's Roster." A newsletter to feature members' writin poetry and art, 7he Devil's TtnJem, isplanned for twice yearly publication. We wish them sua:ess in their endeavors.

ELL, I'VE DECIDED TO FINISH off my femme-fatale look. Yes, this li1 witch has been training her waist. No, it doesn't "sit" on command. I'm training it with my first custom-made corset.

   I've had the notion for a few years, after seeing old photos of corsets. But I finally came across adecent mail-otder company for them≠

B.R. Creations: C m Victorian Corsets.

   I ordered their color brochure and a sample "Corset Newsletter" for $7.00. After receiving the catalog in the mail, I sat and mused about purchasing acorset (if only a basic one), vowing that I would do so-and soon!I saved up enough money for adeposit so I could order my first corset. (Because corsets are made to otdet; B.R. Creations requires pay≠ ment forhalf of the cost up front, and the rest of the payment upon receipt.) I stuck to the simplest (cheapest) corset in the catalog: a cotton-backed satin, eight-garter style. I chose black, but they offer a wide variety of colors, designs and lace from which tochoose. I think my next corset will be fanciei; as mine current≠ ly is absent of any lace or other "extras."
   They recommend a 4"-5" waist reduction, meaning that, after the corset is laced up com≠ pletely, your waist will become four tofive in≠ ches smallec Any more than this is nearly impcmible at one time. Of course, after your waist is trained to the siz.e you have chosen, a reduction of another four tofive inches can be accomplished if desired.
   On the first day it arrived, I quickly rushed into the bathroom and tried it on. I tightened it within two inches of closing com≠ pletely and gasped for air-smiling at the results I admired in the mirroc I relaxed, took in the rest and tied it off. I was amazed at the hour≠
   figure in the mirroc I inspected myself for agood ten minutes-turning this way and that. I loved the effect. I walked around for about 30 minutes before loosening it to a more bearable siz.e. '

I am gradually tightening it more now, as I feel capable. Actually, the amount I tighten it depends on how my body "feels" that day. Sometimes I leave it the same size for a couple of days until I feel my body's ready for a smaller measurement. Sometimes, for as long asI can stand, I tighten it all the way.

   I wear an exercise cincher at night; and also if 111 be exercising ordoing a lot of bending-type housework. Other than that, I wear my corset.
   Corsetting hassolved my habit of slouc ing as well-which I'm happy about. One can≠ not slouch in a corset! I feel healthy and very

aware of my body. Of course, it's necessary to be "in-tune" to your body while going through any type of Ixxiy modification, to be mentally alert. I like the supportive (tight) feel of the corset andfeel extremely naked when it is taken off.

   Besides corsetting, I am slowly changing my diet to include more fibrous foods, increas≠ ing my intake of veggies and fruits.
   Drinking plenty of water is further sug≠ gested. I have always eaten four or five small meals aday, rather than three big ones. This is sound nutritional advice, being healthier for your body in general anyway, but isespecially stressed for corset wearers, as the corset only al≠ lows for acertain fullne in the stomach.
   In addition, I've read that different exer≠ cises may be of more benefit to the corset trainee For example, instead of sit-ups (which can build abdominal muscle if not properly in≠ corporated into one's exercise routine), twisting exercises reduce the waist with less chance of muscle build-up. Also of benefit, the ab≠ dominal muscles can be isometrically worked by just simply tightening them throughout the day.

The over-all effect of my corset training for me personally, thus far anyway, has been an elevated self-esteem-making me feel both more feminine and beautiful.

   Of course, I have to mention the submis≠ sive effects which corsetting can offer from being laced-up byone's partner and forced to stay that way for as long as he may wish.




1{0'\ II \IWIS ï-'5111(,11 ST. '\I\\ 11\\l '\.C'I 0{15101 S\

ALTAR EGOS Announcing a new feature for The Black Flame. Each issue will spotlight a photograph of a Satanic altar, showing the diversity of expression amongst contemporary Satanists. We maintain an archive or documentary material on Satanic ritual practice and welcome our readers to submit their material (photographsMdeo/texts).

The Black Flame PO Box 499, Radio City Station New York, NY 10101-0499 USA

supports the weakest elements of

      society atthe expense of the strongest elements of the capitalistic system of economics. To pmrcnt the ongoing decay and ultimate full of m	civilization, the current welfare system must be abolished or reformed to renun society to a natural balance. In today's society it has become far too beneficial to remain on the stat.e dole as opposed toseek≠ ingemployment. It is because of these benefits that our society is turning into a welfare state that, bydefinition, must collapse.
   The benefits of being supported by the state are rather obvious. The first and most apparent are the amount of free time and lack of employment stress. Add to this free health care and maybe some unreported in≠ come and you have a comfortable lifestyle. Unreported income may come from any≠ where (prostitution and drug dealing to cash jobs and selling food stamps). This has be≠ come a career path and a family legacy for many individuals according to U.S. Depart≠ ment of Health and Human Resources and Internal Revenue statistics.
   Another way for these welfare recipients to augment their income is to have more chil≠ dren and thus increase their allotment from the state. This increase in children equals a rise in welfare applications in about fifteen years; that's when they usually get pregnant for the first time. Instead of an inexpensive state≠ funded abortion the state willsupport the new mother and her child for the minimum of eighteen years adding yet another worthl human leech, for the most part, to an already≠ overpopulated world.
  Someone must pay the bill for the in≠ creasing demands on an already deficit≠ spending budget. The taxpayer (read: middle class) must foot the bill. These people who don't work and rely on the government translate to a hanier-working middle class. The middle class works hanier for less and soon we find that there is less of the middle class! They either become upwanily mobile or simply give up and become part of the welfare class which, of course, adds to the problem. The strongest members of society are weakened to support the weakest ele≠ ments of society in an inversion of natural selection. Society rewanis the weak while

punishing the strong.

  H we follow the current pattern to its conclusion there will be no middle class. With no one to support the government anarchy will certainly result. The govern≠ ment is already so far in debt that no one who is alive today will ever see an end to the national debt. No business, family, person or organization can survive by spending more than its income, yet the U.S. Government continues on this self-destructive course by being reactive to problems instead of proac≠ tive. While the government has an easy time identifying problems, obvious solutions are unacceptable because they are not politically correct or populac Even now President Clin≠ ton is supporting a program that would make welfare recipients secure a job or take a

-Welfare job" within two years, yet it has very little chance of becoming law. This sys≠ tem would also bring up a multitude of ques≠ tions concerning any exceptions (for the "ill", the length of time they have to retain these jobs, and the quality of their perfor≠ mance on these "jobs" being equal to the value of the currency they've been given on the dole, etc. It would seem that this plan proposed by Clinton sounds more Republican in nature, but since it's proposed by a Democrat it has been disowned. This is not a new idea; Satanists have been saying this for years and now the politicians are (slowly) catching on. My first suggestion is to limit the amount of time a person or family may stay on welfare; this limit could be as short as six months or as long as three years. Add to this the current administration's preoccupation with universal health care and there will be no loss of service to the welfare class return≠ ing to the work force. There will, howevei; be a decrease in the standani of living for some. Another suggestion is to lock the amount of the allotment upon the original application for governmental assistance despite the increase in dependents. This will remove the incentive to produce more wel≠ fare children. An additional suggestion is to remove the food stamp program (16 billion dollars in 1990 according to Financial Man≠ agement Service, U.S. Department of the 'Ireasury) and add the allotment to the wel≠ fare checks. This would save on the

bureaucratic expenses of running two in≠ dependent programs that are trying to ac≠ complish the same end. Check out the list of never ending and redundant programs such as W.I.C., Focus Hope, etc., and you will notice that the opportunity to reduce the distribution cost of these programs by solidifying them under one program or organization is staggering.

   My conclusion is one of choice. We can choose to do what's fiscally responsible now or we can wait until the government is bankrupt, at which point we'll have no choice. It is time to return to a society where all of the people either contribute to, or are ostraciz.ed from, the society. Welfare's original purpose was to assist people in regaining a place in society, not to become a social class. Make no mistake; the welfare class will continue to live off the benefits that rightfully belong to the hard-working, contributing members of society and their numbers will increase if nothing changes, thus insuring their survival in a gene pool from which should have naturally been weeded out. By infusing the welfare class back into the work force we'll also be in≠ creasing governmental income in taxes; these people will become contributors to our society or they will continue to be the e ≠ pendable dre of our society.	must eliminate welfare recipients as a social class to eliminate the perpetuation of inverse natural selection.

- --∑

ARXISI'S? WHAT I SAY to the Marxists is"who benefits?" Everyone they say? The history of RUMia shows that those who gain the most are the white≠ collar intellectuals who expound the philosophy. Now-who are the most vocal proponents of Marxism in America and Europe?

   To the movement of those who would make me "Politically Correct" in speech and action: WHO BENEFITS? It is agood joke they try to play on me, telling me to efface myself that others may gain. Ican appreciate such joka, and I will play along with it, using the silence that they findso intolerable.
   Modem day "feminists" claim that their goal is the "liberation" of women. Their actions show that they are uninterested in freedom for women; what they are interested in is trapping women in roles of their own devising.
   Economic equality: a popular phrase with the left-wing, an impos.gbility and a contradiction in temis. Economres are based on the flow of resources, and a flow of resources indicates a differential in resources.
   These days it is fashionable to identify with the downtrodden in some way. Everyone seems to have some fonn of systematic oppres.gon by which they are victimized. The homosexuals, the ivors, the co≠ dependeocy survivors, the parent/child/Sibling of alcohoVdrug abusers, the racial minorities... Perhaps some of these people do have legitimate grievances, but the manner in which they wear the badge of "the oppressed" as if it were something to be proud of makes me ill. "Oppre " people seem to think that their victimization gives them moral superiority over others, a supremely Christian sentiment It is often amusing to see various "victims" and survivors compete amonpt themselves to determine who is more downtrodden.
   There is a tendency among the left-wing, perhaps largely started by post-structuralist "thinkers," to redefine temis and give new terms to replace older "insensitive" temis to suit political ends. The general tendency is to use a new term with a broader meaning, or to redefine a term to have a broader meaning. For example, in the 40's and SO's, crippled people were called crippled people. This term had very specific meaning; the person to whom it
  applied had physical deficiencies great enough toseverely limit their abilities in comparison to other human bein . Later, this harsh-sounding term was changed to handicapped ordisabled. While handicapped

and disabled are less harsh terms, they carry less meaning-these adjectives can be applied to a larger groupof people with a broad spectrum of types and degree of "impairment." The latest term I have heard is"physically challenged." This term is apparently clinical-rounding enough to be sufficiently innocuous, but the information content of this tenn is almost nil. Example: while I am fairly proficient at various Karate forms, I am severely physically challenged in other sports. The same game can be applied to temis rather than violence for example. Violence used to mean a physical act which causes bodily harm to another person. Now the word violence can be used to mean any number of abstract injuries, whether psychological, economic, social or even violence to self-esteem. This method serves to further the ends of the through the use of emotionally charged language. Unfortunately for those to whom the original meaning of the term applied, they now share their misery with new "victims" thus cheapening the impact of what they have experienced. Worse than this, for me, is the fact that meaning is blurred and informatic content is reduced tremendously. Other temis which have "fallen victim to this disease" include racism; it used to be defined as a form of racial prejudice, now it is broadened to mean anything which is considered "damaging" to minority groups. Some have gone so fur as todeclare that all whites are racist and minorities, bydefinition, can never be racist. "Rape" used to be defined as a non≠ consensual sexual act; now it has been broadened to include reading pornography, and even (if you listen to Dworkin's ravinp) any male/female sexual act wherein the male has an erection. Sexual h nt used to be defined as the linking of sexual favors toones job status, now broadened to include on-the≠ job flination which is unwelcome by one of the parties involved. While some of the new meanings associated with these temis seem unfair by generally accepted morals, the new meanin aoociated with the old temis serve to parasiti7.e the emotional impact of the meanings originally associated with the temis. To honestly address these issues, new temis should be invented for these newly-discovered m .

   As demonstrated with the example of "crippled," this group is quite adept at inventing new temis to lessen emotional impact. The fact that it must parasitiz.e temis rather than inventing new ones when it desires to maximi7.e emotional impact shows a form

of cowardice that can only be aoociated with the herd's tendency to equate happiness with a lack of strong sensation. To me, the true crime of this is not the fact that people seek to anesthetiz.e language, but that the meaning of the language is distorted and blurred. This is a subtle variation on one of the fundamental errors of logic that the sophists were so fond of using. Perhaps the great of post≠ structuralist "thinking" in the various humanities can be attributed to the ability of the post-structuralist to change definitions and redefine temis at will. The post-structuralist is not actually "discovering" anything and rarely gives any new s/he is merely playing an elaborate trick with language. This coupled with a tendeocy to value all things equally is what makes po-struc Style so popular; it is a mwt for incompetent scholarship. Indeed, the sloppiness of spoken language in general has been the downfall of philosophy through the ages. The most successful of the sciences have been those that use mathematics as their language; mathematics is the most rigorous language posgble. (Note: by su I mean ability of said science to accurately describe the world; the accuracy is measured by observation). Concluding my rant on post∞"'tructuralism, it seems that Niemche's attack on metaphysics and morality has been distorted into something quite unlike what intended. It seems to me that the original idea of both Niet25Che and some of the post-structuralists, such as Foucault, was to be rid of all encumbering metaphysical nonsense in order to strike out in new directions of scholarship and thought. What it has turned into is a refuge for incompetent scholars and political whiners. I think both men are rolling in their graves...

   Derrida thinks binary thinking is a result of phallocentrism.Derrida was a homosexual; I think it more likely that Derrida thinking is a result of phallocentrism. Being a mathematician, I am of the opinion that binary thinking is a result of the minimal principle: since binary thinking is the simplest kind of thinking, lazy people will adopt it.Then again, perhaps LeBoucher's thinking is the result of technocentrism. The test of which idea is more correct comes in the observation of the predicted consequences of each theory.


AVE YOU NOTICED the way the brand new Satanist seems to always be looking.around for agroup to join, a Grotto to visit, other Satanists to mingle with? Now there is nothing wrong with enjoying the .mociation of like-minded people. The most satisfying relationships I have personally devel≠ oped have been with other Satanists like Peter Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Blanche Barton and, of course, Anton La\ey, among others.

t what I am describing here is more than just seeking the social enjoyment of others of the same temperament and viewpoint. It is the core of why there isso much dissension and ar≠ gumentation within the greater Satanic com≠ munity. It is the singlemost cause of the attempts of different individuals over the years to form splinter groups. It is the		that there exists too many otherwise intelligent in≠ dividuals running around with "unholier-than≠ thou" attitudes. It is the reason that people get mad when the Church of Satan doesn't offer them a pre-formed lifestyle "package" complete with Friday Night Ritual m	Annual rid "Conclaves" and designer Satanist acces≠ sories for their wardrobe.
   The reason is simple. Satanism is for the individual.
  If there were only one copy of 1he Satanic Bible in the entire world and no one else in the world could ever read it but you, it wouldn't mattei: You would hold in your hands the fun. damental tool for making your life work the w  you want it to work. You wouldn't need other people to join you in rituals. You wouldn't need other people to understand the principles of human behavior and folly so care≠ fully outlined in those well-written pages. You certainly would not need to "convert" anyone else in the world to Satanism to be a fully effec≠ tive and powerful Satanist. No one else would need to agree with the principles of Satanism.

No one else would have to understand what you underst from reading 1he Satanic Bible. No one else would even have to know that you were a Satanist in otder for you to be a highly successful practicing Satanist.

   That's the beauty and power of this religion! All other religions and philosophies are hell-bent on convincing others of why they should agree and conform to their beliefs. Real Satanists don't give adamn.	don't have to. Satanism is a careful description of the reality of the world as it is.If you are handed a street map which accurately portrays the city in which you live, you will be able tofigure out the most efficient ways to get where you want to go. A man with agood map doesnït need to

convince others about his A man with a good map doesn't need to first publish copies of his map and get them into the hands of other people for the map to work. A man with agood111<4> can simply use it himself to get where he wants to go. Satanism is just such a map. It tells you where you are, where the goodies in life are, how toget the goodies, how to avoid the baddies, and how toenjoy the trip.

   But this extremely simple idea seems to be missed by most newcomers (as well as far too many old-timers) toSatanism. First there are the occulmiks. These people read 1he Satanic Bible and, feeling the power of unleashed pos≠ sibilities, quickly decide they must first gather together in order to insulate themselves from the world of"the mWJdane." Of course, that is exactly the opposite direction from what Satanism .mises. Satanism is a map of life, not an escape hatch from it!There are no true Satanic "monks" or "nuns" choosing to live in total isolation from the world. There are, in≠ stead, Satanic gourmets who pick and choose from the joys and pleasures which life has to offer and, to quote Auntie Mame, see that "Life is a banquet and most poor bastaros are starving!" So all the so-called Satanic groups which gather together to huddle amon their own kind doso because they cannot or will not enjoy the rich tapestry of what humanity and life have to offer: These "holier-than-thou" fools cut themselves off from the posgbilities of real Satanism in direct proportion to the degree they isolate themselves from the outside world. Remember this, you would-be "great magicians," that a magician with asmall audience is a failure. Play to the world and not just your own following.
   Then there are the "rebels without aclue." These are often the new Satanists who just can't seem to get enough pleasure from attn≠ ing anything and everything that isn't militant≠ ly united in a war against "the enemy" (whoever the Hell that happens to be). These are the Satanists who are always finding fault with what other people are doing and especial≠ ly with what others are doing with Satanism. I usually see these hyper-types eventually con≠ demning the Church of Satan for the most asinine and meaningle nonsense. One of my favorite examples of this is one dyinggroup that keeps harping on how terrible it isfor the Church of Satan hierarchy to be interested in making money! These idiots must expect that Satanism issome kind of altruistic cult of self sacrifice! Man! Do they ever need to go back and really read 1he Satanic Bille.

"Rebels without a clue" usually try to

form their own Satanic gt'Ol4)S asan alternative to the Chwch ofSatan instead of realizing that it is entirely posgble to have aspecialiud organizttion asa true Satanist without having to oppose or coojemn the Chwch ofSatin. Such stupidity!In≠ stea:i of building UJ>OO theuseful associatioos that rome from the worldwide connection of the Oiwch, these nibid runaround trying to build up gt'Ol4)S to"do it right"They have

     the whole point, therore, the absolute foundation of what Satanism is.
   Satanism is not about groups. People in groups are a They exhibit hem conscious≠ ness, not Satanic smarts. People in agroup are a mob. They tend to run on pure emotion with no supporting selfish intelligence. Satanism is selfish, individually-empowering and therefore very, very efficient. Any group, no matter how well-intentioned or wise or clever the in≠ dividuals who compose it, will be slower and

efficient than a single, free individual.

   That leads us to the drive toencapsulate Satanism within some other philosophy or political approach. Here we see the attempts to associate Satanism with ne Nazism, racism, fascism, conservative politics, etc. All of these groups cannot be truly Satanic because they are groups. (You might want to re-read that last sentence until you really gra,, it!). Satanism is a path that enables an individual tosurf through life instead of having tofight it. Republicans, Is≠ lamic fundamentalists, ne Nazis, Southern Baptists-these and all such groups with a cause will inevitably have a goal at odds with yours≠ the individual's. No matter how clever or benevolent the organization, it's best inten≠ tions cannot always perfectly agree with your personal best interests.
   That's what makes the Chwch of Satan such a unique organaation in the history of the world. Just as Satanism is itself a sort of "un-religion" so too is the Church of Satan a sort of "un-organization." Look at its historical evolution. In 1966 the Church declared that Satanism and Satanists existed and were no longer the mythic elements of fiction or theological straw men. Over the next few years, groups of Satanists formed in Grottos, the media advertised the existence of the Church, films were created, and untold mun≠ bers of individuals worldwide became mem≠ bers of the Church of Satan. But rather than allow the Church togrow into a worldwide rigid orgariization with lodge-like groups meet≠ ing regularly to practice ritual, the Church took the path of discouraging such inward≠ oriented direction. The Church went virtually underground as agroup organaation in order

to pres.sure Satanists to look outside, to the real world to accomplish their goals-to pr.aice real Satanism. The Chun::h of Satan offered the individual the q,portunity to validate his choice of his religion-Satanism-while not in≠ validating the prime fuct of Satanism that "As a Satanist you are your own redeemei; your own god-that's the whole idea." (Blanche Barton, 1he OJurrh OfSatan, page 105).

   Ican't tell you how many times I hear new Satanists asking where the Chun::h is,  if

there were a black Vatican City with regular black on Fourth and Pine. Now wherr ever someone .mu me where the Chun::h of Satan is Ipoint to their feet and say, "Right there or nowhere!" Satanism is the world's only religion devoted to the individual. It is anti-group to the extend that any group will sooner or later turn anti-individual.That's why Satanists are not patriotic since patriotism is the religious worship of a nation's government. That's why Satanists are not martyrs since mar-

tyniom is the sacrifice of your life for the cause of some group whether religious, political or whateve& That is also why the O:iurcli of Satan isso very different from any other or≠ ganization in the world. Those who want a group to live foi; todie foi; to make their lives meaningful, these "true believers" will not find their cause in the Chun::h of Satan because the O:iun::h of Satan promotes individual freedom through Satanism. When the individual comes to the 0:iun::h and .mu"What can Isacrifice for the O:iurch?" he is firmly told, "Your feel≠ ingthat you need to sacrifice!"

   Thisis what boggles the minds of so many when introduced toSatanism and this is the stumbling block which causes so many would-be Satanists to miss the mark. There is no cause in Satanism other than your own.

You are your own god. There is nowhere else togo. Now get to work.




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