The Black Flame Vol. 2 No. 2
Full uncorrected text (3/18/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 2 No. 2.
The Black Flame Vol. 2 No. 2
I Peter H. Gilmore, ye Editor
. ; Satanists view themselves as being different > from the general run of humanity. We see ourselves }1 ) a:s set apart from those who merely follow the , currents of their cultural milieu. having no desire to
embraced by the teeming hordes. We attempt to throw off. where necessary. the osmoconsciousness that in the West is dominated by Judeo-Christian
v thinking which says that man is apart from the natural world and should purge himself of the carnal to embrace the spiritual. ( >• Balderdash! Satanists embrace the carnal. are at · one with their animal nature and work to recapture the beast within that has been sterilized by those who hate '> themselves. One of the root causes that has led to the proliferation.of anti-carnal thinking is the fact that there are two types of humans. and one type has come i, to dominate. There are those who feel at one with I themselves. comfortable with their emotions and their o reason. finding no contradictions between their
- , thoughts and feelings. which we can call the Zoos
\ (animal) type. The other strain feels alienated from itself. sensing a profound personal disharmony of I' mind vs. emotions. body vs. spirit. carnal vs. spiritual ii - the Thanatos (death) type. '1 It is this second type which feels a self } alienation that is a root cause for self-hatred. leading to a disgust for the body which is constantly being 1 !hwarted in its natural desires. This Thanatos impulse (" Is behind the major spiritual religions which have i pread their loathing for life over our globe. The Zoos Individuals have difficulty perceiving what the Thanatos wishes to purge from himself. Indeed. the
Zoos is usually too busy enjoying life to worry about such illusory concerns. But to the Thanatos. this is a very tangible dichotomy which must be remedied. Often they employ asceticism. to rid themselves of carnal impurities. stultifying any pleasure they feel. Ultimately this results in a universal masochism. reveling in the agony of "purification." Since the Zoos types can't even begin to split themselves in this fashion. the Thanatos sees them as incurably impure and will often eliminate such individuals to rid themselves of reminders of what they cannot be: harmoniously in tune with their nature as living beings.
The Thanatos have won many a victory with the overwhelming of the West by Christianity. This is the accepted outlook promoted by many religions and philosophies. The Satanist is naturally of the Zoos type. and finds himself completely at odds with this prevailing value system. thus he is alienated from the cultural norm. This is a healthy form of alienation which leads to a strong sense of Ego and the growth of individualism. The Thanatos is alienated from himself. a truly dangerous and destructive alienation that has caused centuries of pain and destruction. The time is now for the re-emergence and triumph of the Zoos. We have unleashed the beast which will tear the wizened flesh of those who feel apart from the natural order. Their dessicated and poisoned tissues will be buried with the other refuse whose decomposition will provide fertilizer for the new generations of self-aware humans. Nature will claim its victory over those who would deny it.
' dless cult. I used to see it differently. I used to , ·.\ that those who were not 3:gainst u we for us I tbJ!ld to think that if anyone did anythmgm Satans usee it was helping. I used to believe that the natn ences of ritual magic could be harmlessly eipen .
l)oes the i!!ht t,and Path !\now What the Left t,and Path IS l)oin!!'? Recently Hell's Kitchen Productions. Inc.• sent
Ladies and Gentleman. the time has come to
consider the power of the following words spokena
out flyers to v;rious occult shops in the northeastern
take off the kid gloves.
lies: s •
I was wrong. . . ch If we. as a movement. f l vi tim to encroa -
region to give these merchants a chance to sell some
There is a disease. a cancer in the Satanic movement and it must be cut out! Let me be quite clear about this. Satanism is not now. nor never shall be. truly threatened as a religious philosophy since Satanism is is the path of reality. the way of the world. As such. those who succeed in the world. who are willing to acknowledge in their actions the truth about reality.
I will always be Satanists. no matter what other name they assume.
This problem actually involves not our unkillable foundation of truth but the course of the modem movement of Satanism. The movement is in danger. The danger is real. The danger can be stopped. I am writing this to put a stop to it! From the beginning. the Church of Satan has made it explicitly clear that Satan is not an entity. conscious or preconscious. For example: "In LaVey's view. the Devil was not [an anthropomorphic diety]. but rather a dark. hidden force in nature responsible for the workings of earthly affairs. a force for which neither science nor religion
I had any explanation." - Burton Wolfe. Introduction to The Satanic Bible. Other quotes from Dr. LaVey's own pen in The Satanic Bible reiterate this theme: "...the allegorical personage..." (page 29).
"...Satan. the personification of the Left Hand Path." (page 52). "Satan...merely represents a force of nature - the powers of darkness which have been named just that because no religion has taken these forces out of darkness." "...this many faceted key to the unknown - which the Satanist chooses to call 'Satan'." (page 62). Again and again the Church of Satan has patiently explained to all who would ask. read or
listen that Satan is a symbol.
Yet how many times do we see people advocating a return to the superstitious nansense of belief in a "god"? How often do we see so-called "Satanists" missing the most important single point of
"As your personal physician it is my sad taskt . theism and permit the deification o S tan. we tell you that you have only six weeks to live." 0 Jll l be no different in kind from the Chnsttans_ who "We've just killed your wife (husband/son/ d Jesus at the Council of Nicea. The result is the daughter)." [Click goes the phone connection] (let :. mystical nonsense and anti-human dogma. "You are under arrest." sarn ·If we end up with Satan as a person. we end up "Remember our last date? Well. the clinic says1 'th an external God. and that means we end up have AIDS." \wVtithout Satam• sm1. Words can kill. Words can create strokes. heart attacks. suicides. I know this. I have personally So what is the price? What needs to be done? performed autopsies on victims of mere words. To paraphrase the Joker. "Satanism needs an If words can kill physical human beings. words 1" can also kill movements and modern Satanism is a enemaWe need to correct every idiot out there ho movement. thinks that it it is enoug to_ say. "I am_ a Satamst" If we do not cut out from our midst this while acting like a hallucmatmg psychotic. destructive. anti-Satanic theme of godism. if we do .,, We have a Bible. We have a pro-human dogma. not return to our fundamentally atheistic roots, we We havea Church. We have a tra itio . We have shall cease to be a vital force. as a movement. ceremonies and rituals. we have a gh nest. . Currently. modern Satanism has been truly Now let's quit tolerating white hght myst1cs occult. dealing with the hidden side. the darkside, the who claim to be Satanists. . controlling side of reality. If we permit this Satan- And if you feel. dear reader. that I am attacking worship nonsense to continue under our name, we u then just ask yourself if you want to be an_occ lt will degenerate to a mere cult. Our attackers falsely :e ber orjust a member of a cult._ Do you ehevem accuse us of "devil worship". Real Satanists have Satan oryourselfl Are you a Satamst or not. usually responded with condescending smiles. but if am calling for a closing of the r nks anda we continue to tolerate the true believers in our midst, i throwing out of the heretics. I am s !ng for the if we accept these lies through failure to speak out .I Purge! 1 am asking for a reverse _Inqmsit1on. Let me against Satan-deification. we will be lowering•,, be the first to put you to the question: ourselves to the level of the masses. Are you a believer in the God 11_Satan11 or are What is it that the Satanist has in our modern youa Satanist. a God in your own nght? Answer ims onvoetmouenr tenthdaetatrrmuleyntdteolintheeatseysm"buos"lsfaronmd c"otshteumm"i?ngIt,: '. rn o_:w ! '!;'!; ; , the theatre of the dark side. Heavy metal rock fans do this also. It is not our embracing of a philosophy . I based upon rational self-interest or the glorification ofr the human carnal elements of Man. The philosophies of Objectivism and Humanism also meet these criteria. respectively. It is not our practice of ritual ' magic that makes us unique. There are all too many Wiccans. Odinists. Crowleyites and others engaged in these practices. No. it is our total rejection of any"' external diety or dieties including Satan which makes our movement take a vital and unique place in the.,.
of our products. Our offer has ge erally_ gone unanswered. One nifty response did amve which we shall quote for the amusement of our readers:
CRAFT OF THE WISE 45 Grove Street New York. NY 10014 212-989-4891 Proprietors: Caeser Muzzioli and Christina Sluberski
28 June. 1990 To Whom It May Concern: Please remove our name from your mailing list. We are not interested in any ideas that are based upona perversion of Judeo-Christian thought. Our system is based on the balanced conc pts defl:ve_d from ancient harmonious natu!e. w rship and it is impossible for us to find any vahdity m system !h t overrides another's free will. We recogmz your ng to practice whatever you wiJl: b t this formo unsolicited direct mail proselyt1zmg 1s not 1o Y.of an Religion. Furthermore. your freedom o re igion an our right to privacy are both protected by our government. Do not send us any more of your information. Thank you. CRAFT OF THE WISE
We weren't surprised that_this shop wouldn't e interested in materials which clearly ex_plat contemporary Satanism. of which they are obviousy
uite comfortably in ignorance. But we we!e amused find that they would construe n adv_ertisement as an attempt to proselytize. Bigotry a d ign r ce are t monopolized by the fundamentahst Chnst1ans. as nthois statement made qu.ite ev"ident• f
Where's the danger here? I had one so-called "Satanist" once tell me that only life-threatening situations should be called "dangerous". This person. without the slightest awareness of the incredible ignorance that was revealed. told me that mere words can't be dangerous! If you share this viewpoint
stream of current events.
Every time some would-be "Satanist" speaks up to endorse the idea that Satan is a "somebody" instead\;, of a symbol. our position is degraded and our movement is retarded. The modern Satanic movement is ideas. The wrong ideas can kill what is truly Satanic in our efforts and leave us just another
CRY OF fflE RAVEN Quarterly Satanic Journal $15.00 per year THE RA VEN. Box 321, Meredosia. IL 62665
This letter is presented to inform our readerso the level of intolerance which is still rampant _amonf. some neo-pagans. Many of these "Go d W!tches have recently tried to legitimize t e1 ehefs y pointing out that the Satanists are the Evil onesw 1o should perhaps be stopped. while they are merey
"pre-Christians" who wouldn't hurt a fly. One publication run by a neo-pagan ceased reviewing The
on Magical and Earth-centered religionsa practices. nct
People ARe MoRe Eqaal 0-tbeRs
Black Flame because the editor felt that such Satanic material could lead to their persecution by the locals.
They have come up with two well Writt .· by Reuben Radding brochures which cover "Human Sacrifice"a e :
who would presumably think it okey-dokey that they were simply witches.
Let's pull the wool off of their eyes for a moment. Just ask any fundamentalist Christians (the denomination which campaigns against any religion that is not "Christian" by its definition) what they think is the difference between Satanism and witchcraft? They'll tell you that there is no difference! Just listen to such paragons as Texe Marrs. who said on a talk show to some neo-pagans who tried to make such a differentiation. that he certainly knew who their "horned god" was if they didn't. and that he was Satan. So some of these ignorant neo-pagans think that they can throw Satanists on the bonfire to save their "white" butts. Fear not, for we'll never be in that position, but should they fail to get to us. guess who will get tossed on the flames as warm-up kindling? Some neo-pagans are now beginning to imitate the Church of Satan's lead by establishing "official" spokespersons. They explain to the media that their religious beliefs are not dangerous to Mr. and Mrs. Middle America. We Satanists acknowledge that our ideas are dangerous to the status quo as we question the "whys" and "wherefores" of the established controlling factors and opt out of the herd's lock-step. We do like to remind the general populace that we don't engage in the activities that they'd like to lay at our doorstep: demented sacrifices. criminal activities. and drug use, which seem to constantly come from individuals who were raised as Christians, with Christian values. who thus lapse into the Christian heresy of devil worship, if not committing their acts in the very name of their Christian "savior.". One group of neo-pagans who is trying the route of "united we stand" calls itelf the Alliance for
"Ritualized Child Abuse." Two of their boan f: . members have often contributed articles to TB rd . My oomate looked at me as you might look at AMER certainly will have a great deal of work ah F. · a burned dmner. of them. judging from the letter quoted at d . "Do you honestly f el hat rou're better than beginning of this article. If you'd like furthe ·1.nost people?" she quened m disapproval of my information you can send them a long. self-address:, ttitude. . . . 11 11 stamped envelop to the fol!owing addre_ss: AMER The answer was and IS most defm1tely yes 11220 West Flonssant Smte 288 Flonssant MO fandI 11 tell you why. 63032. • ' • First, examine the question. The important word
Chris Bray of the Sorcerers Apprentice Sho ;, here is. 'most.' since to imagine y_o rself the best in England has led the fight in the U.K. against t/ erson m the world_would be unre hstic, unprovable, fundies. After a particularly misleading, Geraldo .irre_levant to your hfe, an pretentious So now let's esque television program. called The Cook Report oefme what we mean by most people. Most peoi;>le linked his store with the promotion of Satanism h ,to me refers to the mass herd. the general pubhc
m1tlated and_ won a lawsmt_ ag mst the network who t ,generally go through theIT hves with •th_ no focus or produced this program which lead to the assault on I;purpose. They neve: seem to use theIT mmds enough his establishment. He proved that several funda- t t? see through theu own_ fac;ades erected for ne mentalists were involved with producing this smear \hother. The efore. I c n view the mass herd as emg program. Bravo! In addition to his retail business he . generally blmd and without purpose. Now to Judge publishes a magazine entitled the Lamp of Thoth. For this group as a grol!p is to as um t at_ they are all he information regarding his business and publications same. Not so. So. If I examme md1v1duals and fmd send a self-addressed envelope and four IRC's to: The them to be blind and without purpose with terrible Sorcerers Apprentice The Crescent Hyde Park frequency. what does that tell you? I'm not yet even Comer, Leeds LS6 2NW. Yorkshire. discussing intelligence, which I've found doesn't Church of Satan representatives will continue to always pr ve anything. . . dispel falsehoods promulgated by the media and Dunng my expenences with sc?oolI met a debunk those with a vested interest in creating an great many men and women who were mtelhgent, by anti-Satanism industry to line their pockets. we work I c? mon standards. They earned good grades. passed with objective journalists. objective law enforcement : •f 1cul tests o knowledge. and were looke upon as officials, and other individuals who wish to see an bnght by theu elders. The problem here IS _t at all end to the hysteria created by fundamentalist J these p_eo le reall mastered was the_ abthty to Christianity as a last ditch effort to prevent its certain 1 emon_ze mfor tion. O ce ngaged • a verbal destruction. There are some neo-pagans who do, d1sc ss1on rt:qu1nng appbcat1on of thelf fact t_o understand the situation and will work with us to stem practical reality. they were often lost. In short, 1t IS the tide of persecution fostered by Christian how you use your knowledge that counts. Common
answer to my roomate's question would be. "I don't think I'm better. I know I'm better!" Now there's a Satanic statement!
Who is. or should be. more important to you than yourself? No one. that's who. Who is more
important to me than me? No one. that's who. Who should view me as more important to themself than themself? No one. that's who. There is no room for egalitarianism in the philosophy of The Satanic Bible. We are selfish. honest, and unconcerned with being part of conformist collectivism. I suggest that the proper response to the question."Why did you climb that mountain?" should not be "Because it was there," but instead, "Because I was there!" •111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire
Your christian blood within this silver cup Stains the metal to its very tip. Mockingly I smile and drink it up, The thick rich liquid smear'd across my lip. With each silent and Satanic sip I bless the glory of my Ancient Lord. My fingers smooth the silver cup, then dip Into the liquid, ruddy and ador'd.
Magical and Earth Religions. Based in St. Louis. they state that the one thing held in common by all
propaganda. We welcome them. Those who attempt'>1 to throw us to the bigots will find their ignorance
sense is all too uncommon! • Most Satanis s have drive a_nd purpose in their
My fingers touch your body, cold and gored:
members is that. "all of_ them feel that they have been unfairly blamed by some in the media and in law enforcement for the problems of today's society." They have a four-fold statement of purpose. 1) AMER will defend the right of every American to
rewarded by the full attentions of their strange hves. Most Satamsts are not bhnd to the ways of bedfellows. a fate that they have won through their1 h man nature. We are living by a philosophy. It is one own stupidity. thmg to know that philosophy, and another to live it and strive to be vital. Most people never question their values. ethics. and ideas. We Satanists are
They touch the surface of your silly cross. With your kind I find I'm never bored, Imagination's never at a loss. Then with your corpse I keep the promis'd tryst,
practice his or her own religion, insofar as that religion's practices do not directly harm anyone. In particular, AMER will actively campaign for tolerance for Magical and Earth-centered religions. 2) AMER will work to promote a positive image for Magical and Earth-centered religious groups. 3) AMER will promote cooperation among various Magical and Earth-centered religious groups. 4) AMER will serve as a source of accurate information
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before. Mae West
1 questioning everything. all the time. This is the key to freedom. A free mind is a superior mind, and
- superiority is what was challenged with the question that began this article.
When someone presents an idea or opinion,
- they had better be able to qualify it. Saying you feel 8?mething is true doesn't prove a thing to me. I will su_nply ask "why?" Show me what makes it so. On this basis perhaps the most correct and preferable
And when I come I whisper, "jesus christ."
People define and redefine Satanism, and argue Satan to better their worldly situations, they do this or debate which is the TRUE Satanism. People who their own. They tend to be practical and find excet have the need to dissect it and classify it, even repugnant or foolish. Theymayormaynotdressfor! formulate it. are groping and therefore, they are NOT ritual - if they have rituals. When they resort to magic , IT. Of these there are: for a result and get it, they maintain an open mind that 1
Catholic Satanist: This type worships Lord maybe the result was coincidence or caused b Satan as some unknowable, unfathomable Lord of the something other than magic. They maintain a health; Dark. This Lord is reached through an intermediary, a skepticism in regards to any inexplicable happenings demon. These demons come in ranks and each has a that may occur. I special purpose or gives certain favors according to All of these folks miss the mark. Satanism isl the demon's title or rank. The worshipper has to give not a robe that one can put on or take off, it is not a something to the demon in return. he has to sacrifice practice or a belief. nor is it a ritual that one can something of himself. The form of conjuration and repeat in mindless repetition. It is not something one worship is highly ritualistic and stylized. "dedicates" oneself to. or makes sacrifices for. Mohammedan Satanist: To these. there is A Satanist has a character, or state of being, nothing greater than to wage Holy War on what is the that is entropic or chaos-like. The Satanist is this
established norm, including the laws of the land. innately, unconsciously. almost like a reflex'f. Regarded as being highly sociopathic, they will kill, Everything he does is a refection of this character, no rape, injure. harm. and even die for their Lord Satan matter what he -says or believes. He has his own and believe, in doing so, they will be rewarded in Hell values, period. He may or may not be aware of the by being made into a demon. They commit illegal acts values of his country, friends, parents, but does not! believing that they wage a Jihad and will be blessed care about their values. He has his values. He" by Lord Satan for their actions. probably never would conceive of an idea like
Gnostic Satanist: These believe that the Chaos "equalitarianism" because he knows one tree is bigger (Satan) was primal and it gave birth, or created, or than the other - obviously no two are alike. He has 1
manifested the Logos. They know Christians call the nothing in him that desires to make them alike, an acIt Logos "Jesus" and they despise this Logos. They which would refute the real nature of things that exist,, often tend to extreme asceticism and denial of the which he can see. He does not look below himself to body, often even refusing to procreate because all "those beneath him," he simply rises up. goes forward things in the world, including their flesh, are lies, or - like entropy. He is not only aware of "a dark force in temporary, or made by that arrogant evil Logos in Nature" but he is like this force himself. He may or defiance of Lord Satan - Chaos, who is the most real may not try to give this a name. He may call it God, thing. Unlike the Mohammedan Satanist, these wage or Satan, or Nyarlathotep. or Eternal Feminine, or the> no Holy War, but tend to isolate themselves into small void, or the Black Flame, or entropy, or not give it groups or communities as a defense against being any name. He is it. He knows himself without the preoccupied with that evil lie, the mundane world of need for self exploration and definition. He usuallyi. Logos. explores things other than himself out of a desire to
Fundamentalist Satanist: These worship Lord know (curiosity), but not to navel-gaze. He may look Satan as the most high god. but unlike Catholic at history and notice others like himself. or discover a, Satanists, they claim to have direct communication philosopher writing about people like himself, but it with their Prince of Darkness. Satan talks to them in does not matter to him whether he does or not. He English, usually only in their minds, even dictating may find in modem physics a physical definition of;. entire books to them. These also tend to speak in "the dark force in Nature" and immediately recognize demonic tongues as demons possess them and reveal it as something he knows from inside himself. And unknowable truths. They also proselytize their smile.
Satanism. and tend to get into trouble as all martyrs On the other hand, if a person is the type of do. They may regard this martyrdom as the ultimate character that truly wishes to help his fellow-rna ,. expression of absolute allegiance to Lord Satan. help to raise them, or cure their ills, then this person ,s Protestant Satanist: These tend to be almost like Mother Theresa or Albert Schweitzer in nature·· agnostic in their Satanism, preferring to live more but he may want to be a Satanist and call himself that. moderately, within their means. They do not rely on His attempt then, to call himself and want to be what
he is not. is self-refutation -- highly unSatanic! This is a person who looks back at others and joins in with others, for the purpose of helping these others. He is, by these deeds. self-sacrificing and perhaps genuinely kind-hearted. There is nothing wrong with this, if such is your nature. One might cure someone who will go on to cure cancer. No value judgement is being made here. But. this person is not Satanic. Entropy goes forward and rises up. It does not slow down, stop, look back or descend.
An entropic person is Satanic. Due to his cultural context, he may be part of a Buddhist system. a Christian system or he may be an atheist and mock Man's religions, but no matter, as he is still doing, being, willing this existence that is Satanism. One cannot become something that he is not. By copying a desired end in minute detail, one apes that goal, yet the true nature will out. Willing is not trying. Trying results in fanaticism, most unSatanic. The fanatic strives against himself and fears yielding to "temptation.11 A Satanist can not be tempted - he knows what he does and does not want. and Wills this. How can there be a temptation to do what you don't want to do, or eat what you don't like, or be what you 're not? To a Satanist, integrated with his nature, this is incomprehensible. All in all, it does not matter if you think you are a Satanist and are not. or if you think you are not a Satanist and are. You will become what you are, no matter how you deny it, fight it, or run from it. A Satanist knows who and what he is - and what he is not, regardless of nomenclature. Thus if one tries to alter his nature, he winds up aging or even dying without the realization that his life was wasted and he arrived at his true nature after all. That is why I love the Eternal Void, the utter mockery of Nyarlathotep, the driving chaos that pushes everything on, even when it does not want to go. And Satan drives on, ultimately, with no purpose.
Laugh! Play! Indulge! Enjoy! Celebrate! Be! Whether you turn out to be a Satanist or not; life, being, existence, is a "free gift." Don't tum away rom it and hide, don't clutter it up with fanatical ideas of some "purpose," don't refute the present with "hope.11 Embrace it, cherish it, love it. .l ""•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n1111111u1u1n11111n1111111111111111111111111111111,111,,,.. ..
Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of man § as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. §
I= Life is eithera daring adventure or nothing. !=: Helen Keller \\,,.,, i
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How to Win Enemies and Influence No One:
A Satanist's Guide To Losing Personal Power
by Ipsissimus John l1/2lyne
(Note: Here's an example of Satanic Sin #8: Counterproductive Pride. in action. Can you see yourself in this mirror?)
Just today it happened again! Some silly fool of a Satanist wrote me a polite and intelligent letter. The writer used words which had clear meanings and the flow of logic connecting his ideas was careful and complete. The writer used courtesy. didn't jump to unwarranted conclusions. admitted that he wasn't above making human error and. all in all. made me feel that it was a meaningful and thoughtful attempt at communication.
Whaddaya mean "wrong"? A real Satanist can:t ntake a mistake! We're gods, aren't we? And God 1s erfect! Obviously if any peabrain even dares to i:nply that you've made a mistake, it's hisgoof, not
·yours. Any Satanist with any sense at all would lize that since you are God, you are never wrong. Think about it! If you ever think that you id goof,
·· ink again! A real Satanist is perfect. So tf anyone ver questions anything you say, write or do. that's oofthat they are full of shitl Tell 'em so (see Rule 1) before they try to explain anything (see Rule #2) d use any words you want to (see Rule #3).
· emember, everyone is an asshole, except you! Never give anybody any credit for anything!
You're a Satanist! Remember what that means! t means that if someone wrote something, you wrote t first! If someone said something. you said it first. If someone did something, you did it first! Why should
anyone else get credit for something? Y m_'re a Satanist! Take it! It's yours. If you say so, 1t ts so!
by Andre T. Soly
Darkness is my shrine Flesh is my altar
The Night's breath is cold
My congregation's morale falters
Through the monoliths of wood
'Twixt Nature's loving grasp and Death's icy hold 'Fore the night is done my tale will be told
I have been defiled and cast out The Mob follows the norm Judge me by their rules accordingly The charge is Heresy They nod their heads in consent; in their eyes I see a glimmer of doubt . Placing their thumbs on the scales of Justice, they view my crime as a harm to society
What an asshole!
Didn't he understand that Satanism is the path of vicious. mindless slurs directed against one and all? Didn't he realize that like a growling half-starved
dog. a Satanist should always attack. attack. attack? Didn't he have the slightest awareness that Satanists 2. Always jump to conclusions.
Hey! You're a Satanist, a Master of the Black Arts! You can size up anything and anyone. anywhere at a psychic glance. You already .Know all about what
Whadda're they gonna do, anyway? Nothin' ! They're wimps! 6. Always resort to threats of violence.
The Mob states that God is fair when Men make the rules One must make a stand or play the fool Insubstantial evidence was used, guilty I was found
are loners and not intellectual pipsqueaks. barbarians and not gentlemen? Didn't he ever watch The Dukes of Hazzard or other deeply Satanic TV shows?
Well. this was the last straw! After writing a threat letter and enclosing my total hatred for any pansy like that who would try to use courtesy on me, I decided to spell it out for the rest of you morons. It just grinds my guts to see this effete bullshit which passes for hard-core. redneck Satanism! Therefore I've included here a checklist you can use (if you've
got the balls. which I doubt) to get tough and be truly
someone is really trying to say before you open their I This is the real power behind you so use it as letter or meet them in person. so why wait around for oiten as you can! You already Know what the mini the facts? Tell them what they're thinking (make sure I minds are thinking. so move in quickly! Tell them it's an insult - see Rule #1) before they open their ' what you '11 do to them before they try to say stupid mouths! Won't they be shocked at your 7 something! Only you can be a threat to them! You're godlike, Satanic psychic power of Knowing exactly not afraid of lawsuits for slander. libel, purgery. what they really meant before they even breathe a \ intimidation or other legal nonsense! You're not word! That'll show them that they can't fool you! . afraid of the FBI or the city, county, or state police! You're smarter than they'll ever be! Now that's I You'renotafraidofSWATteams! You're not afraid Satanism! ) of judges and courtrooms! You're no afrai? of prison! You're not afraid of someone takmg senous
To the stake I am tied. it is hard to think They shout their indoctrinated sound The black smoke wafts into the air The crowd is still and the sun will still shine Who is to condemn me? Who is to say my trial was fair?
Satanic. CHECKLIBTFORREALSATANIBTS 1. Always insult everybody.
After all, Satan is the meanest sonuvabitch in the valley and as a Satanist you need to put everybody down. You're strong! You're tough! You don't need to put up with anything from anyone! Courtesy is for cowards and compliments are for coolies. Make them eat shit by directly and emphatically insulting every single person you meet, talk to. or write to. Let them know that you're just like Satan and give 'em Hell! This will make you lots of enemies and didn't The Satanic Bible say somewhere that everybody is your enemy already?
3. Never define terms. > Keep 'em guessing! Dictionaries are for dolts f and idiots who don't have a real grasp of Satanism. After all. you're the one using the words, so let them ) mean any damn thing you want them to! Words are just ink on paper or noises in the air, anyway. Words can't be as real as a fist in someone's face or a finger up their nose! So make up your meanings as you go along. Be a real God. You're a Satanist! You make the rules! So when you want to say something, say ' anything. If the dimwits don't understand, insult them , (see Rule #1)! After all, you already KnewtheY. wouldn't understand anyway, (see Rule #2) right?
4. Never admit you're wrong.
offense and putting a contract out on you!
Hell No! You're a Satanist! You can do anything. ...And never let anybody forget it! That's all. HAIL ME! ...and up yours!
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments: there are are only consequences.
The Secret Life of a Satanist: The .Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey by Blanche Barton. (Feral House, Los Angeles, 1990; clothbound, 262 pages with 24 page photo insert, $19.95). Reviewed in uncorrected galley proofs. An apocalyptic book for every Satanist and reader, because no one will find what he expects within its pages-- what he thinks he knows about LaVey and the Church of Satan will change forever. With a nod to Burton Wolfe, armed with many more details and twenty years of perspective, Barton begins at the beginning with "Satanists Are Born, Not Made," and progresses through LaVey's childhood years, his pastimes and playmates, his literacy and musical influences, certain key ECI experiences, his time with Marilyn Monroe, all the way up to "Walpurgisnacht 1966" -- and that's on y Section I. The author makes use of what must be hundreds of hours of interviews with LaVey, as there are frequent and lengthy passages where he speaks to us directly on the topics covered. His recollections of people and places are wry, often hilarious. sometimes damning. As Barton herself observes in her introduction, "LaVey is a complex, and in many ways a fright
The Interrogation and The La"".J'er's Clerk by Anonymous. (Ryder Publishing, London. 1990; softcover, 42 pages each, $12.00 each, with airpost).
Softcore S&M erotica for those whose fantasy life may include being dominated by strong male figures in authority positions, with maybe a little whipping on the side. Written with a certain delicacy that only makes the overt sex scenes more tantalizing. If you like to think about having a Master. or about being one, these little ditties may pop your cork. Send two International Response Coupons (IRC) for a catalogue which includes many more erotic scenarios to: Ryder Publishing, BCM/Box 3406, London, WClN 3XX, England. Dark Lily #11: The Reality of the Left-Hand Path (London, 1990; digest-sized, 28 pages, $4.00 postpaid overseas US rate). Also available via four-issue subscriptions for $16.00 postpaid: Dark Lily, BCM Box 3406, London WClN 3XX, England. Never has the Lily's tagline title been so accurate, as this issue sheds light upon both the Temple of Set and the Catholic Church: "The Rev. Thomas Doyle, a high-ranking Catholic official... told the New York Times that paedophilia is 'the most
Send checks or money orders in U.S. Dollars to: •Prints ofDarkness•-P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New Yorlc, NY 10101-0499, U.S.A. O erseas orders add $5.00 for shipping and handling, per item (NY residents add 8.25% sales tax) Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivecy
t eningly deceptive man." In addition to the juicily-detailed biographical , chapters, including one all about St. Jayne Mansfield, LaVey analyzes films past and present ("Hell on Reels") and tells us about "Music as Necromancy." There are also several appendices, such as "How To Become a Werewolf," "Pentagonal Revisionism" and "The Hymn to the Satanic Empire." And LaVey speaks at length about a subject that often confounds Satanists and non-Satanists alike: "The Humanoids Are Coming!" ) Those who crack these pages hoping or expecting to find an account of a charming old lion tamer with some strange obects in his creepy old house (and maybe a few toys in the attic) will be disappointed. Instead of mellowing out, to put it in popular parlance, LaVey is more hard-edged than ver. The unstated message here is that it's time to lay It all on the line, and if the shoe fits... "I'm people's Worst nightmares... and more. I don't want to give anyone the satisfaction that they have me all figured out... If people only knew. I've always loved that -,. ubiquitous Johnson-Smith Company ad copy. 'Imagine the expression on their faces!' It began in tnystecy. I want it to end that way."
Read this book to learn more about Anton LaVey than you may want to know; cozy, it ain't.
serious problem the Church has faced in centuries."' Also includes a discussion of "Why Satan?" ("why not?" I always say) and lots of contact addresses for other publications, books, products and organizations of interest to Satanists. TBF readers will certainly enjoy DL #11. Freaks: We Who Are Not as Others by Daniel P. Mannix. (Re/Search Publications, San Francisco, 1990; softcover, 120 pages, $11.99).
Re/Search's usual fine production, a big 8 1/211 by 1111 with photos on almost every page. Mannix is an old acquaintance of Dr. LaVey's and he is quoted throughout. Originally published in 1976, Freaks owes a debt to the observations of LaVey and to William Lindsay Gresham's chapter on freaks in Monster Midway (Also worth searching for). There is much to learn here about human oddities in general and some famous freaks in particular.
There are clear, detailed photos of Frank Lentini, a man with three legs and two sets of genitals; of Aileen, a true hermaphrodite; of pinheads, the Lobster Boy, the Alligator-Skinned Man. and strangely-bonded Siamese twins as well as those with vestigial twins hanging from portions of their bodies (one lady dressed hers in matching outfits).
An interesting overview of some true Outsiders and how they played the hand Nature dealt them.
n j
l'lA I)I 1-fU 111...S1
be considered an institution.
TIt< - f"IIIIIIIII To the heritage traditionalist, I must say, "You're an American, damn it!" To condemn yourself by Max to the ways of your ancestors is to live in denial of the
,---------""'--------..... 1 reasons why they left the Old Country behind and One of our local young witches (white) recently '\,'::1 rnoved here. The opportunity to create a new form of
cornered me to talk (on and on) about her new path, --- ,·- • rnagical practice should always be the main priority in the use of Runic magic. I told her that I was pleased your magical mind. I believe that what we call magic she had decided to follow a more diverse path than f will someday be expedited by scientific means and I the all-white magic to which she was accustomed. ' don't want to think that I would turn down the She didn't understand. I explained that since World opportunity to try a new method because it wasn't War II, Runic magic had been pretty much the staple exclusively Germanic or Celtic. And if you tell me Himmler was especially keen on it and attempted ._ _ ._.· ..: _"?: ·.t,. , 's._ you are asking me to limit my magic and my own of Odinists and travelers of the Left-Hand Path. ·.· that I can't perform voodoo rituals because I'm white, Runic magic with his elite group of the SS. I then 7 _.... I personal sphere of understanding. explained to her that the author whose word she was _ ···· · · - : In conclusion, I must admit that Traditional taking for gospel was himself a practicing black ,! - 1 magic does have a few words of wisdom to offer us. magician. , - All of the traditions were made up by someone who
IIBut he publishes with a New Age press," she
l', .,,,,,.,.-=:: !JmRi •, I , was at the time creating something new and fresh in
sputtered. their magical journey. You are, as a magician, a I pointed out that the publishers are probably (i1 citizen of the universe you create for yourself. Your unaware of his magical interests and besides, their r; I( magical tradition begins with you. Thou art a God. primary concern is selling books, not the color of their Let there be no magical (mage) gods before thee. authors' magic. She refused to believe me, and I ,.;Cre;;;.;.;a;;te;.;·.;..;··;.;cr;.;ea.;,;,,;,.;te...;..; ea.;.t.;.e.!..---------- finally asked her why she bothered to attempt this type of magic. "I must follow my traditions," she whined, and I laughed. At this point, I could probably just leave this story as it stands, except for the fact that I just keep " · , -- hearing that stupid "T" word -- traditions. _": ·-: - • - ---, );
I honestly believe that the main concern of page from here and a page m t ere and blend them almost all of the schools of magic practiced in the last into a personalized ritual. The principle of magic is, century has been to sanction their practices with some after all, to seek out that which stimulates your inner link to pre-Christian history. Most of the time the mind into manifesting your desired outcome. I think group of practitioners will say that they are following that to use someone else's rituals just because they are 'j the tenets of some magic that was practiced by a traditional is like wearing someone else's hand- people who were wiped out by an oncoming me-down suit and pretending the suit was tailored civilization or just by natural causes centuries ago. especially for you.
Other tradition-oriented practitioners will follow a This leads me to the tradition of following a certain mage, and some will follow the mage's certain mage. These people make me laugh the teaching so closely that they will almost attempt to hardest, since they will quote almost everything the, ape the mage themselves. A third group will follow a mage has written as if it is set in stone. They seem to tradition because they feel that this magic is their think that if the mage were alive today. He/She would heritage. not have the option of changing his or her mind o,r To all of these groups, I say "Wake up and progressing any further. I also feel that in copying the smell the coffin, er, coffee.11 Magic is a personal act mage too closely. they cannot see the elements of . that can be performed by an individual and only by their own school of magic that are borrowed front 6 that individual exclusively. In other words, only you many other sources and mixed with the mage's own can do your magic. I feel that a magician who wishes biases and personal fetishes. For example, Crowley only to perform works that have allegedly been set combined Golden Dawn with Oriental and later ' down centuries ago is lacking in imagination. I Germanic magical rites and then added in ample always view magic as I would any piece of art. (Don't helpings of drug use and bisexuality (some of they call them the Black Arts, after all?) That which Crowley's favorite pastimes). In spite of the protests ' has already been done should be appreciated, but of their followers, I think that almost all the mages there is always potential for better things. The most would have felt that the magic they were producing successful magicians I know are those who take a was mainly experimental and none of it was meant to
THE BLACK FLAME is published quarterly. Copyright0 1990 C.E. by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors alone.
Single issue: $3.00, plus $.25 sales tax. Four issue subscription: $12.00. Overseas: $4.00 single, $16.00 subscription. Please send check, bank draught, or money order in U.S. funds only.
Address all correspondence to: THE BLACK FLAME P.O.Box499 Radio City Station New York.NY 10101-0499, U.S.A.
We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. Correspondence requiring a reply should be accompanied by an S.A.S.E.
by Peggy Nadramia
The Mventures of Baron Munchausen (now on videocassette and cable movie channels). Based upon what my German sister-in-law tells me are well-known children's stories, this film is a rollicking adventure that goes from the bottom of the sea to the moon itself. The Baron steps onto the stage fa little theatre that is presenting, oddly enough, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen," and proceeds to make fantasy a reality. He has to save the
lover, who later dumps him when the strike funds out. In a drunke fit of sorrow and anger, Ha n · attempts contact with a young neighborhood boy Why rats him out to the criminal roughnecks. Harry-0 beaten and left for dead, crucified to a an alleyw;s \ fence. Y , 1
Not a film to see when you've got the blues but fascinating and unforgettable nonetheless. '
The New Age mysticism has been having a joyride at the expense of the rational human mind. Again and again we are seeing statements to the effect that "Quantum Theory has proven that reason is a bust.11 We are being told that reality is stranger than we "can know" and that the pitifully weak and limited butnan mind is incapable of grasping the universe as itis. Then the mystics pull out books written by (a
concept" is the use of an idea to prove itself invalid or the use of any idea to prove that its conceptual origins are invalid. For example, if I used the concept of "red11 to prove that "color" did not exist, it would be immediately obvious that what I was doing was irrational. In precisely the same way, when a physicist claims to be able to "prove11 that reason isn't reliable, he is stealing the concept of reason to disprove reason! "Proving" something presupposes a proof
city; it's being stormed by Turks. He teams up with
the child protagonist, Sally, and they go off in a balloon made from the lacy underthings of all the generous ladies in town. The film is a visual hyperbole; the most outrageous claims to greatness and ability are instantly demonstrated to be true. The Baron even has a momentary dalliance with the most beautiful of women, Venus herself. There is a hilarious sequence involving the giant King of the Moon (played by Robin Williams in his inimitable style) and his wife; it seems they can take their heads off and get all intellectual, and mad at each other, while their bodies just keep doin' what comes naturally. This will be lost on the kiddies; they'll probably just thinks it's silly. But the rest of the film is (and I mean this) fun for the whole family. Director Terry Gilliam is at his best in the broad scope of a fantasy like this, and he lines up a superb cast, including Eric Idle, Oliver Reed, and John Neville.
Last Exit to Brooklyn.
Quite on the other hand, Last Exit interweaves several tales of life during the 1940's in an impoverished section of Brooklyn. This is indeed the City of Dreadful Night: we meet strikers, strike breakers, rowdy boys who pimp for a young prostitute in order to roll her johns, the prostitute's idealistic sailor boyfriend who finally goes off to sea, a working class stiff and the chubby girl he knocks up, as well as a host of others living in quiet, and unquiet, desperation. Their stories are sad, paltry, but the filmmakers tell them in a style that is epic and somehow magnificent. The most interesting and tragic character is Harry Black, a typical working
The First Family of Satanism. bush falls over the room) physicists! These high Magistra Zeena LaVey and Nikolas Schreck are priests of the super-religion of Science (spell this nterv ewed by televangelist Bob Lars m. The original r religion with a capital "S," please) state that there mterv1ewwasthreehourslong,andth1stapeculledan really isn't any "reality" (The Copenhagen hour and a half from it. An even shorter version is ., Interpretation by Neils Bohr) or that reality is created now being marketed by Larson Ministries as his by your mind alone (Taking the Quantum Leap by company nosedives toward well-deserved obscurity. Fred Wolf is an example of this view) or reality is a You can inquire about the latest price for whatever ., "oneness" and any "observer" is merely an illusion version is now available at P.0. Box 36-C, Denver (The Tho of Physics by Fritjof Capra expounds on this CO 80236. ' interpretation) or there are many "realities" (so that LaVey and Schreck do a good job of explaining each choice by any entity generates a universe for the Satanic point of view on a variety of topics.Where \ each possible choice) or "Quantum logic" (normal you or I might say "Damn right!" or "Hear, hear!" "logic" cannot understand reality and we need a Larson just gasps or looks pained. but he does let "new" logic) or consciousness creates reality (as them get their say. Apparently we Satanists are so evil i supported in The Fabric of the Universe by Denis that no further questioning from Larson is necessary; Postle) or the duplex world of Heisenberg in which he expects the audience will react as he does. "You eveiything is an unreal potential until observed. mean you wouldn't help them?" he whines. "I'd help \ All of the above are models intended to explain you if you needed help." That's your tough luck, 1 in terms we can talk about, what Quantum Theory sucker. Schreck says it himself: "As we move into the implies about reality. Each of the above models has Satanic Century, we're going to see Christianity's last 1 one particularly serious problem. The problem is not gasp. Satan is the god of the strong, of the powerful, over the question of whether or not Quantum Theory and of the leaders of the world. We're getting back to is true. A theory cannot technically be "true" anyway. our animal natures. We're beasts." \ only more or less usetw. Quantum Theory has proven La Vey and Schreck are both attractive young itself to be very useful and while, eventually, it will people and speak well, but the relentless pressure of undoubtedly give way to a better theory in the course Larson's condemnation (after all, these people would 1 of time, it remains a very useful theory. No, the like to put us all to the match, and it's not fun talking difficulty with these models is that they all undercut to them, believe me) has made them a little grim the possibility of human knowledge. In other words, during this presentation. Combined with their for any of the above models to be correct, we could diabolical black outfits, one gets an almost Quakerish never .knowthat fact nor anything else for that matter! impression. But when Zeena cracks a smile, it is a Knowledge relies upon reason as the non- charming one. 6 contradictory identification of the facts of reality. If you undercut reason you cannot prove or disprove
based upon reason. In the realm of knowledge you cannot pull yourself up by your own bootstraps without falling on your face!! ·
Beyond this inherent logical flaw, each of the above models denies that reason can handle the "reality" it postulates. - The Copenhagen Interpretation is the worst in that it basically shrugs and says "What reality?11 An anti-realist position makes a mockery of explanation and is, instead, a useless apology for not pursuing knowledge. The mind-reality model described by Wolf leaves us with a solipsism that undercuts_ the possibility of consciousness. If there is nothng separate from you to become conscious of. then consciousness is not present. To be conscious is, by definition, to be concious of something. Capra's "oneness" leads to the same reason-undercutting conclusion as do the models of Postle. Heisenberg and Wolf. "Quantum Logic11 confuses logic with subsets of particularized mathematical situations called, incorrectly, "logic" (such as Boolean logic, for example). Reason is not just the particular way our human nervous system juggles concepts. Reason relies upon a means of identifying these concepts (and the experiences which underlie them) and then validating these concepts. The alternative to a logic which validated the facts of reality would be to use a logic which inva/idatedthe facts of reality! . Finally, the "many worlds" model reveals itself to be not so much an explanation as a failure to explain what reality is. Please understand that the
"other realities" constantly being generated could
grunt who runs the union's strike headquarters, living off the fat of the land, distributing free beer and hoping the strike will go on forever. But something strange happens to Harry when a young gay man comes around looking for a friend of his, and Harry eventually gets drawn into a world of clever young homosexuals who smoke marijuana, dress up and go out on the town to their kind of places. Harry takes a
Die Hard.
If you 're like me and tend to avoid action i movies, or any movies with Bruce Willis, media hypester, you may have missed this one during its run 1 in theatres and on cable TV. It's a great suspense +. thriller with the most clever, Satanic villains I've seen
in a long time, and there's a stunt atop this office skyscraper you won't soon forget. Good fun.
anything! If you cannot validate or disprove anything to be true or false, existent or nonexistent, then it is impossible for you to have anything but opinion. Knowledge becomes impossible and only arbitrary assertions can be made. This error has been called "The Fallacy of the Stolen Concept" by psychologist Nathaniel Branden in his early work with the Philosophy of Objectivism. In essence the "stolen
never in any way have any information about each other to meet the needs of this theory. In other words, if this model of many realities ever did generate evidence to support it, it would be disproven! This is the rational equivalent of demanding that someone prove that UFO's don'texist!
Yet there remains one other model which does not condemn reason and the ramifications of this
model have far-reaching consequences for the serious Satanist. The author is Albert Einstein and the model is called Neorealism. Neorealists hold that the foundation of reality consists of "ordinary objects." They reject the need for reality, as we know it, breaking down when we examine the ultimate building blocks from which all the universe is composed. Neorealists belive that the proponents of the other seven quantum models are guilty of failing to distinguish between abstract extrapolation and the simplicity of every other aspect of reality thus far investigated. The Neorealist school is opposed to the "mystification" and obscurity seen most blatantly in the Copenhagen Interpretation. As Einstein explained it, "I still believe in the possibility of a model of reality -- that is, of a theory which represents things themselves and not merely the probability of their occurrence." Neorealism, in essence, holds that our familiar "common sense" view of reality can and will extend to the quantum level given time.
What we do know, to date, concerning the implications of Neorealism is that due to Bell's Theorem (which is based strictly upon observation and thus is considered reliable) it must be possible for faster-than-light (FfL) communication to go on in our very real and obj ctive universe. Whether this
the best understanding we have of the nature of reality denies all mystical cosmologies whether they are Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, Shinto, Hindu, etc There is no room for contradiction in the univers such that causality does not exist. However cause and effect may just possibly be able to move across what appears to be time. In other words, it may be possible to have a future cause for a past event. (Shades of the ECI!) Causality is validated but not tied to our one-way linear conception of time. In all of this there is no loophole possible for "God" or mystical reality.
For the Satanist this is a reaffirmation of the truth of his mind's ability to understand reality and the comprehension of yet another avenue for exploring paranormal phenomena, our "Greater magic." For the religious mystic, waving the latest paperback swill of Quantum Ignorance, it is a total condemnation of their beliefs and of the minds which weakly attempt to hold those beliefs.
Who's your favorite psycho killer of the silver screen? Norman Bates? Leatherface? Well, you no longer have to flip a coin. No reason to tear your black heart in two, because you are about to meet all o you favorite cannibalistic, necrophilic psycho killers m one man, and better yet, he's not a figment of B-movie dreamland. He's real as grandpa. Meet Ed
, Gein.
Ed was a quiet man with a smile for everyone He and his brother, Henry, worked the 160 acre fa and tended their mother until her death in'45. Ma Gein looked after her two boys, kept 'em under her wing so to speak, and convinced 'em early on that they should stay away from them no good women and keep to tendin' the farm, which they did. After all, mother knows best.
Sometime later on, Ed's brother burned to death in a forest fire.
Ed took to deep thinking and decided to seal off his mother's room and parlor. (Sound familiar?) When the gov rnment pr vided him with a subsidy
, I
involves Rupert Sheldrake's hypothetical "morphic fields" or not, we do not know. What we do know is that of all the reality models of Quantum Theory only Neorealism meets all the known criteria and then additionally undercuts all of the mystical doctrines.
Why have so many physicists succumbed to the irrationalities of the other seven models? Perhaps you can guess this by considering the words of Prince Louis de Broglie who predicted the wave nature of matter and eventually abandoned the mystical models turning again to Neorealism. As he explained, "I realized that I had been seduced by the current fashion, and began to understand why I had been so uneasy whenever I tried to give a lucid account of the probability interpretation." The truly astounding thing about these other seven perspectives is that it does not require a degree in subatomic physics to uncover the hatred behind this need to invalidate the rational human mind. You have only to understand a few rudimentary concepts involving logic. The complete answer is simple for the Satanist to understand if we listen to the Satanist who formulated the Neorealism model: "The Heisenberg Bohr tranquilizing philosophy -- or religion? -- is so delicately contrived that, for the time being, it provides a gentle pillow for the true believer from which he cannot very easily be aroused. So let him lie there." So said Einstein and so he held to his dying day.
What are the implications for us today? First,
through the Sod Conservation Plan, Ed found himself with I_>lenty o time on his hands and started taking a keen mterest m anatomy, devouring many books on the subject.
Around this time, Ed got another bored farmer named Gus to help him dig up graves. It seems that Ed the Anatomist needed female cadavers for "experiments." "Hello Gus? This is Ed. Get on over here as soon as ya ken, an bring yer shovel. I needs some more specimens." Little did Gus know that secretly, Ed wanted to study the structure of female genitalia in preparation for some ort of do-it-yourself transsexual operation. Ed knew 1t w_as ?est to keep quiet about such things;
a er all, he d1dn t want old Gus to think he was some kmd of a sissy.
Gus, it seems, never knew of the ultimate fate of their grave loot. He just helped Ed dig 'em up and ca_rt 'em back to Ed's shed. All in the name of science, no doubt. Who knows what Gus would have thought had he peeped into Ed's kitchen window late at night and saw him pacing the floor in his custom-tailored leather leggings, vest and mask.
r fter t e good p_arts_ were removed (head, heart, ter, mtestmes, gemtaha, strips of flesh, etc.) Ed . Urned the excess meat and fat and buried the bones in secret place. After old Gus was carted off to the
- 1rement home, gr veyards jus didn't hold the same warm for Ed. Pohshmg up his old .22 pistol, Ed alked up to the saloon in Pine Grove, shot the
barmaid, Mary Hogan, in the head, and carted her body back to the farm on a sled. All in the name of science.
Ed frequented the old hardware store in Plaii:ifield (it was J?robably where he bought his surgical tools) chattmg with the son of the woman who ran the place. Ed asked the boy when he planned to go hunting next. The boy (who also happened to be Deputy Sheriff) said he was going out the next morning. For some reason Ed told the boy, Frank Worden, that he was coming to the store the next morning to score some antifreeze.
. So... while Frank was out hunting, Ed walked mto the hardware store, bought some antifreeze, and shot Mrs. W rden in the head with a .22. Ed promptly absconded with the body and the cash register (he was curious to see how it worked) and locked up the store behind him.
Later that afternoon, Deputy Frank returned from his hunt to_find the store locked and Mommy gone. Upon entenng the store, Deputy Frank finds the space where the cash register used·to be and a pool of blood where Mommy used to be. On the counter was a receipt for one can of antifreeze! Two plus two equaled four and Deputy Frank hit the road to find Ed Gein at a diner Frank knew he frequented, but not before dispatching the Sheriff to the farmhouse. Deputy Frank put the question to Ed: "Where's my Mommy?"
Ed answered, "Gosh, Deputy Frank, I don't
Deputy Frank didn't buy it and took Ed back to the stationhouse to wait for the Sheriff and hear what he had to say.
Before too long the Sheriff returned,
SAT/\NIC ROOTS (Part II) by Philip Marsh
glassy-eyed and pale, and told of what he had found in the Gein farmhouse: bracelets made of human skin, four human noses in a cup on the kitchen table. a pair of human lips dangling from the windowsill on a string, a torn-tom made from human flesh and a coffee can. Ed's special vest, leggings and nine masks in all. a human heart in a pan on the stove. ten female heads sawed-off at the eyebrows, another head made into a soupbowl, and a refrigerator filled with frozen body parts. All together the various pieces added up to at least fifteen women. Poor Ed spent the rest of his life in Wisconsin's Central State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
For years the old Gein farmhouse was the target of rocks and snowballs for the neighborhood boys. until one night it was
I torched. Its charred remains stood for many years as an evil landmark to the people of Plainfield. It's said that the older residents. who still remember the incident. refuse to drive past the Gein house. They take another route. With the miracle of home video. we can
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Socrates and Plato are linked historically. Judeo-Christianity and Humanitarianism have both sought to perpetuate this connection in order to conceal the Satanic cast of the Orphic Pythagorean-Platonic tradition by mixing it and confusing it with with the Socratic Aristotelian tradition. Only by ripping Socrates and all he represented cleanly away from Plato once and for all, which scholars who fancy themselves "moral" resist, can the Satanic cast of the Platonic-Hellenic tradition stand out.
In Plato's dialogues, Socrates is almost invariably the principle speaker. A departure from this only occurs in Plato's later dialogues, like "Timaeus," in which the principle speaker is the eponymous Pythagorean astronomer (Freeman, p. 240). Plato met Socrates and listened to him. Since Socrates wrote nothing, almost all we know about him comes through Plato, in whose dialogues one must seek the ideas of both. Plato and Socrates are so easy to mix up, that one can mistake Plato's Theory of Forms as "Socrates' Theory of Forms."
"The Socratic Question" (Plato, Pontagoras and Meno, Introduction by W.K.G. Guthrie, p. 16). This can be a difficult problem for new readers, but there actually is almost complete agreement on the subject among scholars. In fact, there is almost complete agreement as to exactly at what point in each dialogue Plato first breaks off from Socrates and begins to speak his own ideas through Socrates.
As already mentioned, Socrates was not Hellene, but rather of the tribe of Antiochus [Antioch was in Phrygia which is now in Turkey] (Plato, "The Apology" in Great Dialogues of Plato, translated by
W.H.D. Rouse, p. 438). He was described as short, ugly, and snub-nosed (Plato, "The Theatetus" in The Dialogues of Plato, translated by B. Jowett, p. 144). His character was not only different from Plato's, but quite different from the Hellenes in general. He was utterly un Satanic.
He had nothing to say on one of the educated Athenians• favortite topics: the nature and origin of the Universe. He
was more intertested in Man's ethics, laws and customs (nomos) rather than in
plant are akin and merely part of nature, which deserves study. Socrates' words are in direct contrast to those of a medieval Pythagorean, Bernard of Morlaix, 1140 C.E., ofN.W. Europe who said "trees and stones will teach you more than you can learn from the mouth of a doctor of theology" (Graves, p. 238). Bernard was not a nature-worshipper, but according to Graves "held that the mythical qualities of chosen trees and chosen precious stones, as studied by Pythagoras, explained the Christian mysteries better than Saint Augustine had ever been able to do" (ibid).
The celebrated concept of "Platonic Love," which prudes use to rationalize their contempt of their own sexuality, was really Socratic Love. Socrates turned his back not only on Hellenic science, poetry and myth, but also on the All-Mother goddess. It will be recalled that "to apeiron," the dark force infused in nature, was considered by the Pythagoreans to be dark, unlimited, female, the source of the daimones, and the cause of all creation, generation,
enduring and inspiration. Socrates was in romantic homosexual love (but refrained
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Socrates hollow boast is famous: he claimed that, unlike his fellow Athenians, at least he knew that he knew nothing! Yet he repeatedly evinces, in the early dialogues, sheer faith in the immortality of the soul, and an unshakable, yet never satisfactorily jistified conviction that goodness, virtue and justice exist and make men h_appy (Plato's "Gorgias," translated by Donald
nature (physis). He could not discuss the apeiron, nor the origin of the Universe. He concerned himself with disputing ethics and political matters with clever imposters. Robert Graves believes that myths frightened or offended him, especially Pelasgian cult ideas and symbols (Graves, The Mite Goddess, pp. 10-11). In one of Plato's dialogues, Socrates says "But I have no leisure at all
from touching him with self-restraint) with Alcibiades, an Athenian youth, as attested to by Alcibiades himself in Plato's 'Symposium." Socrates turned his back on the Goddess who sent the daimones as intermediaries so men could commune with the gods. Socrates practiced a kind of intellectual homo sexuality, a hardened failure to respond to the female principle in nature, whether
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J. Zeyl). His obedience to civil authority, espite having no convincing reasons for 1t, have won him the admiration of Christian, Jew, Marxist, and moralist alike. Meanwhile, Plato's Pythagorean outlook with its effort to rip off nature's dis¥11ises and seek deeper explanations, quietly, but not without immense resistance, became the approach of physical science. We shall see why Christian writers have extolled Socrates as a forerunner of Jesus Christ, the book about Whom (The Holy Bible) is still the !>est selling book in the Westem World. It ts a little known fact, that as of 1961, the second best selling book in the Western W orld was one that continued the tradition of the mathematikoi: Euclid's Elements (The Main Stream of Mathe matics, Edna E. Kramer, p. 47). S The problem of which beliefs are 0crates' and which are Plato's is referred to by students of the subject as
for such matters; and the cause of it, my friend, is this: I am not yet able, according to the Delphic precept, to know myself." (Graves, p. 11). Socrates is referring to the priestess at Delphi, who commanded him to "know thyself," a task he embarked upon. The oracle priestess seemed to know Socrates better than he knew himself, and she appears to have mocked him. She apparently knew that he considered the study of nature and the cosmos as irrelevant to self-knowledge, i.e., that Socrates was someone cut-off from nature, in mind, spirit and body. He was a confinned city man, who confessed to Phaedrus that "fields and trees will not teach me anything, but men do." (Graves, p. 11 ). Socrates was the prototypical Judeo-Christian and humanitarian ethicist, for whom man is the "element" of the Universe most deserving of thought and attention. This is opposed to the Pythagorean idea that man, beast and
the response demanded was sexual, emotional, or intellectual. Diotima of Mantineia, the Arcadian witch we have already met in connection with Plato's theory of the daimones, cursed Socrates for this. She warned him that a man's love should be directed toward women, that three female Muses (the Hellenic Triple Muse) presided over all acts of creation and generation, whether physical, intellectual, or spiritual. She told him the godd sses Cybelle and Ishtar in the Temples of Attis tolerated sodomy between men in their temple courts, but she warned him that the ideal of intellectual homosexuality, or the severance of a man's psyche, thoughts and feelings from the female principle in nature, was a far more serious aberrancy and offence. She was referring to Socrates' efforts to make his intellect spiritually self-sufficient, to cut himself free from what Goethe called "the eternal
feminine principle" and what Carl Jung called "a man's anima." She warned him he would not escape the power and wrath of the All-Mother in her many forms: Leucotheia, Hecate, Athena (Graves, pp. 10-12).
disrepute of myth, magic and science. According to Graves, the myths and their language survived "purely enough in the mystery-cults of Eleusis, Corinth, Samothrace and elsewhere, and when they were suppressed by the early
doing an injustice. He says th dictates that it is just that th at nature have a greater share of thing: 8 Perior inferior. A superior man, he sat' an the not seek to restrain his pie H, does
appetites, he devotes his coau sure or .,
orean (Freeman, op. cit. p. 18), pythagto have regarded this step of the
,eenis as a form of Katharsis, a release process·ng from lies and falsehoods. This otp0rr called the Socratic "elenchus" state is Protagoras and Meno, W.K.C.
real existence." Theatetus answers, "Yes, knowledge. The search within oneself for indeed Socrates, they are very hard and clear definitions of ethical ideas a la
impenetrable mortals." "Socrates" Socrates is abandoned.
continues, "Far more ingenious are these A dramatic example ofa priori brethren whose mysteries I am about to knowledge was the case of Pascal, the reveal to you." (Plato, "Theatetus," French mathematician, whose Christian
As a result of her curse, Socrates
Christian Emperors, they were still taught
intelligence to maximizing his :aage .a_nd
see .mtro. to the "Meno," p.
translated by B. Jowett, p. 157). father forbade him to study geometry. On
got Xantippe, a peevish, scolding shrew of a wife. His beloved Alcibiades became a self-destructive, vicious, treacherous ruinator of Athens. Socrates died under a death sentence from a court of Athens by drinking hemlock, a leaf sacred to Hecate, perfecting the delicious revenge of the All-Mother prophesied by Diotima. Denial of the Dark Principle, as Nietzsche pointed out, results in what he called the Apollonian (ordered, logical, mechanical, rational), completely severed from the Dionysian (intuition, instinct, passion, inspiration), which results in Akatharti, or Thanatos: a man who is a head with no body, or a man whose head is at war with the rest of his body. Hence we have the Christian and other mind body dualisms wherein "the evil body" is always causing "the pure mind" to have "evil thoughts." These so-called "evil thoughts" are in fact basic biological human natural instincts! This dualism is "the Apollonian at war with the Dio nysian, or severed from the Dionysian," as if the person is utterly cut-off from Nature, even his own Nature, as in Socrates. Pythagoreans, with their measurement of interval, measurement of harmonies, and their profound logic with their inspiration and Katharsis, is an example of a perfect blend of Apollonian and Dionysian which results in "Zoos" and "Eros." The Dionysian can exist in a person by itself without the Apollonian, and the person will still be Zoos-Eros (health of mind, body, and spirit), however one might consider such a person "stupid." There is also the case of a totally Apollonian person who is also Thanatos, who intellectually decides (I) to "become Dionysian;" and he makes a pathetic attempt to intellectually bring out his instincts (instead of just "let go," feeling which he is unable to do). The result is the inverse-Christian, still exclusively Apollonian, that is, Thanatos; and now thoroughly self-deluded.
It is no wonder then, that the exclusively Apollonian and Thanatos type of person finds the Pythagorean type, or Plato's Philosopher type, to be "mystical." It is no wonder either, that the Thanatos type despises, fears, ridicules, , and battles what he can never be. This martyrdom of Socrates, which is understood in the Judeo Christian world to be some sort of self-sacrifice made for "freedom of speech and thought," enabled his influence to rise, contributing to the
in the poetic colleges of Ireland and Wales, and in the witch-covens of Western Europe." (Graves, p. 12). This article will trace them as they survived in a Platonic form of magic called Theurgy that was forced underground by the Christian Emperors after they had destroyed, by Imperial edicts, the finest works of the Pythagorean tradition.
Socrates' formal legal charge was one of corrupting the youth of Athens. To the young Plato, Socrates seemed only to be disabusing smug teachers and pretenders to virtue of false ideas they had about their reputed knowledge of politics, ethics and the pursuit of the good life. Socrates' refusal to escape his death sentence when offered an opportunity to do so, is taken by some moralists who advocate "tum the other cheek" to be an exemplary instance of submitting to the will of bad men. Others extol Socrates' self-sacrificing obedience to legal and civil authority and its judgements rather than committing what Socrates argued in his final moments of life, to be the "greater evil" of disobeying, escaping and thereby breaking the law willfully. His absolute faith in an afterlife expressed moments before he drank the hemlock, with not one shred of evidence or science to back it up, and his unshakable conviction as to the virtue of his accepting the death sentence, has led some commentators to compare him directly to Jesus (Five Great Dialogues, translated by Reverend B. Jowett, in the introduction by Louise R. Loomis, p. 7). Undoubtedly the pride Judeo Christian and humanitarian intellectuals feel about Socrates' death is first and foremost augmented by the fact that the only time Socrates ever got bitter or ill mannered in any dialogue was in Plato's "Gorgias," in which he had the ill-luck of a head-on encounter with a Satanic personality named Callicles. Callicles presented to Socrates the Satanic idea that customs and laws are purely matters of mutual agreement and convention, and are contrary to nature. The correct thing to do, Callicles says, is to follow nature, and if one's nature is above or outgrows petty convention and morality, that man should put himself above the law and be his own law. Callicles says it is his natural right and even duty to do this, and to seek to dominate and use what he can for his own personal gratification. Callicles further states that suffering what is unjust is certainly more shameful than
for these. Finally, Callicles staiacit1cs laws were devised by the Wea s that restrain, as much as possible, the str er to (Plato, "Gorgias," translated byJ ger pp. 52 and ff). · YI,
Socrates launches intoa \V argued refutation of hedonism but en. until after he unexpectedly loses bius not ti o_erance,.w1 andh?fht-"ts1mes humor. TShUaaJtt t his tantrum m w ic ocrates comes
near to bl ws as we ever see, is genuinef , Socrates response to Callicles andn y Plato's is attested to by the fact that t "Gorgias" is one of the dialogues belon : ing to Plato's early period, in which: was more concerned with presentine , Socrates' views than his own. It does belong to the later group in which Plato uses Socrates and others to relate his Pythagorean ideas (Plato, "Gorgias • " translated by D.J. Zeyl, introduction, no 2, p. xii). We shall later deal briefly with Plato's idea, one that has stuck painfully in the soft craw of the Judeo-Christians and humanists for two-thousand years, 1 that the philosopher-king is "above the law."
The young Plato seems to hl!_ve i regarded Socrates much as did other Athenians, as a fascinating, but unusual bird. Socrates certainly did exercise a fascination on Athenian youth, and even I old folks are said to have thrown blankets on the ground in fair weather just to see
him go into one of his cataleptic trancesI wherein he stood motionless for hours, an activity more than one historian, such as Nietzsche, found "morbid." Socrates claimed to be under the influence of a \ daimon (demon) himself, who was obviously unable or unwilling to teach him anything. Socrates claimed the l demon warned him whenever he was about to do something unvirtuous! He received no such warning before drinking the hemlock (which killed him) - so hde • drank it (Plato, "The Apology," translate by F.J. Church, p. 47). .
In Plato's early dialogues, whic,h are generally accepted as a true representation not of Plato's own thoughts but of what Socrates actuailY said and did, Socrates states that ei engages in a two-step process i his conversations with pretenders to virtue and ethical "knowledge." ., In the first stage, Socrate disabuses or rids them of false ideas an smug convictions. Many of his yerbad victims showed appreciation for this, a , the young Plato, already innate l
ou;tin'this stage, one discovers that one tO · Uy like Socrates: one knows only is ,:eahe knows nothing! (Let us hope that ists do not look inside themselves 51 1iscover that they know nothing, that
- Wd be dangerous!).
Socrates himself called the second e of the process "mental midwifery"
,tag·eutic) in which he aided his students .(mad1eliver' ing, or g.i. vmg b"irth to i"de s 1 ready locked inside themselves, as if 'hey were pregnant. Socrates' method ! tended to assist Athenian youth in dinefining and redef".n mg moraI, p 1.1·t1 ,a I r religious terms hke courage, JUStice,
d piety according to their own insights. The young Plato, we shall see, interpreted this as an example of_ the Pythagor an anamnesis or recollection, an awakening from the forgetfulness that comes with rebirth. But instead of remembering former existences, Plato focused on the remembrance of the deepe_r laws of nature and the cosmos, not merely moral or political notions.
There is a great deal of agreement as to exactly when Plato takes over and begins to use Socrates as a mouthpiece for his own ideas in the dialogues. This occurs in the "Meno" at Section 8lA (Plato, Protagoras and Meno, W.K.C. Guthrie, p. 129 and ff). The tone of the dialogue changes abruptly and "Socrates" suddenly refers rather atypically to the view of certain "priests and priestesses" and "poets who are divinely inspired" (ibid. p. 129). He then proceeds to introduce the Pythagorean notion of anamnesis. There are many oblique references to the Pythagoreans in Plato's later dialogues, in which characters other than "Socrates" begin to be used as Plato's mouthpieces. More than one scholar has noticed how wary Plato is of mentioning Pythagoras by name (he does so only once!) and how careful he is not to identify the Pythagoreans by name (Which he also does only once!) (Burnet, op. cit. p. 85). In the "Theatetus," "Socrates" is·made to say, immediately
?efore a Pythagorean doctrine is Introduced, "Take a look around, then, and see that none of the uninitiated are listening. Now, by the uninitiated I mean the people who believe in nothing but What they can grasp in their hands, and Who Will not allow that action or generation or anything invisible can have
These later dialogues are separated his own, the brilliant boy drew on his from the early ones by what puzzled and floor, and was up to the 32nd theorem of perplexed Plato scholars _have call_ed a Euclid's Elements before he got caught. "wide interval of phtlosoph1cal Plato would have said that Pascal speculation." (Jowett, op. cit. p. 709). The remembered this. real "interval" is that the Pythagorean Plato has a proof of this, which Plato takes over. His youthful fascination may have been used by Pythagoras forSocrates seems gone. himself in teaching the mathematikoi. In The evidence that Plato was a 'The Meno," "Socrates" (as Plato's Pythagorean is indirect. Much of Plato's mouth- piece) interrogates an unschooled knowledge is said to have been slave boy about the sort of thing which transmitted to him from a Pythagorean Socrates (the real Socrates) himself never book he obtained. The book was written quizzed anyone on: mathematics. He asks by the Pythagorean Philolaus, who , as the slave boy how to make a square the first Pythagorean known to wnte double in area to any square you might anythingdown.ThestoryofhowPlato give him to start with. The boy purchased this book through a man incorrectly says "you double the sides." named Dion of Syracuse is preserved by "Socrates," by asking him the right Iamblichus (this fragment appears in Kirk questions, gets the boy to discover that and Raven, op. cit. p. 221). This book such a doubled square really has four perished in the general hristi:in times the area of the original. By destruction of the authentic Orphic- continuing to press the issue, the b y Pythagorean-Platonic tradition, but a discovers that to make a square doublem copy of it was preserved by Plato's area, you have to make its sides equal to nephew and successor as head of the the diagonal of the original square. Like academy Plato founded. The dialogue, this: "The Meno," in which scholars see the ....-r:::7 first incidence of Plato spouting the ,(· diagonal Pythagorean doctrine of anamnesis, was double area --, ,./ written after Plato met a Pythagorean named Archytas of Tarentum, a pupil of This may be obvious to some readers Philolaus. Written correspondence who have already studied Euclidean between Archytas and Plato has survived, geometry, but, the boy has studied and Archytas once intervened to save nothing. "Socrates" never gives the boya Plato's life (Freeman, p. 233 and ff). decent clue he just pressures the boy to Archytas was the inventor of mathe- ferret out contradictions and falsehoods matical mechanics (ibid. p. 237). Plato that his wrong guesses logically lead to. was about 40 years old at this time. By this example in "The Meno," Plato's dialogue "The Timaeus" is so Plato believes he has convinceda reader purely Pythago ean that the cla_im was that certain men are not borna "tabula made in the ancient world by Diogenes rasa" (blank slate for a mind). The idea Laertius, that Plato plaigerized "The that all men are equally, by birth, blank Timaeus" from the lost book Philolaus of mind and get filled up with knowledge wrote (Kirk and Raven, op. cit. p. 308). and teaching to their capacities, isa A complete account of Plato's humanistic, environmentalistic, and philosophy will not be given here. Instead egalitarian falsehood that has becomea we will pursue only what is relevant to dogma. The latter doctrine (blank slate) the Satanist and what is relevant to the comes from Aristotle. Leibniz, the Judeo-Christian cover-up. inventor of the Calculus, already quoted
As stated earlier, the notion Plato above should be someone who knows presents in "The Meno" is not the something about where newmathe- Pythagorean doctrine of anamnesis as a matical ideas come from (he had them). key to recollecting prior existences, but Leibniz said Plato's proof in 'The Meno" rathera type of anamnesis wherein one of the doctrine of recollection was recollects or rediscovers, deep within "excellently well considered,a fine oneself (if one is what Plato called a experiment." Leibniz referred to the "philosophos") knowledge of the order of interrogation method _used on e b )'. as the cosmos, of nature. Thus one can "animadversion" - a kind of stnct, critical recollect it if one has it! This knowledge questioning procedure. He stated that is rather blandly and evasively referred to Aristotle's concept!on o_f t e soul asa toda , by academicians as "a priori" "blank slate" at birth is vulg .
1 :I II II I I
popular notion." He said "Plato goes deeper. Aristotle's influential ideas on this subject {and in general) are good for ordinary usage of life, for there it serves no purpose to go further." {Leibniz, op. cit. pp. 44-46).
This idea of innate ideas or knowledge surfaced again in a new form in the last decade when the world's leading entomologist, E.O. Wilson, collaborated with a mathematician and physician named C.J. Lumsden, to formulate a "new" science they called "sociobiology." This science attempts to formulate, in the light of the
Contrary to this, Plato presents in his Republic, Book VI, and in his "Theatetus," the notion that there must be at least four levels or degrees of knowing characterized in the Republic as 1) ignorance or conjecture, 2) opinion or belief, 3) understanding and 4) reason (Five Great Dialogues of Plato, trans lated by W.H.D. Rouse, p. 309). Those who misunderstand this theory Plato presents very simply out of courtesy to the unfamiliar, are those alluded to above in the "Theatetus" as "hard and impene trable," i.e., those lacking the spirit of the philosopher, those who can never know
incomplete fashion, the object castin . What makes a baseball, Plato seemsg 11. saying, is its imitation of to1ie participation in, a Form "Baseball"'· and Realm of Forms which do not ex·in the least as a whole in space. But inl t, a,t dialogues, Plato seems to say th only Forms he really perceived toa he are mathematical, structural, and ;"1st• Forms. An example is the Fonns ofR 1 and Wrong. For example, Dr. LaVe 1&.1 The Satanic Bible, characterized ce unreleased emotions as "malignant" 1b1:1 clearly implies that he has an innate se 18 ofR1.ght vs. Wrong, a sense which••
to write out these numbers would uire an infinite procession of digits. A ar stool with a square seat of l' per side s a diagonal which can be represented fi•, an irrational number. A
a5thematikoi or Platonist is apt to see .,, this infinite, "a1>;iron" which is in fact in the everyday ob,Ject. Some people can directly see the •nfinite in the finite without any athematical training, just as easily as 1o 5001e people can directly hear the differences in musical intervals without any musical training. It is known to these
So it is indeed number (atomic number) and harmony or attunement that determines "goldness" and "leadness." Number alone also determines heavy or light in the laws of celestial mechanics as formulated in Isaac Newton's Principia. Aristotle persisted in the method of Socrates, which has no value at all in the realm of natural science. Aristotle used a method of seeking to define some sort of obscure, mystical "essence" of gold and lead, a method that Socrates applied in his favorite area of "research": Morality.
Philosophy of Plato, Oxford, 1949). Plato and Pythagoras both would have reminded him that this is natural only to someone born with the Forms in his "spirit," no matter how dimly imprinted. No amount of teaching, as Liebniz said, can confer on someone an idea that is not already in his "spirit" (one might read, "in his genes"). "Platonism is a natural philosophical inclination of mathe maticians, in particular those who think of themselves as the discovereers of new truth, rather than of new ways of putting old ones or making explicit logical
revolutionary discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick, how genetic imprinting at the moment of conception determines one's cast of mind, abilities, and even the kinds of social systems and choices that individuals, entire societies, and races will make. {Genes. Mind. and Culture, C.J. Lumsden and E.O. Wilson). E.O. Wilson has since returned to private curating at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, due to the fact that abuse and even water and coffee were consistently thrown at him when he lectured on this science - thrown by egalitarians claiming to be "anti-fascist." Dr. Lumsden has continued his Sociobiological studies with new ' associates at the University of Toronto where there is more academic freedom than in the U.S. {Author's note: All studies of identical twins separated at birth and raised in vastly different environments, who are later found, brought together, and studied, prove these data to be true. The identicalness in character, thinking, IQ, etc. of these twins is genetic, having nothing to do with the environment). Plato's notion of inborn or innate knowledge not common to all I men, remains deeply offensive to many. I Plato states that when a "soul" ' overcomes the forgetfulness which shrouds it at birth, it may {if it is the soul of a philosopher) discern within itself what Plato called The Forms {"Idea" in Greek). This is Plato's controversial Theory of Forms, and will be dealt with here because it is commonly thought to be some sort of "other-worldly nonsense" or a pernicious dualism of "heaven wherein the Forms reside, versus an earth in which mere sense data reign."
This sort of dualism can actually be found in Parmenides, one of Plato's Hellenic predecessors {see Kirk and Raven, chapter X). Parmenides had a dualistic epistemology: there was the
I "Way of Truth" by which one obtains knowledge of the "One Reality" versus the "Way of Seeming" which is never knowledge, but falsehood, and is about the objects of the world of the senses {Kirk and Raven, ibid.).
because it is not "within their spirit," as Leibniz put it. Plato likens them to benighted men trapped in a dark cave who can see only shadows on the walls of the cave, but are too distant themselves for the cave-dwellers to even suspect as existing. These people live without ever knowing what really exists, mistaking shadows for realities, and only some are ever able to transcend this predicament {Plato's Republic, translated by W.H.D. Rouse, p. 312 and ff). The philosopher or "talented" individual finds his way out of the cave and perceives the Forms of which the shadows cast inside the cave are but pale imitations.
This cave of ignorance is left behind not by abstinence, prayer or good works, but by the study of arithmetic, geometry, music and harmony, astronomy, etc. (Republic, Book VII). Plato is oftentimes considered to be the first Greek philosopher to have consciously thought anything could exist otherwise than in space, i.e., that something could exist without occupying or taking up space {This is the opinion of Kirk and Raven, op. cit. p. 250). Plato's favorite example is one that comes readily to mind: numbers; but he said that none of the other Forms exist in space. Virtually all of the problems and objections intelligent people can come up with against this Theory of Forms were known to Plato himself, and are argued in his later dialogues. This lead the 20th century mathematician and process philosopher A.N. Whitehead to quip that all philosophy in the West ever after was but a "series of footnotes to Plato" (quoted in the introduction to Euthwhro. Apology. Crito, by Plato; introduction by Robert D. Cummings, p. vii). The Forms, then, are one of the kinds of things the soul remembers when it overcomes amnesia and emerges from Plato's allegorical "cave of shadows." In presenting the Theory of Forms in his dialogues, Plato at first implies to the uninitiate that everything known in the world of sense has a Form it "participates" in or mimics (methexis), much as a shadow mimics, in a deficient,
utterly lacking i many people, usuan18 t referred to as sociopaths or psychopath and.c rtainly innately deficient in mo:t Chnstians.
Plato seems to have held, likewise -ii that_ bas ball, for example, does not participate m an Eternal Form "Baseball" but indubitably does participate in an'd mimics the Form Sphere, the number PI and other such Forms. ' Two comments are in order: 1. Sociopaths, psychopaths and many so- > called "moral" people considered legally sane in Judea-Christian society can never seem to learn or have instilled in them any ideas of right vs. wrong, no matter t how much one threatens, rewards, or teaches them. Many revel in the emotions Dr. LaVey characterized as malignant, and even seem to prefer being unreleased \ or pent-up emotionally (akatharti), to being released. Plato would have said they are truly ignorant and they can not be taught. But he also stated the obvious: they can be made to obey, in many cases, and should be made to - that is "justice."
2. Regarding mathematical Forms: the l' concept may seem too technical, but is necessary to elaborate as these Forms were of primary interest to both Plato and \ his mathematikoi predecessors.
Most readers will understand that any baseball is never truly a sphere, yet they will admit they have an idea of a ,, true sphere - a Form Sphere. Someone who has left the cave, as Plato would say, has seen the Form Sphere in a clearer way than most, and may even be able to ' define this Form as "all points in a three· dimensional space that are exactly the same distance from the central point." Remarkably, some may even be able to define and discuss a hyper-sphere, such
as a four-dimensional sphere. When mathematicians discuss these arcane subjects, does anyone ever wonder where 1 they have gotten these ideas? . An interesting futher example 15 v the realm of irrational or incorn· mensurable numbers, such as PI or ./2. The Pythagoreans called such numbers "alogon," meaning they could not be spoken or written, and they were correct
people the same way: by direct awareness, direct perception. There are those who cannot directly perceive these things who would dictate to the ones who can, what "can or what can not be perceived" and argue the fact that anyone can perceive it at all, or just outright attack the person as a "mystic." The most ins.idious thing these "can not know" types do is learn all the correct words of those who can perceive, and then proceed to declare themselves "the experts." As you will see later, this is exactly what Christian theologians did with Platonism. The only ones fooled were the ones who do not have the innate ability to Know. The ones who can and do Know have never been fooled - and are not fooled. These insidious parasites of knowledge cannot fool the knowers but they can and do persecute them, which only drives it all underground - again.
The Pythagorean dictum "all things are numbers" was a puzzle to Aristotle. He never could grasp, any more than the akousmatikoi could, how number alone could make the difference between lead and gold, or heavy and light in weight. He ridiculed these notions, implying that Plato and the Pythagoreans were making the nonsensical assertion that numbers exist outside space, and yet have weight, or as if they were saying some numbers are gold, others are lead, etc. Modem mathematical physics has completely vindicated the Pythagoreans and Plato. The Schroedinger Wave Equation and other equations describe perfect attunements, intervals and harmonies in detail. In certain of these equations, a number like one can be plugged in at certain variables and the equation collapses or reduces to a detailed description of the shape of a hydrogen atom. But if the number two is substituted in these equations in the same lac:s, the equations reduce instead to a
h et lled description of the shape of a • chum atom. Such numbers are called atomic numbers," and the same can be ione by substituting 79 for gold and 82 or lead, though the mathematics with ch high atomic numbers gets too fticult for the best human brains.
The Hellenistic atomist, Demo critus, a predecessor of Plato, appears to have attributed to the atoms (which he said constituted all things) various random shapes, like pebbles on the shore, but much tinier. Plato, on the other hand, insisted that atoms must conform to regular shapes, such as the five regular three-dimensional solids, as in modern chemistry (Freeman, op. cit. p. 223). Platonic misrepresentation, in modern times, can go to great depths. (See Hogben, Mathematics for the Millions, pp.229,ff)
Not only Aristotle, but other ancient writers, like Plutarch, appear to be a source of the wrong idea that Plato refused to have "recourse to the visible" and instead "relied upon pure reason." (Freeman, p. 237). What Plutarch should have said is that Plato was condemning ad hoc ways of studying astronomy (ibid.). . Plato's entire dialogue, "The Parmenides," seeks to reconcile logic and thought with sense perception {Freeman,
p. 152). This is obviously never a problem for those already characterized as not having Forms in their "spirit" to begin with. What they "see" with their senses is all they can know!
Plato was not a dualist, but held to an hierarchy of kinds of "knowing," or degrees of truth (recall levels of hearing: tone-deaf all the way to perfect pitch). His position on the ideal Forms was not an assertion, but an inference based on direct sense perception, combined with intuition, from the obvious perception of "more real than" to its limit. Gifted and intelligent people have no lack of ideas that some things are more permanent or real than others, more independent of sense perception, and more or less capable of being described. Most people lack any such awareness. To most people, such thinking is strange and alien, even puzzling and "mystical." Plato's whole epistemology, unlike Parmenides', is one of gradation to ideal limit. G.C. Field, the most understanding Plato scholar, stresses the naturalness of the transition from the "more or less" concepts to the "absolute" ones {G.C. Field, The
consequences that were already implicit." (S. Korner, The Philosophy of Mathematics, p. 15). Over and over again, creative, productive scientists and thinkers side with Plato and Leibniz, like Heinrich Hertz, the discoverer of electromagnetic or "wireless" waves:"One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulae have an independent existence and intelligence of their own, and that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers, that we get more out of them than was originally put into them." (Kramer, op. cit. p. 90). The scoffers at Plato, those who abused Pythagoras as "mystikos logos" or "mystic," have been the intellectually barren, sterile souls who can only conserve, criticize and analyze, but not create. And, they conserve it innacuratelyl It is as if, even when told, they jlst can not .knom
Plato admitted that, in some cases, things are what they appear to be ("Theatetus," translated by B. Jowett, pp. 153-154). He refutes dualism succinctly (loc. cit. p. 250 & ff). Yet, he insists "the true lover of knowledge strives after being. He will not rest at those multitudinous phenomena whose existence is appearance only." (quoted in The Unfrerse and Dr. Einstein, Lincoln Barnett, p. 113). This drive or love (Eros) for knowledge remains a puzzle to those characterized (above) by Leibniz and Plato as vulgar, hard and dense. Plato's approach is that of science at its best today. Einstein said, "To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull fafulties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness." (Barnett, op. cit. p. 108). If the reader pursues Plato's theory of knowledge in greater depth, he will be surprised at how many of Einstein's own terms (in the above quote) recur in Plato: "highest wisdom, "most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive •forms'
If you can understand this, you will correctly understand what Plato meant when he called the world of eyeball sight a "prison house." Otherwise,
9{fisty-(jram by Jayne J1/4lyne
Here's how to recognizea gram. It's not just an insult lett nasty. Jette of comp_laint, or even ae;, 0r a arguing a pomt. Those are etter amazingly civil. It's a letter ften
you will interpret this as a dualism, some Letters, we get letters. Lotsa letters.
someone who's trying to ask a questr1_olll
sort of fore-runner of the demented And most of them are quite pleasant and Christian defamation of the senses, polite. Honey LaSalle gets the most material things, the body and nature. The interesting letters (along with some gifts - Christians themselves, desperate to lucky girl!) and Nemo gets some quite borrow from a sound philosophical
or answer one, or merely give 0n, < necessary •m1.cormati•on, and its increcSJOillle and unnecessarily nasty. The aut;ly, could have been polite, pleasant or or ' d1.stant1 yb u. smessl'1k e, but ins•teaedvhen i.
system to give foundation to their silly, untenable theology of monotheism, interpreted Plato this way to themselves. Plato founded a school called the
decides to burn the bridge e communication and put himself forevof on your {s)hit list by dropping solllcr t venom along the way. e Many Satanists, or those along fo
Academy, wherein the lost book of the
the ride, are incapable of simpl 1 _.
Pythagorean Philolaus was preserved. This school continued in existence, despite the persecutions, for over 900 years, until the Christian Emperor Justinian closed it in 529 C.E., but not before it produced the most eloquent enemies the Christians ever encountered, as we shall see in the final section to follow next quarter. Friedrich Nietzsche, who had little to say in approval of anyone {!), cast his final judgement on Plato as being one of those who wanted to see "how far his strength will reach. But they do it as individuals far man might be driven in his evolution where has the plant "man" hitherto grown up most magnificently." (Nietzsche, The Will to Power, translated by Kaufman and Hollingdale, p. 511).
In the following section we shall very briefly cover Neo-Platonism in the Christian era, the deadly enemies of Christianity it produced, how Platonism was co-opted or absorbed by Christian theologians, and how magic survived in the early Christian era as a Platonic prerogative or occupation in the form of Theurgy, Hecate devotion, and knowledge through "demons."
(Next quarter Part 3, Meo-Platonism)
Tulpa Spell Bondage by Diabolos Rex
ignoring or politely rebuffing anothe; and instead jump all over peopl without wisdom or foresight. What happened to Lesser Magic? What • happened to reserving your opinion until it is sought? (Satanic Rule of the Earth #11) What's wrong with being . nice when it won't cost you anything, and might even get you a thing or two? You'll catch more flies with honey - wontcha, Honey?
. --. '
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