- SHOW DESCRIPTION: 3ring comrade Doug Mesner brings us his tour report including the real story on the Louisville blood-shed... audience member & witness to some of the chaos calls in to give his unbiassed take.
Transcripts with timestamps to the right of the speaker are fully auto-generated and unconfirmed by manual effort.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00 [Intro clips]
Doug Misicko interview intro
Shane Bugbee 0:00
- Doug? Speak up Doug.
Doug Misicko 5:58
- All right. Check the check the chat room. See if they're hearing it.
Shane Bugbee 6:05
- Hearing it hearing it. It sounds good. Sounds like acid flashback.
Doug Misicko 6:09
- Okay.
Shane Bugbee 6:10
- I think so. Oh yeah. Doug... Sounds like good acid. Okay, Doug, you're not amused. Are you? Okay?
Doug Misicko 6:23
- You bought some effects. Did you?
Shane Bugbee 6:25
- No. I just turned up them the speaker.
Doug Misicko 6:28
- Oh okay. Delay.
Shane Bugbee 6:30
- It sounded like effects though, didn't it?
Doug Misicko 6:32
- It did. At least from here. It sounds like there's feedback too.
Shane Bugbee 6:36
- Doug... Your last name is?
Doug Misicko 6:43
- "Mesner"
Shane Bugbee 6:43
- ...because I hate to give out your real last name.
Doug Misicko 6:45
- Right? Throw off my whole game.
Shane Bugbee 6:47
- Seeing as I've been, I've been drinking.
Doug Misicko 6:50
- Right. Well, people might track me down at the high school I work as a janitor for.
Shane Bugbee 6:58
- So how are you doing, Doug?
Doug Misicko 7:00
- Not bad. Not bad at all. How are you?
Shane Bugbee 7:03
- I'm good. I'm glad you you finally had the time to call in.
Doug Misicko 7:07
- Right? I'm busy guy.
Shane Bugbee 7:09
- You are. You know, I was originally going to talk about the the tour that we were on. The... fuck dude, see what happens when you drink too many beers?
Doug Misicko 7:21
- You forgot which tour?
Shane Bugbee 7:22
- Yeah, exactly.
Doug Misicko 7:23
- True Crime Tour.
Shane Bugbee 7:24
- You know, I liked that. I like Amy had described me as a... aw, fuck. Dean Martin slash Charles Manson and I started like...
Doug Misicko 7:35
- That just means Manson drunk, doesn't it? What that just means Charles Manson drunk.
Shane Bugbee 7:40
- Yeah, Dean Martin was a drunk, wasn't he?
Doug Misicko 7:43
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 7:44
- You ever seen those TV commercials with Dean Martin and he's just running in place next to people.
Doug Misicko 7:49
- No.
Shane Bugbee 7:49
- God dude, they are a hoot. Anyway. So originally, we're calling in to talk to me about the True Crime Tour. Yeah, I don't remember what tour, see I'm like Dean Martin. Almost.
Doug Misicko 8:06
- Well, I only did the two shows.
Shane Bugbee 8:08
- Well, you really only did one. Louisville.
Doug Misicko 8:10
- Yeah, that's true. I kind of sat-out the other one.
Shane Bugbee 8:12
- You sort of sprouted a pussy and didn't drive really. And we ended up in Baltimore and you slept through the show. You slept the whole time.
Doug Misicko 8:24
- Which all handled itself. You see? You see me, I'm motivated by spite. The Louisville crowd, they demanded more action from me.
Shane Bugbee 8:36
- That... the Louisville thing was really weird. You know, I can't help but say, you know, looking out at these people, and they said nothing. And on the phone. I think I talked to you a couple times on the way there. And you were like, "dude, these people are not moving."
Doug Misicko 8:53
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 8:54
- Well, why don't you explain a little of that, Doug?
Doug Misicko 8:57
- Well, here's how it worked for me. From my end of it, I...
Shane Bugbee 9:02
- See Doug, I want to interrupt you now and tell you really what I want to talk about is this George Petros book that he's writing for creation books called "Art That Kills: The Transgressive and Subversive Underground from 1980 to 2000". that interests you, doesn't it?
Doug Misicko 9:19
- No.
Shane Bugbee 9:19
- Okay, good. Let's go on with the Louisville story then.
Doug Misicko 9:22
- Okay. I took a terrible flight. I had somebody else make my flight arrangements for me, which I probably shouldn't have done. Because I ended up having to fucking layover is just to go from Detroit to Louisville. And it was a long flight for that reason. So when I got there, you guys are planning on getting on...
Shane Bugbee 9:46
- What was... what reason was it a long flight?
Doug Misicko 9:49
- I had 2 layovers?
Shane Bugbee 9:51
- Detroit to Louisville?
Doug Misicko 9:53
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 9:54
- What kind of flight did you take? The cotton picker airlines?
Doug Misicko 9:59
- The kind where the person who arranged it was probably trying to teach me a lesson than I not have her arranged shit for me anymore.
Shane Bugbee 10:05
- Who was that?
Doug Misicko 10:06
- This girl I know.
Shane Bugbee 10:08
- Fucking bitch.
Doug Misicko 10:10
- I got to go very private, man.
Shane Bugbee 10:15
- Fucking bitches. What can you do?
Doug Misicko 10:20
- So you guys were originally planning on getting to Louisville around noon? I do believe and you can explain that later if you want.
Doug throwing urine at opening band
Shane Bugbee 10:30
- Hey, Doug. You ever piss into a bottle?
Doug Misicko 10:34
- No. Well, you know, you were reading that post. Weren't you?
Shane Bugbee 10:37
- No, I wasn't reading a post. I'm peeing into a bottle as you speak.
Doug Misicko 10:41
- Oh, are you really?
Shane Bugbee 10:42
- Yeah. And I wondered if you had have had ever had...
Doug Misicko 10:46
- Just the other night I went to the Skinny Puppy show, and I put them through a cup and threw it at the opening act.
Shane Bugbee 10:54
- Dude, that is such beautiful fucking music for me, to hear that you threw piss on some dickhead. I love that. You know that?
Doug Misicko 11:03
- Yeah, the best part about it was he gave us the satisfaction of ranting about it at the end of it set.
Shane Bugbee 11:09
- So you had a really strong smelling urine at that point, I guess.
Doug Misicko 11:13
- I guess so.
Shane Bugbee 11:13
- You built one up all day.
Doug Misicko 11:15
- He knew what it was.
Shane Bugbee 11:16
- Fucking disgusting, dude. Disgusting. Fucking heinous, man. I would want to kill people. I fucking swear to god, that would end my career. Someone throws piss on you from the crowd.
Doug Misicko 11:29
- It wasn't just that. He was pointing at people and saying shit like, "you thought it was funny didn't you" and shit like that.
Shane Bugbee 11:34
- He was what?
Doug Misicko 11:35
- He was pointing at people and accusing them thinking it was funny and shit. Thinking what was funny the piss being thrown at him, because at the end of his set, he pointed it out to everybody. He just want everybody know that he had piss on him.
Shane Bugbee 11:47
- So he was just one big faggy fucking artist wannabe, huh?
Doug Misicko 11:51
- He went by like "Otto von Schirach" or some damn shit like that.
Shane Bugbee 11:59
- You hear me? Belching.
Doug Misicko 12:00
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 12:01
- Yeah, I'm good and rude ain't I?
Doug Misicko 12:03
- So I get to Louisville...
Shane Bugbee 12:04
- Say it. I am!
Doug Misicko 12:07
- So there I am, in Louisville airport. Waiting for you guys. Little did I know that you guys weren't going to be there for a long time.
Shane Bugbee 12:16
- Hey, Doug. Didn't I tell you to bring money for a cab?
Doug Misicko 12:19
- And I did. So I took a cab to the venue.
Shane Bugbee 12:21
- Good. Because you're a man.
Doug Misicko 12:24
- That's right! So, there I was. And Owen showed up.
Shane Bugbee 12:33
- Bowen.
Doug Misicko 12:34
- Right. Necro sculptor Owen. Owen Leach... Leich?
Shane Bugbee 12:39
- Leach. Let's leave it at leach, that... You know, I forget that. I'm only... you know, I'm I almost forgot that I'm not just on the phone with you, but people might be listening some of the refrain from calling on a big fucking hairy pussy.
Doug Misicko 12:54
- Okay. So we set up and Jaden Murphy. Is it Murphy?
Shane Bugbee 13:04
- I don't know that's the guy from obituary, the guitar player.
Doug Misicko 13:08
- Being the vampire called guy we had in Louisville.
Shane Bugbee 13:12
- I don't know.
Doug Misicko 13:13
- He showed up. And he was a good time. We hung out. And...
Shane Bugbee 13:19
- He was a good time, in what way. Because folks listening... See, we're like, we're talking to each other and probably people are getting bored. Listening, because, you know, we know what's going on but Jaden was sucking off a dude. Yeah, let's just let's just sum it up for folks. He's a vampire. That sucks on dudes.
Doug Misicko 13:41
- That's true. And I did point out the homoeroticism of it when he gashed his his boyfriend's arm and started sucking on it. It was a very homoerotic act.
Shane Bugbee 13:51
- But Jaden says not right. I mean, right.
Doug Misicko 13:54
- That's what he says.
Shane Bugbee 13:56
- That's what he says me and me and Doug, call him a fag. And that's it.
Doug Misicko 14:00
- But he was easy to go along with because he was quick to laugh and wasn't easily offended. So that's what I meant by he's a good time. I didn't. I didn't take a sucking or anything like that. But the Louisville crowd...
Shane Bugbee 14:14
- What?
Doug Misicko 14:15
- The Louisville crowd.
Shane Bugbee 14:17
- Oh right, that was weird, wasn't it?
Doug Misicko 14:19
- They uh... I think they were... I don't know. I think they were too used to watching TV or something. They couldn't comprehend that something was going on before their very faces.
Shane Bugbee 14:31
- Hey, Doug, can we do a magic trick just like we did in Louisville.
Doug Misicko 14:35
- Okay.
Shane Bugbee 14:35
- I'm gonna go and get a beer. But I'm just going to leave you to sit here and talk. Just like in Louisville, and then I'm going to come back and I'll tap on the phone like that. You'll know I'm back.
Doug Misicko 14:47
- I don't think I'm talkative enough to hold this up.
Shane Bugbee 14:49
- Dude, it's five minutes. Come on, man.
Doug Misicko 14:51
- Five minutes, you can wait.
Shane Bugbee 14:54
- Alright, I'm waiting. I'm here. I'm here. I'm not going to walk away.
Doug Misicko molesting the Louisville crowd
Doug Misicko 15:01
- Alright. So I was taunting the crowds, and Jaden did his bloodletting and I ended up almost molesting a guy with the microphone. He was a lippy little fuck. And I started... I don't know, I started using the microphone as a phallic replacement on him. And some retard came up.
Shane Bugbee 15:27
- Retard.
Doug Misicko 15:30
- Yeah, yeah, I almost forgot about that guy in Louisville.
Shane Bugbee 15:33
- Oh, I thought you're gonna say that guy in Detroit. No, no, no. Doug's not a retard, right? Okay. I don't want to get him angry. If he's listening.
Doug Misicko 15:44
- Is he?
Shane Bugbee 15:44
- You never know. He might be sleeping. I know. The motherfucker likes to type out a lot of Z's pitch as punk.
Doug Misicko 15:51
- Yeah. No, we had a retard in Louisville come up and I interviewed him for a bit and talked about somebody taking a shit in a box and sending it to George Wallace back in the '60s and he learned this in the asylum. Anyways...
Shane Bugbee 16:06
- What? What? What?
Doug Misicko 16:07
- I don't know... So, I started molesting him too. And he didn't even notice it.
Shane Bugbee 16:11
- You molested someone?
Doug Misicko 16:13
- Yeah, I molested a couple of people.
Shane Bugbee 16:14
- On the tour? Where? What city?
Doug Misicko 16:18
- In Louisville.
Shane Bugbee 16:19
- Okay.
Doug Misicko 16:21
- I mean, you've heard the stories.
Shane Bugbee 16:23
- Yeah, no, but I'm trying to help out with a crowd that is probably snoring by now. You slow, motherfucker.
Doug Misicko 16:29
- Anyways, I was on stage and the retired was in front of the stage. But I'd say while he was talking, I could just kind of rest my nuts on his head. And it didn't seem to faze him. Didn't seem to faze anybody. That's the fucked up part about Louisville. Everybody was unmoved. And then, right after you guys showed up, I got in a fight with the venue owner. Or near a fight with the venue owner. He was angry about my t-shirt. Yeah, I should have written this all down beforehand.
Shane Bugbee 17:01
- Beforehand. What?
Doug Misicko 17:03
- This whole story. It's all coming back to me chunky style.
Shane Bugbee 17:07
- No, it's good chunky style, dude. You don't write stuff beforehand. No, fuck that. Doug, you don't drink do you?
Doug Misicko 17:16
- No, I don't.
Shane Bugbee 17:16
- So that's why I really don't like talking to you right now. You faggot. But I'm joking. No. You know, I have a deep love for you, Doug. Don't you? It's a nonsexual crush. Trust me.
Doug Misicko 17:17
- Right, right. Just the blood sucking kind of way.
Shane Bugbee 17:29
- No, no, none of that shit, man. But, but back to Louisville show. It's gonna come out of chunky way. It really is. That's how it happened, in a chunky way. I showed up... we show up at Doug's, Doug's like dude this... it was, it was like, it was like it was like it was in a fucking TV screen or something. I felt like I was on the TV screen like it was an after school special or some shit.
Doug Misicko 17:55
- Trying to convince people you're actually there.
Secret Service wantint to interview people on tour
Shane Bugbee 17:57
- Right, right and now and and we're calling... you know, we're on the run from the Secret Service. And it's funny talking to Doug and Owen and we'll be there in 10 minutes, which is two hours. Ultimately 10 minutes is two hours.
Doug Misicko 18:12
- I figured that to begin with.
Shane Bugbee 18:14
- Well you knew, you knew better though. I mean, that's why you are my man. You're my point man. Man. Whatever that is. You were you were my go to guy and we knew things were fucked up on the opening show that's why we had to fly in. Right? So who would have known the secret services is gonna fuck things up because of your artwork? You know?
Doug Misicko 18:33
- Least I could do it take the shit.
Shane Bugbee 18:35
- And folks out there and listening land should go to and go to the message board and somewhere on there you will find a link or fucking post or blah blah blah
Doug Misicko 18:51
- A quote by Panzram. I think it's in the Speak Your Mind...
Shane Bugbee 18:54
- Did you say "Fags-zram"?
Doug Misicko 18:56
- Panzram.
Shane Bugbee 18:57
- Okay, I want to make sure because he's gonna get angry.
Doug Misicko 19:00
- Right. It says new t-shirt by Suture or something like that. Exactly. Yeah. Because Suture's the handle I use on the message boards.
Shane Bugbee 19:10
- It's your handle that you use on the message board as well as as a trucker.
Doug Misicko 19:14
- That's right.
Shane Bugbee 19:16
- Anyway...
Doug Misicko 19:17
- ...three o'clock at the glory hole.
Shane Bugbee 19:19
- Hold on, man. I'm pissing into a battle on say Glory Hill as I stick my dick through a hole.
Doug Misicko 19:24
- Okay.
Shane Bugbee 19:25
- Well not through a hole, I can't really fit my dick into the bottle hole. Anyway. Doug, talk while I'm draining this.
Doug Misicko 19:35
- See if I can hear it through the phone.
Shane Bugbee 19:37
- You can.
Doug Misicko 19:38
- Okay.
Shane Bugbee 19:40
- Well, Louisville was funny because we pull up and Doug the minute we pull up Doug's walking outside with a microphone. And I'm like, What's up dude? And he goes, dude, I just ran out of things to say people are gonna think this is staged. Oh shit, dude. I just pissed... I just slipped off the bottle. I just pissed into.
Doug Misicko 19:58
- Oh.
Shane Bugbee 20:00
- You know I'm joking, right?
Doug Misicko 20:02
- No, I did not know you were joking.
Shane Bugbee 20:04
- ...but you're grossed out?
Doug Misicko 20:06
- No, I thought it was kind of funny.
Shane Bugbee 20:07
- Oh, well fuck you.
Doug Misicko 20:12
- No, see I had just been abusing the one guy with a microphone. And then I was getting really irritated. Because looking about the audience of non-responsive people who didn't even have the sense to clear out of the way when I'm going to... going to come out at random and, you know, perhaps start beating on people. So it was very avant garde, I guess I started just coming into the microphone thing at random, and walking towards the door. I didn't know what these people had to be thinking. And I didn't really care when I walk outside and you guys just pulling in.
Shane Bugbee 20:50
- And people would think it was staged. But it was wild, wasn't it? Because those folks just stared at us. And I think you said somewhere like, like, they stared at us like we were a TV.
Doug Misicko 20:59
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 21:00
- It was strange, wasn't it?
Doug Misicko 21:01
- Yeah it was...
Shane Bugbee 21:03
- Have you ever been in front of crowds before? Doug?
Doug Misicko 21:07
- No, not really.
Shane Bugbee 21:10
- I have here in there. What?
Doug Misicko 21:12
- I'm not sure how I really feel about it.
Shane Bugbee 21:15
- How you felt about what you did?
Doug Misicko 21:18
- I feel fine about what I did. I'm not sure I feel. I'm not sure how I feel about being in front of a crowd. I guess I don't mind it.
Shane Bugbee 21:24
- It is ultra bizarre, isn't it? Well, I've had to do that from here and there. And Louisville was the weirdest of all of them. And it was wild after the show to have people come up to the table. And finally clue us in and tell us that they didn't know what to do. They were sort of put off. Because nothing like...
Doug Misicko 21:49
- They all wanted to have stuff signed by us though.
Shane Bugbee 21:51
- Yeah, but the mother fuckers didn't want to pay for anything.
Doug Misicko 21:54
- They took all the free shit and had us sign it.
Shane Bugbee 21:57
- Yeah, they had I think everyone in Louisville took these free newspapers we gave out on that True Crime Warp Minds Tour. More info at And they took these free newspapers and had to sign them all day long. Like, that's all we did. But no one.. didn't you sell like one t-shirt?
Doug Misicko 22:15
- Yeah, but I had, like, this other guy comes up. And he said, Dude, do you mind if I take a picture of your T-shirt? I really don't have the money to buy one right now.
Shane Bugbee 22:25
- And we basically I think we all agree that we want those folks dead. Right? We want to kill the poor.
Doug Misicko 22:30
- Yeah, why not?
Shane Bugbee 22:32 Okay. It's good.
Doug Misicko 22:33 They're not helping us any.
Shane Bugbee 22:35
- No. Exactly.
Was it a good time?
Doug Misicko 22:41
- I guess it was a good time. I still haven't decided whether it was a good time or What?
Shane Bugbee 22:47
- What?
Doug Misicko 22:48
- You guys were asking me, "Did you have a good time?"
Shane Bugbee 22:51
- You haven't decided yet?
Doug Misicko 22:53
- I don't think I ever will. I mean, it's not something I can really call a good time. It's not something I could say was a bad experience either.
Shane Bugbee 23:01
- You know, I mean, I mean, excluding what you probably not normally consider a good time, which is, you know, basically of the flesh, right?
Doug Misicko 23:10
- Yeah. Yeah, I guess I'm kind of limited. I do what I do, and I do it well.
Shane Bugbee 23:18
- Right. Right. And that's cool. But it's of the flesh. I mean, you don't you don't do that stuff much. Right. But I mean, it was exciting. You had to say to get your blood pumping, when that motherfucker was like covering up your T shirts.
Doug Misicko 23:31
- Yeah. Yeah. I did not like that.
Shane Bugbee 23:37
- I mean, you don't really like that Doug. I'm coughing up my lungs. I think I'm on the last leg dude.
Doug Misicko 23:49
- And your last lung.
Shane Bugbee 23:50
- Well, I'm 36. And I think it's over. And I think probably I probably don't, I don't think I'll last till 40.
Doug Misicko 23:58
- Is that so wrong?
Shane Bugbee 23:59
- No, it's not. As a matter of fact, I was thinking tonight that the alcoholics of this world and the drug addicts are really the smartest. They really have given up all hope because they have really thought it out and figured out that there is no hope.
Doug Misicko 24:15
- I don't think most of them have really thought it out.
Shane Bugbee 24:19
- You don't?
Doug Misicko 24:19
- No.
Shane Bugbee 24:21
- Really? You think they just they blindly go into this life of bliss of drunken bliss.
Doug Misicko 24:30
- Yeah, I think for the most part they're idiots. Well remember what you're saying about the true crime material. It's usually the sociopathic or the very sensitive who get into it.
Shane Bugbee 24:42
- Yeah, exactly.
Doug Misicko 24:43
- I think for the most part though, the sociopathic.
Shane Bugbee 24:47
- For as far as alcoholism?
Doug Misicko 24:50
- No, for the true crime stuff, but I think yeah, what you're talking about the alcoholism and drug abuse. Due to more intelligent. I think they're either very intelligent or very stupid for the most part.
Shane Bugbee 25:02
- One or the other well I would agree with you on that. I guess that's what everything right? Perfect college professors, schooled individuals, you know either is really the smart ones or the really stupid ones that just made it. But yeah I'm with you there. Hey Doug, I'm really happy that you called me. I feel like...
Doug Misicko 25:29
- I'm glad too.
Shane Bugbee 25:30
- I feel like I have one friend out there that wants to call me.
Doug Misicko 25:35
- Yeah?
Shane Bugbee 25:36
- Yeah.
Doug Misicko 25:36
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 25:37
- Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:25 [interlude]
Wrapping up Doug Misicko interview
Shane Bugbee 28:31
- So were we done talking Doug?
Doug Misicko 28:34
- I think so.
Shane Bugbee 28:35
- I feel bad. I've kept you on the phone so long and you need to get up for work.
Doug Misicko 28:40
- That's alright.
Shane Bugbee 28:40
- How's your pussy leg?
Doug Misicko 28:44
- Severed. Big gash in it.
Shane Bugbee 28:49
- You were playing with your gash?
Doug Misicko 28:52
- My pussy leg.
Shane Bugbee 28:56
- Fucking dude. Don't get me excited. You know what happens? I get excited people get hurt.
Levi Walbert 29:03
- That's true. Exactly.
Shane Bugbee 29:06
- Hey, Doug, thanks for calling. And I wish it would have been a faster pace thing. But, you know...
Doug Misicko 29:12
- That's fine. I think we're both a little a little slow this evening.
Shane Bugbee 29:15
- How do you feel about having drug that drug addicts and alcoholics as friends, Doug? You're very straight edge kind of guy.
Doug Misicko 29:23
- You know what, I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't know why that is. But most of the straight edge people I don't get along with.
Shane Bugbee 29:29
- It's probably because you'd like to make yourself feel better by hanging around a little lesser kind of quality of person.
Doug Misicko 29:35
- Everybody I hang out with is going to be of a lesser quality than myself, so that doesn't really explain it.
Shane Bugbee 29:41
- It does. It just explains your insecurity and you don't want to hang out with people that are more than you. You want to hang out with people that are less than you.
- Doug Misicko 29:50
No, it's just a it's just very uncommon that you run into people who are actually going to do shit actually take chances and do shit and...
Shane Bugbee 29:59
- How is that uncommon? Who the fuck are you talking to right now?
Doug Misicko 30:03
- Well, but uh, you also, you know, you're not straight edge. Like I'm saying you're not going to run into many, many people who are not drinking non drug users, we're going to take chances also. So I think that...
Shane Bugbee 30:17
- So you're saying that the drug users... we really need to get liquored up to take these chances?
Doug Misicko 30:24
- Not necessarily, but they care... The character type of people that do do those kinds of things usually are going to take drugs and drink also. I'm just special, real special.
Shane Bugbee 30:36
- What makes you so special motherfucker? ...makes you different than me?
Doug Misicko 30:44
- People often wonder that. Why am I...
Shane Bugbee 30:47
- Well, I want the fucking answer. You're so special.
Doug Misicko 30:49
- I don't have the answer.
Shane Bugbee 30:53
- I don't think you're that special then.
Doug Misicko 30:54
- I'm just a special guy.
Shane Bugbee 30:56
- I think you're a fake.
Doug Misicko 30:59
- You think I'm secretly a drug addict?
Shane Bugbee 31:02
- I don't think you're that special. You don't have the answer to my question.
Doug Misicko 31:08
- I would I would be a little less special if I pretended I did.
Shane Bugbee 31:14
- God, I'm lost.
Doug Misicko 31:15
- ...because then I'd be this pretentious guy pretending he had all the answers.
Shane Bugbee 31:20
- Maybe that's true. Doug?
Doug Misicko 31:24
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 31:26
- Thank you.
Doug Misicko 31:27
- Thank you.
Shane Bugbee 31:28
- Talk to you later man.
Unknown Speaker 31:29 [interlude]
Levi Walbert interview intro
Amy Bugbee 33:52
- Hello, may I help you?
Levi Walbert 33:53
- Yeah, hi. This is Levi from Philly. Is this Amy?
Amy Bugbee 33:57
- Yeah, it is how you doing?
Levi Walbert 33:59
- I'm pretty good actually.
Amy Bugbee 34:00
- Excellent.
Levi Walbert 34:02
- Shane told me to call back. I figured he was off with Doug.
Amy Bugbee 34:06
- Oh, you know he did just finish up with Doug. Hold on. Let me let me dig him up. He's in his office. Hold on.
Shane Bugbee 34:15
- How the fuck are you Levi?
Levi Walbert 34:17
- Actually pretty fucking drunk and pretty fucking good.
Shane Bugbee 34:20
- You're pretty drunk?
Levi Walbert 34:21
- Yeah. Are you wait, okay, on the fucking website? Are you fucking with me? Do you want me to call in or not?
Shane Bugbee 34:27
- You're calling in right now Levi.
Levi Walbert 34:29
- I realized that.
Shane Bugbee 34:31
- What?
Levi Walbert 34:32
- I realize that, I'm on the phone!
Shane Bugbee 34:33
- Yeah, I mean, want or not you you are calling in? That's a trick question. Because do I want people to call me? No. To answer to answer, honestly, not really too much do I want anyone ever to call me. And I usually want the conversation to go like, well, I want to do most of the talking. And I don't want anyone to really talk I just want to talk and have a really short conversation and then get off the phone. Is that selfish?
Levi Walbert 35:06
- What?
Shane Bugbee 35:07
- Is that selfish?
Levi Walbert 35:09
- Yeah, but that's okay. Because, fuckin', that's your deal.
Shane Bugbee 35:13
- Do you have sympathy for my ladies?
Levi Walbert 35:15
- For your ladies?
Shane Bugbee 35:16
- Ladies, plural. No, my... Do you have sympathy for my lady? I'm selfish like that. It just has to be all about me?
Levi Walbert 35:31
- For Amy? She can fuckin' handle you dude.
Shane Bugbee 35:34
- What?
Levi Walbert 35:35
- I'm sure she can fucking handle you, dude.
Shane Bugbee 35:36
- You think?
Levi Walbert 35:37
- I think so.
Shane Bugbee 35:39
- Even if, like if my phone call dictates the rest of my life, I'm in trouble. Huh?
Levi Walbert 35:45
- What are you talking about?
Shane Bugbee 35:46
- Exactly, I thought you've been drinking?
Levi Walbert 35:48
- I have been!
Shane Bugbee 35:48
- Well, then you should be able to keep up with me.
Levi Walbert 35:51
- Maybe we're on different panes, but I seriously doubt it.
Shane Bugbee 35:55
- I suspect that you might be an FBI agent.
Levi Walbert 35:58
- For real for real?
Shane Bugbee 36:00
- What do you mean for real? For real?
Levi Walbert 36:02
- I thought you were fucking with me on the fuckin' website?
Shane Bugbee 36:04
- Well, I am but I always suspect that if everyone, even Amy. Amy Right now I suspect Amy may be a secret service agent.
Levi Walbert 36:14
- You're fucking paranoid.
Shane Bugbee 36:15
- Me?
Levi Walbert 36:15
- The only reason I contact you guys are like talk to you or like do anything is simply because fuck, you're a pleasure to hang out with not that many people share my fucking interests. Most people bro the living shit out of me. Like, in all honesty, like fucking a lot of times I'm totally defensive. And I'm like, "why the fuck is he fucking with me?" get all like, *whining*
Shane Bugbee 36:36
- For me?
Levi Walbert 36:38
- People in general, that I actually respect.
Shane Bugbee 36:40
- Hey, you know, the funny thing. Funniest thing was Okay, so let me introduce Levite everyone, Levi. We met Levi in Philadelphia on the true crime warped minds tour. And Levi showed up to the show early before we knew a lot of what we knew later. And well, that's how we met Levi. And Levi, why don't you explain that Philadelphia show for folks, me explaining it is almost like biased, because I was involved in the incident. So would you would you explain the show for everyone?
Levi Walbert 37:18
- I wouldn't know anything about the second bias but...
Shane Bugbee 37:23
- Well, I'm the guy involved in the argument with Charles Manson's son. So it's hard for me to be... what was that?
Levi Walbert 37:30
- Wasn't that Manson's bitchass wannabe son?
Shane Bugbee 37:32
- Yeah, explain that to folks.
Levi Walbert 37:34
- "I don't want this for for any thing to do with my music was my hairstyle." He was a total fucking bitch. But no, no, let me explain the Philadelphia show.
Shane Bugbee 37:45
- Did I say anything about Manson's hairstyle? Because if I did, I don't want that ever said brought up. That's a little too gay. You know, for at least for public. Privately Levi, I mean, you can be a little too gay.
Levi Walbert 38:01
- I have no problems with that.
Shane Bugbee 38:03
- Well, I could figure...
Levi Walbert 38:04
- Manson's son was a fucking rocker bitch, dude. Like he was totally pimping it for his.. What do you call it, like music career, but he was still the claiming he wasn't. Like the man, like he's like, "I just want some closure." Give me a fucking break. For real, go on Howard Stern Show for closure? I dunno.
Shane Bugbee 38:23
- What do you mean?
Levi Walbert 38:24
- He went on the fucking Howard Stern Show. Talking about being Manson son. And all he's looking for is closure? He wrote a book. He doesn't even read books. But he wrote a fucking book, mentioned it. Fucking put out like, you know, whatever music by a fuckin LA rocker band. And he doesn't want any notoriety from it? Give me a fucking break, with a lying piece of shit.
Shane Bugbee 38:48
- Yeah, well, he also showed up at a thing called True Crime and Warped Minds.
Levi Walbert 38:54
- Admittedly, that takes some balls.
Shane Bugbee 38:56
- Hosted by Shane Bugbee. And it doesn't take much but to run my name and the Yahoo to see that I'm a real... well real something.
Levi Walbert 39:06
- Mover and shaker?
Shane Bugbee 39:08
- Mover and shaker, did you say? At this point I don't feel like a real mover or shaker. I feel like a drunkard.
Levi Walbert 39:17
- Well, that's good. It's probably the whiskey.
Shane Bugbee 39:21
- No whiskey, man.
Levi Walbert 39:23
- That's a bummer. All I got some fucking Black Label.
Shane Bugbee 39:27
- Black Label is that a whiskey?
Levi Walbert 39:29
- No no, it's it's a beer from Carlington, Canada. It's cheap as shit and actually tastes good.
Shane Bugbee 39:35
- Ah dude, Black Label. That shit's fucking like from my high school days and I wanted to commit suicide more than I do today.
Levi Walbert 39:41
- Yeah, but it's $10 a case.
Shane Bugbee 39:43
- That might be you know if I you know I want to commit you know, I want to commit suicide a little less than I did when I was a teenager maybe but but with Black Label I might... It might up the percentage.
Levi Walbert 39:55
- Maybe you should stay away from it.
Shane Bugbee 39:56
- Yeah, well, I try to drink nice when I'm drinking Saint Paulie Girl, only wishing that the tip of this bottle smelled like her snatch.
Levi Walbert 40:07
- You like, do you like dark beers by chance?
Shane Bugbee 40:09
- No. Why do you?
Levi Walbert 40:13
- Yeah, Russian Rasputin...
Shane Bugbee 40:14
- I usually don't like people that drink like dark beers either. Yeah, I used to be a bartender.
Levi Walbert 40:21
- Okay, so you've been a bartender? Is there some sort of consistent personality that drinks dark beers?
Shane Bugbee 40:30
- Yeah. Baray wearin', Upper Crust yuppie motherfucker or wannabe yuppie motherfucker or trendy motherfucker. Some like that, you know? I mean, no offense, bro. That's just as a bartender, that's what I saw. And if you ordered a half and a half, I'd feel like dipping my nuts in that motherfucker. Okay?
Levi Walbert 40:50
- You probably should have. I honestly...
Shane Bugbee 40:52
- I never did that.
Levi Walbert 40:54
- Because I spent my early 20s in second Portland, Oregon, where you can walk out of a nature's without with a smile from the security guard with a free fucking case of badass Russian. Like Russian Imperial Stout. That's like eight point. And like, just go home and drink good beer for fucking free.
Shane Bugbee 41:14
- But But But have you ever pressed into a bottle?
Levi Walbert 41:16
- Yeah, and I actually actually have to admit, when I was when I was a kid...
Shane Bugbee 41:22
- I have to admit I'm doing it right now.
Levi Walbert 41:25
- That's sweet.
Shane Bugbee 41:26
- It's not so sweet because I needed a napkin. Sorry, got some...
Levi Walbert 41:30
- You got a piercing or something?
Shane Bugbee 41:32
- No, but I sort of got some of my fingers. So I need to wash off. So hold on to keep talking. Tell us that story.
Levi Walbert 41:44
- I actually heard about the show off of the church of satan website. I freaked out because like, "holy shit, True Crime Warped Minds. Sweet." I don't really want to go out that much. I'm generally completely fucking bored by shows. Like public events don't really excite me. But I was actually like, really amped to see the HH Holmes film.
Shane Bugbee 42:10
- The one thing that we didn't show, huh?
Levi Walbert 42:11
- I was... Okay, here's, here's what I gathered. From what I heard about it. I was like, okay, 20 bucks to go see, like a nighttime tour of Eastern State Penitentiary, which is creepy as fuckin hell. Okay, first off. Second off, I thought Jax Bierhaus was actually hosting the event and that would like cover drinks and food. And then to see like the film, I was just like, wheat. You know? I got 20 bucks. I would love to...
Shane Bugbee 42:39
- So when you gave me the $20 and you got nothing but a DVD, did you feel ripped off?
Levi Walbert 42:43
- Absolutely not. I got fucking Ed Gein's grave dirt and a drawing by Dorthea Plantae. And I got to actually meet you guys and hang out. It was fucking worth it.
Shane Bugbee 42:51
- Did I give away drawings from Dorthea Plantae?
Levi Walbert 42:54
- You gave me one. Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 42:55
- I must have been drinking.
Levi Walbert 42:57
- You must have been, I guess. Pretty fucking sober actually, that evening. You drank Coke.
Shane Bugbee 43:04
- I drink Coke?
Levi Walbert 43:06
- You drank coke that night. I don't know. You might have had a bottle of something.
Shane Bugbee 43:12
- Wow. I don't know how I gave away those drawings. But I did. And I think I picked up a disease on the road, which is you know, anytime we do these road shows, I feel like I pick up alcoholism. And I just cannot stop drinking. But it's not in a negative way. It really isn't. I really think that if you know the only problem the only thing How do I explain this? I guess drug addicts and this whole drug problem and alcohol alcoholics? Well, I think they just can't they really just don't have the money to keep up with their their lifestyle. How do you mean? I think that's what the problem is. You think, okay, Scott Peterson. The only problem is he didn't have the money to live up to his lifestyle that he wanted. He wanted you know, you know to go out and party.
Levi Walbert 44:07
- Totally Who the hell is Scott Peterson?
Shane Bugbee 44:09
- Well, the fucking Scott Peterson he cut the cut of fucking his baby out of his wife's gut, man.
Levi Walbert 44:15
- Oh, that dude. I don't know about that. I mean, the second alcoholic lifestyle like drove him to that because he had shitty... I don't know, I live in a fucking shit house. You know? Like, it's my own fault. I keep moving in with people who are fucking like little kids.
Shane Bugbee 44:35
- What? Blah, blah, blah. What did you just say?
Levi Walbert 44:38
- I'm drunk too. Now I keep moving in with people who are little fucking kids who can't take care of their own shit. So like, you know the only nice house the only nice room in the entire fucking house is my bedroom. You know, I would love to have my like, beautiful little apartment and whatnot but where the fuck am I going with this?
Shane Bugbee 44:58
- I don't know. You know? I'm a little distracted by the chat room. Have you been in there? No, you're not.
Levi Walbert 45:06
- I'm not in there any.
Shane Bugbee 45:08
- Well, there's a two hot bitches in there right now. That's all I know. Well, there's two hot bitches and that's a lot bitch. So did you say you smoke weed?
Levi Walbert 45:26
- Yeah, actually, I do.
Shane Bugbee 45:28
- You know, I don't even want to hear about that though, because I'm out of weed.
Levi Walbert 45:31
- Oh, well that fucking sucks.
Shane Bugbee 45:32
- ...and I'm buzzed. You know, I'm the funniest person who smokes weed because I get really violent and want to kill people.
Levi Walbert 45:38
- On fucking weed? For real?
Shane Bugbee 45:40
- Oh yeah. You know what, motherfucker? When I go off, okay.
Levi Walbert 45:48
- You're gonna be stoned as shit?
Shane Bugbee 45:49
- Yes. And I'm gonna blame it on the fucking weed. Just to fuck off I was hippies it's a weed makes me not violent. Because no matter how much weed I smoke, and I can motherfucking smoke an ounce and a half a week, and I still be angry. Okay, I'm angry.
Levi Walbert 46:05
- Yeah, I actually stopped smoking because it used to, like I smoke again. But I stopped smoking for two years because I would smoke and want to kill everybody in the room so badly. I would have to fucking go hide in a fucking closet. And just be like, out of my head demons out of my head demons out of my head demons. I figured it was time to fucking lay off.
Shane Bugbee 46:28
- Oh god, dude, I'm getting killed on this message board. I say bitches one wants broads. Better than when he calls me an... aw man. Why aren't you on this message board helping me, man?
Levi Walbert 46:44
- Are the women getting angry? I wish I was in front of my computer right now. The phone cord doesn't reach.
Shane Bugbee 46:53
- I wish I had enough energy to dig as many holes as I want to dig. Okay? I couldn't dig enough holes for as many bodies as I want to put in there.
Levi Walbert 47:03
- Why don't you make some... Make some fucking zombies and get them to do it for you.
Shane Bugbee 47:08
- Hey, have you seen Shaun of the Dead speaking of zombies? That was the shit, man. I'm smashing things.
Levi Walbert 47:14
- No, that movie totally fucking ruled.
Shane Bugbee 47:17
- Yeah, that was a good movie. I felt like a freak saying it was good, but I liked it a lot.
Levi Walbert 47:21
- No, I totally like I was sitting there watching it. And I was just like, yeah, actually, if zombies fucking hit Earth, that's exactly what I would do.
Shane Bugbee 47:27
- Are you listening to the radio right now? Are the internet radio the gay radio as they call it?
Levi Walbert 47:33
- No. I'm actually in the next room over.
Shane Bugbee 47:36
- But it's on?
Levi Walbert 47:37
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 47:37
- Dude, now I know you're a fucking FBI agent. I'm gonna teach you for this forever. I know you are and you know what? But the funny thing is, funniest thing is you can say you're not and I can say you are but in a year, in a year or so when I'm dragged into court and I see you accross from me. You know, eventually I'm gonna kill your family?
You're more than welcome to it. I'm sure they can defend themselves if you feel like that. But the thing is...
No matter if I get put in jail. Do you know I'm gonna fuck things up?
Levi Walbert 48:13
- You know what, dude? If you really fucking think I'm an FBI agent. That's fine. Maybe you're one.
Shane Bugbee 48:18
- I might be. You know what? Exactly.
Levi Walbert 48:21
- And that would really fucking suck because you're good pretender.
Shane Bugbee 48:25
- You know what? I had a Jew lady come up to me once at an event where there was a lady protesting and it was crazy. It was insane. I had to tell this guy do get your bitch under control and, and take her out.
Levi Walbert 48:40
Shane Bugbee 48:40
- TSOL. What is that? A song? Get your bitch under control? I shouldn't say bitch. I mean, get him broad. Get your broad under control.
Levi Walbert 48:47
- Okay, so anyways, you had to walk up to this dude. You had to walk up to this Jewish guy?
Shane Bugbee 48:55
- Some Jew Jew lady came up to me and said, basically what you're saying. She said, You must be a plant. You must be working for the JDL is that Jewish defensive league?
Levi Walbert 49:09
- Yeah.
Shane Bugbee 49:11
- So she kept sitting there telling all the protesters that were protesting my event that I was really in cahoots with the JDL. I must be because I was a good guy. Because she had a conversation with me and she thought I was a good person. I assured her I wasn't and I wanted the death of all Jews. But, but she wasn't listening. She was thoroughly convinced. I don't know why is like our situation reversed. Yeah, well, that's what I'm trying to tell you and I think your private deck maybe or FBI guy or?
Levi Walbert 49:44
- Okay, okay. How about this thing? I've always said I would make a good fucking detective.
Shane Bugbee 49:49
- See?
Levi Walbert 49:49
- No, no people possessed of the mind that I have. And the way my mind works generally either become fucking crime kingpins, serial killers, or fucking homicide detectives. Dude, I've got a mind that works... were talking shit on the radio. Okay. Now I've got a mind that works like a fuckin' detective. It's fine with me. I'm not one. I've never been involved in. Whatever dude. Fuckin' Law Enforcement. Tell you what.
Unknown Speaker 50:19
- dial-tone*
Shane Bugbee 50:19
- Are you still there? Can you hear this phone call? Oh, you know what? I know how to make a conference call now. I can call two people at once.
Levi Walbert 50:27
- Ah, sweet. You were having trouble with that earlier.
Shane Bugbee 50:30
- I'm glad you heard that. I'm sort of glad you didn't.
Levi Walbert 50:35
- Yeah, no. Let me, let me just say one stupid fucking thing over the over. Internet, whatever. Just let me say one stupid thing. You may think I'm a fucking FBI agent. That's fine. The reason why I post on your board the reason why I call the reason why I'm interested in actually talking to you. Is because I'm in Philly. We don't meet that many interesting people who I like or who I respect. That's the only fucking reason
Shane Bugbee 51:04
- Ya see, that's why I think you're a fucking FBI agent because Philly's pretty goddamn cool. You got got Hold on. Hold on, brother. Hold on. Levi. You got bad luck 13, they're the hardest of the hardcore. Do you know who they are?
Levi Walbert 51:17
- Yeah, I totally do. And I actually know some of them. Like they're old enough. I can really good tattoo artists and shit...
Shane Bugbee 51:24
- Old? Old?!
Levi Walbert 51:27
- I'm sorry.
Shane Bugbee 51:29
- You don't have to be sorry, dude. If you think they're old, fuck em. They're old.
Levi Walbert 51:32
- No, no. I think they're sitting around in their fucking rock stardom in their fucking tattoo studios and don't actually want to talk to anybody other than the people they know.
Shane Bugbee 51:41
- Wow. Well, you know, when I rolled into Philadelphia, we had 20 bucks in our pocket. We one of the guys and bad luck 13 gave us $200 No fucking well, he bought a bunch of shit me doesn't give us no I don't wouldn't take a handout. First of all, he bought shit from me. And I'm just saying they support the underground. They are the underground, and they're fucking cool, independent motherfuckers and I dig that shit.
Levi Walbert 52:06
- Maybe it's just my fucking personal pretension that's keeping me from actually getting to know them.
Shane Bugbee 52:09
- That's what I'm talking about, man. That's why you drink the dark beer and shit, man. It's the hipsters that drink that. Listen, it's the hipsters and then the and the and the hot bitches the hot. Not the bitches but the hot broads that drink dark bear.
Levi Walbert 52:25
- The only reason you're calling me a fucking hipster is because I'm fucking little and skinny. And we're fucking black glasses.
Shane Bugbee 52:32
- Are you saying that you're a fat-ist?
Levi Walbert 52:34
- Than I'm a fat-ist?
Shane Bugbee 52:35
- Because I'm fat. You're saying that I'm I'm looking down at you because you're skinny. Now notice you're basically a fat-ist.
Levi Walbert 52:42
- Fucking, okay. Hear me out.
Shane Bugbee 52:43
- You don't like fat. You hate fats, don't you?
Levi Walbert 52:47
- My god, No.
Shane Bugbee 52:48
- Do you have a fat friend? Yes.
Levi Walbert 52:52
- And his name is Shane, even though he thinks I'm a fucking FBI agent.
Shane Bugbee 52:56 Well, if I know you're an FBI agent. I guess what though? It wouldn't matter. Because I tell you to suck my ass today. I t:ell you to suck my ass in court. How about that?
Levi Walbert 53:08
- Eh, fine. Hopefully, we can actually drink beer together someday and not call me a fucking FBI agent. Whatever...
Shane Bugbee 53:22
- You know, I'm just teasing.
Levi Walbert 53:24
- Who keeps posting... I actually take it personally. Like okay, this is some fucking bullshit. Nevermind I'm not gonna talk about that on air. Nevermind.
Shane Bugbee 53:33
- You know, you can take it personally all you want. I'm just fucking with you, dude.
Levi Walbert 53:36
- Yeah, I know. I'm just... Oh, wait, wait.
Shane Bugbee 53:39
- If you expect me to believe you, you're you're living in a fantasy world though. I don't believe anyone. So.
Levi Walbert 53:45
- Actually for Doug. I'm sorry. The only reason that I drink beer a lot, a lot, is...
Shane Bugbee 53:52
- to escape your miserable existence?
Amy Bugbee 53:54
- Because I'm so sensitive that I can't take it outside harsh world.
Shane Bugbee 53:59
- So do you have a pussy grown off your leg?
Levi Walbert 54:02
- Not yet.
Shane Bugbee 54:03
- You're so sensitive.
Levi Walbert 54:04
- I've been planting the pussy seeds there though. Maybe I should plant em in my fucking garden.
Unknown Speaker 54:11 [silence]
Levi Walbert 54:14
- That was fuckin' stupid.
Shane Bugbee 54:16
- What was?
Levi Walbert 54:17
- What I just said.
Shane Bugbee 54:20
- Exactly.
Levi Walbert 54:24
- It was really
Shane Bugbee 54:25
- You know look at like, you know go into the chat room. We've lost Ruby.
Levi Walbert 54:30
- Who the hell is Ruby? I don't know anybody's names.
Shane Bugbee 54:33
- Who's Ruby?! She said "bitches? I prefer broad! Thank you very much!" and she dropped off the board. That's it. Amy's still there. And Panzram, so I don't know what that means.
Levi Walbert 54:49
- Actually, I... Some of these people on the board, I'd actually really liked me face to face.
Shane Bugbee 54:57
- Oh, really?
Levi Walbert 54:58
- Yeah. Fuckin Panzram sound It's really fucking cool, Crimson executioner sounds really fucking cool, Suture sounds really fucking cool, and I would just love to meet Totenkopf because he sounds like he would be really fucking fun to drink with.
Shane Bugbee 55:14
- Hang on. Ah, I lost em.
Levi Walbert 55:22
- Oh man, you had em?
Shane Bugbee 55:25
- Can we all hear each other?
Ruby 55:26
- I can. I can hear everything.
Shane Bugbee 55:28
- You know Levi, you really are no longer needed. Ruby's on the phone but I don't mind trying this out this this whole three way thing but I really don't really approve of it and I don't like it and fuck you.
Ruby 55:40
- I'm into threesomes.
Shane Bugbee 55:42
- Excellent well then then stay on Levi. That's what Ruby wants then that's what Ruby gets.
Levi Walbert 55:49
- It's your fucking house, if you want me to fuck off, I'll fuck off forever.
Shane Bugbee 55:53
- Well, you should already know what I think.
Levi Walbert 55:56
- Why am I fucking psychic?
Shane Bugbee 55:58
- Well, you should know as a man I want you to go away you know if you're another another man would know a man wants you to go.
Levi Walbert 56:05
- All right. Peace.
Shane Bugbee 56:06
- No, no, come on. I'm just kidding. C'mon now. Ruby was saying she likes threesomes, so just leave it alone, Levi. Your feelings. You're so sensitive. So we were talking about economy ways of getting to be an alcoholic Ruby.
Ruby 56:25
- Yes we were. There's actually you know, because I live in the great city of Jersey City. And I don't know if you will you are in Jersey, you know, liquor stores close at two o'clock, but I live in the ghetto. So there's this little spot right down the street from me. It's very you know, it's kind of hid in this little corner place but they just have this little tiny sign window that says beer. And they pretty much stay open. Not all night. I don't think they have hours. It's like whenever they feel like closing they close. But it's great. You go down there and they've got everything they've got liquor beer, and you can buy it all night.
Shane Bugbee 57:03
- Is this a negro? Is this a negro ghetto?
Ruby 57:06
- Oh god yeah, well actually my blog fortunately enough My blog is very Middle Eastern. Because although you know I mean, I hate everyone I hate I hate black people more than I hate Middle Eastern people so...
Shane Bugbee 57:23
- Of course.
Ruby 57:26
- So... but there's like a housing project...
Shane Bugbee 57:29
- Just by their mere accomplishment right? I mean, or lack thereof.
Ruby 57:35
- Well, you know I'm into terrorism.
Shane Bugbee 57:37
- Exactly. There's some there's something admirable about taking down fucking 5000 people. Right, Levi?
Levi Walbert 57:48
- Nothing a good smart bomb couldn't do on a nice afternoon in Iraq.
Shane Bugbee 57:52
- Right secret agent FBI... secret FBI agent Levi?
Ruby 58:01
- I was very upset, you know, Yasser Arafat died and...
Shane Bugbee 58:05
- Were you really?
Ruby 58:09
- No. ..and then I started to notice something am on the internet and reading and you know, terrorism is down you know, like...
Shane Bugbee 58:16
- It's depressing isn't it?
Ruby 58:17
- It's very depressing.
Levi Walbert 58:20
- Terrorism is down?
Ruby 58:22
- Well, that's what they want you to believe anyway.
Shane Bugbee 58:27
- Fucking Jew media.
Unknown Speaker 58:29
- I fucking hate Israel. Can I say that?
Levi Walbert 58:33
- Oh, absolutely. I'll fucking be behind you on that one. 100%
Unknown Speaker 58:41
- You know, my roommates Jewish. I don't have a problem, you know, Jewish people per se.
Shane Bugbee 58:46
- As long as they don't act so Jew?
Ruby 58:48
- Oh, and I'm like so all over the place.
Shane Bugbee 58:52
- Let's face it. We only like self hating Jews. Okay?
Ruby 58:55
- Exactly.
Levi Walbert 58:55
- No, no, no actually all of the official like Jewish prototypes I've ever met are self hating Jews.
Unknown Speaker 58:55 [outro]