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- Subpages {{#dpl: | namespace = Module | titlematch = Config/% | skipthispage = false }}
-- <pre>
-- Allows wikis to locally override `/config` subpages of modules.
-- @script config
-- @alias p
-- @release experimental
-- @require [[Module:No globals]]
-- @require [[Module:TableTools]]
-- @author [[User:ExE Boss]]
-- @see [[Module:I18n]] - Inspired the way in which the @{Config} class works.
require('Module:No globals');
local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil');
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType;
local checkTypeMulti = libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti;
local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg;
local tableTools = require('Module:TableTools');
-- Module constants
local DEV_WIKI = '';
local p = {};
-- @function p._substArgsInMsg
-- @param {string} msg
-- @param {table} args
local function substArgsInMsg(msg, args)
checkType('substArgsInMsg', 1, msg, 'string');
checkType('substArgsInMsg', 2, args, 'table');
for i, value in tableTools.sparseIpairs(args) do
msg = string.gsub(msg, '%$' .. tostring(i), tostring(value));
return msg;
p._substArgsInMsg = substArgsInMsg;
-- Configuration datastore class
-- @type Config
local Config = {};
Config.__index = Config;
-- Datastore option getter.
-- This method returns values from the datastore corresponding to a `key`.
-- If the value is a string, then these values may have `$n` parameters, which
-- can be replaced by optional argument strings supplied by the `getValue` call.
-- @function Config:getValue
-- @param {string|table} option Config query or string key to return from the datastore.
-- @param {string} option.key String key to return from the datastore.
-- @param[opt] {table} option.args Arguments to substitute into the value (`$n`).
-- @param[opt] {string} ... Arguments to substitute into the value (`$n`).
-- @return {nil|boolean|string|number|table}
function Config:getValue(option, ...)
checkTypeMulti('Config:getValue', 1, option, { 'table', 'string' });
local key;
local args;
if (type(option) == 'table') then
key = option.key;
checkTypeForNamedArg('Config:getValue', 'key', key, 'string');
args = option.args;
checkTypeForNamedArg('Config:getValue', 'args', args, 'table', true);
else -- type(option) == 'string'
key = option;
args = select('#', ...) > 0 and { ... } or nil;
-- value fetching
local value;
for _, data in ipairs(self._data) do
value = data[key];
if (value ~= nil) then
if (type(value) == 'string' and args) then
value = substArgsInMsg(value, args);
return value;
-- Loads the configuration from the global `"Module:" .. source .. "/config"` configuration page
-- with overrides from the local `"Module:" .. source .. "/config"` configuration page.
-- @function p.loadConfig
-- @param {string} source
-- @return {Config}
function p.loadConfig(source)
if (source == '') then
source = nil
checkType('loadConfig', 1, source, 'string');
local cfg = {};
cfg._data = {};
setmetatable(cfg, Config);
source = string.gsub(source, '^.', mw.ustring.upper);
local hasNS = mw.ustring.find(source, ':');
if (not hasNS) then
source = source .. '/config';
if ( ~= DEV_WIKI) then
-- If this is, then `"Module:" .. source .. "/config"`
-- and `"Dev:" .. source .. "/config"` point to the same configuration page
local exists, localData = pcall(mw.loadData, 'Module:' .. source);
if (exists and type(localData) == 'table') then
cfg._data[#cfg._data + 1] = localData;
source = 'Module:' .. source;
cfg._data[#cfg._data + 1] = mw.loadData(source);
return cfg;
-- Exports classes for testing
-- @function p._exportClasses
-- @private
-- @return {table}
function p._exportClasses()
return {
Config = Config,
return p;
-- </pre>