The Black Flame Vol. 3 No. 3 and No. 4
Full uncorrected text (3/17/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 3 No. 3 and No. 4.
ï PSYCHICK RELEASE PCP ï proudly presents
Volume 3, #3 & #4 International Forum of the Church of Satan
Editor Peter H. Gilmore
Associate Editor Peggy Nadramia
1he B"/ack Flame is published by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc. Copyright 1991 C.E. by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY
by Peter H Gilmore STRATIFICATION SEEMS TO BE A DIFFICULT CONCEPT for many Satanists to apply; especially to themselves. This principle is in operation worldwide and also within the confines of the Church of Satan. The meaning of stratification is that individuals end up on the level of achievement that they deserve via their capabilities and their application of them. This is an example of )ustice in action, another important principle for Satanists to work towards. It can be visualized as the pyramid described in The Satanic Bible. At the top are the few creators, those individuals who advance our race through the synthesis of new ideas applied to reality and brought into existence. Next below them are the more numerous producers who generally keep things going through their diligent work. Finally, below them are the vast numbers of the believers who simply consume the products offered and live their lives according to whatever principle dominates the society they inhabit. We see these same proportions in the membership of the . i Church of Satan. I
Just because someone joins the Church of Satan, or even reaches a point where they consider themselves to be Satanists, does not mean that they have bought a ticket into the top rank of creators. No, they have simply opened the door
to grasping the possibility that they can move into a higher strata of human worth.
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It is up to their application of their abilities, developed with hard work, that will detennine where they stand. Each person is endowed with a different level of raw
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$4.00 outside the U.s. Double e price: $5.00 in the U.S., $7.00outside the U.S. Subscriptions: $12.00 in the U.S. for four nwnbered issues.
talent and thus some people are intrinsically worth more than others. No men are born equal! However, the cultivation of these abilities detennines an individuals worth, as compared to other humans. This must not be confused with a per≠ son's self-evaluation. You alone can detennine how you are fulfilling your chosen life goals, andthis must be by your own standards, if you mean to be a
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, four nwnbered issues. Send check, bank draught or money order in U.S. funds onlïy Opinions expressed herein are those qfthe authors alone.
Satanist. Judging yourself by others' standards is for the rabble.
We receive many letters which ask "How can I advance in the Church of Satan?" Well, here's the answer that you've all been waiting for. We judge our members with ruthless cruelty, equating their achievements in the real world to
their worth. Thus to advance in the Church of Satan, you must be applying your
ïï Distributed exclusively by EFA, ï Hamburg, phone: +49-40-78917014.
ïï ï We accept no responsibility for ïï / unsolicited manuscripts. Correspondence
talents toward measurable achievements in your chosen fields of endeavor. After : I all, Satanism is an elitist religion, so if you desire our recognition, you must prove to us that you are a being who excels.
ï ïï ïï ï ïï ï For more information on White Stains, live bookings, etc., ï ï please conta_ct: Psychick Release PCP, P.O. Box 26067, S-10041 ï
f requesting a response must be accompanied by anS.AS.E.
It is not our intention to encourage members to seek position in our organiza≠ tion. Ambitious new members should look to advancing their own lives, for by so doing they will be living proof of the superiority of Satanists to the general masses. This is how you can help the Church of Satan, not by starting some grotto, which really exists solely for the pleasure of the participants. By demonstrating that you can live a joy-filled and productive life through the
! I J I, . I
ïï Stockholm, Sweden. Phone/Fax: +46-8-245439. ï ï ï ï ï
[ COVER IMAGE: Peter H. Gilmore
I ï Satanic philosophy you will help to spread our ideas to the worthy few whom you will contact in your day to day life. Let those who respect your achievements know you are a Satanist and you will will be doing something for the Church of Satan. Such successful members who keep us apprised of their doings will be granted recognition, which will be a fringe benefit, not an end in itself. ∑
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Those who come to us eager for titles are generally those who have failed in meeting the demands of the real world, have no significant achievements, and seek some fonn of ego bolstering to make up for this lack. Such folks do not meet our
criteria for advancement.
- - Ournextlevelofachievementistobeelevatedtothe e IT NCO, Priesthood. This is characterized by even greater mastery of , !II the elements that an agent has achieved and, in addition, they must be true "movers and shakers" who are able to influence people on a wide scale through their finely honed talents. If y01l1
We do not require our first level of Registered/ Contributing Members to prove anything to us. The desire to join indicates that you stand out from the hero enough to want to call yourself a Satanist, which is no small step. But this does not mean that you are automatically part of an elite. All kinds of individuals join our organization for their own reasons, and some of them demonstrate to us that they have only a rudimen≠ truy grasp of the philosophy of Satanism. For each individual to be successful asa Satanist, they must live their lives in a manner that is as full of pleasure as they are able. If your life is joyful, you have achieved an important goal. However, as member of the Church of Satan who wishes to be elevated, you must measure up to very high standards to take a place among a real cadre of superior individuals. New Registered Members receive a questionnaire to fill out, an application for active membership, which is our way of getting a picture of you as an individual, at least of what image you wish to portray of yourself. We do not initially know what is fact or what is fiction from our first reading. After submitting this, we wait for the member to prove their claims by submit≠ ting evidence of their abilities. Sometimes we will request a sample of something that you have mentioned that seems of in≠ terest. We also wait to see whether you are working to move on with your life towards your stated goals, because static people are not material for advancement in our organization. If this application is accepted, you now become an Active Member, which is our acceptance of you as a Satanist, in our terms.
The first advanced level one can attain is to become an
can demonstrate that you are reaching people on a national, or r' better, a global scale, then you have got what it takes to enter the Priesthood of the Church of Satan. Why join? That depends on what being a member means to you personally. Avenues are provided for further infonna≠ tion on Satanism. Members show their allegiance to the organization that embodies the philosophy that has galvanized their lives, and they are part of a legally recognized church. We ' are most emphatically not a means for socializing. We do not put individuals in contact with each other. We think that it is important for Satanists to be able to locate other individuals in their own locales who are Satanists, or at the very least 1 individuals who share points in common philosophically.If you are not able to find people with whom to socialize when you want to, then you are failing at a basic human skill. We do, on very rare occasions, place individuals in contact if they are working on complementruy projects that could be improved by \ such contact. This only goes for our most productive and advanced members, however. Should you wish to socialize, I there are other groups with that purpose.
So let us review what has been covered. There are two points of view being discussed: first is your self-image as to how successful you are living as a Satanist, whose measure is
your degree of satisfaction with your life; second is our P I evaluation of you as an exemplar of Satanism which will deter- 1 mine your rank, measured by our exacting standards of ac≠ complishment. Thus, if you want to live as a Satanist, learn to satisfy yourself. We demand no other obligation. If you want
nTwo wrongs don't make a right," was the first apologist for WHOEVER SAID, that the best defense is a good offense, and an eye for an wrongdoin*a :=- ::;ultimate justice. Legalization is fine but not always eyel - Leb Unless application of a principle prevails, no statute or law has substance. app 1ca . . . Satanists _are the last mmor the same rights as any other law-abiding social
As.Sa c: ;: s ;e ;;lacks∑ Gays; Women; Physically Handicapped; yodelers. grouping. , . ' '
We are denied those :ights. t we violate the law any more or as much as any It has not been established or proved tha f; f 1 attempts to criminalize Satanism so it other minority. In recent years we ha :eenb 8:∞a ic atanism ias threat to herd behavior can be made illegal. The reason shou e or v_1ou . hard times economically tough times, and mindlessness. Stupidity == $$$. We are ivmgm ' what preachers prefer to call ..end imes... A scapegoat is needed. We are it. Or are we? . ∑ 111 s we are As things stand, we have advantages, we Satan1s . Despitea aw, ass and discriminated against It is_unconstitutio etpub 1 ta: c!:e1:'nc1emned and discriminate against atanis . On T.V.,edra. iodairn, prmtdo that to any other religion or social c ï ï ï zed w. ∑th ∑ ?pumty Mamstream m ia le e no tinely condemned, as an act of .
Agent, which is a recognized representative of our organiza≠ tion, usually signified by the bestowal of a Sigil of Baphomet lapel pin. Our Agents must first of all be masters of the theory of Satanism as outlined in the writings of Anton Szandor LaVey. Agents must then be articulate spokespersons who can effectively communicate their understanding to whomever re≠ quires information, whether it be on an informal or surface level on up to discussions of the highest and most complex ramifications of Satanic philosophy. Also, our Agents must be exemplars of living as Satanists, being accomplished in some
to be recognized as one of our representatives, you must then L satisfy our criteria. These, as determined by our High Priest, are I in constant flux, changing with the needs of the present. Their general trend is to become ever more stringent, forcing a higher quality from people who are working towaui elevation. It was easier in the past to attain these levels of recognition. It will be more difficult for those to come. I reiterate: there is no need for members to put themselves 1 up for our judgement. You are free to determine your own path and standauis of achievement. Self-satisfaction leads to a
group. Only in time of war can another peop. . ral are not carried on any official propaganda. The Churc of atan and atanism n : atanic Bible) which has been in lists of subversive organizations. D spitea code ( ty-two years Satanists and Satamsm continuous print and publically available for ove twen ' have been fair game for pe sonal o w ol sa igo:st,we take license to speak or So long as we are publically clisc di t any ethnic religious, or social write offensively and with personal preJU cea ou '
field and having garnered the respect of their peers. That is how mastery of Satanic practice is recognized. Their lifestyle must be one directed towauis reduced contact with the human herd, demonstrating increasing levels of control concerning your degree of isolation/participation with people in general. Also a sense of aesthetics and style must be in play regauiing one's appearance and how it is varied depending on circumstances.
pleasant life. However, if it is your desire to gain our recogni- tion, you must prove your accomplishments to us. You may be !;-. one who can falsely convince yourself that you are a worthy member of an elite group. Satanism still continues to provide i the "leaky innertube-in-water" test to expose those who would inflate their egos with hot air and pretention instead of real deeds. If you are a true achiever, then you will take your right-
group we deem approp at h As justification for this edict, the overwe against Satanists speaks for itself.
22 January XXVII A.S. (1992 CE)
. body of empirical evidence of bigotry mmg
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I I .
II . .
Representation vs.Misrepresentation
IT'S IMPORTANT FOR ADHERENTS of Anton La Vey's philosophy to understand we all share a nsibility to make
nowhere in an ersatz Church of Satan "initiatory" group.
Even among those who become Contributing Members of the Church of Satan, there are those who become discontented because they are not being promoted or gaining sufficiently flowery titles. They suspect their claims of sovereignty would not be honored within the Church of Satan so they start their
The CHUR H OF SATAN has not now,!' nor has 1t ever, had any connection
sure satanism and the Church of Satan are represented ac- D curatelY and fairly. You don't need an invitation to advocate something you believe in. The books are out there: ann your- self with knowledge of true Satanism and step foiward to
own group where they can be the "big cheese."
If smaller groups spring up because those involved in≠ nocently believe they cannot join the Church of Satan, or if they are begun by malicious malcontents who start their own
with the "Embassy of S.A.T.A.N." I has c me to our attention that Jay Solo on (a.k.a. "Yaj Nomolos") has been crrculating the spurious advertisement reproduced below. Here is information for the purpose of clarification.
1 proudly claim the power that is rightfully yours. That is where advancement within the organization begins. We are, increas≠ ingly, a political and economic force to be reckoned with. Religious discrimination cases are being filed by Satanists across the country, protests and complaints are growing louder I as the Satanophobic whinings become ever more strained. Whether you are a Registered Member of the Church of Satan,
thing out of imagined or concocted slights from the Church of Satan, the result is the same. Such groups ride on our coattails. 1 ï They diminish our effectiveness at our expense.
It has been made clear time and again but apparently it needs to be clearly stated yet again: Unauthoril.ed use of the Baphomet and the name "Church of Satan" is in blatant viola≠
The Church of Satan has become a subsidiary of
THE ENBAssv OF∑s.A.T.A.N. P.O. Box 666 Whitehall, Penna. 18052 MembeA6h p 1n6oAmatlon avallable Send Stamped Envelope The Pan-Satanic Movemen WANTS YOU! J O I N NOW
Solomon is an ex-member of the Church of Satan and the proprietor of the Occult Emporium. As we see it, he has for many years tried to entice people into joining his philosophy of "social realism" by calling it the "Church of S.A.T.A.N.," in hope that the gullible would mistake it for the real thing. Such naifs would then be treated to Solomon's "literature'" which claims visions from "S.A.T.A.N." (sound familiar?) predicting a future race of androgynous beings of which we are the precursors, a coming apocalypse which only his followers will survive, as well as his claims to having been a UFO contactee. Recently, the name of his organization was changed to the "Embassy of S.A.T.A.N." (EMBASAT) because Solomon feels that Satanism is not a religion and should abandon such trappings. We think that members of the Church of Satan should be aware of this activity and may thus be equipped to avoid such attempts at deception. Beware of snake-oil salesmen who claim to be representing Satanism. Their statements always give them away in the end as wannabees who take the Devil's name, but are playing an occultnik game for their own personal
a Priestess, or simply one who practices Satanism on your own, 0 we all work on our own levels to make inroads against the ig≠ I norance that continues to be perpetuated by the righteous.
We are now in our 27th year. As we grow larger and stronger, many of us find we are more focused and productive
\ when we work in concert with other Satanists. Unfortunately, we also see more and more upstart groups trying to ride the crest of the wave Anton LaVey created and we all sustain. There are those who are more interested in promoting them≠ rI selves at our expense than in representing the Church of Satan l responsibly. Armed with the infonnation below, you will be able to peek into the souls of would-be Satanic potentates. You'11 be able to recognize telltale signs that reveal more than l they want you to know about their real motivations in starting their own groups or Grottos. i There are those who would like to represent themselves as exclusive arbiters or go-betweens for the Church of Satan. Many will start a group, fonnally (with a lot of fancy paper) or informally (by passing the word at their workplace or college) 1 and even circulate promotional material about themselves and ( their group. They like to give the impression that membership in the Church of Satan is inaccessible or unattainable but that they can offer a much more accessible but equally attractive membership in their group. Our exclusivity becomes theirs, !-, and the get substantial ego gratification riding on our coattails, i sometimes without even bothering to join the Church of Satan. Many people who later (sometimes many years later) eventual≠ ly do join our organization say they were told that it was im≠ possible to become an active part of the Church of Satan so
tion of international copyright laws. No one is authorized to use "Church of Satan" and the Baphomet symbol except the Church of Satan and our appointed Representatives who are given explicit permission to do so. That's why we have it trademarked. Respect for the laws is one difference between being helped by the Church of Satan and robbing the Church of Satan. Unauthorized use is like using the Golden Arches and "McDonald's" because you make good hamburgers. Getting money by representing yourself as a Church of Satan outlet or franchise is unethical and unlawful. If you want to use the sym≠ bols, title, philosophy and reputation, you can buy a C/S franchise for $150,000. Those using our symbols otheiwise will be prosecuted.
There is a difference between Contributing Members of the Church of Satan, Active Members, and people who are chosen and designated as our Agents or our Representatives. For example, you couldn't call yourself a "Realtor" unless you'd gone through the Board of Realtors. That is their copy≠ righted title. If you haven't gone through the Board, you must call yourself a Real Estate Agent. Likewise, your card or letter≠ head cannot say "National Association of Horse Trainers" or "Member- New York Stock Exchange" unless you are indeed authorized to designate yourself as directly involved in those organizations. Active members of our organizations may affix "Member - Church of Satan" to their stationery or business cards. Authorized Representatives and Agents may summarily state their title, i.e., "Agent -- Church of Satan."
.1aggrandizement. You have been warned!
they didn't even try. Instead they wasted a lot of energy getting
One final acid test remains for those who wish to be
involved in any official capacity within the Church of Satan∑ When the jig is up and would-be Satanic "High Priests"
out they can't take the name, symbols, and prestige that Anton LaVey has built over the past 25 years, that they can't take ad≠ vantage of people for their own ego gratification in the name of the Church of Satan, or that they aren't advanced asq. wcklyor as ompletely as they think they should be within the admitted≠ ly ngo us confines of the Church of Satan, that's when they
b 1th the Church in a snit and start working against the or≠ gamza on and against the goals of Satanism. Out of guilt and frustration, they proceed to try to tear down the Church of
a th t gave them birth. Not having sufficient originality or imagmatton, they are nonetheless dependent upon the Church doifrSecattian,.as always, for whatever fonn,at symbo,ls pol.lc1es,
on, tuals and ceremonies the Church has provided It is not o des to create satellite organizations by means of n gative remforcement. Hence, such factions cannot be recog≠
1noughts on Grottos
sJNCB THE PlJBUCATION OF 11IE CHURCH OF SATAN b Blanche Barton with its chapter headed "Guidelines for rtos and Groups" we have received many letters from in≠ \ dividuals who are assaying this area of Satanic activity. From the questions that have become rather common,I have put together some answers that might enlighten those who are in- ierested in the pursuit of this activity. Termmology first: in the Church of Satan we don't use the word "coven," as it is generally used to signifya witchcraft group. "Grotto" is our preferred tetm. Adherents of "Wicca" generallY try to distanCe themselves from us big, bad Satanists," and here we are happy to oblige and thus have createda term that has more mystery and resonance than the
Thus, startinga group is for you yourselves and should be undertaken with that in mind. We have recognized productive groups as branches of the Church of Satan, and these are men≠ tioned inMiss Barton's book. Such groups exist and prove themselves before they receive such recognition. So, such goals are attainable, but with much work and tangible results. Some wish to form a group for the major purpose of working Greater Magic in a group setting. Greater Magic is an intimate and precise pursuit and you must be certain that the in≠ dividuals in your chamber are totally_ committed and serious about your activities. Beware of thrill-seekers and people who just want to "check it out." Quality is always more desirable than quantity. It is best to keep high standards for those people with whom you chose to associate in sucha personal
undertaking. Your pool of potential fellows may come from placing ads or notices in likely venues and you must be wary of those who respond. Screening such would-be associates ias difficult
nized as other than "temper tantrum" entities.
Innovators succeed, imitators fail.
12/19/91 For those with strength to shun the light For those who know that might makes right For _those who come alive at night, ' I write these lines for you.
TO you w om Hell brings no fear, To you with power far and near To all ""'.ho see truth crystal clear, These Imes I pen for you.
Oh_ brothers of the left hand path, Quit no lust and sheath no wrath
\ r
t l l r,i
conunonplace "coven," or "lodge."
Why should one choose to start a Grotto or group? People tend to seek out their fellows for social, and other, intercourse. Satanists on the whole tend to be loners, apart from the herd
and happy about it. Indeed, most of our members have little or no desire to be placed in contact with fellow members. We encourage individuals who do wish to socialize to find, on their own, others in their locale with whom to associate. This ias basic skill which one should master, and we have made it policy not to place our members in communication. It is im≠ possible for us to know all of our members well enough to as≠ certain whether they would get along socially, so we let them discover each other. What happens is then up to them. We don't officially recognize grottos any more. Members are welcome to gather like-minded individuals for whatever purposes suit them, be it for ritual, study, or socializing. Such
process and expertise comes only through practice. Remember that just because people profess to sharing Satanism as their philosophy this does not mean that they will get along socially or even ritually. When you meet with people you must honest≠ ly evaluate them reganling how they appear, but you cannot really know them until you spend some time with them. After you have found some possible associates, it is thena good idea to decide how formal or informal your organization≠ al structure will be. Figure out what you all want to get out of this experience. Any group situation can also become difficult as individuals inducted into the Grotto by the founder-leader may wish to usurp the leadership position. Groups can function very democratically,but this is not often the case; rathear charismatic grotto leader tends to emerge and run the s ow with the close assistance of hand-picked individuals. It is oftena bumpy road when you start. Don't worry about
Laurels come to one who hath' ' A will of iron, an arm of stone, In whom good sense is born and grown Who doesn't fear to be alone. '
Satan's treasures surely fall To those with sense to heed the call Of beastly nature, great and small, '
Lex Talionis, they shall see Is supreme law, eternally ' And great it is, for you and me...
activity must be recognized as being undertaken for the benefit of those involved, for indeed, the grotto leader grants him/her≠ self the honor and responsibility of that position. I Grottos do not advance Satanism as a movement. This is why we eliminated our chartered grotto system in 1975 C.E., and got rid of many pen-pal and coffee-klatsch Satanists who spent more time trying to impress each other than actually going out and accomplishing anything tangible. We expect our members, who are entering into an elitist organization, to be able to prove that they are truly elite by being able to do things well. If you area talented chef, that is magical, oar writer, painter, dancer, composer, steelworlcer, electrician, carpenter, whatever, so long as you are so good at what you do, that it
gathering specific numbers of people. Three who are really working together are better than more who are disharmonious. As long as you are finding satisfaction then your efforts are being repaid. Always bear in mind that you∑must be getting some pleasure out of this, for if the experience becomes negative, there is no obligation to continue.
When you get your group up and going and it has stabil- ized, it is worthwhile to report on your progress to our central office in San Francisco. It will be a great deal of work but can
be rewarding. As grotto leaders and members, you will ex≠ perience both satisfaction and frustration, and if it does not destroy you, it might just make you stronger and wiser. Perllaps then you will be ready for the next stage.
. fltFH∑E-tt8\-f-f7A ME=-8∑-FAlE-! Wt i-E-H-K-K-V-1 Photo Portrait of Anton Szandor LaveY r
ATAN'S PURGE by J,effrey Deboo p,.S INDIVIDUALISTS, we Satanists strive to insulate our≠
Especially in the Third World, any growth in material wealth is canceled out by the increase in numbers -- the in≠ dividual gains nothing, or even loses. Clearly the masses of our race have opted for quantity of life over quality. And year by year the Earth is ever more deforested, overfarmed, poisoned,
i i ,∑ I I 11 I , I I ' i
At last you can own a beautiful, black & white poster of the founder and High Priest of the Church of Satan.
Photographer Nick Bougas has capt d L V .
moment of Satanic communion At a : ey_ and 1s serpentine friend Boaz in a
glossy poster stock, replete with the High : ssn1zae, t 1sl 23"x 29" print is on heavy,
me m arge type across the bottom.
No Satanic lair should be without this handsome item!
Carefully packaged in a crush-proof m T b .
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Make checks, money o,rde s or bank draughts in U.S. funds out to:
Hells Kitchen Productions
(' selves as much as we can from the vexatious influence of the sheeplike masses who teem around us. Yet, however success- c fulwe are in this endeavor, we cannot help but feel a pang of concern about what their very presence is doing to the world on lr which we also live, the world which now hurtles through the stan)' nothingness under the staggering burden of five-and- one-third billion human beings. From a historical perspective, this mighty swann is a gross a1,emttion. Between the agricultural and industrial revolutions, 1 the Earth's total human population probably fluctuated be- tween about one and five hundred million as various great em≠ I pires rose and fell. Had mankind's numbers remained within I this range after industrialization, our technological and cultural 0 development might well have built us a sustainable, if not utopian, world by now. Instead, the population rose on an ever≠ steeper curve; one billion by 1850 CE, two billion by 1930, three billion by 1960, and so on.
Such exponential growth evokes the image of a cancer, or a raging infection. It is no surprise that the planetary ecosystem is under unprecedented stress. Millions of tons of toxic in≠
dustrial waste are poured into the atmosphere and oceans. In r the tropics, land is ovetfarmed and overgrazed into uselessness, l while primordial forests shrink as the ever-growing hordes of . people clear acre after mega-acre for lumber and farmland. In≠ numerable potentially useful species -- the natural world itself - l - are being crowded out of existence. }i And what is all this multiplication doing for the advancement of civilization? Nothing. How many of those 5.3 billion are engaged in anything really creative or more than marginally productive? Most of them are brainwashed from birth with whichever stupidity (Christianity, Marxism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism -- it hardly makes any difference) has es≠ tablished itself at the root of their particular locality's herd≠ culture. The Earth's billions are increasingly concentrated in mammoth urban slums bereft of hope, hygiene, law and order, or opportunity for individual achievement, lapping impatiently at the edges of the ever-more-fortified enclaves in which the ,t Wealthy and middle classes live (and if you think I am only describing Cairo or Rio De Janeiro here, consider what certain areas of Los Angeles or New York are starting to look like, and
and plundered, to feed and fuel these anthills.
What does the future hold? More of the same? Far from it. This malady contains the seeds of its own cure, though the cure will not be to the liking of those who hold all life to be sacred When any species breeds beyond the carrying capacity of its environment, the situation inevitably corrects itself. Some starve because the food supply is no longer adequate for the in≠ creased numbers. Or overcrowding creates good conditions for the spread of disease. Or the growth of population destroys the environments supportive capacity (by overgrazing food plants into near extinction, for example). The human race is not immune to the operation of such natural processes, which the astute will recognize as manifesta≠ tions of the good old Balance Factor. Our technology only al≠ lows us to postpone the day of reckoning -- making it all the more terrible when it finally comes. As mentioned above, the exploding human population operates within the planetary ecosystem much like a rampaging infection, and the ecosystem is beginnjng to react accordingly. The reader may be aware that the fever often experienced by a human being suffering from an infection is not just a symptom of disease but a defensive measure; the elevated temperature kills off large numbers of the invading microbes, though it also threatens the body's own tissues to some extent. The metaphorically inclined among us may care to consider the human-provoked phenomenon of "global wanning" in this light. Scholarly opinion is divided as to whether the unusual droughts, which have afflicted many parts of the world over the last few years, are a result of global wanning or not. What is clear is that as the planet continues to heat up, weather patterns will be disrupted, reducing the productivity of existing agricul≠ ture in virtually every region. Many other human activities, such as overgrazing and deforestation, are contributing to the same ironic result of sabotaging the land∑s future capacity to feed the human hordes. Eventually the total global production of food will stop increasing and start to decline, and as population con≠ tinues to grow, regional shortages will develop and worsen.
One cannot predict in which areas agriculture will be most severely degraded, but the distribution of the resulting
P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-0499, U.S.A. f
in how many parts of those cities you would hesitate to take a
problems is all too easy to anticipate. In an ever-hungrier
qualities which make possible the generation of material wealth will become the arbiters of survival itself. The long≠ stayed hand of natural selection will strike back with a venge≠ ance. Add the enervation of hunger to conditions already prevalent in the crowded slums in which so much of the
awesomely lethal bullet. Those misled by the mass media's hysterical campaign to convince us that everyone is equally at risk, regardless of behavior, would do well to consider that AIDS has been present in the West since at least 1959 CE, but was unable to produce a detectable epidemic until, twenty years later, in encountered populations whose behavior was
heal his beloved world. He must exert his influence to our philosophy so that, when his rich nation stands fi re the choice, it will choose the right way. O t,e How long the crash takes, and how far it thins humanity's hordes, will depend on the nature and location f agricul
- ....., tions on which kinds of diseases predmmnate dunng the
DOMINION (The Time of Truth)
The flames of war burn in our hearts the rage of the Wolf completes our wrath Our breath is hotter than the Sun The day of the cross is done!
.p. ' rta1∑
world's population now lives, and these places will be as ripe
tailor-made to spread it.
∑c1emics and on many other factors. The average mo 1ty
epl rat
' .1.:-1 from the Black Death in Europe as a whole was one-Ulllu,
We are the Alien Elite
I for epidemics as a drought-parched forest for a flash fire. And with today's global transportation network, any infectious
Viruses and bacteria will be the inquisitors and ex≠ ecutioners of Satan's Purge. They will inquire not after your ? bu;stood
as high
as three-q_uarters
in the hardest-hit regions.
The superior race of power and glory
microbe flourishing in one region would quickly spread around . the world, propagating the epidemic into any area where condi≠ tions were also right for it.
If the reader is visualizing the above-described cataclysm as a neat surgical operation which will excise most of the Third
World and the underclasses of the West, while leaving the
doctrinal or moral purity, but after the soundness of your physi≠ I cal constitution and the prudence and material resources you have at your command to protect your health. Residence in a rich and educated nation greatly improves your chances of a favorable verdict before this microbial tribunal, but does not stop you from throwing away your chances out of stupidity, as
Factor in the effects of overcrowding, plummeting food production, modem transportation spreading epidemics, and peihaps the total collapse of social organization in some na≠ tions, and the coming crash could repeat -- or exceed -- such rates on a planet-wide scale. The human herd-animal will recoil in horror at the
The world will belong to us When we make reality Satan's master plan We despise your God and his miserable son Our faith is true, it's strong and old We the chosen, the excellent ones We are Satanists and our dominion has begun.
Middle and the High untouched, let him think again. Such a
the above examples show. The choice is yours.
prqspect of such a ruthless slashing of his numbers, but this F
planet-wide upheaval is inevitably a messy and untidy process, leaving no one unaffected, though different kinds of people will be affected differently (and some of the cleverest will find ways to turn it to their own advantage, as always happens with great catastrophes).
Nor are famine and epidemics like a tidal wave which sweeps away everyone indiscriminately. Plague is nature's Great Winnower, threshing out the strong from the feeble, the
well-fed from the hungry, the prudent from the foolish and
Those least afflicted, the productive nations and people of the world whose wealth, access to medical technology, and su≠ perior hygienic conditions minimize their vulnerability, will face a choice. Those under the sway of Christian ethics doubt≠ less will clamor for all available resources to be diverted from those who created them to the relief of the doomed. We have already seen this response to every localized calamity which arises to foreshadow the future. When starvation looms in Bangladesh or Ethiopia or Russia, the cry goes up for all to
reaction is wholly ingenuous, ignoring as it does the self≠ inflicted nature of the catastrophe -- to say nothing of the fact that it is profoundly necessary to the long-term health of our world and species. If humans could somehow go on multiply≠ ing like bacteria indefinitely, they would at length eat the whole planet down to the bedrock, and then all would perish alike leaving our once-lush globe as barren as the Moon. y culling the weakest and stupidest, great epidemics im≠ prove the quality of the species. And like any major disaster,
So, you infidels, have fear As you will see us emerge from the Inferno Have fear, I say As you will see your true Lord Satan is his name, and his anger is aflame Lawful Master of the Earth, Ruler of the Universe Oh, Satan, blessed is thy name!
careless. Examples: those Christian sects which reject vaccina≠
give selflessly, so that the inhabitants of those countries will be
they provide a massive shock to human complacencya,
∑ 1∑
tion, such as the Mennonites, suffer far more than the general population from diseases such as polio. Devout Hindus "purifying" themselves by bathing in the "sacred" Ganges, one of the most polluted rivers on Earth (mainly with raw sewage) have earned themselves several massive outbreaks of cholera. The most lethal epidemic in hist01.y, the Black Plague, hit Western Europe so hard because of incredibly bad hygienic conditions caused by poverty, total ignorance of basic sanita≠ tion, and the curious Christian aversion to bathing in that era. The wealthier Middle East, where better standards of personal cleanliness were observed, suffered far less.
Even AIDS is an example. The transmission of the AIDS virus is extremely difficult, requiring blood-to-blood or semen≠ to-blood contact. As a result, the vast majority of the people in the United States infected with this virus acquired it either through anal sex or via the sharing of IV drug needles. Both of these behaviors were well known to represent serious health hazards, on other grounds, long before AIDS entered the pic≠ ture. Those who practiced them were thus playing Russian
spared, for another year, the consequences of their inability to provide adequately for themselves.
Those ofus who instinctively resonate to nature as it truly is, whether we declare ourselves Satanists or rally 'round some other standard, understand that such behavior is shortsighted at best. Charity fosters dependence and undermines self-reliance. If the Russians or Africans cannot provide for themselves, bet≠ ter that their numbers fall to a sustainable level than that they drain off the resources of others to whom they can offer noth≠ ing in return. And if collapse is inevitable, then the sooner it comes, the better. Every year it is staved off means more destruction to the local ecology, and more children born to suf≠ fer when disaster finally strikes.
So it must be with the coming global population crash. There is no credible scenario which can avert it, and the sooner it happens, the more tropical rain forest will be left uncut, the more endangered species will remain in existence, the more soi.I will be left uneroded. And the more complete the collapse, the more of a respite the ecosystem will have in which to
sign that something is wrong with the way things are being donea command to reconsider preconceived ideas. They leave beh d a smaller, healthier population with shattered illusions and the feeling that a fresh start is needed. It is interesting that the Black Death was preceded by nearly a millennium of stag≠ nation in Christian Europe, but was followed within a couple of centuries by the beginnings of the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. So it will be in our own world; for to the Satanist, even the I Apocalypse is not the final end, but merely the beginning of the next chapter in a story which goes on forever.
'I . ,,
"A}ways remember, that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol bas taken out of me."
OFFICIAL JOURNAL of the ABRAXAS FOUNDATION Enter a brave new world of Social Darwi ï- p. much mo e. At last there is a newspaper": ily = o enttttaJi , Blood Mysticism, and nature-with an emphasis on how to integrate them into your rIte anndgh earvaest tehseirapsopwecetrsaosf ymoaunr oawndn. THE PREMIER ISSUE FEATURES: . . . NATURE'S ETERNAL FASCISM An inquiry into the relationship between natural law, violence, and inequality. LONG LIVE DEATHI insightful and inspirational observations extolling the virtues of destructive force. ABRAXAS SPEAKS A stirring introduction to the Abraxas Foundation's weltanschauung. . . GUSTAVE LEBON: HIS WIT AND WISDOM LeBon is universally hailed as the father of social h academia due to his decidedly anti-egalitarian slant i c -'i∞gy, iut_has been virtually disowned by readers ina series of h rd-hftti s hb !!! utlfully encapsulated for our . ANO A WHOLE LOT MORE... More anti-humanitarian philosophy and Social Darwinist gnosis from history's most notorious ∑ figures-past, present, and future. Here's the vital information you need t ïnt d b . If you're ready to take one giant ;t ey ndyg reJ: rwanAistKE(a_ka Ju eo-Christlan) bias. vi, 1s the Journal for youI $2 ppd per copy/$3 overseas airmail PRE-ORDERS NOW BEING ACCEPTED Also Auailablt: I?.] TOTAL WAR (Video) Avideo document of the last concert ofNON's J nt march music, speeches, and songs.a must for ur : liveInOsaka. 30 exciting minutes of SocialDarwinist $19.69 plus $3 postage/$6 postage for overseas airmail ABRAXAS ON THE AIR (cassette Tape) Lots of laughs as aFoundation spokesman takes on the h programs. Two hours of conflict and controversy. ost of one of the country's most popular christlan talk radio $S ppd / $7 ppd overseas airmail COMING SOON . The Abraxas Foundation television transmission. Pre pr uct!on has already begun on this Abraxas Foundation - . submit inquiries regarding how to sponsor this program ∑n cable T.V. program. Ouahffed Individuals are Invited to Make checks d i your area and have It broadcast via public access cable an money orders payable to WAKE SERVICES.Send all communications to∑ . THE ABRAXAS FOUNDATION P.O. BO 300081 DENVER, CO 80203 U A
Sir Winston Churchill
you MAY HAVE HEARD that beer was responsible for civilization. On the other hand you may have heard that beer IS civilization. Both may be true, of course, but the fact remains that as far back as written records go, we find human beings cultivating grain to ferment as beer. Beer and human beings go I back a long, long way. Now, why am I singing the praises of this standard beverage of the lower-brow plebes who are so often pictured slumped before their television sets, attired in soiled t-shirts and sporting a classic five o'clock shadow? It is simply because beer, when properly prepared by the beer gourmet, becomesa l worthy nectar for the gods. As a Satanist, and therefore a god in my own right, I offer a few pointers on the proper appreciation ofbeer.
The major key to enjoying this ancient beverage is to NEVER,I repeat, NEVER drink it directly from the can or bot≠ tle. ALWAYS pour the golden elixir into a clean glass so as to cause a frothy head of foam to rise majestically. This releases the carbonation effect of the liquid such that the rich flavor of your brew can be fully enjoyed. As is true with many other foods and drinks, your sense of smell contributes greatly to flavor. The full lather of fine bubbles floating upon the crest of your amber liquid conveys these scents to your delicate olfac-
Try this experiment once and you'll never forget the im- portance of releasing the head in a beer. First take one glass, the tall kind referred to as a pilsner glass is most appropriate, and carefully pour the beer down the tilted inside of the glass to minimize the fonnation of suds. Now take another identical brand of beer and pour it to the bottom of another such glass to form as great a head as can be generated. Taste first one then the other and you will discover that the difference is dramatic. The headless beer tastes like flat carbonated water while the rich headed beer is delightfully delicious, fit for a king! The key is to treat beer as you would wine. You would not (nonnally) drink wine directly from a bottle, so do not drink beer diectly from its container. You would not pour wine intoa heavy mug, but into a thin and delicate glass. So too should
you enjoy your beer. Another factor to consider is temperature. Most beer is to be drunk chilled, however, excessively low temperatures while being refreshing actually kill some of the taste. Thus, never serve beer below the temperature of 42∞ Fah≠ renheit, as this is quite cool enough to quench thirst, but not too cold to ruin the taste.
There are certainly a wide variety of beers now available to the connoisseur, who would do well to avoid the usual rela≠ tively tasteless concoctions sold by the major American beer manufacturers. Your local specialty deli may stock a wide variety of U.S. micro-brewery beer as well as some fascinating international imports. There are a number of micro-breweries all across this countcy which have unique and specialized brews that are often quite pleasing. Check out your locale and also see if the local brewery allows for tours. Such a visit can bea fascinating experience, walking among the huge vats with the wondert'ul yeasty aroma filling the air, and you'll often receive free samples after the walk-through. Beers range froma dark, almost coffee color to the palest of gold shades. Authen≠ tic datk beers result from a longer roasting of the grain in the brewing process although today many breweries will "cheat" by adding caramel coloring. Apart from this distinction, the dark beers are usually not well suited for quenching thirst be≠ cause of their heavyness and are called "liquid bread" in Ger≠ many. Lighter beers are excellent thirst quenchers and go well
with all manner of food.
Finally, vitamin B does have the rather delightful effect of raising one's spirits in direct proportion to how often one raises
a a ,.._,
talk-show view of Manson that Newton is well-informed to share. ∑
?ne's glass. If you have disdained the "brewski" based upon its llllage as the favored tipple of the stupid masses, please re≠ examine the pleasures to be found in a fine glass properly poured and savored.
Remember, ten thousand crazed Vikings can't all be wrong (and even if this is untrue, it is not wise to tell them so!).
Here's looking at 'ya!
- _,......................................................................................................................
i \
NEW AGE (Formerly The Warlock Shop) RETAIL-WHOLESALE Free Mail Order Catalog
House of Indulgence Steel Palace Door of Wisdom Key of Knowledge Enter the kingdom, Banquet of Benediction:
Floors of stone exotic covering, richly colored purple, royal red; Comforts abound Soft pillows of black silk Bright, glorious garments robes of prosperity, wealth Diamond-laden, extinct, ancient furs; gems of fire grace iron walls rubies, opals elucidate eternal; silver plates, finely ornamented perpetual feast Forbidden Fruit Wine-unlimited, glowing Blood of the Gods Swallowed, mutilated into our skulls Drowning in inescapable ecstasy Acts of wanton lust fulfilled to ultimate bodies connected: Snakes in their dance of Death Twisting, biting, tearing of flesh Tears,ScreamsofJoy Pleasure of Pain Pain of Pleasure
My Flesh cries out and is answered.
) by Peggy Nadram,a. SERIAL SLAUGHTER: WHAT'S BEHIND AMERJCA'S MURDER EPIDEMIC? by Michael Newton. , (LoOmpanics Unltd., Port Townsend, WA, 1992; 173 pages, ï ISBN 1-55950-078-6, $19.95, oversize trade paperback). Newton is also the author of Hunting Humans, an en≠ cyclopedic reference guide to serial killers, and his vast knowledge is brought to this new work. The author attempts to ) draw some conclusions about the serial killer phenomenon by 1 cross-referencing and grouping the killers and their M.0.'s; he draws upon FBI statistics constantly, relating percentages for almost every point of fact involved. How many killers preyed exclusfvely on prostitutes? Homosexuals? How many con≠ cealed their victims' bodies, and how many displayed them for .,y discovecy? Newton sifts through these kinds of statistics exhaustively, but also relates specific details about many killers whose names will be familiar and some who are new to those following this phenomenon. Information about European, par≠ ticularly German, serial killers is often included, and Newton includes many female murderers and hospital and health care killers who aren't usually lumped in with the solitaxy stalkers to which this kind of book most often limits itself. There are many photos and quotes from the killers themselves as they talk about their crimes, as well as an actual VICAP Crime Analysis Report; collectors may find this last worthwhile.
Newton's style can sometimes be a little dty, as he proceeds from one point of detail to the next, setting up, enumerating and then concluding in a repetitively expository fashion. This can be overlooked in light of the huge amount of information he is attempting to synthesize. But I was sutprised at his short-sighted conclusions about the religion of Satanism as a basis for criminal behavior. He claims it the "ideal religion" for those desiring to indulge themselves in serial crime and mayhem, overlooking his own wealth of information about Christian killers; these vastly outnumber self-styled
"Satanists" in the serial killer Hall of Fame, and seemed to have no trouble adapting their own brand of fire-and-brimstone to the unfettered disposal of prostitutes, hustlers and anyone else not measuring up to the Christian standards of behavior. Also, Newton constantly lumps Charles Manson in along with the likes ofHeruy Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole; this is patently ridiculous. When analyzing the modus operandi, disposal of bodies, choice of weapons, it is fairly pig-headed to bring up Manson instead of Tex Watson, and panders to the kind of TV- I
You can order this book directly from Loompanics, P.0. Box 1197, Port Townsend, WA 98368; add $3.00 for postage and handling.
I CRIED, YOU DIDN'T LISTEN by Dwight F.clgar Ab≠ bott with Jack Carter. (Feral House, Los Angeles, 1991; 175 pages, trade paperback, $10.95). When both his parents were seriously injured in an auto accident, there was no one left to care for nine-year-old Dwight Abbott and his brothers and sister; Abbott was separated from his siblings and brought to Los Angeles County Juvenile Hall, to be thrown in with juvenile offenders and pedophilic "coun≠ selors" who made the rest of his childhood years a living night≠ mare. This is the story of the careful, thorough making of a criminal, by a system fraught with conuption, violence, degradation and without the slightest method of checks and balances. Abbott's account is detailed and often shocking; he minces no words regarding the "pecking on:ler" of homosexual slavery and dominance that began right away, despite his tender years. Possessed of an indomitable spirit, Abbott never failed to risk life, limb and his few pathetic "privileges" to avoid being anyone's patsy or punk. What rings out most strongly about this account is the isolation of the abused child; completely stranded from any caring adults, Abbott relates not even a single incident of inquiry or sympathy from the moment he enters the California Youth Authority. This one will open your eyes.
THE CONFESSIONS OFWANDA VON SACHER≠ MASOCH by Wanda von Sacher-Masoch, translated by Marian Phillips, Caroline Hebert and V. Vale. (Re/Search Publications, San Francisco, 1990; 127 pages, $13.99, large trade paperback). Translated into English for the first time, this is Leopold von Sacher-Masoch 's wife's side of the stocy. Sacher- Masoch 's bedroom games with whips and sadism, Master and Slave roles gave birth to what is today know as S&M; Sacher≠ Masoch's Venus in Furs is a cult classic. Although Wanda often played a dominant role in their bedroom, she was her husband's literal slave due to the economic realities that faced a woman alone, especially a woman with three children. Her nar≠ rative is a search for self in a realm where a woman's self was completely defined by one's husband or Master, and brings up many questions of control and trust. The details are racy; the il≠ lustrative photographs are weirdly beautiful. Available from
l - ïI I !
the publisher at Re/Search, 20 Romolo #B, San Francisco, CA 94133. Add $3.00 postage and handling. Also available from See/Hear, 59 F.ast 7th Street, New York, NY 10003. .
Zealand (a country so underpopulated they don't need zip codes).
THE FIFfH PATH #2 edited by Robert Ward. (Fifth Path
, Jodie pretty rock music with our kind of attitude. Of
.-∑ Mt e. ter'est to TBF readers is The Satam.cH amho" per-'Jltesm f eo-& ti
ed by Dr. Anton LaVey, and "Burning ame o. UllOrt,
anF,nochian key perfonned by the Hafter Trio. Inquire to
invade their forests. Ostensibly' this is a triumph for Sunday- monu. ngchurch-goers over Saturday-night partyers. But up.on . recently this film aga,in we came to a new conclus101?,, what this segment really celebrates is Nature herself, and e t th nflict between light and dark. For the pious
THE WILD by Whitley Strieber. (TOR, New York, 1991;
Carmichael; CA, 1991; 48 pages, full-sized, $5.00 ppd/one
(Jfder: Psychick Release PCP, P.O. Box 'lfllJ7,S-l004l
balance, no e co ' ï alking beneath a
are not pacing off to ch\ll'Ch; they rew .
378 pages, ISBN 0-812-51277-4, $5.95, paperback.)
Quite simply, the story of a man who turns into a wolf -- a Metamorphosis for our age. Strieber's eye for detail and his un≠ derstanding of animals makes this an entertaining as well as uplifting read. The manwolf's escape from New Yorlc City's ASPCA (actually a much better place for stray and sick animals than Strieber credits it) and trek to Canada is told realistically and with suspense and adventure. Our imminent ecological destruction at our own hands lies behind Robert Duke's induction into the ranks of a wolf pack, but the author offers hope and tenderness at the triumphant conclusion.
AT ASTE OF BILE #10 edited by Keith Brewer. (Taint Press, Waco, TX, 1991; 12 pages, digest-sized, $1.00 includes p&h). A weird little 'zine reviewing obscure splatter, avant-garde and porn films. This issue is dedicated to Richard Speck. Next issue promises more variety of material, including Experimen≠ tal, Industrial, Noise music. Order directly from Keith Brewer,
P.O. Box 7150, Waco, TX 76714. One dollar gets it all.
DARK LILY #14 edited by Darlc Lily, subtitled "The Reality of the Left-Hand Path." (Dark Lily, London, 1992; 25 pages, ISSN 0994-6006, $4.00 US/one issue, $12.00 US/four≠ issue subscription, digest-sized, paper binding).
Articles this time around include "Infinitism: The Psychic Freedom Fighters' Next Step," "Whom Do You Blame?" and
issue, $20.00/four issues).
An interview with Rozz Williams, who formed the legen≠ dary band Christian Death and who continues to shock. An ar≠ ticle on the Japanese samurai drum group, Kodo, and one on Skinheads in East Germany. A pictorial guide to survival in the wilderness, and mucho, mucho audio, print, video and show reviews. Beautiful production values in this one, and the next issue, available by the time you read this, promises an inter≠ view with Boyd Rice. The Fifth Path, P.O. Box 1632, Car≠ michael, CA 95609.
THE LAMP OF THE INVISIBLE LIGHT, a compilation CD. (Cthulhu Reconis, Germany, 1992; CR 11). Michael Moynihan's group Blood Axis contributes the best two cuts to this intriguing collection. "Lord of Ages" is a march/chant in honor of the god Mithras, a soldier and warrior, and evokes the prayers of the Roman legions as they go off to war; very stirring and memorable. "Electricity" is less . straightforwani, makes use of collage sounds and more chants, b:tit is just as inspiring -- both pieces make wonderful ritual music. Try to order this one from a record store or dealer specializing in underground and obscure material, or inquire about ordering directly from Cthulhu Reconis: c/o R Kasseck≠ ert, Im Haselbusch 56, 4130 Moers 2, Germany.
THE BEST OF NON: EASY LISTENING FOR IRON YOUTII, a CD. (Mute Reconis, New York, 1991; Mute 9
Stockholm, Sweden.
THEWAR CHURCH VS. THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, a video by c.o.W.A.N. (Commodity, Altadena, CA, 1991). On October 22, 1991, Doran Ragnarok of the Church of War (a group whose ideas and attitudes closely lei our . 'ted Faith Lutheran Church and engaged ma fonnal VlSl ï ï hist
with Chris Roseborough, a student of Qrristian ory' debate - . . th The
before an audience comprised mainly of Christian you. subject is The Truth of the Bible. Doran relentl ssly pummels Roseborough with the inconsistencies inherentm both Testa≠ oments∑ you might want to take notes for those water cooler conve'rsat.ions w1'th Xian dopes∑ The camera work could have , beena little better, but this tape is info intensive, and only_ $18.00from P.O. Box 15, Altadena, CA 91003. Also available now (no price listed but it's only four pages; senda couple of buck-s it's on heavy red card stock) is c.o.W.A.N. 's latest print propaganda, a wonderful little essay on the occult pow of architecture. The author bemoans the demolition of beautiful old buildings, particularly the movie palaces of Hollyw and concludes with the statement: "Disrespect to beauty ts blas≠ phemy' and blasphemers beckon for the fevered claw of bloody retribution!"
FANTASIA, a video. (Walt Disney Home Video, Bur≠ bank, CA, 1991 re-release).
If all this film bad done was introduce Joe Average to the
cathedral of tall trees, illuminating a beautiful and verdant forest, that will once again belong to the night-revelers when darkness falls. The only visions are those of nature; there no church spires or crucifixes. Indulge in Fantasia, and share it with your little ones.
PRAISE THE DEVIL, a video. (Brimstone Productions, Marstons Mills, MA, 1991).
This ias simulated television show that would appear on SBN the Satanic Broadcasting Networlc-- tag line: "We're Mad'As Hell and We're not Going To it Anymore. yeah I thought it sounded good, too; in fact, thast, what's ' 'th this whole sixty minutes -- the ideas are cute, amusing, sometimes quite on-target, but the execution is err- ible inept, leaden, repetitive. . i
, The SBN logo is well-done; pretty clever use of studio graphics in the station identification sequ ces. The appeal _to Americanism is smart, if not original to Bnmstone ucttons,
and the choice of music was also good:"Stars d S pes Forever" by Sousa,and "Mars: Bringer of War, which was also used in Wavelength Video's Death Scenes. But the produ ers fall prey to the pitfalls of the overeager amateur: they do tC: much acting, when they should have bribed real actors, . tudents or just about anyone more attractive and well-spo n s ' . . b -footed portly fellow m themselves mto helpmg. the windswept graveyard is wearing a chintzy Halloween cape i and swinging a cane around instead of a sword. The cuts from I
"The Five Initiations {to Satanism}." The Lily is thought≠
. f 1ass∑ca1 and classically Satanic, music, it would havef
th Salem witch trial film are clever, but they go on too long
provoking, as usual, and replete with a compendium of reviews and advertisements of interest to Satanists.
Boyd Rice's NON displays its evolution, revolution, devolution through the sixteen cuts on this CD. Not for "the faint of heart or the weak of mind," says Adam Prufrey's cover
notes: "The bold and adventurous few, however, will find this
JOYS O C 1 , , been enough. But the beauty and delight of this masterpieceo animation, editing and orchestrating skills does so much more. "The Sorceror's Apprentice" warns the audience of what can happen when those without the magic tty to wear the
e ndl 1 peated-- "Future Geraldo panelists!" Yeah, ∑t The "Catholic priest" in the intetv1ew segment ,weg. 'th is inexplicably wearing a rosary around his n ck (dont ese people know any Catholics?) and the way Prieste s Oz Tech
THE I.EFf-HAND PATH edited by K.R. Bolton. (Realist
music to be pure balm...There is no better tonic I know..." So
magician's hat "The Pastora.le," the segmenwt th all o
reads the cue cards makes listening to her almost mtolerable. .
Publications, Petone, Wellington, 1992; 12 pages, digest-sized, xeroxed, $10.00 US/four issues).
Newspaper clippings and tiny print make this one tough on the eyes; careful squinting reveals the contributors overly≠ concerned with battling Christians and their attempts to repress occultism. Also a rant along all-too-familiar lines by "Christos Beest" of the Onier of the Nine Angles, and a refreshingly
down-to-earth piece about Lesser Magic by Uncle Setnakt. Onier from P.O. Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington, New
true, dear readers; and I know you're all bold and adventurous. Rice dedicates his Best Of to "history's men of steel," includ≠ ing Nero, Jack the Ripper and Anton LaVey. You should be able to pickthis up or at least order it through any good reconi store, as Mute is distributed by Elektra, a division of Time/Warner.
DREAMS SHALL FLESH, a CD by White Stains. (PSYCHE C 003, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991).
cute little satyrs and nymphs making wine and rnd l mgm a bacchanal, actually demonstrates the faults of Christian rep s≠ sion when their god wakes up and punishes them all for enJoy≠ ing themselves too much. The final, most magnifice t sequence, "Night on Bald Mountain," celebratesa m t of diabolic revels, including ghosts, witches an<l demons 10a frenetic dance overseen by Satan himself. As dawn approaches, however, "Ave Maria" chimes in; Satan and his cohort.s craw. l away to hide from the light, as rows of the candle-bearing pious
We did listen long enough to hear the usual Temple of et propaganda, .mdivi'duali,ty responsibility to the Self, be. ing one's own god-- only a guise for a strictly-enfo d hierarchy of entity-worshippers. There are also many Sataruc quotes used
but none of them are from Anton LaVey --a rather consp1.cuous absence ∑1n a tape about, wouldn't you
? The $19.95 price tag (plus $3.00 forp&h) is pretty steep
- die approximately five minutes of fun this will affo you.
P.O. Box 660, Marstons Mills, MA 02648.
ISBN 0-8092-4725-9, softcover, $9.95).
Guest Reviewer: Peter H. Gilmore
W--1a £gives a pow-c"u-w∑' .","..'.r.f..ormance as a travelling salesma.n who deeides to take up the tent show revivalist racket as his
AMERICAN PSYCHO by Bret F.aston Ellis. (Vintage
Here is certainly a unique find, a philosophical guide to de-
vacuums aren't doing too well. He becomes.a master
. ed
Books, New York, 1991; 399 pages, softcover, $11.00). Guest Reviewer: Phantom
Officially banned by Simon and Schuster (even after paying Ellis a$300,000 advance!) American Psycho is a novel not soon to be forgotten. A shockingly real and detailed analysis of the American "high life" in the late 1980's, American Psycho is today's Brave New World. The stocy is told in first-person narrative by the psycho himself, Patrick Bateman. Bateman is the ultimate American dream: well≠ educated, physically "perfect" and incredibly rich; he knows the "best" places to eat, the "right" things to wear, the "right" things to buy, etc., ad nauseum. There's another odd element to his personality, however: he can't stop his insatiable need to torture, mutilate and murder others. There have been many movies and books of the past and present portraying humanity at its most depraved, yet this, Ellis' third and most mature novel explores deep psychological and social realms, leaving much food for thought. In this world of Bateman's (our world) where extreme superficiality combined with greed (the only "real" emotion left) prevail, Bateman feels he cannot become anything other than what he is -- a completely detached, deper≠ sonalized, sadistic killer. Pain and evil (in the Christian sense)
veloping yourself as a warrior, based on reason and devoid of mysticism. Hoban's definition of a warrior is as follows: "A warrior is a man of action, guided by reason and motivated by love." The book is divided into three parts: the first part deals with the intellectual issues and ethical foundation of his philos≠ ophy, wherein he presents political and economic situations as a means for explanation; part two examines and defines the phenomenon of love: part three gives exen:ises for the training of the body. More than this even, Hoban has a real grasp of the Satanic ï approach to magic, both Greater and Lesser, though he does not call it by such terminology. His various exen:ises for the mind, including concentration and visualization techniques, are quite appropriate for magical use. His destriptions of physical action are laid out in the realms of five strategies or at- titudes: fire, water, earth, wind, and void, and are also very workable, especially in defensive situations. Altogether a delightful read full of practical techniques. Don't miss this one!
ANTON LAVEY'S HYMN OF THE SATANIC EM≠ PIRE, sheet music transcribed by Reuben Radding. (Adversacy Music, New York, 1991; 2 pages, $4.50.) ∑
manipulator of the crowds as he hooks up with an expen_enc ho shows him the ropes of the game. He shows her ropes and is finally caught up by a woman from h"is someo , d t This film is ruthless in its exposure of the God game a.n
ite apropos in this day of televangelism scandals. Catch it!
NOTICE! Due to the positive response granted to our double_issue, we have decided to continue this as our standard practice. Hence1c0rth, The Black Flame will be issued twice eac.h year, but with the double issue page count. Prices will remam .t $12.00 ($16.00 outside of the U.S.) for a one year su scnpti?n ior which you will receive two double issues. Each issue will cost $6.00 each ($8.00 outside the U.S.). . During this calendar year of XXVII A.S. (1992 c.e.) we II release two further issues, Volume 4, one to be releasedm the summer, the next in the winter. Thereafter, we intend to release the issues at Walpurgisnacht and at Halloween, for XXVIII (1993) and beyond. . . We thank our loyal readers for their continued interest d
This publication has experienced some delays and will be going to print soon. The publishers ask for your patience and we are certain that this premiere issue will be well worth the wait. Toe ABRAXAS FOUNDATION produces material which is of interest to all who claim the title of "Satanist."
(NOT a religion, NOT inverse Christianity)
Serpent Race vs. Adamic Race 3 pts. $8.50 ' I Western Roots Pt. 1: Pythagoreanism $8.00 Western Roots Pt. 2: Tenders of the Flame $7.25 Sigil of Baphomet & ancient origin of "satan" $2.50 Real Wicca to Eleusis - Hellenic $3.oo Set: both "Sirius" and the Egyptian God 2 pts. $4.25 Kaballa: Dark Tradition $7.SO Tantra: V r.eyana/Pythagoreanism - same DARK $6.25 Taoism: Dark Tradition (difficult article) $6.00
are the only semblance of reality and permanence left in an un≠ caring, alienating world; yet even this pursuit becomes boring. On the surface American Psycho may be brushed aside as a disgusting and humiliating look at the state of the human animal at its lowest point. However, if one reads between the lines we see a much more disturbing portrait of our Western
Guest Reviewer: Peter H. Gilmore.
For all you folks waiting to launch those Satanic sing≠ alongs, now you've' got just the number to get things off to a rousing start. Handsomely produced, the cover is sort of a carny banner; the transcription is quite easy to read and play from, being a melody line with chord symbols. The lyrics are fully
welcome submissions of appropriate material accomparued by an S.A.S.E.. Best wishes to you all for a prosperous year! fltfIt ti WAA!!
Package of doctr.tne, conc∑ise on-. Clearing the Air Origin of the word "devil" Satan vs. Lucifer Mephistopheles De-mystification (for physics fans)
$6.50 . I I
world as a whole, where completely mindless materialism and the pursuit of money for money's sake alone has destroyed all vitality and true emotion. In short, this is not a "fun" novel to read, but an important one if we are to assess what our own values are and why we have them. The hundreds of labels and descriptions of clothing apparel, among other things that Ellis describes, is tiresome at first, but once the killings start -- watch out! The murder and torture scenes far surpass any this author has ever read or seen in the genre of horror. If one is not con≠ vinced by Ellis∑ creation or had any doubts about how low humans can sink, I wish to add that the morning after finishing American Psycho I woke up to the news of the Milwaukee man who ate his victims' biceps after freezing them. Enough said?
NINPO, LIVING AND THINKING AS AW ARRIOR by Jack Hoban. (Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1988; 173 pages,
presented for those wishing to give voice to their fervor through these uplifting verses. Whether you play a simple chord organ, guitar, autoharp, or the latest whiz-bang computer synthesizer, you'II have a great time with this tune. A perfect blending of words and music, this Satanic classic is a must for all you folks with any musical ability. Even if you are a musi≠ cal illiterate, it'll make a great conversation piece if you leave it near that long unused piano. Order from Adversacy Music, P.O. Box 1270, Cooper Station, New York, NY 10276-1270, USA, Cost: $4.50 plus $1.00 shipping and handling, overseas add $3.00. V.S. funds only. Checks or money orders payable to Reuben Radding.
SATANIC CINEMA by Peter H. Gilmore
Look to your local cable channels for ELMER GANTRY, which is once again making the rounds. Here Burt Lancaster
e UttljoflUnt- eSinnl lfgion, 6oea now mnnt auaUatle propagan6n poatera fenturtng n atuUaij fulotwom ren6ertng of tije fjolu lUnr oaa.1ljf attrocttue <£n61tme em6lemfa pdnte6 on tcxturt6 atom fn tfje offldal urtll of nr coloea-re6 nn6 gol6.1eattfg uour nllemnntttomefotna of 06an6ieautul
Convalescence from Christianity $8.75 $l .OO postage for 1st, $.50 each addtl. U.S. dollars only MARSH, P.O. Box 534, Captiva Island, FL 33924 USA
"There is in fact, nothing honorable abou tnes , considered in the mass. On the contrary, it is_ mvanablya mof actual dishonor - of neglect, lazmess,
. ∑1 . th ignorance and depravity - if not pnmany m e
individual himself, then at least in his forebears, wh se weakness he carries on. It is highly important that this fact should be kept in mind by the human race, that !he_ essential inferiority of the inefficient should be insisted upon, that the penalties of deliberate slackness should be swift and merciless." ∑ H.L. Mencken - Friedrich Nietzsche
'iIf.'! I
P.O. BOX 8372
ï Sigil of Baphomet Pendant I cast out of 100% solid sterling silver, this handsome sigil is a full 2 inches in diameter and 1/ 8 inch thick. Polished to a mirror finish, both front and back, the sigil itself is raised in high relief with a black jewelry enamel ba kground baked on. Perfect for rituals, this is truly a first rate medallion that proudly proclaims your Satanic affiliation. The pendant may also be purchased with a 4mm solid sterling silver 20 inch curb style chain. PRICES: Medallion - $125 MedallJon with chain - $145 ALSO NEW! Light Weight version of the Sigll of Ba.phomet rung pictured at left. The size is the same as the medium weight ring, but due to a deep undercut beneath the symbol. it is a far lighter piece of jewelry. Perfect for those Satanic Witches who wish to dazzle their marks, this version presents a considerable saving over its heavier cousin. UGHTWEIGHT BAPHOMET RING ONLY $59.95 ORDER NOW!
-j-f.: B:-fi\q-\S!fE:H-X∑.:.X-•-1 . . . minology.)
- atanic Self-Defense
r ASINMOST THINGS, the issue of the proper choice and use
The major argument in favor of revolvers has been their reliability. Automatics (which usually means the semi≠ automatic pistol, not a continuous-fire machine gun like an Uzi) gaineda reputation for jamming early in their histocy which is no longer valid for the rational gun user. If the auto≠
oaf 11
handgun is clouded with irrationalities, personal prejudice
matic you use has been tested by you with the right ammuni≠
jl and far too much reliance on the so-called "experts." When it comes to handguns you don't want to discover that you madea bad choice t,ecause it will probably prove to be your last choice.
To this end I wish to report on a winning combination that works without deflating your wallet. There is a new semi≠ automatic pistol on the market, the Grendel P-12, anda proven exotic form of ammunition, the MagSafe Defender. Together, this team produces an inexpensive but reliable and powerful
way to defend yourself in a firefight. ' If you talk to most gun collectors about the Grendel you'll
tion and is kept clean and oiled, you will not have jams. Think of your gun as you would your car. Use the wrong gas and never add oil and your car will jam on you too. In test firing the new P-12 with hundreds of Winchester 85 grain Silvertip hol≠ lowpoints, I have not experienced a single jam, misfire or failure to feed. Every time I pulled the trigger, a good and solid shot plowed through the target. A lesser argument used against automatics by revolver buffs is the advantage of double-action simplicity. You pull the trigger and the gun shoots. However, in the last couple of years
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Vatt1pires £xist ! Joitt Vs! For complete ittformatfott ott tl1e Livitt5 Cl-flt of tl-,e Vttbeab The Rit"a1s. tl1e Teacl1ittt,s The Priestl1oob of VR. Settb $; .oo V.S. to Tcmple of tl1e Vampire Box ;;si Laceli \f\/A 98;o;
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probably hear some of the same things I did. "It'sa cheap piece of plastic junk!" "It jams every other round." "You can't disas≠ semble it!" "I won't cany the damn thing in my store because it's worthless!" These opinions are carved in granite in the minds of the gun "experts" because the earlier version of the weapon (the Grendel P-10) did have all of these flaws and more. However, the new P-12 has included all of the necessary modifications in design to overcome these problems while reducing the weight by two ounces and providing the increase of an extra round. The Grendel P-12 has a capacity of 12 rounds of .380 am- munition with an unloaded weight of 13 ounces ina palm-sized package about the same size as most .38 special snub-nosed revolvers. In other words, the new Grendel has the firepower of two Smith& Wesson Bodyguard snubbies with two additional rounds left over.
Now the "experts" will tell you that statistically the average gunfight sees only three rounds fired. Of course, it is also statistically true that only about 20% of any shots fired ina real shootout hit what they are aimed for! That would mean one hit for every five rounds fired. So what would you rather have in your hand if you have just fired flve rounds ina sur≠
vival situation: nothing or seven more man-stoppers? If you have ever been in such a situation you will know how that gun is always empty long before you want it to be. Now there is and has been (and pethaps forever shall be) an argument between the advocates of the double action re≠ volver versus the semi-automatic pistol. (Double action means that when you pull the trigger the gun fires.If you have to cock or cycle the weapon in any way first, this is calleda single ac≠ tion.I know that sounds backward but I didn't invent the ter-
numerous automatics have been coming out as double-action, including the new Grendel. Therefore,just like a double-action revolver, the Grendel needs no external safety to click off before firing. An additional drawback to the single-action auto- matic is that in order to be properly prepared to draw and fire, the gun must already have a round in the chamber with the hammer cocked. The disadvantage here is if the gun discharges by accident. (Self-vasectomy, anyone?) This condition,known as "cocked and locked" also still requires one more action before the weapon can actually be fired: the removal of the safety. In any high-stress situation, the first thing to go is your fine-motor coordination. While you may have practiced the motion of drawing, removing the safety and firing thousands of times, in the frozen moments of tenor when the butcher knife is coming straight at you, that extra motion might get lost in the neurological shuffle. Double-action definitely has the edge here. There is one advantage a certain revolver (anda few der- ringers) have over the automatic pistol. The enclosed-hammer Smith& Wesson Centennial snubbie can be safely and repeatedly fired from your pocket withoutjamming. (This is not true of merely concealed-hammer revolvers such as the Taurus 85-CH.) The idea here is that you can havea cool barrel trained on the potential assailant hidden from your sight ina coat pocket and shoot him if he makes the wrong move without having to draw your weapon. This is a worthwhile considera- tion butI would not choose even a snubbie revolver for this purpose because, while relatively small like the P-12, the snub≠ bie is still not easily concealed in a pocket if you are pointing it at someone. (As the astute Mae West expressed it, "Is thaat
- ' .......... vvvïzuu._,ï .,. ,..,
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pistol in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?") If you wish this social option, I would suggest obtaining American Derringer's /38 special DIA (double-action) 2-shot derringer loaded with the potent MagSafe .38 Special MAX ammuni≠ tion. Shoot the assailant twice and then draw and fire your Grendel if he has buddies.
There is one other, often overlooked but vital issue con≠ cerning choice of handgun. If you intend to carry it, it needs to be small enough to be concealable and not so heavy that you feel you are lugging around a brick in your pocket. All the many advocates of the Colt .45 and other large bore weapons usually wind up leaving the monster at home. Big and heavy is bulky and uncomfortable. In this the Grendel is an excellent compromise since, while it is not as small as the plethora of .25 caliber mouse guns, it is palm-sized and easy to fit into your pocket. Also due to its (mostly) polymer plastic composition, the Grendel is very light at 13 ounces unloaded. This is the same weight or less than most pocket-sized .22s! Now the .380 caliber is held to be a drawback for self≠ defense by most experienced shootists. Whereas the .357 mag≠ num 125 grain round has a one-shot stop record in the ninety pei-centile, the average factory load .380 solid nose round is closer to 67%. The answer? Don't use a standard factory-made bullet but buy an exotic super-bullet. I recommend the Mag≠ Safe 380D Defender round manufactured by the MagSafe Ammo Company. The MagSafe round really desezves an article all by itself and the heated debates over manstopping "super-bullets" have a long and involved history. Let me try to simplify it all here briefly by explaining that there are basically two kinds of bul≠ lets made today: solid nose (called ball ammo) andhollow≠ points. The solid nose bullet is usuaJly inferior to the holowpoint because ball ammo will tend to zip through a body whereas a hollowpoint will mushroom and rip a larger hole in the bad guy. That's the theory. However, the curious thing is how a hollowpoint will almost always behave eactly like ball ammo ifit is fired through clothing first, such as a denim jack≠ et. So unless you intend to only have to defend yourself against naked people (I can see the headline: "Crazed Skyclad Wiccan Attacks Satanist on Main Street!") you need to consider hol≠ lowpoints as not fundamentally different from ball ammo.
Now there are different bullet designs intended to produce
his vital organs. Imagine taking a .410 shotgun and inserting the barrel about five inches into the abdomen and then pulling the trigger.
The problem is that damn clothing again. With the single exception of the MagSafe ammunition, all of the exotic bullet designs I am aware of are cramped in their designed intention when fired through clothing first. But the MagSafe hits the body with deadly intent which can tum a questionable caliber like the Grendel's .380 into a one-shot manstopper. For ex≠ ample, the MagSafe 380D Defender round had been clocked at an average of 1,360 feet per second with a hitting energy of 246 foot pounds. This results in a very potent defense load.
If you are already committed to canying a .38 Special (and ∑ I hope you are canying one of the aitweight snubbies) try the
- 38 MAX +P+ MagSafe round which can transform your little I bodyguard snubbie into something that hits like a .41 Magnum l load And if 9mm autos are your pride ari.o j y, the 68 gain #9P
+P Police Load outpe1forms a .45 JHP (jacketed hollow point) with triple the wound trauma that Speer's "Flying Ashtray" produces. Finally, if you do haul around a .45 automatic, load up with .45 Auto MAX and convert your weapon into a "Dirty Harry Special" .44 Magnum load. Before I conclude this ovezview on bullet choice, I need to l explain why I am not discussing smaller calibers such as .22 Long Rifle, the .25 caliber classic "Saturday Night Special," and the .32 ACP. Let me cut to the heart here. The low velocity .25 has been known to bounce off clothing. The .32 caliber does a shade better. The little .'22 is only a man-stopping round if fired from a long barrel of five or more inches and if you hit the head and if your round doesn't glance off the skull. Again, the .22 will kill effectively, even from a short barrel, if you nail the eye-socket (and hence the brain) but you had better NOT i miss! With the .380 MagSafe Defender round you can hit that broad center bodymass and be pretty damn certain that your as≠ sailant has been stopped permanently.
Last but not least are the aftermath legalities. If you shoot somebody in self-defense, you had better expect that you are "going downtown" to talk with the boys in blue. The MagSafe round was designed to NOT ricochet and kill an innocent by≠ stander noroverpenetrate and zing out to also nail some wel≠ fare mother or one of her brood. Thus you are more likely to avoid legal hassle with this round even though it is far more
Gun owners of America Those of you whO own firearms know that there is a battle t waged to find ways to make it difficu t,t no
criminals don't utterly impossible to legally own firearmS. b.di .f en
care but many legislators wish to see the lawa t ng 1 , ed before the criminal element. Well, our Constitution unarm . ....."' ed and there are lobby still guarantees us the nght to arm ï u s who make it their business to be watchdogs to protect
fr m having this precious right abrogated, uc as the NRA. GOA, founded in 1975, is another such orgaruzat10n. To quote
from their literature: . ni to "GOA offers gun owners the umque o ty influence legislative decisions that deterrmne the future of their Second Amendment nghts. . has "The united voice of Gun Owners of Amenca
fully spoken out against and defeated attempts by success . bans and other
anti-gun groups to unpose hand ulation." restrictive measures designed to disarm ourpop They offer, among other th∑ings, an l'-l"llonnativ. e and.well produced newsletter, send out factsheets on timely issues, nd
... POWER The Christians like to say t_he meek Someday the world will gain; . But we know all that weakness wins Is slavery and pain. , Let them behold our race s past And therefrom see the light: Their Bible may say differe t, but In this world, might makes nght. What let the Chosen People make Lush Canaan's soil their home? What settled if the world should bow To Carthage or to Rome? What laid all Asia at the feet Of Chingiz Khan's cruel horde? ? Was't conferences? Sermons? Lov.e Pure morals? Or -- the sword? When Washington strewed Yorktown's fields With tyrant England's dead; When Boer guns and Zulu gore First ran Blood River red; ht their will When Sherman's soldiers wroug On haughty Georgia belles; . All men knew those who lose the fight Shall lose all else as well. ; El Alamein and Staling_rad And Dresden's grisly kiln; . The Tokyo and Ha burg raids, The sacking of Berlin; The hand that set the torch of Hell To Hiroshima's pyre; . T'was force that laid the Fascist scum Defeated in the mire. The Cyprus Greeks 'neath Turkey's heel And beaten Baghdad's folk: . In our age too, the weak fall heir To naught but sorrow's yoke. . Be kind or harsh, work good or ill, Benevolence or hate, But never let your pow r ebb, That you not share their fate.
a more deadly effect. There are bullets which cany shotgun pellets (such as the MagSafe), BB shot (such as the Glaser or Beehive) or a very light plastic cup (the Thunderzap). The con≠ cept here is to have a "hotter" (higher velocity) bullet which ex≠ plodes in the attacker's body and spreads the buckshot through
likely to kill than a coveted .38 Spl Hydroshock round. The double-action of the new Grendel will also help here, strangely enough. The courts have developed a mad-dog association with guns which can be cocked (You were THREATENING that innocent man with your hairtrigger weapon!) and police all
even have a legal defense program to assist gun owners bemg harassed by the government. We suggest legal own rs contact them. Write to: Gun Owners of Amenca, 800 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151∑
W M•&nf M---
,,W1I I .
SIGIL OP BAPHO t =OSER . ïr ∑ by.Peter H. Gilmore . WHO COULD FORGET THE THRILLING OPENING M{JSIC to Stanley Kubrick's film 2,001 ASpace Odyssey?
ever more glorious strivings after one's ideals. Death is finally heralded by an ominous tam-tam stroke, yet the heroic spirit is not stopped, but soars on to self-glory. When he lay dying, Strauss claimed that it was just as he had composed it years before.
This philosophy of life permeated his work in all media,
ADD $5.00S & H EACH, OR $15.Qo s & H f'ORGstrt ig .)(OUTSIDE THE U.S.
Make checks, mon 1f!sdeKr t ohr bank draug ts in U.S. funds out to: p . . 1 c e11 Productions .0. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-0499, U.S.A.
Who hasn't been moved by that musical sunburst that Kubrick wisely used to herald the birth of conscious intelligence in Man's ancestors, and underscored the first use of tools (a weapon, I might add)? That magnificent fanfare was penned by Richard Strauss (1864-1949) as the opening for his tone poem 1hus Spake Zarathustra, which was the composer's effort at creating an audio equivalent to Nietzsche's iconoclastic book
Strauss was known in his youth as a radical modern, shocking the critics with his voluptuous music, whether it be purely symphonic or operatic. In his final years he was con≠ sidered to be an aging reactionary, co-opted by the Nazis, and thus generally ignored by the world which had moved on to Jess human music, that had lost the ability to appreciate beauty and skill. To the modem listener, he appears as an artist that created worlcs of great beauty that overflow with the joy and struggle of life. Strauss actively rejected Christianity and its disgusting creed of self-sacrifice. He saw life as a heroic struggle and him≠ self as his own god. Thus when he composed a tone poem called A Hero's Life, one should not be surprised that he Satanically made it a self-portrait.In this, he depicts himself as a mighty life-embracing warrior, who enjoys the battle against his critics - lampooned as the toads that they were, and who en≠ joyed his sensuous pleasures as well. He again celebrated himself and his family in the Sirifonia Domestica, a musical portrait of mighty proportions that glorifies his home life. Though his detractors were always out≠ raged at his self-glorification, they did not stand in the way of his fame, achieved at an early age as both a composer and con≠ ductor. Strauss' mastery of orchestration was second to none, and he created soundscapes that astonished audiences with the verisimilitude of their tone-painting. Listen to his Don Quixote, where he uses woodwinds and brass to sound like a baaing
herd of sheep. The storm segment of his Alpine Symphony is one of the most violent and realistic in all music literature, complete with both wind-machine and thunder-sheet. We'11 speak more of this piece later.
As a young man, Strauss penned Death and Transfigura≠ tion which depicts a man's recollections of his very full life While on his deathbed. Strauss likens life here to a series of
but it came strongest to the fore in his mightiest tone poem, An Alpine Symphony. Ostensibly this piece depicts a journey by a mountaineer, starting out in darkness, greeted by another blaz≠ ing sunrise, and continuing till he reaches the summit, ex≠ periences an apocalyptic stom1, and then descends to final darkness of night. Strauss said that the true intent of this piece was a depiction of Man's appropriate existence, that he should live it as if it was a mountain to be conquered by dint of per≠ sonal struggle. He said that this was meant to be in direct op≠ position to the Christian attitude life, and indeed the first title of this piece, which was later dropped, was Antichrist. y OU will here find an utterly Satanic depiction of life. From out of the darkness, the rising theme of aspiration leads to a birth in triumph, a "yea saying" to the challenge before one. Next, life is a vigorous assault on the universe, that be_ars I 1 with it moments of beauty as well as terror. In the end, death comes but the "ascent" theme still struggles up out of the dark≠ ness, expiring in a final downwani glissando into the night of non-existence, the Black Flame finally guttering out. No more∑ Satanic a view of the human condition has been put into sound.
For the listener new to Strauss' worlcs, I recommend that you seek out the recotdings conducted by Herbert von Karajan with.the Berlin Philhannonic. These are superbly realized with just the right balance of virtuosity and violence. First listen to the tone poems that have been mentioned in this article, then ï you can explore his many other pieces. The music is rich and complex late-romanticism which is decidedly emotional and totally Dionysian. Be prepared for the intricate textures and detailed development of thematic material. At first,just let the sound sweep you along in its epic journey. Later, there is much more to appreciate structurally, if such is your inclination. Try listening to the rest of Thus Spake ZLlrathustra, and you will be amazed at how much more wonderful music it contains that fulfills the promise of the first two minutes that are so familiar. Yes, Strauss did conquer death, for by hearing his worlcs you will find his spirit moving within you. And you too will be transfigured.
the HORST W In the grand tra.dition of
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6 to 8 weeks for delivery.
.,... fnside the Fence by Reuben Radding coNEY ISLAND IS STILL THERE. It's still hanging from the bOttom edge of Brooklyn where you expect it to be. And it still has the Cyclone, the Wonder Wheel, those horrible Nathan's hot dogs, and sex. The crowds still flock there all summer when the little strip of land provides New Yorkers with an ocean to swim in, a few rides to ride on, and an horizon to look out over and know that you can dream again. This is no Disneyland-- nothing against it -- but this place is filled with the seediness that allows your imagination to do its own work. But don't ask the screeching rides or the pitchmen who run the games; don't ask the water flume or the arcades or the bOardwalk. Don't ask any of them to show you the magic. It's all in the ruins. If you stand in front of the Himalaya-- one of those super≠ annoying disco rides -- and gaze to the West you'11 be looking at the charred remains of the old roller coaster. It's a lifeless shell that refuses to deteriorate any further. Long ago when it was built, it was made to withstand just about anything. It sits, silently sulking in the shadows beyond the modern parks at Coney. Walk around to the southern edge of it, at the boardwalk ramp. You'll see, many yards from the sand, a shack tacked onto the side of the coaster. At night you'11 see a dim light coming from within its hidden interior. Sometimes you might hear voices cackling out into the night from there, as I have. Watch for a while, but no one comes out. Somewhere off behind the shack is a rusted-out pickup truck, hiding in the fallen girders of the dead ride. I can stand and look at this site for hours. There's an incomparable glow that it emits. When it, and its neighbor, Steeplechase Park, burned to a crisp, the ener≠ gy and enjoyment of the people who had screamed and laughed there must have flown out onto the ethers. These are living ruins-- not dead machinery, but creatures who have outlived their time.
Looming next to it, looking like something out of Fritz Lang's Metropolis, is the long-retired Parachute Jump. Like the black skeleton of a giant umbrella, it guards the shoreline and waits for someone to resurrect it. Its blue fiberglass-and-wood base creaks softly in the breeze from the Atlantic, as the (miraculously still present) guidelines from the ride wave like htjured tentacles. There in the Parachute Jump's shadow you close your eyes, and as the wind shifts around the shore, the boardwalk,
and the streets, you can smell a thousand smells. The most en-
ticing and the most disgusting scents mingle: cotton candy and horseshit, fresh salt air and urine, com-on-the-cob and old whiskey on a bum. No one smell dominates, though; all of them get equal time.
There is also the abandoned bath house with its strange nautical engravings on the side, and broken windows up high; the mutated sea-birds congregate there and watch. They gaze as you pass the cement-block-filled alcoves that were once booths where food was sold. One cubbyhole has the remnants of a read/advisor sign, its faded colors beckoning to no one but the wind. Now the only working fortune teller here is underneath the Surf Motel, a notorious flophouse at the top of a precarious staitway, crushed into a building on the comer of Surf and Stillwell. Looking up at the undersized windows from the street, it seems like there wouldn't be enough room for anyone to live, except for maybe an alcoholic midget. I keep coming back to Coney Island, though, to look at the wreckage. I've been on the rides enough times to be able to feel their effects even before I get on them, but I can just stand out on the boardwalk and watch that little shack behind the old coaster and imagine the workers from the rides and amuse≠ ments telling tall tales and knocking back the rum. For me that is a ride. I've noticed this fascination with living ruins and twentieth centwy wreckage in others of my generation, too. Igrew up across the street from an abandoned elementary school. Due to various real estate complications it remained un≠ used for at least a decade. It was definitely a focal point for a great many of the young people who lived in the area. Oc≠ casional expeditions were launched to explore the inside of this suburban cavern. Hidden by the Virginia night, groups of teenagers and young adults would stumble around with their flashlights, trying to discover a secret that wasn't there. I counted myself along with the abandoned back then. My abusive father and invisible mother had sent the message that I was going to be better off alone. I thought of the empty school and the giant salt-storage tank around the comer as orphans and kindred spirits. I felt such a shock of recognition when as a child I saw the Planet of the Apes film, particularly during the scene where Charlton Heston rides out by the sea, only to find the crumbled remains of the Statue of Liberty. "I'm home," he says, as he stares at the wreckage of his culture -- destroyed in a war he never saw.
The first place I lived after I left my parents' home as a teenager, was a big dilapidated house on a service road, next to a busy highway. The four of us moved in on a weekend and
threw a party to make it official. As we toasted our first days of
--=--=---=--.' =r= . ! I ' ï
independence, one of my new housemates asked me if I'd been down to thefenced-in neighborhood. What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, baffled by his absurd question.
"You haven't seen it?" he gaped at me. So a whole bunch of us set out to see what my one friend was talking about. It was only about two blocks away, around a bend, invisible from the highway. It was exactly what he'd described. Six or seven square blocks of suburban land, complete with houses, street signs, tall trees, a porno theater called The Dirty Bird, and
demolition equipment that had been used to make a few of the
few square miles set aside solely for enjoyment, for camal pleasure. "Sodom by the sea," it was once called, and it remains exactly that -- a bit rundown, true, but alive, damn it. Alive with the spirit of a centucy at its close.
The groan of the band organ cuts through the night, a steam-powered hallelujah, calling out to the few remaining who have not loaded themselves or their kids onto the carousel. Thereïs only an hour or so left in the season, then it's all over
until next summer. The horses, lions and zebras dash around
THE SIXTIES there was this Japanese T.V. sho . 13;.CK odea dumb-looking robot fought an awesome ant f,ver'f ep Ididn't care 1c or the robot- it was the cleverly-designed
![lOOS ï nstel.'S that stole the show. . . . . retenders JllO To the self-righteous,sanctunoruous Christianp tions looked like demons from Hell. The church tbesecrea cedth show as being demonic. Unfortunately,
. . , ouma. ts, teachers, au ors, A no_np 1t resod" ri;e b a d unde tandd nofcy
houses disappear, all enclosed within a tall, chainlink fence.
the circle to a tune older than any person here. I'm standing
\ pharisedeenoun e . . ted and all
aalnld 1tudents, c;u!ca,
0f b, 0
al ..YOP.nenoes an . . . . ..
this waas
time when religious delmum wass respec f
of the v,ide )?I1Ctl(:S, ï
r ;gs"ubjected t'?".Wllhm
There was a sign just inside saying, "No Trespassing," and next
across the sidewalk, watching, tcying to remember the words.
. E tw:day a group o
. th. ∑a..t. liuml1/4.ns, aredï-iït.<bJ?l0of,!1 context. ')be fo11C>W!1'8 are
to that was another sign with an artist's rendering of the office building that would sprawl over the area within a year.
We stood, amazed and for a moment transfixed by the sur- ,
"Down in the station/early in the mornin'/see them little puffer≠ bellies all in a row..." I knew it once, so long ago. I rest a weary
ann on a parking meter and stare at the children, whose enjoy≠
.ds were forbidden to watch it. ecy a
- twould go to the department store and watch the show
thereWe loved to watch these monsters and ated our narro;-
∑ ,,human.ist1c an' archtva cata on∑es c, u,,rrcnt1v bein!g:lerseoserar, - CA, :,' . bl t r se3rch m smg d ched, and are ava1 a e. a AddS. 1 SO for postage and ban- m1?1tip1<;.5.._of Y ch) North America add .S paf Jbte µ11&. (.~,-,er A Checb orders,T-3e 'J.
reality of the situation. This seemed like anopportunity that had to be seized. Without discussion we began looking for a
ment is reaching that wondrous level only know to children. And I could stand here forever.
. nts for coming up with such ludicrous man.
ounded pare h roed onsters made it impossible for me
My love for these o m
pos ge and Mpd , .i,, ∑"<to:"fj[\RY
. Categories available. -,- ,,.. ∑ '.' RAL G PP
place to climb over, or get around the fence. We vaulted over it
A small crew of parents are around-me, waiting patiently,
th tyranny of Christian bondage.
u t,h ALl,Owl.fuMOR.SKJN DIS[f cP
one by one, and began running all around the captured tenitocy, not caring that we might be discovered. The few houses that had been demolished had left their foundations behind, and we ran and snooped around them and the machines that had made
but bored A woman turns to me and breaks my trance. "Which one is yours?" she asks, indicating the kids, who are rising and falling in time with the music. I grin and give away a chuckle. She's ruffling the hair of her younger child, too small for the
to fall under e t hurch I would dream about a When I was forced to go Oc . . h roed demon smashing church buildmgs like huge o While the old preacher droned on, I dreamed. matchboxes. stepping on Jesus and ts oog,es turrung about a huge mg
them fall. I'm not sure how long we stayed inside the "forbid≠ d n zone," but it was a good long while. We children of the "end times" are greedy. We want our playgrounds built to scale, and we claim the ones we find. We want to be inside the fence, with the exiled buildings and the oi:phaned streets.
ride. "The music," I say with a hand lifted to the air. "It's the last night for the music." And she nods along with me, her eyes a little brighter, turning back towards the carousel. Moments later we will be left with only the sound of the waves against
them into manure. f these monsters. To my disappointment Toys were made O ï t Desperation these toys were forbidden as Christmas presen s. t . the d. I kept the money I was to pum gave mea goo ea. littl hand could grab out of h h late taking whatever my e
the beach, the cries of the gulls, and the roar of the subway in our ears. Lullaby and goodnight.
c UlC P th y the plate. With e mone
1 grabbed I was able to buy evecy
ALIVEx. urMuous DE'MiISElS. CRl-hu.>
Now I am outside the fence most of the time. But I think I
r kind of monster that came out! bel . st
haunted by this feeling called "unfinished business." Like evecy time I pass a discarded refrigerator, tossed out with the garbage, I want to climb inside or play with the vegetable drawer. My mind starts to race -- how could I get this thing home? - and I think of the terrific things I could make out of it. But I always come back to the sober realization that I too have no use for it. The impracticality of being a compulsive scavenger is too evi≠ dent to me; I walk on. I have passed up bringing home evecy≠ thing from lamps to hair dcyers; from ripped-out toilets to mildewed oil paintings, and always with a sigh of regret. For I know that leaving behind their filth and clutter also means leaving behind their magic. But, I do think of them.
In a way Coney Island is a storehouse for our memories of other times, and a magnet for the wreckage of twentieth≠ centucy America. One man's trash is another man's treasure,
Witches! Have you been touched by Satan?...
...Or perhaps another supernatural or alien being? If so, I'd like to hear from you. I'm researching a new book on true womanly power, contemporacy sexual mythology, and connections with Satanism and Evil. rd like to get some frank answers from women who haven't had a chance to voice certain dark thougµts. Anonymity is assured -- names will not be required, but honesty is essential. To receive questionnaire, please send a self≠ addressed, stamped envelope to:
Blanche Barton Post Office Box 210082
ritual Christian child abuse. What woul gam , . t I . h h been crushed to death under Satans g1an pmgagodw o as hoof?
. !
. STORM BOOKS is "The Mein Kampf Of The '90!s!"
. pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the book
The c )!t wdritlings dof James Mason (U iversal Order) I an_ ntro uced by Michaer M. Jenkins
-o--avid Ouk.e: Trend for the ∑go∑s? ?!,∑ sATANJSTS INTER.ESTED IN THE POLITICAL ctJMATE of our nation have been watching with interest the activities of David Duke. Regardless of whether one considers bis past affiliation with American neo-Nazi groups and the Ku I{lUX Klan as positive or negative, Duke has been one of the rare candidates to openly stand for such Satanic ideals as cessa- tion of support for societal parasites and the fostering oaf
bl:11e v latile texts contained in this volume were originally pu ished tn James Mason's monthly radical underground e net wslette'dr "Siege", dating from 1980-1986∑ They trace . his reme t eology from early years to membership in Geor e LmTint colnt fRockïwïell's American Nazi Party at age 1, 4 h1'.s mcrea. sgmg t '. an ana 1c!sm nd later re-activation of the much-feared Nationalï Socia.hst Liberation Frontï to h1's fimaI break .with the conservauve Nazi Movement after declaring Charles M grea est ivmg philosopher of revolution in the world toda " . SIEGE conta ns a wealth of original and trul radi ai≠ ph'.loso hy.' revo_lut10nary tactics and strategy, as well a: Mason's
- ïqu 1,?s1ghts '.nto he importance of Charles Manson and the amt y to survival m the 20th century and beyond Th b .k
an_ essentia_l "bible" for all students of political t rro;is;oant r; e, Nat10n l Soci lism, the philosophy of Manson and his o ;wers, radical environmentalism, and revolutionary activit N sohrt. It offers a rare glimpse into the farthest fringes extrem1st t ought. .
This edition _will be a professionally printed trade-siz paperbound book, illustrated with numerous rare and hard-hittine photograp s, raphics, nd examples of propaganda. It contain
autthztmegnsmivae rntroducuon covering Mason's life an d career, . . ny excerpts from exclusive and candid unpublished rnterv1e_ws. Appendices are included on Rockwell J h T. o.mmas1 and the ori"o'inaIN ∑ ∑L∑F,, mass murderers, plu's oroiseinpal
eugenic approach to government support programs.
It is not smprising that Duke claims publicly to bea Chris- tian, yet his goals are haroly consistent with that religion's phiiosophyof altruism that has lead us to the sad state of affairs
ï that exists in the U.S. today.
Though Duke lost his bid for the governorship of Louisiana, the statistics generated by this election are quite in≠ triguing. 55% of whites voted for him, and these people were generally from low- to middle-income families. Those who voted for his opponent were non-white voters, and the wealthy whites. Of course the pollsters were very careful not to explain what percentage of non-white voters are in which family in-
come categories. Are you smprised?
It would appear that the folks who supported Duke were the people who have the most to lose by supporting the
altruism generated policies of welfare and affirmative action. _ Those who are sucking the lifeblood from the middle- class through participation in these programs certainly had to tcy and stop Duke to maintain their gravy train. The wealthy, who "6) preach their vile humanitarian creed that calls for supporting
be considered. It demonstrates that even affiliation with such popular hobgoblins will not prevent a candidate from being able to capture the imagination of his true constituency by deal- ing with crucial issues. Mr. Duke is delightfully honest in all his positions, except ï for his politically correct embracing of Christianity. However, their are many factions in the extremist right who claim to find Christian reasons for their positions. This is foolish of them, as they must eventually dump the flaccid slave religion of the Nazarene should they wish to have an integrated philosophy to support their political endeavors, as should Duke. Let us see if this is a sign for the next decade. The time is here for the middle-class, who can no longer even achieve the levels of security that their parents held, to reject the altruistic doctrine of supporting those who refuse to support themselves. The welfare system has created a climate of disgenics wherein the parasites reproduce at will, paid for by the middle-class who can no longer afford to have their own children. The public schools have degenerated to standardless mockeries, where it is no longer even safe to send one's children, in their
Michael M. Jenkins wntmgs by Charles Manson and Universal Order representatfves.
Pl fyhis po7erful ook will be available in late summer/early fall of 1991 ease no.t, us o your interest and you will be sent information on ho . once it is available. Distribution and wholesale 1∑nqu.∑rrres arewwe_tocl omrdee.r the book
.. NOW A_VAILABi.E ï UNIVERSAL ORDER T-SHIRTS These authorized shirts feature the Universal Ord I d . harles Manson. The Scales of Justice and Mansone:w: kaas(acetus1agln d by
those who should naturally be left to perish, find plenty of loopholes to protect their incomes from serving the policies that they advocate. Thus, the middle-class is left to pay foar philos≠ ophy that has been foisted on them which they must realize needs to be consciously rejected.
WhatI find to be truly fascinating is that Duke won 39% of the votes - over 701,0CIJ people voted for him. In an age when the slightest indiscretion imputed to a candidate can get him laughed out of an election, Duke got a hefty show of sup≠
rush to accept those who don't even value education. People like Duke have revived the idea of meritocracy, of subsidies for the intelligent and productive to reproduce, of rewarding effort and leaving the lazy with that which they deserve: nothing! Let us hope that he has opened the door for new candidates who can futher these principles. We know that the bleeding-heart altruists are running scared. They no longer see extremists as a necessary outlet for tension, to be ridiculed as buffoons. Look at what efforts were
size approx 3" ) . image a black shir , ors u c; :: e; nt ;n;hite ink OVE! the left breast of
port even with his clearly documented past aas Ku Kluxer and Nazi! He was not simply rumored to have done these
made to silence Tom Metzger, a man who speaks truths that make the "humanists" squirm, since there is a receptive audi-
(large or extra-large).S overseas Airmail
per h"t s ir ï 0 t 12 ir poStcge pai '" e USA/ S 14 ppd. for
things, oh no. There is footage of him in brown shirt garb and wearing his Klan robes. This material was naturally used with
ence. Will the populace embrace a social-Darwinist approach, despite the entrenched powers' opposition? This election has
Allow 2-4 weeks.:a;:li:: and money orders payable to Wake Services.
Storn1 Prod uchïons c/o P.O. Box 300081, Denver, CO80203 U.S.A.
gleeful vigor by Duke's opponent, who had little that was posi≠ tive to recommend himself. Yet Duke managed to not only stay in the election but get that 39%. This is a most important fact to
brought national attention to these issues which shall not be easily dismissed. Keep watching!
<toulJ e <Drace ufJlicationi roubllJ reienti t,e ong ilwttiteb ffldeaie o-f
iJ icbdc tnicto& c'i
. . 61. - 009 j
oN'fllOSE AIL-TOO-RARE occasions whenI have the itivilege of spending quality time with a roomful of Satanists, one topic that sometimes comes up is the first Satanic ritual any us ever performed. With secretive smiles of satisfactiona, 5atanist will relate the incident moment by moment; it was an unp0rtant step never to be forgotten. "And it worked!" they all say, But it was usually a last-minute thing; often, an individual will finish reading The Satanic Bible and immediately want to
inch diameter Baphomet on white paper, Itacked it to my wall-, and was ready to begin. I don't need to tell you how powetful that ritual was, or
how it changed my life forever. What1 want to point out, is that I did it ona shoestring, with whatever I had around the house, and it worked as it was intended in spite of the modest nature of my equipment. Since then, my chalice, sword and sigil are
much more splendid; a cloth of rich black velvet falls to the floor over my altar, and my robe is of black gabardine and leather. And I've continued to practice Satanic magic to good effect, both alone and in the company of many others. But no ritual has been more effective than that first one, proving to me that the right setting for any ritual, the right tools, are whatever
THE BOOK IS AVAll.ABLE IN THREE 3 COPY #'S 001-075 ARE BOUND INGENUINE( ) DIFFERENT LIMITED BINDINGS: . . BLACK LEATHER .PRI mg Packing/1st Class Post/Insurance. CE: $50.00 COP #'S076-150ARE BOUND IN BLACK BUCKRAM CL lncludmg Packing/1st Class Post/Insurance OTH) PRICE: $30.00 COPY #'S 151-50 AR PAPERBOUND Including Packing/I st Class Post/Insurance.∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑ïïï∑∑∑ PRICE:$13.00
trY bis or her hand at Satanic magic. So what did you use as your first ritual equipment?
I was only a teenager, short on cash and short on time alone in our house while my family was away.I knewI couldn't doa midnight ritual; my father slept too lightly andI planned on doing a lot of emoting. So I waited on tenterhooks until they all went on an afternoon shopping trip, then got to
work. FirstI tacked my corduroy bedspreads over the windows of my room to keep out all that unsightly daylight. ThenI cleared my desk and began covering it with any items of black clothing1 could find, as a black altar cloth was way beyond my budget and more importantly, my reach as a suburban teenager sans wheels; they don't sell 'em at K-Mart. Next,I dug upa little brass bell from India that I'd bought in a head shop the year before and polished it up. It tinkled rather un-Satanically but would have to do. Then 1raided my father's bar and came
uhp with a pretty, lonffg-stemmed wine gldass ! Mserve,asemrratyed c alice.1 stopped o in the kitchen an tool\. oms s
bread knife, rejecting my little brother's toy sword becauseI wasn't sure how it would hold up when I held it near the candle flame -- and how would I explain melting or scorching it? As for candles, I had managed to buy a couple of black tapers in the local supennarket; I was to find to my chagrin that they were only coated with black wax, and were white at the core. Yuck! I continued undaunted.
The sigil of Baphomet for my western wall was the han:l- est. There were no occult supply stores, catalogs or Prints of Darkness for me in those days, and anyway, I wouldn't have had the do-re-mi. It was possible to order a beautiful Baphomet plaque from the Church of Satan at that time, but I had no con≠ cept ofa Church of Satan; I had read The Satanic Bible and was nowa Satanist, as far as I was concerned. Anyway,I had Worked very carefully with a pencil, a good, strong light, and
the top ofa jar of Maxwell House Coffee to reproducea four-
is right for your heart at that time, and right at your hand.
More than any group of people I know, except pernaps for children, Satanists place great value and affection on inanimate objects and possessions: books, records, toys, objets d'art, cars, weapons, musical instruments, etc. They -- we -- seem to un≠ derstand ona primal level what forces, vibrations, emotions with which we can imbue our much-loved and often-used ob≠ jects and tools. Many non-Satanist adults appear to have bought into the consumer, media-driven throw-it-away-and≠ buy-new society we inhabit. Consequently, a "used" gift from
one Satanist to another is often the more highly-prized. There's no way an old, modest but much loved ritual item can "fail" be≠ cause it is less ornate or somehow "un-Satanic" due to its origins; every child knows that his own tattered blanket can fend off the fiercest closet monster, especially if it's the blanket a beloved parent has given him.
Christians, particularly Catholics, have convinced their followers that "holiness" is something only God dispenses and that certain objects, people and places can be "blessed" by priests and become thereby more effective totems for use in
prayer. There are no Satanic blessings to bestow, except those we give ourselves; we are our own gods. Consequently, no one can sell you "the right stuff," or the right tools for your rituals. You make them right, and what you start with ca be very modest. Right now we're very fortunate that black has becomea fashionable color for almost every area of home decor (gee,I wonder why?). Black sheets, both satin and percale, make great altar cloths, as do black tablecloths. Black candles are everywhere these days; Hallmark even sells black birthday candles! (Part of their Over-The-Hill collection.) Beautiful swords and cups may be purchased from Museum Replicas (Box 840, Conyers, GA :/JW7), The Magickal Childe (35 West 19 St., New Yorlc, NY 10011 -- also stocks all Satanic
books, candles), Abyss (34 Cottage St., F.asthampton MA
01027) and International Imports (236 West Manch A Los Angeles, CA 3). er ve.,
. But I suggest you also look around you and make use of items already near and dear. They'll make your magic more personal, and thereby, more powerful.
We stand alone amongst the ruins and gaze out upon the tides of time Where a great battle took plac; now Remains the corpses of fallen d trines.
1recall a triumphant joust where the Knights knew not of fear but were bound
BE Hate not the beast of the field Show compassion to those who are deserving For th creature you despise is just like you One with nature, an animal of the Earth
His flesh and his bones are like yours He accepts you as the beast all humans are Mo ofte Man is the most dangerous of animals He kills without a reason or cause
Man is the beast of the field untamed In_ his appetite for pleasures & desires His ego ts the thing that gives him life So curse not the one who fights to survive
Go f rth comfort this divine creature Nounsh his imperfections & animal inst∑ t For these traits make him just likesourse l A creature who revels in life, the beautiful Beast of the field
20 inches in diameter
Together by forged courag .
With a single thrust of conviction All were present to be counted as loyal. The tone was set and a trumpet blast
- Echoed through the endless voids of
Sky so blue
Karl Lee Harvey
Black shirt with Baphomet sigil in white and lettering in red with graduated flame texture in inner circle. Sizes SM, M, L, XL, XXL T-Shirt: $15.00, Sweatshirt: $25.00
White or "Blacklight Red" on Black cloth Suitable for rituals and rallys! Only $8.00
Fabrication itself.
As the siege wore on the sound of the Broadsword could be heard splitting the
osophies, and age-old dogmas that Dismtegrated into dust, thus creating A world without guilt.
So now the knights of Satan sit around A table made of pure silver, to reminisce 0:er_the great battles that took place W1thm the minds of a forgotten time that Still swells in the hearts of mere mortals.
To this day they still recite their Allegiance.........
Shemhamforash! Hail Satan!
like bl?od before it touches air caressmg the day away untill_ there is only the dark leather of night. Feeding gound begins to hum Dressed in black ∑ of truth march proudiYï mto Darkstar castle. I ID.. w give sensuous sanctuary to higher lifefo raised up to nobility by life's scorching fire rms A bookcase opens ∑ stone steps lead downwards All thou ts centered and wered A!l d_like waniors before the altar with nngmg of the bell ' dimensional gates are opened. Shad ws shoot out from angles Ch1-4it:'0,1:Dg the aïir WïIth their dark presence Satanic bodies with hearts pounding . Eyes•10wi g with the spirit of survi al. Sa cbodies Satanic minds unlocked st:ndi_ng out power into the dark abyss Ringmg of the bell ∑ majestic shadows depart.
Send checks, money orders, or bank draughts
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Hell's Kitchen Productions
P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-0499, U.S.A.
Overseas orders add $8.00 for shipping and handling, per item (NY residents add 8.25% sales tax) Please allow 10 to 12 weeks for delivery
7 x 7 1/2 inches
Hand-crafted base of marble and granite with brass cap to hold candle base.
A handsome accessory for your altar!
A bookcase wall is closed And in the darkness a laugh rings out in merriment.
ARE FREQUENTLY treated to evidence that some in≠ viduals have been bitten by the "organization" bug and have
\i3,ecided to go through the effort of founding some new Church, .:Temple, Order, Grotto -what have you. Such endeavors usual≠ .)y don't last vecy long, having taken up much work/time and 'given little pleasure in return for energy expended.
The Church of Satan's Satanic Bunco Sheet gives you am- n1unition for examining and evaluating such new groups.
Recently several groups have come to our attention that recognize the pioneering work of our High Priest and our organization, yet they have their own particular interests upon which to focus. While the Church of Satan neither endorses nor condemns these groups, we observe their development to see if they will make any contributions to the movement of Satanism. Here is some information about them presented in their own words. Caveat emptor!
"Behold, witches and warlocks! All followers of the Left Hand Path, arise! We are the Knights of Satan and are looking for certain individuals who practice the forbidden arts and embrace Satanic philosophies. We pursue the same global outcome as the Church of Satan. If you feel you are of like
mind and represent the Satanic talents, write for more
prosperity, sexual power, selective love toward grateful individuals, luxucy and the pursuit of happiness. The process by which this Self-evolution is realized, apprehended and exalted is called Sexem (pronounced "Sekhem"), the ancient Egyptian word meaning: to embrace. Elitists seek to embrace the Self with pride, dignity, and dominion over one's own life through effective application of the knowledge of the Red Arts." Their focus is on creating a social scene wherein Satanists may gather for parties, study groups, and other activities. They also offer a contact list for those seeking like-minded folks with whom to correspond. Contact: Temple of Elite, P.O. Box 1528, San Rafael, CA 94915.
1 IE TEMPLE OF THE LEFf HAND PATH I I "The Church of Satan is described aïs the ultimate underground,' an experience that few ever savor. Now reaching into the 27th year of the Age of Satan, the effects of our founding father's words are coming to bear. Already, representatives of the Temple of the Left Hand Path, in an attempt to guage public receptiveness, have entered into lectures and classes in the Northwest. The response has been overwhelming. Invited back time and again, we feel that now the time is ripe. "We recognize that not all, indeed few, will ever come to hear the voice that beckons from within, that rages on ina silent scream to claim oneself as one's own God. Of those few who do, fewer still ever find the' Underground.' Amidst the
∑ by Blanche Barton
A History of the World's Most Notorious Re/lg/on!
wrere Sat nisn;i has b_een, its present state, a d where it is going P us a gui e to. ritual magic and formation of groups and grottos.' . Order Now! Send $8 95 £lu:$1.50 shipping and handling ($5.00 for overseas orders) H II' Kftchec . money order, or bank draught in U.S. funds to: e s c en Productions. Inc.. P.O. Box 370, Times Square Station New York, NY 10108-0370, U.S.A. '
infonnation. Let's open wide the gates of Hell for all to see! Shemhamforash! Hail Satan!" Contact: Knights of Satan, Fiddlers Green Postal Outlet, P.O. Box 81137, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, L9G 4Xl
From their information pamphlet:
"The Temple of Elite is an international initiatory spirituo≠ religio-social Order dedicated to the god of this world as he expresses himself in both masculine and feminine forms through Natural Laws that define the individuality of the two sexes. Formerly known as the Temple ofNepthys, the Temple of Elite is a powerful!y invigorating, uplifting and liberating Spirituo-Materialist Path designed to restore, preserve and
encourage the development of the higher self or soul r concerning the Rules of the Chase. Elitists seek to live the Luciferian lifestyle - indulging in and enjoying progressive
confusion of who is who, and what is what, we present the Temple of the Left Hand Path. We represent a gathering point where one may begin to discern the fferences between the elements that exist, True Satanism, Antinomian Gnosticism, Thelema, Luciferianism, Humanism, and others. "We offer one the choice to make an informed decision, and to chose whether they acknowledge themselves asa Power unto themselves, or to join the mindless herd. We are willing to accept the divergent elements which composite that ray of the spectrum of philosophies andï religion' known as the Left Hand Path. We stand to work with those that exhibit responsibility, cast aside illusion, those who bow to no other man, who choose to be their own master. "The Temple of the Left Hand Path pr ents to these, the unrefined elite, the catalysts necessary to their advancement: lectures and classes, a predominantly Satanic library with extensive occult texts, and the presence of other Gods. Not so mucha sanctuary as a Fortress, we seek to coordinate efforts to
. subtly effect society through articulated efforts in mainstream journalism. In these difficult economic times, we endeavor to support our Brethren through preferential purchasing from their establishments, or subtle support in their professions.
"The Temple of the Left hand Path is not directly associated with the Church of Satan; neither do we offer false pretenses to this effect. We desire to work with the interests of the Church of Satan, with 1he Black Flame. Where the Church of Satan is primarily ïunderground,' we build our ever expanding Fortress above the ground, a tribute to High Priest LaVey. Our role is much like a shredding machine, ripping illusions to shreds, stopping for those who have mettle.
"Our present area of operations includes .Eastern
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My beaten foeman draws my plow,
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ïï His forfeit lands bring forth my crops,
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The Call to Great Pazuzu, God of the West Wind (A Call to Autumn) 0, Great Pazuzu, god of the West wind, I call on you to come upon us once again, with you, you bring autumn and with autumn, you bring death, death to the leaves of the trees that have grown too long upon the earth. Let them be naked, bare and cold, their roots are not dug in deep enough and are brittle and old.
These trees of religious hypocrisy are dropping seeds, they drop them because these seeds are black, we are the black seeds cast out and now, we feed, we feed on their roots as we prepare for our attack, Pazuzu's wind will cause them to die, roots inplace, and Great Pazuzu himself will look them in the face.
Throughout the coming cold, dark winter war, They will be defeated and we will win,
We will accomplish what we've been fighting for,
just as sure as great Pazuzu flys in with the West wind, then Lucifer's light will shine above the_din,
and all of our leaves and flowers will blossom in the spring.
Scott Stets
HUMWAWA THE JUST by Timothy Patrick Butler