The Black Flame Vol. 3 No. 1 and No. 2

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Full uncorrected text (3/17/25) of The Black Flame Vol. 3 No. 1 and No. 2.


THE BLACK FLAME Volume 3, #1 & #2

Misanthropy, theSatanic Lllestyle by Peter H. Gilmore

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International Forum of the \ Ouch ofSalen

   Editor Peter H. Gilmore

SATANISM IS NOT HUMANISM. We view our entire species as one that is presently riddled with corruption and in need of Darwinian purification. We do not hate humanity. No, that is far toostrong and personal a term to be used: rather we are filled with disgust at the

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spectacle of the milling hordes that cover our lovely globe

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¶ ANKOl"ONfl

Associate Editor Peggy Nadramia

1he Black F1ame is published by Henïs Kitchen Productions, Inc.

Copyright 1991 C.E. by Hell's Kitchen Productions, Inc. All lights reserved. ,Reproduction in whole or in part "'without written permission is prohibited.

Malling address: P.O. Box 499, Radio City Statton, New York, NY 10101-0499 U.S.A

Single issue price: .00 intheU..Sï $4.00 outside the U.S. Double issue price: $5.00 in the U.S., $7.00 outside the U.S. Subscriptions: $12.00 in the U.S. for four numbered issues. $16.00 outside the U.S. for four numbered issues. Send check, bank draught or money order in U.S. funds only.

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[coVER IMAGE: Hany 0. Morris, Jr. I


and soil it with their presence. Anything that promotes large-scale depopulation is a boon to our present situation. Human life, in and of itself, is not considered valuable; it is the worth of particular humans that matters to the Satanist.

    Satanists consider it an achievement to shape their lives so that their interactions with people in general are limited to situations chosen specifically by the individual. This is one of our criteria for advancement.
      What then of Love and Hate? These are two emotions that Satanists hold to be of paramount importance, and both are earned from Satanists, not dispensed frivolously. Unlike the adherents of altruistic creeds, Satanists develop their own personal value system, a hierarchy of values by which they live. Personal survival is of course at the top of the list, and any who threaten that become enemies. Hatred is awarded to those who go out of their way to personally thwart your existence, and such people are very rare. Love is awarded to those who fulfill your highest values, who are shining and inspirational examples of what you consider to be the best possible in a human being- also very rare. Satanists do all that they can to make their loved ones happy, for by giving them pleasure, one is pleased. A Satanist would even be willing to give up his life for a loved one, and this is not a sacrifice, for to live without the loved one would be unendurable torture. Our love is not given lightly, nor is our hate. TheSatanic life style is thus onein which we deal with the general public as little as possible, and have a small circle of very highly valued people who energize us by their presence. We are truly selfish, aware of our unique personalities and very giving to those whose existence serves to brighten the world for us. Those who would personally attack us are forewarned that they will get their enmity back, compounded with interest.

This is the natural state for the human animal, which Satanism has defined as a philosophy. Beware of those preaching love for all and hatred towards none, for these "humanists" have twisted their natures beyond repair and have devalued those terms to utter meaning≠ lessness. We do know the meaning of love and hate, as our loved ones and our enemies can well attest. Most people do not rate either response, and may go about their middling ways, while we are engaged with those who truly matter to us, the worthy and the accomplished.

,. I


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I KEEP FINDING MYSELF speaking of G. Gordon Uddy in the past tense, and upon catching myself in the act, I realize it's because he seems to belong to another time. I have a ' damned hard time believing that a man such as George Gordon Battle Liddy is alive--here, IN MY WORLD! Today, while even the most acclaimed men of our time seem so commonplace, leaders of men reduced to mere "communicators," Liddy smuggles us back to an era when great men LIVED. Back! To an era when men travelled great distances to do valiant deeds, when men strove for excellence in their every endeavor, when a man's word meant something, when men lived by values based on lndividual life, when men earned their romances and showed compassion only to those deserving, when men's ideals were higher than any mere "God," when men protected their wealth with their own hand, and showed the inhabitants of the past and future worlds that LIFE MATIERS. Tilis man, Liddy, is a Satanic Saint.

  My hero has written his autobiography. Eleven years ago, when WJlJ first hit the shelves, my hero was looked upon with awe and contempt by the public for his role in the Watergate break-in and resulting scandal. His full career revealed, he became a legend as stories circulated (whispered behind cupped hands) of screenings of Nazi films for the White House staff, of hands held over candle flames, and the ultimate taboo: a prtson sentence. Now I ask you, fellow travellers of the Left-Hand Path, not to look upon my hero as a psychotic malefactor. No. look to him with the

Pride you feel toward a true brother. Here stands a man who demanded to be the captain of his soul, the author of what I feel is one of the finest examples of American Satanica.

  The colossal power of Will, the book. comes from the greatness of Liddy, the man. Had my hero been less of a man, WJ1J would not convey the brilliance and grandeur it

does. This is not simply the story of a man's life; heroic DEEDS may be done, but what makes the man heroic? Not his deeds but his very being. A dedication to values, ethics, personal justice, a PURPOSE. Here you will fi.'1.d Satanic theory...and practice. Unlike the impotent poseurs from the annals of herodom who would have you believe they were born mighty, strong, and brave, Liddy soils the reader with no such hogwash. On the contrary, his humble beginnings are the focus of his struggle--the impetus for his eventual triumph and glory.

  A weak and frightened child, my hero dreamed of becoming a strong, brave, man. Liddy found the inspiration for the re-creation of his body and soul (in his own image) by listening to Hitler speak on the radio. Slowly but surely he saw his way out of his fears:

'1 knew what I had to do. and I dreaded it. To change myself from a puny, fearful boy to a strong, fearless man, I would have to face my fears, one by one, and overcome them. I knew that would take willpower. Even Adolph Hitler agreed. He and his people would triumph through the power of their supertor will...That was the key. Whatever the consequences of what I was to do, I must accept and endure them--outlast suffering to achieve my goals...My fears were so many and so gripping that overcoming them, one by one, would build incredible willpower! The world opened up to me. I could become anything I wanted to be! Toe thought took my breath away."

  Toe extremeism that Liddy was to become known for was shaped by these experiences. His technique of forcing

himself to endure that which he most feared taught him lessons not of suffering and pain, but of the freedom gamed

money, the most inspiring and remarkable. When I stop to comfortably hand-in-hand. After all. is not individual liberty imagine myself in that situation of being put into a world L an underlying concept of both the U.S. Constitution and 1he

when released from these inhibiting factors. As he would

where so much control is snatched from one's life, it fills

P. Ille (

satanic Bible? Ours is not really a POUTICAL movement

later declare, the lesson he learned as a boy was: "defeat the fear of death, and welcome the death of fear."

   Now this wonderfully bedeviled volume has been re-released to an unsuspecting public, perhaps not

psychologically ready for the ideas contained therein. Toe same herd that denies Lex Talionis" will, no doubt, resist my hero's ethical rhetoric. Listen: '1 believe in individual responsibility, free will, and the

with trepidation. Liddy's description of prison life is so Vi1Jid I but it's the politics of weak and strong. right and wrong, it requires no effort to imagine yourself there with him in a.' l blo<>d versus water, and iron versus plastic that werally on human zoo. ab<>Ut. Our myriad agenda includes conquests seen and

   Liddy proceeds to do the seemingly impossible from	 unseen, national and international--and yet the real battles within his confinement. Due to the years of experience he'd (	are fought closest to home.

had in many areas (and due to simple "brains, brawn and Within one's own heart the hardest battleground is balls' Liddy was able to dominate prisoners and guards kept. Close to your heart you'll find your genuine passions. alike, accepting his prison term as a new challenge and I IJke a buried treasure they remain, waiting to be uncovered exercise for his endlessly developing willpower. Inmates SOon I by the freedom and liberation of Satanic thought. Therein became dependant on Liddy's legal advice and assistance I you will find your greatest virtues, strengths, and yes, fears, and wardens and guards soon became aware that this wa's I weaknesses, points of pain...Toat is Satanic self-awareness.

l>ltliK LlL Y The Reality of the Left Hand Path

rule of reason. There is a point beyond which I will not go, and that is anything my conscience tells me is malum Jn se

a man who would do whatever was within his reach. Liddy I could even conduct intelligence operations against his

True self-awareness is a vital skill. We must be able to evaluate ourselves honestly and not pump ourselves up

(wrong in and of itself) or my judgement tells me is irrational. I have no problem with doing something that is mah.rm prohibttum (wrong only because of the existence of a law prohibiting it)."

   Liddy goes on to give as an example of mah.rm Jn se, the sexual assault of a child. As an example of malum prohtbitum, he points us to the law prohibiting one from driving through a stop-sign without coming to a complete halt. Liddy also points out that minor problems require and

emprisoners. Even a wiretap was within his capabilities. f I In a fashion not unlike Wolf Larsen in Jack London's Toe true you. Agenuine weakness (recogruzed and book, 1he Sea Waif,Liddy continually delights in battle and identified) is worth a million FALSE STRENGIBS. A million conflict, revelling in carnal power. When he finds himself false hopes will never deliver you to a better life. threatened with a promise of nocturnal attack in his prison There is the greatest lesson to learn from dear Liddy. To bed, he arms himself and confidently refuses protection I conquer his weaknesses he did not deny their existence, he from the guards--one of whom had once been a Hungarian CHAILENGED their domination of him. Therein lies the Freedom Fighter. Toe Hungarian was unable to understand r1:1b: face the reality of who you are and you're on the road to Liddy's refusal of protection in the prison hosptal. being able to become the person you've always wanted to be.

The Leading Magazine of the Left Hand Path in the United Kingdom Published Quarterly £1.50 per Issue, f.6.00 annual subscription Overseas: £2.00 per lssve, £8.00 subscription ($2.00=£1.00)

and justify extreme solutions. This is Dr. LaVey's balance factor brought into the realm of ethical conduct and justice. Toe 1aw of the jungle" is in every point an embodiment of this philosophy.

   Liddy's personal set of ethics points us to the socio≠ political issues of today. While the law books get fatter and

fatter, filled with rules designed to enslave our very minds,

You of all people should understand the results of better than the devil you don't. weakness.' ARMA VIRUMQUE CANO!

   'But it's different what happened in Hungary-. That was	 HAIL UDDYI between whole countries!'	HAIL SATAN!

'The principle is the same.' l ' may die.' 7 'I don't want your protection. I can protect myself better I

Liddy is a symbol of man at his free-est. Afree mind knows which laws are an obstacle to his life, and obeys the ones which, when broken, have undesireable consequences. A great majority of today's written laws are undermining natural law. Today's laws are all too often the breeders of the new mediocrity, the bedfellows of stagnation and fear. One thing admire about Liddy's story is his inability to make friends with stupidity. At times during his stay in the FBIand the Department of the n-easuiy, he would find himself being given irrational or unwise orders from his superiors. In true Satanic fashion, Liddy allows his superiors' stupidity to be unveiled by carrying out his orders TO TIIE I.ETIER, causing one FBI Special Agent to always follow his more outlandish rhetorical suggestions with the exclamation, 'That's a Liddy! That's a Liddy!"

   Toe continuh)g objective of Satariism is mastery, and Liddy masters every situation life throws at him. From his childhood mission to eradicate fear to his stay in prison, Liddy remains on top. The prison sections of W11J are, for my

than youcan. If I die I won't be alone,' I showed the guard my weapons. I was smiling. 'You enjOy this!' 'Yes.' 'It's true what they say. You're a fascist!"'

   This remarkable book serves an immensely valuable purpose. Howmany times, when discussing the Satanic

philosophy have I been inundated with the whining I crosseyed statement, 'Well, that SOUNDS really logical, but t it can't work in real life." Well, since a real live Satanist, standing right in front of their face, never seems to be enough evidence to convince them, maybe fll just start handing them a copy of W11J. Then again, maybe they sTJU, won't believe it. "He couldn't have done all those things." Wanna bet?

   When you read 'Will and see for yourself all the Satanic reference points shining forth, you may also be struck by	\ the wayin which Satanism and Americanism can go so

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And, finally, we have the grim injustice of every human being born under a sentence of death. No matter how good a life a person lives, he is sentenced to die along with those who led evil lives. There is nothing right about that. In fact, it is so wrong that man couldn't stomach it so he invented Heaven and Hell. ∑ C.W.Dalton

a:a1;11,Jililiiill - The Ma@c of the Will by Jeffrey Deboo nlE INDIVIDUAL HUMAN WilL is thecentral focus of the Satanic philosophy. The will (or the soul, or the self, or

1 absence of consciousness they occur in a purely random manner. Even if one could observe a conscious brain in enough detail, there would probably be no way to tell if a change in the energy state of a particular electron was the result of will or merely a "normal" random event. There is, of course, nothing supernatural about this. The nature of the cosmos is such that free will -- a class of


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I t

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w)latever you choose to call it) is the one true miracle -- the unique free agent in a universe which Newton and his suc≠ cessors have shown to be essentially a vast deterministic mechanism, It is the prime mover, the rebel angel in the in≠ finity of perfect order, the unforeseeable factor that derails the pre-set sequence of cause-and-effect relationships. You use your brain to think, just as you use your legs to walk; in both cases equally, the "you" that does the using is ultimate≠ ly your will. Toewill alone is free.

   I know, of course, of the school of thought which holds that even our mental processes are actually deterministic and that free will is an illusion, but I think I cansafely as≠ sume that no reader of this publication adheres to that view. Toe existence of the free-willed self is easily granted by any truly aware observer, since the said observer is, by deflni- tton, himself an example of the phenomenon whose exis- tence is being questioned. Indeed, your possession of free will is the only fact which you can claim to know with ab≠ solute certainty, since it is the only thing you know directly, ra,ther than through the mediation of the senses.
   This much has been clear to perceptive thinkers for mil≠ lenia; the more interesting issue, however, is the nature of the relationship between the will and the material world. It

is in this relationship that we must seek the key to under≠ standing that class of phenomena (supernormal, but not supernatural) which we choose to call "magic." Take a simple volitional act, such as raising one's arm. How does this happen? Muscles contract. They do so in response to electrtcal and chemical impulses traveling along the motor neurons. These signals, in turn, are triggered by electrochemical activity in certain parts of the brain. A chain of causes and effects, events operating accordmg to the nor≠ mal laws of physics and chemistry.

  Since this is a volitional act, the original activity within the brain must ultimately be caused by the will. But since the will is neither deterministic nor truly random, it cannot be matter or energy (both of which operate according to deterministic laws modified by random effects at the quan≠ tum level). We can account for what happens only by ac≠ cepting that the non-material will is able to manipulate the material universe on the microscopic scale within the brain.
   This need not even violate any known physical laws, if we assume that the manipulation takes place entirely on the level of subatomic particles and energy quanta. Events on that scale are already known to be non-deterministic; in the

phenomena falling outside the scope of deterministic physi≠ cal law-- can exist. In the evolution of life, natural selection has exploited this characteristic of the cosmos, just as it has exploited the ability of water to hold dissolved oxygen, and all the other natural phenomena which have been incor≠ porated into the operation of living organisms.

   How far down into the animal kingdom free will exists is an interesting question. If human beings have free will, it seems safe to assume that at the very least the higher ver≠ tebrates such as mammals, birds, and reptiles have it as well, based on their observed behavior. This is less apparent in the case of or insects, and the behavior of one-celled organisms is probably explainable by ordinary deterministic laws -- but until we truly understand the mechanism of the will, who can tell for sure? And yes, in any animal which has free will, the mechanism of it must be the same as in the human being. Toe human mind differs from the minds of the other higher animals only in degree, not in kind.
  If the will can influence the material world in one limited way -- manipulating microscopic events within the brain -≠ it is not much of a leap to imagine how under certain condi≠ tions it can do so in other ways, on a larger scale. In cere≠ monial magic, the will brtngs itself into a state of frenzied in- tensity and purposeful focus.	.
   A man exerts his will under ordinary circumstances: a few electrons jump left instead of right, triggering a series of events which move his arm a millisecond later. He exerts his will in the intensified context of ritual: something else hap≠ pens. A chance event which would have gone one way goes the other. Someone chooses option A instead of option B. A careless enemy gets a little more careless at a Critical mo≠ ment. It is a difference in magnitude, not in kind, that makes the one event mundane and the other extraordinary. To put it another way, our will is working a little "magic" every moment of our lives.

 All the ways of being wrong about the universe are more consoling than the ways of being right, because unfortunately to be right about the universe is very likely to end up with the decision that the universe doesn't give a damn about us and that a great many things that happen -- if not everything that happens

- is largely random.

Isaac Asimov

TheDevil, YouSay? byNemo

SO YOU'RE A SATANIST. And how many times have you been asked, "But if you don't believe in Satan, whydoyou call yourself a Satanist?"

   And you slowly and carefully explain how Satan means the accuser, the opposite and since we're opposed to the anti-human ideas of the Judeo-ChrJstian...(and you hear a snoring sound).
  Or you explain that using the name Satanist is stimulating in that it does shock other non-satanists and gets their attention so they might listen to what we're trying to say about...(and you hear a snoring sound).

Or you remind them that since we're the ones who call ourselves Satanists, and there is no competition for the title, then we are IT and so ...(and then youhear a snoring sound).

   Or you point out how it is TIIEY who have been calling us what we ARE by the name Satanist for centuries, so we just decided to USE THAT FACT for a change...(and then youhear the snoring sound).

Well, folks, the next time you feel as though you're tired of trying to shove a battleship through a keyhole with ideas

sales script for some charity. _WHAT WOULD SATAN DO?

   The doorbell rings and standing on your doorstep are two nondescript humans holding copies of The 'Wat.clltower, WHAT WOULD SATAN DO?
   You're driving down an almost deserted freeway in the middle lane moving at precisely 55 miles per hour when a broken down pickup truck cuts youoff within a cat's whisk≠ er of hitting you. WHAT WOULD SATAN DO?
  I could go on and on but I would suggest that you CAN'T HONES1LY ANSWER TiiE QUESTION until you reaJ.-

ly think through in your life what Satanism really means in your practical, day-to-day, moment-to-moment real1Jfe. If your understanding of Satan is that he is a mindless, bloOd- thirsty super-gorilla who would scream obscenities and threats at the kid on the phone, shove The Wat.clitower up the evangelists' asses and rear-end with intent-to-kill the l redneck trucker who cut youoff, if this is what you think Satan is like, then I'd suggest you're dead wrong (or maybe just plain DEAD very soon!).

   Satan is portrayed in many guises by many authors and storytellers, but there are a few universal qualities that Satan seems to possess. Here are some that come to mind:

Pride! Satan refused to bowdown to "Almighty God". That is whySatan was thrown out of Heaven! He refused to worship anyone as being his god...except himselfl Does this

a 'Ibis is the ignorant, lower-class version of the Devil which is c1ung to by the degenerate, the stupid and illiterate.

  This idiot Devil is the propaganda Devil of the Chris≠ ttanS∑ They first saw Satan as a powerful adversary to their God but this proved too successful in that the average peasant was terrified. Consequently, Satan was ridiculed and made less ferocious with folk tales. In so many of these stories the Devil ends up being tricked and/orbeaten up by clever human beings. These efforts to take Satan down to a manageable level removed, one by one, every admirable roaracteristic, resulting in a "wild man devil" image.
  I simply view the idiots who accept this poor-man's Devil as their religious figure as DEVIL WORSHIPPERS. 'Ihey are just the shadow side of the Christian nonsense.
   As opposed to this, we are SATANISTS. The figure of Satan has been explored by Milton. Twain, and other writers through histo:ry and this figure is the one we admire. This is Satan and Satan is myhero!
  So try it! Get a clear understanding of who Satan really is and put this understanding to use. Go through your day (or night!) and just keep checking:


Then DO IT!


that are so alien to the mental midget you're talking to, try out this one: fm a Satanist because Satan is my hero.

sound fumiliar? It should! l Nobmty. Satan is the King of the World" and the Prince f


   "What?" The astonished normal gasps, as he swallows in confused shock. 'The Devil is your HERO?!"
  And now you have penetrated the cultural Jello that sur≠ rounds your normal inquirer. You have broken through the

of Darkness". And what is true of royalty? Implied here is an I aristocratic bearing or posture. A certain sense of self-containment comes to mind. And perllaps more than even these characteristics, nobility implies courtesy,


morass of words that threatened to engulf your explanation. You've hit the mule's head with the baseball bat AND GOT HIS ATIENTION. It also happens to be true.

  Satanists think of Satan as their hero and want to be more like Satan.
   No, I didn't say we wanted to DRESS more like Satan and wear bright red satin Halloween suits with little red horns and a plastic forked tail. We want to ACT and TiiINK the way Satan would if he WERE real and He were US. Right here! Right now!
   There exists a fairly well-known prohibitionist (Down with Demon Ruml'1 novel entitled In His Footsteps in which a group of Christians decided to never take any important action, never make any meaningful decisions without first asking themselves, 'What would Jesus do?" (Gackkkl)
   Well, give it a try but with the proper Satanic inversion. Try going through just ONE DR! with always first asking yourself, 'What would SATAN do?"
  Consider the consequences in your thlllkmg and be≠ havior. The telephone rings and some young kid is reading a

self-control, and POLITENESS!

   Int.elligence. Satan represents the ultimate in street smarts, of understanding and following the real rules of life and not being caught up in the bullshit which is fed to the sheep to keep them all herded together.

Action. Satan isn't some armchair philosopher. Satan If DOES things. He's a doer as well as a thinker. After all, he orgamzed the revolt in Heaven, defied God, established Hell and actively rules the earth, right? He is the sponsor of all l creative human productions from good music and food to civilization itself. Hwnor. Toe Devil laughs. He is the trickster who enjoys exposing the foibles and hypocrisy of humans, gods and devils. He flings open the closed doors of rigid belief systems and reveals the p:dgs within. He can laugh at himself as easily as he laughs at others. He has perspective.

   There may be (and probably are) other important at≠ tributes to Satan's character, yet there is another version of ) the Devil which is often confused with Satan. This is the Devil who hates human beings and enjoys nothing more than sadistic torture and mindless, wanton destruction.

Selfish. dishonest, ruthless and destructive persons succeed, and having succeeded, come into control of religion as well as the other instruments of information, propaganda and education. From such positions of power and influence they paint themselves in rosy hues. They transform themselves from unscrupulous, ruthless acquisitors into saintly, selfless paragons. These rosy pictures are the material with which scholars construct history -- a history studded with great men, legendary heroes. As Herny Ford is credited with saying. "History is bunk."


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a LESSER IS MORE byMax "1,ESSER MAGIC: nm ARI' OF TRICKS and chicanery to

Ii or her tip potential and a salesman who has mastered some wondrous sleights will always attract customers to his display. 'Ibis is also a novel way to present yourself to someone whom you wish to "pick up." rather than grunting "Hello, Good Looking." A warning, though. Keep your tricks to a minimum or you might be mistaken for the in-house



Black shirt with Baphomet sigil in white and lettering in red with graduated flame texture in inner circle. Sizes SM, M, L, XL,XXL I


20 inches in diameter White or "Blacklight Red" on Black cloth Suitable for rituals and rallys! Only$8.00

help the magician reach a successful end." 'Ibis definition seems to be in common use by a great many would-be sataniC magicians who feel that use of conjuring trtcks only cheapens what should be magic in its "purist" form. To them, using corny theatrical tricks is the mark of a charlatan and a fraud who could never have communion with the true Prince of Darkness. To these boring little pedants I reveal their true name--Sucker.

  What could be so beneficial about vanishing a coin or pulling a rabbit out of a hat?" you ask. What great Satanic lessons are learned? Simply these:
  DESIRE: Toe desire to be "in" on the mechanics of gambling both at the casino and in the "games" that we play to reach the desired goal; to know the "odds" of success of a working and to overcome the stumbling block of a "rigged" game. Toe desire to separate reality from ideal and false imagery from that which lies underneath.
  TIMING: A great magician controls a situation--forcing it to meet his pace. Kn.owing that the correct movement at the rtght time creates the miracle, be it picking cards out of the air or being at the right place to obtain a desired job.

t IMAGERY: Best and most important attribute to a successful magician. Toe right props can turn a tedious ritual into a night of wonder and inspiration. For instance: ∑ the magician uses flash paper (paper impregnated with flash powder) for the writing of the desires of the participants. When the desire is held over the candle's flame, a bright yellow ball of fire brightens the room. Never can a more inspired roomful of participants be found at that moment. The reasoning is narrow at best which finds this sort of display more appropriate to a roomful of ignorant peasants who believe in miracles than to sophisticated Satanists. Subconsciously. we all demand fascination from our rituals. This fascination primes our minds to cause the forces of nature to tum our way. Tedium causes sleep.


   MENTALISM: This aspect of Lesser Magic is most useful to the Satanist who is asked to "do something" Toe use of COI.D READING and HELLS1ROMISM allows the Satanist to tell amazing bits of information about anyone whom he is meeting for the first time and can be used to put a scoffer in his or her place. Look how much mileage Sherlock Holmes got from his method! People may even believe you to be psychic and gifted with amazing powers of supernatural sight. You can even deny it afterwards and your "mark" will believe it even more. You will be surprised how much more honest people become when they think you can see into their minds. Toe New Age movement provides a wide area of opportunity for a Satanist who can combine card manipulation with cold reading, as the rows of tarot readers at nearly-weekly psychic fairs can testify. From the few magicians I've seen master this ability, I can tell you that P.T. Barnum was right.

Now that you have seen the benefits of Lesser Magic, I might also warn against a few of the pitfalls.

  Keep your repertoire small and skilled. One fascinating trick is worth dozens of trite and sloppy ones.
  Know when the situation presents itself (remember timing?) for a sleight. Continuously doing tricks is annoying and can be boring as showing home movies.
  Never announce that you are doing tricks. Trained animals do tricks! People want to suspend belief for a brief moment. Let them.

Never tell how a sleight is done. (See above.)

   If you use magical effects in a ritual, vary them to maintain the unexpected and keep them to a minimum. One flashy bit of smoke and flame becomes a great ritual. Too many effects transform the ritual into a circus.
   Now seek out this occult knowledge and explore it to the fullest and remember--life is an illusion, performed by

,Satanic you!

Send checks or money orders in U.S. Dollars to: Hell's Kitchen Productions" - P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-0499, U.S.A. Overseas orders add $8.00 for shipping and handling, per item (NY residents add 8.25% sales tax) Please allow 8 to 10 weeks for delivery

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r.--------------------------------------= = STORM BOOKS is pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the book

The collected writings of James Mason (Universal Order) Edited and Introduced by Michaef M. Jenkins The volatile texts contained in this volume were originally

,/4 a The. Eternal Troubadour Speak, Tiny Tim Walks Down Memory Lane With Boyd Rice WHEN ANTON LAVEY INCLUDED TINY TIM on the dedication page of The SafBnic Rituals back in '72, many assumed he was simply being peiverse. He wasn't. Uke the others on that page (George Bernard Shaw, Richard Wagner, and so on), Thn is a rugged individualist, a purist tenaciously pursuing his ownunique vision agamst all odds. According to LaVey, Thn is the ultimate Satanic performer.


By JAMES MASON Edited and Introduced by Michael M. Jenkins

published in James Mason's monthly radical underground newsletter "Siege", dating from 1980-1986. They trace his extreme ideology from early years to membership in George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party at age 14, his increasing militant fanaticism and later re-activation of the much-feared National Socialist Liberation Front, to his final break with the conservative Nazi Movement after declaring Charles Manson as "the greatest living philosopher of revolution in the world today". SIEGE contains a wealth of original-and truly radical philosophy, revolutionary tactics and strategy, as well as Mason's unique insights into the importance of Charles Manson and the "Family" to survival in the 20th century and beyond. The book is an essential "bible" for all students of political terrorism and crime, National Socialism, the philosophy of Manson and his followers, radical environmentalism, and revolutionary activity of ANY sort. It offers a rare glimpse into the farthest fringes of extremist thought.

   This edition will be a professionally printed trade-size paperbound book, illustrated with numerous rare and hard-hitting photographs, graphics, and examples of propaganda. It contains an extensive introduction covering Mason's life and career, utilizing many excerpts from exclusive and candid unpublished interviews. Appendices are included on Rockwell, Joseph Tommasi and the original N.S.L.F., mass murderers, plus original writings by Charles Manson and Universal Order representatives.

l Never mind the fuct that Tiny is staunchly Christian; he's playing the Devil's music. It's romantic, sentimental, and it sttrs the emotions.

  Had someone wandered into one of Tiny Thn's Denver shows by accident. they might well have thought they'd hap≠ pened into some sort of cra7.ed revival meeting. And indeed

it was a revival meeting: Tiny Thn was reviving some of the best tun s of the century. with a special emphasis on the music dating from 1905 through the Twenties and 1hirties. Everyone's been exposed to Tiny's 1968 hit '"Tiptoe through the Tulips," but few are aware of the full extent of his talents. Besides being a musical/ cultural ecologist committed to preserving a unique and rapidly vanishing slice of the American past, Tiny is also a showman par excellence. When perfonning, Tiny claims, he at times feels as though he is in direct contact with the spirits of history's great per≠ sonalities -- and it sometimes seems as though their voices are emanating from his mouth. Those who witnessed Tiny's

     Denvel'., shows would find it difficult to take issue with such I   an idea, for at times it was hard to tell who was in a greater I   trance state, Thn or his audience. On all three nights, at

I eve.ry show, the audience was literally whipped into a frenzy. Many who came to see Tiny perform at Ruby had no idea V(hat to expect, and it's safe to say that what they got

the public consciousness have been with some of the more ofibeat things you've done. and that's what made the biggest impact back in '68. That's what they were cognizant of then, and that's what 99.9 percent of the people remember still. But there's this whole other spectrum of stuff that youdo that hasn't really been picked up on.

T.T.: Yes and the tapes are available from an Australian fel≠ low named Martin Sharpe. He's put out several records by me down there. has nine mansions he lives in and has one whole room set aside as a Tiny Thn shrine/archive. He has movie footage of me and is going to release a Tiny Thn movie sometime or other.

Boyd: I've always wanted to see your first movie. You Are What YouEat What was that about, and who has the rights to it now? It seems a perfect item for the video market.

T.T.: You know, I don't know what ever became of that. We did that back in...[at this moment, a bizarre Thn admirer in≠

This powerful book will be available in late summer/early fall of 1991. Please notify us of your interest and you will be sent information on how to order the book once it is available. Distribution and wholesale inquiries are welcome. NOW AVAILABLE ï UNIVERSAL ORDER T-SHIRTS These authorized shirts feature the Universal Order logo as designed by Charles Manson. The Scales of Justice and Manson swastika (actual image size approx. 3" square) are screen printed in white ink over the left breast of a black shirt, or in black ink on a red shirt. You must specify color and size (large or extra-large). $12 per shirt postage paid in the USA / $14 ppd. for overseas Airmail. Make checks and money orders payable to Wake Services. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Stor1n Productions c/o P.O. Box 300081, Denver, CO80203 U.S.A.

was probably the surprise of their lives. Instead of an eve≠ ning spent giggling at some campy pop icon. they were transported into another world. For an hour or so, Ruby was transformed into an alternate universe; we. the audience, became the special guests in Tiny Thn's world. Who would have believed it: an entire room full of jaded hipsters clap≠ ping in time to I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy," while at the rear of the club a handful of young beauties leapt to their feet and began doing frenzied go-go dances. It was a wild, Wild time, and nobody wanted it to end.

  The following interview with Tiny Thn was conducted on June 6 and 8 (before his first show and after his last show).

Tiny Tim: I'm talking to the wonderful Mr. Boyd here in beautiful Denver on June 6th, 1991, and right now Denver time is 5:30 p.m.

Boyd Rice: Some of the greatest influences you've had on

terrupts the conversation, demanding, of all things, an autograph inscribed with the quote from Dante's Inferno: "Abandon hope all ye who enter here." Tiny has no idea what the guy is getting at, and chaos reigns for the next several minutes. as the fan attempts to clarify his strange request.]

Boyd: I know that even when you first became famous, you, had already collected thousands of old 78's.

T.T.: Oh, they were great songs! Going back to Edison's day. the 1900's, the days when they had one-sided 78's, from 1902 to 1909. Back in 1904, the phonograph was a mysterious instrument in the home. There was no electric, no plug-ins. They were just coming in with electric lights, and mostly there was candlelight. In 1905, 78's were sold in furniture stores. Vaudeville and sheet music were the giant things. Toe phonograph was a novelty. To hear a voice come

out of a hom with a little arm and a pin needle was a mag≠ nificent miracle. In the time pertod of 1905, when the average salary was three to ten dollars a week and a John MacCormack record sold for a dollar twenty-five -- that was a lot of money to pay for one side. ABilly Murray was every bit as big as Mr. Sinatra, or Mr. Presley, or Mr. Crosby. In those days, when you purchased a record, you wanted to hear it first, because it wassuch a biginvestment. Billy Murray was so popular that people bought his records without listening to them first. The most popular ballad singer before electric came in was Heruy Burr. He did a song called Mother and was every mother's favorite singer (at this point Tiny cups his hands around his mouth and belts out the lyrics to Mother'1: M is for the million things she gave me...:ï, etc.). Another song he made famous during World War I was (Tiny picks up his ukelele and starts plucking away): "Just a baby's prayer at twilight/When -Jights are low/And baby is filled with tears/ There's a mother there at twilight, who's sad to know/Her precious little tot is dad's forget-me-not/After saying goodrught mama, she climbs the stairs, so unawares and says her prayers/Oh won't you tell my daddy, that he must take care/That's a baby's prayer at Twilight/For her daddy over there."

Boyd: When did you first start singing?

T.T.: Oh, rve been singing since the 1hirties. Well, since I was a kid. The '30s, '40s, '50s. Down memoiy lane....

Boyd: When did you take up the ukelele?

T.T.: That was '54. I learned through a book called You 1bo Can Letu71 To Play the Ukelele by Don Ball and Arthur Kinds. This ukelele rm playing now is a real good one; it's a Martin. It's 50 years old. It's put together really good; hope≠ fully it will last another day You know the most popular ukelele record in this countiy in the Twenties was Cliff Edwards' 'Ukelele Ike"? Arthur Godfrey revived it in the '50s, but Ukelele Ike" in the '20s and Cliff Edwards was the greatest popular name associated with the ukelele in the early part of the century. They could really play then!

Boyd: Did you ever meet any of these people, like Nick Lucas or...

T.T.: Sure. Methim. He did 'Tiptoe through the Tulips" ear≠ lier. Nick Lucas originally sang 'Tiptoe through the Tulips" in 1929 for the "Golddiggers of Broadway," one of the early technicolor sound movies. Nick Lucas wasone of the first people in 1920 to popularize the acoustic guitar. Before the '20s it wasnot chic to play it in bands, but he popularlzed it, and later on he had the Nick Lucas ukelele pick. Another song he made famous wasthis one. (Tiny picks up his ukelele and plays "Painting the Clouds with Sunshine"). That was the backside of 'Tiptoe through the Tulips." It was a #8 hit in 1930, and 'Tiptoe" was a #1 hit in Februaiy of

1930. Nick Lucas was, in 1928, the #3 star in the country_ # 1 was Rudy Vallee, #2 was Gene Austen, and #3 was N1cJt Lucas.

Boyd: These old songs/ are so amazing, yetyou also throwIn some rock and roll.

T.T.: Usually, when I'm being booked, these agents Will ten them, "He does some rock and roll too," thinking that Will f get the booking. I always tell them it's 'Down MemoiyLane,ï but what I do usually depends on the venue. But if! feel the ,1 spirits of these great artists, from Crosby to Jolson to Mel Baker to Heruy Burr - great stars of the past -- if I sell these songs through the microphone, if I get a little spirit of their I great voices, then it canchange a night. Because these '1 singers really sold a song. You see, tonight was a veiy inter. f esting night. The other night I had to struggle more. It an depends on how the voice goes. But if I can get the spirits to sell the songs, then I can do anything. These songs were 1∑ sung by great artists whowere lost in the transition pertod between non-electric music inïthe '10s and '19s and electric ' music in the '20s. Stars like Billy"Murray, from this city, who was called the 'Denver Nightingale." From 1904 to 1919 he was America's greatest popular singer for Victor j and Columbia records. It's a shame there's no statue of Billy Murray in this city. People like him were as huge in their i day, as say, Elvis or the Beatles. Boyd: And now they're forgotten. T.T.: And now they're forgotten. Boyd: That's whyI refer to you as a musical ecologist. You're helping to preserve this stuff. Through you it lives. ,, T.T.: Thank you veiy much, Mr. Beyd. rm sure tiying. I love ' 1 these old songs.

Boyd: Me too. What worries me is that there's probably only a handful of people who really remember this stuff, and un∑ less definite steps are taken to call it back from limbo, from oblivion, it'll eventually be lost forever. Do it bother you to think that all this could just vanish into thin air, and we'll never be able to hear it again?

T.T.: (Waves his hand dismisSively.J No, no, no, no. I'm not worried about that at all. We11 have plenty of opportunities to hear all of it again -- Jn theafterlife.

For further Jnfa:nnation on Tiny T1m, send $S fD the Tiny 1JI11 1 Apezg'ation Box 1009, Cedar Hill, Toxas 75104 -

TEMPLE OF BJTE An Ec/ect/c, lndlvldual/stlc Satanic Organization. P.O. Box 2611 Novato, CA 94948

..; NAZIISM, RACISM, and SATANISM by Jeffrey Deboo t/ !IN SOME OCCULT CIRCLES it has become fashionable to f' c,cpress a certain affinity with Naziism, and even to look ∑ pon it as a kindred ideology. How valid is this? ï., Satanists whofeel this waywould be well served by /. rreac:Ung MeJn Kampf. Hitler recognized that the masses are j,:,,heeplike -- but rather than deploring this, he applauded it, glorifying conformity, obedience, group identity, and self-

sacrifice. He condemned individualism, attrtbuting it to the contamination of the German "race" by "inferior races:

This self-sacri.6.cing will to give one's personal labor and ifnecessaiy one's ownlife for others is most strongly developed in the Aryan...Not in his intellectual gifts lies the source of the Aryan's capacity for creating and building culture. Ifhe had just this alone, he could only act destructively, in no case could he or≠ ganize; for the innermost essence of all organi7ation re'quireS that the individual renounce putting foxward his personal opinion and interests and sacrifice both in favor of a larger group. (p. 297)ï

In so far as they directed foreign blood into our nation≠ al f>ody... they contributed to that catastrophic splintering of our inner being which is expressed in German super-individualism -- a phenomenon, I am sony to say, which is praised in many quarters. (p. 390)

'This co-existence of unblended racial elements of the most vaiying kind accounts for what is termed hyper≠ individualism in Germany. In peaceful periods it may sometimes do good services, but taking all things together, it has robbed us of world domination. If the German people in its historic development had pos≠ sessed that herd unity which other peoples enjOyed, the German Reich today would doubtless be mistress of the globe. (p. 396)

  Take another look at some of those old German Nazi rally films. Tiy to see past the quasi-occult symbols and sharp black uniforms and observe what is really being depicted. Great regimented masses of men, standing or marching in rigid formation. No individuality, no question≠ ing, no thought permitted. And the jackbooted pontiff whose mesmerizing voice holds his flock in his thrall? No La Vey

.∑., challenging each man to live for himself and take his own

.,rt Vital existence as his highest goal, but rather a tyrant

∑ demanding blind obedience and self-sacrifice for the good of

the mass -- a pied piper using his followers' unreason and self-deceit to lead them down the road to catastrophe.

  Then there is the whole "race" business. Racism is a belief system which allows any person belonging to the higher" race, no matter howstupid, lazy, or incompetent he may be, to feel somehow superior to any person of a '1ower" race, no matter how clever, productive, or talented. What kind of person feels the need for such a belief system? Ob≠ viously one who has nothing to take pride in as an in≠ dividual, and who must clutch at a group identity as a source of self-esteem and worth. Indeed Hitler's first fol≠ lowers, his Brownshirts, were recruited from the trash of Germany, the failures and brawlers of the streets who resented the creative and successful people in their own society. The pathetic self-styled Nazis in America today are mostly the same kind of people.
  Tue Nazis also preached eugenics, wherein some find an echo of the Satanist emphasis on natural selection and the survival of the fittest. There is, however, an important difference. Natural selection means that there is continuous competition between organismS, in which the fittest, be≠ cause they are the fittest, are more likely to survive, and the unfit, because of their innate inferiority, are less likely to survive. Thus the species is continuously improved. There is no overall control or guidance of the process by any con≠

scious power. This is how life evolved from the earliest prJmi≠ tive forms, billions of years ago, to the sophisticated organisms which exist today. Part of the reason weJudge Christianity to be "evil" is that it negates natural selection by imposing upon the strong an obligation to help the weak. We believe superior individuals should use their talents for their own benefit and not wony about inferior individuals. This is basic Satanist thinking. Both medieval Christianity and German Naziism were also "evil" in that. as conformist ideologies, they systemati≠ cally murdered anyone who dared oppose the established order of things in the societies they ruled. Thus the most creative and independent minds (the truly superior in≠ dividuals) in medieval Europe and Nazi Germany were killed or forced to flee. These ideologies reversed natural selection; they preserved the obedient conformists and destroyed the individualists. Before the Nazis, Germany had for genera≠ tions produced many of the world's greatest figures in philosophy, literature. music, and science. Naziism was a revolt of the street trash which wiped out or drove away most of the country's true elite. Germany still has not really recovered from this; it hasnever regained the leading role in intellectual fields which it held before the Nazis.

    And, of course, if anything resembling real modem Satanism had ever appeared in Nazi Germany, the regime would immediately have hied to stamp it out.
1ii!llllili1Yf "" .=.1;11,iililii I L

ml Eugenics is not the same as natural selection. Eugenics means that some authority is selecting for the qualities which that authority considers superior. We all must trust this authority with the awesome power to choose which qualities should be favored and which should be eliminated

i. :. - a iSG o,mg0 f0i tU Th 4 conce theChurch of Satan. They instituteda thorough bv Pennv Nadramia r badly-typed, poorly-written and many-times-photocopied J ::l::IJ }larldouts advocating a boycott of their many products (including Ivory Soap, Mr. Clean and Clearasil - gasp! -- the

Canis Familianis

Myfingers smooth the black fur around your depthless brown eyes, your prtcked and perfect

-- as cattle meekly submit to being selectively bred by the herdsman (this is supposed to be compatible with Satan≠ ism?). Such power would end up behlg abused to select in favor of charactertstics which merely conform to the prejudices of the group in charge, but which have nothmg to do with real superiority (this is what the Nazis did). Natural selection by itself has done fine without conscious guidance for four billion years, and should be allowed to go on domg so.

   Nazis advocate killing off or sterilizing entire categories of people. Satanists believe everyone should have the chance to survive, or fail to survive, by their own efforts. Toe flt would prove their fitness by surviving. Toe unfit would prove their unfitness by failhlg to survive. Only thus could we truly tell which are which.
   Racism is antithetical both to natural selection and to real eugenics. Toe so-called Nazi "eugenics" used superficial charactertstics such as hair and eye color, and ethnic back≠ ground, as its Criteria of superiority. This was not eugenics; this was idiocy.
   All races include both inferior and superior persons, both sheeple and individualists. A Satanist judges each human being to be superior or inferior on the basis of in≠ dividual qualities, not skin color or eyelid shape.
   I have known and worked with people of a great variety of races. I know from personal experience that race is not correlated with talent or personality type, or at least not strongly correlated enough for it to be noticeable.
  Racism has been an excuse for more stupid herd be≠ havior than anything else in history besides Chrtstlanity and Marxism. Racist groups such as the U.S. Nazi Party and the present Ku Klux Klan have tried to form alliances with the Church of Satan at various times, but Dr. LaVey has always rejected them with contempt.ïï In dohlg so, he was defend≠ mg the integrity of the Satanic philosophy.
  A herd ideology does not stop bemg a herd ideology merely because it happens not to be in power. Nazi.ism is not Satanic. Racism is not Satanic. Anti-8emitlsm is not Satanic. These concepts are as pathetic, outmoded, and col≠ lectivist as Chrtstlanity itself. Any acceptance of, or com≠ promise with, them will derail the Satanist movement into the junkyard of failed ideas and missed opportunities.

"'Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, translated by Ralph Manheim (Houghton Millin, 1943).

ïï See Arthur Lyons. Satan (tm)3nts You, pp. 117-119.

ISSUE #611, DA1ED 8/22/91 of RollingStonecontaJnsa cover story on Arnold Schwarzenegger that no Satanist could resist. RSoften contains some first-class articles l, (chiefly the blistering satirical pieces by P.J. O'Rourke) r despite their liberal scum foundations. And you can't help liking Arnie -- not an actor, but an old-fashioned Movie Star I who plays characters of Olympian proportions with a genuineness lacking in other "Big Guys" like Sylvester Stallone. Toe author, Bill Zehme, keeps his tongue firmly planted in his cheek, poking gentle fun at Schwarzenegger's on-screen persona while nevertheless revealhlg the Satanic qualities he embodies for the '90s: he is a man of action, identity, and will. Real tough people," he says, may feel 'r pain, "but then they swallow and say, 'To Hell with it!' " Director John Milius, one of contemporary Hollywood's most Satanic filmmakers, promoting values of struggle and survival, says of Arnold, "[He is) the embodiment of the Superior Man...the Nietzschean man." Schwarzenegger is the ideal icon for a society content. in the words of Olivia Newton John's pophit, to '1et someone else be strong."

   Back in the early '80s, a co-worker came to my desk with a 200th generation photocopy of the now-infamous warning about Procter & Gamble supporting the Church of Satan. She was passing them out to everyone in the office and thought I might be interested. I looked the flier over very calmly and thanked her. As a Satanist. I knew that cute li1 Man in the Moon was not "the symbol of the Church of Satan," but I kept mum.	,

By now everyone knows this wasthe beginning of one of those "urban legends" Dr. Jan Harold Brunvand has written about in The Choking Doberman and other titles. P&G iS not affiliated with the Church of Satan; the Man in the Moon iS not an occult symbol of any kind. And the company's president never appeared on any 1V talk show to say he was a Satanist or even a Chrtstian. It's all a big story, a fairy tale,

   In a report entitled "Procter & Gamble's Satanic Shadow," Lynne M. Miles details the history of the company and includes a flier printed by P&G giving an overview of the

various trademarks they have used since 1851. Interesttng!Y 1 enough, their second trademark, hastily daubed in black paint on the outside of crates, was a five-pointed star in a circle, merely, says P&G, "part of the rivermen's sign n language." The symbol quickly evolved into many stars. thell I finally the moon and stars in a circle. Procter & Gamble were not amused by this false rumor

very fabric of American life!). As of August 1990, P&G has successfullY filed a dozen lawsuits against those spreading these rumors. Among them area minister and three Amway cUstrtbutors. Amway reps sell household products (llite soap, detergents and pharmaceuticals) in a door-to-door system stmflar to Avon's. In fact. the lady who gave me that flier all those years ago sold Amway. P&G plans to continue using their Man in the Moon.

  Christian media personality Bob Larson has appeared on major 1V talk shows like Donahue ancl Madon Downey, Jr. and has a weekday radio talk show called Tulk Back, syndicated nationwide on many Chrtstian networks. Bob has a thing forSatanists, andloves to read aloud from the pages of The Satantc Bible and other Satanic literature. A Conner musician, and nownovelist (Dead Air. a typical "evil cultists" horror novel), Bob has quite a flair for the dramatic. Recent guests on Talk Back have included Blanche Barton, Boyd Rice, Peter H. Gilmore and Nemo. Larson's favorite tactic iS to elicit hard-line Satanic doctrine from program participants (statements like: 'We don't care what happens to drug addicts,'1 and then gasp, repeating the statements slowly, as if in utter shock:

"You... don'" etc. Call-inS are frequent, most of them supporting the participating Satanists. Listen regularly if you want to catch some amusing banter, or add some yourself. Bob's given Satanists more time on the airwaves and more opportunity to explain our philosophy than anyother broadcaster! You may be able to get tapes of past shows by writing to: Toe Compassion Connection (no retching, please], Box 36-C, Denver, CO 80236. Offer a donation; tell 'em you're "trying to get your kids off the stuff."

  If you come across items of interest you'd like us to talk about or-review, or that you'd like to talk about or review yourself, bring them to our attention or send them along.

Type, double-spaced, any newsbits or commentary you'd like us to see, and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you require a response. Toe address is, as always: The Black F1ame, Sparks (or Odditorium), P.O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-0499. ∑

Freethinkers need to develop in blood, in guts, in muscle, as well as in brains.

Frank Mortyn

ears. You flick your tongue to taste my skin. I smile at this benediction. Why do I feel so honored by your canine regard?

I've seen you at the hunt; myheart has leapt with the beauty of your movements. You sink to your haunches in the grass, perfectly still, perfectly focused, invisible. When the prey Js close enough to capture, you boil with movement, a streak of black, white teeth flashing. You kill the squirrel quickly, although mercy Js not what you feel. Then you hold it in your paws, slowly lick it, Carefully, sweetly, a nurturing movement, Predator and prey in a beautiful, final communion. You taste the fresh meat, bwy the rest for a day of possible hunger.

They tell me dogs want to be free. But you belong wherever I am, and I know that's where you want to be. The earliest cave paintings of prtmitlve Man show the wolfish outlines of dogs by his side. Partners in the hunt; protectors at the fireside. Once we were the same, predators who lived in packs. The fittest survived, the ablest brought forth young, strengthening and ennobling our blood. I see the Satan in you every moment. even when you sleep in utter peace and relaxation. So why shouldn't your simple regard Mean more to me than a thousand human greetings? Hail, to you who neither need nor want such accolade, Hail, child of my heart

Christine MUiphy








l t Sigil of Baphomet Pendant \ cast out of 100% solid sterling silver, this handsome sigil is a full 2 inches in diameter and 1/8 inch thick. Polished to a mirror finish, both front and back, the sigil itself is raised in high relief with a black jewelry enamel background baked on. Perfect for rituals, this is truly a first rate medallion that proudly proclaims your Satanic affiliation.


The pendant may also be purchased with a 4mm solid sterling silver 20 inch curb style chain. PRICES: Medallion - $125 Medallion with chain - $145 ALSO NEW! Light Weight version of the Sigil of Ba.phomet Ring pictured at left. The size is the same as the medium weight ririg, but due to a deep undercut beneath the symbol, it is a far lighter piece of jewelry. Perfect for those Satanic Witches who wish to dazzle their marks, this version presents a considerable saving over its heavier cousin. UGHTWEIGHT BAPHOMET RING ONLY $59.95 ORDER NOW!

' ,I, Ii Ii II


1111,;1,tE!Hli ODDITORIUM by Peggy Nadramia

2 .1 jlf¶l lliiI!fi'. .,.=1;11,Jittili,i mcludmg the fact that LaVey saved the life ofMansfteldïs 'Jhe cast of characters mcludes the Ufers, the Bikers, and a son Zoltan through magical mtervention. Most revelatory of prlSOn librarian who makes Hannibal Lecter look like a nice all is Bob Slatzer's recounting of his night spent With La.Vey r . guY- Grab it for those last beach days; a very satisfying read. outside of Marilyn Monroe's last home, where together they

Rice's expressed philosophy and the staging of this performance is order, these are not the inaudible rantings and frenetic gyrations of many "underground" musical artists. In fact, the players march onstage, their black berets

   EXIT #5, designed and produced by George Petros. (Exit Magazine, New York, 1991; 96 pages, ISSN 0883-9158,

$13.00.) Subtitled Tomrumw's (Words and Pictures) Today, this large-sJze (11" X 14'1 magazine is prmted on newsprmt With a three color cover, and features artwork and writing by Mark Mothersbaugh, Peter H. Gilmore, Mark David Chapman, Joe Coleman, Zeena LaVey, Nikolas Schreck and Adam Parfrey, among others. The largest thematic piece m the issue is a series of Nietzsche quotes illustrated by various and sundry artists and characters from the

Witnessed the matertalization of the late actress. WhenI consulted the High Priest as to the accuracy of this account he verified it reluctantly; it is not somethmg he speaks of ' often. ,1 WHO IS 'IHAT? by Warren B. Meyers. (Carol Publishlng, 1 New York, 1991; 63 pages, ISBN 0-8065-0535-4, $7.95, f softcover.) Finally reprmted, a wonderful little compendium of all those well-known faces from the late show, those l extras and character actors we knew by sight and type, but f whose names never graced a marquee or garnered a l

GUIGNOIR AND O1HER FURIES edited by George aatch- (Horror's Head Press, New York, 1991; 141 pages, $6.95, no ISBN, softcover.) A collection of thirteen tales of psychological terror, violence and suspense, illustrated by Peter H. Gilmore. Authors mclude Graham Watkms, Kevin J. Anderson and Nancy Holder. Hatch mvented his title by combmmg the two major fnfluences on his editorial outlook: the Grand Guignol and Film Noir. His mtroduction looks at the mcreasingly stressful effect that mounting violence is hav!Ilg on mdividuals: 'You have been assimilated mto a nolriSh landscape of menace, tension and moral mstability

all cocked at the same angle. To obtam copies of this performance as well as other mterestmg items and publications, contact: The Abraxas Foundation, P. 0. Box 300081. Denver, CO 80203, USA (see ad on page 6)

1HE CHURCH OF WAR:. 1ELEVISIONARY MINIS1RY CAMPAIGN by C.O.W.AN. Transmission #1 on videocassette. A torchlit march to set ablaze a giant standing Ing rune (Signifying, a new life or way), followed by a stirring speech given m a candlelit 1V studio and climaxing m a song, 'Toe Ninth Bell Tolls" sung to the tune of

"apocalypse underground," and conceived by John Aes-Nihil. I enjoyed most the New Yarlc Th:nes pages from∑ April 20, 1999, especially the news item reporting the holdup and murder of Mick Jagger and Jeri Hall outside a fashionable Moscow restaurant by twoNeo-Nazi teens. There's also an mteresttng, definitely politically mcorrect

mention m a movie magazine. As the editor himself testifies, l "if the identity of the assorted cops, c.,ilibies, landladies, good-hearted tramps, stoolies, moppets, mad scientists and what-have-you is driving you mad as they flit across your 1V screens...then more likely than not, you'll get your answer here." From a Satanic standpomt, what this

where the mtrmsically dangerous nature of man is reflected in and refracted through the cracked mirrors and warped priSmS of emotional pain and psychological trauma...Such extremities are the focus of the stories m thl anthology." Of particular note is one of the final stories, 'Toe Concrete Labyrinth" by Gerard Houamer, wherem a woman is

"Amazing Grace." The Church of War's philosophy and attitude is virtually the same as the Church of Satan's, and local Satanists exposed to this tape were inspired and impressed. What C.O.W.A.N. wants to do nowis get this thmg televised on public access cable 1V, and they have succeeded m doing so m many cities already. If your local

piece about slavery, and a hilarious flll-m-the-blanks from an actual children's religious schoolbook, mcludmg pasted-m photos of Charlie Manson. There are rarely-seen examples of the work of painter Robert Williams, a long article about the history of cannibalism, an overview of 'Toe Swastika: Sacred and Profane," and much, much more. For me, the weak spot m this journal from Hell is a three page surreal "comic strip" usmg only the silhouette of a penis. Credit for the arresting layout goes to Nancy Petros, editor and art director. You can order EK:it #5 from See/Hear (see address elsewhere m this column).

HOILYWOOD AND 1HE SUPERNATURAL by Sherry Hansen-Steiger and Brad Steiger. (St. Martm's Press. New York, 1990; 269 pages, ISBN 0-312-05098-4, $19.95, hardcover.) Takes a sort of supermarket tabloid, gee-whiz-wow handle on the supernatural m general and the star-crossed lives of movie stars m particular, mcluding a "directory of mediums, channels and psychics." The book also takes itself deadly seriously With sub-chapter headmgs like 'Toe Mystical Side of Lee Marvin," and Peter Sellers' Guidance From the Spirit World." Toe strong pomt of this volume is the fact that the editors were well-informed enough to know they could not complete it Without a sizeable contribution from and reference to Anton Szandor LaVey, the foremost authority on supernatural legends and strange occurrences pertaining to Hollywood, as well as to many other locales. There are lengthy quotes from LaVey as he gives his viewpomt on the portrayal of Satan and thmgs Satanic m present-day film projects, and the Jayne Mansfield story is told, as it rarely is, at length and

collection of photos accomplishes, is to pomt out the recurrmg types we see every day. There's a chapter entitled, Tough Tomatoes, Or, My, Isn't She Cheap?" and one called "Losers: He Should Have Stood m Bed." If you're out to change your look to accomplish certain goals or simply to reinforce your strengthenmg core se1( you might"find some I models m these pages. Meyers also gives a tight little analysis of the moviegoing experience m his Preface, and the l definition is quite magical: "Your ticket admitted you mtoa grotto-like world m which your anonymity was perfectly protected by the gentle enveloping darkness, though you were not alone by any means. From the moment you took your seat, you added your one unit of energy to the total electricity being generated by that mystical composite creature called an audience. And m return, its total energy flowed through you. In the same sense that the movie was larger than life, your reactions to it were also larger than life; for your laughter, your sympathy or your tears merged with the same reaction of every other member of the audience, and came back to you, magnified a hundred-fold."

  STONE CTIY by Mitchell Smith. (Signet, New York, 1990; 634 pages, ISBN 0-451-16930-l, $5.99, paperback.) A big fat serial killer/mystery novel that details life ma 1arge state prison like no novel has before. The main character lS m for vehicular homicide resulting from drunken driving:

he's a history teacher, completely unused to the violent Jjfe ï he must nowlead as he goes from block to block, cell to cell t earnmg cigarette money by teaching hardened crtmmals 1 how to read and write. The writing is top-notch, suspenseful, hard-edged but also almost poetic at ttmes.

confronted With the terrifying strength of mob consciousness, finally submittmg to it. Available for $8.00 (includes postage and handling) from Horror's Head Press, 140Dickie Ave.. Staten Island, NY 10314. Make check/ money order payable to George Hatch.

  DARK LILY# 13 edited by Dark Lily, subtitled 'Toe Reality of the Left Hand Path." (Dark Lily. London, 1991; 25 pages, ISSN 0994-6006, $4.00/issue, $16.00/4-issue subscription, paper cover.) A responsible, thoughtful Satanist journal that appears regularly and uses no

by-lines. Articles this time around mclude 'The Allure of Misery" and "Spot the Resemblance," as well as letters and a compendium of products and organizations that maybeof interest to readers. Definitely worth your while to stay on top of this one. (When ordering, send postal money orders or bank draughts; foreign (meanmg: U.S.) checks will not be accepted.)

   NON: TOTAL WAR. LIVE IN JAPAN performed by Boyd Rice and Non on VHS videocassette. This performance, which mcludes four black-clad drummers and the vocalizations of Boyd Rice and Rose McDowell, is an electrifying, militaristic ritual celebratmg Satanic strength and righteous anger. Includes the songs Holy War" (to the tune of "Silent Nighn and 'Vengeance." 'Do you want total war?" asks Rice, "to throw out Christ and bring back Thor?" Recorded on July 3rd, 1989 m Osaka, Japan, taped VOiceovers mcludes snippets of Travis Bickle's speech from

'Iaxt Driver (Here's one man who stood up agamst the seum...") and some Beethoven. What characterizes both

cable network has public access programmmg, the Church of War would appreciate your forwarding all necessary application information to them at P. 0. Box 15, Altadena, CA 91003. You may be able to obtam your own copy of this transmission through your kmdness and willingness to share similar material with their leader, Doran.


  We are frequently petitioned by those of you m the hmterlands to locate and forward certain items that are unavailable m your area. Here are some other sources for many of the products mentioned m this column, as well as other goodies.
  SEE/HEAR. a store and a mail order service specializing in music publications but also carrying numerous books and comics of an outre nature. Their catalog is $1.00 and you can get it by writing to: See/Hear, Mail Order Dept. 1BF, 59 East 7 St., New York, NY 10003.
  1EMPLE PRESS, a source for books on Satanism, Crowley, T.O.P.Y. and Psychick 1V for those m the U.K. and Europe. Their 16-page catalog is made available by sendmg a self-addressed, stamped envelope, or several IRC's. Write to: Temple Press, P. 0. Box 227, Brighton, Sussex BN2 3GL. England.

1HE SATANIC RITUALS by Anton Szandor LaVey. (Avon Books, New York, 1991; 220 pages, ISBN 0-380-01392-4, price?, paperback.) It's back in prmt at last! Yes, you can rush right down to your iocal bookstore and have them order it for you, if you're not fortunate enough to actually find it m stock. No more paying exorbitant prices or peering at photocopied versions; the pretty purple paperback can

1,t¶l lltilil .



11,;tlilii IP. 2 J

Elimbeth Fox.

   Here's a lighthearted article to tlckle your Satanic fancy. The author describes, in a very entertaining style, the recent discovery- of a previously unnoticed behavior pattern among the primates. This pattern was first noticed among the baboons and chimps, but also seems to be rampant throughout the rest of the order. The only species free of this pattern seems to be the mindless lemurs.
   This behavior is desClibed as tactical deception, to be distinguiShed from the ordiruuy sort of deception, such as

martial arts world after John raided a competing dojo, iJl1portant part of the book since preparation is everything in resulting in the death of at least one person involved, but f not ending up a victim. You may never know how many Ayoob has exhibited the Satanic trait of loyalty by giving problems you averted by keeping your car door locked when credit where credit is duel driving in stop-and-go city traffic. You may never know how Ayoob runs Lethal FOIC'e Institute (P.O. Box 122, 1 manY would-be burglaries of your home were averted by the Concord. NH 03301) and if you have a clean criminalrecon1 \ selection of the right watchdog. You may never know, and so you can Join some of the most prestigious corporations and I what? You don't want to know. You just want to enjOy the governments to learn effective armed and unarmed l indulgences of life with minimum hassle, right? self-defense...or you can read this book and get to work. f Finally, I really believe that the section on the use of Beginning with assessing the dangers facing the individual force was superb. If you can't legally car:ry a gun, what

cheated Adam. Unless (most probable of all) God cheated the Devil, and the fruit was a common apple after all. Cf. H. Maudsley, 'Ufe in Mind and Conduct."'

  The play was augmented by spectacular lighting and guitar muSic written, recorded and performed by Scott Stets and the play's muSical director, Brendan O'Toole. The music reflected Eastern modes and scales that elicited a Sitar-like quality from the guitars. Also used during the show was the ritual-like music of Led Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin's guitarist Jimmy Page recorded soundtrack music for Kenneth

making oneself look like a twig, or bigger and meaner than one's predators, or protective coloration. Tactical deception is the out-and-out tricke:ry used to get what one wants, usually by fooling the members of one's own species, rather than other Clitters. The use of this tactical deception seems to be directly linked to brain size. It is also becoming evident that this tactical deception is premedidtated, not only in man. the sneakiest of the primates, but also among the rest of his primate cousins. I enjOyed being reminded of my animalistic nature. I also like to snigger at another hole in the "all-animals-and-aboriginal-humans-are-nobler-than≠ humans" theo:ry.

1HE 1RUTii ABOUT SELF-PRO1ECTION by Massad Ayoob. (Bantam, New York, 1983; ISBN 0-553-19519-0.) Guest Reviewer: Nemo.

   For quite some time I had intended to write a long article on "Satanic self-defense," to share what works and what doesn't work with other members of the left hand path. I feel qualified in this area with twenty years of training in and teaching of martial arts both civilian and milita:ry. I was just about ready to sit down and tackle this project when I ran across this particular paperback book at a gun show.

Now I wish to simply suggest that eve:ry single one of you should buy, read and study this book ve:ry carefully. It says it all and it says it intelligently.

   It is hard to be familiar with firearms in the United States and not run across Massad Ayoob. Called a '1aw enforcement guru" by Soldier of Fortune magazine, Ayoob has published more than a thousand articles in numerous

publications from Black Belt magazine to Combat Handgzms magazine. He draws upon his twelve years as a policeman including over twenty armed encounters to back up his written work. When Massad Ayoob speaks. we should listen.

  Well, I knew all of that but what really surprised me in this encyclopedic approach to complete self-defense was just where Ayoob learned his stuff. Back in Chicago he must

in the modern human jungle, the books goes on to cover (and I do mean cover!) passive safety measures (such as alarm systems, attack dogs, locks, cars, telephones) followed by an in-depth analysis of countervailing force (such as effective streetfightlng techniques, non-weapon weapons, chemical sprays, shotguns, rifles and handguns). The book is concluded by examining howto survive the legal ramifications of defending yourself.

  For the Satanist this last issue is even more important than it is for the average person. If you just finished trashlng some scumbag who tried to mug you, you better (as one of my better teachers put it) know you're going downtown." In other words, you had better be prepared for the realistic possibility that you will betaken into custody by the police, that a Grand Ju:ry will examine the details of your defense and they will decide whether or not you will betried for a crime. Not long ago I spoke to one dedicated Satanist who told me that ifhe hadtoshoot some mugger, he would simply "slip into the night." I asked him if he was depending on all the witnesses to be deaf and blind as he blasted the mugger with his Ruger Sp-101 .357 Magnum. I asked Wm lf

maybe he was depending upon the immense mume flash to cause the blindness and the roar of the explostons to cause 1 the deafness. I also asked him what he intended to do if he was caught trying to escape, despite his intentions, by some sighted and still hearing cop. Be prepared for the aftermath of any such altercation. Ayoob discusses the importance of not having to explain to a ,. court why you used an illegal weapon (such as a derrtnger which fires a 310 shotgun shell, classed now by the State of California as a sawed-off shotgun) when you could have used a more acceptable, conventional weapon. There is a time for principles and there is a time for CYA If you can legally obtain a concealed weapons permit, then you don't have to explain to the Grand Ju:ry why you were carrying a Smith & Wesson .38 Special Airweight Bodyguard at the time. It doesn't matter that you may think it morally wrong

weapon should you carry? Ayoob recommends that you cany what the police carry: a big, black, metal flashlight (such as a 4 D-cell Kel-Ute). Leave your steel spring whips, nunchakas (numb-chucks?) and "ninjl fighting stars" in the toy chest where they belong. Car:ry "Lucifer's Hammer" and understand why the police have to be ve:ry, ve:ry careful when using it as a steel "super-baton."If you find yourself without a weapon (shame! shame!) you can benefit directly from the head twist takedown originally taught by Count Dante and now seen in cinemas across the land in films starling Steven Seagal.

  There is nothing new under the sun, but applying what is lmown can spell the difference between life or death, and freedom or prison. If this makes sense to you, as it does to me, get and read this book. It is definitely five stars.

,c, 1HE GOD-EA1ER by Aleister Crowley. Directed for the stage by Scott Stets, Bristol Community College, Fall River, Massachusetts, March, 1991. Guest reviewer: Scott Stets.

  Directed by Bristol Community College Music Club President and Church of Satan member Scott Stets, the play delves into the drawbacks and reoccurrences of blind faith In world histo:ry.

This production of The God-Eater is set in the year 1999 and takes place in a ritual chamber somewhere, hidd_en from a post-nuclear society. Even after the modem world has been practically destroyed by blind faith in the world's leaders, both political and religious, the gullible still try to satisfy their "gods" by offering other willing believers as human sacrtflces.

  In the actual script of 'Jhe God-Eater. the author wrote a few paragraphs on what the play meant to him:
  'The idea of this obscure and fantastic play is as follows:
  By a glorious act human mise:ry is secured (Histo:ry of Christianity). Hence, appreciation of the personality of Jesus is no cuse for being a Christian. Inversely, by a vile and

Anger's film Lucifer Rising and owns Boleskine House, the Beast's one-time Highland home).

   Upcoming projects by Mr. Stets are undecided at this time. He is just beginning serious work on a stage play based on H.P. Lovecraft's 'The Shadow Over lnnsmouth" that should be completed by late summer 1991. He is considering various manusClipts for his next production and welcomes any and all submissions of prospective plays and/or operas (classical, rock or otherwise). Anyone interested in spectating, auditioning for or submitting manusCiipts for upcoming productions may contact: Scott Stets, 2009 Pleasant Street, Fall River, MA 02723.
   1HE 1EMPLE AND 1HE LODGE by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. (Arcade Publishing, New York, 1989; 306 pages, includes maps and photographs, ISBN 1-55970

-021-1, $22.95, hardcover.) Guest Reviewer: Peter Luger.

  If you've been following the tracingS ofreal Satanism through histo:ry that have been presented in our pages, this volume will delight you as a welcome addition to the scant number of books that reveal the real underground. The authors provide an exhaustive survey that reads like a myste:ry as they search for clues in abandoned Scottish cemeteries, to trace the survivors of the order of the Knights Templar, who fled to Scotland to escape the massacre begun by Philippe le Bel. Also examined is their continued

presence as an underground intellectual and economic force which lead to the formation of the foundations of the Freemasons, and eventually set the stage for the revolution that gave birth to the United States, the ideal embodiment of a Masonic Republic." These folk have previously brought us more speculative material in such works as 1he Holy Blood and the Holy Grail and The Messianic Legacy, but here their case is made with logic and evidence that are highly persuasive. This is truly a fascinating read and a milestone tracing a real Satanic legacy of which we can all be proud.

ï'Iï I


'IHE MANSON FAMILY SINGS 'IHE SONGS OF CHARLES MANSON (Previously Unreleased Material Recorded in 1970) Commodity Network, catalog# DR-999, 1991. LP on white vinyl available for $10 plus $2 postage from A.N. Productions, P.O. Box 93982, Hollywood, CA 90093. Postal Money Orders only. Umited to a 999 copies. Guest reviewers: Michael Moynihan and Lance Barton

Brothers slay brothers; Sisters' children Shed each other's blood. Hard is the world: Sensual sin grows huge. There are sword-ages, axe-ages; Shields are cleft in twain; Storm-ages, murder-ages; nn the world falls dead, And men no longer spare Or pity one another." Norse Mythology (R.B. Anderson)

   The signs are here that preparations are underway for Ragnarok and the Twilight of the Gods, and the Norse visions of apocalypse ling with a stronger bell of truth than

the claims of the Christian prophecies. Toe age of throat≠ slicing is back, and the battle hymns are already h,,.i.., performed on TiiE MANSON FAMILY SINGS. -- .. Generally the only musical material available of ci.. , Manso ï.l<ll"les n that one locate is in the form of a bootleg version of the LIE LP which was originally issued on the Esp Disk label at the time of the Tate/LaBianca murders trial While this contained some classic material, it only shows∑ ?1 the barest surface to the depths of thought and creativtty J which Manson invests into his muSic. Here finally in 1HE j FAMILY SINGS release are we allowed to look much further ' into the soul of the man and witness the viSion of his drcl Manson himself does not appear on the LP, although his e. spirit is unquestionably present. It seems that after the arrests and trials had begun, a frlend of the "family's" offered . the comrades who were still at large the use of his recording studio. From a reliable source it has been found out that the male figure who both Sings much of the main vocals on the record, as well as playing very competent guitar throughout, is none other than Steve Grogan, a.k.a. "Clem" The songs themselves, all written by Manson, are inCredibl in their complexity and the poetry of the lyrtcs. Oftentimes the various females who appear on the LP will sing ethereal background harmonies with such eerie lyrtcs as DI& 70 BE-

a 'f()D/E... One could probably hear this record hundreds of tiJJlCS and still find new, previously unnoticed phrases in the 111yrtad twiSts and turns of the muSic. ustening to this record brings back a time when music was a tool to lift man's spirit, to inspire, to drive: not Simply something to serve as "cruise control" background music for shopping mall ambience. The message is loud and clear: even those who do not keep up with the so-called Manson mystique" will be intoxicated by the beautiful power behind thiS full length LP. Many who may have heard television tnterviews or seen actual pieces of writing by Manson may ï have found his words confusing or his ideas hard to understand when voiced in his unique way of speaking which often borders on being stream-of-consciousness. Not so with the songs on this recording. While many of his ideas are present here, they are expressed in such a clear way as to be revelations. MuSic is Manson's greatest means of expression, and he himself is aware of this fact. The first song of Side one states, HOW ELSE DO YOU7HJNK I COUI.D TAI.K Wll1l YOU EXCE/TI'THROUGH 'IHE MUSIC? HOW ELSE DO YOU7HINK I COUI.D S'IOP'IHE CONFUSION IN YOURMIND? SO COME ON. AND SING 1HESE SONGS, AS YOU COME ALONG 70 'IHEMUSIC...EACH UNTO HIS OWN KIND. The folk style of the music is haunting when laid alongstde the amazing lyrtcs which certainly pull no punches-- WHEN YOU SEE 7HE CHILDREN WllH 'IHEX's ON 7HElR HEADS, IF YOU DARE 70 LOOK AT7HEM SOON YOU WILL BE DEAD ('This particular phrase was spontaneously uttered by one of the girls as they sang together). One of the most refreshing things about statements like these is that noonecandeny that they aren't rooted in truth...just ask Sharon Tate's mom. And you can be sure they are not being made from some weepy moralistic viewpoint as consistent refrains like, NO WRONG. NO WRONG- COME ALONG..., definitely attest. The acoustic sounds and sweet melodies which emanate here oftentimes convey intense power -- you can feel secure in the knowledge that these lilting psalms are the most fitting accompaniment for baptisms of blood and steel.

   An evocative version of "Always is Always" sets the mood for side two. nus song iS probably one of the most well≠ known as it also appeared on the LIE LP in an a capelJa

version sung by the girls of the "family." The melody is one that plays like a tape loop in your head; but what better way to occupy your mind than the undying words of this masterful philosopher. Here Manson speaks not only from his own mind, but rather from the mind ofan Eternal Soul. transcending present-time and culling the voices of the dead from the past. Not surprising that numerous songs on this release feature lyrics about "rising from the grave" and other

? J ancestry. Manson is a modem-day heretic, and one sees the thoughts of the most notortous heretics of the past. men like Meister Eckhart and Alfred Rosenberg, resurging once again in Manson's pure vision.

   It would be inaccurate to give the impression that these recordings are obsesSive in their references to gloom, doom, death and destruction. While the LP has numerous words about "devil men," "graveyards," and "Satan," here they are not intoned in the morbid manner of born-again Christians. For Manson, wise man that he is, recogmzes the fallacy of any absolute duality in nature. OppoSites exist, but for life to flourish they must operate Side by side, or better yet, hand in hand. Labels such as "good" and "evil" are mere phantasms of the human imagination, and can hardly be applied subjectively (or objectively) to aspects of such

awe-inspiring unknowns like life and death. Everything has its appointed place in the Universal Order, and one who realizes this essential fact will not shun duties bloody or those 'unpleasant' to the weak of spirit. For it is only after the turmoil and total conflagration ofRagnarok that the world is once more reborn into a new order of purity and truth. Such is the way of the eternal rotations of nature, and it is exemplifled in Simple verses in Manson's lyrtcal poetry: 'IHE F1ELDS 'IHEY AREA' GOWEN- 'IHE CYCLE WILL COMPIEJE; IN ORDER 70 HARVEST7HE GRAIN. YOU HAVE 70 curmE WHEAT.

  On the back of the record is a short notice to buyers that the release is "not presented to provide you with cheap vicarious thrllls," but you can be certain that a large majortty will buy it for this reason. That is fine: the philosophical power behind the "innocent" record is strong enough to plant seeds in the few fertile minds that may come across it. It iS both delicious food for thought and action. Here is the torch being passed to the next generation -- will anydare accept the honor? If some are to step forth, one can only hope they will beSinging that haunting refrain:


IN PURSUIT OF SATAN. THE POUCE AND TiiE OCCULT by Robert D. Hicks. (Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, 1991; 420 pages, ISBN 87975-604-7, $23.95, hardcover.) Guest reviewer: Peter Luger.

   We have had to suffer through many books recently printed to support the wild ravings of the fundamentalist Christian community and others of their ilk, waiting for the forces of reason and sensibility to slash through the Gordian Knot of twisted ranting. Here at last is a volume that fills the order.

Hicks, a former police officer, is presently a criminal

--:t.≠ RAGNAROK FROM J rill1i11f'n ßunu

sentiments like Look inSide yourself for your father"-- this is one "family" that communes intimately with the spirits of its

justice analyst who advises Virginia law enforcement agencies. He continues work that began in the CSER's

ground-breaking report Sata.nism in Amenca (to which he wrote an appendJx) by rationally covering the whole field of

some hope for the future. Essential reading for anyone Who

ti' . r1111,Jiliif.111 Atlf!).es. 1llis booklet is written in a style reminiscent of The


EDWARD SCISSORHANDS directed by Tim Burton.

contemponuy Satanism-as-conspiracy (a model of crJmina1 behavior which is founded on no hard evidence), from the poor wretches suffering from MPD to the profesSional "Satan Busters" who are making a livelihood off of the promotion of this scam that folklorists are now studying as a new urban legend. Most valuable is his examination of the "cult cops" who are legitimate law enforcement individuals who have let their religious and philosophical beliefs cloud their rational judgment and have thus promoted the existence of this hysteria. Here is an area that has come to reflect the old McCarthy techniques that when unchecked can lead to

many ruined lives.

   Hicks provides chapters explaining, in general, alternate religious belief systems in a clear and concise manner. He examines the numerous cases of alleged Satanic child abuse and the still proliferating tales of "cult survivors," particular≠ ly covering the scandal surrounding Laurel Wilson (a.k.a.

Lauren Stratford) whose book Satan's Undergrozmd claiming to document a history of unmitigated horror and abuse was nothing but a tissue of lies. 1his exposure was achieved bya Christian publication, CornersfDne, I might add.

   All told, this is an important work to bring sorne reason and sanity back into an issue clouded by opportunism and tabloid sensationalism. It will probably not get the attention

that it deserves because it proves that the gruesome ravings are just that.

IILIBERAL EDUCATION - THE POLITICS OF RACE AND SEX ON CAMPUS by Dinesh D'Souza. ('Ihe Free Press, New York. 1991; 319 pages, ISBN 0-02-908100-9, $19.95, hardcover.) Guest reviewer: Peter H. Gilmore.

    If you've had anything to do with American universities in recent years, I'm certain that youhave been appalled at the shocking degradation in standards. as well as the quality of the education (whose price has skyrocketed- unless you happen to be of the appropriate minority whose way is being paved through the College), and you might have wondered from whence this downward spiral has arisen. D'Souza here does an extraordinary Job of exposing the forces of egalitarlanism and how they have progressively poisoned the universities of our country. Under the twin banners of "Affirmative Action" and 'Political Correctness," today's educators have created a Situation that mirrors the dysgenics fostered by the reign of Christianity, proving that "Liberal Humanism" is a kissing coustn to the Nazarene

plague. You will be shocked at much of what has been going on, and I guarantee that your blood will boil at the neo-totalitarian tactics employed to wipe out any vestige of meritocracy that still survives. D'Souza also offers some rational solutions to round off this wonderful expose with

cares about the direction of education.

THE BIG BANG NEVER HAPPENED by Eric Lerner. (nmes Books, New York, 1991; 466 pages, ISBN ,I 0-8129-1853-3, $21.95, hardcover.) Guest reviewer: Peter H. Gilmore.

  If you've grown tired of listening to the continuous irrationalities generated to prop up the Big Bang theory of

the commencement of the Universe, an idea that has alWays I smacked of theism to me, then here at last is a rational ' alternative that fits the observable facts of existence far f

better than this Bang-Crunch silliness. Lerner is a protege of Hannes Alfven, one of the great pioneers of explaining the mechanics of the universe∑via plasma physics, and here he reaffirms his mentor and even goes beyond him with thrilling and ever so plausible explanations for the manner in which our Universe works. Not only does Lerner give us this up-to-date field of con epts, as well as pointing out where work needs to be done to continue to flesh out these systems, but he presents a remarkable survey of cosmology throughout recorded human history, and relates the theories to the dominant religious and political concepts of their time periods. This is an invaluable volume for anyone interested in the nature of the Universe, and it can well function as a basis for home education efforts to remedy the

hidebound materials still prevalent in educational r institutions. Highly recommended.

THE PYLON, No. 1, WIN1ER 1990/1991, edited by 0 Frater Xenos XIII . (Yog Sothoth Lodge, Esoteric Order of Dagon. c/o Stephen Sennitt, 15 Oxford St .ï Mexborough, 1 South Yorkshire, S64 9RL, U.K, 24 pages, saddle stitched). I Guest Reviewer: Peter H. Gilmore. From its handsome cover image of an Egyptoid tomb for H.P. Lovecraft, to its many typefaced, even hand-written. contents, this publication explores the linkages of the Cthulhu Mythos with Crowleyan (filtered through the concepts of Kenneth Grant) Magickal endeavors. For our readers interested in such conflations, this will prove to be a J small treasure trove of explorations of the Aeon of Cthulhu. Articles include: "Celestial Bodies in the Cthulhu Mythos." "Austin Spare and Toe Music of Erich Zann,m l. "Nyarlathotep: Master of the Sabbat?" and a couple of other items of this sort. Write to them and send along a couple of IRCs for further information.

   CHARNEL HOUSE by Christos Beest. (Coxland Press/ Brekekk, P.O. Box 109, Newport, Gwent. S.Wales, U.K.; 21

pages, $18.00, 4" x 6", paperbound.) Guest reviewer: Peter H. Gilmore. Another work from the folks of the Order of the Nine

jJOOk of the Law, blended with Lovecraft's more Dunsanian efforts- Tous we have a poetic allegory filled with resonant lJI18.gery; a hand held opium dream. 1bis is part of an edition limited to only thirty-three copies, so you must act quicklY to reserve one. should this material be to your tastes. Aiso submitted from the same publisher is EXEAT #3 ($7.00 - includes air postage), which continues in a Similar fashion to the earlier issue reviewed last-time. Under "Disturbing Notes," the author explores the resilience of children based on personal experiences of youthful sexual contacts and advocates the legalization of brothels to fulftll normal sexual needs. Toe concepts of warfare and terrorism are examined in "Aerial Terrorism," "Satan Bites Back" presents a challenge to the fundamentalists that Satanists are prepared for a war that will be carried on with magical m . while "Aeonics" examines historical civilizations and the Aeon each fulftlled.


(PSYCHE C 002), (both CD's from Psychick Release PCP - see their ad elsewhere in the issue for ordrtng information.) Guest reviewer: Louis Pierre Garou.

  We were delighted to receive these twowonderful releases from the dynamic folks at Psychick Release PCP. and these are truly exemplary efforts. The first combination of White Stains "hyperdelic" muSic with the haunting invocations of Psychick TV takes one on a Journey of muSical consciousness trance-formation. More intense than some of P'IV's recent solo efforts, it is still a logical outgrowth of previous recordings. SWEDISH EXOTICA presents a veritable smorgasbord of Swedish bands that will generally be unfamiliar to the American listener. Here's

where you can explore representative cuts from a wide range of some of the best talent on the Swedish scene. Also good for.putting on and quizzing friends who claim to be know-it-alls to see if they can indeed name the artists.

   HOPE ORGAN - "Young Girl," "Harmony." (INGREAT RECORDS, P.O. Box 293, Pittsburgh, PA. 15230; 7" 45 rpm.

$5.00). Guest reviewer: Louis Pierre Garou.

  For you Manson Family_ completists. here are lovely renditions of two songs ortginally written and performed by Brooks Poston and Paul Watkins, perlormed on this release by Eric Foxx and Robert Petri with delicacy and grace.

Though not complex or exceedingly profound, there is a quality of sweetness and melancholy, as well as alienation, that wafts through these all too short works.

SATANIC CINEMA: by Peter H. Gilmore

Fresh off of his portrayal of the_ Satanic vigilante Batman," Burton turned his viSion to this more intimate depiction of interaction between an outsider and the "normals." This film succeeds as a lovingly crafted Satanic fable about whywe should never try to get along and be part of the herd. Edward, winningly portrayed by Johnny Depp. is the creation of a scientist who lives in a cartoonishly creepy manse on the hill. His creator, who is shown giving him instructions in culture and civilized behavior, dies before he has the chance to finalize Edward by replacing the sharp blades he has for fingers with genuine human hands. Vincent Prtce is moving in his cameo role here as the scientist. Edward is of course "rescued" from his isolation by one of the normals who proceeds to try to integrate him into their society of middle class tacky boredom. Edward is finally accepted when his extraordinary talent of being able to cut/sculpt things with his blade hands is revealed, until he is in great demand as a hair-stylist! And, Edward falls in love with a normal young girl, the fetching Winona Ryder, so troubles begin. Burton is not afraid to expose how the normals use someone who is unusual and talented for freak value, until they tire of the uniqueness and think that this outSider is really beginning to intrude on their territory. Filled with wall-to-wall sumptuous Danny Elfman music, this film is a must-see for all Satanists, especially those with children with whom they can have very profitable discusSions afterwards.

   SILENCE OF 1HE IAMBS directed by Jonathan Demme. Adapted from Thomas Harris' well crafted thrtller, the main focus of this epic is the character of Hannibal "the cannibal" Lector. genius serial killer. It is quite revealing that Antony Hopkins' portrayal (in the role of his career) has fascinated moviegoers far more than the struggling young agent Clarice Starling - well acted by Jodie Foster. Lector is an embodiment of the true feral man, whouses his brilliance as well as whatever physical savagery he deems necessary to dispense his personal justice. He is jailed because he wascaptured bya law officer who was empathic with serial killers, a man who, ifhe lethimself go. would be one himself (this is all materlal that is revealed in Harris' previous book Red Dragon.). Lector is the exemplar of the Satanic dictum to be dangerous, even in defeat" and this ts, reinforced by the depiction of him as an incarcerated man who has his captors terrified of him. utterly. During an extraordinary sequence. Lector Is brought to meet with a Congresswoman about her daughter who Is in the clutches of a new serial killer, about whom Lector has knowledge.

Lector Is brought before her. trussed in a straight-jacket, tied to a stretcher with a hockey mask over his face (so he won't use his teeth), and even in this position of complete I I ,I


immobility, Lector is the one who radiates power and control like a black sun. His veiy words are used as venom-dipped scalpels to flay any who stand in his way. His finely tuned senses and masteiy of deductive reasoning give him the weapons he needs to whiplash those who have, for the present time, got him at a disadvantage.

   It is my suspicion that the general public is fascinated by this truly Satanic villain in the same way that the victim of a cobra will stare in rapt attention at the power before which it is helpless. Hopkins gets my vote for an Oscar, and he will live forever in the deep psyches of all filmgoers. Move over Norman Bates; Dr. Lector is here to stay.


Against your ancient tyranny I rise in cruel revolt; Against your reign of thou-shalt-nots From mankind's dawn till now.

Just do as I'm told Or I won't get into Heaven; I spit on your rules I don't need your permission!

Your whining sham of right and wrong Can stay my hand no more; I'm not your slave or supplicant To raise up and slap down.

0 weakling enthroned, 0 vampire gorged on your betters, Tomorrow is ours -- It won't be to your liking! ,, Wolf





.:. 1tt111t, - ome oughtson &ltanic thics by Jeffrey Deboo OF AIL1HE WAYS in which Satanism challenges the decaying edifice of Christianity, none is more revolutionary thail our rejection ofits ethical system. '"foo long rlght and wrong, good and evil have been inverted by fulse prophets! ...'lbere is nothing inherently sacred about moral codes. IJke the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work of hUIJ18Il hands, and what man has made, man can destroy!" ('lbe Ssta.ntc Bfble, Infernal Diatribe Il: 5-6). This is oneof the key differences between Satanism and other secular philosophies such as humanism, which more or less preserve Christian standards of good and evil, merely trying to rationalize some new set of underpinningS for them in place of Jehovah's dikta.t Satanism rejects the Christian ethic and replaces it with - what? Disagreement exists: there is no way to evade that fact. Herd ideologies can easily impose a universal standard of good and evil: the standard is set by the Bible, or the head guru. or the Fuhrer, or the Central Committee of the Party, and everyone meekly goes along. But each Satanist must "question all things" and stand on his own judgement. It would be astonishing if a consensus on ethics had emerged In a mere quarter-centuiy.

  I believe that three basic schools of Satanic ethical thought can be discerned, which I would designate as


  1) Individualist: logically derivable from Satanism's em≠ phasis on enlightened self-interest. Toe standard of right and wrong for the acts of a particular individual is the vital existence of that individual, as detennined by that in≠ dividual. Each person is the sole judge of the rlghtness or wrongness of his own actions.

2) Social-Darwinist: based on the law of natural selec≠ tion. The standard is the vital existence of the human race as a whole, which requires the survival of the fittest and the continuous weeding out of the weak and unfit. 3) Non-Ethicist: at once the most straightforward and most radical school of thought. There is no such thing as right and wrong. No act of any human being can be judged to be morally "rlght" or "wrong," "good" or "evil," any more than the acts of any other animal can be so judged. Toe good-vs.-evil, rtght-vs.-wrong dichotomy is a meaningless fraud.

  At first glance these three standards seem irreconcil≠ able, because they generate different judgements upon the same course of action. Take for example the case of a devout Christian who devotes himself entirely to helping the home≠ less. From the Individualist viewpoint as defined above, this

behavior is "good" in that it conforms to the fundamental standards of the individual as he defines them. ("!he Satanist will shake his head ruefully at such altruiStlc self-sacrifice, but this is not relevant to that indMdual's frame of reference.) From the Social-Darwinist standpoint this Christian's behavior is "evil" in that it contributes to the survival of human parasites who could not survive by their own efforts: the unfit are preserved along with 1:;11e fit. and natural selection is sabotaged. In the Non-Ethicist view, his behavior is morally neutral. because so is all behavior; his acts, along with those of Chingiz Khan or Mother Theresa, are neither "good" nor "evif' -- they simply are. In my own view, the key to reconciling these three stan≠ . l dards lies in the Satanic rejection of the concept of a univer≠ l I sal frame of reference. Such a rejection has already effected a revolution in science, after all. If I voyage to the nearest star at 99% of the speed of light while you stay at home, you will perceive the trip as taking over four years while mere days elapse for me. Neither observer's calendar is "wrong," though they disagree: each is "rlght" for that observer's frame of reference.

  So it must be with ethics. Each of the three schools of thought implicitly rejects, at some level. any universal moral frame of reference. From an Individualist stance, A may per≠ form a given action after judging that it is right" according to his own standard, while B may judge A's action to be "wrong according to his standard, and may even choose to retaliate against A if he believes it has negatively affected him. (If the reader believes that we can vitally exist without ever acting in a way which causes others to feel "wronged," I urge him to reacquaint himself with the Infernal Diatribe ill:4 and most of V, and with the real world.) Each in≠ dividual's judgment is valid within his own frame of reference, even though they conflict. Of course, true

self-interest would require A to take into account any poss≠ ible risk to himself from B's reaction to the act he is con≠ sidering, even if he views that reaction as "wrong or baseless. Toe Social-Darwinist ethic, unlike the Individualist one, does not prescribe behavior for the individual; its frame of reference is that of the welfare of the human race asa whole. It does not tell you what your own actions should be in a given situation: it provides a standard by which you can judge phenomena in the world around you. It is largely by this standard, for example, that we judge Christianity to be "evil." In past centuries Christianity silenced or murdered the most creative and original thinkers; today Christian ethics underlie a social order in which resources are diverted from the productive and competent to guarantee the existence of the lazy and unfit who would not be able to survive by their own efforts. 1bis is natural selection in reverse, if anything- If Nature operated according to Chris-

, I,

I 'I! ∑1!1 JI

l '∑ I; I l

1 ..

! I tian principles, no life more sophisticated than algae would ever have evolved; if the human race continues to follow . I them, we will stagnate and decline. I Note that Social-Darwinism is not a universal frame of reference, because it acknowledges the legitimacy of op≠ posing frames ofreference. It is not, in an absolute sense, ï "evil" that the unfit resist being weeded out; the Individualist ethic in fact requires them to do so. "Evil" lies in creating ar≠ tlficial conditions in which they can succeed at the expense of the flt.

   Only the Non-Ethicist view can claim to be a truly universal frame of reference; and from such a universal perspective, there is indeed no absolute good or evil, there≠ fore all standards of good and evil are non-universal. The vital existence of an individual or even of a species is only significant (morally or otherwise) to the parties who have an interest therein; the survival of the human race is "good" to the human race, but in the last analysis it is neutral from any absolute viewpoint. The value of the Non-Ethicist view is that it enables us to recognize that the search for absolute moral standards is futile, and thus frees us to concentrate on the development and interpretation of the non-universal standards which are relevent and useful in the real world.


Published Quarterly: September, December, March and June Four Issues; $20.00 Sample Copy: $5.00 PO nox 1219 Corpus Christi, Texas 78403-1219 USA

(Please make checks and money orders pay≠ able to: James 1\1. r>.!arlin.)

iii!lll lltiil4 ∑ Satanist, Heal Thyseff! I'd Rather Not... by Magdalene Graham t' I HAD A LOVELY COMPLIMENT yesterday, when the locai I milk supplier called at my new apartment (at 8:30 a.m.) to arrange milk deliveries. I am an early riser. Low-necked dress, fully made-up and perfume concocted exclustvely for me by Sorcerer's Apprentice. Milkman gazed at me leanmg 1 on my walking-frame and said 'You don't look like an in- valid." I said '1nvalidity is in the mind, not in the body." fDI:s ∑ Adept told me that, long ago - he was right as always, though it often takes time to appreciate the truth of his statements). Milkman said "It's a pity more people don't think like that." I could have replied (but I didn't) that it's rï1 only for Satanists.

  Being classified as Disabled has more advantages than disadvantages. I have a guaranteed income which, With aJ1 the allowances and supplements and rebates and anything else that's going, amounts to as much as an over-taxed wage-slave would earn fornine-to-five hard labor, and I have to do nothing for it. I can, of course, supplement that in-

come (discreetly). I have always hated housework and would ) pay a cleaner in preference to taking a holiday; now my ser≠ vants are paid by the Government. Holiday also comes free if I fancy a trip to the seaside...might be fun.

   As I progress down the street in my motorized wheel≠ chair, traffic makes wayfor me. People open doors and rush to help. It makes them feel good, so I'm doing them a favor.

In the clothes-shops, the assistant will be only too delighted \ to help Madam try on the dresses. Being bisexual, I've had I some interesting encounters in fitting-rooms - must be the feminine equivalent of "cottages."

   If I want to go further afield, a chauffer-driven car is available, usually free of charge. Last time I went to the hospital for a check-up, a tour of scenic places, lunch and drinks were also provided. Do you know anyone else who has had a gin and tonic on Social Services?
  My usual Social Worker is a very kind lady who has done a great deal for me - fur above and beyond the call of duty. She is a devout Christian who goes to church every Sunday. It pleases me to think of this good Christian lady serving the Satanist.

I am not deformed in any way, it is simply that I cannot walk unaided (multiple sclerosis). This illness affects dif- ferent people differently, so I may never get any worse. Anyway, "worry is interest paid before it's due" (wish I could > remember who said that, he/she deserves credit for such a Satanic statement).

   Unlike the liberated females, this woman obviously needs protection. Macho men love that; restores their faith

in themselves.

  I can't walk. Who the Hell needs walking? Other people	t, do the running forme.I am free to amuse myself, or juSt lie		I back...

  ChristianS have a big black book telling them what is right and wrong and have been promising Hell-to-pay for wickedness for two thousand years now. Wiccans makea bigdeal out of getting back "three-fold" whatever they put out. (Since virtually every Wiccan rve met is financially

destitute,I guess they must not be trying to do much money magtc or they'd all be rich by now, right?) 1l1is '1aw is supposed to stop them from hexing or cursing. YetI don't believe I've met a Satanist yet whohasn't done his share of Destruction Rituals. The targets get hit but the SataniSts seem to do just fine. One well-known historical example of this is the curse Dr. La.Vey placed on attorney Sam Brody. Sam Brody has been dead for years now but Dr. La.Vey is thriving!

  2) ChristianS and Wiccans believe in external supernatural dieties. SataniSts do NOT believe in external

gods at all; a Satanist is his owngod.

  For example, the Christian believes in Satan, while the Wtccan believes in a "homed god." (Is it any wonder the Christian rejects the Wiccan's claim that the ha.try guy with the horns running around With naked women on moonlit nights ISN'T Satan?) Meanwhile, the Satanists have been calmly explaining for over twenty-five years that good atheists make good magidanS. If the ChrlStian Devil WERE real, no Satanist in the world would worship HIM anymore than we'd worship anyone else! Just because the Christian Devil is more HONEST than their God doesn't mean it makes sense to bowdown to him either! Satanists are SATANIC! We act LIKE Satan would. We don't kiss his ass

metaphorically or otherwise! 3) ChrlStianS and Wiccans believe in life after death. Satanists live for the here and now.

  Christians have been pushing the "go to Heaven. not Hell" baloney for centuries. Wtccans often believe in "Side,"a sort of afterlife parking place you stay at until you get your memories stripped and you're sent back to Earth to be retncamated (which seems just the same as individual destruction to me; no personal memories, no personal MEI). Satanists don't pin the reality that IS upon an afterlife reality that MIGHT be. As a result. Satanists are far more earthy and alive. "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you WIIL die" is the Satanic vtew. The Wiccans seem to believe "there's always tomorrow" and sleep-walk to their graves.

4) ChrlStianS and Wiccans BEIJEVE. Satanists DOUBTI

   This is really the essential issue the others arebased upon. ChrlStianS and Wiccans are true believers. They live ina fantasy world of their own imagination. When asked what is right and wrong. good or evil, they both BELIEVE what they aretold. Satanists DOUBTI When considering the existence of the supernatural they BEIJEVE. Satanists DOUBTI When deciding whether life on Earth is precious

and unique for mortal betngs who are alive now, or no big

So, you see, it is possible to be a Satanic Witch in a '</ wheelchair.

deal for big-shot immortals who cannot ever die, they BEUEVE tn Heaven/Side. Satanists DOUB11 No, Wiccan. I agree With your rejectlon of being a

,; iitilll lll\\ll A Veternn's lhouehts on Aternori I o 1 by Clifford J. Case BMC USN (Ret)


Satanist. You're not even close. I also agree that youare not a Witch. Witches don't just move through life tn an etheric stupor, healing sweet little fwzy animals and eating granola! Witches, REAL Witches, ARE Satanic! They take great big

   They go crazy by stupidly swallowing stupid want 'lrickB ,...

s. Old





I', I

'[ I

bites out of life and swallow them whole! Witches crush their enemies and are feared, not pitied! Witches kick ass, seduce men and love life! I have met REAL Witches and they DO get what they want, when and how they want it. They don't worship nature, they RULE it!

   Wimpy Wiccans, I pity you. You are like a distorted image, a broken mirror. You claim the fame but fear the Name AND WEIL YOU SHOULD! You who lack any power tn this world toy With the symbols of Satan! You who would be witches, deny the Name! You who would ride the night, control the mtnds of men and rise to glory, instead wallow tn the mud of your identical Christian twtn.

I reject you and yours. and BYTI-IE POWER OF IBE NAME OF SATAN, I CURSE YOU! May you continue to be your own worst punishment. SO ITIS DONEi


    We are truly none We are the same

But different We are alone, together climbing the Tree of Life We are both stars shining bright Together we shine like no others The brightest of bright.

We are the keen the proud the haughty We know not of sin Through love Our will is pure ï .1..uc same old halt always swallowed. 7he ancient monarchs used it - and theirpeople died far monareqy:ï "Patriotism.ï and their serfs died for slaveiy; "the King,ïï ':Qynas(y, ï "the Syst.em. ï "the Flag,ïï0 the Flag/" and.the miserable. downtrodden slaves die far a word. a falsity. W1l1Jngly, wil1ing1y they die shouting "Cormby." "Flag,ï "Honor.ï and such trick words of the masters. Satan

remarked. - "Heavenly Discourse" by C. E. S. Wood

TI-IE BLOOD OF SOLDIERS makes the glory of generals. l Our army generals are men with high Christian prJn≠ ciples who have selected the science of mass murder for their life work. A disabled veteran is living testfuiony to a successful { propagandist, a skilled gunsmith and a good aim.

   A red-blooded American is a man w1lltng to fight for the economic tnterests of those whocall him a red-blooded American.
  A dud is an explosive with a flaw that saves thousands of dollars worth of property and scores of human lives.

Wars are fought to protect financial tnterests considered of greater value than the lives of young men. Presidents become historically famous because of their ) inability to solve problems without resort to murder.

   While we build bombs to kill millions, we deplore the loss of unwanted embryos. Where are those Pro-Lifers

durtngwar? f Thegreatest killers are the greatest heroes.

  'Those dumb bastards tn the military don't know what they're doing. They will tell you things that will snarl youin things, because they like war. That's the way they have of	I getting ahead, of getting promotions," - President John F. Kennedy

The make-believe world speaks of patriotism, national ) honor, light, duty, God and country, fatherland, democracy and justice. (A joke!) But the real appeal is profits, power,




THE CHURCH OF SATAN by Blanche Barton A History of the World/s Most Notorious Religion!

Our will-to-die

   Is our will-to-live This is the bond
   t at will keep us infinitely strong There 1s no God
   But Man Live by his law

And we will live forever, ARIGHT! , I Only for the dogs there is death. 'I


sex, violence. the license to murder, the release from stultify∑ ï tng civilized restratnts; and not the smallest appeal is escape ' from the :Insufferable boredom, tensions and problems of domestic life. The populace, however is still subject to war hysteria -≠ to emotional appeal that transcends their selfish tnterests. Jt is really this unselfishness that makes war possible. If everyone were totally selfish, war could not occur. Waris possible because men will go to battle risking their precious lives for flag and country -- the ultimate unselfish act. I

Where Satanism has been, its present state, and where it is going, plusa guide to ritual magic and formation of groups and grottos. Order Now! Send $8.95 plus $1.50 shipping and handling ($5.00 for overseas orders) in check, money order, or bank draught in U.S. funds to: Hell"s Kitchen Productions. Inc., P.O. Box 370, Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108-0370, U.S.A.

vl'vl .}..'.,,t,1,..-,..,",'ï'.l"l.,_., \" 'l ...._,, ,

n o Sinbng to the[oemy'level by Reuben Radding W£ SATANIS'IS SPEND a lot of time dtst:lnguishing the dif-

cerences between our philosophy and that of the Christians, WiCcafiSï Jews. etc...Also in thiS and other publications you aiaY have read of disagreements between groups claiminga satanic tmage. But outside of greater philosophical points, there are more subtle aspects of true Satanic character that

often need addressing. One of the great challenges SatanJsm poses to the world IS the destruction of most pre-conceived notions of organJzed religion. but there are certain things that go along with thiS disposal that some of you might have missed- One thing of which members of majOr religlons have been guilty for ages IS using their religlon a a poor justification for a worthy or unworthy action. Rational self-interest and reasonable evaluation of situations go out the window for these types.

  Recently. one Satanist offered the idea to me that since the doctrine of Satanism 1s opposed to self-sacrtfice, we

could use being Satanists as justification for refusing to go to war. should military conscription come back into vogue. This iS exactly the kind of excuse making we ought to be beyond. Since this 1s not a political essay, I'll refrain from going into the tssue of the draft any further. However, as to the main point of religion as an excuse. unagtne the premise reversed using the same principles, thus; '1must fight be≠ cause I'm a Satantstl" Well, so what? When trying to Justify behavior, religion makes a convenient escape route from reason. Look out. If someone told you their reason for going

example of using death as one's standard of value. The philosophical premise being endorsed by sucha statement ts '1f enough people die for sometlung, it must be of value."I asked thiS fellow, if millions died to keep worship of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles alive, would that make it valid? Recently,I attended a party where a frtend introduced me toa woman rd never met. She had heard ofme through our mutual friend, and she drawled, in a voice heavy with diSaproval, "Oh, aren't you the one who likes Ayn Rand?" Uh oh. I thought. Yes," I replied. 'We're gonna have to have a long talk about this," she informed me pointedly.

   Oh goody. Welcome to one of the Satanic Rules of the Earth: holding one's opinions or advice until asked. This woman went on to tell me that MiSs Rand wasa shallow philosopher and was lacking as a noveliSt. Well,I could write a separate article on MiSs Rand's work, but the tssue here 1s

thatI was, at thiS point in the discussion. uninterested in anything thiS person bad to say on any subject, due to her overwhelming presumptuousness. If I had known ahead of time that she bated the writingS of Ayn Rand, I wouldn't have said as the first thing upon meeting her, "Oh you're the one who doesn't like Ayn Rand. We're gonna have to havea talk."I call thiS the command to an asshole! (See J. Waynes's article in TBF Vol. 2, #2.) Satanists strive for ctvil17.ed behavior, until brutality becomes necessary. If Satanists refuse to be brought down to the level of the fools to which we are in opposition, maybe our arguments will be HEARD- Even rational arguments will be lost on ra≠ tional people if the manner in which they're presented 1s un≠ couth. Behavior like rve been describing 1s a sign of weak≠ ness, something I really despise. Remember those tmmortal

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to risk their life was because they're a Christian. wouldn't you laugh at them? (Personally, I laugh at them anyway!) Another form of excuse-making to avoid 1s pretentious

words from the Book of Satan: '"Ibrice cursed are the weak whose tnsecurity makes them vile, for they shall serve and suffer."

ïJ.ï!\.. ",.."'lVVïl'l' olJ '\"' 0 V ïi V \ï ï..ï. "l "...

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.. counterfeit-elitism. What thiS means, ts just because you're

Vatt1pires £xist ! 11 !I Joitt Vs! For complete ittformatfon Ott tl1e Livh15 Cl-flt of tl1e Vttbeab The Ritl-fals. tl1e Teacl1ittgs I/ The Priestl1oob of VR Settb $;.oo i/ Tem1,le of the Vampire 1/ Box 3;s2,. Lace11,.W'A 98;03 '1

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a Satanist doesn't mean that you shouldn't be continually subjected to the same scrutiny as anyone else would have to endure. It has been said that "Satanists are bom. not made," BUT, you still have to grow up. You area god asa Satanist, but you still have the opportunity to bea childish, narcissiStic god if you so choose.

  Instead of relying on the kind of metoric I've Just described, what we ought to rely on 1s our always asking, "Why?" Ask yourself once in a while whether you've goat

better reason for a point of view than. " 'cause I'ma Satanist." Using trrelevent information to defend one's philosophy ts another bad corner to back into.I was speak≠ ing witha Jew recently who said he didn't really believe in God or most of what his Jewish doctrine bas to say. Well, why then does he still practice JudaiSm? "Because so many people died to keep it alive," quoth he. 1hiS1sa prime

.at;11,1@ffitillll_J! ,,11@1_! ,!"': lendefS Of the flame had the names of the partlc1pants in the Go into your wallet or purse and

and does not appear at all on the Great seal.

new capitol. A 100 square mile perfect square was

theme of five, since 100 = 4 x 5 x 5. In the southernmost section of Washington. D.C., immediately above the

l'Iart '))

TeaParty, it is certain that Masons would out a one dollar bill On the reverse ofdra.v, }1 ve been a ma - FJnally. most of the note appears enc1rcled the Greats the M'Fowiding Fathers were themselves United o.,.=_.tes. .u...=_,_ s eal was ad opteeda!sohf the

The reverse side of the Great Seal beaJ"S an-eagle clutchlng a group of arrows In h1S right claw, an olive branch in his left.

laid out. complete with boundary stones. The four comers of the square face north. south. east and Wwest. The square thus

village of Alexandria. sits a somber Masonic Hall. which is associated with George Washington. The architecture of this build≠

by Wayne Hill d= thuswehaveourcommon ]yafterthenationwasfowided,andtb.:- } ∑ reflects the beliefs of the men who ch The above idea is certain to generate a The seal is two-sided, as will be notedOSe It

'lbere are 13 leaves on the olive branch and 1s aITOWS- Above the eagle is a necroman- tic star formed of 13 five-pointed stars. sur≠

created had sides 50 miles long. each. The position in the grid chosen for the con≠ struction of the government buildings is in

ing is unmismkably ofFtolemaic Greek in≠ spiration. and resembles what one would expect the Pharos lighthouse of Alexandria.

1HE UNTIED 5TA1ES has frequently been referred to as a "Christian Cowitry." While it 1s true that a majority of its citizens do possess and confess that faith. the inspira≠ tions which guided the small band of men

lot ofhostfilty and disbelief. but supporting the two encfrcled images by evidence is easy to locate. The first U.S. The obverse of the Great Seal b Freemasonic lodge was established in truncated pyramid b earsa Philadelphia laï ï earing on its base , .ïer to be - temporarily - the "1776" 1n Roman numerals. AU of the In \' fBierns.t.,,U...,..S,.....,Capitol. Among its members was scnptions are in Latin which. d to ï f

rounded by a halo and nimbus of unknown significance. The incessant use of the num≠ ber 13 is curious. gtven its long- standing (liSrepllte and sinister connotations. Or. it could represent the orfg1nal 13 colonies

the northern section, facing the rest of the grid across a river which forks. This seems to echo the occult idea of"North is the posi≠ tion of power." The capitol faces The White House is the northernmost building

Egypt to have looked like. The list of ex≠ amples of Classical and Greek. as well as Masonic. influences in this city is endless. A thorough study of this subject could go on forever. It is hoped that the above is

who charted a new nation where none had

.-ï=ïFranklin. John Hancock and

ue the Renaissance. had again come to be as-

wbiCh formed the fowidation of the nation.

of importance as would befit "power coming from the north." Great attention was paid

sufficient to demonstrate that the Fowiding

before existed. are to be fowid elsewhere. That some believe these men, too, were Christian. only demonstrates that they have no eyes. The "Fowiding Fathers" did not trumpet their faith like Baptist fanatics.

Paul Revere were members of a Masonic soctated with ancient Rome rather than Lodge in Boston. George Washington be. Catholicism. Armuit Coe tis L camea Mason in 1752- At th eb eg1nn1ng of smiled upon our endeavPors."mTehaisnsis"Hcoemhas ,rs the American Revolution the American mon]y understood to be the Christian ï lodges broke oft of course. with their Tue word for "God" in Latin is De Goel. I

Twelve plus one equals thirteen: this is the traditional coven size for purposes of ex≠ ecuting spells. perfomung magic. and so forth- That would fit nicely with the Latin 111Scription E Plurfbus l:blum. which means

to compass directions in the laying out of this city. The Washington Monument 1s 555 \ feet tall Itis in theform of an Egyptian

Fathers were most decidedly not Christian. but in fact heirs of the Masonic guilds. and as such heirs to Pythagoras and the Hel≠ lenes. Evexything they did demonstrates this.

Instead. they left a wealth of evidence to

British cowiterparts∑ Thirteen of th e "<"">-t

however. It is logical to assume thuast if th I h

"From IJUIIlY, one" - one will. one purpose.

obelisk. The style of all the other important

After such a spectacular beginning in

display the real source of their inspiration.

   How many people educated 1n American schools lmow the real histo:ry of the American Revolution? It was not a

rag-tag coalition offreedom-lovmg social democrats. demanding justice from the 1as≠ cistlc George m. as some dreamers would have it. Nor was it a quasi-religious crusade for some abstract principle. People won't even vote for that. Thereal reason for the sudden war1are which flared between the British in the lsles and their American

twent(Iyt presidents were Masons. meant "God"ï they would have said it. Iney 1s worthy of note that the percent- stead they said He." It is certain that th∑ agedwindles later on. as the United States "He" doing the smiling1s the eye whiche became in fact more Christlan than before. peers through a (Pythagorean) triangle The Civil War [or War Between the States) above the truncated pyramid M ch oul marks the end of the era in which the be (perhaps inaccurately) made th; cowitry's leadership was dominated by that the pyramid 1s not complete, or the Masons. It also marks the beginning of die- fact that a ......., "'e (symbol of ft,_ ) tatorshipb Y th e Federal Govemml:Dt. It is pletes the py-ra.m.-id in a "spirituaïl"cseortcoofm- of interest that the Roman Catholic Church way, or that through science one may gaze witll quite recently excommunicated mem- upon Deity, etc. Only those initlated into If bers of its body who became Masons, as a this could hope to really lmow what was In∑ 1 matter of church policy. They were con- tended. ï

1his was the orlglnal motto of our nation. being replaced by "In God We Trust during the fifties. Then again. the inscription could merely mean that 13 states combined and formed one nation. One could almost get the notion that perhaps the symbols that were chosen were selected with )1st this sort of ambiguity of meaning in mind. What ts meant is, if one wished to use 13 for one reason. but could claim it was used for another. then it would be easy to hide the realintent. One thing is for certain regard≠

buildings is relentlessly neoclassical- There was not even a plan for a church on the original draft of the city plan. The constant appearance ex the number five is of interest and no doubt had its significance. In the case of the Washington Monument it is possible to draw some parallels.

  The triple repetition of the number five is wiusual and distinctive. There is another great structure in which siinilar use of number five. as well as multiples, powers. and geometrical proportions of five appear

with great frequency. That structure is

America. Masonic influence and power began to wane, as the cowiby moved into the 1800's. other matters became impor≠ tant. as well as one which finally became the obsession of the 1860's, as it st1ll is today. That 1s the pursuit of egalitanan1sm-

   The question of equality never seemed worthy of comment to the Fowiding Fathers. They were not Christian. and as such. witouched by the desire to legally create an equality that didnot exist in na≠ ture. It has become necessa:ry for the Chris≠

colonies lies decidedly elsewhere. and is not high-flown at all. It will be briefly addressed later in this article.

   If we were to scan the men who fowided the American Nation in a search for common denominators, hoping to there≠ by explain their motivations, reasons. and their inspiration. such a common bond would not be hard to spot In fact it is blatant and unhidden.

Most older Americans (at leastJ have heard of the famous Boston Tea Party. Al≠ legedly a protest over a tax on tea. it must

sidered heretics. Protestant churches on the other hand merely suppress them or create copies of them with a Protestant bias. Totalitarian states eradicate the Masons. All of this is a well-lmown matter of historical record.)

   These men made no secret of their af. filiation. Only the histo:ry books paint a dif≠ ferent picture. There 1s extant a portrait of George Washington 1n Masonic garb.

Thomas Jefferson hated Christianity and rummaged through his copy of the Bible with a pair of scissors and a pen. crossing

On the scroll at the base of the pyramid is the fnscriptlon Novus Ordo which translates "New order of the ages," an order of Science and Knowledge as opposed to Christlan super≠ stition and fear. In Pythagorean terms. the whole symbol takes on a different sig≠ nificance. If the Pythagorean symbol of the Tetractys is connected by pining the top three points witll they meet they make the image of a triangle. The trWlcated pyramid may be obtained by connecting the remaln- 1 ing seven points to form a trapezoid. If the

ing the Great Seal: a great deal of careful thought went into its design. An interest in numerology of some sort is obvious. One last observation before we move on: the phrase E Plurfbus !:mum contains thirteen letters. Is that an accident too? Probably not'This phrase may have been chosen over a more descriptive or accurate one precisely because it does contain thirteen letters. The other, easily accesible demonstra≠ tion of Masonic influence in the early years of the United States. is the newcapitol city

none other than the Great Pyramid of Cheops at Gizeh. Egypt The Great Pyramid has five comers. and five sides. It was built up on 5 x 5 courses of masonry. Many of its dimensions answer to a unit length of5 x5. The so-called "King's Chamber' of the Great Pyramid has a floor showing 1O x 5 courses ofmason:ry. with walls of20 x 5 stones arranged in five horlzantal rows. The "% " 1n "555 It " may stand for the fact that of a pyramid's five sides. four are equal tri≠ angles and one side1s square (the base).

tlans and their socialistlc allies to work towards artiflcial]y dragging people to the same level regardless of their achievements or abilities and to that end they distort what famous Americans did say on the subject However, it is not possible for them to scream "George Washington was a racist pig!" -yet

   Onthewalls of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C.ï which was built in the 1930's. may be fowid the following quote of Jefferson. said in regards to the Negro: Nothing 1s more certainly written in the

have been quite a lot of fun. as they even took the trouble to dress up like Indians. No one has yet commented on the farcical idea that Indians would be upset over a tax on tea The costumes were, according to standard historical interpretation. designed to confuse the ship owner as to the real identity of the participants. The Tea Party was the act of a small band of Bostonians. all of whom frequented a tavern called the "Green Dragon". a hotbed of political dis≠ content It was in this tavern. in fact. that the partlers gathered prior to their march to the docks. The Green Dragon was also a well-

off or cutting out offending passages and tearing outpages. His libra:ry and personal collection of artifacts were donated to the government upon his death and the books became the foundation of the IJbra:ry of Congress. Many of these books and curios originated outside of the Judeo-Christian culture and would today be balTed from paroch:lal or church collections as "pagan" and "anti-Christian."A trip to his home, "Monticello," in Charlottesville. Virginia. would give the curious some indication of his inspirations. There are many other ex≠ amples of Masonic influence to be noted. I shall below concern myself with two. which

two outermost points at the bottom of the trapezoid were removed and placed under≠ neath to create an inverse triangle with an ex:tention. then the pattern corresponds to the Kabbalistic 'Tree ofLffe."

  The importance attached to the Tetractys by the Pythagoreans is well≠ known. The fact that it appears on the Great Seal of the United States is no acci≠ dent. One need only imagine what sort of symbolism one could expect ff the Chris≠ tians had designed the dollar bill A sweat:f and tortured Jesus on the cross. dying. perhaps? A fish. or perhaps the virgin Mary? Christlan symbolism is well-known,

\ .... '

the Fowiding Fathers had designed for their new nation. Please note that hereafter In this tex:t when the word "Mason" or "Masonic" 1s used, what is meant is Pythagorean/Hellenic/Satanic. The author considers these four terms to be equivalent

   The site selected for the new capitol was a largely undeveloped piece of land lying on the border of the states of

Maryland and Virginia. It was or1glnally diVided into two counties. Washington and Alexandria. In the southernmost section of the designated area was a small town called Alexandria- It is at the least a curious CO!ncidence that the premier city of Hellenic knowledge would have a namesake in the

The word "pyramid" is itself of Coptic origin: "pyr" means division. and met" means ten. as in the word "metric" - Le., 2 x 5. Multi≠ ples of the number five appear 1n other famous constructions admired by or as≠ sociated with the Masonic tradition. It might not be too far-fetched to note that Benjl:min Franklin and others who were great natural scientists lmew that the average height of all Earth's land above sea level is 455 feet: 100 less than the monu≠ ment. The height of the Great Pyramid is 454 11 feet (as it is today). That the desig≠ ner of the Washington Monument added 100 feet only elaborates further on the

Book of Fate than that these people are to be free." This is a misquote however. as where a period has been placed should be a semicolon. Jefferson went on to say "nor 1s it less certain that the two races, equally free. can not live wider one government." It 1s worthy of note that Book of Fate"1s a c:ryptically anti-Christian reference to a force of determination 1n the course of events of the world other than that ofthe ubiquitous Christian God. Obviously, Jef≠ ferson's words have been distorted here. in the interests of what we would call today "Political Correctness." Jefferson's opinion was typical for

many sdentlfic men of his tlme. who

loving people who despised any Inroads

.=1;11,;;1 1;t i :1/4

thought that '1st as two different breeds of animal are different so then must bethe different breeds of men. But Chdstian

upon their freedom and liberty. A large proportion of the men were educated in

feared: that they lacked the power in hers to decisively effect the outco nUiii. American presidential electtons. meof ï

.∑' .,pect of all of those whopossess a truly Christlan revenge propaganda. from utterly .satanic character is their utter refusal to destituttng homes and families, some sort (!OIIlpromiSe their personal standards of of police force was required. It was with this

orphans from the depredations of Northern 'carpet-baggers.' " No one, not even during the time when

morality states that all are equal before the eyes of the Chdstlan God. And thus must

Europe and thus J)OSSessed a much broader and fuller world View than most of

then. that it was only a matter

'Ihey ,) of tun knevi I

- or to swrender individual liberty and intent in mind that Nathan B. Forrest, a

they were active. knew who these men

be made to be equal everywhere else as well. Fueled by this morality. the anti≠ slavery forces demanded an fmmediate halt to all slavery and the elevation of slaves to legal equality. thus beglnntng a moral cam≠ pajgll toforce the Federal Government to do something about slaveholders.

   Reason was swept aside, as this issue became more and more Important to the Jg≠ norant. uneducated Puritan rabble in the Northern states. Any people in the South sharing sfmilar sentiments thought twice before speaking for the obVious reason that slaveowners had the political power.
   Ages much more enlJghtened than our own would see the entire period of American history, from about 1830 witll

thepresent tlme, as utterly contradictory,

their political opponents in the North. They were also highly involved in Masonry. As can be seen by the survivtng relics that have passed down into this time. par≠ ticularly houses. they were In love With Hel≠ lenism in all of tts manifestations.

   Toe North was populated by a different sort of human, ifwe were to look only at the ones who got historical atten≠

tion. In fa.ct, the maprity of the people in the North probably would have agreed with the Southerners: the common people of the North at least. As it was. the aristocracy of the North (that is, the establishment pos≠ sessing political poweo consisted almost entirely of ministers and children of mini≠ sters; rabid, fanatical Puritanical Chdstlan garbage These people were motivated (as

before the changes that the North e cal lobbies desired to force upon ::::l>Ol!tt. were enacted as federal legis)ation, South, would mean the effective ellminatt their persona} liberty and the b ) the "dictatorship of the Federalists." Th of ï I answer to Mr. Unooln'S election n,=..._notefr I ong1n comtng: on December \ state of South Carolina seceded from. union. to befollowed shortly thereaft one after another of the Southern by Ev es. I. eryone knows that the war actu ;' broke out when the city of Charleston. ally South Carolina, opened fire on the federaJ I " gamson stationed at Fort Sumter. which guards the mouth of Charleston harb Wh or. at may not be as well known is why the fumg was begun. It was not the action of L

om.Tuey also know a war for what it Confederate officer, formed the Ku Klux Js, eVC1l ff no shots have been fired (yet). It Klan. Toe name he chose is esoteric Greek lS evident that the same love of individual jargon; "Kyklos" (pronounced kuk-los), w,erty and freedom motivated both the which means a round band. a circle. or younding Fathers and their heus. the ring. (Same significance as the Odinist Southern (Masonic) aristocracy. Even ringbands. magic circles of Witches and todaY, the same battle is being waged. Druids, and even the circle Mandala of though the characters and the costumes Eastern thought.) Mr. Forrest was a Mason 11ave changed. But more on that later. as well Had the fate of the South been deter- The Klan was primarily concerned mtned on the basis of the merit of tts with making enough of a "presence" that }eaders alone. then eveiyone knows who their wives and children would be safe. would have won. As it was, the South was That is, they were mostly defensive in na- destroyed by force of sheer numbers. With ture. Their theatrics as "ghosts of dead the deat:h of Lincoln. who was the only Confederate soldiers" may sound comical to Northern leader not thirsting, in true Chris- us. but to the superstitious ex-slaves. anly tlanfashion. to punish the people of the one or two generations removed from their South, the floodgates of wrath opened upon tribal homelands. they were the spirits of

were. Once again. they managed to remain totally secret. Sounds (once aga1nJ a great deal lflre a cult of some type. doesn't it? As during the Middle Ages, a smallgroup of secretive men. in possession of the Satanic tradttlon. strike from behind the scenes at the monstrositles being perpetuated upon them by the Chn:itlan Inquisition of the tlme: in this case, the 'Humanist Abolitionists. Has anyone yet noticed that their solution for the problems of their hearts, the injlstices they always perceive, invariably contain the same cure - levell:lng with envious malice, all those who dare to display their natural superiority, their love of life. and their pleasure in existence? It is the same war. which has been waged over and over again. since the Christians es≠

meaningless. and in many stretches ex≠ ceedingly tragic. Slavery was, to those who were enlisted politically to bring about its demise, less real in tenns of personal ex≠ perience, than most television shows are to modern. 1V viewers. 1hat made little dif≠ ference however, as tt had the strong emo≠

tional appeal these religious fanatics desired.

    Much misunderstanc:11ng exists about the 'War Between the States." as the Southerners msisted on calling the Civil
War. particularly in terms of what really caused it to occur. While it Js true that su≠ perfidally, slavery was the moral crusade issue which rallied the masses of illiterate Christian simpletons to gush With sym≠ pathy at the perceived plJght of the Negro (the suffering of which was exaggerated by

propagandJsts like Haniet Beecher Stowe) - the real issue of the War Between the States is to be found elsewhere.

    Toe real central issue of the war was the extent of the authority which ought to be possessed by the nascent federal gov≠ ernment. versus the power of individuals. as expressed in the tenn "States' Rights." This Principle of individual liberty was what motivated the two sides in this conflict. Let meexpla1n.
   Toe "Old South" as it was called. was ruled by a natural anstocracy of men and women. which had evolved on personal merit and intelligence, as do all true aris≠ tocracies. Their power was founded upon wealth based on agricultural pursutts. They werea group of highly lndivtdual. freedom-

are all Christians) bya desire to regiment and control. to squash all Earthly pride and skill. and to snip the testicles off of any≠ thing not dJsplaymg the appropriate Chds≠ tlan meekness. Needless to say. they despised the Southern aristocrats as paragons of all the Virtues they deemed "Satanic:" Sdentlfic, materialist. practical, self-sufflctent worldly, sensual, Hellenic∑ "manly," In a word. ï

   What we are really talking about when we say "CMl War" is a war between two dif≠ ferent t;ypes of men. Toe Negroes were in≠ cidental Victlms of Northern political and propaganda requirements.
   This split personality of the new nation had cast its shadow even upon the men who were to sJgn the Declaration of In≠ dependence. As time flew by, and the new nation entered the next century, the issue. like a canyon created by two landmasses drifting apart only became larger and


   Poltt:icians on both sides tried to bridge the gulf which was beg! to diVide the

new nation further in two. Toe "Com≠ promise of 1840", the "Dred Scott Decision", the "Compromise of l850" are some of the better-known attempts to keep the country from splitting in. They failed.

   Upon the election of Abraham Unca!n to the oftlce of President in November.

l 860. the matter had reached the point of no return. To the Southerners, this man. openly opposed to slavery, openly in favor of maintaining the union at the expense of individual liberties of the subj:ct states -if reqUired, represented what they most

hotheads merely looking for trouble r Without possession of Ft. Sumter. the harbor at Charleston was useless to the In- habitants of the dty. Toefederal govern- i ment hadnot left: the gamson. as Chartestontans had requested: neither had they reinforced it. Each Side waited there≠ fore, to see what the other would do. Ft Sumter was fired upon. when the garrison lJ stationed there was reinforced on orders from President Uncoln.. What that sJgntfted to the Charlestontans was that Lincoln l would not back down and accede to their desire to be independent. Rather, he in- tended to enforce federal Jaw. and attempt to force the state to remain a part of the Union. A similar situation may be observed today between the country of Uthuania and k its attempts to break free of the SoViet ' Union. Every step taken by either party fn such hJghly-charged situations is of profound s.lgnfftcance to the participants thereof.

   What sort of persons were these Char∑ lestonians? Who were the ringleaders in the ) assault upon Ft. Sumter? An examination

of military leaders, such as PJen-e G.T. Beauregard, who were at the scene at the '-:. tlme the war started. will again turn up our conunon denomtnator: they were Masons. In fact, the dty of Charleston was a maj>r center of Masonry in the United States. Most of the militazy leadezs in the Con≠ federate States were Masons. So tt is not surprising at all to discover that they lead an attack on Ft Sumter.

   Do not think. therfore. that these Masons were only troublemakers. Nothlng could be further from the truth. A central

the South and the entire region was utterly the dead Southerners. and were greatly laid waste. feared. This Image was maintained by con- This situation had nothing to do with sdously affected ruses and magic tricks. regionalism. Not many people know it but Thus were the new Black masters ter- there was a small contingent of soldiers rorized into leavtng many of the old from New Jersey who fought for the South. Southerners alone.

   Enter - the Klan. Much		It Js hoped that the reader will not be misunderstanding exists about the or-	 deceived in regards to the true nature of the ganlzation referred to as the Ku KluxKlan.	 original Ku Klux Klan. It existed from 1865 In order to accurately gauge what kind of	 to 1869 when Forrest disbanded it. claim- men they were, we must glance at what	 Ing "there was no further need of it." The sort of situation spawned their creation.	imitators that came later are all cheap

and in what manner did they meet the political imitations and I hate Negro" clubs. challenges that faced them. populated mainly by frustrated. ous

   "Reconstruction" constituted militazy	 "white trash" who have much more in com- rule under martial law. Anyone who had	 mon wtth the Abolitionists (as Christians) served in the Confederate army or govern-	 than they ever did with the original Ku ment was banned from holding any public	Kluxers. Most of the surviving members of office. Needless to say. the only men who	 the old Southern Aristocracy eventually tled met this quallfication were Negro slaves:	 the South, taking their families with them. field hands who could not even read. These	 What remained after they fled to such

men were put in power across the South. places as Canada. Chicago. Egypt. Turkey, and many despicable acts were done by and South America was the dross of their them. Much greater harm resulted from society, jlst thesort that now trot about In those who manipulated them however, as bedsheets lighting crosses. they, being totally ignorant of govern- Toe original Klan was an organization ment.were ultimately nothing more than of men who possessed the Pythagorean, pawns ln a very dirtygame. It would be too Hellenic. Masonic, Satanic tradition and much to go into details here about who values. It is certain that this proposition these men were. but they had connections will arouse a great deal of ire among those with the same power which. from afar. conditioned by Humanist propaganda. Yet financed both sides in the war. Tuhnudic one can see that this subject is beginning (not Kabbalistic) world-bank figures - those to see the light as therecent book The Wizards of International high-finance. They 1emp1e an:J the Lodge. which traces the and their allies consumed what was left of Knights Templar to Scotland and then to the South like a hoard of maggots feasting Influencing Masonry and the founding of on a foetid corpse. the U.S., has stated that the original Klan To keep the ignorant and undis- was of Masonic origin and a "charttable in- Ciplined ex-slaves, fired up with liquor and stitution designed to protect widows and

tablished their dictatorship: the have-not life-hating. self-hating. envious Chrlstlan monsters. waging a war agalnst the one thing that inspiries them more than any≠ thing else - those that have. Material goods are not meant here; something wifhJn. rather. Christians, who hate what they are inside (thus the need for salvation), despise with more hate than can be imagined the thing which emphasizes their emptiness the most - another being who is not empty: those who do possess, and therefore are pleased With themselves, and happy.

   Toe war against the haves and the have-nots is the real key to history since the foundation of the Christlan era. The rest ofit. the time. the dress. the issues. and all the rest. are merely window dress≠ ings. Are Satanists interested In regulating Christians? Do they even care what Chris≠ tians do?No - and never have. Toe Chds≠ tians, ontheother hand. to regulate everything, but they want to regulate and hold back those who"have" most of all.

They regulate in order to take from the free-spirited, thus they smother the vital flame of life burning inside. They oversee and watch what you do and try to fathom what you think in order to crush it with nay saying. They make stupid what is in≠ nately gifted. Tuey have this need to destroy what others have innately because they do not have it themselves and they sense they can not ever have it. and they despise themselves for not havtng it yet despise those that do,even more. Thus they hate the world that "cheated" them and they call the world and all its beauty "Satan" and consider the world evil because they were i

@J lllilllllltl born into this world lacldng. tion. both of themselves and others. still the HEIPI Help to the detriment of Y0Ur own

    Toe original Ku Klux Klan represents	 same old life-hating. self-hating Chrfstlan	 excellence. own happiness. and even SUr- the last time that the Satanic/	 scum!	 viva!. "'Throw 1t all away for us J}al'asftesJ,, Pythagorean/Hellenic tradition was to		Amaj:lr farce today which continues	 they demand.	∑ create a maj>r effect on the historical	 and expands on this trad1t1on is the mis-		These new Christians (under theiU!se process in the United States, at least as a	 nomered Civil Rights Movement" which is	ofSodalfst Uberal. Humanitarian. or single unit. From the time of the disband-	 spearheaded by men of the cloth. Toe	 Politically Correct) take the stupid and 1ng of the and real Klan. their in-	 Southern Christian Leadership Conference	 inept and deliberately gather them together fluence has stea dwindled. as that of	formed the basts for this movement and	 as a force against those who are born

the Judeo-Christlans has reached stilldoes. gifted. Into what realm are these glfte(i monumental proportions in the political Outsiders have been struck by the born? Toe World What do they create? forum. Toe government which concerns it- preponderance of ministers holding hands Culture and ctvWzation - it's apex. Western_

"These wretched and stupid grow t do they become? ParaSites, more .. ers in the Christian army. cbrtstlanlty teIS psychic vamplrisIIl of the most in- sort they breed it - dysgenfcs. ∑ So. present day tenders of the Flame, l lS ttme to feed those fires to producea le inferno. to c1eanse our t ,_., th to the parasites- Ufe to those

  erve it through their own merit. Awaken j;ow oa1monesl SMASH it. before tt is too

iiaMïtwa, The Magician's Dictionary An Apocalyptic Cyclopaidia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings by E. E. Rehmus _ _ . Demystifies the lingms_uc & philo≠ sophic convolutions ot co tempo≠ rary occultism. "Surpns ng and

Walpuruisnacht1 1 (XXVI Anno Satanas) by Craig J. Hawkinson TWENlY-FIVE YEARS have passed since of Satan was proclaimed Toe i ofchange have come with gale force and swept away the confusion and despair of many. Eyes have been opened as well as

self with what goes on in a couple's on the front lines of Ghandi-esque human Civill7.ation. But what is "the World" to the bedroom. is the government which won the barricades singing 'We shall overcome." Chrfstlan? It is Satan. Ergo. those most "Civil War." 'Things invariably evolve and They seem unaware that only moments capable intellectually and physically to live fulflll themselves. Toe Southerners were ex:- before these demonstrators poured into the in the World (Satan) must bedemons. That actly correct in their estimation of what the streets, they were congregated in pews of is the Chrfstlan mindset It always was and federal government would become. as we nearby churches proclaiming 'Hallelujah." is now. all know. now. and "Praise the Lordr'. Among them were Man is j:lst another animal part of the So what happened to these Hellenic- oft.en large numbers of misguided Jewish huge animal kingdom. In this kingdom, Satanic-Masonic groups? Masonic brother- students who were well acquainted with stupid animals perish. Toesmart animals hoods today are virtually all philanthropic the sennons based on the Old Testament never help the stupid ones to survive. There and mutual help or charity organJzations. that preceeded these marches: they had are no special_animal committees around The number of so-called degrees has however forgotton that Torquemada was to take what the smart animals gather and proliferated, including the number of also a man of the cloth who said "convert or produce to give it to other animals who are "blind" levels. which are degrees which die" to the Jews of Spain. Toe new heretics, too stupid or lazy to gather and produce for . I represent no real knowledge or attal:nment according to these latter-day Chrfstlans. themselves. But Judeo-Christlan pity- I - not even the fundamentals of are not Witches. Templars. or Sorcerers, mongers in government would force them Pythagoreanism. Natural theology." but rather elitists who claim their natural to, with laws. truces. special programs, ad Satanism. or what have you. Even up to and demonstrable superiority. It is no nausetmJ. and do. the 32nd degree. one finds "know-noth- surprise that the ministers are always There is no such thing as a non- ings." Toeinitiates hide deeper. placed at the front of these tidal waves of human animal that is (old word) Christian

  Which brings us to the present. Today.	 human refuse: a tactic designed to morally	 or (new word) Equalitarian. There is no there is an abundance of )1st such	 blackmail Christians and Jews from strlk-	 such thing as a dogatarlan. or a wolf- "spiritual fast-food." Toe bookstores over-	1ng them down. This tactic has little effect	 atarian, or a whale-atarian. These notions flow with a million solutions to the over-	 on Satanists. who perceived these divines	 are anti-Nature and self-destructive. Why powering burden of 20th century man: how	 as mere freeloading. superstitious cowards,	 then, are there HUMANita.rJans? Are the to accept himself, how to not hate himself,	 and their leaders as parasites and psychic	flames of Hell hot enough. yet? Let's make

' how to quiet the frothing animal that vampires of the worst sort. them even hotter! I heart; how to prevent himself from utter often prevented from reaching their poten- weak! Crush the parasites under your r

t l{8i1Satanl


,i:J.declaration: I exist

rormyselfl exist

'Mo holy book is my guide <:∑sut the soft miracle in my skull f : 1run with no herd

Deilne me not by race. or class. or

profession , I am not a categoIY J I 'lbe dogmas of the swarm I re¢ 1 Ibis is your duty. that is your duty" 'lbeSeWords . my ear are a declaration of war 1fight my own battles. not yours 1 march for my own beliefs, not for yours Ianll

ToedogmasofChrlstire¢ I made for this world. not some bland paradise Pleasure is nature's g1ft. not an evil "Love everyone. love your enemy." tlllS is

delightful ... I am learning tro the book, something I have n t said of anything since Cosmic Tngger and Valis."-Fratcr Bclarion, Abrasax. $l2.95 ISBN: 0922915-01-6 The Secret Life of a Satanist by Blanche Barton . Rare photos and rarer _revelat10ns_ pepper this insider's bwgraphy ot Anton LaVey, founder ot the Church of Satan. Includes LaVcy's how-to on lycanthropic transiormation. $19.95 (Cloth) ISBN: 0922915-03-2 The Satanic Witch by Anton Szandor LaVe Rips the lid off the forbidden kn wl≠ edge of seduction and mampulauon. $9.95 ISBN: 0922915-00-8

Tortures & Torments of the Christian Martyrs

by Rev. Antonio Gallonio . The most gruesome Catholic docu≠ ment in history, augmented b;

ï minds and the "sign of the horns has

       to many rather than a few." He lo	is one of us must stand alone. holds within him sufficient weaponry: mind. his animal mstinct and the incomprehensible force called Satan.

Each weapon in tlllS arsenal Is dependent upon the others. and he who has weakness in any of these vital tools will be trampled underfoot as we strive to achfeVeour6"∑oals∑ Toe Satanist knows thatt he may and must employ these not only cast the stones but shield from the boulders. and once he counters the attack. hJs adversaIY Is defenseless. Tous. the opposition must take desperate measures, but they will soon realize that the wounds they .,,,... areonthemselves≠ Such self-destruction is evidence that weareheaded in the right direction. We. as Satanfsts, are feared more than hated- We know that we need not prove the tru

truth will prove itself. We cannot be stopped 1f we all remember that looking at a godis looking in the milTOr- Toe Second wave of Satanism has already begun. For the strong, there is no t:urnJng

backs- Toe Age of Satan conttnues!

1.1 .

I. ,I' 'I .


festers like a gnawmg sickness deep in hJs Today. the superior and gifted are UFE to the strong, DEA1H to the self-destruction. What do you think the t1al by the lowering of general educational heels! Those who pity the stupid should be Satanic man would give to such a person. standards to make sure that egalitarian crushed. They make life a misely. ( should he be pestered for a solution to a ends will be obtained. In fact. they are Satan represents JOY in life. Leave the problem such as theirs? Go ahead; GUESS. usually held down to the educational level faces full of misery to the slave-king who And then. look around you. And see. of high-grade morons - Le.ï those with IQ's dangles lamely from hJs criss-cross. He baS

   Yes; it seems that the trappings of the	of about 80. Though some suburban	 been crossed out! Let these people share old religions are not acceptable anymore. to	 schools have bucked this trend. the inner	hJs fate.

many of these hungering types. So different city schools have become sinkholes of Satan's chosen are strong and produc- wrappings had to be found for the. ahem, non-education. tive; responsible and self-sufficient. Satan's 1 "package". Call it "New Age," call it "White In Medieval times. the excellence of people do not expect to be rescued from f goody-goody two-shoes Wicca:" call it any- our people was seen as anti-God, being "in themselves. They do not NEED to be; they thing you want. Toe contents are the same. league with the Devil" because "only the are not self-destructive. Chrfstlans seek

   Toe same "eternal" conflict continues;	 Devil knows that much." Because the com-	out Satan's people. call them evil then the same battle Is fought over and over.	mon can't keep up and'match the achieve-	 proceed to make laws to take what they

,1 Those who stick their heads in the sand of ments of the excellent. they demand that produce and give it to people that should l "religion", no matter what label they may the excellent slow down. stop, and adhere have never been born: the weak. the ') stick on it. are the same. Tuey are stlll the to a new version of the Chrfstlan morality,. stupid. the self-destructive and parasitical ∑ enemies of science. stlll the enemies of the which sounds like the old one: help the in- those whom Nature would have destroyed real world, stlll the enemies of those who competent. help the wretched. help the had She not been interfered With by the are free-spirited. still the masters ofregula- stupid. sick, impoverished; help. help. totalitarian God Squad in the name of

insane I love those who love me I hate those who balm me lam!

Toe dogmas ofMarXI re¢ hiS "From each per bis ability. to each per need" This is the creed of the parasite Lettapewonns recite it - I shall not My abilities are for myself. and thoseI love My fa11ureS be on my own head Ianll What lies beyond the grave no one knows Jehovah is a fantasy in the sky And Satm in thedepths 'There Is no Lord ofHeaven or Hell No one to pass pdgment upon me For living mylife as I will lam I


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back. The weak will find footprints on their HAU.,SATANI

 People are always blaming their cirCUillstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. Toe people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the ctrcumstances

they want. and, if they can't

find them, make them.

George Bema.irl Shaw


SUCCUBUS Like a dark mist distilled from the night she creeps Into the bedroom of the pious youth; Against his will she guides his hands To trace the too-long-forbidden shape.

With skills honed on dozens of his ilk She hardens him and takes him in. In Christ's name he fights for !. self-control I While Satan smiles behind his eyes. In defeat and ecstasy mingled he cries out; His will's defeat is her Satanic triumph. Of the thick fluid catalyst of human motherhood She milks him of all he has to give. 0 defiled chastity!

Toe spirit. like water, seeks its own I I level; - I' True peace is Lucifer's gift.


liililll llii&I

Y!:ll/l!ll1Yl by Timothy Patrick Butler

CHURCH OF SATAN FOR INFORMATION: send a self-addressed, stamped envelope or four IRCs to: P.O. Box 210082, San Francisco, CA 94121