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The Satanic Temple has undergone a number of schisms since its foundation. This list is incomplete and under construction.


Jex Blackmore schism

As later detailed in Hail Satan?, Jex Blackmore was dismissed from the organisation in early 2018 following an "unsanctioned" performance art piece containing what were deemed to be inflammatory statements.[1][2]. Blackmore, however, contended that this was a personal art statement and that the request for her resignation reflected sexist/non-inclusive attitudes within TST leadership.[3] As a result the Detroit chapter also left TST.

Global Order of Satan schism

In 2018, TST UK collaborated with artist Darren Cullen in the Kreuzpflicht activism project[4]. This responded to new legislation in Bavaria, Germany, which required crucifixes to be hung in the foyers of public buildings; this was justified by authorities as the cross was seen as a "cultural symbol" rather than a religious one. The project mailed modified crucifixes to public bodies, which could only be hung inverted.

The project caused conflict with TST International Council, as the UK Chapter received no response from enquiries within TST and proceeded with the project without receiving official permission. As a result the UK Chapter Head was dismissed. After a vote was taken among UK members for a new Chapter Head, the member selected was rejected without explanation by TST International Council.

This precipitated an independence vote among European Chapters, after which the UK Chapter disaffiliated from TST and was joined by chapters from

  • Sweden
  • France
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Austria
  • West Balkans
  • Hungary
  • Belgium
  • Switzerland
  • Denmark
  • Australia ("following Eurovision rules")


Filming for the documentary Hail Satan? took place immediately after the UK Chapter's decision to leave TST, and included interviews with many of the members of the UK chapter about the background and motivations for their departure. However none of this material made it into the final cut of the film, with the released cut instead giving the impression that the interviewed members remained part of TST.

After first naming themselves Satanic Temple International, the new organisation later rebranded as Global Order of Satan and continues to operate independently as of 2024.[6]

Randazza schism

After hiring right-wing lawyer Marc Randazza to represent TST, the Los Angeles[7] and Portland[8] chapters left TST in protest, and the New York chapter head resigned among other high-profile departures.


David Silverman schism

On June 5th, 2023, David Silverman tweeted a photo with Doug Misicko at the Baphomet statue in TST's Salem HQ. David Silverman is the former president of American Atheists, before departing under a cloud following sexual assault allegations [9]. He subsequently became known for posting transphobic comments on Twitter. Following criticism for being photographed in public with him, Doug Misicko doubled down, attacking critics.[10]

Queer Satanic posted about this event:[11].

Following a number of additional dismissive comments, a number of TST groups disaffiliated from the main organisation, including TST UK (rebranding as Satanists in the Wilderness) and Sober Faction.


Memegate / Eternal Nobodies schism

In May 2024, emails between Doug Misicko and a TST Minister were released in which the Minister was unceremoniously fired. Subsequently, Doug appeared on the The Satanists Next Door Podcast, further attacking critics who he described as "eternal nobodies".[12]

A number of prominent members (including Greg Stevens and Chalice Blythe)and groups disaffiliated from TST following this series of events, including:

  • Director of Ministry Greg Stevens leaves/is fired
  • Head of After School Satan and Ordination Council Chalice Blythe leaves
  • The Satanic Temple Minnesota leaves, becoming "Minnesota Satanists"
  • The Satanic Temple of Florida leaves, becoming "Sunshine Serpent Society"
  • The Satanic Temple of Australia leaves
  • The Satanic Temple of Colorado leaves, becoming "Satanic Colorado"
  • The Satanic Temple of Alabama leaves, becoming "Alabama Society for Pluralism and Freethought"
  • The Satanic Temple of North Carolina leaves, becoming North Carolina Satanists
  • A majority of The Satanic Temple Germany members and Ministers leave
  • The Satanic Temple France withdraw from the TST Candidate Groups programme, becoming France Satanique et Francophones
  • The Satanic Temple Nevada leaves, becoming Battle Born Satanists
  • The Satanic Temple South Carolina leaves
  • The Satanic Temple Idaho leaves
  • The Satanic Temple Dallas/Fort Worth leaves
  • The Satanic Temple Louisiana leaves
  • The Satanic Temple New Jersey leaves, becoming Jersey Satanists

<under construction>